The Brendan Ecker Influence

The Importance of Procreation, Innovation, and Adventure | The 3 Essential Purposes of Life

June 28, 2024 Brendan Ecker
The Importance of Procreation, Innovation, and Adventure | The 3 Essential Purposes of Life
The Brendan Ecker Influence
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The Brendan Ecker Influence
The Importance of Procreation, Innovation, and Adventure | The 3 Essential Purposes of Life
Jun 28, 2024
Brendan Ecker

Why are we here? What does it mean to be human? Why exist? Why repopulate and innovate? Learn more about the 3 purposes of life in this episode of The Brendan Ecker Influence. Please like and leave a review so we can keep growing this channel. Enjoy.

[00:00]: Intro
[00:17]: Evade the World's Distractions
[01:03]: Life's First Purpose of Life
[03:39]: Life's Second Purpose of Life
[05:03]: The Third Purpose of Life
[07:03]: Why Are We Here?
[07:59]: Count Your Blessings
[09:05]: Enjoy the Human Experience
[09:30]: Outro

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Show Notes Transcript

Why are we here? What does it mean to be human? Why exist? Why repopulate and innovate? Learn more about the 3 purposes of life in this episode of The Brendan Ecker Influence. Please like and leave a review so we can keep growing this channel. Enjoy.

[00:00]: Intro
[00:17]: Evade the World's Distractions
[01:03]: Life's First Purpose of Life
[03:39]: Life's Second Purpose of Life
[05:03]: The Third Purpose of Life
[07:03]: Why Are We Here?
[07:59]: Count Your Blessings
[09:05]: Enjoy the Human Experience
[09:30]: Outro

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Please note that this video may contain copyrighted material, including images, music, and video clips. The use of such material is done under the principles of "Fair Use" as defined in Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act. Fair Use allows for the limited use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright owner.

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Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Brendan Acker Influence where I teach you how to succeed, accomplish your dreams and develop multiple income streams. On this show, we talk about success, we talk about wealth, we talk about business, we talk about life. We're going to talk about the three purposes of life and what Brendan Acker believes are the three purposes to life. It's a big question in 2024. As we move into the future, unpredictable times, sometimes we need to look at where we're, at what the future could hold and what is most important. Why are we here as human beings? Life's already hard. It's never been harder, right, that's what they say at least.

Speaker 1:

You got war with Ukraine versus Russia. You have Israel versus Palestine. You got race versus race. You have World War III. You have Trump versus Biden. You have Republican versus Democrat. The world has never been more divided, right. You got China versus America. I could keep going on and on and on. As human beings, we were sent to Earth or voluntarily came down to Earth because we wanted one of three things or we were destined to do one of three things. I believe number one we were born to procreate. The most important purpose of life is to procreate, to create more children, to create more human life, to expand the human race, super, super important To our existence as a planet. We need to keep increasing the population, not depopulating the planet. A lot of the elites in power, the globalists in power. They want to depopulate the population, not depopulating the planet. A lot of the elites in power, the globalists in power. They want to depopulate the population. They want to shrink the birth rates.

Speaker 2:

So you've got a thing on the left CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that's going to be based on the number of people, the services each person's using on average, the energy on average for each service and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably, one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero. That's back from high school algebra.

Speaker 3:

People who aren't pro-life. They do the pro-choice. They just they don't hate women. They just made that up. They think it's murder and it kind of is. I'm just okay with that, I am I. I mean, there's eight billion people in the world. I'm sorry, we won't miss you. That's my position on what. It's quite harsh, yeah exactly is that? Not your position if you're pro-choice, isn't?

Speaker 2:

that mainly because you don't like children. I can argue. In the developed countries, the big winners are countries that have shrinking populations how have they?

Speaker 1:

but you know they're trying to kill you off and the powers that be are trying to depopulate the current planet because they don't want you to have children. They don't want us to procreate, they don't want us to be free to have a good life, to stand for what that flag stands for, to fight for what our founding fathers stood for, to be strong like a lion, to touch the hands of humanity, to touch the minds of humanity, the hearts of humanity. There's so much more to life than just working at a nine-to-five job and hating what you do. There's so much more to life than working at a job just to make it by, just to barely be free, just to barely be happy. Call that, if you ask me, if you can't have kids. Many people can't have children, right? Many people cannot procreate, many people are not able to have babies. So where do those people stand? If the purpose of life is to procreate, then what about the people who can't have kids? Okay, well, innovation to have some kind of evolutionary path, right? Look at Elon Musk and everything he's doing. Elon Musk is helping us to get to planet Mars. Elon Musk is fighting off the globalists that are trying to destroy the population on planet Earth, right? Elon Musk is doing insane things with Tesla and automated vehicles so we get less car accidents. Those are huge problems that will be solved in the next decade.

