Last Piece of Pie

Empowerment Unveiled: Using a Life Coach

October 25, 2023 LPoP
Empowerment Unveiled: Using a Life Coach
Last Piece of Pie
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Last Piece of Pie
Empowerment Unveiled: Using a Life Coach
Oct 25, 2023

Ever felt overwhelmed, like you're spinning your wheels but getting nowhere? Picture this: Jenn found herself at a crossroads, contemplating changing companies and grappling with her self-worth. Let us take you on her transformative journey with a life coach. The road to self-improvement isn't always smooth, but the right coach, whether it’s for life, nutrition, or business, can steer you clear of the bumps. Our minds are powerful tools, but without the right environment, they can't thrive. By consciously feeding our brains positive ideas and engaging in nourishing activities, we can unlock their full potential. As we share our experiences, you may find unexpected inspiration. 

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt overwhelmed, like you're spinning your wheels but getting nowhere? Picture this: Jenn found herself at a crossroads, contemplating changing companies and grappling with her self-worth. Let us take you on her transformative journey with a life coach. The road to self-improvement isn't always smooth, but the right coach, whether it’s for life, nutrition, or business, can steer you clear of the bumps. Our minds are powerful tools, but without the right environment, they can't thrive. By consciously feeding our brains positive ideas and engaging in nourishing activities, we can unlock their full potential. As we share our experiences, you may find unexpected inspiration. 

Social Media: LPoP

Send us your comments or questions and we will answer them on the show!
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Speaker 1:

Welcome, Lest.

Speaker 2:

And take one.

Speaker 1:

Welcome. This is Lest Piece of pie. I'm Jen, I'm Mal and I just got back from a very long stretch of traveling yes, you did which part of it was part of my self-development, self-growth. I just came back from a mental retreat. I would call it a mentality retreat.

Speaker 2:

Yep, you came back mentally exhausted. Yes, you still are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it was also combined with a work conference, our team conference, which was a lot, so I did not give myself much time to decompress in between.

Speaker 2:

Well, welcome home again.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. I really wanted to talk about my retreat because I've been on the self-growth, self-development journey. I got a life coach yes who I've been working with for the last six months, 12 weeks, almost six weeks, really, yes Somewhere between three months, yeah, three months.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to tell us his?

Speaker 1:

name. His name is Derek Newborn. Hey, derek, and I started the journey back in February because I was in a very icky place with myself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you were. It was not you, though. It was everything happening around you that made you really sad. Yeah, what's?

Speaker 1:

your lot going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my work environment, my personal environment, the way I felt about myself, was just all bad. Yeah, all bad, all bad. And finally I got. I missed an annual dinner with girlfriends in February and got called out of why I wasn't there and just kind of broke down and said I'm struggling. And when I spoke it out loud I was like you know what? You got to do something about it. So I didn't want to go through traditional counseling because I didn't need it, but I needed something to get me back on my purpose, to get me back on my path, and did a lot of research and I want to talk to people about finding a coach a life coach, nutrition coach, whatever it is. You want to improve on yourself. I highly recommend getting some kind of coach business coach, life coach, nutrition coach. It has helped me so much and I took the leap and I signed up for his mentality retreat and I'm so glad I did.

Speaker 2:

I love that. So tell us it was in Florida. Yep, it was in Florida.

Speaker 1:

It was Friday night to Sunday afternoon. He had guest speakers. They had great topics about self-talk and self-worth and we did some exercises. We did a meditation, oh nice.

Speaker 2:

At the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

Girl, you love that. Oh, I love that. I love that I'm so bad at meditating, like so bad, my mind wanders. It takes practice, you have to practice. Yes, because you know me Squirrel every five seconds.

Speaker 2:

Oh sweet Jesus, Jen's a mess today. Y'all just L-poppers. Can I vent for a minute? Listen? I don't know what time it is, because I lost power in my clock's blinking, but I've outkilled her multiple times today. So yeah, she's a little squirrely, she's tired.

Speaker 1:

Very tired, but it's a good mental tired, because the one thing that.

Speaker 2:

Hey, it's a growth tired. That's something you should be proud of.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it totally is Amen, and I strongly recommend self-development, self-growth. There's you know, I pay for my life coach but there's ways that you can do self-development, self-growth. Now I'm somebody who. I need somebody to hold me accountable.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Otherwise I don't follow through very well, I get too distracted with life and get off track, and I really needed somebody to help me define my goals, because during that time I also changed companies for work because I was in a bad work environment. So I needed to get my goals and my purpose back on track.

