The Word Became Flesh


September 25, 2023 Mariam K Season 1 Episode 3
The Word Became Flesh
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The Word Became Flesh
Sep 25, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Mariam K

Ever felt lost or unsure about the direction your life should take? Ever wished there was a GPS for life? Buckle up for this spiritual journey as we delve into understanding the Holy Spirit as our spiritual GPS. With different aliases such as advocate, comforter, helper, counselor, wisdom, fire, and living water, the Holy Spirit is our beacon in times of darkness. I share a deeply personal story - a moment of physical exhaustion during a workout - when I truly experienced the Holy Spirit as 'living water'. 

Our journey continues as we take a deeper look at the intimate role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. It isn't some distant, impersonal force but a loving presence transforming us from within. By revealing His glory, the Holy Spirit leads us to a deeper understanding of our relationship with God, infusing our lives with strength, love, and self-control. If you're yet to know Jesus, here's your invitation to believe in Him and find fellowship in a local church. The episode concludes with an empowering dialogue on the power of prayer and the life-altering experience of submitting to the Holy Spirit's will. Trust me, with the Holy Spirit as your guide, you're set for a truly life-changing journey!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt lost or unsure about the direction your life should take? Ever wished there was a GPS for life? Buckle up for this spiritual journey as we delve into understanding the Holy Spirit as our spiritual GPS. With different aliases such as advocate, comforter, helper, counselor, wisdom, fire, and living water, the Holy Spirit is our beacon in times of darkness. I share a deeply personal story - a moment of physical exhaustion during a workout - when I truly experienced the Holy Spirit as 'living water'. 

Our journey continues as we take a deeper look at the intimate role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. It isn't some distant, impersonal force but a loving presence transforming us from within. By revealing His glory, the Holy Spirit leads us to a deeper understanding of our relationship with God, infusing our lives with strength, love, and self-control. If you're yet to know Jesus, here's your invitation to believe in Him and find fellowship in a local church. The episode concludes with an empowering dialogue on the power of prayer and the life-altering experience of submitting to the Holy Spirit's will. Trust me, with the Holy Spirit as your guide, you're set for a truly life-changing journey!

Speaker 1:

Good morning, good morning everyone. Welcome to the Word became Flash. Happy Monday. I hope you're having a wonderful Monday. Wow, I can't believe that September it is over. It is the last month. I mean. September is here, september is upon us. So I hope that this September was a very good month for you. It was a prosperity month. Wow.

Speaker 1:

We're definitely now on episode number three. So I encourage you, if you guys did not listen to the first two episodes of the Word become Flash, I encourage you to go back to it. So the first episode basically we were in hours introducing the podcast what is the Word become Flash podcast, so you can go back and listen to that. And then episode two we are talking about Lazarus, which was super, super, super excited about Lazarus. So thank God, thank God for that. And also I want to thank God for everybody, everybody, for the people that they reach out, the people that they share, they share the podcast. I mean thank you, thank you, thank you everyone for just coming on this journey with me. I thank God. We made it all the way to Mexico. We were on chart number 38 on Christianity podcast, so that's really amazing. We're praying to God. Be the glory and we'll go to number one, amen. So thank you everyone for coming in and joining in.

Speaker 1:

Keep on reading the Word. I mean, as the podcast, it will be released on the first Monday of the month and the last Monday of the month. So just be keeping it coming in on those days and expect those days. At least the Lord turned things around, turned things around and give new instructions. But but, guys, grace, we're here on our first Monday of the month and the last Monday of the month, and now we're saying goodbye to September. I am looking forward for the rest of the month that I'm looking forward for October and October, november, december. Oh my goodness, guys, it is amazing. It is an amazing journey. Only only God, it's only God, it's only God. To God be the glory. And I encourage you, guys, hey, keep on, keep on reading the Bible, keep on submitting to the Word, submitting to the Word of God. Right, today I am so, so, so excited, because today we're going to talk about some. Today we're going to talk about something that I'm very passionate about it and and also to at the same time, I'm very timid about it. Right, because you don't want, you don't want to say the wrong thing, you don't want to say the wrong thing. So I am super, super excited for this topic that we're going to be talking today, because when the Lord gave me the topic, I was like hmm, hmm, hmm.

