The Ed Clay Show

Tim Burchett - Corruption, UFOs, & The Future of America - The Ed Clay Show Ep. 22

May 03, 2024 Ed Clay Episode 22
Tim Burchett - Corruption, UFOs, & The Future of America - The Ed Clay Show Ep. 22
The Ed Clay Show
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The Ed Clay Show
Tim Burchett - Corruption, UFOs, & The Future of America - The Ed Clay Show Ep. 22
May 03, 2024 Episode 22
Ed Clay

On this episode of The Ed Clay Show, Ed sits down with US Congressman Tim Burchett, representing Tennessee's 2nd congressional district and former mayor of Knox County, Tennessee.

Ed and Tim talk about how Tim got into politics, his journey from the Mayor of Knox Country, Tennessee to now sitting as a Congressman, and what he sees the future of America looking like if we continue on our current trajectory. Issues such as the southern border, the fentanyl epidemic, human trafficking, and more give listeners insights into Tim’s perspectives on an issue-by-issue basis. 

What Tim knows about UFOs and a handful of UFO sightings are shared as he explains how we can even look to the bible for references regarding these phenomena. More esoteric topics such as Admiral Byrd and his Antarctic expedition are breached as Ed and Tim take a dive into some obscure and fascinating theories of the world.

Covid and its origin in a Wuhan lab are touched on and Ed and Tim talk about how the American people were lied to for so long regarding Covid, and what the truth may be. Tim’s conversation with Joe Biden at the State of the Union also gives us insight into the ailing state of our American leadership.

Enjoy episode 22 of The Ed Clay Show with Congressman Tim Burchett!

#timburchett #ufos #edclay #edclayshow #congressmanburchett

Links for Tim: 

Show Sponsors:

00:00:00 - Tim’s Background, Getting into Politics
00:18:02 - How to Save America, The Next Generation
00:25:14 - The Southern Border, Fentanyl, Human Trafficking
00:42:53 - Joe Biden & Gavin Newsom, Woke Ideologies
00:53:12 - Bitcoin, Washington DC
01:02:41 - The Truth about UFOs, Insider Trading in DC,
1:21:43 - The Gas & Oil Industry, Antarctica
1:36:44 - Covid & Wuhan Labs, UFO Media
1:50:33 -Joe Biden & The State of the Union, The American Media
2:06:33 - Donald Trump, Tik Tok in China, Cryptocurrency

Show Notes Transcript

On this episode of The Ed Clay Show, Ed sits down with US Congressman Tim Burchett, representing Tennessee's 2nd congressional district and former mayor of Knox County, Tennessee.

Ed and Tim talk about how Tim got into politics, his journey from the Mayor of Knox Country, Tennessee to now sitting as a Congressman, and what he sees the future of America looking like if we continue on our current trajectory. Issues such as the southern border, the fentanyl epidemic, human trafficking, and more give listeners insights into Tim’s perspectives on an issue-by-issue basis. 

What Tim knows about UFOs and a handful of UFO sightings are shared as he explains how we can even look to the bible for references regarding these phenomena. More esoteric topics such as Admiral Byrd and his Antarctic expedition are breached as Ed and Tim take a dive into some obscure and fascinating theories of the world.

Covid and its origin in a Wuhan lab are touched on and Ed and Tim talk about how the American people were lied to for so long regarding Covid, and what the truth may be. Tim’s conversation with Joe Biden at the State of the Union also gives us insight into the ailing state of our American leadership.

Enjoy episode 22 of The Ed Clay Show with Congressman Tim Burchett!

#timburchett #ufos #edclay #edclayshow #congressmanburchett

Links for Tim: 

Show Sponsors:

00:00:00 - Tim’s Background, Getting into Politics
00:18:02 - How to Save America, The Next Generation
00:25:14 - The Southern Border, Fentanyl, Human Trafficking
00:42:53 - Joe Biden & Gavin Newsom, Woke Ideologies
00:53:12 - Bitcoin, Washington DC
01:02:41 - The Truth about UFOs, Insider Trading in DC,
1:21:43 - The Gas & Oil Industry, Antarctica
1:36:44 - Covid & Wuhan Labs, UFO Media
1:50:33 -Joe Biden & The State of the Union, The American Media
2:06:33 - Donald Trump, Tik Tok in China, Cryptocurrency

