Last Piece of Pie

The Thrill and Anxiety of Relocating

March 06, 2024 LPoP
The Thrill and Anxiety of Relocating
Last Piece of Pie
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Last Piece of Pie
The Thrill and Anxiety of Relocating
Mar 06, 2024

 Jenn grapples with a job offer that's both an exciting leap and a daunting relocation challenge. Jenn and Mel discuss what it means to leave behind the familiar. We take you on a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows of transitioning to new cities, forging communities in unfamiliar places, and the bittersweet farewells to neighbors and long-distance friendships.

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 Jenn grapples with a job offer that's both an exciting leap and a daunting relocation challenge. Jenn and Mel discuss what it means to leave behind the familiar. We take you on a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows of transitioning to new cities, forging communities in unfamiliar places, and the bittersweet farewells to neighbors and long-distance friendships.

Social Media: LPoP

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Speaker 1:

Welcome. This is last piece of pie. I'm Jen, I'm Mel and today we've got my Jen and the hot series because she's got some tea to share. Yeah, cause we talked about I had an interview the other week so I heard back and I accepted an offer. So I will be changing companies Crazy, but it's a. It's a great career move for me. The cabinet is I am relocating within Michigan. Someone give me the box of Kleenex and a new security blanket, please. Yeah, so Mel and I are going to be a quite a couple hours apart now, instead of 20 minutes from each other. That sucks. I don't know if that's good for us or great for us or bad for us. I'm decided at this point we are going to make it work, but it was. It was quite the process and I went through the process of deciding whether to take the job or not, and you know, and then leaving my current company. But it's the right thing to do and it's part of my two year, five year plan and the relocating part I really had to think about. But again, it was. It's where I need to be. Love it. Yeah, I'm proud of you. Those are tough decisions. It is it's always tough decision to decide to leave or relocate away from friends or family or I don't know. You're really good at it. Well, yeah, this is not the first time I relocated for a job, but you know, there was, there was one time I relocated. It did not work out. So you always really you have to think about what's best for you, what's best for your family, how far away is it going to be from your family? I want to know why didn't work out. So the first time I relocated was right after college. I took a job in Texas and I did not think about how far away it would be from my family and then how much I would work and miss holidays, and it was a big city. I lived in Dallas and Dallas just was not the right vibe for me and you know well, yeah, I stayed for two years. I failed. I have to move back home. I like lived in my parents basement for six months and I was like I'm a failure. This sucks. I have to move back into my parents of 26 years or, yeah, no, 23, 24 years old, but you're a baby, yeah, but it happened. But I was also super thankful that I could go back home to Indiana and live in my parents basement for as long as I needed to like figure out what I was doing with my life. There's no place like home. No, because I didn't have a plan of a job either. When I left Texas, I was just kind of like, yep, I'm done here, I need to go, I need to move back to Indiana without a job. Don't recommend doing that. Yeah, try to at least have a job if we're gonna move back home. But it was a good lesson because I learned a lot about myself. I was eight. It was a good learning experience because I I was brave enough to leave. I should have did more research on the city though that I was moving to, but it was. You know, when you're young and out of college, like, don't be afraid to move, but do your research of where you wanna live. You know how we did the dating handbook for our gift for Valentine's. Yeah, I feel like we need to do like a work handbook, like, think of these three things before you move. Well, I do this, do that. Yeah, there's different things you gotta think about, especially if you're young and single, versus when you're older and may have family and have kids, but when you're young or single. I'm a huge proponent of leaving home at least once, because you can always come back home. That's good advice, because you'll never know like the kind of people you'll meet, the type of energy you'll have in that. What kind of career move would it be for you? Like, I just don't want people to be afraid to like go out and see the world, especially have the opportunity to move, cause, like I said, you can always come back home. Like my parents are very supportive and most