The Word Became Flesh

From Doubt to Resilient Faith: Exploring the Power of Resurrection and Jesus' Enduring Love

September 04, 2023 Mariam Season 1 Episode 2
From Doubt to Resilient Faith: Exploring the Power of Resurrection and Jesus' Enduring Love
The Word Became Flesh
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The Word Became Flesh
From Doubt to Resilient Faith: Exploring the Power of Resurrection and Jesus' Enduring Love
Sep 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2

Imagine, you're shackled by despair and doubt, then suddenly, a spark of faith rekindles your spirit. That was my reality. I, Mariam will share my journey from faith, to trauma-induced disbelief, and back to a faith more profound and resilient. This transformation was ignited by a service focussed on grace, and the words of 1st Corinthians 15-10 touched my soul and breathed life back into my faith.

We'll also navigate the inspiring biblical story of Lazarus—a symbol of Jesus' resurrection power. Lazarus' tale, filled with hope, underlines Jesus' ability to free us from our self-imposed shackles and resurrect us. Delve into the liberating grace of Jesus, the potency of his resurrection, and the beacon of hope this kindles in our hearts. Remember, Jesus' love can shatter our chains, offer us a fresh start, and his resurrection hope is as alive and potent today as it was then. Join us, as we explore the intersections of faith, doubt, and the enduring love of Jesus.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Imagine, you're shackled by despair and doubt, then suddenly, a spark of faith rekindles your spirit. That was my reality. I, Mariam will share my journey from faith, to trauma-induced disbelief, and back to a faith more profound and resilient. This transformation was ignited by a service focussed on grace, and the words of 1st Corinthians 15-10 touched my soul and breathed life back into my faith.

We'll also navigate the inspiring biblical story of Lazarus—a symbol of Jesus' resurrection power. Lazarus' tale, filled with hope, underlines Jesus' ability to free us from our self-imposed shackles and resurrect us. Delve into the liberating grace of Jesus, the potency of his resurrection, and the beacon of hope this kindles in our hearts. Remember, Jesus' love can shatter our chains, offer us a fresh start, and his resurrection hope is as alive and potent today as it was then. Join us, as we explore the intersections of faith, doubt, and the enduring love of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to the World Become Flash Podcast. I am so excited Our first episode of the World Become Flash Podcast. Let's go in a little bit. Me first and then. Okay, my name is Maryam.

Speaker 1:

I come from a background Muslim family. I gave my life to Christ at the age of eight years old. Ever since then I've been with Jesus. My most importantly, your girl, left Jesus At the age of 27,. I really completely lost my faith. My faith completely died based on experiences and trauma, church hurt, church pain. I was just. I just didn't have nothing to do with God anymore, nothing to do with Christ.

Speaker 1:

At the age of 29 years old yes, at the age of 29 years old, the Lord bought me back. The Lord bought back my soul back into a restoration. The Lord resurrected me through the word, literally through the word of God. I remember my first time, remember my first time coming back to Christ. It was basically I was in service. I was in church service and my pastor was preaching on the word. My spiritual authority, my spiritual father, was preaching on grace. He was really preaching on grace, on 1st Corinthians 15-10. Everything that he was preaching, the word was just really coming back to life. My soul was just beginning to stir up, stir up, and that's when it really it really got into me. It really got into me the power of the word of God. Now, yeah, that's really back where I received my restoration.

Speaker 1:

Today I'm very, very, super, super excited because we are going to read a wonderful, wonderful story that really demonstrates the resurrection of the power of Jesus. I mean, we are going to we are going to talk about Lazarus today. I love the story of Lazarus. The story has a huge impact into my life. Every time I read the story of Lazarus, there is a new revelation, there is a new wisdom, there is just life. I receive back again. So so there, welcome to your new month, welcome to the month of September, because the month of September is the month that the Lord is going to definitely restore you. The Lord is bringing you back to his kingdom. For all those souls out there that you were lost and now you're going to be found, and for those ones that they haven't been found yet, jesus is calling you, jesus is calling into your heart. Now, let's, let's read the word of God. We are going to be tough. We are going to be reading John 11, from verse one till 44. I am reading from the NIV version. I'm going to be reading from the NIV version Now.

