The Word Became Flesh

The Character of the Holy Spirit

October 30, 2023 Mariam Kapongo Season 1 Episode 5
The Character of the Holy Spirit
The Word Became Flesh
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The Word Became Flesh
The Character of the Holy Spirit
Oct 30, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Mariam Kapongo

Ever felt a mystifying presence guiding you through your path? That's the comforting power of the Holy Spirit we're going to explore in this enlightening session of Word Become Flash podcast. We'll trace the comforting influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, especially when the going gets tough. Get ready to understand how His presence can offer solace and reassurance during your challenging times. Further, we'll also dive into how the Holy Spirit can embolden you to share the gospel and lead you in the path of righteousness. 

As we move along, we'll delve into the unifying role of the Holy Spirit within the body of Christ. Get to know how His presence triggers transformation and leads to a life in abundance. In the spirit of Halloween, let's also discuss the importance of praying for our children and shielding them during this season. As we wrap up, we'll emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit as a divine teacher, guiding us through the holy scriptures, enabling us to comprehend the word of God better. So, gear up to unravel the mysteries of Holy Spirit, His character, and His powerful impact on our lives. Tune in and embark on this journey of spiritual enlightenment!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt a mystifying presence guiding you through your path? That's the comforting power of the Holy Spirit we're going to explore in this enlightening session of Word Become Flash podcast. We'll trace the comforting influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, especially when the going gets tough. Get ready to understand how His presence can offer solace and reassurance during your challenging times. Further, we'll also dive into how the Holy Spirit can embolden you to share the gospel and lead you in the path of righteousness. 

As we move along, we'll delve into the unifying role of the Holy Spirit within the body of Christ. Get to know how His presence triggers transformation and leads to a life in abundance. In the spirit of Halloween, let's also discuss the importance of praying for our children and shielding them during this season. As we wrap up, we'll emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit as a divine teacher, guiding us through the holy scriptures, enabling us to comprehend the word of God better. So, gear up to unravel the mysteries of Holy Spirit, His character, and His powerful impact on our lives. Tune in and embark on this journey of spiritual enlightenment!

Mariam Kapongo:

Good morning family, good morning. Welcome to the month of October. This is the last month of October. It is Monday, october 30th. Welcome, happy Monday. Happy Monday, it's so good to be back here again. I mean we're in October. So excited I mean we're.

Mariam Kapongo:

If you're new in this family, welcome to the War Become Flash podcast. I am your host. My name is Mariam. I want to encourage you guys, if you're listening to the podcast, please leave some comment, like on whatever you're listening, and do some reviews. Do some review, right, it will be wonderful.

Mariam Kapongo:

If you're new, and this is like your first episode that you're listening to me, I encourage you to go back because we're in a wonderful journey. We're in a journey where we're learning about the Holy Spirit. So by the first journey that we started, it was basically the introduction, and then we talk about, we talk about Lazarus, right. So that was amazing. So I encourage you go back listening to our previous episode because we are in episode number five. We are so excited to be back here, even though the devil tried with my life for me to not be back here for this month of October. This month of October was a little bit heavier for me. It was a heavier month because it was a month where I read. It was the first month. The first month because last year October I lost my beautiful grandma made her soul rest in peace and so this month of October it was very, very heavy, but I thank God for a great community and I thank God for the Holy Spirit, in which we're just like learning about the Holy Spirit, so like in this episode, like it's it's close into my heart, because the devil tried, he didn't want me to be here because, yeah, I mean last episode we talk about how to receive the Holy Spirit. I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope you did receive the Holy Spirit. Yeah, actually no, before that, we talk about turning on your GPS, and which was the Holy Spirit? Turn on your GPS, and then, and then we, and then we went back on October.

Mariam Kapongo:

On the second October we talk about the journey on receiving the Holy Spirit, the journey on receiving the Holy Spirit, right? So this is so amazing because this is your first month of October, a brand new episode. It's here and we're going to be talking about the character of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. The character of the Holy Spirit. That's going to be our topic today. I mean, I hope you guys are enjoying October.

