DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy

9: BITTEN to Bestseller - Tale & Tails w Author of DOGS DECODED - Zeddicus King "The Dog Prodigy"

March 04, 2024 Author: DOGS DECODED - Zeddicus King
9: BITTEN to Bestseller - Tale & Tails w Author of DOGS DECODED - Zeddicus King "The Dog Prodigy"
DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
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DOG SECRETS - Zeddicus King - The Dog Prodigy
9: BITTEN to Bestseller - Tale & Tails w Author of DOGS DECODED - Zeddicus King "The Dog Prodigy"
Mar 04, 2024
Author: DOGS DECODED - Zeddicus King

50 People Get Killed by Dogs in US Alone. Any Bozo Can Bribe, Beat or Buzz Your Dog into Listening. Dogs Are More Spoiled and Dangerous than Ever. Why do you think that is?
Zeddicus King's book,  DOGS DECODED - Your Dog's Mindset vs Your Attitude & Beliefs is finally here!

Prepare to have your perceptions of dog psychology radically shifted as I share the insights from my new book, "Dogs Decoded." It's been a rollercoaster of a decade, writing and re-writing, to bring you this comprehensive guide that's already wagging its tail on the bestseller list. The shocking truth behind dog-related fatalities and the rise of pampered pooches sets a bold backdrop for a conversation that might just help you see the world through your dog's eyes.
This episode isn't your ordinary run-of-the-mill dog talk; it's an exploration that challenges the heart and habits of every dog owner. Discover if you're guilty of overindulgence with our "spoiled dog test," and learn why emotional responses in training often overcome logic. Plus, I walk you through the '10 biggest lies in dog training,' and how grasping the real truths can earn you a 'black belt in dog psychology.' From the 'biggest scam' to the '99% sweet, 1% psycho' dog, our discussion is packed with anecdotes and advice that will leave you pondering and possibly chuckling about the dynamics of your pet relationship.
As our time together draws to a close, my heart overflows with gratitude for the tidal wave of support and engagement from listeners and readers like you. With a nod to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing, I share how it provides a nimble platform for content updates, ensuring our materials stay as fresh as a puppy's breath. I'm sending out a virtual pat and a scratch behind the ears to all our furry friends and their humans, with the promise of more revealing discussions to come. Keep your leashes at the ready, and your minds open for what's to come!

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

50 People Get Killed by Dogs in US Alone. Any Bozo Can Bribe, Beat or Buzz Your Dog into Listening. Dogs Are More Spoiled and Dangerous than Ever. Why do you think that is?
Zeddicus King's book,  DOGS DECODED - Your Dog's Mindset vs Your Attitude & Beliefs is finally here!

Prepare to have your perceptions of dog psychology radically shifted as I share the insights from my new book, "Dogs Decoded." It's been a rollercoaster of a decade, writing and re-writing, to bring you this comprehensive guide that's already wagging its tail on the bestseller list. The shocking truth behind dog-related fatalities and the rise of pampered pooches sets a bold backdrop for a conversation that might just help you see the world through your dog's eyes.
This episode isn't your ordinary run-of-the-mill dog talk; it's an exploration that challenges the heart and habits of every dog owner. Discover if you're guilty of overindulgence with our "spoiled dog test," and learn why emotional responses in training often overcome logic. Plus, I walk you through the '10 biggest lies in dog training,' and how grasping the real truths can earn you a 'black belt in dog psychology.' From the 'biggest scam' to the '99% sweet, 1% psycho' dog, our discussion is packed with anecdotes and advice that will leave you pondering and possibly chuckling about the dynamics of your pet relationship.
As our time together draws to a close, my heart overflows with gratitude for the tidal wave of support and engagement from listeners and readers like you. With a nod to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing, I share how it provides a nimble platform for content updates, ensuring our materials stay as fresh as a puppy's breath. I'm sending out a virtual pat and a scratch behind the ears to all our furry friends and their humans, with the promise of more revealing discussions to come. Keep your leashes at the ready, and your minds open for what's to come!