Speaker 1:

A man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair. So the sister sent a word to Jesus. Lord, the one you love is sick. When he heard this, jesus said this sickness will end in, will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory, so so that God's, so that God's son may be glorified through it. Now, jesus loves Martha and her sister Lazarus.

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So when he heard the Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days. Then he said to his disciple let us go back to Judea. But, rabbi, they said a short while ago, the Jewish there tried to stone you and yet you are going back. Jesus answered are there not 12 hours of daylight? Anyone who walked in the daytime will not stumble for their sea, for the sea by this word a light, a word light. It is. When a person walk at night they stumble for they have no light. After he has said this, he went on and tell them our friend Lazarus has fall asleep, but I'm going there to wake him up. His disciples replied Lord, if he is asleep he will get better. Jesus has been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant not to sleep. So then he told them Plently, lazarus is dead and for your sake, I am glad I was not there so that you may believe, but let us go to him. Then Thomas also said to the rest of his disciples Let us also that we may die. On his arrival, jesus found that Lazarus has already been in the tomb for four days Now.

Speaker 1:

Bethany was last and two miles from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him by Mary's day at home. Lord, martha said to Jesus If you had been here my brother will not have died, but I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask. Jesus said to her your brother will rise again. Martha answered I know he will rise again in the resurrection. At the last day, jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believe in me will live even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? Yes, lord, she replied. I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.

Speaker 1:

After she had said this, she went back and called her sister, mary aside, the teacher is here, she said, and he is asking for you. When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to him. Now Jesus has not entered the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him when the Jew had been with Mary in the house, confronting her notice how quickly she got up. She went out. They followed her, supposing she was going to the tomb tomorrow there. When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said Lord, if you had been here, my brother will not have died.

Speaker 1:

When Jesus saw her whipping and the Jew who had come along with her also whipping, he was deeply moved in spirit trouble. Where have you laid him? He asked. Come and see, lord. They replied Jesus wept. Then the Jew said see how he loves him. But some of them said could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, once more, deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. Take away the stone, he said. But Lord said Martha, the sister of the dead man, by this time there is bad order, for he has been there for four days. Then Jesus said did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said Father, I thank you. You have hurt me. I knew that you'll always hear me, but I say this for the benefits of the people standing there that they may believe that you sent me. When he had said this, jesus called in loud voice Lazarus, come out. Then the man come out, of his hands and feet, wrapped with a stripe of linen and clothed around his face. Jesus said to them take off the grave cloth and let him go. Glory to God. Shall we pray. Shall we pray.

Speaker 1:

Before we dig into this word. I mean this is going to be an amazing word. I just want to pray. I just want to pray, father. I want to thank you, for you have heard me. I know that you always hear me, but I say this for the benefits of the ones that are listening, the one that they're opening their ears, the one that they're just cooking on this podcast, the ones that are hearing my voice right now to speak. My Father, god, lord, I pray. My Father God, that this morning. My Father God, all this night, afternoon, my Father God, whenever time that they're listening. My Father, god, lord, that the word will bless them. My Father God, that the Lord will bring back restoration into the life. My Father, god, Lord, father, come and have your way. Holy Spirit, we invite you here that your presence surround us. In Jesus, mighty name, we pray. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive into the power of the story of Lazarus. I want my topic today. It is the power of resurrection. The power of resurrection because we believe that Jesus is the king of resurrection. He's the king of resurrection. Hallelujah, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Our first point is our first person that we're going to be talking about is going to be reality, reality of death, the story of Lazarus. It is a story of reality. The story of death. The story of death, definitely, you can definitely see, it is the story of death in the physical and there is the story of death in the spiritually. So it's basically most some of us. We are facing reality where either we are done with Jesus, either we don't want to mess up with Jesus, either the word of God doesn't excite you anymore. There could be bundle of the possibility, bundle of things that just hold us back. Things that just hold us back. You might look now at this month. You're like Lord, this is the month of September. In January I heard your word, I heard your prophecy, this and this. It has not come to pass. But guess what? Just how Jesus, when he received.