people parents they'll let their kids live back home with them for a short period of time. I don't recommend doing it like forever, but just know you can always come back home if you fail or it doesn't work out. Yeah, you didn't fail. No, I did it. But I made stupid choices when I lived there. Girl, we're still making stupid choices. Some things never change. No, but I wouldn't be on the path I am today if I hadn't, like moved and lived in a different city. And then I moved a couple of times, one for my job, for my ex-husband. So, yeah, so you know, I grew up here and then I moved five miles from the place I grew up from, yeah, five miles from my birth home. See, there's no start on with that either. I've never left, but it's like I don't know. It's intriguing Like I would love to do it. I would be scared to death. I don't have the balls that you have. You've got a good set, jen. I just want to tell you you've got a good set, girl. I mean, I have a little anxiety cause. You know, I'm moving basically three hours from where I am now and but it's a great city in Michigan. I think I'll love it. It's just having to find that community again, which is hard the older you get, but it's still like drivable for my family and friends that I currently have. So that was a big factor of how far of my inner circle would I be? And the location that you're at is a good hotspot for vacation. So I'm sure people are going to drive you nuts. They're going to be like, hey, I'm coming up for the weekend, right, yeah, you're going to be like no more visitors. Yeah, I'll have a, you know plenty of room for visitors, but You're going to go buy a four or five bedroom house up there. No, no, no, be like a two bedroom at the most, two to three, that's it. I'm downsizing. Oh, yep, I want more four bedrooms for me. I want enough people to visit me, but not a lot of people where they can stay, because it's only a two bedroom. You don't want me that comfy. No, no, I want my parents, you know, living with me for like a month, like two weeks at a time. Mom did I love that, yeah. So Elpapa, she's already selling shit. So check it out on Facebook because I'm sure she's gonna be giving away and selling some stuff that's very meaningful or worthy. Yeah, I mean, most of it is. I mean I had a huge house so I accumulated a lot of stuff. So now I'm downsizing, which is good, because I mean I love that house, but I don't need that big of a house anymore and I know like for me, this is just like this is the first step in my five year career plan, so I may not even be up there longer than two years. I'm hoping so. We'll see. I just love this turn of events in our lives. I know and for those wondering, yes, macho man knows I'm moving. So we've had a conversation about long distance relationships, which are really hard, but we have committed to make it work. So stay tuned of how that's gonna turn out. I'm super positive about it, but it's stressful because long distance relationships are hard. Either way, it makes for a great podcast. Yeah and no, I didn't take this job for the podcast people. I took this job because this is my passion and where I need to be in life. Long distance relationships are hard, but you have to decide. Well, we just committed to making it work. So we've talked about it and with his schedule, my schedule, we're gonna make it work. That's awesome. I'm proud of you guys and I hope it does work out. If not, I'm sure you'll fill us in and teach us the ways. Yeah, I mean, I've done a long distance relationship before, but it's hard. The longer it goes, the harder it gets and you start have to think about you know what's next or there's a lot to think about. But in the end, like if it's supposed to be, if it's meant to be, it'll be the workout. Yeah, and don't overwhelm yourself. Don't think about tomorrow, just think about today. No, I'm just trying to get through this month. Yeah, cause I have to be up there in a month. This is how fast this is going and you've got a best friend that's down and out. Yeah, with IVs coming out of her. Yeah, I can travel with my pole, I'll just like hanging out the car. Well, I negotiated a relocation package, so good, won't have to be doing most of the moving myself, so that's one thing I would. That's one advice I would give people. If you are considering like a job in a different city, either negotiate a relocation package or you're gonna have to save up some money and then move to that city. If you're looking for a job and they're not, you know you're looking to move and you're looking for a job in that city, but they don't offer a relocation package. Just make sure you have money to move yourself. I mean, you can do it cheaply, but and the family and the willpower and the trucks and yeah, you have to consider what is the city I'm moving to? What's the energy? If you have kids or a wife right, a spouse are they gonna be able to find a job? What kind of school district