Mariam Kapongo:

I know tomorrow, today's Monday, following Tuesday, it is Halloween. Please, parents, pray for your children, cover them with the blood of Jesus, anointing your, anointing your children. And if you're an adult and you are still, you're celebrating Halloween. I am covering you with the blood of Jesus. But yeah, I mean welcome and I prayed that October has been a great month for you. So, before we jump in into the character of the Holy Spirit, I am gonna start with a word of prayers and I'm just gonna invite the Holy Spirit to come and take over this wonderful topic of the character of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God, amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

Father, the mighty name of Jesus, lord, we invite your Holy Spirit into this presence. We ask of God that the Spirit will breathe on us, o God. We ask of God that the Spirit will give us understanding of your word, my Father. God, come, holy Spirit, come and breathe on me as I speak. Holy Spirit, holy Spirit come, and the one that they're listening right now, father, that I pray that you will convict them. Your word in the mighty name of Jesus, holy Spirit, that you will give them revelation. You will give them revelation of understanding of your word, my Father, God Father, that we ask of God that you will be done, that no weapon from against us shall prosper, no plans of the enemy, no gates of hell will not prosper. In the mighty name of Jesus, father, you will be done. My Father, God Lord, we give you the glory, holy Spirit. Come and breathe on us. Holy Spirit, come and reign on us. Holy Spirit, we need you. We need you in the mighty name of Jesus, rain upon us, speak to us, holy Spirit. Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, o Rekei Abaravosa, breathe, holy Spirit, come and have your way. Let your word come with power, your word come with transformation. Holy Spirit, I need you, I need you as I speak. I don't want to speak on my own flesh, I don't want to speak on my own mind, but I want to speak of your desire, I want to speak of your will. We bless you, holy Spirit. Oh, we say thank you in the mighty name of Jesus. O Lord, I have prayed Amen, amen, welcome to the word become flesh. Today we are talking.

Mariam Kapongo:

As I already say, we are exploring the character of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is often overlooked. A member of Holy Trinity In the scripture, the Holy Spirit is portrayed as divine presence and guiding force in our lives. So let us dive in into the nature and the role of the Holy Spirit as he's revealed to us the word of God, Amen, amen. So we're gonna first open our first scripture.

Mariam Kapongo:

Today we are opening on John 14, verse 16. I am reading from the NIV version, and the word of God says and I will ask the Father and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. Point number one. Point number one of the character of the Holy Spirit. I want to say that the Holy Spirit, it is our comfort. The Holy Spirit is our comfort, one of the most profound except of the Holy Spirit. His role is as a comfort, as we can see in John 14, 16. When Jesus promise us and he will ask the Father, he will give you another helper to be with you forever. This comfort, presence is therein in time. The Holy Spirit comfort you in time of your sorrow, in time of your doubt, in time of your tribulation, when we feel overwhelmed, the Holy Spirit provide us solace, reminding us of God and wearing love and faithfulness comfort.

Mariam Kapongo:

I'm just gonna throw up a short story of how the Holy Spirit really come from me this month of October. As I said, the month of October was a very tough month for me because it was a month that I remember of my grandma that I lost last year in October. October 28 was the last time we buried her. May her soul rest in peace. May she rest in peace as she is, and the Holy Spirit was really to come from me into that and really understanding death. Like some of us, we really really have problem with death. But guess what? We're not gonna all leave here forever, not in this earth, but in the heaven. We will definitely leave forever. So, the Holy Spirit, just allow me to see that her flesh might be gone, but her spirit is still within us and her spirit still leave with us. So it was just a beautiful moment to just think about her. Just look at her picture. Like I didn't have no hate, I was really the Holy Spirit was really comforting me through that journey. Just to see her video, see her smile. The Holy Spirit was comforting me through that process and that, and that's the and then that's the character of the Holy Spirit.

Mariam Kapongo:

Also, there's a great song that it says our comfort and a counselor. That's who he is. He really do comfort you in time of your need and he comfort you. And he also to remind you of God's love. He comfort you. He said that God is love. You might be facing that battle, that doubt, so you're like this devil, but understand that the Holy Spirit come and cover you and he comes and he comfort you. Isn't that so beautiful? It's beautiful.

Mariam Kapongo:

Point number two it's going to find in John 14, verse 26, that it says but the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you. Point number two is the Holy Spirit is our teacher. He's the one that teach you, he's the one that guide you right. He's our teacher. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things. He will see.

Mariam Kapongo:

The Holy Spirit teach us all things, things that you don't understand. It can be the word of God you're reading, just as the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, help me, give me a revelation of this one. You know, because the Holy Spirit was guys. The Holy Spirit was it's a told, I'm not going to say a tool, god forgive me, the Holy Spirit is a person, is a person that he's walk beside you to be there to teach you, like if you, you know, you know, when you have a math teacher and then when he put two words together and make you understand that math problem that you don't understand, and then he teach you, and then, and then you get that light, you're like, ah, that's who the Holy Spirit is, a teacher who teach you. He teach you all things. The Bible said that he teaches all. He teaches all things and bring you to remind, to remind members, of all all that Jesus has said to you.

