Pole Obsession
Hosted by Felix Cane and Elizabeth Domazet, Pole Obsession takes you straight to the heart of the pole dance and aerial fitness world. Each episode is packed with electrifying stories, insider tips, and unfiltered conversations with the biggest names in the industry. Whether you’re a seasoned poler, fitness enthusiast, or just intrigued by the art of pole, tune in for a dose of inspiration, laughs, and pure obsession.
Pole Obsession
Naomi Cappelli’s Post 2024 Australian Pole Championships Performance: A Masterpiece of Creativity and Resilience
Join us as we chat with Naomi Cappelli about her breathtaking performance at the 2024 Australian Pole Championships. Known for her artistry, Naomi wowed audiences with a stunning routine featuring a dramatic costume reveal designed by Kim Miller.
Coached by Elizabeth Domazet, Naomi found her flow state, embracing both the technical and mental challenges of competition. Comp day in Hobart was filled with focused preparation, light snacks, hydration, and the vibrant backstage energy of camaraderie and nerves.
As a former champion competing in her hometown, Naomi felt the pressure but used it to fuel her creativity. Reflecting on the experience, she celebrates personal growth and is now preparing to take her artistry to the international stage.
Thanks for tuning in to Pole Obsession with Felix Cane and Elizabeth Domazet! If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and leave us a review. Follow us on social media for behind-the-scenes content and updates on future episodes. See you next time for more pole excitement and insider insights! 🎙️✨