NCIHC's Podcast Station

Interpreting For Healthcare Episode 8 with Margarita Larios

NCIHC Committees and Work Groups Season 1 Episode 8

The one where language access warriors Margarita Larios and Eliana Lobo open up a whole new level of discussion about language access and its core values.

Margarita talked about her recipe for becoming a successful professional. Spoiler alert: main ingredients are parental support, creativity and pursuing your dreams.

Eliana and her guest agreed on the importance of searching for allies who deeply realize the necessity of language justice which can only be built on prioritizing language and its meaning in every person’s life. 

Margarita underlined the two most challenging parts of language access: implementing it after the theoretical framework has been figured out and accumulating the resources by increasing the higher officials’ awareness of the language access barriers. 

Would you like to know…
What unites the states of New York and Hawaii?
What are the two prerequisites for a brighter language access future?
What is the downfall of the most developed hospital systems? 

Then listen to Margarita and Eliana cranking it up a notch in the meaningful conversation.