Mariam Kapongo:

The Holy Spirit is the divine guide in limiting the scripture and helping us discern God's will, disern God's will. You know sometimes, yeah, the Holy Spirit, give us the spirit of discernment to discern God's will for our life, to discern what is the heart of God and that's and that's the Holy Spirit. And also, to the Holy Spirit, teach us how to pray. When you don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit will teach you. He will teach you how to pray. He impart wisdom and give us understanding. He lead us into the deep knowledge of God's word. God's word become the word of God, the Bible, become excited when you start seeing revelation, when you start seeing understanding. That's the Holy Spirit. That's the Holy Spirit when you read, when you're reading your Bible and you're receiving revelation. Thank God for the Holy Spirit.

Mariam Kapongo:

Like Holy Spirit, I've never seen that, like that. And every day he, he, really teach you scripture in a different way. Okay, there's one, one scripture, there's one scripture that everybody know. This scripture, hebrew 12. You know, faith is a substance of things not seen. Okay, I think I'm just going to open the scripture and I'm going to read it because when the Holy Spirit give me, teach me, give me a light of that scripture, I was like, I was like glory to God, like you know, like it's something that I didn't understand, like I know about faith, but the wages the Holy Spirit gave me understanding of that scripture I was mind blowing. I was mind blowing, I was definitely mind mind blowing about the scripture. Like I had a different understanding of the scripture, like it was. It was like, oh sorry guys, it's Hebrew 11. It's Hebrew 11. Let's go to Hebrew 11. My Bible Okay, it's, it's Hebrew 11, verse one.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, I said that now faith is substance of thing of. Now faith is substance of thing hope for and evidence of things not seen. So the the revelation that the Holy Spirit gave it to me during this month of October, because, you know, this month of October, as I said, it was a hard. It was a hard month for me. It was. It was not like really hard, st idness, it was just a heart of like, oh I, it was a. It was a hard like month that I thought like, oh, I lost my grandma and it's the first person I have ever losing life that is closer to me, that I know. So, as a stumble on this Bible verse, now, faith is now. Faith is a substance of thing hope for and the evidence of things not seen.

Mariam Kapongo:

The Holy Spirit was teaching me that because I was asking, I was asking God a question. I was like, oh God, why is this? Why is this? The Holy Spirit was really teaching me that that you know. You know faith, that God doesn't work with, with doubting faith. You know, because most of the most of us, in order for us to understand our future, you want to see it, you want to see it right, you want to see because you want to see it to believe. So God was like just teaching me say, maryam, you got to have faith, you got to have faith. Faith you don't see it, but you believe. And I was like, oh, wow, okay, so this, this is a question of, of believing, and that's and that's the Holy Spirit. He was literally teaching me that script, that scripture of faith. That that's one of the character of the Holy Spirit. He's a teacher like he. He really does teach you and make you understand scripture like that's, that scripture of of of Hebrew 11, verse 1.

Mariam Kapongo:

It gave me a revelation that I never understand that you don't have to see it to believe it.

Mariam Kapongo:

Right Substance things of things of His faith is a substance of things not seen.

Mariam Kapongo:

Right Faith is a substance of things of hope for an evidence of things you do not see.

Mariam Kapongo:

You don't have to, you don't have to For the people who say that the Holy Spirit is not real, jesus is not real. You don't have to see it in order for you to believe. Just read the scripture, just read the word and believe and say Jesus, I believe, like Jesus, I believe. I mean, for me it was like it's something that I was praying to God about and I was like God, I don't see it, like I don't see it. And God was telling me you don't need to see it, sweetie, you gotta believe it. You know, you gotta believe it.

Mariam Kapongo:

And also, if you remember the story of Jesus when he was crucified, and then he came back and the disciples were like oh, we saw Jesus. We saw Jesus, we, you know. And then, but there was one disciple Today we call him Douted Thomas, but he's like, nah, I gotta touch him, I gotta see the womb before I believe, before I believe you guys, that Jesus is resurrected and God is a good God. He honored Thomas' prayer and Thomas was be able to touch him. But then God told him. Then Jesus said that bless of those that have not seen me. But then they believe in me, right? So that's the Holy Spirit, a teacher. He really does. Teach us, right.