To Hire Zeddicus for Phone/Zoom Consultation, In-Home Lessons or His Doggie Boot Camp in Los Angeles, Paw at:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dog Secrets, brought to you by the bestselling author of the book Dogs Decoded, seticus the Dog Prodigy King, the first psychology podcast of its kind Without the whisper. Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it. Hey everyone, ladies and gentlemen, I present you my highly anticipated book Dogs Decoded your dog's mindset versus your attitude and beliefs. I kind of did a Steve Jobs there, didn't I? I could have said hey, guys, I have a book out called Dogs Decoded your mindset, your beliefs. You know, get it, you know? No, no, steve Jobs knew his shit. Okay, and so do I. Alright, guys, well, the book is out. The book actually ran out. The Amazon got back to me and they were like well, we ran out of print, so that automatically actually put me on bestselling list. They're like what? So yeah, you can order it right now. You know, I will put the link. You can back, order it or put it on your basket, but this should be available again, maybe in two weeks, ten days, two weeks, I don't know. They give me a kind of like a ballpark. But yeah, the book kicked my ass, guys. I've been writing it for over a decade, writing and rewriting it, so that's out.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate all of you who believed in me and didn't believe in me, right, alright, now here's a shocking. So this book. It will come at you totally from a different angle. It really will. I'm not saying this because I wrote it. There's nothing out there Like it will have a lot of eyebrows, raising facts, a lot of these things will make you think, will make you laugh, will make you mad and some of you will get emotional interior right. So here's one you know and I have. All these things I'm mentioning is in the book.

Speaker 1:

Do you know that over 50 people in US alone are killed by dogs? 50 people in America, guys alone are killed by dogs. That's more than bears, mountain lions and sharks combined. You can research this for yourself and the numbers rising every year. Now let that sink in guys, dogs in 2024 is 2024, not 1904. Dogs are killing more people and it's because dogs are way more spoiled and more dangerous than ever. Dogs are way more spoiled and more dangerous than ever, I think, more misunderstood too. You really don't know what you're doing. You're going to be on a lot of assumptions, your attitude, and a lot of bad information, bad methods, and I'll go over all that in my book. You know I've covered all that, but none of those guys saw that coming. That to be killed by a dog, it's not 1904, right, it's 2024. So, as you all guessed it, it's the human factor, the human element that caused that.

Speaker 1:

So I wrote this book and the subtitle says it best. I mean dogs decoded, right, but your dog's mindset versus your own attitude and beliefs. That's the key factor. It's not a training book, guys. So if you're looking to buy a book that, I went far deeper than anyone can beat a dog, guys. Anybody can bribe a dog, anybody can buzz a dog, anybody can shock a dog. It's not that hard to beat, bribe or buzz a dog.

Speaker 1:

Right, you got to go far deeper, and this is what I've done is I want you to understand your dog. I want you to see the world through your dog's eyes. I want you to look at your own action and attitude and assumptions and beliefs and mindset, and then you'll see things like oh my God, I never saw it like that, I didn't see that and it was right in front of me all along. So I'm going to force you to hold a mirror and you see like, oh my God, I didn't see this, I didn't think of it this way. Like dogs or guys, it's 90% you, it's your action, your beliefs, your assumptions, it's only 10% of the dog. So I wanted to book name this book Dogs I Call you on Steroids.

Speaker 1:

And then like, ah, you know some of you will think, oh, this, you know misrelieving, blah, blah, blah. You know it really is like, oh, you're worried, he's fighting, he's teaching fighting dogs. You know how people are, they always twist something. But it's really, really dog psychology book. It really is. I mean, if you look up in dictionary dog psychologist guys, we all know you're going to see Caesar Malone's picture. There's no doubt you will see Caesar Malone's picture. But if you look really closely, you lean forward, you squint your eyes, you put your glasses on, you're gonna see him holding my picture. You know, with his dazzling white teeth, white hair and my hair is as white and as I have nice teeth Just like his, you're gonna see him holding my picture.

Speaker 1:

So, all kidding, I said I have a lot of Love and respect for season one. He's the one Guys that woke up a lot of people like man. I got a look outside the box. I got to think what else is out there besides a leash and bag of treats, you know. So I Honestly agree with 95% of the things he does.

