DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy

#6: Future of Dog Training is Diverse Method - Boot Camp vs Private Lessons (Why I Offer Both)

January 14, 2024 ZEDDICUS
#6: Future of Dog Training is Diverse Method - Boot Camp vs Private Lessons (Why I Offer Both)
DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
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DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
#6: Future of Dog Training is Diverse Method - Boot Camp vs Private Lessons (Why I Offer Both)
Jan 14, 2024

Dog training Can Get Very Confusing. Private Lessons or Boot Camp? Positive or Negative? You'll Learn About My Way of Training and Why I Believe it's the Future of Dog Training. 
You'll Also Learn More About My Two Different Plans-in case you're considering hiring me in person. I highlight the critical role you, as dog owners, play in the success of any training regimen and provide insights into custom solutions for those particularly tricky behavioral issues. Be prepared to learn why a tailored approach, like house calls, can turn training woes into triumphant success stories.

In the heart of our conversation, the controversy of electronic collars comes to the forefront. In a candid discussion, we examine the ethical considerations of e-collars and the practical aspects of their use, ensuring transparency and consistency in the methods we advocate. I emphasize that remote training collars are designed to provide muscle stimulation, not nerve, tackling common misconceptions head-on. 
Wrapping up, we delve into the true essence of dog ownership and how a well-trained pup enriches your life, leaving you with a sense of gratitude for the journey we share with our canine companions and the community we've built together.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Dog training Can Get Very Confusing. Private Lessons or Boot Camp? Positive or Negative? You'll Learn About My Way of Training and Why I Believe it's the Future of Dog Training. 
You'll Also Learn More About My Two Different Plans-in case you're considering hiring me in person. I highlight the critical role you, as dog owners, play in the success of any training regimen and provide insights into custom solutions for those particularly tricky behavioral issues. Be prepared to learn why a tailored approach, like house calls, can turn training woes into triumphant success stories.

In the heart of our conversation, the controversy of electronic collars comes to the forefront. In a candid discussion, we examine the ethical considerations of e-collars and the practical aspects of their use, ensuring transparency and consistency in the methods we advocate. I emphasize that remote training collars are designed to provide muscle stimulation, not nerve, tackling common misconceptions head-on. 
Wrapping up, we delve into the true essence of dog ownership and how a well-trained pup enriches your life, leaving you with a sense of gratitude for the journey we share with our canine companions and the community we've built together.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dog Secrets, brought to you by Zedekis the dog prodigy king, the dog psychology podcast without the whispering. Hey everyone, thank you for tuning in. We probably thinking, like, what happened to this guy after the last episode? Did he kill himself? What happened? The last episode, guys, was a sad one. It was one of those ones that, well, you gotta listen to it. It's. It's some dogs got killed there, some dogs died there, and these things, guys that come with the job.

Speaker 1:

Like Caesar Milan is one of my favorite dog trainers. Really, I agree with 95, 98% of the thing with the preaches and he does. Even him as much as he's really good at what he does and he's an expert on pit bulls. Even his own dog killed Queen Latifah's dog. So it happens, these things even as good as even experts make mistakes right, even experts make mistakes in all in all professions. So if you don't know what I'm talking about, you guys can listen to that episode and you'll know and it's funny because I did a lesson before coming in recording and my client is listening to this podcast like how are you gonna tie this next one with dad? Like what are you gonna say? Like, well, you'll see, you know, I will go with that. I'm gonna go over more about my services and how I do things, what makes me different than our trainers, my training philosophy, all those good stuff. So those of you who are interested in hiring me, maybe you'll know more about me, right? Or those of you who are seeking dog trainers or you want to do it yourself, what dogs are like, be like. Behavioral stuff is it's not easy to do it on your own commands, maybe, but behavioral stuff, no, and you'll know why that is. As I'm talking in the podcast, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

Alright, guys, so what happens is, whenever you look for dog training, there's three options. A Cedar, private lessons, group classes are bored and trained, or you send the dog away to be boarded and while the dogs being boarded, they train the dog, and usually people do this for these reasons either they're busy or they're lazy, or they they're recovering from a surgery, they're studying for a test, they're gonna have company over, they're gonna do some remodeling, reconstruction of their house, they want the dog gone, right, because it's just they have a lot on their plate, right, some mother to be right, like you know they they're gonna give birth, or they just give birth. So they're like, okay, you know. Or when they go out of town, vacation, they like, okay, might as well kill two birds with one stone. Here's the dog, train him and then show us what what you've done.

