The Word Became Flesh

The Blessings of Being Under Spiritual Authority

May 27, 2024 Mariam Kapongo Season 2 Episode 8
The Blessings of Being Under Spiritual Authority
The Word Became Flesh
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The Word Became Flesh
The Blessings of Being Under Spiritual Authority
May 27, 2024 Season 2 Episode 8
Mariam Kapongo

Navigating life's challenges often requires a guiding hand, which is why I'm thrilled to share my heartfelt conversation with Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi on the Word Become Flesh podcast. Together, we examine the profound concept of spiritual authority and submission, an idea deeply rooted in the wisdom of the scriptures. From Apostle Emmanuel's transformative journey, blossoming from a cocoon of fear and insecurity into a beacon of hope through his Hour of Meditation movement, to the personal narratives of healing from past church wounds, this dialogue promises an enlightening exploration of mentorship's power in shaping our spiritual paths.

As we dissect the intricate dance of authority in our lives, we're reminded that the delicate balance between human and divine submission is critical. Through anecdotes that reflect the beauty and complexity of the Trinity, this episode illuminates the diverse roles of authority figures, from parents to government leaders. With wisdom and discernment as our guiding lights, we delve into Scripture and the Holy Spirit's role in shaping our responses to those in leadership, highlighting the necessity of setting boundaries and confronting the roots of rebellion that may hinder our spiritual growth.

Closing our enriching encounter, I extend an open-hearted call to those seeking a deeper relationship with Christ. Whether you're newly curious about faith or yearning for a stronger connection, this episode is an invitation to transformation. I share my own journey with Cornerstone Christian Church of God in Edmonton as a testament to the power of community and leadership in fostering change. Join us for this spiritual deep dive – it's more than a podcast; it's a window to renewal and a beacon for navigating the complexities of authority and leadership in our lives.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Navigating life's challenges often requires a guiding hand, which is why I'm thrilled to share my heartfelt conversation with Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi on the Word Become Flesh podcast. Together, we examine the profound concept of spiritual authority and submission, an idea deeply rooted in the wisdom of the scriptures. From Apostle Emmanuel's transformative journey, blossoming from a cocoon of fear and insecurity into a beacon of hope through his Hour of Meditation movement, to the personal narratives of healing from past church wounds, this dialogue promises an enlightening exploration of mentorship's power in shaping our spiritual paths.

As we dissect the intricate dance of authority in our lives, we're reminded that the delicate balance between human and divine submission is critical. Through anecdotes that reflect the beauty and complexity of the Trinity, this episode illuminates the diverse roles of authority figures, from parents to government leaders. With wisdom and discernment as our guiding lights, we delve into Scripture and the Holy Spirit's role in shaping our responses to those in leadership, highlighting the necessity of setting boundaries and confronting the roots of rebellion that may hinder our spiritual growth.

Closing our enriching encounter, I extend an open-hearted call to those seeking a deeper relationship with Christ. Whether you're newly curious about faith or yearning for a stronger connection, this episode is an invitation to transformation. I share my own journey with Cornerstone Christian Church of God in Edmonton as a testament to the power of community and leadership in fostering change. Join us for this spiritual deep dive – it's more than a podcast; it's a window to renewal and a beacon for navigating the complexities of authority and leadership in our lives.

Mariam Kapongo:

Happy Monday. Welcome to the Word Become Flesh podcast. Saints, let us open up with the Word of Prayer. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we want to thank you for this wonderful Monday. O God, we pray that your Word will come with power, fresh anointing and restoration. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen. Happy Monday. Welcome to the Word Become Flesh podcast. Saints, saints, let us open up with the word of prayer. Father, in the mighty name of jesus, we want to thank you for this wonderful monday. Oh god, we pray that the word will come with power and with power.

Mariam Kapongo:

So I'm gonna open up our scripture for today and then I'm gonna go. Uh, today it's a special day because I'm not only here alone, but I have the Holy Spirit here sitting with me and I have my spiritual father, aka my papa. He's sitting right here beside me, so I'm so excited to just have him right here. So today's scripture that we're focusing on it's on Hebrew 13, 17. Scripture that we're focusing on it's on hebrew 13, 17, um. It says have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you and those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that will be no benefits to you. Amen, amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

I'm gonna go in deep and introduce um, introduce my special guest. That was here, aka my special authority, aka my papa, all right, so it is my great pleasure to introduce apostle Emmanuel Adewusi on the word become flash podcast. He is finally here. All of you guys heard me. I talk about him. I talk about how I love cccg. I've been the founder of all the love. He is here in the house, so I'm just excited to just have him right here beside me.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, apostle Emmanuel is a. He's an author and a spiritual guide with a zeal for life. With two master's degrees under his belt and a PhD in education, he's a true scholar of education and world travel who lives in three continents Pastor Emmanuel is all about connecting people to Jesus Christ and helping them rediscover their true selves. But his journey was not always smooth sailing. As a kid, he was shy, fearful, buttering, buttering self-esteem low, depressed and anxious. But guess what? He found his light in meditation. For over 21 years, he's been exploring the mystery of meditation, finding peace in the chaos of life.