so you see the country on kind of a downward spiral at the moment we're in a free fall every 11 minutes someone's dying right now of a fental overdose in America I met with the narcotics agents I said what percentage of it is coming over the southern border they did bling out of it 100% 100,000 children that have come over in the last 3 years basically we're using taxpayers money to send these kids off to sex trafficking the only way you're going to address it is stop the flow into the country the chinesee they compromise Americans and they have a program to do just that they busted a sex trafficking ring up in DC federal contractors elected officials and they never released the black book it is straight from the pits of Hell who is pulling the strings right now I don't think Biden is capable it's just a stuffed shirt there's nothing there a lot of people want to do this country in if we can get to the polls we can turn this country around but if we don't it's all lost and there is no compromise Lord please don't let us lose our country Tim burett welcome to the podcast thanks for having me on brother and I really app appreciated our our friend John black and Richie walls uh told me they were friends with you and you're actually one of my favorite congressmen uh to do interviews so I was I'm probably get out more oh I'm probably more excited about this interview than uh just about any we've done so um thanks for you know thanks for making the time to be out here glad to do it BR thank you so uh tell us a little bit about your background because you you were mayor uh you were a state senator um State House member State House member rather and uh you know now Congressman uh what made you want to do politics well Daddy was involved in it he was Old City School Board in Knoxville there and had his ups and downs I guess but um I had a u Recycling business I took all the city's yard waste about 30,000 tons of year and long story short I got accused taking toxic waste we fought it lost the business and the day I think I closed the EPA issued a report that cleared my good name so to speak and um and all the politicians had kind of Run for Cover you know people I'd known my whole life and grew up with them played ball with their kids that kind of thing and I I thought if I ever got into elected office I would U not be that person that runs runs from the fight and um and about that time I remember the clintons were enter in the white house and there was this travel gate thing and there was a travel office that was um that they were trying to get rid of the people instead of just firing them they they did the Arkansas thing and just destroyed their lives and these people were traveling around the country raising money for their legal expenses and Dad come their legal expenses were about what mine were in The Mulch business you know um uh and so it was U it was a huge it was a huge deal in my life and I remember my daddy called me one day and said you know this thing's bigger than that mulch pile out there and I said yeah but I didn't I didn't realize it' take me this as far you know I um so I um after we lost the business or I lost the business I um made the conscious decision I said you know I could either sit on a bar stool and feel sorry for myself the rest of my life or get out and go after um go go out looking for uh you know um folks that that got run over you know by the system because they do that every day and um cuz I know when they call the office they don't say it's Congressman B they say I need to talk to Tim you know people I grew up with are in the community that see me on the news or something and now people call me from all over the state if not the country about issues and so I um you know I just decided to uh answer my calling so to speak and and um and that's kind of been what I've done since I was in the state legislature and then four years in the house and 12 in the Senate and um now I'm in I was eight years Knox County mayor and we paid did crazy things like paid down bills and didn't raise taxes paid cash for schools and were're able to give raises on top of that because we managed the money right and that's what you've got to do and then here in Congress five years um and people always ask me what's the biggest surprise since you've been in Congress that I wasn't surprised you know it's kind of a thing I mean and they say how did I make the transition from State legisl to County mayor and I tell people God speaks to me just not in an audible voice you know I was going through the line at W's cafeteria which got closed down after covid and they never were able to recover like a lot of Great American businesses and uh there's a fella going through the line and he had his name on his shirt you know like working people do the ones that actually do all the work in this country and in government and things like that it's not the suit and tie wearing folks generally and um there's a thing going on in Knox County called uh purchase cards PE cards and it was a credit card it had a good purpose on the front end that you would uh say one of my guys down there at the parks um when I was the county mayor would you know a pipe would bust on the weekend you wouldn't have to fill out a requisition form you know wait till Monday and water is running you could just go down to Home Depot or someplace like that and um and get it you know get the part then file the paperwork afterwards and use your company credit card well these things were getting abused and they called them PE cards and I remember the guy's going through the line had his name on his shirt and he said um uh they said hey you know hey Joe I don't remember his name how you going how you GNA pay for that meal with your PE card and I saw his whole disposition just change from this outgoing guy that kind of you know and he didn't have nothing to do with that it wasn't elected you know but he was catching the public humiliation which should have been reserved for the elected officials well I I said you know somebody to do something about that and then I said ding ding you know I hear you God and so I ran for County mayor that was the that was the thing that made my decision for me not you know but it was just that one thing and and you know and I tell people when they come see me they say well God told me to run I say well did God tell you you're going to win cuz that's generally you know if they mix up mess up on they always think you know they're just going to get ordained and then you know and then people are just going to shower them with money and and boates and that's just not the way it works and so they um um you know we ran we cleaned up a lot of messes and and then um I was term limited and had the opportunity to run for Congress and I did and so and it's been a battle it's been a battle I mean every you know everything is a is a fist fite in Washington yeah it seems almost all illogical I mean when I see the arguments and and it seems now you know things that people would say five or 10 years ago that were completely uh known to be not correct now they're you know they're arguing for instance uh what I would consider pornography in schools and I I thought we could all agree that pornography in schools is bad and the FBI labels those moms that fight that as domestic terrorists in their memos yeah where do you where is this coming from though I think it's a lot a lot of things but it's mainly just good people have not raised up and said hey this is wrong we've um allowed it in our in our pulpits in our town squares and First Amendment you know they can say whatever they want but you you have that right to disagree with them as well and and that's a many and the media is not on your side they're going to Mis misquote you they're going to make you look stupid and they put these Knuckleheads in that are just yes men and women and you know current Curr we we take in about5 trillion a year and we spend a little more than 7 million 7 trillion yeah you know it 5 trillion Tak in spend 7 trillion it just doesn't work why why do you think the media is pushing what seems to be an agenda so hard yeah I think a lot of the the media I've ran in some good folks in Washington here's of late but a lot of times the media to me is somebody that's um probably been pushed around a little bit and now it's their chance to get even Revenge of the Nerds do what Revenge of the Nerds yeah something like that on some of them it is I really do and and um you know it's just a a way of life for them just to be against whatever's out there and conservative folks are generally an easy target um we're probably not good at messaging as the left is but but I think people are fed up with it yeah you know one of the things that I've appreciated about you is uh like reach like it seems like you have friendships on the other side I do which you know publicly we don't see those things and I think I think a lot about it like what could we do to actually bring the country together why do you think that publicly people don't talk about the relationships on the other side uh instead it's you know we demonize each other I think they do it's just not covered it doesn't sell well you know it's even though Andy Griffith is still what 150 languages and and um I I just I that's just not what they're selling right now and they they want something dirty and scandalous and sexy and all that and um you know being fighting Asian carp or something like that is is not a real sexy thing or or trying to uh develop a business relationship with other countries so that folks won't come up here IL illegally and so it just to me it doesn't you know it it's no Rhyme or Reason I just there a lot of people truly are Anarchist honestly in this business in in Washington uh they just want to uh they made a career out of running it down and and they want to run it out and currently they're getting their way they're they're they're they're destroying our country and it's um it's it's it's very depressing it's what I stay awake at night thinking about I wake up in the middle of the night and and worry about where country's headed and where I'm seeing it and the things are just so obvious of what's going on and you don't see anybody really addressing it and when they do they get shouted down yeah I mean so you see the country on kind of a a downward spiral at the moment yeah I mean it's a we're in a freef fall this this debt and um um well we spent 114 billion on uh on Ukraine and you know they wouldn't give Trump 4 billion to work on the wall so that kind of they said it was going to break us then all of a sudden 114 billion we even give them more money you know we're fighting Russia it's not our war and a war that's um with a country Russia's GDP somewhere between France and Canada's and we're putting a disproportionately large amount of money compared to say a Germany or or anybody over there and um and Americans are getting rich off of it the industrial War complex or whatever you want to call it you our Pentagon we've audited our Pentagon last in the history of audits they never passed an audit and they've lost a half a trillion dollars in assets they can't account for a half a trillion and how did we punish them we gave them what 20 billion new dollars this year in the uh ndaa National Defense office authorization act mhm so we're um we're we're we're out of control and people in both parties are profiting from it you know the uni party they're they're doing real well with it when when we decided to send them our missile defense system Ukraine uh people in both parties lo and behold had bought stock in the missile company and the missile defense company that was had that contract and then it was it was you know no bid situation they're the ones that could fill it and they did very well on their Investments obviously so I mean when when you're talking to people on the other side or even in in your party um and you're having these conversations it's off the Record you're like what is the feeling do they see what's happening or are they just in denial or you know what is that some of them are profiting from it of course and they just going along and they you they want to be in power in both parties you know they don't when we were in the minority they talk to us about if we can ever get in power we can decide the the trips we can decide this we can decide that we ought to be deciding about what you know making the country a better place but it is about power it's about power it's about control and U and those that feeds a lot of egos brother and that's that's sort of the way we're uh that's the people that are currently running our country and in either