The Word Became Flesh

Welcoming Unwavering Hope, Joy and Peace in December: A Reflection on Romans 15:13

December 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8
Welcoming Unwavering Hope, Joy and Peace in December: A Reflection on Romans 15:13
The Word Became Flesh
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The Word Became Flesh
Welcoming Unwavering Hope, Joy and Peace in December: A Reflection on Romans 15:13
Dec 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8

As we usher in the joyous month of December, we venture on a spiritual exploration of the divine gifts we often take for granted - joy, peace, and hope. My apologies for the recent delay, life can sometimes get the best of us, but I'm back and thrilled to be sharing this journey with you. We'll be reflecting on Romans 15:13, a powerful verse that embodies the essence of these gifts and how God fills us with an abundance of hope, joy, and peace as we deepen our trust in Him. Join me as I offer a heartfelt prayer, allowing the Holy Spirit to touch and transform our hearts through every word.

Now, imagine maintaining unwavering hope, unshakeable joy, and unbreakable peace amidst life's storms. Seems impossible right? Let that dream become your reality as we dive into the month of December, filled with trust in God's character and His promise to us. Life is filled with its fair share of challenges and triumphs, but with the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can overflow with hope and move forward with joy and praise. Let's welcome this month together, with hearts filled with joy, peace, and hope, knowing God's faithfulness is ever-present. Do remember to join me on Christmas day for a special episode that promises to fill your heart with warmth and divine grace.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As we usher in the joyous month of December, we venture on a spiritual exploration of the divine gifts we often take for granted - joy, peace, and hope. My apologies for the recent delay, life can sometimes get the best of us, but I'm back and thrilled to be sharing this journey with you. We'll be reflecting on Romans 15:13, a powerful verse that embodies the essence of these gifts and how God fills us with an abundance of hope, joy, and peace as we deepen our trust in Him. Join me as I offer a heartfelt prayer, allowing the Holy Spirit to touch and transform our hearts through every word.

Now, imagine maintaining unwavering hope, unshakeable joy, and unbreakable peace amidst life's storms. Seems impossible right? Let that dream become your reality as we dive into the month of December, filled with trust in God's character and His promise to us. Life is filled with its fair share of challenges and triumphs, but with the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can overflow with hope and move forward with joy and praise. Let's welcome this month together, with hearts filled with joy, peace, and hope, knowing God's faithfulness is ever-present. Do remember to join me on Christmas day for a special episode that promises to fill your heart with warmth and divine grace.

Mariam Kapongo:

Good morning family, welcome. Welcome, welcome to the word become flash podcast. I am your host, Mariam. I am hoping you guys are having an amazing December so far. First of all, I just want to apologize that last month, first Monday of December, a new episode was not dropped. I am really sorry. I apologize your girl. She's been busy moving. I've been busy moving to a new place, some with the wrap of moving.

Mariam Kapongo:

I forgot that it's the first Monday of the month and and the new episode needs to be available. So first of all, I want to say thank you for those ones that they reached out to me. They're like hey, we went to the to the page. There is no new episode was available. What's going on? For checking on me. Thank you, thank you, thank your family. That's what family is all about right, looking after each other. So I appreciate for those who reached out to me and I and I promise that there's gonna be a new episode this following Monday Hallelujah, this coming Monday. So Monday 11, december 11. So I hope you guys had a one amazing first Monday of December, although that the word become flash episode was not available. But I hope you went and you listen back to the last episode of November. I heard a lot of good feedback. How, then, november episode was a very a blessing to you, to the people that they reach out to me. Thank you for keep on reaching out to me, like let's keep on talking, let's keep on communicating.

Mariam Kapongo:

The best way to reach out to me, obviously, is through DAM, just DAM. Go on the word become flesh podcast on Instagram. We are there, found us there, and, and and. Dam. Send your message, send how the episode has been unpacking you. How is the episode? Yeah, just send a quick testimony on Instagram. We are in Instagram. If you just go search the word become flesh, you will find us, twbf, under skirt, under skirt, john 1. And just send me a DAM and talk with me. Tell me how the episode been influenced you. Is this impacting you or is this not impacting you? I mean, let's just connect, connect with each other.