Mariam Kapongo:

The launch of the Hour of Meditation movement on YouTube in November 2023. People have collectively tuned in for over 152,000 hours with what with over 1000, 1000, 1000, uh 152,000 viewers from 51 countries goalball. They join him to meditate not only during the week season but also throughout their daily routine. People are raving about restoring peace, healing from trauma and even career breakthroughs as a counsellor and spiritual advisors. Pastor Emmanuel does not just talk and talk the talk. He walked the walk. He used the power of the Bible the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and his journey to help find hope and rediscover your true identity. So if you're ready to reveal the mystery of meditation in his latest book, please help me. Welcome apostle Emmanuel. Adewusi of the Word Become Flesh podcast in the flesh. Welcome

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Thank you so much for having me. So good to be here finally, so good to be here. The Word has become flesh. The Word has become flesh. The Word has become flesh. The word has become flesh, indeed, I mean.

Mariam Kapongo:

this podcast will not be here without your love and without your instruction and without your patience. I'm glad you followed the instruction I mean, it's just feel like it was yesterday. I was walking into your office. I don't remember the first time you remember me how I walk into your office. I think I walk into your office. I don't think I was actually. I was an angry person. I hate ministers. I didn't want to see ministers face this.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I remember that, yeah, let's face this.

Mariam Kapongo:

I remember now, yeah you were just you were just quiet, just looking at me and yeah.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I was wondering what spirits were cast out exactly there was.

Mariam Kapongo:

Well, I don't think there was a lot, there was no I think the most, one that you told me was like you're rebellion you have rebellion. I was like I was so that you told me was like you're a rebellion, you have rebellion. I was like I went home.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I was like how, how dare him?

Mariam Kapongo:

No, I was like how dare him. I was like God, does he know what I've been through? That's how I was just fighting back before, anyways. So I'm just so excited because I have the opportunity to talk to you One of the book. Really, it's not a book that I read every day. It is a book that I have to read over and over, over and over, especially when I am feeling rebellious.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:


Mariam Kapongo:

I don't want. I don't want no authority, I don't want no church. I don't want to be no around church. Like it's just a book that the Holy Spirit would just lead me. Every time I hear a voice tell me, mary, it's time to pack your stuff, go, and I'm like where am I going? Who is leading me? And God would just bring me back back to my ways. So we're going to be talking about your book today, about the blessing being under spiritual authority.

Mariam Kapongo:

As I said, this book is not just a one-time read, it's a daily reminder read because I went through a journey where I was really hurt. Mostly I was hurt in the church and ministers that I look up to. Since I was a kid, I think I always have a passion for ministry and so my journey was like a lot of with a lot of trauma, and one of my friends would tell me, miriam, you experienced trauma. And I said I'm black, I don't have trauma.

Mariam Kapongo:

You said that I'm sure you've changed your mind about that yeah, I mean since I walked to CCCG like because trauma is not racist trauma is doing for everybody, like I'm really learning and you and really helped me like to release some of my layers of trauma that I went through and some of them I'm still dealing with it and uh, I mean, it's not, uh, it's not just a wake-up thing that's, you wake up into it. So I'm I'm really really thankful that you're so patient with me. Yeah, you're really patient, and sometimes you just don't say anything, you just keep silence like I'm doing now, it is well. I can hear your silence.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I'm praying for you on the inside.

