DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy

8: Mastering Come Command - ROCKET RECALL Secrets That Worked on 10,000+ Breeds!!!

February 15, 2024 ZEDDICUS
8: Mastering Come Command - ROCKET RECALL Secrets That Worked on 10,000+ Breeds!!!
DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
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DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
8: Mastering Come Command - ROCKET RECALL Secrets That Worked on 10,000+ Breeds!!!
Feb 15, 2024

After SHUT THE F**K Up, Come Command is the Hardest to Teach Your Dog. LOL

Dog Training Mistakes Exposed.  Learn the Best & Worst Ways to Teach the Recall Command to Your Dog and How to Get Your Dog to Come to you. EVERY. TIME! 
Hugs & Hot Dogs Stop Working Out in the Real World. Why Does Your Dog Play Deaf & Dumb w You When You Call it?  Majority of Dog Training Schools Teach Their Dog Trainers the Wrong Way and You Poor Owners Like Yourself, Pay the Price Dearly.  
Yummy treats, long rope, remote training collars.... what works what doesn't.  Hold onto your leashes as we venture into the realm of perfecting the recall command, a mountaintop many owners view as unscalable. Zeddicus unravels the premium tactics to make dog training not just a walk in the park, but the highlight of your dog's day. From practical tips on phasing out treat dependency to keeping your dog's gaze locked on you amidst squirrels and tennis balls, this episode is a treasure trove of canine wisdom. Channeling a vibe of love and light, Zeddicus extends an invitation to all listeners to continue the journey on his website, because when it comes to dog training, it's not just about the tricks or treats—it's about the proper dog psychology.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

After SHUT THE F**K Up, Come Command is the Hardest to Teach Your Dog. LOL

Dog Training Mistakes Exposed.  Learn the Best & Worst Ways to Teach the Recall Command to Your Dog and How to Get Your Dog to Come to you. EVERY. TIME! 
Hugs & Hot Dogs Stop Working Out in the Real World. Why Does Your Dog Play Deaf & Dumb w You When You Call it?  Majority of Dog Training Schools Teach Their Dog Trainers the Wrong Way and You Poor Owners Like Yourself, Pay the Price Dearly.  
Yummy treats, long rope, remote training collars.... what works what doesn't.  Hold onto your leashes as we venture into the realm of perfecting the recall command, a mountaintop many owners view as unscalable. Zeddicus unravels the premium tactics to make dog training not just a walk in the park, but the highlight of your dog's day. From practical tips on phasing out treat dependency to keeping your dog's gaze locked on you amidst squirrels and tennis balls, this episode is a treasure trove of canine wisdom. Channeling a vibe of love and light, Zeddicus extends an invitation to all listeners to continue the journey on his website, because when it comes to dog training, it's not just about the tricks or treats—it's about the proper dog psychology.

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dog Secret, brought to you by Zedekis the dog prodigy king, the dog psychology podcast without the whispering. Hey everyone, thank you so much for tuning in. I'm your host, zedekis the dog prodigy king. I actually been getting lots of good emails, lots of good support from all over the world. Guys, I really appreciate the love and support. I only have seven episodes and I can't believe it took off this good. I mean, it really is humbling and I really appreciate all the love and support and the emails. And I better hurry up with the book, right, you know, so you guys can read the book and the book will be mainly dog psychology book, guys. I mean in this episode I'll try my best to do training but you'll see like how much you'll get the psychology aspect of it, but the hands-on is still. It's not as easy, but you'll get a concept right to get the ideas to know why dogs do what they do, why they think the way they think and how we can beat them at their own game.

Speaker 1:

