Honeys Makin' Money

Big Changes and New Ventures with Lucy Banks ✨

Honeyy Brooks Season 2 Episode 34

This week on Honeys Makin Money, we welcome back the amazing Lucy Banks! Since her first chat with Honeyy last year, Lucy has had some huge life updates. In this episode, the ladies dive deep into Lucy's journey as she exited the adult industry and launched her successful PR company, Million Billion Media.

Episode Highlights

What led Lucy to closing down her spicy site
Lucy shares the pivotal moments and personal reasons behind her decision to leave the adult industry.

Lucy’s new business venture
Discover how Lucy transitioned from the adult industry to founding Million Billion Media, a thriving PR company.

What is PR and how can you leverage it?
Lucy breaks down the basics of PR and offers valuable tips on how to leverage it for your own brand or business.

✨ Shifting the stigma around the adult industry
A candid discussion on the challenges and progress in changing perceptions about the adult industry.

We absolutely love Lucy here at HMM and loved hearing about everything that's happening in her world.

Follow Lucy and Million Billion Media @millionbillionmedia

If you loved this episode, don't forget to rate, review, and share on your stories. Until next week, keep makin' that money, honeys!

Welcome back to another week of Honeys Making Money. I have the beautiful Lucy Banks with us today. Hello, babe. Hi, it is good to be here. Thank you for having me back. The last time we spoke to you, you were running an incredible mega OnlyFans business. You were just like handing out tips left, right and center. The listeners absolutely loved your episode. And I've invited you back because your world has completely changed since then. Like since that episode, not even, I wouldn't even say it was 12 months ago. I just feel like your world has just completely exploded. It really has. I feel like my life is so different in so many different aspects, mainly work -wise. It's been such a journey and I'm really excited to talk about it because a lot of your listeners are in the OnlyFans world or they're thinking about it or they're in that sort of, you know, realm of things. And it was a really huge transition. I did OnlyFans for four years and it becomes like a lifestyle. Like for people who think like, oh, it's such an easy job. You do it from when you wake up to when you go to bed. So to have such a, for that not to be my job or my life anymore. It was such a big switch. So I'm really excited to talk about it and hopefully give your listeners a bit of an insight to what life after OnlyFans is like. Yeah, I love that life after OnlyFans because I know, you know, we've been chatting. We're really great friends. We're always talking on the vampire podcast. And if you guys haven't headed over yet to go listen to the podcast where we talk so much nonsense and so much funny stuff, please head over. But after, you know, chatting away with you, there's been so many learning curves for you that have been super interesting to me being. outside and you know, once you've stepped outside of the industry and kind of how you've dealt with that. So talk to us like you closed down your OnlyFans, you decided that you were going to not pursue that anymore. How did like your next business venture come up? Like what was your thoughts then? What was your thought process and how did it pan out? So I always said I did OnlyFans until I wasn't happy anymore or until I didn't want to do it anymore and I was in a stage where I was, I felt like I was at my peak. I was loving it. I loved what I did. I was in real hustle mode until I woke up one morning in it was a September morning last year. So not quite a year ago and OnlyFans emailed me and they're like we're going to close down your account and at first I wasn't real because I'm very, very strict with the rules. I abide by the rules because I don't want to lose my platform because I'm not stupid. Like you don't play by the rules. You lose your OnlyFans and then I just thought that they would be like, yep, okay, sorry, it was a glitch. this isn't real. I reached out to the marketing manager of OnlyFans, I submitted so many requests, nobody could really tell me what the issue was. I was like, what, like, what are you making? Like, why am I being deleted? And then it started to set in for me. I'm like, this is real. Like, I'm going to lose it. And I wasn't really ready to leave. I wasn't unhappy. It was very, very confronting being like, Oh my gosh, like, not only am I losing my income, but all of my, all of my friends are from OnlyFans. Like, I feel like I'm in this world. And if I'm not doing OnlyFans anymore, I'm kind of losing my support network as well. It's a really, maybe that sounds a bit sad to some people, but I think if you, if you're in the industry, you know how much, it's just a very, it's a real community. Like, I'm saying this in a really, really positive way. And I didn't want to lose that community. And then, yeah, the financial side of things. I'm like, I've got mortgages to pay. I've got kids to raise. I was looking at getting a normal job, but the whole reason I did OnlyFans is because I had that flexible lifestyle. I used to really schedule my kids off at school every day. It's not reasonable for me to go get a nine to five job. I don't know how I would manage it. Did it ever cross your mind as well, you know, when considering going and getting, you know, we call it a normal job, you know, a traditional job because it's, it's outside