Bites & Body Love (v)

Healing Post-Binge Shame: The Power of Self-Compassion and Understanding the Binge Cycle

β€’ Jamie Magdic

Ever wonder why post-binge shame can feel so overwhelming and how you can heal from it? Discover powerful self-care strategies and the critical role of self-compassion in our latest Bites and Body Love episode. We'll guide you through practical steps to comfort your body, manage emotional distress, and seek support after a binge. Embrace a kinder recovery process that helps prevent additional emotional turmoil and fosters long-term healing.

Understand the true nature of binging as we uncover its roots in the restrict-binge cycle, driven by deprivation and shame. Explore how shifting your mindset about restriction can break this cycle and lead to more sustainable habits. We'll discuss the interconnectedness of body image, emotional health, and mental well-being, and provide insights into reshaping your belief systems about food and body image. Join us as we empower you to build a healthier relationship with food and yourself.

Join us on the inside!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Bites and Body Love. This is going to be a special episode, so you are going to be getting a sneak peek into the large program that helps people through the relationship with food and body image, all the way to the finish line no more binging, no more dieting, no more restriction, no more distrust with food. I mean, it has it all. So you can learn more about that on jamiethedieticiancom, but I just wanted to introduce this to you to let you know that this is part of that program, and the purpose of giving you an inside peek into the program is so that you can take this tool that you learned today, this knowledge that you learned today, and apply it to your journey. Learned today, this knowledge that you learned today, and apply it to your journey. And, in addition, if it is helpful for you, if you have found that this could really benefit for you, it gives you a little bit of an idea of what the program may look like and or what it does look like, and how it can help you. So, without further ado, let's dive in. You're going to be hearing one of the recordings from the program. Enjoy and reach out with any questions you may have. Okay, let's talk about what to do after a binge, plus some helpful considerations as well after a binge and just with binging in general.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, first and foremost, let's talk about how to take care of yourself after a bench. I know it feels terrible, feels terrible. So much comes up. You physically feel uncomfortable, you mentally feel distraught, you emotionally it feels like you're a wreck and you're analyzing, shameful, scared. It's just not a fun place to be. It was a very hard experience and now you're experiencing discomfort after. What I want to say here is that you just experienced something hard. A binge is hard, like I said, emotionally, physically, mentally. You just experienced something hard and binge is hard, like I said, emotionally, physically, mentally. You just experience something hard and so you deserve to feel something helpful. You deserve to show yourself self-compassion and to take care of yourself. After the hard thing, when you think about how you would treat a friend, how you would best care for someone, if something hard and difficult happened to someone, you would want to then take care of them in a compassionate way, and so afterwards, if you're shaming, analyzing, just adding to that distress, that is not going to be what's most helpful. You want to take care of yourself. Let's talk about some of those ways you can take care of yourself. I did mention one, which is showing yourself a lot of self-compassion.

Speaker 1:

Now, going into self-compassion, that's a huge topic If you're not in the full program. We go over that immensely with what is compassion? Misconceptions, because a lot of people when I say let's try and show yourself self-compassion, there's a lot of misconceptions around it and they actually think that that is causing them to create excuses to not be able to create actual change, that letting go of the shame is going to prevent them from moving forward and cause more binges, cause more problems. But that can't be more opposite of the truth. It actually does the opposite and it's going to create a tougher time and less success for you if we're lacking self-compassion. So how to take care of yourself after a binge? You can just do things to physically relieve yourself, as far as laying down, getting in a comfortable position, distracting yourself, watching something that may be like your favorite thing to watch, putting on relaxing music, maybe going out on a walk, calling a friend, getting out of the house, just distracting yourself from all of those thoughts that really rush in after a binge and that discomfort that you feel because of those hardwired beliefs that binging is bad, and because of just the discomfort and fear that naturally comes up around it. So plan to take care of yourself after a binge.

