Last Piece of Pie

Workplace Dating: From Crushes to Marriage and In-between

November 29, 2023 LPoP
Workplace Dating: From Crushes to Marriage and In-between
Last Piece of Pie
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Last Piece of Pie
Workplace Dating: From Crushes to Marriage and In-between
Nov 29, 2023

Brace yourselves for an episode filled with tantalizing tales of love and lust in the workspace. We're throwing all the cards on the table with our guest, Ashley, who found her forever love amidst water coolers and meeting rooms. From navigating the labyrinth of work buddies to lovers, Ashley's insights are nothing short of a fascinating peek behind the curtains of what it's like dating a colleague. Not only that, but your hosts also open up about their personal romantic escapades at work, offering you an unfiltered view of it all.

As we move along, we aren't shying away from the controversial and complex. We dissect the intricate matter of workplace relationships and even venture into the provocative territory of open marriages.  Wrapping up with the dos and don'ts of office romance, we press upon the importance of setting boundaries, maintaining decorum, and the art of disclosure. We've got some real talk coming your way, so grab your headphones and get ready for an enlightening rollercoaster ride!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Brace yourselves for an episode filled with tantalizing tales of love and lust in the workspace. We're throwing all the cards on the table with our guest, Ashley, who found her forever love amidst water coolers and meeting rooms. From navigating the labyrinth of work buddies to lovers, Ashley's insights are nothing short of a fascinating peek behind the curtains of what it's like dating a colleague. Not only that, but your hosts also open up about their personal romantic escapades at work, offering you an unfiltered view of it all.

As we move along, we aren't shying away from the controversial and complex. We dissect the intricate matter of workplace relationships and even venture into the provocative territory of open marriages.  Wrapping up with the dos and don'ts of office romance, we press upon the importance of setting boundaries, maintaining decorum, and the art of disclosure. We've got some real talk coming your way, so grab your headphones and get ready for an enlightening rollercoaster ride!

Social Media: LPoP

Send us your comments or questions and we will answer them on the show!
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Speaker 1:

Welcome Al Poppers. It's Last Piece of Pie. I'm Jen, I'm Mel and we're continuing our guests with Ashley, hey, hey, because I just found out something about Ashley that we have in common Her fiance and her met at work.

Speaker 2:

We sure did.

Speaker 1:

And we're talking about workplace romances because the holidays are coming up, got some holidays parties going on. Might be seeing that co-worker across the room having a little too much to drink. So we're going to talk about my story, ashley's stories and maybe some do's and don'ts of workplace dating. Mel has no idea because she works by herself. I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

I've never worked before.

Speaker 1:

I don't work with humans, I work with robots. Okay, so, ashley, I'm going to ask you first and I'll tell my story. Oh my, gosh. So how you guys met at work. We did how did that come about? Like were you, was he your boss? No, okay, so no boss? No Good yeah. Was there like some workplace flirting we're just friends, we're work wife, we're husband and then it turned into a romance.

Speaker 2:

Let's hear it. No, I don't know if he would want me to devolved all of this.

Speaker 1:

Because Greg is so private, he's so cute.

Speaker 2:

So private and quiet, that's what I liked him. No, I, when I started work well, we're at my previous employer. I was 23, young, having fun and I saw this cute boy in one of the departments when I first started and I thought, oh, I want that.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. So you saw him right away. It was like, oh, let me conquer that backwards baseball.

Speaker 2:

Oh, sucker for a baseball cap and to this day, you will not see that man without a baseball head on ever, I don't know if you ever have, doesn't matter, it's still he's got a hat on.

Speaker 2:

So did you make it the first move that we became friends first because he was actually in a relationship Okay, and I, I just had a workplace crush on him, honestly, yeah, I think I feel like that's how it starts Sometimes and he I don't think he did, I don't, I don't because, again, he was in a serious relationship. Yeah, I was 24, having fun, and I say all the time thank God we didn't get together because I was not. He would have hated me. My God, I was a hot mess.

Speaker 1:

I just been divorced. Yeah, I was like you're in your hot mess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was in my hot mess Hosey's in 100%.

Speaker 1:

So, ashley, you were in your hot mess Hosey's in post divorce.

Speaker 2:

I was yes, definitely, and he was not. He, I don't think he ever went through one. He literally bought a house at like 19. Damn.

Speaker 1:

I know this man has unreal.

Speaker 2:

He will never listen to this. So I can say as much as I want, he won't come on, I'm already in love with him.