of the industry. But when you thought about that, did you have any reservations in terms of people judging you for your past? Like what was going through your mind when you're thinking about that? Yeah. So that's another consideration because I've done a lot of media stuff, especially where I'm based in WA. I was quite well known for doing OnlyFans. And I don't, I don't think I would have been able to go and get a normal job because of my Lucy Banks profile. I did apply for a couple and didn't hear about it. I think, and also how do I explain the four year gap in my resume? Like there's a lot of things. So I had a bit of a brainstorm. Like what do you mean? want to do? What do I like? What do I enjoy? What am I good at? And I decided I was like, I'm going to start a social media agency. So, because I love social media, I've grown my own social media accounts. I think it's fun. I think it's dynamic. I can do it from home. Great. I was set on that. I did that for about two months, decided I hated it. It was very tedious, even just things like getting access to people's accounts and sending up like the meta business suite. I'm like, this is just very, very tedious. And there's also a lot of pressure on anyone in the adult industry. You can lose your account in seconds for no reason. There's no rhyme or reason. They just delete stuff and having the pressure of managing somebody's accounts. I was like, I would just feel so guilty if something went down. And I was talking to a girlfriend of mine, Jess from Only Management. And she said, she said, I'll be just social media agency. Why don't you add on an option to do media? Because you're really good at that. And I was like, yeah, just don't know if anyone will go for it. Anyway, I decided to add it on, with the actual package you could do media releases. I honestly don't know why I don't think of it to begin with because I just love that environment and it turns out that's what everybody wanted and it just kind of exploded from there. Thank goodness I called my social media agency something million billion media which could very easily be changed into doing public relations. So we just flipped, we don't do social media management anymore and we are purely public relations agency for the adult industry and we're the only ones in Australia that do it and I just I fucking love it like every day I'm so in love with like this business and everything to do with that. Oh I absolutely love that and it is so inspiring to hear how such a negative experience you've turned it around and made it such a positive experience that's impacting other women in the industry so positively like it is so incredible you know like when you lost your only fans accounts the not like sometimes a normal normal thing to do would be like okay I'm just gonna go pour it into fansly like I'm just gonna set up fansly now and I'm gonna pour it into fansly and this is what I'm going to do to completely have the balls to walk away from the industry and just be like this is I'm not doing sex work anymore and then go and build your own business in the industry to help other women win it's just mind -blowing like just congratulations that is just so epic. It was I really it didn't seem at the time but now I'm on the other side of it I'm like this was a very obvious transition for me. I've mentioned this before I don't like other people coming into the industry and trying to be in it but without putting themselves on the line kind of thing whereas I've been in the industry for four years I've done many different aspects of the industry I know it inside out and I was able to build a team of staff who have public relations experience. I've really enjoyed it and it's been a really really purposely, Emma, my off -sider, she had a full -time job, I poached her. I was like, I need you. How much do I have to pay you to get you over here? She was exactly who I wanted. And we've done that a couple of times with other staff members as well. So our team is purposely built, we're all women, and everyone's has the most positive attitude about the industry. And just like you and I, they really get a kick out of empowering women and leveraging OnlyFans and leveraging sex work as like a vehicle of empowerment. It's just, it's so fucking cool. And you can see when I talk about it, like I light up. I love our clients, I love their stories. And being OnlyFans, or being in the adult industry in general, you're not taken seriously as a business person. And I found with doing my own media stuff, and I was told that I tried to apply for like business articles and things like that. And they're like, no, this isn't a real business. Whereas with me million billion media out we like our whole company is built on we refuse to be told that adult Entertainers aren't a real business. They're not real hustlers. I might know that it's at the same opportunities and the same Exposure as any other business because they work just as hard if not harder and it's been really really cool Over the last yeah, not even 12 months, but it's been cool to watch though that stigma slowly start to erode We've got a long way to go, but we're getting there. We're breaking through those barriers. Yeah, absolutely I couldn't agree more and I just want to touch on something you said earlier on you are absolutely the perfect person to Launch this business because I remember when I first started My OnlyFans journey and I started following you you were such a big icon Like you were always in the media and to be honest when I first