Speaker 1:

I don't agree with this, you know, I stick with. No, I don't agree with, like pinning a dog on on their back or the side, because dogs are stronger and faster than us. So that's how you get bit. And he, he even gets bit on national television. You see me like get bit, you know. And they say like don't let you know this, fool you. A professional get to do it, but he still does it right. But overall I agree with his philosophy because he uses a diverse approach, right, diverse method. One way don't work at every person, and one way, one tool will not work on every dog. It will not. Guys, all right, moving along.

Speaker 1:

So I I actually have the book at front of me. I'm gonna, you know. So this will be kind of like a Directors cut of a movie, like you know how, behind the scene, you hear the director, like they talk about how they came up With this part, what they went through to make this part. You know the actors, the script, you know. So that's what I'm gonna do a little bit talk about the book and how long it took me and why I wrote and blah, blah, blah. Right, and it's no dinky book. It's like 250 pages and it took me over a decade to write and rewrite it. It's a lot of work. I totally have different level of respect for authors out there and you have to be very disciplined to write a book and it's a big accomplishment it really is. I'm very proud of it and I honestly think is gonna be the most Talked about dog book ever published.

Speaker 1:

It will be very controversial because I go after dog trainers their flaws, you know I talk about how they scam you. I know about the game, how dog trainers you know dog schools mislead people. I go over every and I, most more importantly, guys, I make you think I'll let you decide, right, I'll let you decide really what's going on and you remember, you're the trainer in this journey. You're the trainer if you think about so. Of course I can shed light on your method, philosophy and all that. But you know, and I also wanted to have a that wow factor, that bang, you know that whoa, and if you think about, I do that with everything, guys, so like, look, a Lot of people you know.

Speaker 1:

Notice that the cover of the book is very unique, very cool. Looking the back of it, I know, has this pit bull. It's buff, it's a barcode. Actually, in the barcode will take you actually to my only fan page. Yeah, yeah, I mean, dog training sometimes is slow and I'm also a bad model, but I also go when that's Kevin and Zedekis sounds way more badass, right, zedekis, king Kevin sounds like, and nothing against Kevin, you know that name been good to me. It sounds like the produce manager at Rayleigh's. You know like, hey, you know we're running out of Bananas. Can you get Kevin on the phone? All right, so here's the thing I will. I will go over some of the chapters, the title, what it's all about, and then you guys I can't can order the book from Amazon and and and it will be available. I guess they'll let you know or you can put it on your basket, keep checking, checking it.

Speaker 1:

But I wanted to make sure, guys, the book jumps out the color, like my podcast, for example, the logo that I have on my podcast a lot of people think is two hands flipping off, like it looks like the dog is flipping you off. It's not, it's actually the good hands holding a heart. But all people think that and it's okay. I just want they know that wow factor, like like one of my friends, that Zedekis the name Zedekis makes it pop, makes you pause like you want to look at that again, you want to click on it and that's the thing is dogs decoded. It's a really catchy name, it's futuristic, it's you know, it's very current, right. And I wanted to make sure the book is like that, guys, that it Doesn't leave your memory bank and it gets you in a DNA. It's, it's real. I'm very proud of it. It's very, very thought-provoking book, guys. It really is. Again, I'm not seeing it because I wrote it. It's one of those books that, to my knowledge, no book covered these five, six elements. No book to my to my knowledge.

Speaker 1:

So you see things from your point of view, right yourself, your assumptions, your actions. You know about your dog, or all dogs in general. You see things from your dog's point of view, why your dog does what it does in certain way in different scenarios, your technique, you'll see it. You know about your and rather all the strengths and weaknesses of every method out there and see what works for you and your dog. Remember the keys to be diverse. You Be diverse, don't be one trick pony right. Your tools you're going to learn about you know best and worst dog training tools out there. You're going to really, I'm going to put every tool under the microscope for you. You're going to see things from your trainer's point of view their expertise, their mindset, their expectations, their limitations and you're going to see things from the dog training industry's point of view and you'll see it's flaws and how the game is rigged and how you can use this to your advantage.

Speaker 1:

I've dedicated this book, guys, to those of you who love dogs, who volunteer in shelters, who work in adoption agencies, who adopt dogs, adopt them out. I mean, these dogs may come with the cold noses, but they always make it up with their warm heart. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you are, you know, out there and you know busting your ass, making a difference. It's not easy. So I truly have my dog lover, like yourself and I. You know I wrote this book so you guys can understand your dog better yourself, your actions, your assumptions, your attitude, and you'll see a lot of things that you've been taught.