Mariam Kapongo:

So I hope you guys are having a wonderful, fantastic December because, oh my goodness, we are in December, we are about to say happy new year. We're about to say Merry Christmas, which it's so excited. It's definitely excited. We made it through the year 2023 through the triumph, through the challenge. We made it. God is still God, he's still King of King. My church we just celebrate nine year in ministry this week, so it was a praise week through. Wow, just to be grateful to God. I'm cornerstone Christian Church of God. We celebrate nine years in ministry. Glory, glory, glory to God. So we thank God for his faithfulness. So today I want to be talking to you guys.

Mariam Kapongo:

The richness of hope and joy and peace. I mean, why not? The hope, hope, joy and peace, the three interconnecting pillar that sustain us through life, trials and triumph. Right, we need our peace, we need our joy and we need our hope. We need to keep on hoping and we need to keep on. We need to, we need to, we need to keep on hoping and we need our joy.

Mariam Kapongo:

And it also is the month of December, the month of rejoicing. I mean, we're rejoicing, we're gonna be rejoicing the birth of Christ and then we're gonna be rejoicing about we're crossing over over a brand new year. So we need those three things. You need your joy, your peace and your hope, the three pillars of trials when triumph attack us. Amen, anyways, let me not get too excited as we're gonna jump into the word. Let us go into the um. Let's just open up with a word of prayer and then we'll go inside into the word. Amen, father.

Mariam Kapongo:

In the mighty name of Jesus, lord, I want to say thank you, my father God, for this wonderful month of December. See how far you are about us. My father, god, lord, we are great for my father, god, father that I pray. My father God, oh Lord. As I speak, my father, god, lord, let me not speak of my own understanding, let me not speak of my own flesh. My father God, holy Spirit, calm down, holy Spirit, come and use my voice in the mighty name of Jesus. So, lord, my father, god, lord, let this word be, let this word bring glory unto your name.

Mariam Kapongo:

My father, god, lord, the ones that they need to hear this word, my father God, oh Lord, almighty God, come and do something into their heart. My father God, oh Lord, let them receive the word in the mighty name of Jesus. My father God, whatever that they're listening, either in their car, my father God, in the office. My father God, oh Lord, at home, my father God, we just ask that the Holy Spirit will come and surround us. In the mighty name of Jesus. You will be done, my father God, that no weapon from against us shall prosper. The force of darkness will not prosper. In the mighty name of Jesus, you will be done, not my will, not my desire, but your will. Upon this word. Oh Lord, in Jesus, mighty name, I pray, amen, amen, amen, amen, glory to God, hallelujah.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, so our first verse that we are going to read today it's gonna be in the book of roman, roman 1513, and it's a short, short, short bible script, and I'm gonna be reading the niv version hallelujah, glory to God. Thank you, jesus. Okay, um, open up your bible, roman 1513. May the god of hope fill you with all joy, peace, as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirits. May the god of hope fill you with all joy, peace, as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with the hope by the power of the holy spirit. Amen, amen, hopa, hopa, oh, don't you just love the word hope? Hope, it is the fruit of the holy spirit, is the fruit of the holy spirit.

Mariam Kapongo:

Hope is a, is a, isn't a marlowe wishful thinking. It's an anchor for the soul. It's original from our faith in God and God of hope, who is unwavering in his promise, even in the darkness moment, god's faithfulness shine as a bacon of hope. Even in the darkest moment, god's faithfulness shine as a bacon hope. So this December, I want you to keep your hope alive. Keep your hope alive, hallelujah. Keep your hope alive, keep your hope alive. Don't allow the enemy to steal any of your joy or any of your hope, whatever that this month of December that you are still believing God, for you are hoping for, keep your faith because God is faithful, because God is faithful, amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

So, whatever you're hoping for for the month of December, in the book of Jeremiah 29-11, the Bible tells us for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, the thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. So there's December. Understand that there is hope in your future, that the Lord has given you hope in your future. So, whatever triumph that you are facing this month of December, understand that the hope of God, it is there for you, as the Bible said in the book of Jeremiah 29-11, for I know the thought that I think towards you, says the Lord. It is the thought of peace and not the thought of evil, but to give you a future of hope. So understand that this December, this 2023, your 2023, it is not over yet If you have not received your hope. So, if you have not received your hope, I want you to declare this morning and declare the saying Lord, I am receiving my hope. I am receiving my hope. I am receiving my hope. What is your hope? What are you hoping the Lord for? Because God is faithful, amen. So he wants to give you the gift of hope this month of December Hope in God, trust in the Lord, hallelujah, amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

And also to number two, we're going to look on the spirit of joy. Let joy overflow in your heart this month of December. Be joyful, not just because it's the last month of December. Be joyful for what? The things that God is about to do in your life. Be joyful how God is about to change your situation around this month of December. Oh, my goodness, I know something is coming. Something is coming.

