Last Piece of Pie

Knocked down but Not Out!

January 17, 2024 LPoP
Knocked down but Not Out!
Last Piece of Pie
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Last Piece of Pie
Knocked down but Not Out!
Jan 17, 2024

Ringing in 2024 was anything but ordinary for Jenn & Mel, your hosts, as we navigated the rollercoaster that life threw our way. In the latest episode, we peel back the curtain to reveal the heartfelt, sometimes chaotic stories that marked our transition into the New Year. From the sterile silence of a hospital room to the warm, fuzzy feeling of receiving care from a loved one, we discuss how these moments of vulnerability can foster growth and deepen connections. 
The art of conversation took on new meaning for us recently, and we're eager to share how a fiery exchange between friends can lead to a more robust bond and a fresh perspective. We're sending you off with a mix of laughter, wisdom, and a renewed sense of gratitude for life's ebb and flow, promising that our next conversation will be just as inspiring.

Social Media: LPoP

Send us your comments or questions and we will answer them on the show!
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ringing in 2024 was anything but ordinary for Jenn & Mel, your hosts, as we navigated the rollercoaster that life threw our way. In the latest episode, we peel back the curtain to reveal the heartfelt, sometimes chaotic stories that marked our transition into the New Year. From the sterile silence of a hospital room to the warm, fuzzy feeling of receiving care from a loved one, we discuss how these moments of vulnerability can foster growth and deepen connections. 
The art of conversation took on new meaning for us recently, and we're eager to share how a fiery exchange between friends can lead to a more robust bond and a fresh perspective. We're sending you off with a mix of laughter, wisdom, and a renewed sense of gratitude for life's ebb and flow, promising that our next conversation will be just as inspiring.

Social Media: LPoP

Send us your comments or questions and we will answer them on the show!
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Speaker 1:

You're the chaos in the I am. And look around, I wasn't going to say anything, and this is my sad season. Welcome. This is last piece of pie.

Speaker 2:

I'm Jen, I'm Mel and we are bringing you our thoughts on our New Year. I don't want to go first.

Speaker 1:

Well, uh, they'll start in the hospital.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's not the plan.

Speaker 2:

I brought in New Year's Eve alone.

Speaker 1:

I know Right? Sorry, babe, it sucked. Yep, I didn't have a date. Mine was also sick New Year's Eve. Bunch of man had the flu over New Year's Eve. Oh, that does suck.

Speaker 2:

Your first New Year's Eve? No date.

Speaker 1:

Damn it. Yep, so that was kind of a bummer, but hung out with the neighbors we still had a good time. Good, and I sent Macho man some soup. Oh door, dashed him some soup and some medicine.

Speaker 2:

You're a great girlfriend.

Speaker 1:

Good job Thank you.

Speaker 2:

That was very sweet of you.

Speaker 1:

It was. That was very mellesque of me.

Speaker 2:

Girl, I'm rubbing off on you Shit it's. It's nice to be nice, it is.

Speaker 1:

You know he very much appreciated it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I like how he's normal. We haven't been around a lot of normal men. No, none, right, none.

Speaker 1:

It's like I don't know how to act, because you're normal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you had a really hard time in the beginning, but oh yeah, I'm glad you all figured it out. Now we're boyfriend girlfriend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are officially committed. You are committed, I'm a committed relationship starting off my 2024. That's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So your 2024 is off to a great start and I'm sure there's other people out there that their year is not starting off the best and I'm sorry that your year has been shitty to start with and I love you and my help or my suggestion for you is one minute at a time Stop overthinking, stop overdoing and just be.

Speaker 1:

Yes, cause eventually, if I have advice for anybody, I never thought a year ago this is how my year would start.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I thought I'm going to have it. This shitty year is just going to keep continuing on. But I had to make some really hard choices and do some very hard work on myself. I mean the homework I had to do with my life coach every week. You saw some of it.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to do it. I was like this is too deep for me. It's hard.

Speaker 1:

It's hard fucking work to like go ask a stranger what their first impression of you was.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh hell no.

Speaker 1:

I was like less worried about that versus like what my like best friends were going to say about me, and I'm like, and I can't, I couldn't say anything back. I just had to write down what they said and just left it at that.

Speaker 2:

I think I said you were intimidating.

Speaker 1:

You said I was intense.

Speaker 2:

Intense, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know I can be intense, but I can be intense good, and I can be intense bad, like I can be intense as your hospital advocate. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I could be one day, or I could be intense fighting a boy in a bar for you. I've got one right now. You can go beat up.

Speaker 1:

I can be intense, I know this, but I think the intensity is what got me through my year to now, and now I'm like, yes, I finally had to say it to myself, and I think I said it to macho man, like I deserve this. Hello, hello, hello. Okay, now I can hear you. Okay. I don't even know where it ended.

Speaker 2:

It's funny how life can give you twist and turns.

Speaker 1:

It is. Even this damn recording software is giving us A headache, A headache today.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh girl, listen to this. I came home from the hospital and showered and went to go blow dry my hair. My blow dryer was broken.

Speaker 1:

No, my blow dryer since college. 25 years your freaking hair dryer has worked. I can't even get one to last like two years.