Mariam Kapongo:

I guess because I feel like sometimes the silence is ignoring me am. I being in your God, like sometimes I have to consult with the holy spirit. Am I doing anything wrong? Okay, so my first question, um, it was actually opening of the book. Um, yeah, my first question I was, like, why do people need to be under spiritual authority? Like, why do we need to be under spiritual authority? Like, why do we need to be under spiritual authority.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So this is a very, very interesting question, because I could even rephrase the question to say why shouldn't people be under spiritual authority? Okay, because imagine a baby being born, and right from the hospital or wherever the child was born, you know, we just left the child there and say you know what child? Deal with life by yourself. But God, in his infinite wisdom, saw that it's not possible for a child to raise themselves. So, from birth, even from conception, a child has been under the authority of somebody. In the mother's womb, the child couldn't go wherever the child wanted to go. The mom carried the child wherever she went. Right, that's what God has put in place. When it is properly done, it's to take care of people, to protect people, to provide for people until they are big enough to be able to care for themselves. Then, at that point, the authority relationship will take a different dynamics, right? So being dependent first, independent second, and being interdependent.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So why do people need to be under authority? Because life is very is mean, life is hard. I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about. You know nobody, nobody can survive on the earth. Now, what the spirit of rebellion does is it deceives people into thinking they don't need to be covered. We're in a home now and there's a roof. You know it's not raining, you know it's not snowing, but there's a roof. Why do we have a roof? That's a covering, you know. I can only imagine what will happen if the roof goes off, god forbid.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

You know, many, many, many years ago, I was in boarding school and, uh, we, we went for something outside of regular school hours, um, and then rain began to fall when this building, and then the rain blew off the roof and um, and I saw how, how exposed we all were. In fact, some people even got electrocuted. Hopefully they, thankfully they, didn't die, you know, and it's also chaotic, rain water everywhere, and and I'm thinking to myself, this is what it means to be under authority. You don't know you need it until rain comes, until the elements come, that then you're like, wow, I'm glad there was a cover. It's just like insurance. You know, it's that day where you stop paying your premiums. You know, god forbid, there's an accident. And you're like, um, why didn't I pay for my insurance? So I can go on and on, and on and on. But I am a student of spiritual authority and I see it everywhere and that's why I wrote the book.

Mariam Kapongo:

It's a very great book. Great book. One of the quotes that I love in the book you said God is a jealous God. You can honor men, but no one must take a place of God in your life.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:


Mariam Kapongo:

Sometimes you find yourself you're worshiping your human authority. How do you overcome this situation? Like, sometimes, maybe, people you don't want to submit because, like I don't want to worship him, because sometimes you build a relationship where you put your authority, your human authority, above God, above everything.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Okay, so my response might shock you, you see, but you brought me here so I'm going to be, so maybe you might not invite me back again. No, no, you know, I actually think that. Okay, again, let's use a child as an example. Okay, yeah, you see, when most of us were young, we felt like our parents could do anything. At least I felt the same. I felt like my late dad could do anything. I felt like he was Superman. I felt like, after I left home, he would just fly to work and fly back. I mean, no restrictions, nothing could hold him back. Whatever he needed, he got it, until I began to grow and I realized, oh, he's actually a human being. You know, the truth is real.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Submission to authority will pass through the realm of worship. You see, a baby. That's the example I gave A child. When authority is properly done, a child will get to the realm where they worship the authority. It's the authority's job now to now direct them back to God, because, except a person who is battling with rebellion, that one's always thinking, oh, I don't want to worship, I don't want to worship. That's the spirit of rebellion speaking, because when an authority cares and protects properly the person under they have to.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

And again, what do we call worship? It's really exposing our hearts to somebody in a very open way, without restriction, and that's what a child has to do to a parent. Restriction, and that's what a child has to do to a parent. And then, as the child is growing, then the parent now helps the child to navigate and give that to God, but the child would not know how to do that by themselves. So what am I trying to say For a person beginning that journey?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

And they are under the right authority? Now, of course, some authorities are not of God, so they are looking for worship like the devil, right? So those are not the ones I'm speaking for, right? But I'm assuming that the person has followed the right process in choosing an authority or in letting God direct them. Now, if God directed them, then it means that God knows that such a person is capable it's not just based on their title pastor, prophet, whatever they are capable of understanding that they are not to receive worship, but they are to guide people, to give the worship back to God. Okay, okay.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, okay. Also to another quote that I really like in the book is you give an example how God, how God, jesus and the Holy Spirit they submit to authority? Yes so can you please explain to someone who don't believe in God? Who don't believe in God? And back to the thought of the process of them thinking oh, if God is one, then why? Why did Jesus submit? Why did Jesus submit?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

to God. Okay, so in order for me to explain or respond to your question, I have to sort of explain Trinity.