Speaker 1:

It's incorrect, it's flawed. It will make you laugh. It will make you mad too because, like, how, how I didn't see this all along? It was right in front of me. I'm not, I'm not kidding you. You will be mad. You will be like, wow, it's just like common sense. A lot of it is common sense, but a lot of it's more than common sense. Right, all right, let's see, I'm gonna. I made some notes here on on the some sheets and then I'm gonna grab the book and you know, go, I mean the book is.

Speaker 1:

I debated the name, like I wanted to name it. Um, uh, smart dogs, dumb owners. Since it has not nice, I wanted to name it dog psychology. Um, on steroids, I wanted to name it. Um, let's see what I named that came to mind.

Speaker 1:

Secrets behind dog training, hidden secrets is like what's not a training book. You know, I want to be honest and authentic, you know, to you readers and listeners. You know of the podcast, because I don't want to like oh well, I thought I can learn how to heal my dog and make him stay. You know, you know, blah, blah, blah. No, that's not it. If that that's what you're looking for, there's hundreds of other books out there. Guys, you can. This is like I'm telling you it's dog and human psychology on steroids, it's, it's all all that.

Speaker 1:

Like you will, you will see, I'm gonna ask you some questions and when you ask questions, you naturally make the person think right, it forces you to think, um, like it's one thing to dictate, someone dictate and one is to ask them questions. When you ask them questions, especially if they're smart questions, you make the person think you know, and I'm going to have some questions here, then I'm going to go over and they're from the book, right? You know, it's like one of those things that I kind of mentioned in my um previous episode on this podcast. But you know, and this one, I kind of go in detail. All right, let's see where we're going to go next. Uh, cover that, cover that.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, so the six factors, guys, seeing things from your point of view, your dog's point of view, your technique, your tools, the trainer, the industry. To my knowledge, no other dog training, dog book out there covered all those six factors. And you'll see, like I'm talking about, I'm bad from dog training books, dog behavior, dog psychology. None of them covered all the six factors. And I've done my homework for you. I've read over 200 books on dog behavior, dog psychology, canine behavior. So those cover one or two, never all six. They just don't really. All right, let's see.

Speaker 1:

So again, it will be logic and emotions that you feel in this book, and emotions, they say this, they're 20, 30 times stronger than logic. Like like, feelings don't always equal to facts, but sometimes you know, if you notice like you get a bad feeling about someone or something you don't even know, Like some people can't stop feeling about someone even though logically they shouldn't. Like man, this was a bad gig, this was a bad relationship. But you feelings just have mine of its own, like, no, no, you know, they kind of latch onto the good memories, even though the bad ones totally, totally take over the good ones. So that's, that's one good example of, of of feeling right. But you'll, you'll feel my pain in this book. You know, I've had my share of pain, my joy, my anger, my frustration, you know. And then you also feel my you know dedication, like how dedicated I am and how much I really wanted to help.

Speaker 1:

So the main reason, guys, a lot of people are struggling with their dogs is the dog is spoiled. The dog is more spoiled and pampered than ever. You humanize the dog. Look, I'm another dog lover. But these questions are going to ask you right now. Again, it will make you think and it will make you laugh or make you smile, and if you don't really just answer these, just that's it. Just answer is yes and no question. Okay, and this is in my book, a spoiled dog test. Okay, and the more you answer yes, the more the dog's playing you like a fiddle. Okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