Speaker 1:

He's got to shit together.

Speaker 2:

But so, yeah, he, he is the most steady and constant human you might ever meet, which is why I think I was so drawn to him, because you know that even just working with him, I was like, oh he's, and we just became really good friends.

Speaker 2:

Honestly it was me and him, and then this other guy in the warehouse who was actually still one of our great friends. We would go out after work sometimes, or we were gonna played volleyball, that we were on a volleyball league together, or I'd sub sometime for his girlfriend Weird Wasn't she at the fancy. Yeah, eventually.

Speaker 1:

Yes, oh, so they were serious. He actually got engaged to her.

Speaker 2:

You guys cultivated a friendship, very, I think, a very pretty good friendship, yeah, yeah, and I actually appreciated that more than anything because I just, I mean, I just love friendships and I love friendships with guys, good guys that you know aren't trying to like get in your pants, or?

Speaker 1:

yes, we did a little episode.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I just so appreciate them, and he and this other guy in the warehouse that we were friends with were both very much like that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So when? So apparently he did not get engaged to that girl, he did.

Speaker 2:

Or he did get engaged, but he didn't marry her.

Speaker 1:

So how long between, like when he broke up with her, did he or did he break up with?

Speaker 2:

her. Oh no, I refused to be the other woman. Okay, yeah Again. I mean, I already had so much going on in my life I didn't have time to be the other woman, and I also am all about girl code and I don't appreciate that and I also respect. When you end a significant relationship like that, you need time to heal and time to move past it, right? You?

Speaker 2:

can't and I didn't want to be his like rebound rebound, thank you, yes, I, but at the same time, he doesn't do that, so he didn't have that. Yeah, yeah, I am.

Speaker 1:

Greg J is so smooth. I don't even know he is so smooth. I love that we're talking about this because I had a workplace affair Fling Fling for a good four years actually.

Speaker 2:

That's a long time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a very long time it's an invested. It was never. We never dated seriously and it started as a crush and then it became a pretty heavy fling. Yeah, because at one point he did have another person, but I did not know this.

Speaker 2:

Was he married.

Speaker 1:

Until a year later.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, was he married.

Speaker 1:

Yes, found out he was a married like a year after.

Speaker 2:

Like everything. What did you say after you found out he was married? What was your reaction?

Speaker 1:

I said you're married. You never told me what I was like. I had no idea. And he's like we have an open relationship. And I was like okay, so I'd. We really didn't do anything for a while after that. So I met him at a work meeting. He was not on my like immediate sales team, he was on a different team, so we had different bosses and he was on a different team. But our every like six months, though, we all of our teams would get together, we'd have a meeting and we were at this meeting it's the first time I ever met him and we closed the bar down and we kind of like hung out, talked that weekend and then, maybe sporadically, we would like text each other and then, three or four months later, I think, we had another meeting and that's when we like hooked up. Okay, at the meeting. Uh, cabinet, anybody that's in sales is probably going to laugh, cause sales meetings and hooking up happen all the time.

Speaker 2:

All the time. What? All the time.

Speaker 1:

What do you all get?

Speaker 2:

Like a code, you like wink twice and like maybe everyone want to watch.

Speaker 1:

Just like any other. I mean, you spend so much time with your coworkers. You just spend so much time with them in sales meetings. I'm going to tell you you're at a sales meeting. There's a lot of alcohol.

Speaker 2:

You're oh yeah, oh come on.

Speaker 1:

It is a free.

Speaker 2:

Missing hot corporate world, come on.

Speaker 1:

I know Mel's learning so much.

Speaker 2:

Why do you?

Speaker 1:

have alcohol at a meeting. I mean, that's like you. You're in a training meeting all day and then you they always, you know have dinners and alcohol afterwards. It's a recipe for disaster.

Speaker 2:

And then you just go to like the bar after.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then you yeah, because you're in cities like you know Vegas or.

Speaker 2:

Atlanta or Seattle.

Speaker 1:

Dallas or Sleepless in. Orlando Like yeah, I wonder why you all are sleepless in Seattle.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So we met at a meeting, hooked up at the next meeting and then kind of continued to have this weird affair.

Speaker 2:

Holy shit For like in the same location that you did.

Speaker 1:

Um, actually no, he lived like three hours away, so we never like traveled to meet each other.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Literally was at every meeting we would hook up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So every meeting that we would have, which was a couple of times a year, we were each other's like hookup partners.