Speaker 1:

Which leads me into the next very important addition I want to add, which is we need to remind ourselves that binging is not the problem. Believing binging is the problem is what gets you into this mess, as we've chatted about in depth with the restrict binge cycle and what happens with deprivation. We have to remember that binging is the symptom and the consequence. It is not the root cause. The root cause is the restriction and that consistent restriction or hidden restriction that you have, or that shaming, restrictive mentality. So go back and remember and look through the binge restrict cycle that we went over to remind yourself during the binge, after the binge restrict cycle, that we went over to remind yourself during the binge, after the binge. Okay, this means I have more work to do around exposing myself to this food, around the restriction that I have, around this diet mentality. There's more work to be done and that's why I still have the symptom of binging. There's more to explore.

Speaker 1:

Binging is telling me that it is not the problem, and although it's the thing that you really, really want to get rid of because it feels the worst and it may be the scariest. We have to be patient and remind ourselves this will go away when I address the other problem. So I have to take care of myself around the discomfort and decreasing that shame around the binge, allowing the binge to happen and showing yourself self-compassion has time and time again helped to decrease and stop binging for my clients a lot quicker. That shame really gets in the way. So your fear is very valid. It is very scary, it's very uncomfortable. I don't want to invalidate that fear. Of course you're afraid of this and while you are afraid, try and give yourself those reminders and with more experiences it's going to be easier to understand where the root cause is. But of course I understand that this belief that binging is bad, binging is the problem. We got to get rid of it. Got to get rid of it and we need to control, control ourself around food. All these diet calls or messages that we have went over in this program are very still. They're still very strong because we still need to create new thoughts, new experiences, to create a new belief system. But because we don't have that and it's not super grounded yet and super practiced, it's going to come up the shame around the binge. So try and reduce the shame around the binge. Remember what the true problem is and take care of yourself. Okay, the next thing is asking yourself what else do I need? What else has contributed to binging? What else contributes to binging?

Speaker 1:

We've chatted through the different things that contribute to binging, the different types of restrictions, mentalities. So much in those previous sections. However, I just wanted to add a few more things Now. We've talked about diet culture, diet mentality. We've talked about that lack of trust. We've talked about, yeah, all that comes with it, with food. We've also talked about how there's an emotional component to it as well, and maybe a need that you're trying to fill with binging or something you're trying to numb as well. So there's that emotional component. I do see that. I do see it in addition to the food, but food is always, always a big, big, big part.

Speaker 1:

And lastly and this is not something I'm going to go over, or this is something that is in my big body image program and that is the the it's body image. Body image and shame around body, distrust around body, misunderstanding, misconceptions around body, size, weight and shape um. Diet, culture, what is health? All of those that those pieces of knowledge that most likely you have received that education from shame tactics, diet culture, fear, fat phobia are coming into this picture of binging. So we can't underestimate how much body image, body shame, trusting our body, our relationship with body image, how we feel about our body, how that is coming and playing into binging it's very, very important to assess and I would highly encourage you to consider looking into some of those programs with body image of mind, because it's just such a big component of this and we will go into body image as well in this.

Speaker 1:

But really really exploring deeply into your relationship with body and leaving no stone unturned when it comes to the complexities of body image are really going to help you to um with your relationship with food. They're so tied together and in body image we have, you know, doing parts work. We have um a self-compassion. We have, like I said, education around weight and size. There's just so much that comes to body image. So I can keep going because, of course, I have another 40 hour program on this, so there's so much to be said about this, but I just want to leave you here with these tools and reminders and if you're still struggling with certain things, I just want to remind you that there are other things you may need to consider, like emotional health, mental health, coping and then the big category of body image as well. Okay, well, I'm proud of you and I will see you in the next module.

Speaker 1:

All right, as you can see, there were some parts cut out and it was cut off early, and that's because this is just a really big part of the program. There's a lot to it, so we can't include all of that. So it's an edited down version, but I hope you took a lot away from today's episode, from that sneak peek. If it's something that you're vibing with, that you feel like, wow, that has helped you. We have tons more of where that came from that can help you through your recovery journey to achieve that full freedom, confidence, respect and compassion with food and your body. You deserve it. It's there for you. I can't wait to hear from you. If you feel like you might be a good fit for this program, you can email us at hello at jamierdcom or visit wwwjamiethedieticiancom. I look forward to seeing you there and I wish you all the best Until next time.