Bites & Body Love (v)

The Minnesota Starvation Study: A Dive into the Profound Effects of Food Restriction on Body and Mind

β€’ Jamie Magdic

Today, we are going to take a deep dive into the Minnesota Starvation Study. I'm Jamie, your dietitian and body image specialist, ready to guide you through the chilling findings of this study, highlighting the profound implications of severe food restriction on both physical and mental health. From metabolic slowdown to physical symptoms like fatigue, cold, GI issues, headaches, and even hair loss, the men in this study experienced the grave effects of calorie deprivation. 

Moving beyond the physical, the mental health impacts of food deprivation are equally startling. Ever thought about how a primal hunger response can influence your relationship with food, anxiety levels, and emotional wellbeing? That's what we're going to explore, using data from this historical study. Prepare to be astounded by the obsessive thoughts about food, heightened anxiety, and increased emotional distress the men experienced. Whether you're struggling with disordered eating or on a diet, this conversation will shed light on the potential harm caused by restriction and offer an enlightening perspective towards freedom and confidence with food and body. Join me for this transformative journey, and let's learn together about the mind-body connection and how it influences our overall wellbeing.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Bites in Body Love. I'm Jamie, a dietitian and body image specialist. Join me to liberate yourself from diets and body shame, embracing true freedom and confidence with food and body. Take your place at the table on this transformative journey towards a life of freedom and confidence.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's talk about the Minnesota Starvation Study. This is a hard study to talk about with clients, of course, and people who are struggling with restriction and the symptoms of restriction, but it's also super helpful in understanding what does restriction do. What is restriction? What does it do to all systems of my body? What does it do to my mental health? So we're going to be discussing the Minnesota Starvation Study, its findings and why it's crucial for understanding the relationship between food restriction, eating disorders, disordered eating, dieting and overall well-being. So let's get into it. Let's start by setting the stage. I'm going to talk about where the study came from in the first place. In the mid 20th century, during World War II, a group of researchers embarked on this remarkable study that's known as the Minnesota Starvation Study, and I don't think they knew where it was, what was going to come of it as far as the types of results they were going to get, because they aimed to understand the psychological and physical and psychological effects of severe food restrictions, known as the Minnesota Starvation Study. So these folks aimed to understand the psychological and the physiological. So these folks aimed to understand the psychological and the physiological effects of food restriction and these insights were to be used to aid in post-war recovery efforts and, yeah, its impacts have been so great as far as the findings in order to to talk about people's relationship with food and in dieting and what dieting does and restricting the body. So I'm just, I'm really grateful the study exists so that it can be that piece of just evidence that research to that's so strong and so relevant to people struggling with disorder-deeding with diets and with body image issues and seeing how how restriction really impacts all these different systems and to see what it can, what it can do and what it is. It's just so helpful. So, anyways, the study involved 36 young, healthy men who volunteered to participate, and these men underwent a period of severe calorie restriction restriction I'm going to say that again, severe consuming only about half the calories of what they normally needed. And I'm saying severe because when you find out what the calories are I'm not sure if I'm going to say it or if you you can Google it, but severe calorie restriction is what a lot of diets are there, but a lot of diets are contain or allow right, so and that is severe. This was. They created an environment where they were under severe calorie restriction and this equates the total amount of calories you will see on many diets. So, anyways, back to the study and what it involves. So, as the study progressed, the physical and psychological toll of this restriction became very evident, leading to really crucial, relevant revolutions. Leading to really crucial revelations about how restriction impacts all systems of the body.

Speaker 2:

As we dive deeper in the Minnesota starvation studies. Revelations, as we dive deeper into what they found with the Minnesota starvation studies, the impact of cala curtain you the first one we're going to talk about. So first we're going to go into the effects that starvation had on the body. The study unveiled a series of psychological changes that unfolded as the men's bodies attempted to cope with the scarcity of nutrients, and we're going to talk about this psychological impacts. So first we're going to talk about the physiological impacts.

Speaker 2:

What happened to these individuals' bodies, their systems in their body? Their first one is metabolic slowdown. So metabolism, the intricate dance of biochemical processes that keep our bodies running, they ground to a near halt. For these men, this was their body's responses to conserve energy in the face of very limited food intake. So the participants metabolism, the rates plummeted, resulting in a profound reduction of the calories that they were able to burn as well that they ended up burning. So metabolic slowdown is big and obviously you can see this in diets and the problems with diets. Many times diets will tell you that you are failing. That is why your weight loss has stalled or that's why you're starting to gain the weight back. So it's absolutely not your fault, your body. As we have seen in this study, you're going to have a metabolic slowdown because your body is going to respond to that restriction and say, hey, this is not good for us. We need to provide these calories to our systems and we can't run all the systems because we don't have enough calories to do what we need to do. So we're going to slow down the systems. We're going to slow down the rate in which we also burn the sources of energy that we have and the amount of energy we have, because we're not getting enough to burn at the same rate and to keep all these systems going. So metabolic slowdown was an impact that we saw in this study.

