Paradoxical Insomnia – Why You Feel Like You’re Not Sleeping | Ep 15
Mind. Body. Sleep.®
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Mind. Body. Sleep.®
Paradoxical Insomnia – Why You Feel Like You’re Not Sleeping | Ep 15
Nov 09, 2023 Episode 15
Beth Kendall

Do you ever wake up and wonder if you even slept at all?

Do you feel like your body is sleeping but your brain is awake?

Do you feel like you’re in some kind of weird limbo state; half-asleep and half-awake?

If so, this episode is tailored specifically for you!

One of the most bizarre aspects of my own insomnia experience was the seeming inability I had to sleep deeply. My brain wouldn’t let me cross fully into sleep no matter what I did.

Hypersleep is a common phenomenon, but without understanding what it is or why it happens, it can feel pretty scary.

Finally, after decades of feeling like I had a broken brain, I understood what was going on. And that made it SO much easier to get beyond.

Join me in this episode and discover:

  • What paradoxical insomnia is
  • The two crucial factors that affect sleep
  • Why nothing is inherently wrong
  • How to navigate this peculiar sleep state
  • Why it won’t last forever

Once this paradoxical mystery fades,  hypersleep becomes deeper sleep. And you can get back to your big, beautiful life.

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Full Show Notes & Transcription HERE.

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About Beth Kendall MA, FNTP: 

For decades, Beth struggled with the relentless grip of insomnia. After finally understanding insomnia from a mind-body perspective, she changed her relationship with sleep, and completely recovered. Liberated from the constant worry of not sleeping, she’s on a mission to help others recover as well. Her transformative program Mind. Body. Sleep.™ has been a beacon of light for hundreds of others seeking solace from sleepless nights. 

© 2023 - 2024 Beth Kendall

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