Speaker 1:

I'm like disappointing. I was like, oh, that's it, until I moved here and then we were an hour from each other, okay, and we'd solve each other more often, okay, and I have not that ended. How long have I been in Michigan? Three and a half years. Two and a half two years ago it was when I finally ended it. 42 orgasms later, 42. I think it was more than that Girl. A meeting after a meeting.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because it's one of those things. I was like I would be dating with somebody. He would still be with his wife, wife, and we would still have each other on the side. So after I don't know, I finally I was like this is ridiculous, what am I doing, right, I'm going to get myself in trouble. By then, I'm pretty sure half our team knew what was happening. A lot of other people in the company, I think, finally figured it out.

Speaker 1:

But that's why you don't sleep with people you work with. Yeah, is that like a golden rule? I think there is. I think pre COVID, I think there was a lot more instances where people who work together had relationships because you spend so much time at an office or work and you develop bonds with people. Sometimes they're platonic, sometimes they're crushes, sometimes it's more so I don't think there's anything wrong with it, as long as both are consenting, and you should both be single. Don't do what I do people, and please don't judge me. We're not touching. You didn't know. So you know. Open marriage, open marriage Apparently, that's that was the.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I think in the past like it may have been taboo, but if you're both consenting, you don't work under somebody, so it's not like a boss employee, because then that can cause, I think, a lot of issues and favoritism and then a lot of HRs. Now, as long as you disclose your relationship and you're not working underneath each other, a lot of times they're fine with it. You just have to disclose it. I think it's where it, when it goes bad is when one person and the other person aren't on the same page about it, like, yeah, bitch, I'm fucking your boss, right? Yeah, I think that's when you can get into trouble. Is you know your manager or a higher you know somebody that you report to above you or somebody that reports below you you? Sometimes, if you're on the same team, that can cause a conflict. I mean, yeah, yeah, I can't even look at that.

Speaker 1:

Did you ever had no idea about this story, did you?

Speaker 2:

ever develop feelings more than just sex with him. I did.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So that's when I had to like back off sometimes and just say, oh, I'm busy or whatever, because I'm like you can't have feelings for this man, because it is not going to go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

That's really hard, yeah. So when it ended, who ended it? I did, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he tried for about a month. He bugged me for a month afterwards and I was like nope, this is, this is done, we're done, can't do it anymore.

Speaker 2:

Good for you, yeah.

Speaker 1:

He was very persistent.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure he was.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I would like to meet him too.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of men in your life, just line them up. I like to meet them all.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to use them for fucking target practice. Oh God, I'm surprised. I'm really surprised. I have not like run into him again afterwards. I mean because he's in sales and we're both medical sales, so yeah, so Maybe he's selling penis enlargement. Oh my God, oh girl, let me just tell you, maybe this penis was top match. That's probably why I did it for four years. Okay, we're editing that out, we're not just going to get it hot in here. Okay, so Ashley.

Speaker 1:

Mine's not as exciting as yours, but I feel like you guys had a successful, because now you're engaged, yeah, and you have kids, yeah, and do you still work together? Nope, no.

Speaker 2:

No, I quit that job about two years ago, right like at the end of COVID, just because, yeah, reasons doesn't matter, and now I'm able, I do. I have a different job, but yeah, no, we don't work together anymore and it's worked out well and so.

Speaker 1:

So does he still work for the same company? Yeah, so did you guys at any point have to tell anybody that you were dating? I mean, people knew.

Speaker 2:

I'm also, he is not a PDA person and I am, so not that we like made out at work or anything yeah. But people knew and people extremely supported it that's a word. They loved it, yeah, so that was really nice. So they were excited when they did find out and, yeah, I wasn't gonna keep it a secret just because I wasn't shamed of it, right, and again, he wasn't my boss, it wasn't anything to hide, we didn't break any rules.

Speaker 1:

He was just Greg J.

Speaker 2:

We weren't making out in the warehouse in the corner and we weren't like yeah, no, I mean we might have, but no, we didn't, he would never do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't even know if I've ever seen Yola kiss.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I kiss him all the time. He just stands there and lets me do it.

Speaker 1:

I feel like there's always a one person that's more PDA in relationship than the other person? Yeah, Because I'm not the PDA person ever in a relationship.

Speaker 2:

I never was, until him.

Speaker 1:

Well, you broke your ice, queen heart.