So today I'm gonna talk about recall, or calm command recall. I guess the reason they call recall is the dog doesn't recall nothing when you call them up. They forget their name, they forget you, they forget your love for them, your devotion. There's no respect. They do whatever they want to do. They'll just take a message and get back to you, right, that's recall. So calm command is, hands down, the hardest command. And it's funny because if you ask any dog owner like, what do you think is the hardest command to teach a dog, most people say stay. And it's not stay, it's not heal, it is calm. Calm command Because dogs know, guys, you cannot run them. Dogs know you can catch them, even in a room. You can catch your dog that easily, unless they want to be caught right, unless the dog is like old and like slow and hurt. But dogs are very fast, they're very fast, they're very agile. And you'll see what I'm talking about in this episode. I'll go over the difference between calm command and leaving something alone, like like getting it out of that area. You know that vicinity, so a lot of times you guys don't know the difference. You never looked at it that way.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'll give you an example. See your dog's barking. Your dog's barking its head off in a backyard right, barking at the neighbor's dog. Barking at sky. Barking because it's windy. Barking because the neighbors are in the yard they're throwing a barbecue party, the kids are playing, maybe they want for smoke, and your dog doesn't shut up. Now, most of you, you see your dog's name. You just yell out the dog's name Like a boomer Bailey. You know, spike, spike, spike, that's just the dog's name. Guys, now the dog knows that you're mad and upset and you want him to stop barking. But that's not calm command. Okay, that's not calm, it doesn't apply. Calm command doesn't apply to that scenario. So you gotta let the dog know like you can be there. Just shut up. Okay, a lot of you.

Speaker 1:

When your dog steals something and takes off with it, what you do is you say come when it should be, drop it, leave it. Okay, drop it, drop it, not, come, the dog's not gonna come and bring that to you. Some do, most of them don't See, you don't want the dog in a certain room, you don't want him in a certain. You don't want him in the kitchen. Okay, you're in the living room, you don't want him in the kitchen. Calm doesn't apply in that scenario. You gotta say out, get out, get out, out, out, out and chase the dog. You know like you can have it on the leash, guide the dog. So when you teach your dog just like that and that moment and that scenario with certain commands, then you get more, better and faster results. Right, think about it a lot of times, guys. When you call your dog to yourself, calm doesn't apply. You can get away with sop it, leave it, drop it, get out of there, get out of there, right. So calm doesn't apply. Okay, let's go a little bit more about the dog psychology of calm command.

Speaker 1:

Most of you guys call your dog to do something negative or something the dog rather not do. So you call the dog to yourself. You hit the poor dog. You call the dog yourself. You shove a pill down his throat. He needs to be medicated. You call him to yourself. You put him in a crate, you lock him up. You call him to yourself, you kick him out. You lock him in a room. You put him outside. You call him to yourself. You take him to the vet. The dog is like man I got shot there. I got a surgery. They left my testicles there. I came back without my balls. So come usually means negative to a dog.

Speaker 1:

Think about it. Your dog is afraid to come to you and refuses it kind of like thinks and looks at you like, okay, what's up, what are you doing? What is mommy up to, what is daddy up to? A lot of you say come here. And then you yell at the dog, come here and you hit the poor dog. Come here and you put a shock car on the dog. You put a pinch car on the dog, a shock car, not tickle car, a pinch car. It still pinches. Now that's the thing that you got to keep in mind is, whenever you call your dog to yourself, try to make it a fun thing, guys. So this is where you got to use treats. Okay, so in this episode we're going to use treats, we're going to use a rope long line and we're going to use a shock car.

Speaker 1:

I recommend shock car and you'll agree that the dog won't only get so far without the collar, without the shock car, it's not going to work out in a real life scenario. Remember, it's one thing the dog to come to you in your living room, in your backyard, even front yard, it's totally different ballgame from to respond to you outdoors in a park setting you know, like from a skateboarders, from a jogger, from a squirrel neighbor's cat. Will your dog come to you in that scenario? You better believe it. They will not. The dog will take off, will chase, will bark, will growl. It will totally ignore you as if you don't even exist. That's what will happen. You know that I'm right. Don't make your dog sit and stay and they're like okay, come here. There you go, that's come. That's one way, guys. That's better than nothing. But that's one way.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of group classes they teach that Like okay, look, put the dog on a stay, stay, stay, stay. Okay, come on. Okay, here's a hot dog. Yeah, what a smart dog. The dog is laughing at you like man, okay, my owner is dumb. Okay. So this is how you should do it, guys. First of all, teach your dog come means positive, and if you don't come to me, I'm gonna. And then tone is really important. So check this out before the hands on. You gotta sound happy. You gotta sound excited Like come here, come on, come here. Right there, you sound like the dog's not in trouble, right? You're not gonna be a psycho. You're gonna go come here, come here. When the dog comes, you beat the poor dog. You're not gonna do that. You're gonna say come here, come here. So you gotta sound happy and non-threatened, don't sound boring. It should not sound like you're inviting the dog to a funeral Like, come, come, here, come.