joined you were the only model in the media like in Australia I wasn't seeing anyone else. I have an articles popped out about them It was all Lucy banks like your media presence was just so so so strong when I joined So now to see you stepping out of the business and with your knowledge of being in the media for so long and In a controversial way and breaking through those barriers when you're in OnlyFans now building a business around there It's it's so cool to see it all unfold Thank you I get I get so passionate about it and it's been I'm so thankful for the support that we've had from The industry and other people jumping on board like from the clients that have signed up to people that just shared the posts My staff are just phenomenal. I'm so grateful. Like they're the hardest working people We've just opened or just yeah signed a contract this week for a new Sydney office, which is I saw It's so exciting congrats Thank you It's and I never thought as if like we would have an office. Sorry, that's really really cool It's just like a like a nice little hub for our clients to come and have meetings and most of our staff are based in Sydney. So they actually have a workplace to go to and they do this cool brainstorming stuff. It's really, really cool to be a part of. Yeah, your team is so cool. And I love that you've really outsourced your dream team. Like I've worked with you guys since the moment you launched. And I was like, I am being part of this business. A, because Lucy is building it. B, because you're just building an Epic team as well. And you guys know what you're doing. So to build your dream team, especially in this industry is so inspiring because there are, for women in the industry, we want to know that we can trust who we're working with, that people have been in the industry, they know what it's like and that they're passionate about it as well. And you've literally hit the nail on the head with your entire team. Like it's so incredible to see. Thank you. That's really good feedback for us to hear. I wanted to build a team that people can actually come and meet. Like we don't, we do have... We've got someone in America and somebody in the UK as well, but primarily we're based in Australia. We don't have VAs, we don't have, and like there's a lot of businesses that need VAs, like I'm not putting that down whatsoever, but we needed people on the ground here in Australia with purpose to put people in Sydney because that's like the epicenter of the media world. I'm obviously based here in Perth. I wanted people to, we send our staff out to events. As you know, we were in Sexpo, Perth together, we're in Sydney next month. I think it's important to, because it is like a premium service. Our clients need to actually be able to come in and physically see people who know what they're talking about and can give advice. So yeah, I'm really, really grateful to the girls just being so amazing and just being like a wealth of knowledge. It's very, very cool to see, and we're very close to him. We meet, we have meetings a couple of times a week and just like the brainstorms and the ideas that come out. We say it all the time, like in no other job, would you be able to be like, oh, some of the emails we get through, like, oh, I got a butt clug stuck inside of me. Is this a good story? I'm like, no other job. I'll get like, I can't even think of that. Yeah, the email subjects. I'm like, we, no other job can talk like this. It's so much fun. Oh, I absolutely love it. I bet your office would see so many funny things. So talk to us about PR. So for those that are listening, that's like cool, like I get, we get in the media, but talk about why PR is so important for brand building because I've seen since you guys have been launching articles, women's businesses have been blowing up from articles and you know, it builds quite quickly and it can be quite transformational in the business. So in your own words, what is PR? And why do you think it benefits brand building? So PR, PR so. of public relations. And it really is your relationship with the public or the public's relationship with you. And the thing I love about it is that it's you telling your brand story in your own words. So for example, like we all have a meeting with our clients and they'll be like, okay, what's your persona? What do you want to be known as? We see all the time celebrities in the media and in the news with stories being spun that they don't want to and people end up with reputations that they don't deserve. Whereas with PR, you're proactively putting yourself out there and you're controlling your own narrative to a degree, which I think is really important. And I get really passionate about in the adult space because I get very, what's the word? I think angry. I get angry when people are perceived to be like stupid or they're only in this industry because they can't do anything else or they're big slots or they're this. And I'm like, no, these are business women. So to be able to put press releases out there and to establish them in a certain light is so important. And yeah, like I said, to a certain degree, like we can control what we put out there, what the media then does with the article, we don't own the media. So it is to a degree out of our control. But yeah, it's really cool to see people being presented as and just being taken a little bit more seriously. The advantage of using PR, like I said, you can sort of control your narrative a little bit more, but it exposes you to a whole new