MomLife Ministries Podcast
Welcome to The MomLife Ministries Podcast with Melanie Hill and Christy Crosby. Being a mom is messy yet lovely in a very real way! We are here to help moms of all ages and stages feel encouraged, supported, and spurred on in their faith journey toward Christ. We want to take this journey together through all kinds of seasons and stories. Our hope is that you leave this show feeling a little more valuable and a little less alone. As a part of MomLife Ministries, INC, podcast topics will follow along with the greater MomLife Ministries curriculum.
Learn more about MomLife Ministries at momlife.org.
Editing: Angela Edwards
Music: "Another Successful Day" BoDleasons
Graphic Design: Melanie Hill
MomLife Ministries Podcast
Embodied Faith
Wholehearted—Loving God With All Your Strength
Melanie and Christy are joined with special guest Dr. Alison Cook to talk about what it means to love God with all of our strength through an embodied faith.
Dr. Alison Cook is a licensed mental health counselor, best-selling author, online educator, and host of The Best of You Podcast. She has degrees in history, counseling, and a joint degree in religion and psychology. She and her husband Joe have two young adult children and they enjoy beautiful communities in both Boston and Wyoming. She wants to create a world where individuals have access to the spiritual wisdom and practical support necessary to become mentally, spiritually, and emotionally healthy—right in line with the focus of MomLife Ministries this season on heart, soul, mind, and strength!
- Sign up for The MomLife Monthly, our monthly email newsletter at momlife.org. This month we’re including a free resource to help you take inventory of what is going on in your mind so that you can then look to the Lord for redirection and renewal.
- Sign up for a MomLife group near you! Or, join our virtual MomLife group, or sign up to participate as an individual (or with a friend). momlife.org/get-connected.
- MomLife Live // Monday, April 7 @ 7:00-8:30pm at First Baptist Church, Clarksville, TN Join us IN PERSON if you are in/around Clarksville, TN for a night of worship, connection, encouragement, giveaways, and fun! Whether you're looking for a break from the chores and noise, needing some encouragement for mothering on difficult days, or simply a night out with some mom friends, we're here for it!
Be part of the audience for a behind-the-scenes experience as Melanie and Christy record a live MomLife Ministries podcast episode about Mothering with Hope in a Broken World. This event is for any mom, whether they are a current MomLife member or not! So bring a mom friend, make new ones, and let’s celebrate the messy and lovely of motherhood together. See you there!
Tickets are $20 with promo code EARLYBIRD. Get your ticket HERE.
Journaling/discussion prompts:
- In a world that constantly tells us our worth is tied to how we look, how much we weigh, or how we measure up to impossible standards, the gospel reminds us of a far greater reality. Read Genesis 1:27 and 31, Psalm 139:14, and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. What do these verses tell you about your body and how God views it?
- How does the way we think, view, talk about, and care for our body matter not only for our own view of self, but also for our kids? For the way in which we serve others and worship God? For the ways in which we engage in relationships with others?
- Based on what you heard today, what is one thing you can do to care for your body?
- Spend some time in prayer, inviting God into what you are doing with your body (how you think about it, care for it, use it, etc.).
Recommended resources for Wholehearted series: momlife.org/wholehearted.
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Find out more: momlife.org
Editing: Angela Edwards
Music: "Another Successful Day" BoDleasons