DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy

#7: Beating or Bribing Your Unruly Dog?? - Dog Training SCAMS That Even the Smartest Fall For

January 25, 2024 ZEDDICUS
#7: Beating or Bribing Your Unruly Dog?? - Dog Training SCAMS That Even the Smartest Fall For
DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
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DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
#7: Beating or Bribing Your Unruly Dog?? - Dog Training SCAMS That Even the Smartest Fall For
Jan 25, 2024

Are You Smarter Than Your Dog? Hope So!  Otherwise THIS, is How You Get Scammed and Brainwashed. 
These Eyebrow Raising Dog Training Mistakes that 98% of Dog Trainers, Dog Schools, Dog Books, and Dog Videos Preach & Practice.
WARNING! Zedd's Laugh is Super Contagious on This Juicy Episode. 
Get ready to have your dog training beliefs turned on their tail as I, Zeddicus King, tackle the hard truths that could leave some dog lovers barking up the wrong tree. Dog ownership is no walk in the park, and it’s time we address the growling issues of stupid dog training methods and the misconceptions clouding our judgement. From the outright misuse of discipline to the misunderstandings that lead to spoiling our pooches rotten, let's navigate the maze of canine care together. We'll dissect why that pricey vet bill or the latest doggy accessory isn't the badge of honor you might think it is, and why real investment goes into proper dog training. I'll share why, just like a Belgian Malinois isn't fit for every home, not every owner is cut out for the realities of responsible dog parenting.
This episode isn’t just about teaching your dog to fetch; it’s about cultivating manners that would make even the Queen's corgis jealous. A dog’s behavior is their first impression, and as we discuss, it's crucial that Fido can make the cut in any social setting. Misreading aggression for being protective is a very common misconception amongst dog owners worldwide. I'm here to help you steer clear of these common errors and bring balance to your training approach. We're aiming for paw-sitive change, shaping your four-legged friend into not just a good dog, but a refined canine citizen. Join me as we lay the groundwork for a future where misbehaved dogs are a tale of the past.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are You Smarter Than Your Dog? Hope So!  Otherwise THIS, is How You Get Scammed and Brainwashed. 
These Eyebrow Raising Dog Training Mistakes that 98% of Dog Trainers, Dog Schools, Dog Books, and Dog Videos Preach & Practice.
WARNING! Zedd's Laugh is Super Contagious on This Juicy Episode. 
Get ready to have your dog training beliefs turned on their tail as I, Zeddicus King, tackle the hard truths that could leave some dog lovers barking up the wrong tree. Dog ownership is no walk in the park, and it’s time we address the growling issues of stupid dog training methods and the misconceptions clouding our judgement. From the outright misuse of discipline to the misunderstandings that lead to spoiling our pooches rotten, let's navigate the maze of canine care together. We'll dissect why that pricey vet bill or the latest doggy accessory isn't the badge of honor you might think it is, and why real investment goes into proper dog training. I'll share why, just like a Belgian Malinois isn't fit for every home, not every owner is cut out for the realities of responsible dog parenting.
This episode isn’t just about teaching your dog to fetch; it’s about cultivating manners that would make even the Queen's corgis jealous. A dog’s behavior is their first impression, and as we discuss, it's crucial that Fido can make the cut in any social setting. Misreading aggression for being protective is a very common misconception amongst dog owners worldwide. I'm here to help you steer clear of these common errors and bring balance to your training approach. We're aiming for paw-sitive change, shaping your four-legged friend into not just a good dog, but a refined canine citizen. Join me as we lay the groundwork for a future where misbehaved dogs are a tale of the past.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dog Secrets. Dog Secrets Brought to you by Zedicus the Dog, pridegip King, the Dog Psychology Podcast without the whispering. Hey everyone, thank you for tuning in. This is your host, zedicus King. You guys can find more information about me, my articles, everything on my website, dogsecretscom. Isn't that a cool name? Secrets, guys, secrets. Yeah, I don't. If you want crappy answers, head YouTube for secrets.