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When Jesus received a call from Mary and Martha and say Lord, the one that you love, he is sick. But listen, they were speaking death. And Jesus returned back and say Jesus returned back and say this sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory, so that God's son may be glorified through it. So I just want to encourage you whatever dream that you have, think that it is dead, it will be for God's glory. It will be for God, because God wants to restore you. It will be for God's glory to be seen, as the Lord has declared in verse 11. He received the call. He received the call from the sister to let them know that Jesus, your best friend, the one that you love, the one that knows you. He's dying. So they already speak death upon Lazarus's life. They already prophesied death. But Jesus returned. He re-heared back the prophecy with the word of God. He re-heared back the prophecy with the word of God in verse 4. He re-heared them. He said this sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory, so that God's son may be glorified, may be glorified through it, may be glorified through it. So when Lazarus fell, he healed.

Speaker 1:

His sister, martha and Mary sent the word to Jesus. But they sent a word. They sent a word of death. But my understanding, through my belief, I believe that the reason that they sent the word is because Lazarus asked them to send the word. It's because Lazarus had the power to believe, because Lazarus is a friend of God, he's seen the miracle, so he knows what Jesus could do. Because if he did not know what Jesus could do, if he did not know the power of resurrection, if he did not know that Jesus is the power of resurrection, he would not send the word. Lazarus would accept his death. But he sent the word through the sister. So I believe what Lazarus was. Literally he sent the word. He was just there coughing, mary, did you tell him? Martha, did you tell him? And they're probably looking at him in the bed and say, yes, lazarus, we did. Yes, lazarus, we sent the word. Yes, lazarus, we sent the message. But I believe that Lazarus really did have faith in order for him to send For him, order for him to send the word. But then, when the sister that they send the word this is where it hit me when they sent the word, they did not send the word, they did not send the word with with positivity, they already sent the word, as if the man is dead. But then it was Lazarus who asked them to send the word, because Lazarus seen the miracle that Jesus did. Lazarus seen the way how he healed the blind. Lazarus, seen how he, how he he brought back the death into life. Lazarus seen. So Lazarus sent the word, he told the sister, he told Mary and Martha send the word.

Speaker 1:

But sometimes we might think, when we send the word to God, he is delaying our miracle. But I believe that Jesus' timing is always the best, no matter how late we think is Because sometimes you can be like, you can be going through a trial situation, you can be going through a sickness and then you're like yo does Jesus sees me? Does he see me Like? I remember through my my darkness hours in the year of 2019, when my faith really gave up on God. I remember literally crying into my bed thinking that he has forgot about me. I mean the fact that my whole life I really dedicated to Christ, from the age of 28,. From the age of eight years old, I dedicate my life to Christ. I dedicate my trust across.

Speaker 1:

So during the year of 2019, the year of COVID, when COVID hit, my faith really hit to the ground due to the fact that every day I was just experienced death. Guys Like I was literally experienced death, and that was at my workplace, literally every time something somebody was already dying and so my soul was already dying, and the fact to have leaving church, you know it, didn't really help with my walking. So I was really, really, really, really dead, really, really really dead. So sometimes we think that Jesus, we think that God is delay, but his delay is always to remind us that God's timing is the perfect timing, and also to because also to like in verse where he like he waited. Jesus waited before he, he went back, he waited before he went back, right. So that could seem like some people can be like, oh man, he was delaying Lazarus, but he was not delaying him, right. He was not delaying him because he already spoke. He said that for it is God's glory, so that God's son may be glorified. He knew. He knew that he is the resurrection, that any time that he stepped there right, lazarus will come back and will arise. Amen, amen, I love, I love, like, every little, like, if you read more about Jesus, literally, I love how gangster Jesus was.

Speaker 1:

Well, point number three that I want us to focus is literally the miracle and the resurrection. The miracle and the resurrection Jesus arrived after Lazarus death, showcased his incredible ability to bring life back from the dead in a dramatic, inspiring moment where Jesus called out Lazarus like I love this. And when Jesus arrived on the scene, there was already gossiping. Isn't that the one? That who, who opened the eyes of the blind? Like that there was already a, there is already a community there, that that they came to more negativity, you know. So when Jesus arrived, they were like kind of think, like, oh man, this guy is really late. It's like the guys are already put the guy in the tomb.