Mariam Kapongo:

Trinity yeah, yeah, yeah.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So some people think that we Christians, at least those who are Trinitarians, who believe in the concept of Trinity, they think we worship three gods. But it makes no sense at all, right? So, right now, I'm seated here. Now, I am somebody's husband. So I'm a husband. I'm somebody's spiritual father, I'm somebody's friend. I'm somebody's, you know, son, I'm somebody's. I mean, I play different roles for different people, but it's still me. The Bible says here, o Israel. So when we speak about the Father, son and Spirit, it's really manifestations of God.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Okay, let me take with my wife as an example. I play at least four different roles. To just her, I'm her husband, I'm also her pastor and then we're also friends. I'm also a mentor to her. So now, imagine now, the way I would relate with her as her husband has to be different from the way I relate with her as her pastor. When we first got married, it took a while, you know and I don't envy her because she went through a lot to be able to understand, because if she only treated me as her husband, then she'll need to go and get a pastor, because it would be hard for her to receive from her pastor, like everybody else was receiving, right To get counseling and all that. Of course we have authorities that we submit to, you know. But she's still my wife and according to scripture, the man is the head of the of the home. So just for her alone, I'm playing different roles and she understands that. So she knows when you know, to approach me as a pastor versus when to approach me as her husband.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Now, coming back to what you, the question you asked earlier. So the Father, the Son, the Spirit, so Jesus Christ came to present is a manifestation of the Word, the Word aspect of God. The Holy Spirit is a manifestation of the word, the word aspect of God. The Holy Spirit is a manifestation of the helping aspect of God God as a helper, god as a teacher. You know God in the dimension that we children of God can receive without being overwhelmed. Because God is God, the Father is vast. Because God is God, the father is vast.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

If you've ever heard the father's voice, that's the one that is like the sound of many, many waters that can take weeks or months to recover from, and God knows that man cannot. We can't be intimate with that manifestation of God. Remember the Israelites when God told them to draw closer to him to come and meet him on the mountain. And then the next thing they began to hear. They began to hear thundering and lightning and the Israelites were like you know what, moses, you go, we are not going to this, god Right, you know. So, sorry, moses, that's my bestie, that's your bestie, no comment.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So now? So what I was attempting to say in the quotes that you, in what you quoted earlier, is that the father himself had to submit to the fact that he gave an assignment to jesus, and jesus also has to submit to the fact that he gave an assignment to the holy spirit, just like me, as a pastor, to my wife, has to submit to the idea that, okay, she's relating to me as a past, as a pastor, not the husband. So if I was going to play around like I normally do, you know I'll have to respect the fact that. No, she wants to talk to her pastor. So I have to try to be serious, okay, even though it's challenging, sometimes I want to throw shade and all that you know. So that's sort of what I was trying to communicate, okay.

Mariam Kapongo:

Very good, I like that. I like that, okay, also okay we're coming to Moses. I mean I love this chapter. Okay, so in the book you talk about Moses being under spiritual authority.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:


Mariam Kapongo:

And also that you said the fact that um had the conversation with god face to face he heard from god does not mean that he did not need to submit under authority yes so can you explain to someone that right now they're in the living room. They're like I can just be on my own authority reading the bible here, because I went through that, like I went to a point that I was like, as long as I got the bible, god is talking to me. I mean, what do I?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

need. You're watching some preachers online oh yeah, my dad, yeah was no, you shouldn't stop, I was, but you know yeah I was my time, so okay, so yeah you know god.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