party in my opinion we've got some good people I I like our speaker I think he's an honorable man man but he's what he's got a one person majority mhm um when the the former speaker was dethroned you know he he said he's staying for the Long Haul and then he got out pretty quick you know you got you got a one onee cooling off period from when you leave office to when you can start officially lobbying yeah so he um he um he'll be back he'll be making seven figures pretty soon if he's not already I mean is there legislation you would support that would stop absolutely revolving door but I think it'd probably get thrown out constitutionally you're you have a right to make a living I've heard the argument but yeah I would support that um I'd support term limits I'd support spending caps I'd support a lot of those things but ultimately you we don't have we wouldn't have the votes to do it everybody runs on those kind of things but honestly they don't have the guts to do anything about it once they get in there uh you think about like the NIH has about a 45 billion doll year budget it they fund all of the University Research um a lot of the Technologies are paid by tax dollars and then when someone leaves NIH they go and work for Pharma with that same technology and the same people that were writing the grants uh at the NIH worked for them previously sure and you know I think that's one of the that's an example of this big that revolving door oh yeah I mean is there it's on the front end the back end you have people that that in the Consulting business that run people's campaigns and then they help them pick the people that's going to be running their offices so that they can have easy access to them and so it's just a and you know it's not illegal the thing that you got to do is get somebody in Congress or senate or whatever that's honest and just says hey this is your job this is what you do you want to go work for somebody else you go work for them but until then you're working for me and this is my agenda and and you stick to it and that's what you got to have but honestly it's so big I've heard committee chairman and both parties basically say well the staff wants to do this you know these 25y old staffers that educated you know Northeast education and and and frankly are maybe a little arrogant and then they try to run the show and they do because you get an older chairman or chair lady whichever the case may be that um just kind of cruise control mhm and they got somebody that tells them where to go and takes them to where they need to be and they help them raise a ton of money and you know so it's kind of a incestuous relationship for lack of a better word um you know I know that you see the problems and you seem tired you know like I I know you've been working hard and we're not in DC today you know and people say well you're on this vacation but honestly when I'm at home I don't know about any anybody else in Congress but when I'm at home honestly brother I do more work here back in Tennessee than I ever do in Washington DC although I'm on the run pretty regular in watching I serve on three committees everybody's on one some people are on two and I don't think there's half a dozen that are on three committees but somehow I I did that and um but I I volunteered for that I I want to be I don't like sitting around and pontificating and things I'd rather be going to commit and every committee will have a subcommittee and there'll be other there could be two or three subcommittees of a full committee that you might be a part of or there's somebody testifying you need to be in you know and so it's and then you combine that in with constituent visits and then representatives from organizations whether it be labor or management or a corporation and you know I can have easily 25 to 28 meetings in a day yeah and that's that's starting pretty early and ending kind of like yeah no so you know but are you you think like that the tiredness is the fact that you're one of the only people that's up there like saying what the hell is going on right now you know I hope I'm not sometimes I feel like yeah I feel like it but you know and thing you got to realize is people are representatives of their District if somebody comes down there and they're they talk a certain way or dress a certain way or act a certain way generally that's kind of the way they're dis district is M and um now it's my district a bunch of rednecks cuz obviously people think I'm a redneck you know I wear my car heart jacket because it's cold it's not a stylish now it's become a fashion statement for a lot of people but it's never been for me but you know um I I just don't know sometimes I think we've uh I think we've over oversold ourselves sometimes I I wish we would just get back to some of the basics and I wish people would hold us accountable for that but they don't yeah well you know I was talking to my business partner DED Perry and we're talking about what is leadership right now and he said something that I thought was really interesting he said leadership is the algorithm so you know the algorithm on social media and online is leading what people are thinking that's where the propaganda is coming in that's where the echo Chambers um are are happening uh what do you think that we can do to break break that chain because what you're saying is is what I see I see us crashing fast and I'm blessed um you know I don't worry about it as much personally financially but I worry about I worry about everybody else honestly I'm like what's going to happen to this world I wor I don't have kids yet but I worry about you know my kids generation so um you know what can be done I mean do we you know you can only scream so much but it feels like you know if you're if we keep doing the same thing and people AR yeah it's like we got to do something well I I've said that we've U you know the left is is a lot more I don't know if tenacious is the right word but they got a longer longer plan than we do they uh conservatives you know we elect Ronald Reagan and we hey we're done yay yeah you know let elect Trump and then we're done yay they don't it's the school boards it's the city council it's the county commissions the Mayors these all these the property assessors all these other offices that that we just tend to forget and that's where it's really happening Washington is a I don't know everybody calls it a swamp but you know swamp is a pretty cool thing it's a ecosystem it filters water all these little creatures God put in it it works pretty good actually I kind of dig a swamp uh what Washington is is really an open sewer it just Flows In it's stagnant nothing comes out and it's just a it's a bad bad place yeah and and the reason it is is because we've just gradually let it get that way MH we've we've just uh allowed things in to our lives into our schools that we normally wouldn't I mean take for instance sports for instance now you're letting boys men dress up as a woman and then play these Sports you're getting girls hurt yeah and it's just not you know you've got a very average swimmer who um um little gains girl there she you know she tied with and they decided to give the guy uh you know and he's in there changing his clothes and naked in front of girls I mean that's just wrong and in NCAA and everybody's oh we're afraid to get sued well get sued take it to court let's fight this thing we have just it's the very tip of the tail wagging the dog and it's and people ought to be angry they ought to be angry it's not right there's a mental illness there and we ought to call it out but we're afraid to no they're born no they weren't born that way something either chemically externally something caused them to be that way and it's just wrong and um and you know I when I was in the county mayor's office I remembered we had um sex offenders former sex offenders and they're to me they're never formal if especially they mess with kids um that were going into our library and we were have and and that became an issue and I said I said if we know they're they're they're banned and they said you're going to get sued I said please do it in an election year because you know that it's still Tennessee brother yeah and that would be the best I would just I wouldn't even have a I wouldn't have a fundraiser I wouldn't have a a campaign meeting I just get a petition and and run for reelection because that would reelect me because the bulk of the people realize we don't need sex offenders in our kids libraries these are and they were with ch around children and things and it's just wrong and you know and you know they always ringing their hands and acou and I was please yeah come after me I would love that because would first of all expose them for what they were and it would so embolden our base yeah the and protect children ultimately we protect the children the entire trans thing it's pretty outrageous I always joke now that men are the best women you know yeah men really are the best women I mean woman of the year times woman of the year I think two years um and the idea here's what's interesting that's really happened the last since Co you know everybody said trust science trust science um and if you didn't trust science you're dumb or this or that but it was only the science that they were pitching you know science put a dollar sign around that s and that's what that science is and what really frustrates me now is with the Trans agenda they were saying oh scientifically it's shown that there's no difference and it people buy it hook line and sinker that algorithm is showing them these things over and over in social media programming their brains and it's creating a bunch of really crazy people so it's hard to have an argument if you and I have a disagreement you know and we're coming from a good place both coming from a good place we can have a discussion but when people have just crazy ideas that it's not on an even playing field how do you conversate with that you can't it's there's not not a whole lot you can't reason with with some folks and there's no reasoning on that issue it's just I that's what I don't understand the gay community I they need to separate themselves from that whole thing thing because generally you know the gay folks that I know they're just they just looking to earn a living and and mind their own business like the rest of us yeah it's since the activists that are out there and then they um I think it's um I think it's hurting their cause is what I think it's I think it really is because you wrap yourself up into that there's so many initials now I just watch some my and they just go down that list and I just I don't even I have to ask somebody about the last three usually because I can't figure out what the heck they are and to me you dilute your cause I think that's what they're doing but this but the trans thing is you're going to get you're going to see more girls get hurt and and and contact sports like basketball like like rugby like um well they female wrestling now you know and wrestling I should say wrestling is what they do in East Tennessee but I just uh I think we just we just lost our way well I think like with that Community you know they used to be bullied let's say 25 30 years ago and that's wrong and now absolutely it was wrong and I would actually stick up for them but now I see that movement as being the bullies because if you just disagree a little bit you're a transphobe you're a homophobe you're a this phobe or that phobe and none of it's true I don't have anything against anybody I just don't think that biological men should compete in uh female sports yeah I always tweet I say it's a dude you know everybody but it's the truth prove me wrong I mean it's the science yeah no absolutely chromosomes um what's going on at the border I wanted to kind of talk to you about this because it seems like you know it's obvious that we're being I'm going to call it an invasion that's what it seems like to me but we're obviously having a lot of people come in more than ever and the other side just seems to be acting like it's not an issue and I got I got uh attacked on my my Instagram page saying oh it was the same under Trump I'm like no it wasn't I mean look at the numbers we've had eight uh the government will tell you 8 million some will tell you 10 it's probably more it's 8 million contacts then you have the 100,000 children who we don't know where they are and that's in a and again you've got your National Chambers of Commerce not your local Chamber of Commerce but your National Chambers of Commerce and they pretty much block everything like that they want they want somebody