Speaker 2:

You've had a lot of change in six months, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we've worked through a lot of my negative self-talk I had going on. We've worked through defining what my purpose is, what my passion is, helped me get us rolling with this podcast. We pulled the trigger and did it. Yeah, I had to. I mean, the retreat wasn't that much money, you know, but the flight and everything else around it, right. So I really enjoyed his. There's other ones you can do, but you don't have to have somebody like next door to be your life coach. You can find them online. You can find them on Instagram. You're not going to mesh with everybody, so do your homework. Maybe, hopefully, they have an introductory session that you can talk to, but kind of know what you want to get out of it going in.

Speaker 2:

So would you say, though, that you knew what you wanted to get out of it going in? I feel like no, you did I did?

Speaker 1:

I had an idea Most of it was related to one how I felt about myself. Okay, so getting a place back where I was confident, I knew I was worthy of the things that I was destined to, and then was I still on the right track for my purpose. So I love my job, I love my day job, I love medical sales. But I started to question is this still my purpose in life? Am I meant for more?

Speaker 2:

Okay, side note, then I would say, as your friend, then you need to probably forgive yourself for not going to medical school and release that, because maybe deep down you're still holding on to that and that's not launching you into your next.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe I hadn't thought about that in a while, until I had my parents on the show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a surprising fun factor for me. So I do think that you need to give yourself grace, forgiveness. Be done with that. Maybe you know, burn it, write it down in a journal, burn it, move on and know that the path that you chose is a beautiful path and God can use it. Yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you brought that up, actually, because there is stuff that came up during the life coaching that I thought I had let go and I hadn't let go. And story of my life, girl, welcome to my world. You're like, oh yeah, I like I've gone through that or I've processed that. And like when you start really doing the work and your life coaches kind of ask new questions, giving you homework, keeping you accountable, you're like, oh yeah, maybe, maybe I didn't deal with that fully.

Speaker 2:

Right and hey, l poppers, the homework has been amazing, like I've been like secretly having your like asked me the same questions. I'm like what'd you learn today? What's your homework? Text me your questions. It's been really good. It's been spot on it's it's. It's been a good journey. I'm proud of you for signing up, for being vulnerable and saying hey, right now I'm hurting. I feel like that is the best quality a human can have is saying hey, I'm hurting and I need some help. It is so okay to ask for help?

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I feel like a lot of people don't, because they're afraid, or they are afraid their friends might judge them, or you're afraid that you might look like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

If it's weak, that's probably not the right word, it's a good word yeah, yeah, yeah and shamed guilty, yeah, embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think those are very strong feelings why people don't reach out, and you might need traditional therapy if you've got some serious trauma in your past. But for me it was more about I need to find my purpose again in life, I need to be kinder to myself and I need a coach who can help me get to the next level in my career and personal life.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful and I think here's truth right. Our brain is has a side, the emotional side, right, yeah, and we all have that where our brain, our emotional side of the brain, takes over, it's okay. It's okay to say, hey, I'm here, I'm stuck, I need help, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cause. One of the things we talked about in the retreat was fear is your biggest enemy.

Speaker 2:

It's a liar.

Speaker 2:

It is a f and laia and you got to squash that because it will lie to you. And then it will catch and then you'll find yourself like rehearsing it and then you'll find yourself owning it and then, all of a sudden, you'll find yourself believing it. And then, all of a sudden, you find yourself allowing to other people. Allow other people to speak that over you. Yes, and that was my issue in my marriage for so long as that I allowed him to speak. Fear facts over my life so many times that I began to believe them. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because my fear started at work of the constant threats of like losing my job, and how terrible of a sales person I was when I really wasn't. But you start to believe it the more they say it and the more you start to second get yourself and the more fear that you have like, oh my God, I am going to lose my job. Or oh my God. Like, yes, like you're right, this other person's telling me so and I love them. Like why wouldn't I believe them?

Speaker 2:

Well, here's facts to repetition deepens the impression, and that's what we have to remember. Stop repeating the negative.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Start speaking truth.