Speaker 1:

So today, most people, we all have GPS in our car. We all do, we all do, we all do. We all have GPS in our car, either in our car either in our phone, whatever that. You just have your GPS right, you just want to. You turn it on because you want direction and also because you want to go the right way. And some of us, we can be very stubborn. We put on GPS, we put the address that GPS to say turn right, and then you're like no, why are you telling me, turn right, I'm going to turn left right? We have that disobedience to the GPS. So, however, gps GPS map, it asks us for direction. It's programmed properly. Then if it doesn't program properly, yeah, sometimes that you can definitely lead you astray.

Speaker 1:

So today, if you can guess where she's going with this topic, it's like where is she going? She's here talking about GPS. Where is she going? Now for all, for all out there, as we are called, we are children of God. As a child of God. We all have an amazing spiritual GPS and that is the Holy Spirits. Do you see where she is going? Do you see where we are going? So today we are going to be talking about the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

I love, I really, really, really love the Holy Spirit because it is the topic that people really look down on. The Holy Spirit or sometimes we just over guess it with the Holy Spirit. So I am trying to really be careful how I speak about the Holy Spirit because, as I said, the Holy Spirit is very near and near into my heart and it is very sensitive topic. So, as a child of God, we all have the Holy Spirit guide us. You receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You do Sometimes you hear a small voice and then you are like, was that my third person? Was that my third me? No, honey, that is the Holy Spirit, that is the Holy Spirit guiding you. And sometimes you have to be very sensitive. You really have to be sensitive with the Holy Spirit. You have to be sensitive with the Holy Spirit. I believe, as you go, maturity more in Christ, the more maturity that you start, you start to understand the Holy Spirit and then you start really to understand the power of the Holy Spirit, like how we can just give you power and then just transform you, your character, so like, really, really.

Speaker 1:

So let's start with the question who is the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit, guys? So the Holy Spirit is mostly referred to as the advocate, the advocate, the comfort, the helper, the counselor, wisdom, fire, water, living water. I love the living water term. I love the living water term. Today I was at the gym man and I was like really dying. I said really dying. I was really, really, really. Like my coach really worked me very hard and when he gives me water and he told me drink water, drink water, drink water, I drink water. I just feel the refreshment and sometimes the Holy Spirit. That's what he does, like he just gives you. So when we say living water, I just think of the refreshments, like the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

When you understand the Holy Spirit, there's so much that you just you start having so much revelation and so much exciting and, especially when we read the Bible, always ask for the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is the one who gives revelation. Some people like there is some people that they disagree say, oh, the Holy Spirit was never there from the beginning. The Holy Spirit has been there from beginning to end. Really, really, read the Bible. We'll talk about that. So I mean, as you can see, I'm excited to talk about the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit is really, is the third person of the Holy Trinity. It is through the Holy Spirit that we experience the living presence of God in our life. Right, the Holy Spirit, he's the one that he guide us, like he really, he really guide us.

Speaker 1:

One thing, too, about the Holy Spirit. Oh, I love it. One thing about the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, but we are like the Bible said, that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So, therefore, if your temple, it is not clean, the Holy Spirit will not be there, because he doesn't, he doesn't do it, he doesn't dwell in unclean places. No, like, if you go more deeper, understanding the theme, understanding Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, I love it. The Holy Spirit, I mean the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit, the power.

Speaker 1:

Okay, before I go into reading the power of the Holy Spirit, I just want to jump into a quick script today, because the podcast is all about the word become flesh. It's all about the word of God and how it became flesh. So I really love this scripture that I'm just about to read. I'm not going to read the whole scripture, but I encourage you, please read it and when you have time, read the whole verse. So I'm just going to. It's going to be look for a team and I'm reading from the NIV version. I'm just going to give you a little background about this story. So this story is amazing when we say the word become flesh. This story really show you how Jesus literally became flesh and it's just so exciting.