on your roof who if they fall off has no legal grounds to come after you that they can pay a little less than everybody else and nobody's going to complain cuz who they going to complain to they're afraid they'll get deported so we've got a we got a real problem there it's um you know one of the largest groups now are Chinese and we know if the Chinese roll on Taiwan where are these hundreds of thousands of Chinese whose side are they going to be on and where are they in our country well we don't know yeah we don't know and we um and the the the amount of money it's $400 billion this year probably is what we'll pay to keep these folks up you know New York has put $53 million into credit cards to give them California is offering free health care for them and it just it just never ends it never ends and we've these like Guatemala for instance they don't even have they don't have enough adult men to fill the jobs because they've all come up here of course you're going to work you come up here and get a free ride they're going to go for the Free Ride sure and then um under Trump the um he he it wasn't a catch and release it was Return to Mexico thing where you you go to back back to Mexico and when it's your turn we'll call you up now they just turn them into the system and maybe 10 years later we expect them to come back to court and that just not going to happen it's not going to happen and they get when they get here i' i' I've been at the border and they'll issue them clothes they issue them and they're flying people places they're giving them bus Fair places they'll feed them and medical care and just go down the list and it's um we've magnetized our country and we are rapidly losing our country because of it and these big cities they're congregating and it's going to just get uglier and uglier and there's no way there's no way you can Deport 10 million people no I mean you I don't know what kind of bus line that would look like or train service or whatever but it would be a huge nightmare and we we need to it's a it's a boat that's taken on water and some people want to bail some people want to sit there and just sink I want to plug the hole and bail so I think there's um and these cartels my gosh they are just evil they're these kids and these sex trafficking things and probably organ harvesting just let your mind wander the worst things in the world and the millions upon Millions every month they're making hauling humans over the border and getting them into this country to me it's just it's unbelievable and fentel you can't everybody knows somebody that has had a run in with that and I was a little young lady uh we were in I about to say little girl we were in high school together she was a little girl and um she was younger than me and I met with her a couple weeks ago and her little boy at OD and died of course on fentel and it's just a horrible and I had a bill dealing with fentel I couldn't even get the Democrats to let me get give me a hearing on it because they would have had to admit there's a problem at the border I met with the narcotics agents about three weeks ago I said what percentage of it is coming over the southern border and they said without they didn't BL it out said 100% And I was like 100% I mean I know there's some coming in they'll catch a briefcase of it somewhere but but generally it's they're muing it in across our Southern border I mean if you're going to risk going through a Port of Entry or just running across giving somebody a backpack and say you know head on up um to Texas somewhere and there'll be you'll meet somebody at a bus stop and they'll they'll give you money for it and here's the deal and yeah you're free to go well it says like every 11 minutes someone's dying right now of a fental overdose in America my girlfriend from high school died yesterday of a fental gr just yesterday my first love it's it's I mean that's how how close it is to me right now couldn't believe it 42 43 years old she is now and um you know you know it's just it's incredible to think that like where's the humanity not money not politics but Humanity to to know that you have Fel coming over the Border but you don't want to admit there's a border problem uh and you're just pretty much letting people die you know destroying the country what does the other side say when you when you talk like the the friends that you have on the other side do they do they actually see it like what they see is stay in Washington they just see staying in power in both parties there's some that are guilty of that and it's just staying in power and if they cap right now they're trying to capitalize on what's going on at the border because it's just so prevalent or it depends I remember back when it was 42% thought it was an issue something like that and now it's it's it's in the 60 to depend on I've heard them up 85% of the population thinks that there's a a pro real problem there and and I'm one of them but I've been one of them for a long time you know I just I just shake my head because they just won't address it and and the only way you're going to address it is stop the flow into the country yeah and the only way you're going to do that is build that dad gum wall and you're going to have to have our military there pull them out of these countries where we shouldn't be in and put them down on our Southern border yeah they have a job to do not protect Afghanistan not to protect some oil Baron over in the Middle East protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States and and our I would submit to you our Southern borders are very constitutionally sound to protect them yeah um I was watching uh Dr Phil on um I think it was The View or it was Joe Rogan one of the two I kind I actually watched both interviews and he was going pretty hard on the southern border he had been down there and he said he was talking to the head of the Border Union and uh he was saying that you know kids were going across with numbers on their arms or hands and they would call the person but we're not even checking to see if it's really their family and basically we using government money taxpayers money to send these kids off to sex trafficking 100% 100% what the hell I it's just yeah what the hell I tell you there's a couple of things I don't think God's going to stand for much longer and that's one of them with our country we've been blessed beyond belief but we better we better be prepared because we have shunned what he's told us and um and just what are social norms on that issue it just can't keep going like it is and for us to allow it is just beyond belief I me the Democrats just you know they'll call you a racist they'll call you you know you're a xenophobe or whatever the latest trendy that they've figured out some focus groups tot them is to call us but it's I don't think the American public believes it I hope they don't stand for it but that's what happens when 20 million so-called conservative Americans decide to stay home on Election Day that's exactly what happens well and you know with the the sex trafficking issue um my business partners and I founded a documentary a few years ago called it's happening right here um and I was on the board of operation light shine which is a you know anti-trafficking organization and when we first started I remember um and I know there's been some controversy around Tim Ballard but there was a operation Underground Railroad documentary that my friend Nick Nanton did he was the the person that directed that first documentary and I saw it I said Nick it's incredible first of all but I said if if you need anything like we want to help you know and I thought I remember having a conversation with my friend Robin Williams and uh she said yeah this is one of those issues that you can't deny nobody would be for this Etc 2020 happens and all of a sudden it became a conspiracy theory we got paired in with Kon I I honestly didn't even know what Kon was when they were saying it I still don't know what it is you know but just calling out evil and that's that's what you're at I because that that that lends you to believe that it probably goes a lot higher and it's a lot deeper than than we realize and um yeah for it to even go on at all is bad but at some of the levels you know the Epstein thing for instance they still don't know who's in his black book yeah they they busted a and I cuz I got I me I said the obvious what everybody thinks and talked about how the Chinese have probably um conspired or or compromised is the word I use they compromise Americans and they have a program just to do just that and um and they busted a sex trafficking ring up in DC and it said Federal contractors elected officials and some other groups they listed that were there and they never released the black book this was several months ago yep so there there's a lot going on in that business and it's and it's it's awful it is straight from the pits of hell and for this country to allow it to go on is is beyond me and this white house and they're just in complete denial again it's about staying in power the so-called greater good for them yeah I mean it's such a crazy issue that I I don't know anybody that would be for it right sure and it's just like so it's it's hard for me to comprehend who who could be for this but I was shocked when I got thrown in with a qanon stuff and I was told that I was making up a conspiracy and you know we've been working on this um my you know some of my friends are heavy they're going on missions they're risking their lives and so um you know and when the uh when the movie came out what was the the movie with um yeah the uh anti-trafficking movie or they it was in there guy yeah sound of Freedom yeah when sound of Freedom came out that was based off of of a documentary Nick did it hadn't been released yet I had seen that documentary he wasn't allowed to release it I saw it already so I saw the undercover stuff and it's it's real I don't know why it's so hard for people to just acknowledge like you know why can't we I was in the state legislature and this has been let's see eight probably 15 years ago I remembered we uh I brought in it's it's iak intern Internet crimes against children where they get on there and these pedophiles would contact yours and my kids and so the iak would get on these thing these sites and pose as children and I remember I was trying to get $5 million to set these things up in the three grand divisions and it's proven to work you know I mean they just throw the bait out there and these perverts jump on board and they bust their ass and so um I brought all the senators in and I brought my guys in and they had this screen up showed all 95 counties and they said what's that and they said well that's activity in your county that we know is traced to pedophiles and they said and I remember one of my dearest friends in the Senate she said pull up and she her one of her little counties and at that time I think there was three or five activities going on between somebody that probably shouldn't have been going on and you know and right then I got my $5 million you know yeah it was um it wasn't that hard to sell after that and and so we um but yeah and it's a moving Target though they're very you know the dark web that's a very limited group you could literally go on these sites and this was gosh this was well say 15 years ago 10 or 15 years ago and and um I mean you could literally go on a site and say this is is what I'd like and then they would they would get it for you I mean you know you'd see the video or whatever of it and it was some and I didn't I never went and viewed it I never wanted to see it that stuff wrecks me yeah and uh but yeah I mean this is years ago and to think it's with the internet and everything going on now how advanced it's gotten and how fast it's moving it's a it's a very dangerous situation we've got ourselves into in this country and and is deep and it is it's Millions upon Millions if not billions of dollars so yeah yeah it's everywhere Yeah in our documentary we actually showed how it's happening in the United States and it was we you know we didn't make it in a controversial way it was like showing the techniques that they use to protect you know the children but you know even seeing some of the comments and stuff I just you know it's disappointing yeah um that they would have you know well you got to Wonder Too some of those people that are that are doing that that are that are coming after you you got to wonder if they're not working for the other side just sure you know the trolls so to speak and we we've got plenty of those and and that that they've got plenty of