Speaker 1:

So it's either bored and trained group classes where you go, sign up for group class for six or eight weeks and those are probably the worst one, and that's whether they're the cheapest, because it's strictly obedience. You're like walking around in circle, there's like 20 more dogs, a lot of distractions, and they don't really help you with bad habits and behavioral stuff. So if your dog needs help with barking, jumping up, play, biting, separation, anxiety, the dogs aggressive of the dogs, unpredictable dogs are fence fighting with each other. The dog is counter surfing, begging at the table, stealing things, bolting out your front door, not, you know, listening around dogs in your neighborhood, not listening around joggers. The group class will not help you with that. I will not. It's just will not, because you you will see like this is just obedience training a sit, stay down, heal and come, and it's not a real life scenario, right, alright. So the main thing, what I do, guys, is I offer house calls and bootcamp, or combination of both, and you'll see what I mean by that, like combination of work or some people like, well, I just won't bootcamp, no, house call, I want house call, no bootcamp. Yeah, you have to be involved regardless. Right, you have to be involved regardless. It will not work without your involvement, but it goes much smoother once you get the dog that's already trained right, a dog that's already trained people.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like giving a perfectly clean, detailed car. Most people try to stay on top of it like man. The car looks shiny, smells nice, looks nice. They do their best to stay on top of it right. Same thing with dog training. I've noticed when I give them a trained dog back, usually people stay on top of it. Yeah, they're like man, you've done the hard part, let me do the maintenance right, the private lessons. I'm training you and the dog and it takes longer because I'm training both of you guys right, versus, I give you a trained dog back. It's kind of like giving someone a Ferrari right, you gotta know how to drive a Ferrari.

Speaker 1:

So what's funny is a lot of people they're skeptical of bootcamp. They're like, no, it wouldn't work. I don't think so. I do it all the time. I've done it for. You know I've done bootcamp for maybe 19 years, though, no, 21 years. So I've been training dogs three decades, guys. I've been doing bootcamp for 21 years and I honestly thought it wouldn't work because it's like, well, the client got to be involved and I noticed, no, it actually does. It works really well, because I send them a video clip. They see the dogs not attacking dogs. No more Like, oh my God, I can't believe it, as if you've done a lot of me done on my dog.

Speaker 1:

The dog is walking beautifully on leash walk slow, fast, on command. The dog does a solid stay like an eyebrow raising stay. My stay is, guys, I don't care if there's a dog, a cat, jogger, bicycle. I don't care if you throw a juicy staca from the dog or if you do backflips from the dog. Your dog will not move. That's how I train the dog. You know that's really impressive, right? What's more impressive is when the dog does it for you.

Speaker 1:

The dog has to respond to you and your family. Guys, you're not giving me your dog and giving me your money for a dog to listen to. Perfect, stranger. The beauty of this process is your dog will listen and respond to you, guys. That's the whole point, right, because a lot of times people say, oh, it won't work. You know like guys always say that your husband or your boyfriend will say, oh, nobody can train this dog. You know, if I couldn't train him, nobody can, right, and that's not true really. I mean, I do this for living. Your husband or your boyfriend doesn't. I'm a professional. Training dogs is my profession, right? When you're dealing with a professional, you know, like any field, it's a different ballgame, right? All right. So here's a few more things that you guys have to think about.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you, bootcamp is my niche. So it's kind of like imagine you go to a hotel, you make a mess, you leave a mess. You come back, your bed is made, the house cleaner, came and even went next to the mirror. The bathroom has new towels, it looks spotless, the trash can is empty, they may even leave a chocolate on your pillow. You know, it depends on the hotel, right? That's what bootcamp is, guys. You give me an unruly dog and then I give you a trained dog and I'm telling you, 90% of the work is done. The 5-10% is maintenance.

Speaker 1:

The adjustment is like the dog has to listen to you, listen to your. You know kids, your husband has to listen to you in your home meeting, with everything, with barking, with jumping out, play-biting, potty, training, if they're overprotective, if they're fighting with one another, the dogs harassing your guests, fence fighting with the neighbor's dog chasing your cat, all that, I will cover all that, how you guys stay on top of it. So if you're still skeptical, this will totally convince you. Think of the best trained dog you've seen, like whose dog was the best trained dog? Or on TV or something like the dog was like jaw dropping. Most of those dog guys, believe it or not, were trained by a professional without the owner, or the dog didn't even have an owner assigned to them yet. So think of dogs for the blind, dogs for the handicap, hunting dogs and attack trained dogs, protection training. So think about it. If you can teach a dog to take a blind person to the store, to the bus, stop this person's blind and the dog stops or stops or you're going to get hit by a car. Now you can proceed this dog guys. It takes months to train a dog like that. It was trained by an expert, then the dog was assigned to a blind person.