Speaker 1:

I saw this comedian. He said if you know someone that talks to a baby and a puppy the same tone, they're psychopaths, they're serial killers. Everyone changes their tone when they talk to a baby or a little puppy. Right, they're like hey, hey, hey, hey. They don't say hey, dog, what are you up to? Hey, hey, toddler, what are you doing? You gotta sound happy, you gotta sound, you know, exciting. So it's funny.

Speaker 1:

Now I had four dogs at one time okay, sharp, loka, precious, and sheriff, sheriff, sharp and precious. All three of them came to me. When I said come here, guys, come on, come here. They came to me. For loka I had to go come loka, no, come, she would stop. She would stop dead in her track and and look at me or not, look at me, she'll come. Okay. Now, why that is? You get to see like, okay, firm doesn't work, sound happy, and if happy doesn't work, sound firm. This is what diverse method is, guys. You got to be diverse. What you approach now, what I did, is so. I've done this long time, guys. I've done this 30 years, right with thousands and thousands of dogs.

Speaker 1:

At the beginning I wanted to use no treats, like, screw this, I don't have hotdog with me all the time. I want the dog to come to me because I said so. That sounds good, guys, but it's not gonna work all the time because when there's like a real distraction, like something that's really tempting, your dog will go after that. I don't care how much they love and respect you or fear you. Sometimes fear you know works bad and you'll see why.

Speaker 1:

We'll get a use electronic collar and, guys, it's your dog, your decision. You have to think about that, these trial and error. But you'll notice, and you'll agree with me, certain situation the electronic car, that's the only way. Like how you think a hunting dog goes all the way like a half a mile away and they don't take off with a bird. There's a remote collar on the dog. The remote collar, guys, is the backup in case of the dog plays dumb, you know. They press the button and the dog like, oh, okay, whoa, holy cow, this works from all the way there too.

Speaker 1:

So I I did this for years without treats and I noticed it doesn't work. And then I go come gonna use treats, then gradually wean the dog off it. So the dog will come and I'll get the treat, you know. And then after a while I wind it off. And then they came and look for it. They looked at the air, the sniffed air, like ah well, daddy's forgot using treats or he's running out. So what I notice is it works best is if you use treats all the time, guys, and if the dog doesn't come to you, have it on a long rope, you can get those from. You know pet stores, 30 furthest good start. You say come here if they don't really meant to you and then give them a treat. You want the dog to know, like man, every time I hear come, mommy gives me a treat, I don't get beat up, I don't. They don't throw me in the crate, they don't lock me out. I get my favorite treats when I, when they hear, when I hear come, command, every time mommy, daddy says come, it's positive.

Speaker 1:

Then you go work around distraction, you know so. If you're doing this in your living room, you go in a backyard. If your backyard is not, you know that, tempting not made distractions then you go in a front of your house. And if the front of the house, there aren't that many distractions. Then you go to a local park. Okay, local park, they'll a lot of distraction. Your dog will start sniffing. We'll start looking at different kids, different noises, different dogs. It will look for anything like oh, what is that? And then again you say come and you increase your distance gradually. Now your dog will get tangled. Do not untangle the dog unless it gets really bad. I repeat do not untangle your dog when you pull your dog. Most of the time dogs know how to untangle themselves. Now depends on how smart the dog is.

Speaker 1:

Some dogs what they do is they block themselves with the rope. They block themselves with the pole, some pole or tree or bushes. The dog knows every time I hear mommy says come here, and I know she has hot dog, I know she has chicken, I know she has my favorite treats. I'm gonna take a message and I'll get back to her. I'll come to her when I'm ready. So that's where you gotta keep pulling and reeling.

Speaker 1:

This is where you gotta use a pinch collar. So the dog has to be on a pinch collar or prong collar and the rope gotta be attached to that. Okay, not to the regular collar, pinch collar or prong collar. Here's why they back out of it sometimes with the collar. They back out of it, they do it and then book, the dog slips out of the collar. Another thing is the more the dog's further, the more you lose the momentum, the harder it will be for you to pull the dog. So you cannot get an advantage with a pinch collar.