God is so, is so it's so fascinating it. You know God is so fascinating it's. You know, one thing you realize, and anybody out there will realize as they get closer to God, is they'll realize that God is very wise. I mean, that sounds silly to say, but his wisdom is so, so deep. Okay Now, god hates rebellion with a passion. Maybe a rebellious person reminds him of the devil. Maybe that's why. I think that's why. But God hates rebellion and some people are rebellious without even knowing the environment is set up for rebellion. Now, one of the things that God has put in place is that he has made sure that nobody can be self-sufficient. Everybody needs another person, everybody.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Imagine the kind of manifestations, the exposure that Moses had. Do you know what it's like to part the Red Sea? Have you parted a swimming pool before? Like a bathtub? You know it's crazy the amount of power that Moses had. In fact, god had to bury Moses himself, otherwise they would have turned his burial place into a shrine. In fact, even the devil was looking for the body of Moses in Jude, chapter 1. So God did it in such a way that, even though Moses saw him face to face and had these intimate conversations with him and led millions of people. Moses did not know everything. So Moses still had to submit to Jethro.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So in Exodus 18, you see that Jethro had a conversation with Moses. He came to visit them in the wilderness and he saw the way Moses was operating. You know, when you're under the anointing, you think you are a God, you think there are no limits. You know, I've thought about the four faces of love. There's a man aspect of every anointed man or woman. So Jethro looked at Moses, how he sat from morning to night, judging the people, only him. And he said if you continue this way, you're going to die before your time. Moses was shocked how do you mean? Do you know who I am? Now, this is my own idea. You know, moses never said that and he's wondering do you know who I am? Do you know what I've been exposed to? But Jethro said something. He said this is the advice I'm going to give you and if God permits it, then you should do it. So Moses did it because I'm sure he would have gone to God. And God said yeah, what Jethro said is true.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Jethro did not have the visitations. Moses had the encounters. He never parted the Red Sea. But Jethro still saw way ahead of Moses. Maybe that's why Deuteronomy, chapter 34 and verse 7, I believe, said and Moses became 120 years old, jethro enabled him to live long, so Jethro was able to give him what he didn't know. That's why I said no matter how anointed you are, for example, I'm looking at you now, no matter how excellent my sight, my vision is, my sight is, I can't see behind me. So I need somebody to see behind me. Solomon himself was, with all his wisdom, still had advisors, because a wise person knows that they cannot see what they don't see, so they still need somebody to look, check their back for them. So that's what jethro was doing for moses I was one.

Mariam Kapongo:

I was going to add. I don't know, like, every time I read the story of moses, I'm always wondering, like, why did he not make to the promised land? Is it because that rebellion, was that building too much?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

like. I think moses's issue was anger, right, you know, it was just he loved the people so much that he allowed them to hinder him, you know yeah, that's my man love moses.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, okay, okay, okay. Lots of questions here, okay, oh, my goodness, why my eyes?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

you need some drink water. Okay, okay, okay.

Mariam Kapongo:

I like how in the book also too in the book that our first spiritual authority should be the word of God. Yes, Okay. So what happened if you're a baby Christian but you don't know the word of God? So how do you go about it?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

That's good. That's why I said earlier when you asked me the question about worship. You see, the way this journey begins is that if we use a Christian right, the Christian starts off submitting to a man and all they know is a human being, flesh and blood right who is leading them, guiding them, feeding them the pure milk of the word, them, the pure milk of the word. But hopefully that person that pastor, prophet, evangelist, whatever they are, formal type, reverend pope, whatever it is would be guiding them to God even as they are teaching them and leading them. Please, that's what I attempt to do, right? So you're right. What if they're brand new Christians? They don't know how to dig treasures out of the world by themselves. So that's why God has put a shepherd over every child of God to feed them.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Now, as this person grows, their dependency on a man should begin to reduce and their dependency on God, his word, will begin to increase. But the mistake some people make is they think that they'll get to a point in growth where they will not need any man again. That's not possible. So as they begin to grow, now they are able to go to the word directly, by themselves, and then somebody else is no longer the only form of interpretation. Now the Holy Spirit is able to clarify things to them also. But then the human being is just now argumenting what the Word and what the Spirit is saying. Now let me clarify something. I've seen many because I was born into the church. My parents are pastors and all that, so I've been in the church all my life.

Mariam Kapongo:

Where did the inspiration come from?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

To write the book.

Mariam Kapongo:

No to be a pastor.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

No, god instructed me. My parents didn't even want me to be a pastor. They did what they went through. I like these boys, but we thank God, they are fully on board. Dad gave me his full blessing before he passed away, so I thank God for that.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

You know, one thing I wanted to clarify from the book and make it as clear as possible is some people are out there and, in the name of authority, are taking advantage of people. You know they take these scriptures and they want to. They are looking for who to control. You know, I saw a video that I keep referring to. I saw it many years ago where this supposed these scriptures and they want to. They are looking for who to control. You know, I saw a video that I keep referring to, so many years ago, where this supposed minister but that cannot be a man of God telling people to eat grass, you know. And then they recorded them and they asked them so how does the grass taste? And one of them said, oh, macaroni pasta. It's like macaroni pasta, you know. And and that was so disgusting to me and I was there asking the Lord how did these people get to this point? And the Lord said to me it's because they also don't read their Bible. Hmm, because sometimes people blame these fake pastors, as they are the ones with the problem. But my question also is what about the so-called members? Shouldn't you be able to know that? Okay, at this point now, this is no longer a man of God, a woman of God. So that's why I made it so clear in that book that there are layers of authority, just like in Canada, for example.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

