DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy

#4: Dog Training is MORE Than Common Sense - Ur Dude Thinks He's a Master Dog Trainer! Ha ha ha

December 27, 2023 ZEDDICUS
#4: Dog Training is MORE Than Common Sense - Ur Dude Thinks He's a Master Dog Trainer! Ha ha ha
DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
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DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
#4: Dog Training is MORE Than Common Sense - Ur Dude Thinks He's a Master Dog Trainer! Ha ha ha
Dec 27, 2023

Your Man May Be Many Things, but a Master Dog Trainer isn't One. LOL. So Why Many of You Put Off Training Your Dog? It's Rarrrrrely the Money!!!
Your breeder also isn't some dog training wizard especially when it comes to challenging behavioral issues, like aggression or being unpredictable around dogs or strangers. 
It's time to understand that yelling or bribing your puppy isn't the answer.
Steering you away from the brink of training despair, this episode illuminates why it's paramount not to misconstrue your dog's naughtiness as something they'll outgrow or to label them untrainable after a single botched dog obedience class. You'll learn the vital importance of consistency, the tailoring of methods to your dog's distinctive personality, and why previous tactics might not work on your new pup. Before you even think about throwing in the towel, I urge you to reassess: 
Have you really explored every method at your disposal? Have you spotted the red flags of a less-than-stellar trainer? Join me as we navigate these challenges, and always remember, proper training is not a luxury—it's a necessity for a happy, well-adjusted dog.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Your Man May Be Many Things, but a Master Dog Trainer isn't One. LOL. So Why Many of You Put Off Training Your Dog? It's Rarrrrrely the Money!!!
Your breeder also isn't some dog training wizard especially when it comes to challenging behavioral issues, like aggression or being unpredictable around dogs or strangers. 
It's time to understand that yelling or bribing your puppy isn't the answer.
Steering you away from the brink of training despair, this episode illuminates why it's paramount not to misconstrue your dog's naughtiness as something they'll outgrow or to label them untrainable after a single botched dog obedience class. You'll learn the vital importance of consistency, the tailoring of methods to your dog's distinctive personality, and why previous tactics might not work on your new pup. Before you even think about throwing in the towel, I urge you to reassess: 
Have you really explored every method at your disposal? Have you spotted the red flags of a less-than-stellar trainer? Join me as we navigate these challenges, and always remember, proper training is not a luxury—it's a necessity for a happy, well-adjusted dog.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dog Secrets. Dog Secrets Brought to you by Zedekus the Dog Prodigy King, the Dog Psychology Podcast without the whispering. Hey everyone, thank you for tuning in. This is Zedekus King from DogSecretscom. I love all the good feedback I got from many of you, the great support emails and everything Really appreciated.

Speaker 1:

So in this one, guys, I'm going to go over it kind of ties into the one before I'm going to go over what are the reasons usually people don't hire dog trainers. Right, they put it off or they just refuse to. So some of these will resonate with you. Some of these you'll remember. Others that you know you can think of that they should hire an expert, but they want, they just want. And I'll mention every reason you can think of.

Speaker 1:

Right, because at the end of the day, guys, yelling at your dog, smacking your dog, even if it's just like a little swat, giving it treats, slamming your dog, that's not training it. Think about it. Yelling, hitting, bribing it with treats that's not training it. It's just. To me it's abuse, it's bribery, it's just not right. It's one of those things that it really is an art, a skill. It's something you don't see all the time, right? You don't see well trained dogs everywhere. You don't see polite dogs everywhere. So if you do, there's a reason. Either the person knows what they're doing or they got lucky with a well mannered dog, not really well trained. Well mannered Training guys takes time. Any training you get it really perfected, right, you get to work with a dog. But manners yeah, some dogs are cool, they're not that bad. So I'll go over all the reasons.