Speaker 1:

Now, if the dog really fasts, you gotta be careful, you gotta wear gloves. If the dog really fasts and they charge a lunge at a dog or a cat or a kid or a squirrel or whatever, that's not just come command, that's leave it, that's no. And that's where the shock card comes in handy, guys. So that's one of the scenarios. Because, think about it, you know what come is I wanna kill that dog first. I know what come means I wanna chase that cat. I know what you mean. Yeah, yeah, I wanna catch that squirrel. I know, I know. So that's where you gotta say leave it, no, leave it, and then come right. So no has to be like convincing the dog's like okay, what are you gonna do? You're all the way there, 30 feet away, whatever. Mommy thinks she's a dog trader, now that's cute. Daddy thinks she's a master, dog trader or whatever. So that's where the second, the dog, charges.

Speaker 1:

So the dog's on an electronic car, on a pinch car, and the pinch car's hooked up to your rope. Whenever the dog charges at someone or something, you press the button. You say no, now right, there guys, 9 out of 10, the dog will be oh, what was that? They come to you, they run to you and that's why you give them a treat. Now most dogs take the treat. Some don't Like whoa, what happened? They kind of get nervous, they get scared, they're confused. But they get it. After a while the dog will be like okay, when I don't go to mommy, I'm gonna get zapped, they pull me. And when I go to mommy, I get my favorite treats.

Speaker 1:

So two things will happen. Either the dog will stay close to you. It will stay close to you, kind of look at you, you know, like, keep an eye on it from side of you know their eye, like, okay, I'm gonna keep an eye on mommy or daddy. Or you will like my God, I have to really step it up. I have to step up the electronic car, crank it up, because what may work in your living room, it doesn't work outside. Maybe the car is not strong enough. You need to try a different brand. Maybe you gotta make it tighter. Maybe the longer contact points is what you need to get if your dog has like a really, really thick coat. So that's how you teach your dog come command. Guys, the recall you gotta let the dog know like come to me, regardless of any distractions outside. Inside, leave it, drop it. Whatever you want to do, you can use the electronic car for that. And what happens is your dog will know like okay, whenever I don't come to mommy or daddy, there's consequence, but when I come, good things happen and leave it at that. Guys, what I'm trying to say is I'm not saying you gotta have a pouch of hot dogs, you know, with you all the time. What I'm saying is, whenever you work on come command, try to make it a fun thing, a positive thing.

Speaker 1:

Now, what happens if you have to put the dog in a crate? What happens if you have to go take the dog to the vet? What happens if the dog has to go to the groomers and they have to trim his coat and they messed up. You know the dog was bleeding a few times from the you know short they cut the dog's nail really short. Dogs hate going there. What you do is hide the leash. Hide the leash in your pocket behind you, go to your dog, put the dog on the leash, then go in that location wherever you want to take your dog.

Speaker 1:

Now think about it. One, you're teaching your dog that whenever you want them to shut up, it's just shut up. It doesn't mean come Whenever they want to. They're stealing something. You want them to drop it. Drop it. Leave it, not say come. You don't want them in a certain room. You don't need to say come, say out, out, out. That right there the dog will know like, oh, okay, things are different now Mommy's more clear and concise for her commands.

Speaker 1:

Okay, then you know the electronic car. You're mixing with positive and negative reinforcement. Positive is that right, giving the dog hot dogs you know just being alive. And then negative is electronic color. One way is not good. So if you always say, okay, you know what, I'm going to, just zap the dog. I don't want to have hot dogs. No, I'm not going to take treats with me, I don't like treats. I'm going to zap him. I'm going to zap him. He'll know, he'll learn.

Speaker 1:

Well, tell your story, guys. This happened to me a few months ago and I'm glad that I did it the way I did, because I would pay the price. So there was a dog I was working with at the, you know, the kennel that I worked with and the dog was very fearful, very scared, so I was giving it treats. I wanted to become the dog's friend, like okay, this guy's not a threat. I was just giving the dog treats, guys, no training, I'm walking the dog, giving it treats, and the dog would just like cower and take your treats really slowly, you know, and the client is texting me like how is our dog doing? You know I was laughing like let me get close to your dog first. Now, these guys don't know.