Do you pet your dog non-stop just for being alive? Your dude could love a back rub, your woman would kill for foot massage, but your highness gets it every night, just for being cute, guaranteed, okay. Next one does your dog sleep on the bed with your another member of your family? Yes or no, as your dog's picture on your screen lock, you know or framed on your wall? Okay, again, you will see what's wrong with that. What's wrong? You know I love my dog, you know well, just bear with me. Bear with me, guys, I'm gonna keep going. Are you dogs allowed on a furniture? Maybe even cover part of the furniture to make sure you know the dog doesn't get it wet or dirty or muddy or dusty or not. Why even cover it? Why mess up the decor? Do you carry your small dog with you like a baby everywhere? Or how about you have a bad dog? You stroller, carry on.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel that you have to be nearby, or actually even in the same room, and or for your dog to eat? Why not even hand-feed your majesty? Maybe he'll drop dead and stuff to death if you're not around or if you don't hand-feed him. You honestly believe that some people honestly believe that I have to be there. What is he want me? You only eats if I hand-feed him again. The more you say yes, guys, the more the dog spoiled. Okay. Do you feel like your dog stalking you room to room? You know they wake up from dead asleep, and then they they see that you didn't put on your shoes. You then grab your keys. They still follow your room to room, you know, as if there's like okay, I think I'm gonna. I have a shadow. The dog is your shadow, basically, okay.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel like you have to pick up your small dog Every time he wants to be held? Or it could be a puppy, if not a small dog, you know, and especially, you pick up your dog whenever he's barking. Then stop lunging, growling, whimpering, or you know he gets on his hind legs, or you drop everything and you pick him up, hold them like a baby, yes or no? Do you honestly believe that the only way Excuse me, the only way you can get the dog to sit or lay down, if you're holding or protecting, you're holding an invisible treat. Studies have shown that dog owners that do that then witness their dogs flipping them off. Yeah, you get the bird, all right.

Speaker 1:

Do you believe that you have to make some kind of canned food with your dog's food, like chicken broth, cottage cheese, some kind of special sauce, on a daily basis? I mean, come on, your dog hardly eats. You know, eats like a bird. It's a dog for crying out loud, not a parakeet. Right, when your dog whines, bark, scratches at the door, in the crate or whatever to get you attention, do you give in? Do you right away? I let it out. Oh, you don't even have a crate, you don't even have anything that took to confine your dog. No, doggy gate. No, you just don't even do it at all. Do you give you dog food off your plate as you're eating off the table? You know you always keep tossing food off the table or off your plate. Or the dog eats. You know the same thing as you. Do you cook for your dog, do you? Do you? Do you avoid Putting your dog in a dog ground or outside or that kind of mentioned this, because you think that it's actual like doggy jail and your dog will hate you for it?

Speaker 1:

Do you? Are you one of those weirdos that you don't even decide? You decide who come in and visits you. If my dog doesn't like you, I won't like you. You know my dog knows better. Is that your? Is that your rationale? Yeah, you really Decide. Let the dog decide who you're gonna date or who's gonna come over.

Speaker 1:

Dogs don't know much. Guys, you do. You're way smarter than your dog. At least I hope so. Right? Do you take your dog everywhere with you? How about you know, restricting yourself from even stepping out?

Speaker 1:

You think like, okay, if I leave town, you know my dog will really have a heart attack. I Just can't abandon him. He won't eat. You know he will think that. You know I don't love him. So you don't even go on vacations, you know? Do you find yourself sitting on a toilet staring at a panting dog? The dog just won't even let you. Do you pee and poop in peace. The dog has to be right there by your feet, licking you as you're on your phone, you know, or flipping into a magazine. The dog, you know, is right there hours. Your dog will lose this shit. I will bark, scratch, I will just go crazy at the door. Your bathroom door will feel like it's haunted, you know, like it's like possessed.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Do you plan to breed your dog? So your dog is like walking around with his balls out. You know the dog's like two years old and most like is because your guy you know, your boyfriend, your husband doesn't, you know want to fix the dog. You can tell him like, look, honey, there will be only one set of balls in this house now choose. Okay, even a blind person can see that you're the boss anyways. Okay, you're the boss of the house so you can tell the guy whatever you want and he'll listen. He'll tuck in his tail and they will listen. Like I said, even a blind man can see it. Do you celebrate your dog's birthday? I mean, I'm talking about full blown party where he has his own doggy friends. They come in. You know there's costume, organic dog, your treats. I know some of you like my god, that's a great idea. Is that a kiss? Why didn't I think of it? So, alright, I'm almost done. Do you?