What we all follow is the Constitution. Justin Trudeau now, as of 2024, is our Prime Minister. As of April 15, 2024, specifically, he's our Prime Minister. Okay, you know, I said that sometime soon. I said that sometime soon, you know. Okay, now, anyway. So he can't just come out and say you know what? I want to change the law, I just don't like what the Constitution says, I want to do something different. He cannot do that.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So that's why I say the Word is number one. So no human being should be able to override the Word of God and we should still follow such a person. I don't mean they can't make a mistake, but if they are making a mistake and they are corrected. That's why even the federal government sometimes is taken to court, and then they prove their case and then if the court says, yeah, they are right and they are right, if the court says they are wrong, they are wrong, like our brother now is going to take the federal governmental courts for different things. So that's why the word is number one.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Then the Holy Spirit is a second layer of authority. The Holy Spirit does not come before the word, because it's the word that helps us to know what is the Holy Spirit, because there are many things. There was a woman in some ministry many years ago who said the Spirit of God told her that a particular married man in the church was her husband. And because the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violence takes it by force, so she has to take it. Now, you know what's wrong with that, because the Word of God does not say that, but we know that. So that's why we can't believe every spirit if it doesn't line up with the word. So the word first, the holy spirit, then a human authority. That's why you have your pastors, you have parents, you have, you know, the government, you have all these other layers of human authority. Even your boss at work is an authority.

Mariam Kapongo:

Yeah, all right yeah, okay, so this is a. This is a good one. They came from the people here. I wonder who they are how does a child submit to a parent's authority? Oh actually, no, this one came from me, okay, I didn't got to the people questions yet, okay. So how does a child submit to a parent's authority if there is no love toward the child?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Just take a deep breath for that one. You see. It sort of reminds me of the dynamics in a family, right in marriage. Husbands love your wives, wives submit to your husbands. That's the very same thing. So now the question is as a wife, am I only supposed to submit to my husband when he loves me? As a husband, am I only supposed to love my wife when she submits to me? That's the same thing with that. Now the Bible says that children should honor their parents or submit to me. That's the same thing with that. Now the bible says that children should honor their parents or submit to their parents. And the bible also says, in the same ephesians, chapter 6, I believe, fathers don't provoke, and it's saying that on behalf of mothers too. So don't provoke your children, okay, and the father's job is supposed to care, protect, provide and all that wonderful stuff. Now.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Now what would I say to such a child? I'll say you still have to honor your parents. But there is an exception there. There's a caveat, and the example is from David and Saul. There's a point where a parent can become very abusive, to the point where a child's life is endangered. When Saul was throwing javelins at David, he had to leave the palace and leave Saul's environment. So I say to kids like that there are some parents that are very, very they are weapons of mass destruction. So I say to such a child you know, if that's really the case, to separate themselves physically but honor them from afar as much as possible.

Mariam Kapongo:

That's good, okay. What advice would you give to someone who is facing with a spirit of rebellion? And rejection to being under spiritual authority.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I would say number one you deal with trauma.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, watch the message on trauma. It's a good message.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Wow, that doesn't sound convincing. No, it's true, with you rolling your eyes, yeah, trauma again, but really you hardly find a baby that will come out of the womb. I keep using kids as an example because people can easily understand that, because we're all once babies. You can't imagine a baby coming straight out of the womb and saying, nope, I don't want a father, I don't want a mother. It's impossible. Right? Did that happen to you? Okay, because, look, you're giving me. It's impossible Because a child wants to be protected. The child would only resists authority when they've gone through bad experiences. That's why I say you have to deal with trauma. Once your heart is healed, then you can now make the right decision to say you know what I want to be covered, I want to be loved, I want to be guided, I want to be protected. I don't know of any human being on earth who does not want to be covered, except a person who is traumatized.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, Also another one question here. Yeah, this one came from the great people here. It says what advice would you give to someone?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

who is?

Mariam Kapongo:

facing hardship to submit under spiritual authority. Under spiritual authority, for example, under Pharaoh's authority, under what? And a Pharaoh's authority and a what Pharaoh?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Pharaoh's authority. Pharaoh's authority See it sort of ties back to the question you asked earlier. Yeah, a child, you know, when they are not loved. I think it's the same thing. But I'll say, I think by Pharaoh you mean someone who is oppressive, oppressive, and, yeah, is oppressive, oppressive.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

And one thing I'll say is, again, if once you've dealt with trauma, if trauma is not the issue, then you have to set boundaries. You know you have to. And this Pharaoh can be a church leader, doesn't necessarily have to be a pastor, depending on the church. You have small groups, you have department leads and different layers of authority. So I would say you definitely want to set boundaries right, because Pharaoh likes to encroach on boundaries. They want to know everything about everything. You know, why didn't you tell me this? Why didn't you tell me that it's practically everything about your life right and that's you know. Know, there's love bombing, there's also, uh, honor authority bombing. So you want to be able to have a very healthy you know healthy boundary and, um, if that person is really fearful, they want to break through your boundaries, right?

