More Than Sweat

Season 2, Episode 5: There’s No Way That Happened (It Totally Happened)

Brook Benten, M.Ed. Season 2 Episode 5

Never in a million years would I have thought I’d share these stories. Never in a million years would you have believed them— from anyone else.

A lightbulb went on over the process of writing my book, Sweat with Brook Benten, which reveals my life’s stories, in puns and pieces. I realized that experiencing life and sharing those experiences are what unites us.

So, let’s go there.

Let’s tether our bond tighter by recounting some of most outrageous personal stories that were omitted from the book. (It spoils nothing. There are plenty more in the book.)

In this episode, we’ll gab about the time I ____

1. Hosted a reality TV show.

2. Became a YouTube sensation for all the wrong reasons.

3. Solved the most pervasive problem for apartment dwellers (until it didn’t work).

My weekly blog at documents other stories, like a near-fatal accident, a chronic injury, and why the strength chapter in my book isn’t just about lifting weights.

I have two more blogs in the series, coming soon. Those will include getting slapped in the face with a beefy soft taco, trying to pull a fast one over on airport security, and the highest and lowest athletic moments of my life— five seconds apart.

This blog series is titled “Stories That Didn’t Make It In the Book (But Should Have.)”

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