Speaker 2:

The next one is going to be physical symptoms, and there has been. There's so many physical symptoms. You can look into the study a bit more. I'm going to talk about just a few of them and I want you to also ask yourself through diets you've been on with disordered eating. What physical symptoms have you experienced? A helpful podcast episode two about under eating that might be helpful to see if you're going through these physical symptoms due to under eating is going to be the episode about the impacts of under eating, so you should check that one out as well.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, so what the participants experienced was this toll of the caloric deficit that was very apparent, with substantial changes to their body. Their bodies, once vibrant, healthy, began to exhibit signs of decline. They reported feeling persistently fatigued, their energy reserves depleted, their lack of nourishment, their feeling they felt cold a lot, with very common occurrence, they had GI issues, headaches. All of these symptoms were due to its struggle with not having enough energy. So a lot of physical symptoms because it did impact so many parts of their body.

Speaker 2:

The next one is hair loss and muscle wasting. The next thing that happened, participants also experienced muscle wasting and hair loss as well. The participants also experienced these physical symptoms of muscle wasting and hair loss. It became very prevalent as a reflection of the body prioritizing other vital functions over these non-essential attributes. Similarly, with how the reproductive system changes, participants also experienced hair loss and muscle wasting as a physical symptom. This is a reflection of the body's prioritization of vital functions what the body considers vital over those non-essential attributes like hair. Muscle wasting showed, too, that muscle wasting was, of course, the body's way of breaking down its own muscle tissue so that it can access much needed protein and calories for survival, which is exactly what happens to individuals who are dieting and restricting. You start to break down your body's sources of protein because it is going to do everything it can to keep you functioning and it's doing the best it can to survive, and if you're not providing it with the calories, with the protein, it will do what it can and take it from your body. This was a testament this really is a testament to the body's remarkable adaptability in times of crisis. It's a steep price, but it's remarkable that your body is just on your side. It's doing the best it can to adapt with what you are doing to it.

Speaker 2:

Next, I don't know if there'd be a consider a physical symptom, but next way in which the participants were affected were weakened immune systems. The immune system is, of course, responsible for defending the body against illness and infection, and these folks' immune systems were compromised because the nutrient deficiencies left the immune system struggling to function optimally, which makes the participants more susceptible to infections and illnesses. And so malnourishment, diets, restriction, those all lead to a weaker immune system and being more susceptible to illness. Okay, now that we talked about the effects on the body, I want to talk about the impacts on the mind, because I think this is so, so helpful to those who are struggling with disordered eating, eating disorders, chronic dieting, because you're able to see that in this study, these men, who never had a relationship with food that was tough prior, right, they had a healthy relationship with food. They know food felt, they weren't fearful of it, they weren't hyper-focused on it, they weren't charged up. Food just felt like food to these participants. However, that is not what started to happen after these men were starved. So there were impacts on their relationship with food. There's impacts on their mental health, because restriction has an impact on how you view food. It has an impact on your anxiety, on your emotional distress. It impacts your mind greatly, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

So, while the physical changes were, of course, profound, like I said, the Minnesota Starvation Study went way beyond the realm of the body and revealed the intricate interplay between physical health and mental well-being and relationship with food Again why it's such a helpful study to talk about with people who are struggling with a relationship with food and body. So, as participants grappled with the physical ramifications of restriction, their minds also really underwent these significant transformations. I mean, their brains changed due to this starvation and we know that our brains changed with restriction. So the first thing that I want to talk about that they experienced was obsessive thoughts about food. Food was just a simple pleasure, a simple necessity for these folks, and what happened was food became an all-consuming fixation. The constant preoccupation with what little sustenance they could consume underscored the primal nature of the body's hunger response. All these folks could think about was food, because they weren't getting enough. Their body kept just wanting. They kept their obsession over food very high because their body was trying to get food and if it thought, if we keep sending signals of food, we keep sending these hunger signals, we keep sending these just thoughts of food, maybe we'll get food. We're going to send those cues right. So those obsessive thoughts about food were not something that the participants were expecting, but absolutely something that they experienced, and you can see this with any diet, right. The minute you're told to give something up, you are going to be thinking about that thing that you are restricting because you are restricting your body of it. You're putting that off limits. It's a very, very hard thing to fight and not something we should have to fight. So, anyways, obsessive thoughts about food, very, very relevant for these folks in this study.