Mariam Kapongo:

So the month of December is also due. It's joy to the word. Our king is coming, our king, our king is coming. So the king of glory is coming into your house. So joy isn't containing as a circumstance. It is a stent of the heart. It's spring forth when we trust in God's goodness, finding and delight in His presence. Delight in God's presence and find your joy in God's presence, despite the life challenge that you are facing today. Allow joy, allow joy to be part of you. Focus on God's joy. Focus on God's joy. The book of Romans, 12. It's commander's Be joyful in hope, passion, in affliction, fade for in prayer, fade for in prayer. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. Oh come, rejoice, rejoice the king of glory. He is coming, he is coming in your home. He is coming this month of December. So arise and rejoice. Arise and give Him glory, arise and give Him your praise, because Jesus deserves your joy. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Mariam Kapongo:

Yeah, also, we're gonna look on to, we are going to look on to peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. Peace isn't the absence of trouble, but the presence of God. It's past human understanding and flourish when we surround our anxiety to Him. It's our inner calm rooted in the insurance that God is in control. Peace, peace, peace.

Mariam Kapongo:

Let the peace of the Spirit flow over your life, flow over you, flow over your family. This month of December. Declare your peace, declare your peace. Say I have the peace of God, I have the joy of God. Oh, I have the hope of God, hope in God, joy in God, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. Let the peace of the Holy Spirit flow over your life, let it flow over your family. Let the peace of the Holy Ghost flow over this month of December, whatever triad that you face it. The peace of God be with you in the mighty name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Oh, thank you, jesus, thank you, holy Spirit.

Mariam Kapongo:

How do we embrace in this gift? By trusting God's character, by trusting in God's character, his reliability of becoming the bedrock of our hope, the melody of our joy and the calm of our peace. When we anchor our life in Him, this virtue, they flourish, they flourish, they flourish in our life, amen. Life is a journey. It presents both challenge and triumph. During hardship, our hope remain unwavering, our joy unshakable and our peace unbroken because of our trust in God's servant. Hallelujah, hallelujah, amen. So the Holy Spirit is our comfort and the advocate that empowers us to overflow with hope. It's through His guidance that our hearts are filled with enduring hope, bondness of joy and unshakable peace. Praise the Lord, so beloved, my brother, my sister, my family.

Mariam Kapongo:

I want to encourage you, guys. May we anchor our self in the God of hope, finding our hope, our joy, our peace and unwavering hope in Him. Let us walk forward, embracing this gift, sharing them with the word, with the word in need. In Him, our hope knows no bound or joy has no limit, and our peace surpasses all our understanding. Our peace surpasses all understanding. So I just want to leave you in this month of November.

Mariam Kapongo:

I want to leave you in this month of November with the spirit of joy, with the spirit of peace, with the spirit of joy, with the spirit of peace and with the spirit of hope. Let us take, let us walk in December. Let us walk in our journey with our hope and rejoice and with our praise. Come into, come, enter His gate with praise, praise, praise, praise. So, this month of November, I don't want you to be discouraged. Let's not walk with discouraged no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Tell the devil no. I send no in my life, I send no in my family, I send no in my church. I want you to, I want you to rejoice, walk with joy, full of joy, because God has been so good, because God has been really, god has been really faithful. I mean, just look from January to February, to March, to April, to May, to June, to July, july, august, september, october, november and now we are in the month of December of 2023. Glory to God. God has been so good. So this December, I want to encourage you.

Mariam Kapongo:

If you're in the month of December and yet you have not given your life to Christ, or yet you have not returned to church since 2019, since COVID, you've been just you know, you've been just coping up in your own room or in your own living room. I want to encourage this December Let us go back into the house of the Lord. Let us go. Let us go back into the house of the Lord. The Bible said I was glad when they sing unto me. I was glad when they sing unto me. Let us go to the house of the Lord. The Bible encouraged us to not forsake the fellowship of our brothers and sisters. Let us return back. Let us return back into our Father's house.