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You know that they did not believe the miracle of resurrection, did not believe that the one, that who gave life, the one that who gave life right, the one, like martyr, already already come and running verse 21 and say Lord, lord, martha. Lord, martha said if you were here, if you've been here, my brother will not have died. But I know, even now, god will give you whatever you ask. Jesus said to her your brother will rise. Listen, jesus is speaking life. Your brother will rise. Martha answer. I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day. The resurrection miracle is standing right there, martha. He's literally telling you that your brother will rise again.

Speaker 1:

And that's where most of us, as Christians, when God gives us a word, we bottle with the back and forth hour right, we bottle with it. We're like I'm literally going to tell you guys, when Jesus gave me, when he gave me, a revelation of how the word becomes flesh podcast, how it's going to become, it was just a fight. It was just a fight At first. I didn't really. I was just like buttering. At first. When God asked me to start this, I didn't want to. I was like, hey, jesus, please, no, no, I will be here, you know. But me speaking, no, I really did have fear in me, and also to the fact that I was just buttering, buttering back and forth like Martha. You know, jesus, jesus is there.

Speaker 1:

The resurrection miracle, the miracle of resurrection is standing right in front of you, right in front of you, but then you're there, just you know, fighting with, with the power of miracle, like going back and forth, and then, and then I love, I love how gangster Jesus goes. Listen, verse 25,. Jesus said hey, listen to this, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believe in me will leave even though they die, and whoever leaves by believing me will never die. Do you believe this? She go, she will go back and forth again. She said yes, lord. She replied I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who's to come into the world. Listen to this word, right, I believe.

Speaker 1:

Like it's like sometimes we give Jesus our belief but we don't. We give him our belief, but then our fears are. Our fears are bigger than us. Like our fears are bigger than us. We forgot that he is the resurrection, or forgot that he is the miracle working God, right, and we forgot sometime, in whatever situation that we're we're into it, the God that have nothing to do with it, that he cannot get us out, that Jesus cannot get us out. But listen, listen, I love this, I love this. Listen.

Speaker 1:

He took it out. He asked them. Jesus wept. First of all, he wept for his friend. I mean, that's your compassion, how compassion he's about Lazarus. Jesus wept, be like damn Lazarus, just before they're ready, they're ready to bind you and put you in the cage, you're ready to rock the cage. They even, they even locked the cage with a big stone rock. They really, they really close the faith of Lazarus death. They really close his faith with the stone when it's Lazarus the one that will ask them to send the word. Because Lazarus knew that there was power in the resurrection, there's a miracle in a resurrection, that he is the resurrection. So this, before they're ready, block Lazarus faith and they block it with a big, big, wonderful stone and be like okay, you're dead, right there. And then Jesus asked them where have you put him? Where have you put him? And then they're like oh, right, there, lord, that's where we have put him.

Speaker 1:

Jesus said take away the stone. Like I like how cancer Jesus was, like he could like, literally, just like blow, and then allowed, and then allowed the stone to to like to blow out. But you know, he just stand there. It was like, you know, waiting. He said okay, you know what, I did not put the stone there because I clearly send the word telling you guys that I am the resurrection. If you believe in me, you will never die. So therefore, I did not put the stone. So therefore I will speak life, but you take away the stone, take away the stone, you take away the stone that you put there.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes that's what we do, christian. We ask Christian, we put labels that the Lord, that it did not put the label there, we put labels that it is not from God. And that's really the words that we speak in us. We put fear in us. But then the Bible said he, the Bible said that he didn't give us the spirit of fear or intimidation, but we're the one we place the fear in there. Right, but isn't it so wonderful, even though we're the one we put the stone where the stone is not supposed to be? But he can take away, he can take you out of that stone. Listen, he said, okay, take away the stone. He said.

Speaker 1:

But Lord said Martha, oh, look at this again, they're about to fight again with the resurrection. But Lord said Martha, the sister of the dead men, but this time there is bad order, for he has been there for for three, for three, for he has been there for four days. Jesus again, jesus goes again. Then I tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God. The miracle of resurrection is just, it's literally stand right there. But you're fighting the word, you're fighting with him again, like he has been there for four days. You already smell. You already smell Jesus. Jesus is like I think I told you. I think I told you Remove that stone right, remove that stone. And I love how Jesus say bully. And he goes Lazarus, come out.