Speaker 1:

Because you would not say the negative that you say to yourself about your friends Like I'm not pretty enough, I'm not smart enough, I'm not skinny enough, I don't deserve it, I'm not worthy of love. Like you would not tell your friends that, so you shouldn't tell yourself that. Amen.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it's like the affirmations on tic-tac yeah, have you heard the bad ones? No, and he's like good morning, you fucking beautiful beast.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm going to start using that one. Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

It's in the tone of his voice is just. It just makes you laugh because you're like, you're right. Thanks for the reminder. I am beautiful, I am a beast. Let's get up and slay. It's another great day. I'm alive. I air in my lungs like let's roll.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you are a fucking beautiful beast People we are. And the other thing, I I didn't have much fear going there. I was actually pretty excited to meet some of the other women because we are in a group. So not only has he been my life coach, but he's also helped me with my fitness and nutrition, which I was kind of separate yeah.

Speaker 1:

They're too separate, but he does both for me. And then there is a group. We have like a group that through Facebook that you can send messages back and forth, and it was really exciting for me to meet some of the other ladies because you know him and I would talk about like you're not alone. There's other people out there who feel the same way you have and he's like he's like that is like the number one thing on your podcast. He's like that I feel like you could bring to the world is you've gone through all this and let people know that they're not alone.

Speaker 1:

And there were so many ladies there when they would open up and tell their story to me and I would tell them mine. I could just see the look on their face Like they were relieved that no, I'm not alone. There's other people that have gone through a divorce or a loss of a career or a loss of you know your identity. So it's just good to know that there's other people out there that have gone through similar things and you kind of bond over. Well, I've been through that and now I'm on the self growth journey together, like we're here together, learning.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So what I love about this is I think it's important not to bond over trauma. Y'all bond over your healing process. That is what's beautiful. We've got to stop bonding over trauma. Let's start bonding over healing.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I just saw some yes, amen, and I think about this, about we've all bonded over trauma for so long. It's got to stop.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it has to stop. And when I switched my brain and thought, nope, I'm going to stop talking about my past and what the hell I've been through and I'm going to start talking about my healing, my work, my journey, the moment I transitioned that thought it was like boom blessings, healing, financial blessings, no matter what, it was, just favor kept coming and coming and coming.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I feel like, since I've been on this journey, like the universe has changed, like there's so many positive things that have come into our life Amen, since we've kind of switched in our thinking and we're now at this different level and this different energy and just out here, like with our purpose, and being positive, like the universe knows, like there's a negative, there's a light side and there's a dark side, and if you're always in the dark, you're always going to get back the dark, but if you're always in the light, light's going to come at you.

Speaker 2:

There's so many like, positive like crazy stuff that has happened.

Speaker 2:

Right. It reminds me of Newton's law which has caused an effect, and in the religion realm it's you reap what you sow. And it's true If you put out good, you'll get good. If you put out good vibes, you'll get good vibes. If you manifest good, you're going to get good. And that's what we have to start doing, and you and I are on our journey of continuing that and that I love Positive, positive. So you know what I was thinking, because just at dinner tonight, when you said I've been drinking too much, I'm not going to have a glass of wine, you're like now, on Monday nine of like drinking, I'm over it.

Speaker 2:

So like your liver, is an organ, right, and it's going to produce and be at its best when it's in its best environment, which is not a lot of alcohol, not a lot of fatty foods. You know what I mean. So is the brain. When your brain is in the right environment, it can naturally change, it can learn new patterns, it can heal. It is such a powerful organ in our body that I feel like we don't give it the respect it deserves. Yeah, and we're all like almost afraid of it If we all feel like we're all natural and normal human beings, like we can't talk about it. We're not surgeons, brain doctors, blah, blah, blah. But I feel like if you just did a basic study on the human brain, we'd all be fascinated about how much our lives could change.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have to, just like you need to fuel your body with healthy food. It affects your brain so much too. By fueling your brain with healthy thoughts, healthy food, healthy activities like all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Hydrate, yes, hydrate, hydrate, yeah, your brain is a muscle. Amen. If we made this amazing environment around it, I feel like we would all flourish.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, I have, you have. I know I have Join the children. Stupid shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so over here dehydrating McDonald's, swearing like a sailor Uh, but it's fine. Jen's on her her journey. I've been on my healing journey, but right now I'm just chilling and talking about it as cool.

Speaker 1:

Can I get some? Uh, yukitro Taco Belt.

Speaker 2:

Gosh Lord, remember that cover? Yeah, it's just like in tonight at dinner I was like I really should start cooking again, like I don't know what happened to my life.

Speaker 1:

The last two weeks Uh.

Speaker 2:

I yeah.

Speaker 1:

I went to the grocery store yesterday but then door dashed, fucking dinner I mean I know. But I was also like just mentally, physically done because I got from back from that trip and did not, like I said, give my time to like compress and process everything. And then I was able to Sunday and it was just like I'm going to lay under this blanket and do nothing because I can't speak, I can't think, like sometimes you're when you, when you work your mental brain that much, like I did that week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's done.