Speaker 1:

A lot of you. It's funny because most people that reach out to me are females and that's because they don't want to give up on the dog. They want to make sure they do it properly. They don't want to abuse the dog and usually the guy in a relationship, he thinks he's a master dog trainer. So they always say, oh, my man has to do, my man want to do it. You know, my husband, my boyfriend, and it's like okay. So imagine if I asked your husband's wife, I did his job. Think about it. It's just like. Imagine like if he's a doctor, lawyer, engineer, heck, he's a scuba diver and instructor. Can I do your job one day? You know they will laugh at me, right. And now can I, you know, do skydiving? You know, can I teach skydiving today and take your job. So it's not the same thing, guys. Can I attach myself to the top of the kite and we both jump off the cliff? You know we'll be fine, we'll be fine, you know. So it's like that. It really isn't easy and I'll prove it to you, okay. So think about this.

Speaker 1:

If your husband or boyfriend is that good, let's go over a few things. Can you shut your dog up? Remember, one of your dog barks. Whatever's the reason you need to have him shut up. Okay, like enough already. Five barks, 15 barks is reasonable, not 150, not 1500 barks, right? Can you get the dog to shut up? Okay, can he stop the dog from being protective around people, dogs, when you have company over? Can you control the dog?

Speaker 1:

Remember putting your dog in a different room, giving it some bone to chew on, like if you give. You put it in a backyard, you put a muzzle on him, you tie him down. That's not training. That's not training, guys. The dog's not training. Put him in a crate, you're putting up with it.

Speaker 1:

And, as funny as I have, I just had this client that their dog they have a doberman, doberman and shepherd, that the dog only attacks people wearing masks and they have this dog on a muzzle too. Before they hired me they had a muzzle on him all the time and I was laughing like probably the dog thinks like they were wearing a muzzle too. Like I have to attack these guys. Why the people wearing a muzzle? What kind of thing is this? Like they're aggressive. I have to set them straight. So more things.

Speaker 1:

Can your husband get the dog potty train, fully potty train? Can you stop him from jumping up on you or others, on guests, you know? Can he stop the biting? I'm not just talking about play biting guys, I'm talking about real bite, real bites that break the skin. That, you know, needs my attention, medical attention.

Speaker 1:

Can your husband stop the dog, you know, from attacking you, you yourself. So sometimes the dog is fine with the husband, bites the wife but bites the kid. Sometimes the husband can't stop the dog, you know, from guarding the woman. So usually I mean I've done this long time guys usually the woman, women in relationship they spoil the dog more and the dog cannot acts up with what with them. So say, if you're, you have your wife sitting on the couch and the dog sitting next to them or on their lap. When you walk in and you get near your wife, the dog will go. And I bet you anything, a lot of you guys think, oh, he's been protective. Like no, no, can you stop that? Can you get the dog listen to you off leash from a distance from you know, around distractions? And the answer is usually no, guys. So you can call yourself a great dog trainer if you can't do it like that? It's really not that easy.

Speaker 1:

And these are not just training, is behavioral stuff, guys, and I hate it when breeders think they're dog trainers. Breeders are not dog trainers, guys. Their job is breeding. So I had this. This guy had a one more wine or I know the dog kept jumping on him and kept jumping on him and I was telling him what to do and he just wasn't even listening in, just like, and I said, well, you're not really falling advice, you paid me. You know you're not listening. Like what the breeder. The breeder said that you can't stop wine or ours from jumping. I said, of course you can. You know. Like no, no, the breeder been doing it for 20 years and I lost us. Like you breeder been stupid for 20 years. Like, listen to me, their job is breeding. You know, the breeder knows about breeding. Vets know about their health, trainers know about training hello, you know. So, yeah, the breeder been stupid for 20 years.

Speaker 1:

So you gotta listen, guys. You guys have to get listen. You gotta really pay attention, and especially when you spend the time in the money of what a trainer? Right, and I think, can you get the dog to listen to you? And a dog park? Can you get it to listen? Off leash and park setting by dog beaches? Will the dog listen or respond to you? If he sees a kid, a cat, a squirrel? The answer is usually no, no, no, I wish no. Can you get the dog to listen to you without a treat in your hand? The answer is no, you know. So even you treat one worker and when you have company over the one that's a dog, one that's a kid, that cat, that squirrel, can you stop your dog from fighting one another? Can you stop your dog from chasing the cat? Can you stop your dog from humping you or humping you? Guess you know?