Speaker 1:

So what is your Lazarus? And have you sent the word? Have you sent your calling? I was looking through Lazarus, the meaning of Lazarus and the meaning of it. It means God help. Have you sent, have you asked for help? The big stone that is being put on the cage? Are you just carrying it? Because you're already to a point that you want to give up, to a point that I cannot get out of this stone, I cannot get out of this sickness. I cannot get out of this debt. Like, what is your stone, what is your stone and what is your stone? And the fourth point, it will be our resurrection hope. Like the story of Lazarus offered us a glimpse of the resurrection of hope in Christ, like that stone that is already there, that stone that everybody, maybe the stone that is there. Maybe it's not you that put the stone, maybe it's the community that put that stone for you. So I want you to encourage that there is hope. There is hope in the power of resurrection, there is hope in the power of God. There is hope, there is hope in the power of the resurrection king.

Speaker 1:

Just as Lazarus was giving a new life, we can experience the spiritual rebirth through faith in Jesus, because I believe the Bible said if we confess our sin, he is faithful. He is faithful to forgive us, he is faithful to have his mercy on us. So you can definitely experience rebirth through faith in Jesus. What is your mistake? What is mistake? Regret and sin that you think that it cannot be washed away. We can be renewed with the sense of purpose and restoration, with the relationship with God, with the relationship with God, relationship in his word. Your faith can be restored through his word, because do you know that the Bible said that our faith come by hearing the word of God? I heard one message of Sarah Jake. I really love Sarah Jake.

Speaker 1:

She was speaking about faith. She was saying how she believed that faith. There is a different of hearing and listening. There's a different of hearing and listening. Now, your faith, do you have a faith of hearing? Because hearing you can hear, hear, hear, hear. You know a lot of people can be talking and just words can be coming, but there's somebody who listened that you take your time to listen and actually you do it. So she was really explaining that verse.

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Faith is by hearing the word of God. You can hear, but do you listen to the word of God? Do you speak the word of God? Because, literally, jesus is inviting us in verse 11, verse 25. He said that I am the resurrection. So what have you think? That it has died into your life and you think that Jesus cannot restore and that you think that Jesus cannot resurrect it, because he literally promised us that if you believe like, if you believe in him, you will not experience no death. You will not experience no death.

Speaker 1:

So what is the sin that is holding you? Is it the guilt, is it the condemnation? Because the enemy can really hold us through the spirit of guilt Like he used guilt a lot, you know like the moment that you sin, the moment that you sin, he goes like that's where he likes, and then he will just keep you into that cage and feel like there is no more hoping you, you know, you're hopeless because you have done this, you have done that, you have done that, but guess what? The reason, the reason that the blood was sacrificed. It is literally for us to always come back, like one of the things that we have to understand the Jesus did not save us by the works that we're doing. It is by the grace. That that's what he has saved us. So, therefore, when you sin, don't keep yourself down. Remember that it is God's grace, it is His grace that is keeping me, it is that His grace that is keeping me. So, with that grace, you can boldly come to the throne and then say Father, I just need forgiveness. Simple as one, two, three, because the Bible really promised us that in 2 Corinthians 517,. It said therefore, if anyone is in Christ, it's a new creation. Simple. The moment that you acknowledge that you are in sin and you simple ask for the blood of Jesus, you can receive back your restoration.

Speaker 1:

Now in our life, we may account to situation that seems impossible. Where hope appears, where hope appears are dim like, where hope is dead, like, listen, if you're in a situation right now, you're in the cage right now, and that your hope is dead and you think you're hopeless, I come to promise you that you are not hopeless in Jesus' eyes, that you still have time. You still have time for you to get up on that chair, for you to get up on that chair and say, lord, I want to receive the power of resurrection. I want to receive the power of resurrection, lord, I want you to restore my soul again. I want to believe again in you. Believe me, I was. I was in the moment where it was just so dark into my life, like it was just so painful, dark into my life, a moment that really led me into suicide, and that's because the enemy made me believe that it is over. It is not over until when God says it is over.