Speaker 1:

People, tune in to me, okay, all right, so this episode, as you know, is the title, caught your attention, right? Smart dogs, stupid owners, yeah, yeah. Well, I'll be honest with you. If you don't really change your I mean, there's a lot of things you're assuming, right. If you don't, you know, you still make these assumptions, you still make these decisions, you still have this mindset, you still make these mistakes, then, yeah, I can call you stupid. You're dumbass for still making these assumptions, still making these mistakes. And you heard it from a pro. You're gonna hear it from a pro. Like what are these things I'm talking about? And you'll see, they're very funny, they're thought provoking and a lot of it is common sense. Guys, they're right in front of you, but you wouldn't think of it, right? All right, so I'm gonna go down my list and see which one of these resonate with you.

Speaker 1:

Again, when you don't make these changes, guys, that's when you're dumbass. You're the stupid one. You're not that bright, right, All right. So the first one is like there's a saying that, okay, first time maybe a mistake, but second time it's a decision. Yeah, you made a decision, all right. Okay, here's my list.

Speaker 1:

You're stupid if you think yelling and hitting your dog is training it. Anybody can yell at the dog, guys. Anybody can hit the poor dog. I tell people you don't need to hire me to beat or bribe your dog. You can do that yourself, okay. Beating and bribing is not that difficult. Anybody can do that, okay. So that makes you a dumbass. If you're that kind of person, you're not that bright.

Speaker 1:

If you spend three to eight grand on the dog but you won't spend half of that on training it like decent training. So most of you guys, if you don't spend that much on the dog, you spend that much on vet bills, you spend that much on the food, on toys, the dog's house, all these things. It adds up, guys. They all add up, right, a lot of toys that the dog destroys. So I just had a conversation with a friend of mine.

Speaker 1:

He referred me to one of his friends and I knew they wouldn't sign up. They wouldn't sign up. So my program is not outrageous, but it's above average, right? So PetSmart is 200, for example, 200, 160, 180, I don't know something like that. You give the dog treats just for being alive and you call it dog training. That's not training, guys, that's bribery. So mine is a little bit more than that and I texted the guy and nothing, you just see, disappeared, vanished, and I told my friend okay, thank you for the referral, but most people don't. They don't sign up because they think they can do it themselves. They think training should not be that expensive. So, as in right now, guys I'm not saying this that you go with me, not all of you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, can. If you're planning a special for $9.95, you can use me unlimited. I will work with you. Whether it takes me five times or 50 times, it has that price cap. I'm running the special only this month. That's it. That is going to go 1,000 more. So it'll be 1,900 instead of 1,000. Right now, 1,000 will be 900 more and then for bootcamp is a little bit more. Guys, we can go to my website, right? So he just like rushed it off, like okay, if you know, you're dumbass, and his dog was a Belgian Malinois.

Speaker 1:

Belgian Malinois guys are an insanely stubborn dog. They're like a German Shepherd on steroids. I would not own a Belgian Malinois. Look, I've been doing this three decades. Guys, too long, too long, right? Thousands and thousands of dogs. I probably train over 300 German Shepherds easily 300 or more and Belgian Malinois, maybe seven or six, not more. Every single one of those guys. They were insane, insanely stubborn and they don't use them at police with police no more. Because they turn on their handlers. They're very unpredictable. So you'll see, like occasion where the dog was sent to bite a person and then they wouldn't let go. They kept saying out, out, the dog wouldn't let go and then when they would let go they would go after the handlers like they would attack the handler. So they're very, very smart dog, but also very unpredictable. Okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

The next one if you're not that bright, if you think that the dog's running your life, the dog's extremely spoiled and you don't expect that dog to get unpredictable to get. So I'll go over this and this is on episode two. Also, if you guys want to go in detail, what's considered a spoiled dog. Episode two explains it in detail. But basically, when the dog can do whatever, guys, your dog can bark whenever he wants, jump on you when everyone nip at you, when everyone bolt, when everyone pull on the leash, when everyone wine for attention whenever he wants, get on the couch whenever he wants, come in whenever he wants, sleep whenever you want, go out whenever he wants, bite you like Sears might, whenever whoever he wants snap at you, growl at you, guard at you whenever you want, seals, things off counters, you know. Whatever like. It could be, not food, it could be an item, you know, guards it from you.

Speaker 1:

One of you ones. That's a spoiled dog guys. Whether that's a pit bull, the water, that's a Maltese, whether that's a German Shepherd lab, golden, it doesn't matter. If a dog can do all that and it's running like, like your life, like that, that dog most likely is a predictable dog guys. It's a liability. So if you really don't think that's a big deal, your dumb ass, yeah, you must be a dumb ass, because spoiled dogs, just like spoiled kids, will you know, get in trouble and make your life at living hell. They do, they always do. Okay, your dumb ass, if you think that using treats all the time would work, and then, once you stop giving the dog treats, the dog will listen to you forever, ever after.