Speaker 1:

So in look four, this is the story where our beloved King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, jesus Christ, before he start his ministry, he fasted in the next 40 days and while fasting he was definitely filled with the Holy Spirit and he was leading the wilderness. And then guess who came in? Who doesn't mind their own business. The devil just doesn't mind his business. So, with Jesus fasting his 40 days, he's prepared himself to go into ministry. He's prepared himself to go do ministry. But then the devil is like, okay, let me go tempt this Jesus, that they call him Son of God, and let me go see what he got, what he got what he got. And so I really, really encourage you like really read the story. It is a good story.

Speaker 1:

But I love this reply that Jesus just like slapped the devil. You know, when you just slap the devil, because the devil think he's so smart. It's funny, it's funny how he always think he's smart, smarter than God. So, but yeah, that's the devil, he's always going to think that he's smart. But I love how Jesus really respond with boldness and that's what then? That's the thing about the Holy Spirit too. The Holy Spirit really give you boldness. He build you boldness in you.

Speaker 1:

So let me read. Listen. He says the spirit of the Lord, it is upon me because he is anointing me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prison and recovering the sight of the blind, and to the oppressed. I'm just going to read it again. I mean this scripture, it is a good scripture every day to just wake up in the morning, you know, because the devil can just kind of remind you oh, my goodness, you're awake again. Yes, devil, I am awake and it is great to be awake and this is a good decoration, to just declare upon yourself every morning and look yourself in the mirror with boldness and just declare the spirit of the Lord. It is upon me, because he has anointing me, to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoner and recovering sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

Speaker 1:

I mean, don't you just feel power? You should, just right now, like you just feel power, because that's one of the things that the Holy Spirit gives you. The Holy Spirit gives you power, and also to when you read the word of God, when you read your Bible, it's the Holy Spirit that empowers you. It's the Holy Spirit that gives you that revelation, that understanding that you're like oh man, this is excited. That's the Holy Spirit, that's the job of the Holy Spirit. He does that.

Speaker 1:

You know, like Jesus was full of the spirit and he just proclaimed that scripture on himself. You know, when the devil came to attack him, jesus just gave it to him and said homie, you don't understand that. The spirit of the Lord, it is upon me. The spirit of the Lord is upon me. I am not alone, because that's one of the things that they don't want to fight. Jesus said I am not alone. I got the Holy Spirit Right.

Speaker 1:

That's the empowerment for the Holy Spirit. He empower you to have the boldness, he empower you to speak boldly and to know that you have the authority and the power to heal the sick and to perform service in God's name. It's a creep. It's a creep, you, that you feel like you're ordinary, but you're not ordinary. You can accomplish extraordinary things, you can accomplish great things. I like to say that's big word. You can accomplish great things with the help of the Holy Spirit. So that's the power of the spirit.

Speaker 1:

Once, who is the Holy Spirit? That's the power. He's the one that he empower you, he's the one that you know and also one of the things of the Holy Spirit does. The Holy Spirit really transforms our character. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we are sanctified and transformed. Our heart and mind are renewed, leading to develop the fruit of the spirits, which, the fruit of the spirit, lead us to the love. He give us joy, he give us peace, he give us kindness, he give us goodness, he give us faithfulness, he give us gentleness and he give us self control and long suffering. Long suffering is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes you're like man suffering is it the devil? But long suffering is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Guys, please read more of the fruit of the Spirit and that's found in Galatians 5, 22, 23.

