Sermons by - Rev. Paul Sanderson from First Community Church of Southborough, MA

People Of The Bible - Jacob

Rev. Dr. Paul Sanderson

This sermon is part of a series that Charley Eastman of Pilgrim Church and I have been preaching in our two churches this summer.  It is about some of the little-known or lesser-known people in the Bible.

Today we are taking a look at Jacob.  I took the liberty of reading the story of Jacob and Esau from the Children's Bible--I highly recommend it!

Jacob, one of the central figures in the early history of Israel, was a liar and a cheat.   I guess we could call him a trickster, if we had Jungian leanings.  He was sort of a likable scoundrel.  So how did a person who was not a moral giant, who has no claim on sainthood, come to take up five chapters of the Book of Genesis and become such an important part of our Judeo-Christian tradition.

Aren't you just a little curious?