Mariam Kapongo:

Also, the Holy Spirit convict us, convict us. He bring convicting in us. This is also in John 16, verse eight. When he come, he will provide the word to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness. Convict us, the Holy Spirit convents us. When you're wrong about somebody, when you're sinning about somebody, when you're speaking bad about something, somebody, the Holy Spirit is there to correct. You say him. It's not like that. It's not like that. You know, when you're having those moments of judging somebody, you're just like judging the person.

Mariam Kapongo:

The Holy Spirit come in and convict us, convict us of our sin and convict us of our righteousness. I mean the Holy Spirit convict us of our needs for salvation. Like you know, he talks to you like, hey, you need salvation. He literally talks to you and when he come he will convict. The word concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. The Spirit expose our sin, leading us to repentance and reconciliation with God. He guide us in the path of righteousness. He guide us in the path of being right with God and being right with Jesus. That's the Holy Spirit.

Mariam Kapongo:

Amen, and also to the Holy Spirit, empower us. The Holy Spirit, empower us. This is found in the book of act one eight and he said but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come on you and you will be my and you'll be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judah and Samaria and Samaria and to the end of this earth. The Holy Spirit, give you that power meant to empower you when it comes to God's word, when it, you know, when you just come to service, when you come to act of kindness, that Holy Spirit, really give you that empowerment right. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witness. With the Spirit's the, with the, with the Spirit strength, we can boldly share the gospel overcome trial, except eggs is overcome trial. The fruit of the Holy Spirit definitely lives in our life and help us in and power. And my favorite verse, I remember verse Look for, verse 18. I believe I talk about this verse. I mean I love this verse. Look, look for 18. Listen to this empowerment. What God gives you, the spirit of the Lord, it is a plumbing because he is anointing me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom, for, for, for and recovering the side of the blind. That's the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He will definitely empower you.

Mariam Kapongo:

A man, a man and also Point number five of the character of the Holy Spirit Unified, he's a unified force. I love that. Unified first, he's the unique five first. He's not a division first, unified first. And this is from the book of first Corinthians, 12, 13. For we all baptized by one spirit so as to as, so as to from one body where the Jew or Gentile or slave or free. We were all giving thus the one spirit, the one spirit to drink For. We all baptized. And this is first Corinthians 12, 13.

Mariam Kapongo:

The Holy Spirit, unite the body of Christ, first Corinthians of 13, and tell us for we're, for in one spirit, we all baptized into one body, regardless of our difference, and regarding that you're black, regarding your white, your Spanish, extraterra, by the Holy Spirit, he, he doesn't look at that, he looks at the, he looks at the all the power of unity. So he bind us, he, he bind us together in love, fostering unity among us and creating diverse diversity. Yet one mind as a, as a family and believer, right, the characters of the Holy Spirit. So I'm, I'm definitely going to say, and, in conclusion, the Holy Spirit is multi-face, it Divine presence in our life, he is definitely the one.

Mariam Kapongo:

He will come for you. He's a fully the feeling, the one he will teach you, convict you and power you. You need you. You, you night, you night you as a follower of Christ, right. So let us open our heart to to his guidance, sick, sick, sick in his and in his wisdom, and allow his transformative life in us. By walking in a step with the Holy Spirit, we can fully experience the abandoned life that Jesus promised us. There is abandoned life in us. May we also be aware of his presence, acknowledge guiding the Guiding light of the Holy Spirit in our journey of faith. Amen, amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

I Encourage you this this end of this month, if you have not received the Holy Spirit, I encourage you to just invite the Holy Spirit. Say Holy Spirit, I want to have you, I want you to be my friend, I want you to come and guide me, I want you to come and teach me right, come, come and teach me your truth. So show me who is Jesus. Uh-huh, show me who is Jesus. So, this month, as next, next day, as I'm saying it's the month of Halloween Please, please, please, parents I'm gonna fast emphasize this again Pray for your children and, noting your children, don't allow your children to take any spirit of nonsense, but to walk with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. So may God bless you.

Mariam Kapongo:

I will see you guys on our brand new month of November as the word, as the word will come. The brand new month of November will be November 6. We're coming back with a brand new episode. So God bless you. Thank you for listening for the word become flesh. The episode are dropped on the first of the month of Monday and the last Monday of the month. So God bless you. Thank you for listening. I Will walk with the Holy Spirit, be protect, be covered with a blood of Jesus. Love you guys.

Character of the Holy Spirit Exploration
Power of the Holy Spirit
Brand New Episode in November