Speaker 1:

The Holy Spirit also gives us guidance. He leads us into the truth. The truth, it's the truth. He reveals us the truth about the Word of God. Sometimes you can have read the Word of God and then you know you can have that confusion, but when you ask for the Holy Spirit, because he was there from the beginning till the end, he will lead you to the truth. He will give you insight. He gives you insight of the Word of God. You can find that John 16, verse 13, where the Spirit eliminated the Scripture, helping us discern God's will and leading us in the right path. Read inlay the Holy Spirit leads you to the right path. When you have the Holy Spirit as a child of God, you do have the Holy Spirit. Turn on the Holy Spirit. Turn it on, guys, turn it on. The Holy Spirit is gently. He's the one that gives us life direction. Decision. Either it can be a big decision, small decision, but if you listen closer, you listen closer to the leading, to the voice of the Spirit, you will get that guidance. You will get that guidance that you need.

Speaker 1:

There is one of my favorite songs that I really love I love Victoria, I love Victoria, I love Victoria. My morning worship. Every day I hear the voice and I follow the Spirit because you are my Master, you are my Lord. You hear the voice of God, you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and you follow it and you follow it and you follow it. That's what the Holy Spirit does. The Holy Spirit is very gentle, In notch our hearts, offering us guidance, direction in life decision, whatever decision that you have, big, small, the Holy Spirit lead us. The Holy Spirit lead us.

Speaker 1:

As we conclude, let us remember that the Holy Spirit is not distance-forced but a personal presence in our life. It is our divine helper, our comfort. When we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, we tap into the wellspring, power of wisdom, guidance, transform, enable us to live out a faithful life. The Holy Spirit help us to get more deeper understanding in our relationship with God. It work within us through His glory of God's kingdom, the Holy Spirit. He lives inside of you. That the Holy Spirit lives inside of you and when he's inside of you he's helping you, being the image of Christ, Just like how Jesus proclaimed in this wonderful verse. So I mean, that's, that's the Holy Spirit, and there is more to learn about the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

As I said, there is more to learn about the Holy Spirit, like, the more you go in your relationship with Christ, the more you start understanding your deeper relationship with guys, the more that the Holy Spirit start revealing himself to you, you know, and those fruit of the Holy Spirit start manifesting it to your life, your joy, your peace, your kindness. You know, and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is a spirit that he does not give us as the spirit of timid, but he gives us the spirit of power, love and self-control, love, power and self-control, love, power and self-control. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. So I pray that when the Holy Spirit continue to guide us and empower us and transform us as we walk this journey of faith and as we walk through this journey as a family of one, all the word become flesh. I mean, may we continue to live and be surround in the presence of the spirits.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, I mean I want you to ask if you're listening to this and you're like I don't have that. I don't have the Holy Spirit. It is okay, guys, it's okay, it's okay, um, but it starts with a confess. Confess with your mouth and inviting Jesus in your life, like and daily, daily, daily and daily. Just commit yourself on reading your scripture. Commit yourself in reading your scripture and knowing who is Jesus. So, for those who doesn't know Jesus, I just want to give you an invitation to confess with your mouth and believe with your heart. Once you confess with your mouth and believe it in your heart and you call upon the name of Jesus and you accept Jesus into your heart, it's very simple. Just say this prayer Father, I want to know you, I want to know your son and I want to walk in your truth. Guide me and lead me in Jesus name, amen. So if you just say that simple prayer, that is it, okay, you must be like the devil will tell you oh man, that is it. You already confessed with your mouth. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

The next step, guys, you have to do the next step. You really, you really have to engage in the community. You really have to engage in the community. A community is find a place, find a house of God where you worship. Because, um, as a, as I said previously, back um, christianity is not a walk to be walk alone, because that's what the enemy. The enemy wants us to ask this generation to think I can do everything by myself, I can do everything by myself. No, there is power in unity and there is power in the community. So, if you don't have a home church and encourage you, please don't not, do not, do not, do not, do not stay on your couch and and watch um preacher, um different preacher every Sunday. You know, you're like, yeah, I'm catching up the word of God, because, no guys, eventually you would just start dying slowly, slowly. But there is power in unity, even Jesus, um, there's power in unity and community.