Speaker 1:

A lot of you don't know how your dog will act when you're not around. A lot of you don't. You know, so you assume, but dogs act different sometimes when you're not there. This was a rescue dog. Obviously the dog was abused and very scared. So what I recommend is guys using treats for fearful dogs, aggressive dogs, and you know.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is when you want the dog to look at you for competition training Like you know how you have a dog that's healing and the dog constantly looking at the owner's face as they're healing, like you can run them to a wall. The only way you can get a dog to look at you like that is using treats or a toy. Some trainers put a treat in their mouth and the dog just looking at their face. Most of you don't fall in that category. You don't care about competition training, you just want the dog to listen. You want your dog to listen to you, no matter what, that's what you care for. You don't care about dogs around your guests, around joggers, around cars. You know skateboarders. You don't care about perfection.

Speaker 1:

So what happens is if you just use shocking guys, what happens with this dog is I was using treats and all that and the dog wouldn't. You know, take treats for a few days and then start taking the treat and one day the dog, you know, got loose or like, got the dog out. And then this worker kind of messed up. The dog started running, playing, keep away and is about to get hit by a car. And the dog's not going to nobody. He's afraid of everyone, you know, especially men.

Speaker 1:

Now I squatted down. Squatting works too, by the way. Make yourself smaller, make yourself inviting Like, come here. You either bend down, like kneel down, like you know, like you bend down, or you squat down Like come here, come here. I squatted down. I said, come here. The dog ran up to me and was sniffing my hand. Why? Because I've been giving you treats, guys.

Speaker 1:

So again, they're just like us, dogs are just like us. That's nice work with everyone. No, it doesn't. That's mean and harsh and aggressive work with everyone. No, it doesn't Like me myself. I don't like it when someone gets like weed with me and the tone and their root it doesn't work. It doesn't work. Actually backfires.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'm a personality. If you believe in astrology, I'm an Aries, god of war. You know, I don't want to go to war. I don't, I don't want to go to war. True strength, as you know. You know you can go to war, but you don't need to, you don't need to flex right. So what happens is the dog came to me and and, and I actually Gain a lot of the love of the dog like that, a lot of trust. Trust is big. It's like relationship, guys. It takes more than love to make a relationship work as trust, trust. So the dog trusted me. So you got to think about that. Guys, does street every time? Work everywhere. No, that's the rope work every time everywhere. To some extent, yeah, you can reel the dog in, but if the dog's too fast then they give you a rope burn. You know, you get like and that's shock, I'll work every time. No, cuz something.

Speaker 1:

Nine out of ten when you zap a dog they come to you. Guys, nine out of that, one dog will run the opposite direction. They'll go the opposite direction. They run toward a person like a stranger. They run the opposite direction. Some dogs, you know, when you do that, they want to run to the car, they want to run to the house. So if it's two of you like see, boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, you zap the dog. See, come here. The dog will go to a person like save me, can you see me? Like, yeah, no, you're saved. When mommy says, come, you're gonna drop everything and come to her. When daddy says, come, you gotta drop everything and go to daddy. You know, don't play games. So dogs are very good at manipulating you and they play that card like oh, they like Remember, come is the hardest command, guys, to teach a dog to recall.

Speaker 1:

It's the hardest one. It really is, because dogs, you can catch them. You can catch them the ones the dog's gone. That's a. They play, keep away. They run around in circle. You know they play. You know like, okay, catch me, they play the catch me game. If you can right, they play, keep away, all right. So that's it, guys, for today. Remember, recall is the hardest one. Work on that. Don't call the dog for do something negative. Don't hit the dog. You usually treats wisely. The best treats should be given like something moist and soft for calm command. I want your dog to drool when he hears calm. She should salivate like, oh my god, come is my favorite treat. And have them small, not big treats. Don't break him down. Small pieces, not big thing. You know you don't want to throw off your dog's mouth, move it or nothing. All right, that's it for today, guys. Check out more things on my website, dog secretscom. Again, that's dog secrets Dot com. Love and light to, to, to everyone. I.

Dog Training Commands
Teaching Dogs the "Come" Command
Mastering Dog Recall and Rewards