0018: 3 Things: Coming To The Defense Of Teachers, A Free Book And A Plan.
The VOHeroes Podcast
The VOHeroes Podcast
0018: 3 Things: Coming To The Defense Of Teachers, A Free Book And A Plan.
May 08, 2020 Season 2 Episode 18
David H. Lawrence XVII

REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation on VOHeroes.com, where the comments are moderated and civil: https://voheroes.com/3-things-coming-to-the-defense-of-teachers-a-free-book-and-a-plan/

Hey there, hero!

I usually come to you in these podcast episodes with an optimistic, joyful angle on things.

Only 2 of the three things I have to talk to you about this week are like that.

In the category of no good deed goes unpunished, I must come to the defense of my new group, the teachers I'm teaching how to teach online.

Apparently, it's become very much in fashion to file lawsuits against colleges, universities, private schools, their administrations, and in an incredibly selfish and misdirected legal approach, the actual instructors of online courses.

And what are these students and parents suing over? You'll find it as unbelievable as I did when I first heard about this trend.

But then, I have two things I want to share with you that are time limited.

First, my friend and audiobook client Danny Iny has a new book out called Teach Your Gift, that shows you exactly why and how you should create an online course to teach the world about your passion. And I asked him if he could make it free for my viewers and listeners, and he said yes.

But you have to get it by this Monday, May 11. So do so now! The link is below.

And the second is an opportunity to save a lot of money. Dan O'Day and I are preparing to teach the Home Study 2020 edition of the ACX Master Class, during the month of June. And to help you save hundreds of dollars on the cost of the four-week course, we're offering a very limited time payment plan - and for that, you have to act before 9pm on Saturday May 9.

That's likely today if you're watching/listening to the podcast on the day it was released...so if you know that's what you want to do, take advantage of this offer - you'll pay the lowest price for the course, and you can spread it out over two months. The link for that is below as well.

Danny Iny's FREE BOOK (through Monday only): Teach Your Gift

ACX Master Class 2-payment Option (through Saturday 5/9 9p)

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