Mariam Kapongo:

Let my people go.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

There you go. I see why you like Moses Because you have an issue with Pharaohs, right? Oh yeah. Yeah, Aisha, was that a question or yours? It was.

Mariam Kapongo:

Okay, another great question here from the people what do you do when your parent is not under spiritual authority, or does that spiritual authority have to be in a church If your parents are not under authority. Yeah.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

It doesn't matter your parents whether they're under authority or not, doesn't matter your parents whether they're the authority or not, they're your parents. You know there are few authority, human authority levels where, regardless of whether they are saved or not, regardless of whether they're under anybody or not, god has made them automatically an authority, except if they disown you and you accept being disowned, then the transaction is complete and then you are set free. Okay, now a church authority. They have to be under authority to have authority. The governmental authority has to be under authority.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Trudeau is under the authority of the Constitution. That's why he swore when he took office. So he came under the authority of the Constitution. That's why he canore when he took office, so he came under the authority of the constitution. That's why he can have authority over canada, right, so so, so what do you do in the case of parents? Like I said, they don't have to be under authority. All you, all you need to know is that the bible says honor your father and mother. So that's what you do, to the degree of safety that is made available to you okay, well, thank you so much, pastor.

Mariam Kapongo:

I'm just that's all the questions I'm gonna have for spiritual to me, because I want to talk about the other amazing books that you have written. I mean, let me, let me, let me take some of these books. So I, I love this book. I think I read this book like two times dream like a child, execute like a pro. Okay, guys, this book go grab. I mean all books, just go grab it. Uh, so I really love this book. Like, can you just like just a little story about this book Dream like a child, execute like a pro.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I've come across so many people who have lost their dreams. You know, when they were younger, you know they were more idealistic. You know, yeah, I'm going to do this in the future, I'm going to change this, change that. But life hit them hard and now they've settled some job somewhere, just changing their iPhone every year. You know they've just become. Life has just become. You know this thing where you just do right, go on vacation. So this book is really there to help to wake people up again. You only have one life to live. So it's showing people how to dream or catch the purpose for their lives and showing them some steps on how to execute that dream.

Mariam Kapongo:

Nice, okay, really. So if you have lost your dream, please read this wonderful, amazing book Now. I love this book and the picture too. Look how busy it can be done.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:


Mariam Kapongo:

Indeed, it can be done with the power of.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Emmanuel With Jesus. Yeah, it can be done. Yes, indeed, it can be done. With the past, emmanuel, it can be done. Can you please just tell us a little bit about journey, about this, it can be done. This is arguably other than a disciplined life and authority. And you know, all the books are wonderful, yeah, but I really love this. This is is a faith book. It's really there to we collated quite a lot of testimonies we've collected so far from what Jesus has done at Cornerstone Christian Church of God and really to encourage people that whatever it is that God has said to them, the response when there is faith is it can be done, no matter how big it is, like the word become flesh. You know it has been done. There was a time where it was just a dream and it was like can I do it? Can I not do it?

Mariam Kapongo:

but now it has been done, hallelujah amen and also this book, excellent in leadership you guys all know amazing excellent cccgs. Everything that that they do, everything that we do.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

It is excellent, so you want to be excellent.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Grab this one absolutely yeah, I don't need to say much about no. Okay, excellent, it's really a book on leadership. Um, leadership is very, very dear to me. I've been running leadership classes in cornerstone for what? Since 2015, I think, and this is 2020, 24 Wow, that's about nine years, yeah, so, so it's. It's really. If you want to learn how to become a leader, how to lead people, how to guide people, especially leading yourself this this is a book to read and one of my book here.

Mariam Kapongo:

I have not seen it. I didn't see it okay. Channel of grace, channel of grace. Uh, I read that in one night in one night in one night. I'm not, I'm not a usually reader, you should know that, but you should know one night.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

I mean I'm impressed, I love that book. I'm impressed. It's such a great book.