Speaker 1:

There's put Lazarus in the tomb. In four days Lazarus was already smell. They were going back and forth with Jesus, but it's already been four days, he's already smiling. But Jesus encouraged them and Jesus said remove that stone and allow him to come out of that tomb. So if he can do for Lazarus, if he can restore Lazarus faith no, lazarus faith, literally if he can resurrect Lazarus from the death, he can do it for you because, trust me, when he said for God, so love the word that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believed in him shall not perish but have internal life. There is internal life in you. There is internal life in you. There is life that is breathing inside of you, that you are so loved, that you are so worthy.

Speaker 1:

The Bible said this story said that Jesus loved Lazarus and when he heard, when he received the call, have you make that call? Have you make that call to Jesus? Have you called him? Make that call, make that call, make that call. Declare that you're not dead, that you're so worth, you're so worth to him, you're so worth through his hands you are the apple of his eyes. So, whatever that cage, that bondage, that fear, guilt, contamination that is just holding you, that the stone, that the cave that you're in, I want to encourage you that you can come out today.

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Jesus power. Jesus power can bring you forth into life. Let us embarrass, embrace the resurrection hope that is offered to us through Christ, trusting that he can transform our trial into triumph and our sorrow into joy, that we can find comfort in the knowledge, in the same God who raised Lazarus from the dead. He can continue to work miracle in our lives today. So speak upon that Lazarus that you believe that it's already dead, because, remember, remember Jesus said I am the way, I am the truth.

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So don't let the enemy hold you back, don't let the devil hold you back, because it is not too late. It is not too late. It is not too late. The moment that it is too late it's when you're going to hear the trumpet. Then you know that it is late for you. But I'm telling you, if you're listening to this message right now, it is because Jesus loves you. Trust me, if he can take me where I come from and ask me to deliver this message, it is for a purpose. It is for a purpose. It is because ok, he hear, because you send a call. You send a call, you send a call and Jesus wantatter answer, and Jesus want to resurrect you and Jesus want to bring out to you that cage. He wants you to invite to come out of the bondage, whatever bondage that you're his. He's inviting you. He wants you to invite you to have that faith, believing in his word, believing in his power that he can heal, heal, that he can heal, that he can resurrect you, that he can take you out of that cave, that he can take you out of the bandage. He loves you, jesus loves you. Come out of the cage. Come out of the cage and take off the grave clothes and let me loose in the resurrection power. Jesus, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for thank you for coming in this journey with me. I am just so excited. Every day we're gonna be hearing wonderful, wonderful stories. I mean Lazarus story. It is definitely an amazing story. It is a story that every day that you read and you receive the power of just resurrection and your soul just coming back to life.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to invite you if you're hearing this and you definitely not a born again and you definitely don't know Jesus I want to give you an invitation to welcome Jesus into your life. Just simply say Lord, I want to come into your kingdom, I want to know your son, I want to know the one that who's that you give the John 3, 16 Zephyr also love the word. I want to know him, lord, I want to. I want to be part of the love. I want to be part of that resurrection, I want to be part of the power of resurrection. So invite Jesus into your life right now. Right now, invite him to your life. Take a moment to just pray. Dear Lord Jesus, I invite you to my life to give me that power of resurrection because there is life in you. If you're breathing today, remember there is life in you. Jesus is breathing in you and Jesus loves you.

Speaker 1:

And if you you're like me, you were with Jesus, but you couldn't trust community anymore, you couldn't trust the church anymore, I invite you to come back. I invite you to come back to the body of Christ, because that's how the enemy want to do. He want to use isolation when he isolate us from the body of Christ. Right, but we're better fighting together as a unity. So I invite you like if you haven't find a home church, I invite you find, find one. And if you're an adminton, you don't have a home church, I invite you to come join Cornerstone Christian Church of God, okay, and also to, if you want to be part of Cornerstone, that you're not an adminton, you know you can join us. You can join us online too. And yeah, just continue, continue diving into the word of God and continue reading the word of God and allow the word of God to be continued to accomplish and leave the word of God, speak the word of God. I'll see you guys next week back again here on the word of God. You.

Resurrection and Restoring Faith
The Miracle and Resurrection
The Power of Resurrection and Hope