those and there a lot of them are overseas um and you know it's it's International right now but 100,000 children in our we don't know where they are right now in America wow to me that have come over in the last three years wow that's that's that's a minimum I mean that's not even there's no telling there's no telling brother and and we're not lifting a finger we can't get you know the the bills stalled right now and they keep saying well there's a bipartisan bill that you all killed well it wasn't just because you got a you know if that term bipartisan Maybe by definition that's correct but the reality was it didn't have any you know that bill that got killed you had to have 5,000 interactions a day before it would kick in so 4,999 El coming over our border a day is okay yeah and then but then they said they'd shut the border down which they don't have apparently don't have the capability to do right now if they could they could do it by executive order yeah and so it's just a lie and the media is part of it and it's just and they're allowed to do that who do you think is behind this because that's like that's what I want to know like who is pulling the strings right now I don't think I don't think Biden is capable of no Biden's not with it I've had my limited conversation ations with him has been I went from anger to pity I pray for him I hope that he's cu the vice president is if I feel is a very mean person and she's out of that California cut from that California cloth and that to me that's that's a scary situation um I I think you've got some 25y old staffers that got his ear but I think you've got holdovers obviously from the Obama administration that are that are have interjected themselves in there and that are making I think he's the president is just a um he's just a stuff shirt there's nothing there I don't think cognitively he is he's with it he has very little ability whatsoever what you see on the television is so cleaned up in what you would see in real life the shuffling of the feet the losing the train of thought I I lose my train of thought all the time but but I'm not the one holding the nuclear football either yeah I'm the 435th most powerful member of Congress yeah and um and right now we're being taken advantage of yeah very much so I think we're compromised I think you've seen the the multi-million dollar Investments through his son hunter that are from Chinese Communists that would not we don't know if they've even paid any taxes on any of this stuff and you're just not you're not getting the full story from the media mainly because they have so much invested in this guy and they hate Trump so they're going to um they're going to push him over the Finish Line as much as they can because they have so much invested in their reputation and their egos are just too much do you think that they're going to leave Biden in though like I I thought you know you come June July new person in because he's just I mean he he seems incapable like you said he's he's worse in person I I don't know that I haven't seen him but he seems pretty bad when I see them on TV yeah it's worse um I honestly think they're going to bring in Newsome out of California and I because I saw Nome he um he's he's wrecked that economy but it doesn't seem to matter to people as long as it's still flowing in with them rather it's even if it's worthless the currency that is um if you remember back and this is smile theory so nobody else has said it but when um Hollywood was on strike nobody cared they didn't miss it I remember one time they went on strike and it was um Happy Days was on and it was it kind of disturbing to me because Fonzi had had done this great jump and you didn't know if he crashed or not and um and then the actors went on everybody went on strike in Hollywood this was in the 70s I believe and then we had to wait like six months to find out if if The Fawns lived of course and he did but anyway he um wed in front of Arnolds into a big chicken stand I remember chicken he said am I dead anyway um uh so um I believe Gavin new some when Hollywood went on strike there was a bill that came through the uh California legislature and it said that they would be play be paid unemployment if you go on strike that's a voluntary thing so traditionally you're not paid unemployment in 49 other states I guess and so he um he decided to he did not veto that bill and allowed it to enter into law and I always thought who could recreate your history better than Hollywood and that's and that's his constituency so and I saw some actors and members of the actor's guild or whatever the Hollywood crowd praising has been praising him some and some off sight kind of things so I always wondered is that is that where it's going to come from because they'll recreate him and they'll make him in some big mold and you know pav they ring the dog and Pavlov CS running and that's uh that's kind of the way it works and people have very short memories and and and I think their their senses sometimes over override their brains yeah and I think he could be the one if they pull one out I I was thinking of him or uh Michelle Obama yeah that's I hear a lot about Michelle Obama but I just can't see her wanting it yeah but if she wants to get away from her she have a have a heck of a chance I think I think Nome I think anybody but Biden would do better against Trump I mean it's just um you know the the idea of Gavin Nome um is but if Americans stay home it's very you know well you can say home and Mel on your vote though now yeah well yeah that's what I worry about these these illegals because they don't show any ID and they get in the system and uh you know they can get in the system we had a bill in Tennessee that allowed to get a uh a driving permit it didn't call it a license but still you're in the system it's just to me it just seems like it's it's just too easy to for that stuff to happen well and you know they talk about the the voter ID stuff being racist and it's like you got to show an ID to buy a sixpack of beer I know you think about how racist I'm un States congressman and I know everybody at TSA in Knoxville m Tyson every time I fly out you got to show an ID congressman and I show him my ID and I say thank you I say thank you guys gals you know I mean it's just it's ridiculous the whole thing is ridiculous and we there again we let the the media pin us as racist and all we're trying to do is be safe yeah you don't have to show anything to get in this country well to me it's racist saying that black people aren't smart enough to get IDs yeah I mean like what you you see these who doesn't have a dadgum ID now yeah I me that's ridiculous you see I call them the woke whes you know like the white people that are just super wokies and you know you know the type and when I hear them talk about these things I'm like what you're saying is actually racist you know somebody wanting an ID I me it's it's common sense why you would want someone to have their ID when they vote that you know that's common sense but uh to act like black people aren't smart enough that to me is offensive that is offensive give me a break and you know uh I've seen some videos where uh black people are presented with this and they're like that's super offensive they get it too so the woke whes though they control the media and they you know they're pushing this crazy agenda agenda the weaponization right now the doj um not just the doj but even at the state levels what's happened to Trump in New York what's what's your view on it well obviously they're just Ping On I mean this fonnie or Fanny or whatever her name is that that's a joke that is that to me that's personally offensive that's just the way she's carried on and allowed to carry on and what she's done and did you see her testify by any chance I did and I couldn't watch much of it I just like this is too much I mean if Saturday Night Live had any guts anymore they would they would play on that but they don't have any gut I Haven watch Saturday live in a while so but they um you just you just multiply that all the country and that's the goal they're going to they're going to they're going to pin as much on Trump as they can between now and election day and they hope they get a felony on him and and um and they're going to rush it all through court and yeah it's just it's just pathetic it's what it is it's just we are compromised top to bottom and and and what we've done as conservatives we always try to play ball when the Democrats come in they just clean house they get rid of everybody Republicans we say well let's let's work together and you know you the Democrats want you to work together when they or the left does when when they're in the minority M that's when they holler the most but when they're in the majority is like no we're elections have consequences and we need to remember that and we need to turn off the television put down the the so-called editorial page which I haven't read in a long time um and just do what's right remember how we got elected and that's another thing conservatives have a poor job of doing is supporting we eat our own too much and we need to cuz I'll get calls from people and they they're angry about something I did and then when I explain it to them they're like well I didn't I didn't hear all that I didn't know the transportation bill was 15% transportation and 85% woke policies yeah um I just I just didn't know that I mean they people did not know that and so you know it's it just if we just do a better job I think Republicans have do a and two in Washington what gets us in trouble a lot of these huge bills and they're multi- spending bills and we need to have single issue bills like they do in the state of Tennessee in the legislature if it doesn't deal with that um with the caption if it's about nursing homes dad G the bills got to be able nurse no it can't have pay raises in there for for for legislators and so that's why they keep it honest and that's why we have zero debt in Tennesse and that's why we have $35 trillion of debt in Washington DC yeah there's so much pork in these bills when I read them it's just like come on 2,000 Pages a lot of them and you get and what you do you just read down line 18 oh there's what's in it for Tennessee well I'm good with and you just vote for the whole thing because of what's in there and it's not I say we're there let's if we got to stay all night let's stay all night let's work it out yeah I mean the the the bills I started to read them during Co you know the cuz we had you actually had time and you see some of the stuff that they put in there and it's just so obvious but you we're talking about Gavin Nome and what he's done and people have short memories but you know we're only as good as um you know the people that we elect and so I think we got to throw some of the responsibility back on American citizens because you know if we're going to vote these people in if we're not going to pay attention if we're not going to hold people accountable if we're not going to acknowledge that we have a problem like first thing if you have an addiction you acknowledge you got a problem we got we have a lot of addictions in the country and um you know the the I'm going to call it the evil side because I think there's good versus evil going on right now I feel like the evil side knows how to really manipulate the algorithm the social media to to to get people to say and do crazy things that they don't even know they're saying or doing and um but you know we've got a serious problem and it keep like last three months you're talking about keeping you up it keeps me up too because I'm like where like how do people not see this and the arguments that I used to have it people won't even acknowledge anymore they're like oh yeah we do that we we we believe that children should see pornography in elementary school what's wrong with that showing those th those pictures this is a parental choice but then they want to give people vaccine mandates and uh you that goes out the window at that point so yeah I think we do a poor job of educating ourselves and generally good people though you know they're too busy out working yeah they're taking their kids to scouts or football practice or whatever you know or LaCrosse or swimming or you know they're just busy and and they don't have time to go to a Schoolboard meeting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon yeah a lot of times and a lot these people just aren't working they're professional protesters they're on the government somehow or they work for the government and they're allowed to take time off and and they do and they're very