Speaker 2:

He did, because now I just want to like smoosh him all the time because he's so smooshable, and I say that all the time.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. Yeah, my little affair was pretty discreet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Nobody even know at our meetings we were hooking up. I think I ended up telling my work wife eventually.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Work wife. That was your wife, she's my work wife. It's different. It's different. She knew and yeah, she would. Just I would call her and try to like I think I was just trying to like be justified when I was doing some of the times and she's like I don't think you're doing anything wrong because you know he didn't disclose in the beginning, but B apparently that's you know hey, that's a lifestyle. That's what they do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you did. Then you experienced a little bit of guilt in that relationship. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But then I was like you know what? I don't have anything to feel guilty about because I'm single.

Speaker 2:

Right and nothing wrong.

Speaker 1:

No, and it wasn't until I moved here is when I was like do we disclose this Like? What do we do? And then him being married and me not not knowing. I mean nobody, I don't know if anybody knew. He had an open marriage, but yeah at the end I was like no, I don't, we've gotten this long.

Speaker 1:

I just close it now, right, so, but it didn't last very long, like once I got up here, because just different things happened to life, life and could you ever do an open marriage? Do you want me to?

Speaker 2:

sleep with Greg? Nope, I can either. I am way too possessive. I think it's also my personality. It's just way. There's no way I could share that man.

Speaker 1:

I would be heck.

Speaker 2:

no See, I might be into it. Really yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm gonna say you get a man that you're like you don't even like me talking to the guy I gave him. No, it's not, it's not that. Let's say you get a man that you're like, it's not, it's not you, it was him, it was. I did not know what his intentions were going to be true or not. And now we're getting off topic. This is a whole other podcast about a guy is talking to Mel that I went out with. So stay tuned for L Poppers for that one.

Speaker 1:

No, I honestly I think I might be into it. No, oh my God, I am way too possessive, I would murder somebody. I think it's because the older I've gotten and the longer I've been single and I think I've decided I don't really need or want to get married. But if I had a primary person but was there into having, you know, outside relations. Yeah, I think I would be totally into it, okay, I.

Speaker 2:

Sure John A little bit, Remember the guy in hinge from Ann Arbor.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you should have him, no he was weird. No, he's not weird.

Speaker 2:

No, he was. He's into open relationships.

Speaker 1:

No, he was into threesomes, that's totally different. Yeah, that is Totally different. That is so you can have a marriage where you bring people in to your marriage if you're having, if you're both agreement with it, yes, right, but I mean. He just said that he'd be turned on if I went home with another guy. You yeah. Oh yeah, some guys do get turned on, like if we went on a date and we were sitting at a bar.

Speaker 2:

That would be a huge turn up to me. I'd be like, no, I'm gonna be yours and you were moving on. So what he want, but what?

Speaker 1:

he want to watch you with another guy. I didn't ask. I was like I'm out and that's a wrap. Nice to meet you. Yeah, I mean there's a lot of times where right two coworkers are married they end up hooking up and marriages end, and then they end up marrying each other, which you know, that can happen, seen that happen.

Speaker 1:

So I just Well now post COVID, we're not I don't know if it happens as much, since we've all been working from home and now that everybody's going back into the office maybe. But I do feel like there's certain professions where it does happen more, and sales being one of them, 100%. What are the sales of hope? Saley sluts? I just think it's our personalities, it's the environment. You're always in a high pressure situation and then you go to these meetings. You're like stuck at this meeting all day and then you get a chance to To what orgasm I mean maybe, oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean because a lot of sales organizations too, there's a lot of young, there's a lot of younger people. So I think in the younger people tend because they're single and they're jobs, and you got all these beautiful people in a room. You know I'm hooking up Older. I would say older, probably not as much because we're more established and married, but I do. Yeah. Here's a perfect example my training class. I had like 40 people in it. Two people hooked up in that class, oh.

Speaker 2:

During our training week. Oh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it happens. I just think you spend so much time with the work people you can't deny that you end up having some kind of friendship with them. You know him and I were friends too. We would talk just about other stuff when we weren't hooking up at meetings.

Speaker 2:

Right. I think it's way more common than people outside of the sales world would realize.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, when I worked in the restaurant industry.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, yeah, Good night. Well, I mean, that's yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's all you Well, because you know we all worked crazy hours and that's the only people you saw After midnight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as other. And a drink after work? Oh yeah, every time.

Speaker 1:

And it was just a huge orgy in the restaurant industry. Holy shit.