Speaker 1:

You teach a dog to bite on command, to bark on command to only bite on command. Wait, wait, bark and hold. They call this bark and hold. So your dog is trained to bite only if and when necessary and the bite has to be either the arms or the legs, the chest, never the face, not the groin. And the minute you give the command the dog should let go. That's it. The dog should let go. That was trained by a professional guys, by a trainer that specialized in this. So they were trained by someone else. Then you came in the picture or the dog was sold to a person like, ok, this dog is totally trained. 15 grand for the dog, you know it covers the cost of the dog and all the training.

Speaker 1:

Hunting dogs. You teach a dog to go a mile away to bring that bird that you shot and the dog doesn't destroy the bird, doesn't need the bird, doesn't go chase a deer halfway, doesn't go after a skunk, get sprayed by a skunk. That takes months of training guys, months. So what I'm saying is if these guys were trained like dogs for the disabled, you teach a dog to go get my purse, bring my cane, open the door, shut the door. If these dogs were trained to be trained by these important, really complicated tasks. Your stuff that you need to help with is cakewalk. They're cakewalks to me, guys. It's like laughable. It really is. Think about it. Teach a dog to walk well on the leash. Stop the jumping, play-biting, potty training, separation, anxiety If the dog has leash. Reactive, doesn't listen around dogs or people. It's nothing compared to those. So those dogs guys were trained in a boarding train or send away fashion, and I do the same thing now.

Speaker 1:

What people do sometimes, how they hire me, is they either do a private lesson, maybe they do one or two house calls, then they give me their dog for 10 days or so, or they do 10 days first. Then they're like OK, show us what you've done. We had to leave town and show us what you've done. What the dog? It's really a beautiful process because a lot of times they're skeptical until I send them a video clip and they're like, oh my God, I cannot believe it. So I always send a video clip with every client, like, ok, can we get a progress report? Like, yeah, here, here, here, that's what you think, and they're just like they're blown away. They're really blown away.

Speaker 1:

You got to make sure, if you're going to go with Bootcamp, that their follow-ups included. Meaning if you're not happy with outcome, the dog stopped listening. You got to have the trainer come and show you what to do, what not to do. Meaning don't drop the dog off again. So you could do that with me. But it's not a car, guys, it's not a computer, it's not a phone. You drop it off, it's a dog and you get it fixed. So whenever people need follow-ups, I give them lifetime. What are you doing? House calls with me? Or Bootcamp, guys? I give my clients lifetime, guarantee, lifetime.

Speaker 1:

Now about my training method. I am diverse, meaning I find out what works for you and your dog. I recommend what are the best. What are the tools that best dog trainers in the world use? Do you know what that is? It's whatever that works for them and their dog and that's how it's supposed to be. Whatever that works for you and your dog. Right Now, I want you to think about this If you are able to train your dog and have it listened to you around dogs, around joggers, around guests, cat outside, inside, whatever tool, whatever what are you doing? Cat outside, inside, whatever tool, whatever, whatever, whether it's hot dogs, whether it's whistle, whether it's hey clapping, and your dog listens to you, pays attention, that's great. But if that doesn't work, then I will tell you what else you need to do. A lot of my clients, guys I'm not going to lie to you they need the dog. I get the worst of the worst, I really do. These guys tried hot dogs, they tried hugging hot dogs. It doesn't work. They tried positive reinforcement. So I don't like positive, negative, I go by whatever works.

Speaker 1:

Enforcement, effective enforcement, because you got to see what works for your dog, and I will find that out, meaning you got to see what works for you and the dog, not just your husband, because a lot of times dogs listen to men better. They do. We're a little bit more impatient, we're stronger, we're bigger and we're not as nice, right. So women are smaller, they're weaker, they're more nicer, they're kinder and dogs just take advantage of them. And a lot of times the dog is worse. With that spoiler, whoever spoils the dog, right.