Speaker 1:

You're going to need time to like decompress, take it all in, journal it out, write it down, pick a nap, shut it down, meditate, cause it is, it is very, very draining. It was very draining after um Sunday but I turned around and had to go to like a work. I had to turn like my work brain on and learn and got set down next to the CEO at dinner.

Speaker 2:

No pressure, so hope you put on deodorant. Oh yeah, it was.

Speaker 1:

We actually had a really good conversation and actually that told me would have been like super anxious about that, like afraid to say something wrong and just be fearful of talking to him where I've gone through this process, and I was like hell, yeah, I'll sit next to you and have a long like have a two hour dinner conversation and connect with you and ask you a bunch of hard questions about this company and where it's going. And it was really good.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So I think an important fun fact right now is that you've got to have people in your corner that build you up. Yeah, and that is what you've been in my life and my healing journey and it's made such an improvement in my life. I can remember hearing you over and over and last year you saying, um Mel, you're a formal supermodel, mel, you're a businesswoman, mel, you're so smart. And me thinking I am still, after like five years and after accomplishing all this, and like I am oh yeah, I forgot about that. Oh yeah, I forgot I did that. It's like we all need people in our corner to edify us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so important. You'll find very quickly when you're on a self growth journey and you start to improve yourself and you start to like level your life up and you really dig deep and find out this is my passions. These other things aren't so important to me. People will either come with you or you lose people. I've done both. I've had both happen, yep. I've started to have both happen and I actually had something happen this weekend that I thought that person was on the journey with me, but they aren't they.

Speaker 1:

They've vanished, gone, that's okay. They weren't meant to come along with me.

Speaker 2:

What is meant for you will be, I promise you it will not pass you by. It'll be very frustrating.

Speaker 1:

It'll be very frustrating those people who don't come along or aren't in your corner or and a lot of it is their own jealousy or insecurities or their own issues.

Speaker 2:

I mean there's a laundry list right A why we respond the way we do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that's why, going back to the last podcast about the adult friendship, about me saying we've got to extend each other grace and that's what I love about this last journey with you is you have extended this human grace to say, okay, these are your issues, I'm not going to pick them up and we're going to leave in peace. Yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to be able to tell the people who may, you know, give you a hard time, that set boundaries with people who are on the same path as you, or if you have a friend that you thought would support you and does it, they'll eventually either come along or they won't, and it's okay if you got to give space between you and that person because you don't want to go back. You got to keep going forward and sometimes seeing you going forward is the catalyst for them. Amen. And it might just take them longer.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and I keep telling myself, like the people that don't rise up again, or long side of me, gosh, I almost feel sad for them because think about it as a woman, I'm trying something so new and I was brave enough to start it. Like for me as a woman and like an entrepreneur, like I would rise up against it alongside anyone. Be like, let's roll, let's see what we I mean you never know Take a chance, try new things, see what happens. Like we all need to start being each other's cheerleaders, Period. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Don't let fear stop you. Amen, because if I had let fear stop me, I would not be where I am today and if I didn't have Girl, I'd still be married Right, I would still be at, probably, the company, even though I thought that was going to be the company that I would just going to do so many things with. It was a really hard decision to change companies and transition. It took me about a month, but a month in I was like yep, this is what I was supposed to do, this is where I was meant to be, this is the path I was supposed to be on, because I had so many people who I used to work with at the old company were like that was the smartest decision you ever made. It's so bad here. Oh see, yeah, you know, yeah, sometimes you just Go with your gut.

Speaker 1:

Go with your gut. Don't listen to what other people say. You can ask for advice, but at the end of the day you have to believe in yourself.

Speaker 2:

And I think you've got to be active about where you're thinking at in your mind. Keep your emotional brain in check. If you don't keep that in check, your life will become an unnerving mess. If you keep it in line, you'll continue to grow, you'll continue to prosper, you'll continue to take chances and you'll do amazing things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your life changes so much when you really figure out what's my purpose, what's my passion. I know that's hard for young kids especially. I know when I was 18, I had no clue. Well, I kinda did.

Speaker 2:

I did. I wanted to be a mom. I wanted to be a mom so bad it's like the only thing I ever wanted in life was my babies.