do your kids live in? There's a lot to consider. I think it's easier when you're single, so that's why I'm a proponent doing it when you're young, cause you just gotta think about yourself. But there's times when you, after you get married, if you have to relocate for a job. There's a lot to think about and consider and have a backup plan if it doesn't work out. Mouser basement yeah, what's the contingency plan? If you get there a year from now and like you're miserable or you and your spouse are miserable and it's just not gonna work out, like, what's your backup plan? So, yeah, what's your backup plan? What's the cost of living of the place that you're gonna move to? Is your salary gonna be at the level of where the cost of living is somewhere? So, yeah, cause where you're going it is a little bit more expensive. It is. But I also am gonna make more money. So it was a two-fold make more money, more towards my career path, and it is, it's great city. Do you know anyone there? I do know somebody there. Yes, oh good, so you already have a friend. I do, I will have a friend up there. Okay, yeah, all right, I have at least one friend. Good to know. I'm sure I'll make many more friends. Yes, you will. So, yeah, I'm excited. And you know, and here's the other thing too, if you decide to leave a company and I think I've talked about this before is don't burn any bridges, give them a two week notice. That way you can transition and if you ever decide to go back to that company, I mean, who knows? So I'm going back to a company I already worked for and it was a great opportunity and they were pretty much extremely excited that I was gonna come back and offered me a very good role. I love it. Yeah, can't wait to come visit. Can't wait to have you visit me, especially in the summer, hot girl summer. Oh shit, I better stop eating these nerds. Then the nerds in a bag. What are these fuckers called Gummy clusters? This is my third bag since I went into the hospital. Girl, that's a lot of sugar. I know I can't like it's just, oh, they're so good. Yeah, listen, I've gotta give up everything, like money, my life, yeah, so drinking everything. So give me my nerds please. All right, I'll let you have the candy. I'm surviving on nerds in jeopardy. It's about it, oh, my goodness. So all right. Well, girl, we're gonna follow with you, we're gonna travel with you. We want updates, we want pictures. Keep us in the loop. Of course, this podcast will go on. People yeah, maybe I'll be relocating. Oh shit, ooh city. Two girls moving into a new city. Look out bitches. Yeah, we're gonna burn it down Right. And you know, I think the biggest thing that's helping me not have as much anxiety as I've had in the past with relocating is because I've done it before and I've had a lot of conversations with, like, with my friends and with Macho man, like just talking through everything and even though, like, there is a lot of anxiety when you're moved because you're like, you got a credit checklist and if you're gonna sell a house, and how much shit do I really have and am I gonna have the same size of a place, and, yeah, it's a good time to like, it's actually a very good time to like purge stuff. I don't need the girl. I do that every weekend Because I realize, I realize, like, how much clothes I have. Oh, praise God. When you can't close your dresser drawers, jen, that's a sign you have too much clothing. Yeah, I didn't get rid of any shoes, of course not. You need three by each door. Yeah, so I took like two trash bags full of clothes to Goodwill last weekend. Good gravy, I could probably do another huge trash bag, I think. So why do I have so many? Why do I have so much clothes? There's probably some clothes from college days in there. No, I don't say that far back, but I just like accumulate Because I like I go and I stress shop sometimes and then I'm like, oh, I have this still, like a year later, this still has the tag on it. Oh, that's hilarious. Yeah, there was a dress in there I have not, I hadn't even worn it, it's like two years old. Still has a tag on it. Okay, is it green? No, it was like a purple and white color. Do you remember that dress you bought and it was like going to be your goal? You were coaching. I still have that dress. Oh, okay, it almost fits. It almost fits L-Pappers. I got like 15 more pounds to go. You go, girl. Hey, listen, where you're moving is a beautiful. I bet you'll do a lot more walking. Yeah, because I'm trying to find a place that's close to the hospital so I can walk there in the summer Nice. But then I have other hospitals in that area, so I'll be driving a lot too. But the big hospital I'm trying to like get within walking distance Because it's one I'll be at. Like, ride a bike, I have two bikes, yeah. Or don't you have a moped? No, I was supposed to get one. I never showed up. I see that you're a little bitter. I am Sugar daddy, let me down on that one. Well, ride