Speaker 2:

Next thing they experienced with their mental well-being was heightened anxiety and irritability. Oh, you know what? I forgot one. I want to go back really quickly to this obsessive thoughts about food. So another thing that is that they commonly experienced was there were some participants who became really obsessed with cooking shows, with recipes, with finding recipes, and really obsessed with immersing themselves with food in one way or another. Another thing, too, is they became really obsessive and ritualistic around how they were handling their food, how they cut their food, what foods they ate first and second, because they couldn't have food they wanted. There was a hyper focus on it, a way of how to control it, how to be around it more with recipes, what have you? Okay, anyways, I didn't want to forget that one. So next one heightened anxiety and irritability. So the emotional toll of that deprivation was very palpable, was very evident. There was a heightened anxiety that took hold as the uncertainty of when and what they could eat next triggered waves of emotional distress. So they became more irritable.

Speaker 2:

It was really the common emotional state of these participants and it was really a reflection of the body's struggle to cope with the relentless lack of nourishment so much more irritable, much more anxious with each other, with their partners in their day-to-day, definitely a decrease in their mental wellbeing and with that, depression and emotional distress also increased. So this was perhaps the most poignant. And with this, depression and emotional distress was another thing that they experienced as well. So the participants' mental well-being started to erode with this unrelenting physical and psychological strain that really and they really took a profound hit. These feelings of hopelessness, sadness started to become their dominant thoughts, casting a shadow over these once optimistic men. So mental well-being overall, anxiety, irritability, emotional distress, depression, all increased with restriction and all increased when the body didn't have enough to take care of itself.

Speaker 2:

And this is a question I want to ask you, listeners, is when you are restricting, when you are dieting, when and maybe you're not consciously aware of this, but if you're experiencing heightened anxiety, irritability, emotional distress, depression? Have you considered that you are not getting enough food in? Have you considered that that diet that you are partaking in is not serving you and it's hurting your emotional and mental well-being? So absolutely, this is what we found in this study. So this study really laid the profound psychological effects of food deprivation out and it's a really good look at the connection between the mind and the body and the intricacies of it and how important proper nourishment is and the impacts of restriction diets, not giving your body enough food. The participants experienced this stark reality and that the understanding that the emotional and mental well-being and your relationship with food cannot be separated from food itself and restriction. One cannot be separated from the other, they are bound and they shape your overall well-being.

Speaker 2:

Our exploration of this study really sheds light on the importance of our. So concluding here today, I hope that moving through and understanding this study, I hope it helps to increase your awareness and share the importance and help you to understand the implications of restriction whether it's disordered eating and eating disorder, or diet and chronic dieting and what it does to your mind and body and all the symptoms that one can experience from restriction. It really is a really important study, it matters, it talks about the. It gives the insights into the complexities of eating disorders, of a disordered relationship with food, of that confusing relationship with food, its impact on your mental health, your physical health, and what deprivation and excessive control does. So, as we conclude today, I hope there is something you could take away to help you to raise awareness around the impacts of restriction, around the impacts of dieting and disordered eating and your relationship with food, because restriction is something that has to be looked at. It has to be something that we address, whether it's again, whether it's through disordered eating or through it, whether it's through a diet or a quote, unquote lifestyle. If you are restricting, you're working against your body and when you two are not on the same team, it's it's it's very, very hard to move forward with a healthy relationship with food and body, mind and physical health as well. So this study's insights have it continues to be instrumental in understanding the complexities of what eating disorder clients are going through, disordered through people who are healing their chronic dieting and the impacts of deprivation on body image and food behaviors and our relationship with food, and really fast forwarding to today's worlds where diet culture, societal pressures, unrealistic beauty standards continue to exert their influence. This study, this Minnesota starvation study, is findings remind us that restrictive eating and the pursuit of thinness can have far reaching consequences on both physical health and mental well being and those often prescribed diets of a healthy lifestyle quote unquote healthy lifestyle are restrictive diets, and restriction leads to what we chatted about today and what we found in this Minnesota starvation study, so really important to raise awareness.

Speaker 2:

I encourage you, as we conclude this episode, to reflect on your relationship with food and your body and the symptoms that you might be experiencing. I hope this was helpful. If you found this helpful, you would also find the episode on diet culture and the truth of diet culture, as well as the episode on under eating, helpful as well. So go check those out and, if you could, if this was and if this was helpful and you were able to take something away and you enjoyed this episode. It helps to raise awareness for yourself, give you some education, help you feel less alone. I encourage you and ask you to please hit that subscribe button, leave a review. Those are very, very helpful ways in which other folks who may be struggling, who may need the support, can find me, so I would be greatly appreciated. Okay, all until next time. Have a wonderful day and we will chat very soon.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in to Bites and Body Love. Ready for true food and body freedom? Apply to join my program True Body Image Freedom for Everybody, where we will guide you every step of the way. Dm me at jamieRD underscore on Instagram or Facebook for a no pressure conversation so we can learn more about you and your fit for the program. Remember, every step toward loving your body is a victory. Subscribe and leave a review to support our message of body liberation. Stay awesome and see you next time You've got this.