Last Piece of Pie

Q&A Time. Sharing unfiltered updates for our LPoPers

October 11, 2023 LPoP Season 1 Episode 6
Q&A Time. Sharing unfiltered updates for our LPoPers
Last Piece of Pie
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Last Piece of Pie
Q&A Time. Sharing unfiltered updates for our LPoPers
Oct 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6

 Tune into our no-holds-barred chat as we, Jenn and Mel, dish on everything from Jen’s sugar daddy experiences to online dating mishaps on the Last Piece of Pie Podcast. We kick off the conversation with a recount of Jenn's current status with Yacht daddy.

We then pivot to the reality of dating, dispensing insights into the age-old issue of honesty and lies in relationships, answering listeners questions and discussing why people hide their true age on dating apps and the potential fallout. We advocate for open and unfiltered communication from the get-go, echoing the sentiments of many of our listeners. 

Social Media: LPoP

Send us your comments or questions and we will answer them on the show!
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Show Notes Transcript

 Tune into our no-holds-barred chat as we, Jenn and Mel, dish on everything from Jen’s sugar daddy experiences to online dating mishaps on the Last Piece of Pie Podcast. We kick off the conversation with a recount of Jenn's current status with Yacht daddy.

We then pivot to the reality of dating, dispensing insights into the age-old issue of honesty and lies in relationships, answering listeners questions and discussing why people hide their true age on dating apps and the potential fallout. We advocate for open and unfiltered communication from the get-go, echoing the sentiments of many of our listeners. 

Social Media: LPoP

Send us your comments or questions and we will answer them on the show!
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Speaker 1:

Less sugary? Are you going for more protein? Just asking for a friend, just wondering. Green is done.

Speaker 2:

Welcome. This is Last Piece of Pie. I'm Jen, I'm Mel and we're going to do a little Q&A session from our previous episodes that some of our listeners have sent to us. I love it. So first is an update from Sugar Daddy, episode.

Speaker 1:

You're a poor mother.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we're not going to talk about that. Thank God, my sister was a buffer for that conversation, so shout out to my sister for helping out with that conversation with my mom, sugar Daddy and I have come to an end. Oh, the gifts are over. Yes.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

It was a good three to four month fling and naturally kind of ride course, that's fair. Is he alive? I'm pretty sure he's alive. Okay, should we check? No, I'm just wondering. I feel bad. We texted and I think it was kind of a mutual feeling that it was fun, it was great, and now we're both kind of moving on to different things.

Speaker 1:

Less sugary. Are you going for more protein? What? Just asking for a friend, just wondering Green is done. Yes, good, yeah, all right, cool. Yep hey listen, I'm so proud of you for trying trying something new. You know you gave it your all. Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I great.

Speaker 1:

I mean technically, I kind of made you do it for the podcast, but it's fine.

Speaker 2:

I had fun all of it, it was a good time and it just kind of ran its course, naturally, so okay. Next we got some questions from the dating episode. Oh shit, all good. Okay, I really appreciate that we had men and women sending questions from that episode. So first question from my friend Seth. He asks why do women filter the shit out of their pictures on dating apps?

Speaker 1:

Oh shoot, I don't. I don't either, but people are into filters and looking perfect. It's because of social media. This is, once again, why I hate social media and why I'm not on it, because anything that's posting has to be like beyond perfect and has to have this representation of everything is beautiful and elegant and perfect, and that's just not life Like right now. You're making me record, I look like a hot mess, I want to hide and you're like you're naturally beautiful and I'm like fuck you, I haven't showered in 16 hours.

Speaker 2:

I want women out there to know you were all unique, you were all beautiful and you don't need to filter your pictures. You have angles you have lighting, because the number one thing that I heard from men about that was if you filter your pictures so much and then you show up on the date and you don't look anything like it, their immediate reaction is what else is she hiding?

Speaker 1:

Really, yes, so that's probably the reaction with me when they wake up the next morning my makeup's off. What else is she hiding? What else is she?

Speaker 2:

hiding. What else is she lying about? That was like the number one response when I asked them what was your feeling when you meet a woman who's had a lot of filters shows up. You feel like they don't look like their picture. That was their immediate response. What else is she hiding? What else is she hiding Because you're not going into the first date.

Speaker 1:

being truthful, oh it's good, it's good, it's good. All right, ladies, stop editing, stop the filter. We're all beautiful. I have to sit here, hi, hey, with no makeup, on no shower. I worked all day, came home and painted my deck. I'm exhausted, but you're like, you're beauty. You are, you're a beauty queen.

Speaker 2:

You are. You were a former beauty queen.

Speaker 1:

So stop, all right, but I'm tired. This mom is tired.

