From the Library With Love

Could you be living over a plague pit? Meet the cemetery and death historian who uncovered a plague pit under Argos. Sam Perrin hunts out London's forgotten graves and shares what the dead can teach us.

Season 1 Episode 23

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For many years now I have tramped the streets of east London in search of history. Unbeknown to me another woman has also been doing the same, but her gaze is fixed on the history you cannot see, the history beneath our feet.

Sam Perrin
has been a cemetery and death historian for over twenty years, conducting tours of east London plague pits and cemeteries in search of past lives. She holds an MA in Victorian Studies from Birkbeck, University of London, and is currently researching the mass burial sites of epidemic victims.

“London is a deathly layer cake. We are constantly walking over the dead,' she reveals. Come and take a virtual tour underground.

You can find out more about Sam's tours here, and contact her here:

Twitter: @misssamperrin

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