Mariam Kapongo:

If you're still coping in your closet, you're still coping at home, you're still coping with online service, I mean, come on, let's give God respect, let's. I mean, if you hear Obama, he's here. Obama would you say, oh, I'm going to catch him online. If you put your shoes on, I'm going to see Obama. I mean, let's give God the same respect. Let us go into this house, let us go back. We're not in the season of COVID, where we're coping. If we went back to our workplace, if we went, if you went back to your workplace Monday to Friday, nine to five, come on, give God respect and come into the house of the Lord. Now.

Mariam Kapongo:

I want to give this opportunity to a person that is a new believer and you don't know Jesus Christ at all, and that you want to accept Jesus Christ and you want to know him. I want to invite you to say this prayer with me. Say Lord, jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God and I believe you died for me on the cross of Calvary. I know I am a sinner and today I come to you to forgive me of all my sin and to make me a brand new creation. I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you, lord, for forgiving me and make me a born again. In Jesus mighty name, I have to say amen. Now, if you have said this prayer, praise the Lord, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. Thank you, god, for accepting Jesus and sin to your life.

Mariam Kapongo:

Now, if you have said this prayer, I definitely encourage you do not stay at home. Do not stay at home. Please find a church, engage in a community, because we grow better together. We grow better together. We don't grow better alone. No, we don't grow better in isolation, because God has not given us the spirit of isolation, because that is not the portion of Jesus Christ. Amen. I encourage you to find a home church, be part of a home community. Join a church and keep on listening to the word become flesh. Allow the word of God to continue become flesh into your life, hallelujah.

Mariam Kapongo:

And If you say, man, I don't have no good church, I don't know no good church, don't be shy. Come join me. A cornerstone Christian church of God Okay, we have, we have three wonderful, powerful service every every Sunday. I mean, if you're not, we have a. We have a morning, we have a morning gum, we have morning. If we start at 9 30, if you're not a 9 30 morning person, you're like no man. I want to sleep in. Don't worry, we got you. We got 11 30. Now, if you're 11 30, it's like no man. I still want to sleep in. Don't worry, we got 130.

Mariam Kapongo:

At cornerstone Christian Church of God, a 9, 2, 4, 9, 50th Street, north West. So come and be part of the community and be part of what the Lord is doing in CCCG, because the Lord is doing big and mighty things in Cornerstone Christian Church of God. So I encourage you if you don't have a community and you're here in Edmonton and you're looking for a home church, but you don't have a home church, you're definitely welcome to come to cornerstone Christian Church of God. Now, if you're not in Edmonton, you're listening, you're listening me from Mexico. You're you're listening for me from Africa. I encourage you find a home church in Mexico and Africa, and also, too, you can say, if, though, you like, hmm, I want to see, I don't see what she's, what she's bragging so much about this church you can still join us online, a cornerstone Christian Church of God online on YouTube. All you just do go on cornerstone Christian Church of God on YouTube, and then you can join our services online if you would like to be part of cornerstone Christian Church of God.

Mariam Kapongo:

But if you do have a home church, I encourage you, please, please, please, please, be in a community. I mean, we are actually living on the last day. Believe it or not, we are living on the last day. Jesus is definitely coming soon. Whether you like it or not, he's coming, he's on his way. He's coming. So for you to not be alone, grow in a community. It is better to grow to grow in a community. Encourage you, join our home church. If you don't have a home church, come and join us now. God bless you. Thank you for listening to the word become flesh again.

Mariam Kapongo:

I want to apologize that on the Holy did not have the episode on the 4th of December, but you're having it on the 11th of December. I'm truly, truly sorry, um, lots of what's happening. As I say, your girl was moving. Okay, your girl, your girl, got us opening a new place for her and new environment, a new home. So, um, and also too, with the enemy, just like I don't know, I, the enemy, just made me forgot about, um, about the word become flesh. So I apologize, I apologize, I apologize, um, but we're here every first Monday of the month and last Monday of the month, so we are coming back.

Mariam Kapongo:

I get on Christmas day. How excited is that? Woo Christmas day? We're coming back on Christmas day, on Merry Christmas, on December 25th, for a brand new episode for you now. God bless you. Have a wonderful December. Walk in joy, walk in walk in his peace. Be blessed, be blessed. I love you. Until next time, in the month of December 25th, we'll see you. God bless you. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. Have a wonderful month of December. This is your best month yet, you.

Hope, Joy, and Peace
Embracing Joy, Peace, and Hope
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