effective at it yeah well it's a it's a messed up system uh I look at Bitcoin as a way out you know as it's it g actually gives me a lot of hope I was a I worked on a couple old Ron Paul campaign so when Bitcoin came out as a Libertarian I'm loving it you know it's uh I mean it's not exactly old school uh sound money uh like gold but it if you saw it with the vision of digital gold and where the world's going to it has that ability uh Elizabeth Warren's talking about oh it's only used for nefarious Acts uh when the dollar is used much more for tell you it's the government hadn't figured out a way to control it yet that's part of the problem and and the thugs are using it but that means that we got to get somebody up there that's not 75 years old that g to figure it out I serve on an AI committee with Nancy mace and and a Democrat who's a little older than I am and we were and I was saying you know I said you know asking us to solve this thing the lot of these guys not long ago were wearing you know powder blue leisure suits and zip up dingo boots and still have an eight track tape player and they 72 Vega and they guy said I oppose that and this Democrat I got a 74 Vega you know or something like we were and we were laughing because he agreed with me because you know I'm 59 and I'm on the cusp of being younger than a lot of those Folks up there are and and we um we're asked to fix this thing or regulate it and then all we're going to do is wreck it because the people from Bitcoin have don't have our ear it's the people at the treasury it's the um the Central Bank you know the rest of the which they don't want it hell no they don't want it Bitcoin is the most trackable though that's the thing like it's the most trackable you have there's a there's a there's an electronic record of every transfer sure so if they actually really looked and understood I mean yes there's some ways to do uh nefarious things when they send it to multiple wallet accounts you know you know what the federal government's solution to to bootleggers and criminals doing cash was we they don't print, bills anymore they print $100 bills yeah and so that was their Solution that's why there are not thousand bills anymore that's I know that yeah and you know cuz you're dealing with an Antiquated group is when I was uh excuse me when I was in the state legislature I remembered I was redoing some of the laws in Tennessee on um on on child porn because every instance of child porn you would get a certain number of years ated on but if it was on one computer disc that was it could have been hundreds of thousands of images or whatever and um I guess I'm sure my age I they don't have computer disc anymore but I didn't understand them and I don't understand what's going on now but you get what I'm talking about it it you know you catch these guys with unbelievable numbers of downloads and we're like sending out all the country but you can just get them on one offense MH and so um and we got to figure out the technology and and we got to change with it and but and not in a in a negative sort of way because I believe that is the future until government figures out they get enough of those guys in there these old coders that are compromised into thinking the other way yeah that'll shut it down yeah well and then it goes underground and it does exactly what they didn't want it to do I mean they they push it into the into the dark real yeah no it's um there's a lot of issues like that with technology when I do hear the debates going on in Congress I'm like you I'm pretty big into into Tech so it's obvious they don't even know what they're talking about and it's frustrating when because it's easy to manipulate somebody that has no idea what they're talking about sure you know I was funny I was um I wasn't involved with it uh in DC but I was in one of the buildings and and these younger folks and they were dressed nice were were walking and I said y'all lost and they said yeah and I said well I am too come on we'll be lost together we started talking and they they didn't realize I was a congressman I was talking to them what they're doing they said oh we're we're we're lob being on behalf of cryptocurrency we had a little meeting up here and I said great I said well holler at me sometime I'd love you to come educate me on it because I I could I knew what was going to happen with it m and and then they they we got out and they looked at my car wait you're a congressman wait a minute we want to talk to you and I said great I said let's talk about it and we talked a little bit about it it and and I told him my limited knowledge and I said look I probably got more knowledge than a lot of these cats do up here I said y'all got to get in front of this thing because if you don't we'll wreck it we will wreck it we will try to control it and then then and it's gone and and and so you know I'm hoping that we uh put some things in place to not wreck it yeah well I hope so too uh Tim I want to respect your time I know you got a hard stop and uh just know man we see you there's a lot of people that see you and are supportive of you and um you know you're putting up the good fight and you're one of the few thank you and so there's a lot of people that see it I know it's probably tough but just thank you for for doing what you do yeah it it is tough I you know I I get a little piece occasionally and I always remember my dad did one time we were we'd work the polls and I want to leave you with this we work the polls all day I think I was in the state senate I'm not really sure when we were at my old house there at 8220 Bennington Drive in Knoxville we don't live there anymore course and um as I like to say we were having a traditional Italian meal we had a Mr gaddy's Pizza and one of those little you remember the little color TVs they about this big and they weigh they Lo like a ton you know got cinder block with a handle and we were watching the election results come in and and things weren't going good for the country and there's my dad an old combat veteran from the second world war Marine he was in the mess he was on pelo and okona and went to China after the war and fought the Communist and and he said the blessing that night he said Lord please don't let us lose our country m and that struck me that struck me and I've I've kept that memory when I can see him in my mind's eye across that table and U and I think we got it should be our prayer Lord please don't let us lose our country but the way we don't lose our country is you don't sit on your butt on Election Day and let the view or some of those folks try to influence your point of view um God gave you a incredible mind use it and if we don't the the country that you and I grow grew up in will be gone it will be gone because the folks in Washington there's a lot of anarchist there's a lot of evil out there and there a lot of people want to do this country in and and they're they're really having their way right now so if we can get to the polls and and the White House and the Congress and the state legislatures and the locals um we can we can turn this country around but if we don't it's all lost and there is no compromise yeah thanks for listening to part one of the interview now listen to part two we had to uh record this interview in two parts because Tim's schedule is so busy but he was kind enough to come back and uh talk with us for part two part two we talk about UFOs um we talk about corruption in government we talk about uh his talk with President Biden and all the great things they discussed at the State of the Union uh but uh stay around listen for part two of uh the Tim burett interview on the Ed clay show Tim burett welcome back to part two of the podcast thanks for having me back brother I'm people always ask me the first time I never get the second date usually so thank you that's awesome I'm honored we got to meet your daughter Isabelle today and uh here she's a champion barrel racer yes sir world champion she is um she got run over by a horse a couple years ago and in the field and freak kind of deal busted five ribs spleen pancreas had a couple of surgeries and scared me to death and um of course I was in DC and um I got home and uh doctors did great work and um and and she actually won the World Championship on that horse which is pretty cool oh wow they gave her this big plastic check and he like what are we going to do with that Dad I said Put it on The Mantel there you go there you go that's awesome yeah so I guess uh she got hurt and then you know what was like uh go were you nervous her getting back in there or yeah well I was more nervous that she wouldn't get back in there you know kids you know we always you know you get you fall off a motorcycle when I was a kid you get back on it kind of thing and that's right and and she that was that was the one thing we had to keep it was when she got home she had I think go over 30 days before they'd even let her on back on the horse and when we got home that's the first thing she want to do is was go see Albert and that was the horse they had to run her over and and it was I got a video of it it's just really sweet and um she's a tender spirit and I'm incredibly fortunate to have her oh that's awesome that's beautiful very beautiful um so uh let's talk about UFOs a little bit today all right um you know I know not uaps not uaps yeah I don't like that I don't like that terminology I think they threw that at us to throw us off the track okay well uh UFOs then not uaps uh you've been interested in that for a long time right yes sir what what kind of sparked your interest well I had unusual parents as in um they they kind of turned me on to science you know and everything about it and I was um in the library or as we say in East Tennessee the library we I was at the library um I think I rode my bike there and where Mom and Dad just dropped me off and I just stay for a couple hours I remember the Librarians had books out on different things I remember they had something on Bigfoot and all this other stuff paranormal and there's a thing on UFOs and I just picked it up and started reading about it and um you know that's about before the internet and computers and there a lot of black and white grainy photography of crazy stuff and didn't um and it just fascinated me and then you know I read my Bible and it your Bible our Bible whatever I say my Bible but uh um first chapter of Ezekiel you know Ezekiel Saw the wheel and if you break that down what he saw is a wheel within a wheel and the most technologically advanced thing in those days was a wheel and so that was all they had to compare it to and it was a um described literally a flying saucer um and it was of course it was it's the King James version so it was I think um interpreted from I think it's Aramaic I may be wrong I'm sure your listeners are a lot more learned in languages than I am I just speak fluent East Tennessee but but as you can tell I don't um it's the only place in America where people don't speak with an accent but you know Genesis 1 God created the heavens and the Earth he created the heavens and the Earth and I go out at night every night because my dog when I'm in home in Knoxville um uh but every night I go out and look at those stars and it's just and to me the light from those Stars literally literally left that star before the time of Christ I mean that is the vastness of God's Great universe we are a grain of sand in a 100 million beaches I mean that's what Earth is and to think that we're the best that God can do to me is is um it's kind of cocky on our part and I think I just and I don't fear whatever it is because if they with that kind of Technology they would have done us in a long time ago brother so I don't fear it and um and also you know towards the government all we do is cover up since 47 you know know the the Roswell incident is the famous one where Military Intelligence which I tell people is sort of like um Congressional ethics it does not exist because you know they released if you know anything about Roswell they it was a front page article it said saucer recovered and that was what the military intelligence put out then the next day they go oh we made a mistake it was a hot air balloon you know that just doesn't it doesn't ring true with me and then we've had multiple multiple incidents since then i' I've talked I talked to a pilot just less than a month ago was a very well highly trained military pilot who literally said that this craft was 14 ft from his canopy now you know people say well that that's probably our stuff well they wouldn't put our stuff something that could wreck into a you know a half