Speaker 1:

Do you Find yourself defending your dog's unacceptable behavior or you justify it and you rarely see it as the dog's fault. So if your dog growls, lunges, bites or goes for the kill where bites a person or a dog, you always find a creative way to blame someone else. Or blame like it's always someone else. Another Scenario like it's never your fault, your dog's fault. Are you one of those people? Yeah, and Lastly, do you consider your dog as one of your kids? Maybe you can't have any kids, or you don't have any kids yet, or the kids are grown or out. Do you? Do you see, like the dog kind of replaced your kids, like furry baby? All right, and the last one, guys. This last one is a masterpiece.

Speaker 1:

Do you add a little bit like a flavor thing in your dog's water, like a, like a little sweet something, flavor? I mean, who wants to drink plain water? That's so lame, just water, you know, no, you won't drink that, you won't touch that. I got at some kind of Fill or whatever, whatever you call it. You know so do.

Speaker 1:

These are the questions, guys. That makes you think, don't you agree? These are the questions, guys. That makes you think, makes you laugh, makes you smile, makes you shake it your head and you're like my god, my dog is spoiled. Wow, I did spoil this dog. You know what was I thinking. Or you will think of someone else, a friend, neighbor, nate, relative, one of your kids, spoiling the dog like that. It's like man. Now I see like, oh, my girlfriend is like that with her dog, my boyfriend is like that. So this book, guys, is jam-pack with questions like that. This is just like half of one chapter. It's just not even half of it, you know, close to half.

Speaker 1:

So again, I'm a another dog lover, guys. I'm not saying that you should not love your dog, I'm a dog lover myself. I'm gonna tell you some something that's emotional to me and and it happened, you know, to me. So I, I Was in a relationship with my ex for 23 years. Okay, I love all animals.

Speaker 1:

I we had, you know, four cats and we had two dogs, two German shepherds. The shepherds name Were Titan and Zeus and the cats name were muffin, cookie, mocha and Daisy. These guys, I had him since babies, since kittens and puppies. They were like my kids. So this how dogs guys see you, dog cats they see you really as their mom and dad. Dogs don't think like that, like, oh well, this doesn't look like a dog, this person don't look like a cat. They really they don't justify it like that like they really see you as their mom, as their dad. They do. They do so. Your job is to become a better teacher, better leader. You know, not just be mommy, not just be buddy, not just be best friend, but also their teacher, their teacher. Right, they rely on you.

Speaker 1:

So after 23 years of marriage, guys, I caught my ex cheating and you know we broke up and and she used this totally. She I left. That was an LA and she's in Sacramento. I Couldn't even see my cats, I couldn't even see my dogs. She totally kept the dogs and the cats from me. You have no idea how, what that does to you, like when you're a true dog lover. They were like my babies and my son, who's 22 now, and my daughter's 18 now. They didn't even stay in touch with me. Guys, that's so, so fucked up. Like all my love, devotion, sacrifice meant nothing and I just wanted to hold my dog, I just wanted to hold my cats. I wanted to see them once in a while, and and and she just didn't even you know, stay in touch like my dog was nine years old, titan was nine years old, he was almost fully deaf. I Heard last time that she let the dog go, like, let the dog go in the street, like, imagine that, like that poor dog's looking for me, he's deaf, he doesn't even know what happened, you know, and she did this, you know, to get even with me. So, as you can tell, guys, I'm a true dog lover. When I mention those things yeah, they're humorous, you know, I wrote them like that that'll make you think and make you laugh, but at the end of the day, guys, you can realize I'm a dog lover.

Speaker 1:

First, I'm on your side. I'm on your side. I just wanna make sure you can understand your dog better. You find out all your mistakes, you know, and what you've done right with the dog, what you've done wrong with the dog, what else you could try to understand your dog, control your dog, how to interview dog trainers, what are the questions you gotta ask? All these things are in the book, all of them. So I'm gonna go over some of the things that I have in the book and then I'm gonna wrap it up. Sorry, I just I had to mention that because a lot of you guys think that it's all about money and fame. Yeah, money and fame may not come, but it's more for the dog. I wrote this for the dogs, all right.