Mariam Kapongo:

All my books that I have. They're all in my phone so they don't have copy but Channel of Grace. If you don't know your Channel of Grace just go grab the book.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Let me say a few things about that Again. I grew up in the church, right, and I've heard how different people have emphasized different things. You know, oh, you know, uh, prayer is the key, is the master key, and some say it's worship and some say it's this. Some says that, and then I began to realize that it's not either, or it's actually, and I realized that some people have some predisposition, some grace to pray, while some have more to worship. Some to you know for the word, by time and meditation. When you bring all this together, there are different channels of grace. Therefore, let us come boldly to the throne of mercy that might obtain grace. So all these are different doors to where god is, and I mean read the book, fantastic it's a good book.

Mariam Kapongo:

Literally, you will read it one night, like me it's like a movie for me. I was like so excited now enter, enter connected interconnecting system. I haven't read this one yet. I know this is about connection. You know, I saw the Advertiser Church and I was like hmm, not necessarily connection.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

It's about wisdom, wisdom and building systems, people process. I used to be a consultant for one of the big four global consulting firms and these are things that we share with clients billion-dollar clients on how to build systems from small organizations to massive organizations. So people process, technology and governance and that's what we use at church also. Amen amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

So to all my billionaires, you know where to go get it. And also the newest book, okay, the Mystery of Meditation. If you don't watch Hour of Meditation on YouTube on Apostle, a DOC channel like, what are you doing with your life?

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Exactly what are you doing?

Mariam Kapongo:

I mean you need meditation in your life.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

We had a conference.

Mariam Kapongo:

The conference was heaven. We were heaven on earth.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:


Mariam Kapongo:

So make sure, okay, we have like a little bit for you. But anyways, talk to us about the newest book.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

So one minute Mystery of Meditation, fantastic book. My mission, among other things, is to restore meditation back to the body of Christ. Some other religions have taken it from the church, but it actually originated from Christ. Isaac went to the field to meditate, joshua 1.8,. This book of the Lord shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night. So many people speak about meditation, meditation, but God gave me an assignment to show people how to meditate. I've been doing this for over 20 something years, to show people how to meditate, and the book is a very massive addition to that purpose.

Mariam Kapongo:

Amen, yes, add all of these to your collection, to all my readers and my unknown readers. Anyways, apostle Emmanuel, thank you so much for coming by on the Word. Become Flash podcast. As I said, this podcast will not start without your patience and your kindness. Thank you so much. You're welcome. We're so honored to have you in this couch and I pray that you will come back again.

Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi:

Hallelujah, I'm back. Amen, you will come back again.

Mariam Kapongo:

Hallelujah, you will come back in Jesus' name. Amen To all my Lazarus out there, my saint, I want to encourage you guys, if you don't know Jesus as your Lord, person or Savior, I just want to encourage you guys to make this commitment and to become and being under spiritual authority, being under spiritual covering. So now, if you're like all of these conversation was new to you, you were confused, like what man? What were they saying? What were they saying? Simply, I just want to invite you to give your life to Christ. Right, try Jesus. With Jesus, all things are possible.

Mariam Kapongo:

So, before we close, I'm just going to invite you guys to say a little prayer, and you guys know the routine. We say a little prayer and I give you guys where you can find Christ. You know, if you're in Edmonton, you know you can come join us at Cornerstone Christian Church of God. You guys already see the founder. You see him. I mean, what's the excuse now? So you can be part of the family. Okay, the father himself is in the house.

Mariam Kapongo:

So I want to encourage you guys to open your hearts for those who don't know Jesus or for those who know Jesus, but you want to renew your relationship with Christ. You're once like me. You were lost and you want to renew your relationship with Christ. You're once like me. You were lost and you want to be found again. So just pray this little prayer with me and, yeah, open up your heart and say Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God and I believe you died for me on the cross of Calvary. I know I'm a sinner and today I come to you to forgive me of all my sin and to make me a brand new creation. I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you, lord, for forgiving me and make me born again. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

Mariam Kapongo:

So as I say don't let this prayer just stay in your room. Go out there there, find yourself a church, find yourself a spiritual authority. Ask the holy spirit too. I mean for me, as you all, you all know my journey, how I got into cornerstone. It was a battle, you know, but I eventually I submit. So god bless you guys and come back on next monday. Thank you, come back, you guys. Thank you, thank you you.

Spiritual Authority and Submission Conversation
Submission to Human Authority and God
Authority and Submission in Spiritual Leadership
Navigating Spiritual Authority and Leadership
Call to Renew Relationship With Christ