Speaker 1:

So I will show you, for example, what to use the electronic collar for. If your dog needs a shock collar one, not two, right. And as a good trainer effective trainer you got to tell people every option, everything that's out there, because if you don't, you're not really doing your job. So a lot of dog trainers, what I've noticed is they know about the electronic card. They don't want to mention it. That's not fair, guys. You get to know Let me take a sip of water here. You get to know, guys, what else is out there to get the dog train right. So I'll give you an example. Say, let me see what kind of example should I give you See, your dog is barking right and you know that the bar collar will work and the trainer knows different brand. But they keep it to themselves and then you get rid of the dog. So deep down the trainer should feel like crap, like man.

Speaker 1:

I knew about the different brand of shock collar but I didn't tell the client. I knew the shock collar will fix. You know, chasing the cat, you know they this dog killed like two cats. The cat was their baby. The trainer would, like you know, say no, no, just create them, just put them on stage, just muzzle them when, deep down, they knew the shock collar would work, you know. So to me that's not fair. I have to mention all option and I leave it up to you. I give that choice, it's your choice.

Speaker 1:

But remember the collar guys is designed to hit the muscle, not the nerve. See the thing the cops use on people the tasers 50,000 volts, shock cars are not even a thousand, so 50,000. And they hit old people. They had people with heart condition. They will hit someone, even if they're in a wheelchair, they don't care. So imagine 50,000 volt versus not even a thousand. I never seen a dog pass out when they got zapped. I never seen a dog go into seizure. These things are designed to hit the muscle, not the nerve. Can you imagine how much they will get sued if people dog passing out or you know the the shock collar industry would go out of business, right, all right. So if your dog needs a shock collar guys, I will recommend it. They call it E-collar, electronic collar, same things. Yeah, it's, it's a shock collar guys, it has a vibration mode.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of my clients, you know I tell them like some of them, say well, have you tried that? Or on your neck, zedekis, have you tried around your neck? Have you tried on it? Like, no, I don't chase cats. No, I haven't tried around my neck. You know I don't chase cars. Yeah, I don't bought a body. Slam you when you walk in my door. I come to my mom when she calls me. Right, I don't ignore my mom when she calls me, I will come to her. Yeah, I love and respect my mommy. So a lot of times, whenever you think about it, shock cars use most people use it for to stop barking, biting if the dog's guarding something. The dog wants to kill the cat. The dog eats everything off the ground. The dog chases things like bicycles, skateboarders, the dogs fighting with the neighbors dog to the fence.

Speaker 1:

So me, myself, guys, I've noticed a lot of times I kept quiet and then say nothing and I knew that the dog will be fixed with the collar. And Then I checked with the client, the dog. They got rid of the dog, they put the dog down, they dumped it at the shelter and I was really mad, like why did you do that? Why didn't you call me? They're like well, we were, we were at our witsend, we couldn't stop the dog. We need to sleep. The dog would not shut up. Neighbors are complaining, landlord is, you know, threatening us.

Speaker 1:

So as a Dog lover, like a real legit dog lover, I have to mention all options to you. You got a. You can be one trick pony guys, now the trainers. They say, oh, that will make the dog worse, don't make the dog worse. Is that an assumption or a fact? Think about it. Is that an assumption or a fact? It's an assumption, guys. You're assuming the training trainers, assuming I'll make the dog worse. It will only be a fact once you tried it, like oh wow, they go, that worked. Oh, my god, that worked. The dog stopped. The dog's not acting like a maniac maniac no more. Oh, wow, that you know.

Speaker 1:

And these things come with vibration mode. So after few zap, you know, use the vibration mode. I'm not saying, guys, your dog won't need an electronic call, but if and when they need it. I mentioned it, I recommended and I leave it up to you. I can't be zapping your dog at a 10 days boot camp, but then I gave it to you and hope for the best that the dog will listen to you even without the zapper. No, whatever I do, you have to continue the same way, same tool, same method. So there's no sneakiness, anything going on, nothing like that. So what people do?

Speaker 1:

I had this client that they, the dog, stopped responding to the Shocker. According to them, the dog will not listen. Whenever I saw dogs. I was a boxer and she kept saying, well, you know, we need another lesson. You know, the dog doesn't, doesn't even listen to the shocker. Like, really, like, how high do you go? Well, we use the vibration mode. Because he listens at home with everything, like, well, no, no, shock him, get back to me, let me know. And again she's texting me like it doesn't work. You know, stop working. Like, really, how high do you go? Well, we don't do that. You know, zadak, as we feel bad, we just use the vibration mode. And I said, vanessa, I give you a shock or not a vibrator, right, I give you a shock. Or she couldn't stop laughing. She's like, no, you're right, you're right, point made. And then I checked on her, like that, that worked. Again, no, you're right. So in a way the dog forgot this is shocker. The dog really thought that's a vibrator, you know.