Speaker 2:

No, you gotta get out there. You missed out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She's talking about what's next in your life. You're gonna wait, mel, it's a waitress Hooters. I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.

Speaker 1:

I'm coming, I'm coming.

Speaker 2:

I'm coming. I'm coming. It's like you're dreaming when someone's watching.

Speaker 1:

Tell him that we Well anytime Then, but consider that a guest biz. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Now, that's the crew.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your question is like all right, we're done talking and we're done talking. Oh my God. So I don't know. I mean, I have no guilt about that relationship at all. Yeah, so it happened and I. Just the advice I would give to anybody that's thinking about a workplace relationship is, I don't know, make sure you're both on the same page, Right?

Speaker 2:

From the beginning maybe. Yeah, from the beginning, open and honest. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome if it starts out as a friendship and develops into more, and then just know your HR rules. If you have to disclose your relationship, don't recommend a relationship with your boss.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That could create a lot of problems.

Speaker 2:

You're right.

Speaker 1:

Well, that, or you know, people will think that you know your favoritism or that you're sleeping your way to the top or whatever people want to come up with. Right yeah, and a lot of times if it is your boss, you know, maybe you can be transferred to a different right area, so they're not your boss anymore, right? But I would just take it with caution. But sometimes you just can't help who you like. Right Right, saw him across the way. I did Get old Greg, yeah. Yeah, she's like I'm without. I don't care, I'm gonna be friends with this man, I know.

Speaker 2:

I was yeah, I advice, I don't know, I, yeah, I, I think be careful, be smart and make sure I don't know. If it's just a fling, just let it be a fling and don't bring any drama into it, because that's good, you add drama to the workplace. If you know it's gonna breathe drama, stay away. It's not worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so true. If it's, if it's gonna bring just Conflict and drama, don't even go there. Or if you know it ends, you know, try to end it on a positive no. Yeah, because you still have to see that person every day.

Speaker 2:

And if you know that you can't, then don't even do it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It will end bad, usually for you, not the other person. Amen, oh, poppers, I'm officially glad I've never worked. Hashtag Never worked, you do work you just work for yourself. You did the best thing there is right.

Speaker 2:

You don't have any of the drama, you don't have any of the I'm falling in love with my moped.

Speaker 1:

That's a beautiful job, yeah, yeah. So L poppers, if you got a workplace love story, we want to hear about it. If you need advice, send it to us. We'd love to hear about any workplace romances you got going on there. And what's it like? Post COVID for people who aren't, and sales is that? Why is that? Why everybody's still single is because nobody's in the office.

Speaker 1:

Right Sales meetings, apparently right well, we're back to having sales meetings now. So, and no, I did not hook up with anybody on the sales meeting. Thank you very much, girl. I'm sick time. That shit You're done. I am done with workplace romances.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes done.

Speaker 1:

Never I had my One-time affair and that's it. That's it. Cheers for Ashley, who won the game. Yes, we love a good story, love story, meet cute, even if it's at work right. Just tell us what the wedding is rough gosh. And don't want to be too expensive. Her ass will be like Hawaii. No, oh yeah, that's kind of Hawaii, florida on the beach. No, we, we thought about that, but we have too many.

Speaker 2:

we each have too many siblings To make it a small wedding. He's got six and I've got five, so it's like it's out of control and yeah grandparents, and so we'll see. We got to get through a graduation party in a senior year, first before four years of college and well, Well, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I can't wait until she gets out college. I know at that rate we just go to the courthouse. But right, but I don't know. We'll see. It's not we don't. We talk about it sometimes. I think he wants to get married more than I do. He's ready. He'd go to the courthouse tomorrow if I said let's go. We'd be like all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, you made that man wait like four years, so I know.

Speaker 2:

We just keep having babies, she's like well, Well, maybe next year. I don't even say that, we don't even talk about it. So they're already married.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, pretty much married for years, nobody knows secret. Well, this is our workplace romance episode. People, again, just be smart, disclose, if you have to Keep your vaginas and your pussies to yourself.

Speaker 2:

No, like I just need more wine. Ignore me Please, lord Jesus tape that up. Yes, y'all stay in your own corners.

Speaker 1:

Oh Well, alpapers, we love you. We hope you like this episode and you know where to find us instagram, email or x. Thanks.

Speaker 2:


Workplace Romances
Workplace Relationships and Open Marriages
Workplace Romance and Boundaries