NCIHC's Podcast Station

Interpreting For Healthcare Episode 16 with Alison Larimore

NCIHC Committees and Work Groups Season 1 Episode 16

The one where Allison Larimore, a trauma and vascular research nurse for the University of Washington Surgery Department at Harborview Medical Center, sets a great example of a healthcare professional who works closely with medical interpreters and sees them as full-fledged members of the healthcare team.

Tune in to our new podcast episode to get inspired by our dynamic guest, an advocate for equitable patient access to care and clinical research, and, as she calls herself, “a loud nurse”. Are you curious to know how a helicopter sound affected Allison’s career choice and what critical change she brought to an investigational device study decades later? Listen to what Allison has to say about serving the underserved, lifting roadblocks in the non-English speaking subjects’ enrollment for clinical trials and getting feedback from the patients who no longer feel excluded from a variety of healthcare choices and new treatments. It’s refreshing to realize that superstar nurses like Allison are real people, not just fictional characters from the Grey’s Anatomy series. If you don’t want to miss a chance to ignite your hope for better days ahead of language access for LEP patients, you must make time for our newest podcast episode #16!