audience. Generally, in the adult world, where do we get our subscribers from? Social media. There's a whole world of people out there that if you're not, if they're not looking for your hot girls online, you're not going to show up on their algorithms. Or if you're not local to them, you're not going to show up. Whereas these, these articles that we have going out, like news .com .au, Mamma Mia, Yahoo, Lad Bible, they reach an entire new audience. And we, we all know that men are more likely to subscribe to someone who they don't think they're being, they don't think they're promoting OnlyFans. They're like, oh, that's the hot girl from the story. I'm going to subscribe to her. They don't realize that they're being promoted to, if that makes sense. And the conversion rate is a lot significantly higher than if you had a TikTok go viral and it reaches 4 million views compared to an article that reaches 4 million views. The conversion rate to subscribers is so much higher. I absolutely love that. And it is so powerful. Like I know, even with my articles that have gone out, you can really tap into the whole world, essentially. Like I remember you guys released an article about me and someone else picked it up and it ended up getting picked up by so many outlets. And And it got spread and I woke up one morning with thousands of new followers all from Italy. And I was getting like, yeah, like messages from like all these Italians, no one could speak English and then they were all subscribing. And like, if I look at my stats on TikTok and Instagram, like Italy's not even on there. Like I do not hit Italy whatsoever with social media. So the fact that my articles go out to all these really cool places, it's cool. Like you get to spread your brand so far and so wide. It's so fun. I, before I did Milly Milly Media when I was an OnlyFans creator, I had an article go viral in Chile, which is so random. And I woke up one morning with an extra 5 ,000 followers on Instagram. So that was overnight. And then over the week, I ended up getting 20 ,000 new followers. So yes, it's so exciting. I love the unpredictability of PR, how things can just like pop up and you're like, whoa, it does. go in ebbs and flows. And I want to be really, really clear on that. So sometimes, say over a six month period, you might have four months that are really, really quiet. And then you might have two months where you've got stories that go viral. Realistically, no one can be in the news all the time. Someone like Tammy Hembrough, for instance, like she's been in the media a lot recently, whereas then she maybe went 12 months without being on news.com .au at all. And if you think about any sort of celebrity, it's ups and downs. And it's going to be the same for only fans, creators, we can't constantly keep somebody in the headlines. And it is a long term game, like a lot of the time, people don't get any coverage in month one. And I want to be really, really clear that it is, it is an investment. So month one, you might not get anything. And then month two, you might go viral. The clients that we've had with us, the longest term, they're the ones who are the most successful because we know their story inside out and they've sort of, they've weathered the ups and downs. So I don't want to put out there that PR, like you invest this money and you're going to go viral and you're going to be a celebrity because yes, it does have that potential, but it's the same as you could film all these TikToks and they flop and they don't go anywhere. It's kind of a similar thing. We work really, really hard. We've got a great team that know what we're doing. But at the end of the day, if your story sucks, we can't get coverage for it. If something happens, like, yeah, when the queen died, we can't get any coverage for weeks after that. Over Christmas, everything shuts down. We can't get any coverage over Christmas. So there are things that we try to foresee. So it is, is investing in PR risk? Yes. Are you going to get a return on investment? Not necessarily. And I want to be really, really clear on that. And that's not from us. Our stories are so exciting. Like with other PR agencies, it's a mild else on if they get three stories published within six months. Whereas we get stories published every single month like our results compared to a normal PR agency is we do hundreds and hundreds more and I think it's difficult for people to see how how well we actually do compared to if we were selling like so promoting like beauty products or something but the thing is that when it pays off it pays off significantly and you can go viral and you can become a famous essentially and they're subscribers foreign we've had clients who've done about $20 ,000 on their OnlyFans in 24 hours because they've had something go viral or like is you experience having thousands of new followers come in within such a short amount of time and with these articles that they stay on the internet so they don't go anywhere we recently had one that was it was on Mamma Mia six months ago and they shared it again so then there's that extra influx of subscribers. It pays off in so many different ways. I prefer using PR as opposed to social media. I just think the payoff's better. The effort and the investment you put into it is much more significant. But yeah, at the end of the day, same with any other investment you do into your business, there's not that guarantee. However, I think it works better than social media. Well, as a client, I can definitely agree to