Speaker 1:

So again, you will make that decision based on my recommendation, if your dog needs it or not. But those are usually the issues. Usually people need it. For I never recommend to shock a dog if the dog doesn't sit. I will never recommend to shock a dog if it doesn't stay. I will never tell you to Shock him if he doesn't heal. No, not in a million years I will not do that. It's always for corrections. When the dog are too fast. They're too fast, too unpredictable, and All your left is just pressing a button right, you have to Right away outsmart the dog. We cannot run them. So you get if again, you got to see what works for you and that dog right Again, you got to be diverse.

Speaker 1:

You got to be diverse, guys, don't be Limiting yourself. So let me ask you this Say, I had a magic wand right and I can wave the magic wand and I was like okay, you can make one of these two choices either I'm gonna teach you how to fight. I mean, this magic wand has Either the capability of teaching you to fight one style or any in all styles. What would you choose? I get to fight and defend yourself. You want to go with one style or any style that's out there? I Think every one of you guys will go with every style, every one of you.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm a martial artist. Okay, ufc, if you get seen UFC there, the combination of all fighting styles, guys. You have boxers, you have kickboxers, you have grapplers and wrestlers. Grappling and wrestling is very similar. So in wrestling guys, there's no striking right and and kickboxing. There's no wrestling and kickboxing that you, there's no Elbow or knees. You can't hit someone with a knee or elbow Now. And the UFC you can do all those things unless there's no eye gouging allowed, there's no kicking in the groin, there's few other restriction. So those are like the ultimate fighter guys. They have, you know, every style down and and and that like a complete Fighter.

Speaker 1:

That's how dog training should be. You should be able to like, adapt to every dog. Now I know you may say we never had to use this for this, our dog. You've had all dogs all your life. Blah, blah, blah. What this one you do, this is not that dog. Well, I've had labs all my life. I've had shepherds all my life. You know what are you talking about. You know well, this one is different. So you got to be diverse guys.

Speaker 1:

Poser reinforcement, negative reinforcement I don't care about that. You should go with effective reinforcement, because one method, one way don't work on every dog With every owner and it just doesn't. You have to see what works. What will stop your dog from jumping up constantly? What will stop it from play biting on you? What will stop it from real bite Charging, lunging, growling, snapping.

Speaker 1:

Some people say, man, I can't even get my shoe that the dog also grabbed my shoe when I tried to get it. The dog will take my finger off. All of a sudden the dog grabs and guards the remote. So Make sure, if you are using a trainer, see what else they recommend if that doesn't work. The thing of insanity is you keep doing the same thing and expect different outcome. Right, if it's not working, guys, you got to know what to call it. Quit, it's not working, it's not working. So I'm positive too, guys. I don't believe in yelling. I don't believe in hitting. I don't believe in dumping your dog in shelter. I don't believe in killing your dog. I'm positive.

Speaker 1:

You heard my story, why I even got involved with dogs. I'm a dog lover. First, if you don't know what I'm talking about, listen to the episode before this one. You will know. You will know that I'm a dog lover, guys, when you listen to it 100% and if you're sensitive type, you will get teary. You will feel the lump in your throat. It will make some of you cry.

Speaker 1:

So, because I'm a dog lover, it's my duty to give you everything that's out there under the sun Because it's your dog, it's your baby. I want to make sure you're happy. I want to make sure you're satisfied. I want to make sure like, okay, my God, I got my life back. There's no more arguments because of the dog in the house. You know, I can walk in peace. I don't have to cross the street, I don't have to change route, I don't have to. Oh, my God, there's someone else walking their dog. Oh, no, you know that's exactly what's happening with most of you. All right, thanks so much for listening. Guys, do me a favor, give me a five star. Go to the bottom, you know, give me a five star on my podcast. It will help me with ratings. Thank you for sharing.

Speaker 1:

Get with friends and relatives and I will keep them short. Usually, a lot of people like shorter ones. I've noticed they do. They don't like longer ones. So I'll try to keep it 30 minutes, you know, maybe even 15, 10 minute one sometimes. Again, love and light to everyone. I appreciate it. I appreciate every one of you that are listening to this, each and every one of you. I wouldn't make it without you guys. Right? All right, love and light to everyone. Take care.

Options in Dog Training
The Importance of Effective Dog Training
Importance of Dog Ownership for Happiness