Speaker 1:

So would you so work for your company, guys? Once they stop paying, you think about it. They they're like you know, no, no more. Like, no, I have bills to pay. Like what would that have only been paying you all this time? We've been paying you all this time every two weeks. You got your check. What's wrong? You know we have to cut down, you know. And yeah, we want you to work for free. No, you wouldn't, guys.

Speaker 1:

But if you had to work for them, you had no choice. Like kids, guys, did we get paid, you know, for cleaning our room? We were told, you know, because we had to. So your dog just said why? Because you said so, guys, because you're the mommy, you're the teacher. You're now, you're there.

Speaker 1:

You know they're not alpha, the teacher and the leader. The teacher, their friend, their best friend, their buddy. Not the alpha, not the top dog. Maybe some of you guys want to be the alpha, top dog. That's fine, but the teacher, guys. Teacher sounds better, right, you get to be your dog's best friend, teacher and also leader, okay, so you want to give your dog treats, guys, at the end of training session.

Speaker 1:

So your dog, you meet your dog, sit a few times, stay a few times, then at the end you can surprise it with treats. But if your dog smells and sees the treat all the time looks in the air and some of you give the treat even if the dog didn't do it, you're not that bright, you've been brainwashed. You've been brainwashed Like, yeah, the dog will listen to you without treats, don't worry, go ahead, prove me wrong. Can you get your dog to listen to you with a hot dog when there's a mad dog in front of it? When you have company over, when there's a cat, there's a cat in front of the dog. There's a squirrel in front of a jogger, in front of moving cars, in front of skateboarders. Can you, guys? I seriously doubt it.

Speaker 1:

Guys, when the neighbor's dog goes behind the fence, they go back and forth. When the neighbor's goes in the yard and your dog goes back and forth, can you get your dog to shut up and calm down with a piece of hot dog, with meatball? I don't think you can throw meatballs at your dog left and right. You can hit your dog with the meatballs. It will not work, it will not All right. So remember, these are the things, guys. Now you know it. It kind of hits you like, oh, wow, that makes sense. I never looked at it that way. Wow, that's funny. I never thought of it that way.

Speaker 1:

And if you keep making these assumptions, you keep making these mistakes, then you're dumbass because you heard it from a pro that that's not true, right? Remember, guys? So some of these most dog trainers brainwash you like oh, you wouldn't work for free, why should your dog? Your dog has lots of good things for free. Your dog has free rent, free, medical, free, dental, free vision, has free, rent, free food, free bed, free toys, free bones. I mean, I don't know how long more should I say free, friend, if you have more than one dog in a companion, free for one cave and retirement, your dog has a good life, guys. Your dog is not homeless, it has a good life. So the least the dog can do is sit for you, stay for you, listen, be a polite dog, don't be annoying, don't bark nonstop, don't jump on you, don't nip at you, don't cause chaos, don't bully your other dog, don't try to terrorize your guests. That's the least, right, the least they can do. The dog has a good life, right, all right, you're dumbass If you think you got to have a good energy, just be, it's your energy, it's your energy and I laid it.

Speaker 1:

I'm in Los Angeles. Everyone says that your energy, energy, guys. Yeah, energy, attitude, the same thing, right, but you got to have tools and technique to back it up. Tools and technique Imagine, guys, you get the best dog trainers in the world. Don't give them any leashes, don't give them any treats, don't give them a ball toy. You know? Just go ahead, use your energy. Do you think they can do anything? Don't give them a shock car if they're into shock cars. Nothing, nothing. Just go pal, use your energy, be positive. Your energy, energy. No, no, guys, you're gonna look dumb. Okay, so you got to have tools and technique. Tools and technique, all right. Next one If you have a dog that gets aggressive and you think the dog's being protective, you're dumbass.

Speaker 1:

So again, your dog is showing off. If your dog's getting aggressive towards dogs, towards people, is drenching, charging, you're doing that, and that dog has nothing, done nothing to you. That person done nothing to you. Your husband done nothing to you. Your siblings, your friends, your relatives, your kids have done nothing to you, meaning they're not a threat. You know they're not a threat and you call your dog protective. You say, oh, he's being protective, you're dumbass. You're dumbass. The dog's showing off. The dog is not being protective, guys, the dog is showing off.