Speaker 2:

So my rule in the houses is you can't buy something new until the old is broken, and it's probably because it hasn't ran in 13 days. It's something had to die in the hospital. I guess it was the hair dryer. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm still in shock that you've actually had it let long. I'm serious when I say I think the longest I've ever had a hair dryer is three years, so that's impressive.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how it lasted. I still have my straight, my straightener's, at least 20 years old. What Ebi's like mom? How does it even work? Ebi's like mom? It's so heavy, but that bad boy still lights up, so I'm not getting rid of it.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that's why they don't make things like they used to. I swear Like I don't know Jealous. Now I can get you to go self. Get you new before hair dryer.

Speaker 2:

I know I was thinking about spoiling my girl and get her a fancy one that she wanted, and me taking her old one and saying thanks for being a rock star and holding down the fort this month when mom got better. She was amazing, wasn't she?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I came over unexpectedly, not on purpose, it just happened. And this place was they were doing laundry. The kitchen was clean. I was like dang impressed with you, girl.

Speaker 2:

I asked her. I'm like how's it feel? And she's like I loved it. She's like I can't wait to have my own place. I'm like you know I got pay for it, right, yeah, like they don't come free. She's like, well, it was great why you were paying for it and I was alone, like I loved it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, who does it Like a free housing?

Speaker 2:

I told you about the mail thing, right? Oh yeah, that was my. That was my favorite. I'm like, ab, did you get the mail? Does it come every day? Yes, love, yeah, I think she learned a lot and she did good. And now mom's back and it's been two weeks and the house is just chaos everywhere and I'm back to life and running and screaming. She's like oh, here we go again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you're the chaos in the I am.

Speaker 2:

Nayan, look around.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't going to say anything, and this is my sad season. The manager was happy and out doing stuff oh yeah, I forgot to mention L poppers. Like we brought Mel stuff like change of clothes, like Abby brought like more change of clothes and like snack and stuff. And I get to her room one day and, freaking, mel had like organized and cleaned her hospital room.

Speaker 2:

I rearranged the furniture. We did Ha, ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh, mel must have been bored.

Speaker 2:

I was like this room is set up very wrong. Like this, we gotta no. This is not looking good. Yeah, that was the day I think my blood pressure hit 170. Ha, ha, ha ha. I was like I better get up and quiet my mind.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was gonna hurt someone or clean my own place. That was cute too. I asked Abby, I'm like, will you bring me my work stuff Meaning like my office? And she goes, do you want your cleaning supplies? Ha ha, ha, ha ha. Can you imagine if I was that bad?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, the nurses in there probably would be.

Speaker 2:

oh, it would have smelled amazing and I wouldn't have seen grandma's ship for a week. On the floor, true, so?

Speaker 1:

it might have been worth it. You could have turned around and handed them a bill for a cleaning fee. Ha ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. When I was in there too, I was thinking I wonder who runs the housekeeping department, because I would really like to have a chat or fire them and hire myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you would be an excellent environmental director, a director of environmental services, it was bad.

Speaker 2:

I was like what are we doing here? Like I took pictures of the shower. Shower was so gross. Like teacher people, if there's orange in the cracks of white, it's called scum. It is removable.

Speaker 1:

Ha ha ha ha, I mean, I don't. This is basic. Here Mel's gonna have a master class on how to clean properly. Yes, please, people, stay tuned. Monday or run Ann Arbor's hospital. It's gonna be 59.99.

Speaker 2:

Ha ha ha ha, download the software now. You'll get a free t-shirt that says do you want to wash this? Ah, one for Mel, I'm getting back. You hear that shit. That shit's coming back. Welcome to being funny again.

Speaker 1:

I'm coming back.

Speaker 2:

Do you think?

Speaker 1:

I washed your balls.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm telling you I'm coming back Down season's over Coming up again, so maybe laughter is the best medicine.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it is, I think it is.

Speaker 2:

For sure. So thank you for helping me during this icky season. I hope both of us don't have to start another year off icky. I hope our lives continue to get easier and better and better.

Speaker 1:

Me too. We both can't be grumpy at the same time, because it's not a good combination, oh sweet Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Jen and I almost killed each other one night Today. I was like what is your problem? Let's just fight. That's what's good about us being good friends. I was like let's just fight, let's just get it out.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you just got to get it out and move on.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we're like dudes.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I mean I have not. Some of my girlfriends would say that They'd be like sometimes you're a dude. There are times where they will be like, oh, jen's upset. And then five minutes later they're like nope, she's done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Exactly. It's like let's just say what we need to say and move on. That's what we do. That's what makes us great friends.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I think exciting things are coming your way. You just set the reset button. Now we're ready to go.

Speaker 2:

Yes, bad season over, Check, check, Not going back. So next week we are going to have a special guest on which I'm so freaking excited.

Speaker 1:

I know me too. I can't wait to hear what she has to say.

Speaker 2:

Stay tuned. El Papers. Guest speaker coming on. I think you guys are going to like it, and all I want to say is my hint would be she can dig up some shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, she can dig up some dirt.

Speaker 2:

Can't wait to meet her. I got a few names.

Speaker 1:

I'll prepare her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, Tell her she needs some content. We tend to use my life anyways. All right, El Papers. Happy, happy, happy new year. If you're down, you're down. If you're up, you're up. Either way, be grateful to be alive and remember we love you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we love you guys. And peace out.

Speaker 2:

Girl Scout.

Speaker 1:


New Year's Eve Reflections and Chaos
Excitement for Upcoming Guest Speaker