Speaker 2:

Right. So the next question was it was interesting that men asked about filtering and then one of my girlfriends asked about why do men lie about their age? And I think that's a pretty obvious question. Because men are the same they don't want to know. Or if they're older, they don't want to say that they're older because they're looking for somebody younger. So men, yeah, don't lie about your age.

Speaker 1:

Right, some of us are looking for sugar daddy's. I'm gonna be honest Fuck your 50. Let's go. Hey, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Just own it. Yeah be you on your looks, own your age, own your Life. Where you're at in life, just own it.

Speaker 1:

Well, for me, my deal breaker right in life and dating relationships, friendships, whatever it is is honesty. Don't lie you. Even a white lie is a lie for me, and I'm done so. If you're like oh, I'm sorry, I'm 10 years younger, or 10 years older, and be like yeah, okay, well, you suck, I'm out, no lies. Yeah, you know, I come with open truth.

Speaker 2:

So should you Just be honest and open from the beginning.

Speaker 1:

Saves everybody Hardly yes, alright, what's next? Give it to me.

Speaker 2:

No well, I guess this is more of a statement than a question. It was All these things could be avoided if people were just friends first.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said, did I not? I was like I just want to be friends from now on. I want to start out With a strong ass friendship. Yes, I agree. Whoever you are, I agree, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And what an interesting fact was you, men and women sent me the same questions and the same pet peeves. So we're all out here having the same pet peeves, yet we can't communicate them to each other, then that's gotta stop, because we're all basically on the same page but different chapters.

Speaker 1:

Like we got to fix this, you know what I mean? Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Communication right. Women are just as bad at ghosting, apparently.

Speaker 1:

According to some men.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's so mean, I know, quit ghosting each other.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't even let me break up through a text. No, no, you kill me if I ghosted somebody.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I would, because I've been ghosted too many times.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I will say this I didn't ghost anyone, but I did recently just say hey, you're not for me, and I did not give him a chance to respond back and I just blocked him done.

Speaker 2:

It's fine, you sent the message.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's fine that I didn't give him a chance to respond back.

Speaker 2:

Right, there's no. I mean what, where else you're gonna say besides, you're not for me, there's no other, your nassel.

Speaker 1:

Grow up. Was he an asshole? Oh yeah, he was not good. The red flags were there for a mile apart and then he sent me this ridiculous video. I was like you know, it was basically a video. It was like hey, by the way, you're beautiful, but I don't care, you're, I'm gonna start to lose interest, you're gonna lose me. And I was like, oh, I'm sorry, love, let me walk you to the door. This is see the sign exit, goodbye no, you sent the message.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's all that matters.

Speaker 1:

Good, okay, I'm good then. Yeah, I think I've never ghosted anyone. Good have you.

Speaker 2:

I'm so proud of me.

Speaker 1:

No, no, hell. No, you've been ghosted though.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's why I never ghost anybody because it sucks. Okay, all right, I always send a message, always, always. Now I've gotten some pretty upset messages back, but I just say, sorry, you feel that way, this is how I feel, and then I never. And then I don't respond after that if they keep going, because that just says a lot about them, that they can't take rejection and how you respond in a break up.

Speaker 1:

We talked about that, yes, yes how your responder.

Speaker 2:

A break up says what it means about you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree with that. We learned that I'm immature. Whatever, you know, all of us can't be perfect, jen. We all can't be the perfect surgeon walking around. I'm sorry, I'm working on it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I love this comment. Oh, this was so relatable to you. Oh no, they said Mel should take a hunting approach. So for all you hunters out there, watch and wait, evaluate, size them up. Don't just chase the first one that walks by the stand in. In order to shoot a trophy buck. You got to be willing to pass up the dinks, ah.

Speaker 1:

That was perfect.

Speaker 2:

So true, I'm sorry, but this screams Seth, am I right?

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's, I love that man. I don't know anyone, but I love him because I love him that he's a hunter and he's your friend and I can so see that. I can so see him saying that, yeah, yeah, thank you, seth, you are right. I need to be patient, just like I do in hunting, and that's key in life is just to be patient, wait for the trophy. But let's be honest, like I'm trigger, happy and more weight than one, so I'm going to try to keep my hands to myself off the trigger and wait for the trophy to come in.

Speaker 2:

You just got to approach every date like you're in a deer stand, gosh.

Speaker 1:

It's very peaceful. I will say that I mean it could be boring. I mean I do talk to a lot of owls, but yeah, I like it. Good job, seth. Okay, I get it, you get me, and I can relate on the hunting aspect, so that will slow my shit down. So cheers to you.

Speaker 2:

Cheers to that. So thank you for sending your questions and comments in to us. We appreciate them, keep them coming and we will give you a shout out on next Q&A episode Perfect. So remember you can send us Instagram at last piece of pie or email us at lastpieceofpiepodcastgmailcom. Peace out, peace out.