Speaker 1:

So you already tried these things and the other things that people do is they say, well, I gotta spend time with the dog, I gotta be consistent. No, no, that's not it, cause you've been consistent. You've done some stuff. So do you think that practice makes perfect? Guys? No, it doesn't Practice. It doesn't make perfect. Practice brings progress, but you gotta see how you've been doing it, not just how much. How have you been training your dog or making him behave or controlling him right? So you gotta look at how, not just how much, you're paying for results. You wanna pay for results. At the end of the day, guys, ask yourself did I get results or not? I did six weeks, eight weeks, 10 lessons.

Speaker 1:

You know the trainer came over and blah, blah, blah, work with us. Did you get the result you were hoping for? What's more important to you? What is the main reason you hired the trainer? Look at that. Was it to sit, stay, heal, come? That's not usually it, guys. It's usually bad habits. It's to stop him from jumping out, play-biting, barking, growling, snapping, lunging, charging, potty, training, marking, separation, anxiety. That's the main reason people usually seek help. What their dog is rarely, you know, just for commands, it's just so rare. As for commands, I think you agree with me on that, right, all right.

Speaker 1:

So next things, guys, people don't hire dog trainers. They honestly think that they have a hopeless case. So they're like well, I don't know, I don't think this dog's trainable. He trained us, yeah, he trained us. We failed, you know, we failed the obedience class. Blah, blah, blah, we failed. They admit that, guys, that they don't want to do nothing about it. They admit defeat. They're like, yeah, the dog won in a way. So, indirectly, guys, you're telling yourself that the dog's gonna run the show. Yeah, we're not gonna do nothing.

Speaker 1:

Next reason people don't do it they think that with age the dog will become lassy. So even a jerk, guys, even a person, is less of a jerk if they're old. Right, even a prick is less of a prick if they're old, but it's not gonna make him lassy, it's not. If you think about it, when your dog is old, it's still gonna bark, not stop, it's still gonna growl, it's still gonna snap, it's still gonna bully you know other dogs or bully you or your kid, or it's not gonna be predictable when you have guests over so age. Guys, even a dog is six or eight weeks old. They can learn right from wrong. It's wrong to bark not stop. It's wrong to pee and poop everywhere. It's wrong to jump and lip at you, not stop. The dog can know right from wrong. Remember, the dog can be polite dog, whether it's eight weeks or 18 years old. They can learn to be polite. So that's our factor.

Speaker 1:

Like, oh, my breeder or the vet said you know, give it a year or two. What's funny, some people think the dog. They say, yeah, I have a puppy, you know. They call me or leave me a message and they're like I have this puppy and I take guys. I take it like, okay, I assume that puppy. Okay, it might be four weeks, four months, six months. The dog is two years old. They call it a puppy. Once the dog hits a year, more guys, you cannot call it a puppy. You can't. It's a year old dog. A year or under a year is a puppy. You can call it a one year old dog a puppy. You just can't, you can't. All right, next one. So here I'm. I wrote these down. Let me scroll down here on my laptop.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you assume that your previous dog, like say, you've had labs all your life for pit bulls or shepherds or whatever. Okay, you think that because you've had this breed, you know about it, you know how to train it. That's not always the true guys. There will never be an I want like the one you've had before. That never be an. I want like this one, even the same breed. So they're different. You're different, guys. You're older than before. You have more. You don't have as much time. Probably you're older, weaker, not as mobile, fatter, you know, I don't know, but you're not the same person as you were 20, 30 years ago, right? So that's an a factor and probably this dog is way more stubborn than the one before. It's way more faster, way more sneakier, way more scarier. So, again, don't compare your previous dog to this one, right?

Speaker 1:

All right, the other reason you honestly think that if the trainer could even do it, you know, remember, every trainer has different method, different philosophy. You got to try different methods. So you got to ask yourself what have you tried, what method, what tools? If it always been the same tools, same method, and you go to the next trainer and they use the same method, same tools, guys, it's kind of like going to the same. You go to acupuncture. You know different ones. Well, at the end of the day they're still acupuncture, acupuncture, you know. So there'll be needles involved, right, there'll be poking involved. Yeah, of course, like 20% will be maybe different philosophy, different method, different application, but again acupuncture, right.