a billion dollar piece of equipment and a and a highly trained American fighting man or woman they wouldn't risk the life on that so I just you know I've gone through this thing so many times with so many different people and um I've hit so many brick walls that it just it's kind of uh it kind of pushes me a little further did you ever ask uh like Trump when he was in office what it could uh you know like hey what's what's going on here well I didn't have that relationship with him then I do have that relationship now okay and the only way I'm glad you brought that up I I think the only way we're ever going to get anything is a is somebody in the executive branch says we're releasing this stuff because all of our people in office get compromised you're wondering why so many people are leaving office right now some of them are leaving office because they got a better gig some of them are just leaving and there's things going on in their lives and they've been told you know either get out or we're going to disclose this or they're tired of being owned and they just can't take it anymore their conscience has finally got to them so the there's a lot going on within that and I and I think Trump is one of those that just never was really into it I know Clinton's people were but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the Dome off the capital but I was I was sort of in the the last couple of years of of the Trump Administration so I I came into Congress then and it just you know it takes you two years to find the restroom in DC so it's a it's a big lot of moving parts and I have since talked to some of his top people that he is very interested in it and he would like to blow the lid off of it okay that's great so long answer I'm sorry I just didn't think I could just yes or know you on that no that's good actually I mean so and you know because the president would know obviously well you would think he would you would think he would but he wouldn't because the um you have the military-industrial complex I prefer to call them the war pimps they don't like that and I'm glad um they have uh um you know we we audit them every every year and they've never passed an audit in the history of auditing the Pentagon and yet they've Mis misplaced over a half a trillion dollars half a trillion dollars in assets that means tanks that means Jeeps that means bullets pencils whatever we don't know where it is they are not saying where it is and um and then how did we punish them this last time we gave them um 20 billion additional dollars in the NDA the National Defense authorization act which had a bunch of other garbage in it but on top of that and um I mean it's a crooked game up here brother and it's it's the uni party it's not you know I'm a republican I'm a conservative I'm not angry about it but there is a lot a lot to be said bad about the Democrat Party but there's a lot to be said about the Republican party and when the doors are closed they don't see black or white the color of skin all they see is green color of money and that's what runs the deal and that's the the whole crooked end of it case in point we go to Ukraine we gave them our missile defense system M I didn't I'm not for any of that I'm not um it's not our war but we um we had to replenish our missile defense system so who owned stock in that missile defense system people in both parties on that committee that were involved in that decision making and that was public knowledge public record I mean it was publicly made available because that's the law says you know it's is it wrong yes is it legal yes but that doesn't make it right yeah know absolutely I mean I'm sorry again another long answer I think I've had too much caffeine okay all hyped up on that sugar and caffeine jacked up on Mountain Dew that's right um what do you think about like so you're talking about Congress being able to pick the stocks that they're voting on obviously there's a conflict of it's obvious um when you're having these conversations with them uh because you know there's been a lot of pressure to vote you know to where they can't do that you look at like Nancy Pelosi actually a lot of different members they're making a lot of money in the stock market Pelos is not even not even um in the top 10 no um there's a there's a website something like whales or something on on Twitter you'll have to find it I'm I I get it but it and it lists curious trades and things that go on and it has a listing of there's about 50 or 60 of us on there yeah I mean you can actually tie your stock trades to uh the politicians down oh 100% you g if you want insider trading like go ahead and just follow that along Mutual there's a lot there's a couple of mutual funds that follow that really oh yeah you know they used to follow Burkshire hathway now they follow members of Congress yeah well I mean it just seems it just seems obviously wrong but you know oh it's crooked as a dog's leg brother I have my $7,000 portfolio is in um um a mutual fund my buddy Tommy Sor manages very well it's my daughter's daughter's college education that's good that's good um the UFO committee you were mentioning it a little earlier what what's going on with that well it's it's under the guise of um uh uh I serve on three committees and um it's on one of those committees and um um and so what we do is you know currently we're looking at you know Hunter Biden and all this other stuff but it's under that the oaces of that committee so we um um oversight is then I always forget the name for some reason it's the hottest committee pretty much on on Capitol Hill but uh chairman comr who's a friend of mine he um he has to authorize it and that's what happened the last time and the speaker authorized it and really it's just the chairman they kind of I think they sort of well let burett do this thing it ain't going nowhere you know and it was the largest attended um committee meeting and maybe the last I talked to some oldtime reporters and they says about probably 15 or so years they had never seen they had over a thousand people they had to open up another room so people could view it I was on Fox that morning and I left my office they sent a car for you and I left my office I walked outside it was before 5:00 it was around 4:30 in the morning and people were rather they were already lined up outside to get in the building wow and so it's just a um these people travel from all over the country so it's a huge undertaking now we've written a letter A group of us have to um to the chairman and the speaker to get what's called a select committee if we get a select committee then we'd have subpoena power and we could really go after some stuff maybe hire somebody uh there's talk of bringing grush in the guy who who said that there's bodies and all this other stuff and um and craft and craft retrieval I mean we've you know the uh CIA has said they have a craft retrieval I mean they they've said that that's been that's been disclosed that's not earth shattering here I mean that's not news but they it's been disclosed CRA craft retrieval now what are they retrieving that's the question and um and so you know there's uh it's a complicated process there's a funding issue involved and if we don't though the um the speaker speaker Johnson who's a friend of mine he came in into Knoxville for me for a little event and I I wanted he he he had me backstage and it was just me and him talking and we you know he gave me plenty of time always they give you 30 I take five cuz their 's valuable and I want them to know that I value that that's a good trick out there if any of y'all ever have to meet with some big shots they dig that cuz they'll usually give you the full time but if you just need that little bit it makes them feel that much more valuable and um and I talked to him about that I said look they'd like to have another committee meeting he said he he and he wrote it down he's a real um he's a lawyer but he's a he's a very decent man and he wrote it down because it meant so much to him to make him remember to do it and his PE and his staff and he told his staff so I'm sure we could get another hearing but the select committee would be the one that could really go after some of this stuff again I don't think we're going to get a whole lot m because this thing is so compartmentalized and I you know I live in like I said I live in Knoxville and that's in East Tennessee and it backs up to Oak cridge and that's where they built the bomb they created compartmentalization literally couple of thousand people there brother and um during the second world war and maybe a half a dozen people knew that they were working on an atomic bomb and you know I talked to I I get elected by knocking on doors and I would talk to somebody of you know if they were my parents both my parents are in but but back when they were alive they would um if they were somebody in that age group I'd find out if they were in the war or not and what branch and remember talking to this one guy he was putting his American flag act said well I didn't serve and he kind of ducked his head a little I said really he said he said you I figur it might have been 4 ify because I worked at Oak Ridge and I said brother I said if my if my dad was here he would hug your neck I said cuz he was on okola and he'd fought pelo he was in the Marine Corps and they were getting ready to go to Mainland Japan he said they dropped the bomb and it was it was over and he said um I said you what y'all did so probably saved my Dad's life he said you know the funny thing Tim he said he said my wife worked there same time and she and we did not know what each of each did that is compartmentalization and that is what we've got and since 1947 you figure somebody who knew about Roswell had put it into a department over here or something or that all those people are dead and so I mean that's the best compartment of ation you can have and so whatever we have is passed down the line there's so few people that actually know presidents don't know and uh you know uh well Joe uh not Biden but um Chuck Schumer he had an amendment on the bill I had one too on disclosure and his um mine was two pages his was about 60 but they basically did the same thing but um they didn't even bring my Amendment up that's how much power these people have they and they killed his Amendment on the floor they killed Chuck Schumer's Amendment wow so and a military industrial complex hiding it yes yes what do you like what do you think the motives of of hiding it are um well money power um they have some kind of czy technology that technology imagine if um now if you if you go to the Tic Tac videos I'm I'm sorry yeah Tic Tac wait let make sure I got it right tick tock tick tock is the the Chinese Communist Tic Tac is the candy okay okay right yeah Tic Tac okay um um so the Tic Tac candy that that was what these um UFOs look like if you'll if you'll if you'll Google that um and watch the videos and you can hear the pilots and those were the P one of the pilots was who testified in our committee and they talk about this thing and there there's no and you can watch it and there's no heat signature uh there's no uh propos ion there's no anything and um you could could you imagine having that much energy in in one little contained area and uh I they did the math for me some guys did the math for me it was just the amount of energy that you know what we would consider you know nuclear or or oil or coal based it was just enormous the amount of power that this thing would have had to be able to move at these speeds at that rate of speed at that volume and no heat signature could you imagine we could heat our homes in the in the winter and cool them in the summer the Pentagon would not be getting us in these awful Wars getting our boys and girls killed over a barrel of oil environmental issues would end right then yeah we put them all out of business and uh I just there that that's one component of it and two and I'm a motorcycle guy we say I took and I got you know say I took one of my newer bikes back to the like say I don't have one one but say I had a a a um a brand new Harley and I took it back to um to the people that came over on the Mayflower they'd have a bright shiny object they could polish it they might get it started they'd never be able to pump the tires up they couldn't even make the fuel to run it the alcohol wouldn't burn in it they couldn't adjust the valves they wouldn't know how to get the heads off they wouldn't understand any of it but fast forward now if we were to get a UFO of something have that capacity of being able to travel that speed light years what have you