that. You know, I'm not gonna say it's a gamble, but you gotta be in it to win it, right? Like my view on that is that you've gotta be in it to win it, like you've gotta be making TikToks to get a viral video. If you don't start to begin with, you're never gonna get the viral video. So you've always gotta be in it to secure them. And I know that I've had months where my articles have gone viral and like weird ones as well. Like I don't even know why it's gone so viral, but everyone's really interested in it. And then one, I'm like, oh, there's an article going out about this. Like it's gonna go so wild and it doesn't. And a client slips under the radar, but then months later, another article will be shared. And I'll be like, where are these subs coming from? So even though you do have highs and lows, I feel as one of your clients that it does over time, like you said in the long game, it does over time that you're getting re -shares, it's popping up here and there, someone will pick it up and re -share it. So my view on that is that you've gotta be in it to win it. Within saying that, what kind of a creator is perfect for PR? Like if someone's listening and they're like, I don't know if PR is for me. Like, I don't know, do I need to be really exciting? Do I need to be elaborate? Do I need to have all these crazy stories? Like, you know, do I need to have a huge business? Like in your experience, who's like, who should reach out and jump into PR? Well us, the clients that do best are those who are really communicative. If like they respond to our, because sometimes we'll get a journalist reach out to ask and they'll be like, okay, can you get honey to answer these questions? And if we don't hear that, back from you within an hour. They've moved on to the next person and we don't get that published. So you're so good at getting back to us like instantly pretty much. But there's a lot of clients who just think that they can sort of sign up with us and then we do the work. It needs to be a collaborative effort. Like the more you give us, the more information we have, the more that we can sort of do for you. And there'll be situations where I've had this happen so many times where I always ask our clients to add us onto their close friends because someone must be talking about something from their close friends and I'll be like, can we do a story on that? And they'll be like, no, it's not a story. No, no, that's a story. I'm a big believer and everyone has a story that's worth telling, but sometimes you just need a publicist to pull those stories out of you and identify what's going to go big and what's not. It's also really important that people trust us. So we've had situations before someone really, really wants to get a story out there and we've had to say, look, we can run the story for you. I'm telling you right now it's not going to go anywhere, no one's going to pick it up and we're right like it hasn't been picked up and that's what you're paying a publicist for. To give you advice and be like no we'd rather go with this angle because we think we're going to get more coverage. At the end of the day we'll guide people but if they really want to push something then we're happy to do it but it's yeah why are you paying a publicist if you're not going to listen. We won't work with clients who aren't truthful or try to do stunts. If someone comes to us and is like oh I pulled my vagina open while I was having sex can you do a story on it and we're like okay do you have any hospital notes and they're like oh no no it didn't really happen but I just think it'll be a good story. We're not going to run it because number one it makes us look stupid when journalists ask us for proof and we don't have it. They won't run anything for million billion again and number two it makes you look like a liar and no one's going to trust you in the media ever again and you don't really need to do it. Everyone has good stories even if you think it's not. People like things that make you feel human and we're all humans so. Yeah I absolutely agree I remember when I joined and I was like I'm a pretty boring mum like I live on a farm I don't really like it don't go out I don't you know like there's nothing super exciting about me and I remember you guys were like that's the thing like you're a farm mum I'm doing Onlyfans like that's so cool let's run the story and that article yeah they did and that article just went absolutely crazy and it's still getting shared now about me on my moa doing Onlyfans and and being a mum and like I was like oh that's just my normal life but it went so crazy just because it like it's interesting to other people. And I think because it's not so like it's number one it's believable because it's true and it's exciting for people to think about this like real farm mum who does Onlyfans like that's so fascinating to people. Yeah no I absolutely. agree. So if there's any listeners listening, just being like, I just don't know if I'm exciting enough, reach out and share your story with million billion. First of all, go look at their Instagram, because you'll just see the incredible work that they're doing for everyone, and then reach out and they'll be able to tell you if they see a story, you might think it's just, you know, everyday stuff like I did, and they might be able to see a story. So everyone's always got something to give. Can we have a chat to us? We're really transparent. We'll tell people, and we've done this multiple times, we feel like, look, I don't think PR