Speaker 1:

See, yeah, I guess I kinda do. I wanted to be a doctor then. That didn't work out. And then, after my divorce and I lost my job, I had to find kind of a new purpose. So don't be afraid to change and to realize what you thought was your purpose may not be your purpose anymore. And the best exercise I think that he made me do was if I had to spend a week with like my I think it was like my 12 year old self. What would we do every day and what would I say to her every day? So what would we do? What would I say to her? And I literally had to write down every day Like what happened. What would I say if I was 12 year old, walking through the door? What would she make me do Versus what I would make her do in my adult life? So I had to go back and remember like what did I love doing as a kid, when I had like no responsibilities?

Speaker 2:

That's beautiful, john. Yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

I loved being outside on my bike. I loved playing with my friends. I love playing sports. I loved talking to my friends and helping them with their problems like coming up with solutions to problems so it was a really good exercise.

Speaker 2:

If we would have been friends and I'd have been like, can you help me with my math homework?

Speaker 1:

Friend, I would have Can you do my homework for me? I'd be like, can you write my paper and I'll do your math homework.

Speaker 2:

Amen, girl, Amen. Oh my gosh. I love that. I think it's so important to remind yourself that you're gonna make it. That 12 year old little girl is still deep down in there. Those dreams and desires and visions are still there. They may have been a little muddled from the yuck, but you can find them again.

Speaker 1:

Yep, you can find your inner child and what they like to do, and it's never too late to find your passion and your purpose. And financial reasons stop you from getting a life coach or doing some kind of retreat. Still, your friend's homework, you can do that. You can Google. Actually, there's a lot of companies now that pay. They'll pay for free sessions up to so many for mental health purposes. I know my company would pay for like three life coaching sessions for free.

Speaker 2:

That's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

There's so many resources and if you do decide to fully dive in, there's cheaper options than my life coach, but it just depends. There's career coaches, there's dating coaches, there's business coaches.

Speaker 2:

Well, that reminds me of the financial class that I took. I have a free session of coaching on that. I've totally forgot about that. So I need to do that, I need to follow up.

Speaker 1:

Financial coaches, whatever you wanna improve on, like a lot of churches have free services. If you go, if you're spiritual, find out through your work, find out through friends, you may have a friend that's like a career coach or accountant or something like don't be afraid to network and there's books that you can do. But again, like I said for myself, I needed somebody to hold my feet to the fire and hold me accountable financially, make it work or maybe baby step in and go to like a one day class or something. Don't go do a whole weekend, do like a one day class if you can find one.

Speaker 2:

We kind of talked about that in solo travel, as long as you start, be proud period.

Speaker 1:

Just start.

Speaker 2:

Grab the book, grab the journal, grab the literature. Just start.

Speaker 2:

Grab the YouTube videos just start. Grab the podcast just start. But I wanted to talk about how cause you brought it off. A little bit about purpose. Looking back at my life, I would say my purpose has changed based on seasons and age. My purpose was always motherhood and then I went through a like teaching in the church purpose. I started childcare in our church. I started prayer ministry in our church. I did a women's group for a long time and like so, as I grew as a Christian, as I grew as a mother, my purpose changed. You know, like I went through a season of like raising money for sex trafficking. Like that was my purpose that year and I was so passionate about it cause I was so broken for the women that were going through that.

Speaker 1:

Well, it sounds like the your purpose at the core was still kind of the same it's taking care of those who can't take care of themselves.

Speaker 2:

Aw, that is my heart. Oh my God, you're gonna make me cry.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Deep down. That sounds like what your core purpose is.

Speaker 2:

It's like my Shelly.

Speaker 1:

Speaking and taking care of those people who can't speak for themselves. So, like sex trafficking, those people don't have a voice. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for that yeah.

Speaker 1:

So your purpose is still there, it's just different forms.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's just changed throughout the seasons of life and like right now with my Shelly right, that's my girl and why did I fall in love with her is because she didn't have a voice and I like just adapted her and now we go for ice cream trips and do puzzles together and I love that girl. She's 60, she could be my mother, but Aw, she's a client no. Yeah, member Shelly, that lives. Yes, and we went for ice cream for her 60th birthday.

Speaker 1:

You have such a big heart, we go for the dollar store.

Speaker 2:

I take her to lunch. That's my girl. I beat her in Skippo. I'm sorry, but you know what? I'm not gonna let her win, I'm gonna win. Sorry, shelly, I love you.

Speaker 1:

That's so funny. Ooh, we might have to play Skippo. See how competitive we can be against each other.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my gosh girl game on, all right. So listen, I wanted to be a little bit vulnerable because you know how you're working on me to kind of talk about my past and what I've been through, and so I did snag a little journal for you. Oh God, how many journals are we gonna do? Oh God, girl, do you know how many I've written in 20 years?