Speaker 1:

And if you are one of these people, whatever the dog is getting aggressive, like, gets like really, really loud and like say you take it on walks or and sees an hour dog or some man, the dog, and you go like this it's okay, you're okay, you're okay, it's okay, you're okay, you're dumbass. Guys, you've been misled. That makes the dog more aggressive. It doesn't help, it's not a correction. It's not a correction, guys, you're okay, it's okay. As Dr Phil would say how is that working out for you? How is that working out for you? So that's not a correction, guys, it's okay, you're fine, you're okay. And the dog said really, I'm okay, I should kill him, okay, then I'll kill him, I'll kill that dog. Okay, it's okay. Mommy says it's okay, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

So, and protection training guys, at the beginning, when we teach the dog to go, you know, attack or bite, and then you know, we give the dog more confidence. When the dog it's a little puppy, we teach it from early. I don't do protection training, by the way, anymore. I'm just saying when I used to this was like 20 years ago, I used to do it when you send a puppy and then they grab that thing and then we say good boy, good boy, yeah, yeah, and then we let the puppy have that and then we give it a treat and we really praise the dog. The dog like, oh, my god, I chased that guy away and I grabbed this thing and it must be good. So that's what you're doing unknowingly, guys. You're saying it's okay, you're okay, like the dog, really it's okay.

Speaker 1:

So again, if you make that mistake after listening to this, you're a dumbass. You're a dumbass, yep, you're stupid. Smart dog, stupid owner, all right, next one. So remember, guys, it's okay, it's not a correction. You could say no, and that's another thing is some trainers say don't say no to the dog, say anything but no, say ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

Speaker 1:

Some people say bark back at the dog. I kid you not. There's a company called Barkbusters Barkbusters. They're everywhere. Their method of correction is you bark back at the dog, you bark at the dog. So there you go, your dog barks, you bark, you know. There you go. Imagine the neighbors. Like there goes the Jones. Again they're working with their dog. They're both barking, the owner and the dog. So again, stupid method, stupid idea and it will get you stupid outcome. You know, nobody will get trained like that. All right, next one If you and trainers recommend this to this, if your dog barks at you, jumps at you, nips at you constantly, what do you do?

Speaker 1:

You stand up and you leave the room. I am not making it up, guys. So if your dog barks at you nonstop, nips at you constantly, he jumps at you, they say just get up and walk away, go to that room. Is that really training, guys? That's not training, guys. What the hell is that? I am not making it up.

Speaker 1:

Another crazy thing, this one the dog bites you. Whimper like a herd dog, whimper like a, like a you got a herd, like your little puppy. Make a herd noise like you got injured. They go like that. Guys, that's madness, that's not a correction. The dog will think you're soft, animated, wimpy toy or something you know like. Look what happened to mommy. Every time I bite her she makes these little noises. And if she gets really annoying. Then she leaves the room. When I follow her and I keep jumping on her, I keep humping her, then she goes in another room. That's not training, guys, it's madness.

Speaker 1:

So again, if you have a method you're working on, you have a book, you're working on this method, a trainer, you're wasting your time. You have a stupid trainer and you have no common sense. If you really think that was gonna work, okay, this one, guys, I wouldn't call you stupid with this one because you're desperate. I would probably do this too if I didn't know about dog training, dog behavior, dog psychology. So when you have company over, right, you know your dog will not shut up. You know your dog's unpredictable, you know that, okay, the guests could be fine, and the minute your guest gets up and walks fast or is animated, the dog will go, blah, blah, blah, blah again, go after them or bark, whatever. So, some of you, what you do is you give the dog his favorite bone, you give it. You stuff the toy, you know the conch, whatever, with some peanut butter to get the dog preoccupied, right, that's better than nothing, but that's still not training, guys. It's not training. You're dumbass if you think the dog will train itself Meaning.

Speaker 1:

After a few months, the dog will calm down. Like, oh, it just needs to be a few more months, few more years. Guys, even a prick is less of a prick if they're old, right, but old habits, guys, never die. So think about it. We all have bad habits. We all do, guys. Whether it's not eating healthy, whether you're procrastinating, whether you're smoking, you're drinking, whether you know you're not productive at work, you're lazy, you're not working out, whatever it is, we all have bad habits, right? Will they go away if you ignore them? No, guys, you gotta address them.