is the right fit for you. Because at the end of the day, like, we want to be successful, and we want our clients to be successful. And we don't work with everybody, we turn away multiple people a week, not because we don't love them, but because we don't think that it's going to get traction. And we don't think we're the best representatives for them. So it's really important to me that we are, we are transparent, we are honest, we only work with people who are professional and that we can trust and that trust us. So come have a chat to us. where, um, come have a coffee with us, depending on where you're based, come check out us at the office. But it's, it's such an exciting world to be in. Like I get, like when I see like people's names pop up, pop up in my inbox and I'm like, Oh my God, what have they done this weekend? Can we do a story on it? We also tend to do like other things that we do, we do sex bow events. We, I think we worked with, um, Destination Maxim to get a lot of our clients across to do that. Oh, there's other things that are going on as well, but I can't talk about it yet. But, um, we've at the end of the day, like, yes, PR is our bread and butter, but we want our clients to be happy. We want them to be successful. So all these other ways that we can help them, it all kind of gets bundled together. I don't like to say we're just a PR agency. We're more of like a management agency because there are so many other elements that go into making million billion what it is. Yeah. I love that so much because so many times, you know, when you're reaching out to businesses, you think, you know, can they actually help me? Or are they just taking my money? Like, do they just want my money? Even though they may not be able to help me, but at the end of the day, it's their paycheck. So it's really cool to hear how transparent you are, you guys are, and you know, you do voice that because you want it to work for them as well as you. So yeah, that's just so admiring. So let's talk about the business side of things transitioning from Only Fans into like you're being a business owner. What were some of like the hurdles that you had to overcome through that transition period? It was when I, some of the hurdles I had to encounter was when I stopped doing Only Fans, like business was booming and I pretty much just like closed it down one day before I was making a full -time income on million billion and I had to build a business but at the right pace as well as as an ex -business banker, businesses that grow too quickly are just doomed to fail. Like it doesn't work like that. You can't grow so quickly without shipping us. at some stage. So growing million billion and we had so many inquiries coming in as well like we really could have gone from zero to 100 but we had to sort of hold the reins in a bit and I was like no we need to just do this like a little bit by a little bit and we've grown at a very sustainable rate which is great and we're in a position now where I'm like this is exactly where we need to be but trying to control the growth of it was a challenge and I'm really grateful that I had the business banking experience that I did to be able to control that. So you're going from a business that was at a hundred percent and then quickly going down to a business that was at zero percent and then slowly growing down at a sustainable rate and because I'm very like go go go go go I'm really really grateful that I had that knowledge and I'm also very supported as well so we've got we've got an accountant we've got a bookkeeper we've got a financial controller we've got a business coach and all of these people I think it's important like if I'm if I'm the smartest person in the business then that's not good. I never want to be the smartest person in the business. I want to be surrounded by people who are like giving me advice in the areas that they're experts in. So having a team and being open to taking advice. I think a lot of people when they start a business, they're like, no, no, no, this is my baby. Like I need to be in control of it, but you can't grow a business like McDonald's, perfect poll, like Apple. Like imagine if there was this one person running those businesses. It doesn't work. You need to be able to have people coming in, giving you advice. And it was really interesting. So I'm going off a little bit off topic, having an only fans where it was the business was literally me. Like I was the business. I was the face of it. When you're a creator, it is all around you where it's million billion. I may be the face of the business, but it's really got nothing to do with me. So there was, yeah, interesting transition, making decisions that were, I had nothing to do with me, but it was for the business. And I'm really, really grateful that from day one, I was like, I know I can't do this on my own. So I had all these people on board from day one. And I honestly think that that's a huge yet where million billion is now as a testament to the support and the advice that I had around me and throwing it at a rate that was not, not only sustainable from a financial point of view, but also from like an energetic point of view as well. I never wake up and I'm like, Oh, like I've got to open my inbox. Like I'm still excited and happy every single day. I still love my job every single day because we never took on too many clients. It was always at the right pace. And then when we did get too many, we brought on staff and we had staff ready to go. And I think that's really