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, so here you go. We do have our burn book to do still. Now we have what's this journal?

Speaker 2:

No, this is from my past journal.

Speaker 1:

Oh, your past journal, yeah, a little glimpse.

Speaker 2:

I think it will kind of help talk about mental health and where I was at in my journey Okay.

Speaker 2:

So I wrote if you continue to talk negative about yourself, eventually you will believe it, or if you allow others to talk bad about you, you will become it. Oh, and that is what I experienced. He talked so poorly about me. I noticed looking back that that's what I became, or worse, believe it. So then you're paralyzed with lies, which lies produce fear. Now you have a deadly formula on your hands and that is what allows abusive women abuse women to stay stuck. Is that freaking formula? It is so hard to stop that negative thinking, but you've got to stop nursing it, You've got to stop rehearsing it and you've got to stop cursing it and you got to start believing in yourself again. So one of my things was he wouldn't let me be part of the finances and he'd always say you're bad with money. You're bad with money. Well, now, looking back, look how amazing I am with money. That's not truthful at all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard you say how proud of yourself for like like it's like you're talking yourself up like oh yeah, I paid this off and I'm like yeah, mel, you're smart.

Speaker 2:

Know what you're doing. Yeah, and I'm very disciplined and shoot. The first year, abby and I lived alone. We lived off at $18,000 that year and we had the best year of our lives. My bills were paid, we lived in this beautiful home, we had brand new cars, we ate well and we traveled. I don't seriously looking back. I don't know how I did it, but I know like I bought a pop-up and I bought a sleeping bag and we went camping.

Speaker 2:

But, we did something, and that is the memory she has. She doesn't have the memory of looking back going. Oh my God, we were so poor. She has the memory of looking back going. My mom was a badass who bought a Jeep and a camper and made me go camping.

Speaker 1:

That's so powerful that somebody speaks that fear over you. You believe it and it does. It really affects your whole body. It doesn't just affect your mental, it also affects you physically. Like you, physically, are sick all the time, you physically can't lose weight and let me tell you like the pounds started dropping off as soon as I started to do like the mental work, because I felt like I was killing myself in the gym and nothing was happening. There's such a huge mind-body connection.

Speaker 1:

And when you're always in that, like negative circle energy, your physical body like holds onto it and you have high blood pressure, you have high cholesterol, your immune system is whack, your metabolism is whack, your thyroid is out of whack. I mean so many hormonal issues can be tied.

Speaker 2:

My organs started dying. You asked Julie, my girlfriend back then, still is my girlfriend now. She was like, if you don't get out of this, you're gonna have nothing left in your gut. And I was like, yeah, you're probably right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's amazing. I was like, just Like the energy I have through the day now, like I have so much more energy. I sleep better not all the time, but I sleep better, have more energy, my workouts, like I have better workouts. It's a holistic reaction and approach. When you focus on your mental health and get rid of all the negative self-talk and you start to work on your purpose. It takes time, it's not going to happen overnight. Finding your purpose does not happen overnight. I mean, I've been doing this for what did I say? Six to 12 weeks now and it literally took the whole six to 12 weeks to be like this is my purpose and this is my passion.

Speaker 2:

So I thank Al Papers. We want to leave you with this. Do the work, sign up for the course. Stop repeating and believe in yourself again. Believe in positivity. Start changing that negative thinking into positive thinking. Start a positive self-talk habit. Love on yourself. Be your biggest fan.

Speaker 1:

Yes, write yourself a note on the mirror every day. Get up and the first thing you say about yourself is something positive Stand, there's this thing where you can do. It's like they call it the Wonder Woman or Superman pose. If you do that for 10, if you do that just for two minutes, it makes you feel very powerful.

Speaker 2:

Or high five yourself in the mirror. High five yourself, I got this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we got you. We're here to encourage you. I will be your motivation in the background, cheering you guys on. If you're going to do this self-journey, we will do. We will be cheering you on in the background. We're here to encourage you and uplift you and know that I have been on this self-journey so I know you can do it too. I know you can.

Speaker 2:

Amen. So we're going to leave you with this. Al Papers. Remember repetition deepens the impression. Stop rehearsing the negative Amen. I love y'all, love you, peace out, peace.

Self-Development and Overcoming Fear
Power of Brain and Building Relationships
Finding Purpose and Making Life Changes
Encouragement and Motivation for Positive Self-Transformation