Speaker 1:

So this book, guys, the first chapter is 10 biggest lies that even trainers believe. Even trainers believe these myths and lies and you'll know how to separate myth from mistakes. The second one is how to get your black belt and dog psychology. Well, just about, if I'm the master you'll become, you'll have a black belt and dog psychology. After reading my book, I promise you that you will Spoiled dog tests. We went over that the biggest scam in dog training, modern dog training. You'll know what that is all about, how they scam you dog trainers. They're slick, they're very slick. We the outsmart even people with PhD doctors, engineers and you'll know why, how you're being scammed by many dog trainers. You'll know all the solid proof why your dog has you on a leash. Who's running the show?

Speaker 1:

The next chapter is 99% sweet, 1% psycho. You'll see how these dogs turn into really crazy dog. Those dogs that killed people 50 people a year. These dogs all had these signs. They missed it, they overlooked, they brushed it off. I promise you, all those dogs had these signs.

Speaker 1:

You'll see, you'll learn why your dog doesn't listen and behave when it sees other dogs, whether you take it on walks, whether you call it leash reactivity. What are the reasons? You'll see everything from a dog's point of view, like whether it's on walks, whether it's on leash, off leash to the fence, why dogs don't listen when they see or hear other dogs. You'll see how to prepare your dog for vet visits if it's a hassle and the dog's not cooperative. That chapter is very famous with the vets. There are 20 reason why dogs don't listen. 20 reason, guys. I left no stones at the turn and I mentioned every reason you can think of, every reason you can think of. Is there 20 reasons, guys? You learn about mind over muscle, secrets that go beyond commands, like you learn how to combine dog psychology with dog obedience. You'll learn when to doubt your trainer or current method, like when to question it, why you're not getting the results you're looking for.

Speaker 1:

The next chapter is your unrealistic expectations. I always tell my clients I'm good, not good. These are expectations that are unrealistic. I'll mention a few. One is expecting the dog to listen to you on the first one every time. Yeah, that's good and dandy, but it's not reality. The goal is to make sure you always follow through and the dog doesn't get away with it. But even your husband doesn't listen to you on the first one. Your wife doesn't listen to you on the first one. Another unrealistic expectation is like oh, I've had dogs all my life. Why this one is not like that? Why I've had this breed all my life? Oh no, this dog is different. Sorry, you know, there will never be another dog like this one. There'll never be another dog like the one we've had before. There are over 400 breeds in the world, 400 guys, so every breed. Make sure they all come with their own strength and weaknesses.

Speaker 1:

Smart questions, smart questions that equal to smart outcome these are the questions you get asked as you shop around for trainer, when you wanna prepare these questions, when you work with a trainer expert. All these things Best and worst trainers under microscope these are the 10 things that you'll see that what makes a best trainer? I'll tell you the first one it's common sense. They're nice people, they have good people skills. They're professional, they get their punctual. They don't leave you hanging. You know, that's the number one key guys. They're kind, they're kind to you and your dog. Yeah, that's common sense, but these are the best of the best. What makes them best of the best? It's not always the psychology knowledge or flawless training technique. That's part of it, but that's not the main thing.

Speaker 1:

Right, went to throwing the towel and hire a real pro right Now here's a funny story, so the editor missed that. I first had it, you know, english was my second language, as you can tell. Went to drop the towel, you know, and hire a real pro. And one of my friends said it's like no, dropping the towel means like getting sexy. Ha ha ha ha. Went to throw in the towel Like, oh, wow, you're right. Oh, it's up to you if you want to get sexy too. But went to throw in the towel and hire a real trainer. And you know, this chapter is a really good one too. The make or break factors cracking the code to your success and failure.

Speaker 1:

And I talk about all about me. You know my services, you know doggy wisdom, your final reality check. There's a you know joke, one bonus and humor and, of course, acknowledgement. So again, I appreciate all you guys support guys. I appreciate those who bought it and bought this money over this fast. You have no idea how much I appreciate all the love and support and feel free to link us guys below to place your order. Give me feedback, let me know the good thing with the Amazon KDPs I can modify the script, you know, as I go along, so I will make changes. You know it's really really good one. Thanks to Amazon, they have a really wonderful system. Again, thanks everyone to sticking around all the way to the end. Love and life to everyone. We'll be in touch next episode.

Dogs Decoded
Spoiled Dog Test
Understanding Your Dog
Gratitude for Support and Feedback