important, building a business that is sustainable and that you still love. Yeah, I absolutely love that. There are so many amazing things to learn from with everything you just said, because I can imagine when you go from any one business to starting another. And like you said, that one was already like, that was a mega business. It was at 100%. It was doing everything to start. out from scratch and not have, like, well, you probably did have the urge, but not allow that urge to take over you to be like, right, zero to 100, let's go, go, go, like, I wasn't coming from a space of like, I've got to do this, I have to do it, it wasn't rush, it was like, this is going to work. And it's going to be amazing. And this is how we're going to do it. So I take my hat off to you, because that's absolutely incredible to have that power. Thank you. That was honestly, I think my biggest challenge going from something that because it's not moving, but it's not about me. It's about it's about the clients. And it's about like a bigger company. At one day, I would be able to completely step away from this business. And nobody would even notice because the staff is so sufficient. It runs that we've got the systems and your backhand that we've got built up is is so strong and sophisticated. And that's, that's what I wanted that it's really, I love this business. And like, yes, I've started it. But it's very, very cool to know that I could, I could die tomorrow. And it would not affect any of our clients because it would just, it would run without me. Which is so handy to know now that you're pregnant. Like. Yeah, exactly. Oh, for the listeners that don't know because we only just announced it on Vampyre, but Lucy is pregnant, which is very exciting. So you've built this amazing business over the last, how long has it been? When is Million Billion Media won? November. Oh, you do your party. I think we have to do something. It's just gone so, it's gone so quick. But then at the same time, I'm like, I feel like we've been around forever. No. It's weird imagining. I'm like, oh, this time last year, I was still doing OnlyFans. It seems like it was so long ago and I was such a different person. So much growth. I love it. It worked out well because we wanted to have a baby that was always in the plans. And you put it out there to the universe and it's good that it's happened at a time now where the business is so established. Yeah, I'll be able to take some time off when the baby comes in December. But yes, I can take some time off, but I won't. I know I won. Of course you won't. I love it too much. I'll be bored with that. Yeah. What a beautiful problem to have. Absolutely love it. Now, I know you can't tell us too much, but to wrap up the episode, what's next for Million Billion? I know you guys are always doing things. Can you share anything with us with what's coming up or is it all super secret? We've got some international opportunities that are coming up that we've been working on in the background for months now. I can't say too much more than that, but more of Million Billion around in the States. We also have products coming out, which again, we've been working on for months. Oh, I really want to tell people what I can't. That we'll be working on for our clients. Our clients listening to this will know what I'm talking about. And that's going to, in the next couple of months, like by the end of the year, these products will be out and about. and we're really, really excited to be working with our clients to be able to bring this to light. So it's, yeah, and then just more of the same stuff, like more publications, more speaking events, more podcasts. Yeah, I've seen so much radio, so many podcasts, like radio, you guys in the last couple of months have just blown up with like Kyle and Jacio, Husey and who's the other part, I don't really listen to the radio, who isn't Husey and? It's been really, the support we've had from radio has been amazing and all our clients are loving it and like, yes, like online articles and print media is great, but it's so much fun being in the studio, in the radio and who would have thought like two years ago that OnlyFans Girls would be in radio studios, like going live to the whole country, like, who would have thought that could have happened? So it's been, yeah, very, very cool and we've got more things coming in that space as well. Yeah, yeah, I absolutely love it. You guys are doing God's work, you are. helping, you know, build businesses, get brands out there, and also breaking a stigma like getting sex workers into articles in media, which really didn't happen beforehand. And you know, that's what you guys stand for. So I absolutely love the work you guys are doing. You're doing incredible for the creators and the industry as a whole. So give yourself a big pat on the back because you've absolutely nailed it. Guys, go and follow Lucy and go and follow Million Billion Media because I'm sure we're going to hear about all the exciting things that are coming up. But thank you so much for coming back. Thank you so much for having me and giving me this platform to talk all things Million Billion. If anyone has any questions, I'm super chatty, as you can tell, and so are the rest of the team. So slide into our DMs and we are happy to answer any questions. Yay, amazing. Thank you so much again. I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the future with you guys. Make sure everyone follows along. Until then, I will see you guys on the next episode. Bye.