your bike, walk. You lose the 15, you'll be in the dress. Send us pictures we want to see. Yeah, maggie is going to be Pissed off. No, I think she'll be fine the first month. She's going to be like what is happening? I hope she shits in your bed. No, she's going to be so mad. She'll just like be. She'll just want to like be outside all the time, because she'll be like oh, I got to go smell everything. That's new. God girl, you need land too, though. She's a barker. Don't be moving in no condo. Probably going to be moving into a condo. You better get by a bark collar. She's going to drive people nuts. Hey, I lived in an apartment for a year with her. She did great. Okay, dog mom, your child is a problem. Can we have a parent teach your campus tonight? She just wants to say hi to everybody that walks by. I mean, there's a very limited amount of rental houses in that area. Oh, I bet there are a lot of condos in town, homes which I probably will end up in because I don't want to buy anything right now. Well, make sure you leave my housekeeping card for the next five bedroom house. Hire me. Yeah, exactly, I love it. Well, I'm excited. I will miss you, but I will probably see you every week. I have to take turns with macho man. So, macho, macho man, damn it. I'll put you guys on a schedule, thank you. Do you hear the L poppers? I used to be number one bitch. Put me down to two. Damn, macho man is doing something, right? Yeah, he is. He's a good man. Good, good, good there, I mean, there is. I say that's probably the most anxiety I have is how has an eye? Relationship will will be tested. Okay. Well, the one thing I've learned in the last week is anxiety ruins relationships. Yeah, so relax, because if you don't, you're going to ruin it yourself, true? So let it go breathe, be the same gen that you are in fenton. You're just at a different house, different location. We can all get to you. You're not an outer space, no, so nothing's really changing besides a house. That's it. Nope, it's just a location, and you know I have a very specific career plan path and this gets me there sooner. So, l poppers, like I said, don't be afraid to explore this awesome country and try out another city if you need to relocate, but make sure you do your due diligence and research the city, research the company where you want to move to. What kind of activities, how big of a city is it is? If you have a significant other, are they going to be able to find a job? So, but don't be afraid if you need to relocate, because you never know the type of people that you'll meet and they may become some of your best friends. I love that You're going to cry. I might like my neighbors now. When we had we always watch the bachelor on Monday nights and they're like also sad and they're like you better have a great neighbor were to come back and yell at you. They're like you better sell your house to a cool person because it's very hard to break the circle. And I was like well, now you guys have a place to come visit. So I'm a little sad. I even those ladies and yell We'll be here. Yep, I obviously don't go anywhere 43 years later. If we ever, if I ever, get lost, just come back to this location Mel's going to have like a home beacon. My younger sister moved like 15 minutes from where we grew up, so she never really left our town either. So I think there's a mix of people who they just have a comfort level. They never want to, like, leave their hometown, and I think that's great. But that just was not for me. I love that. I'm ready to. Once I am gone, I definitely want to move somewhere and start over, like in a city, but I need to be close because I don't want to start over in business. Oh, you know what I mean. Yeah, but I am done. Like this month, I think I am done. I think I need a new adventure. So, hopefully next year, a little empty nester adventure. Yeah, that's also a great time to explore. Maybe I'm going to fall in love with Nacho man in your new location. Nacho man, get it guys. Nacho, not Joe Macho man, because Macho man is my man. It's taken. So it's official. I am the last piece of fucking pie Y'all. This is it. I'm going out with a bang. Awesome, hey, girl, m22. Shout out, love you. Thank you, stay tuned. L-poppers, we'll let you know how the move goes and stay tuned. Oh yeah, hey, and L-Poppers, in like three weeks we're going to do a halftime show. So, to recap, we talked about pausing during the halftime show, going into the team dugout and regrouping. So we've almost hit three months of this new year. It's time to pause, regroup, see how you're doing on your goals, see things you need to change. So start thinking about that, yeah. Or, if you haven't started, time to get moving, yeah, cause we're going to hold your ass countable in three weeks. Yeah, all right. Love you guys, love you, peace out.

Moving and Long Distance Relationships
Relocation and Anxiety in Relationships
Planning for a New Adventure