Speaker 1:

So it's the same thing with dogs, guys. If the dog's constantly barking, they don't stop barking because whether they're four months or they're four years, they're gonna be a barker. If the dog is a hamper, sometimes, even when you fix them, they still wanna hump dogs. Okay, that will not go away. If the dog pulls on the leash. If they're four months, yeah, they may pull up, but when they're 14 years, yeah, they'll still pull, but not as much. The dog is 14 years old. So don't be naive like that. Like you know what, if I, you know, wait, I think the dog will train itself, or the dog will calm down.

Speaker 1:

Or some of you guys are that dumb that you think your other dog will train the other dog. No, guys, do you good habits come to you or naturally are your bad ones guys? Think about it. Do your good habits come to you naturally or your bad ones, your bad ones, guys? You always have to remind yourself that's smart and that's not smart. That wasn't productive, I could have handled that better. That was very, you know, dumb. That wasn't kind. I could have handled that better. What makes you think dogs will do things naturally? So if a dog always makes a scene in the car, always barks at other dogs when you're driving at people, they will keep doing that while you're driving. It could even bite you in the, it could land on your lap while you're driving. You know it could cause an accident. So old habits don't go away, guys. With age they don't.

Speaker 1:

You're also naive if you think your dog has to be certain age to learn right from wrong. So your dog? Imagine you got an eight week old puppy. The dog's eight weeks, that's it. It's just fresh from the breeder.

Speaker 1:

You don't think that dog needs to learn to be potty trained, needs to learn not to bark nonstop. It needs to learn not to jump on you, not to nip at you constantly. Puppies constantly mouth you. They constantly bite you. They bite you, close your hand. Don't you think that dog needs to be crate trained? Don't you think that puppy needs to know which part of the house the dog's allowed, which one is not allowed? Don't you think the puppy needs to know like, okay, this is a leash, don't do a psycho dance, don't throw yourself, don't put the brakes, just walk. It's a good thing. Yes, guys. So a dog doesn't need to learn to sit, stay down. All that. A dog has to have manners more, guys.

Speaker 1:

Polite People don't care how much, how cute your dog is, how much you paid for him. They're like man. Can you stop your dog from jumping, man? Can you stop him from, you know, humping me? Can you stop your dog from barking? Can you shut him up, can you? You know we can't talk.

Speaker 1:

People want polite dog, just like you. Guys, nobody knows your education. You don't, you know. Nobody knows how much money you have. Nobody knows what comes across first, guys, is your attitude, how you carry yourself, your character. It's the same thing with dogs, guys, same thing.

Speaker 1:

So at the end of the day, you want to make sure your dog is polite. Polite dog. The dog doesn't need to sit, even it needs to be polite dog, doesn't even need to stay, doesn't need to know, stay at all. But should not lunch, should not bark, should not snap, should not growl. The dog could be standing, wagging his tail right. No jumping, no nipping, no body slamming, no crotch sniffing, no butt sniffing, no making a scene. That's what polite dogs don't do, right, polite dog or chill, they're under control, right, all right. So that's what I wanted to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Guys, smart dogs, stupid owners, like I said, now you know. Now you know what's dumb, what's not. And if you keep making these assumptions, like your dog's acting up, you know and you call it protective when you know deep down, you've never been attacked by your neighbor, a dog never attacked you, no dog ever attacked your dog. And even if they attacked your dog, even if your dog got attacked by a dog in a past guys, it was the past you got to let the dog know what. Just one incident doesn't mean all dogs are bad. Now okay, all dogs are not bad, no more. And you know for a fact that your kids, your husband, they're not a threat, your friends, family, when they come in, they're not a threat, they're coming to visit you. And if your dog's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's a jerk, okay, that's not a protective dog, the dog's just running to your life, the dog's being bullied, bullying your guests, the dog's running your life, the dog's running the show.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, more info, guys, about me, my programs, everything on dogsecretscom, love and light, everyone Thank you and give me a five. Sort, Just scroll down, guys, give me a five. So who else is this direct? Guys, come on, no dog trainers this direct. This funny, you know, and I'm revealing some secrets, right, dogsecretscom.

Smart Dogs, Stupid Owners
Common Mistakes in Dog Training
Polite Dogs in Social Situations