Speaker 1:

So you got to ask yourself like, what have you tried so far? What methods, you know, what tools, all that. So I know your boyfriend thinks you know he knows it all. But that's not always the case, because the dog doesn't look trained. Now, some of you, the guy, knows what they're doing, but not everyone's consistent, not everyone's on the same page. And then the dog's like eh, whatever, mommy thinks she's a master dog creator. Now that's cute, you know.

Speaker 1:

All right, you made the dog's first mistake as last one. That's another reason. So the dog nipped at someone. Finally, you ignored all the red flag. The dog bit someone and you want to get rid of the dog. You think the dog's hopeless, like this woman. They called me and she kept saying well, how feasible is it? They know Zadik is. Can you tell us? You know, can you blah, blah, blah? And I was like well, look, if you ask me, will this dog try to attack someone else again? And I'll say no, I'll be lying to you. My job was to make sure that doesn't happen and we're going to go over everything. You got to make it impossible for the dog to make any mistake. But the intention will be there. Yeah, you know, this is a dog that didn't all sudden out of the blue like, okay, I'm going to buy this person.

Speaker 1:

There were a lot of small, subtle signs that you missed over the years, sometimes over months, if not years, right? So don't make the dog's first mistake as last one. Get rid of the problem and train the dog. Don't get rid of the poor dog. It's like kids. Do you get rid of your kid If the kid gives you hard time? I don't think so. Right, you do your best to make it work. So I know to you it might be stupid dog, but no, that's a dog that has feelings, loves you to death and he doesn't know any better.

Speaker 1:

Dogs don't know any better, guys, you should know, you should know any better. So I've trained thousands and thousands of cases, right. And every dog is so different, it's very, very different. Every scenario of the case is different. So you get adapt, adapt based on the current situation, your lifestyle, this dog, the issues, all that like the family dynamic, the schedule, daily schedule, all that like what's going on throughout the day. You know, you gotta make it impossible for the dog to make any mistake, impossible, all right.

Speaker 1:

Next one guys, um, you think that you can do it from reading a book, by, uh, you know, watching a video, you know some of you can, but I'm telling you, bad habits, like extreme behavior, you can't. None of the dogs like constantly growling, snapping, charging me and like totally want to kill every dog it sees on walks, wants to attack your guests, you know, doesn't stop barking, doesn't stop jumping up, doesn't stop play biting. You know it's constantly stealing things off counters, it's pissing and pooping all of your house. So it's not that easy. Like I said, you know some of you can, but if you know that you get a, you know when to throw in the towel, like, okay, I get a, hire a trader, that's it. So here's a funny story.

Speaker 1:

I, as you can tell me this is my second language, so one time I wrote an article I put you get a. No, one to drop in the towel. You know to, um, to hire a trader. And a lot of people missed it because I had people like edited and proofread it and one of my friend called it like well, it's true, in the towel, dropping the towels, like getting sexy. I was like, oh, wow, that's true. Threw in the towel. No, not dropping the towel, you know. Okay, next one, next one um, this is probably, you know, I'm gonna wrap it up with this one.

Speaker 1:

This is probably one of the ones that your husband will probably, um, say something like that, you know. Like your wife may say something like that your kid, like, where you toy, give up on dog. Like nobody can train this dog. No, this dog's untrainable. Nobody can train this dog. You know, it's like that's not true.

Speaker 1:

Like, oh, I've spent so much money. You didn't spend a dime on me. I've tried everyone and everything. You haven't tried me, you haven't tried me. So you gotta, you know, ask yourself have you really exhausted all options before giving up on the dog? Have you really got any results where you thinking you can train the dog? Maybe you know what you're doing. Hey, maybe you're a great dog trainer. Guys, you've been procrastinating, you know. So how long will that go on? That's rare, though.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm not, a dog trainer would not be listening to my podcast. I doubt it. Maybe I'm hopeful, but there's a joke that the only way you have two dog trainers talk to each other, stop crap about the third ones method. That's how dog trainers are all right. Well, I'm gonna wrap it up, guys. Um, I wanted to make sure, because it ties into the previous episode, that all the red flags of dog trainers and, by the way, listen to that one, guys, if you haven't, because I go over all the red flags the things you need to watch out for when you hire a dog trainer, and their method, their philosophy, right, all right, please visit my website for more info, that's dogsecretscom. Peace and light to you, guys.

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Training Dogs for Behavior Issues
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