Speaker 1:

Undoubtedly because of an innovative mind, he fits in the role of somebody who was probably put on earth naturally to innovate and to drive forward the human race. So if you're somebody who can't have children, if you're sterile, right. If, in the unfortunate circumstance that you can't have children, then I think the second most important key to life is innovation creation. Okay. Again, if you can't create a kid, then create the future for humanity. Innovate for humanity, innovate new things, build the human race, build the human experience up, accomplish the impossible. Now, that's a powerful idea, that's a powerful reason to live, isn't it? I think if you start thinking in terms of that, you're going to think much bigger. You're going to think much larger than life, and if you think much larger than life, then you're going to have a purpose. You're going to be too busy to be depressed and sad about whatever it is you're going through today. You'll be working towards a mission, a goal, an overall larger objective. Lastly, I would have to say the third purpose to life, in my opinion, would have to be just enjoying life, existing, to be to like, actually go on a vacation, to feel the water, to feel the ocean water between your toes, to go on a plane and to feel what it's like to fly in the air right, to go skydiving and to feel like you could die, to take risks, to feel alive right, there's nothing that'll make you feel more alive than the fear of losing life, that's for sure, right? So I really believe the third purpose to life is to exist and to explore the earth.

Speaker 1:

Think about it for a minute. We've never even really understood what Antarctica is. How come we can't go there? There's certain places in antarctica you can't go. You're not allowed to go there.

Speaker 1:

Why have you ever asked that? See, there are people and those who live for exploration, there are people who are on earth and they believe they were sent here to explore and to just exist, right? So all those party people who, just, you know, maybe maybe you're somebody who, well, I didn't want to have kids, right? Maybe, or you couldn't have kids, whatever the situation is, and then maybe you're not an innovative person, maybe you're just working at a job that you hate, maybe you just you know, you're not somebody who's really interested in innovating. Maybe you're exactly the person who should be exploring the world more. Maybe you're exactly the person who should be making a documentary about the human experience and what we do, or maybe not even do that.

Speaker 1:

Just live, just live. Go to the beach, go to the jungle, go to the Amazon rainforest, go to the Sahara Desert, go to the Mediterranean Sea today, during a war. See what's happening, See how different it is, how different life is. Go to London, see how how different it is, how different life is. Go to London, see how much different it is. There we have all these different experiences of the human existence, the human experience we could have, right.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, I really believe the three purposes to the human experience, to the human existence, is again Number one, procreation. The second most important purpose of mankind, in my eyes, would be innovation to be a builder, to be some kind of driver of the future, to be some kind of person, some kind of brain, some force that helps us get to where we want to go, where we need to go. And then I would say the third purpose to life, if you're none of those first two, would be to just exist and to party and to explore and to, you know, enjoy life and what it has to offer, to experience the earth that God gave you and to enjoy it and to be, to feel blessed that you're even living on it. But if you can do all three of those things, if you can enjoy all three, if you can have children, procreate, you can also be an innovator, an entrepreneur, perhaps write, a builder, an architect of the human experience. You'd be number three too, to be in the moment, to live in the present. Then, if you got all three of those things down, if you can do all three to some extent to have a balance of all three, that's a much better way to live.

Speaker 1:

So if you're feeling depressed hopefully this helped you If you're feeling really sad, if you're feeling down, if you feel like there's no other way out, if you feel like nobody understands your story, if you feel like you know you don't know why you're here, and if you feel like you just maybe you wanted to just give up, maybe you just want to quit on life in general, because things are hard today, right Again, you got Ukraine versus Russia, you got Israel versus Palestine, you got Republican versus Democrat, you got Trump versus Biden. You have this versus that race versus race, everything. There's so much happening in the world. Sometimes we forget to take a step back and appreciate the things we do have. There's so much happening in the world. Sometimes we forget, you know, to count our blessings and to really just do some soul searching and ask why we're here, why it's important that we keep going and never give up, because, at the end of the day, in my opinion, it's important to live for those who can't. That's just the way I feel.

Speaker 1:

If I was dead, I would want those who are living to enjoy life, because, man, I would wish I could. I would hate to not be alive. I would. I would just hate it. I'd be so jealous of those who could live and experience the human experience. So go and experience it. Be a human, enjoy life, have lots of kids, start lots of businesses, spend all your money if that's what it takes to just feel like you're actually a living human being, to just feel like you're actually a part of the human experience. If you want that, then do it and never be afraid. Never let anybody stop you. Ladies and gentlemen, I got nothing else. Stay prudent, stay powerful and stay wealthy. Be sure to like, share, comment, subscribe and tell some more friends of yours about this video, about this YouTube channel, this podcast and how we can help your business get to the next level. Thank you, everybody, and see you later you.

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