Speaker 1:

Even Jesus, jesus, who was Jesus, who was God, who was the Son of God, who was the Holy Spirit, he never walked alone. He had the 12th and he have a, he had, he have a huge church. Every day, every day, we preach. But he then he, like you know, he had the moment where he was with his disciple and he had moment where he was alone, where he was meditating, you know. So, like this Christianity walk, it is not a walk, to be walk alone.

Speaker 1:

So I encourage you right now, if you don't have a home church and you're like, ah man, I'm done with church, like you, you can say that you, you are done with church. I like, completely. I understand you, I was there 100%, I didn't have to, I didn't want anything to do with church, nothing, nothing, nothing but. But I'm telling you, um, the enemy, the enemy, love to see the power of where we work alone, and that's when you really really attack us so, so badly. But when, um, when there is power in unity and there is power in love and there's power of working together, right. So I encourage you to find a home church.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you're in a mitten and you don't not have a home church, I encourage you to come join me, come find me at Conor Storm Christian Church of God at 9249 50th Street. We have wonderful, wonderful, powerful four services alone. So, if you're not, we have a 930, 1130, 130. I mean, if, if you're not, did I did I say, did I say four? Okay, we have nine, we have 930, we have 930, 930, 1130, 130. We have three wonderful service. So I encourage you, come join, if you're in Edmonton, to come and join in person, in person, guys, let's fellowship together. Covid is gone, covid is gone. So let's not have that excuse, man. You know that let's not give the devil any food step anymore, okay. So if you're in Edmonton, come in person. If you're not in Edmonton, but you're also encouraged to join us online. Simply, you can just go on YouTube and then search for Conor Storm Christian Church of God and you can join there online, right, right.

Speaker 1:

So I encourage you guys, keep submitting yourself into the Word of God. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit and spiritual authority. We, we, we have, we have got to submit. We got to be a generation that we submit. Okay, we're not a generation that walk alone. We are a generation that we submit. We are a generation that we submit. Look at that generation that submit.

Speaker 1:

So I encourage you guys, keep on reading the Word and keep on sharing the Word of God and allow the Word to continue, become flesh every day in your life. Allow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to guide you. As we're transitioned to a new month, you know, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Holy Spirit, what do you want? What do you want for this October? You know, like, just submit, submit yourself into God's will and and just keep on walking with Jesus and continue and continue being the salt and continue being the light for God, and let Jesus continue shining bright every day, amen. So thank you for joining me. All the Word become flesh. I will see you guys on a new wonderful month in October. I'm very excited. Come back in October, on the first Monday of October and the last Monday of October. You have a wonderful day. God bless you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening, thank you for sharing, and let let me pray and before we go and yeah, let me pray before we go, father, in the mighty name of Jesus, lord, I want to thank you, my Father God, for my brothers out there, my Father God, that they're listening to this podcast right now. My Father God, holy Spirit, that I pray that you will. You will fill them up with your love, you will fill them up with your unity, you will fill them up with your kindness, your wisdom. Holy Spirit, may you guide us. O Lord, my Father God, as we are entering on the new month of the month of October. Father, god, lord, we pray, my Father God, that the month of October, it will be our best month yet to come in the mighty name of Jesus, that you will be done. My Father God, that you will give us insight and you will give us wisdom.

Speaker 1:

My Father God, for the month of October. My Father God, that the gift of help, my Father God, will not prevail throughout the month of October. My Father God, o Lord Jesus, your light will continue shining bright and bright, and bright and bright every day. My Father God Bless my Father God. O Lord, bless my Father God. The community of the word become flesh. My Father God, o Lord, holy Spirit, come and have your way, take control, take over our families, take over our ministries, take over our churches, take over our leaders, pastors. Guide us, guide us, holy Spirit. We submit our will into your hands. You will be done. In Jesus, mighty name, we have prayed Amen, amen and Amen. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Happy new month of October and goodbye September.

Exploring the Holy Spirit's Guidance
Importance of the Holy Spirit
October Prayer, Farewell to September