More Than Sweat

Season 2, Episode 2: 4 Goals - 1 That I’m Failing

Brook Benten, M.Ed. Season 2 Episode 2

Call it a resolution, goal, or BFHG (big fat hairy goal), we all have them. They’re usually at top of mind at top of January. Check out any ad on your social media feed and it’ll tell you that it’s a New Year and that you need a new you.
I think you should “x” out of those ads.
I’m a fitness and wellness pro, and I don’t think you need a new you. I like same you. And I hope you like same me. Let’s stay exactly as we are at the core. And let’s work on improving things we choose to improve. 

I give four examples of goals I’ve worked on over the past year or am working on now.
1. I chose sobriety. You’re keenly aware of that because I’m always bringing it up. (New Year, New Me would be sorry about that. New Year, Same Me sings “baby I’m sorry, I’m not sorry.”) Goal accomplished. A
2. I had a burning desire to accomplish this ONE fitness goal. Goal accomplished, but in a C- type of way. It’s  sloppy. My 10yo son does it much better than I do. 
3. My inability to resist eating too many homemade energy balls. F. Failing.
4. Analysis paralysis. I struggle to get things done, because I’m continually second-guessing myself. It’s not perfectionism. It’s the opposite. I’m always so certain that my work is terrible and that it needs tweak after tweak after tweak to ever be presentable. So, I can’t press send. I move the finish line. I make a good thing bad and bad things worse by picking them apart. I have not accomplished this goal. 
A step toward working on it is recording this podcast episode while sitting in an Aldi parking lot with Ernie, the Great Dane, as he shook his ears, audibly and violently. 
I did not cut out his ear flops. 
Here we go, a raw podcast episode. 
That moves the needle on this goal.

New Year, Same Me salutes New Year, Same You. In this episode, let’s talk about goals to be good to our same selves.

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