what could we do with it we could probably polish it try to Dent it Pour acid on it try to melt it you know we would and so there there's that component of it too but um and so you know I was um I had a nice conversation with a man who was an admiral in the Navy and I had another conversation these two oddly enough fit together I was with a group of of Congressional members and we were and it was in a non-secure setting so I can talk about both of these both of them were not in a secure setting one was in my office and one was at a a meeting off campus and um and they were talking about how these these um were having reports that some of our submarines um can do pretty substantial speed but nothing like this these things were moving at hundreds of miles an hour they're half the size of half a football field under the water and they were picking them up on Sonar sonar and then I'm meeting with an admiral and he's telling me these hot spots there's five or six hot spots around the world and they're a lot of them are over deep water so that leads some people to think that there's some sort of bases that are in deep water you know have the Marana trench I believe it maybe a mile deep or deeper and we know more we honestly know more about the surface of the Moon than we do the surface of the ocean ocean floor so there's some thoughts that maybe there's something there a type of Bas maybe something I don't know um that's just that's just that's just a theory that's out there and but it's pretty cool when an admiral comes in and tells me that that we're not alone this isn't some buddy of mine down at Todd's backdoor Tavern yeah on his six sixth PBR you know it telling me that that there's something out there this is a professional man who's who has a whole career in his involvement and some other stuff he told me I'm not at Liberty to talk about but it it was very substantial yeah no I I uh I believe it I've gotten some similar stories from uh from some people I respect and they're like no no this this is the real deal um and you know what's interesting too uh my understanding is like patents for like perpetual motion and uh the patent office knocks them down so if you have anything that messes with the you know like say the oil and gas industry industry that could wipe it out um they won't even let your patents go through and they kindly shut you down yeah and there's there's several you there's some conspiracy theories but you know you figure that if if they could ever crack that hydrogen molecule in a cheap efficient way you know just just walk down here to the in Knoxville it's the Tennessee River just get you a gallon of water that's right and run it and you know run it through it would it be internal combustion it just crack that hyd it just pull the hydrogen out and the oxygen and and and burn it and um and so yeah I think there's something to be said for that because they it would it would oil industry would just outside of fuel I mean they still you have to have oil for everything you know for Plastics everything else but it would just um I think it would destroy that industry yeah no absolutely and um I mean I think there's been a lot of things out there that have been kind of shelved because it would you know affect the you know the dollars um the greenbacks but um what do you think about Antarctica I've been hearing some interesting things about Antarctica what do you know anything about that yeah I do um again I've been told some things that maybe I'm not at Liberty to talk about I'll talk about what I do know there's a they talking about Admiral bird went up there and was a big Expedition and and there was a um his diary I'd warn people about that his diary was Rewritten they think by somebody you know if today if you don't see it with your own two eyes and don't put your hands on it I would I'd be very very cautious about it and of course the Nazis had a lot of interest in in in anarctica and there's an area of Antarctica where you're really literally you have to have um um permission from from other countries to go visit you know it's a coalition kind of thing and there's um I I think there's a lot of untapped knowledge up there and I think it you know one time it was not frozen obviously um there's Chinese maps that show land um I'm fascinated at the thought of uh you know pyramids up there and all that but um it's a huge amount of area and that would be ideal for if I was if I was something from another world or or or something that was been on this world for a long time and didn't want anybody messing with me that' be the place to be yeah no I mean UFOs just you know 10 years ago was considered crazy I think now it's more more mainstream you know over while we were dealing with covid um you know there were some official things that were uh released and people didn't even seem to really bad on I like oh yeah well you know it's kind of shows you how much it's changed um we were mentioning Joe Rogan earlier he's been talking about you know this and having great guests on for years going over this um I mean what do you think about would Society be able to it yeah would they be able to handle well that's not the job of government uh my um a good friend of mine who's a Democrat from from Florida um he he told me the other we were talking and we had a press conference Jared moscowitz is his name and he's a he's an interesting guy and he's super super smart and um he's an attorney and he he was saying you know it's not the government's job to decide if I can handle something or not and to think that that would wreck religious beliefs I'm a born again Christian I'm not a good one I'm on the forgiving end of it dude I know when a bunch of y'all get to heaven you're going to look over in the corner and they'll see me man we must have lowered our standard let B Birch it end up here but I you know um but I I have no problem with you know I have no problem with with any other lives out there any other thing it's um I just don't have a problem with that I think the vast the vastness of this universe is infinity is a long way brother yeah and you know you think if your faith is strong you know matter what's it matter it does not matter you know people say well what about this what about this and I say it doesn't matter that's why I have faith you know I they say well you haven't seen God and I say well I haven't seen oxygen doesn't mean I'm going to quit breathing right you know yeah so I I just um that's kind of an oversimplification but yeah that's what it is I I just I just think it's um it just shows another just more vast you know every if you're on your computer or whatever like I am um and I always click on like when they find like a new a new lizard in a cave or something you know and um and ultimately it's it's kind of the Bigfoot thing you know bunch of something something's going to pop up but it's not that but it's just and so I just every every week There's a new animal species that's found somewhere and it's not always out in the middle of of the of the the jungle somewhere some of it is in Fairly civilized areas and they thought this thing was extinct or whatever and it's usually you know something small it's a worm it's a lizard it's a it's a different kind of M or rat or something but or a monkey but it's still you know just up in the 1970 we um I think down in New Guinea or is it New Guinea they um they found a new tribe and of of course off the coast of Madagascar uh they found the cican which is supposed to been extinct 50 million years so I I just I just I dig all that stuff and it it just kind of follows me around yeah I mean it's um it's one of those things I wouldn't be scared of it at all I mean whatever happens happens if you got your faith like um I me I think it's you know there's a lot of things in the Bible that maybe make more sense if that comes comes true who knows I mean I mean there's a lot of things in the Bible I do not I The Book of Revelation is like these PES on acid or what I I don't I don't get it I don't get it I think a lot of it has to do with the uh the Aramaic to King James translation possibly but but um when they found the Dead Sea Scrolls they they matched a lot of it up and it turned out it was it was pretty much spot on interesting yeah it's uh it's interesting I'm actually kind of glad we're almost at that point where the stuff's coming out um I mean and that's the thing about 2024 into the future like I think everything's going to be a lot more open you know these things can't be hidden you know you look at like RFK running for president right now and you know put yourself in rfk's brain you know like his dad was assassinated his uncle was assassinated I mean it's a different uh view of uh conspiracy and government oh yeah well I mean he knows he claims to know who the guy was that actually you know they said Saran Saran was shot him which he probably probably was one of them but um you know it's just not like I said unless you saw it with your own two eyes I don't I don't buy it um there's a lot of things out there that are just too easy we for so long we just take whatever the government says and we believe it yeah I mean that's that's how it's gone for forever now it's coming up I'll give you a case in point I was on um unknown aliens or one of the was it Ancient Aliens and they they what they do is they record you they'll come in there and they'll record you for an hour man and then they'll and and course I'm all over the board you know so they there's I'm on half a dozen episodes you know and so I never even watched it and um I was in I was in Nashville of all things over here at the state capital visit with some legislators and uh and a guy called me and he said he call he always calls me Timbo hey Timbo said yeah and he said um said I just saw you on h& Aliens and I thought oh here it comes you know he's going to say oh were you probed or something you know something you know and I said hey I I got to tell you a little story he goes and he'd been in the Navy I think it was in about 1959 and he was on a ship and and I do this a lot he you know if you ask him what time it is he's he tell you how to make the clock I mean but he gave me the whole scenario long story short they're out there and something just comes out of the sky and just hovers right there and he said and he goes Timbo he said if that thing was a block it was two blocks I mean he said it was it was big and then he said it had and he described it to me the classic saucer shape and it said it had um like a dome on the top of it and there was slits up there and you could see light back behind it there a viewing kind of tower thing and he said that thing um he said it didn't make a noise no wind no anything and just went just went straight up just like that no no nothing no noise no anything no turbulence and they would just like what the heck was that yeah and then he um he said they got back to Shore and um and sure enough the the man in suits came on with suitc they they had their attaches and whatever and they were in suits yeah I guess we' call them Men In Black but they were just probably they're probably um secret service or some sort of military and they said you didn't see anything if you ever we ever hear you talking about this you'll go to lenworth oh wow and they never talked about it wow and the thing about that story when he was telling me he's an older guy and he was yelling at his wife and he was saying hey baby what what and like what ship was I on and she'd say and said what what was and he said 58 or 59 she he said it's 59 honey and then and then he would relay that back to me and it was a it was uh I mean he painted a pretty clear picture and you fast forward that I get a call from a guy who was a a former aviator who was out fishing I believe in the Gulf and he saw he said this craft he described it very similar the color everything of this comes by and um and two Jets were either tracing or just trailing it and you know they just kind of I mean it just and then they said did you just see that you know it's like and the craft was very similar and I've heard that story similar type situations and you know and and now there's this Arrow report out that this big wig bureaucrat in Washington says that you know Congress is being led you know it's a circular story it's one story that just keeps going around it's not one story it's hundreds if not thousands of stories and that's that's the trick in the media they tell you a lie often enough you start to believe it and that's the trick with these people and they want to play us down in Congress I got news for him there's it's not just me I might have lit the match but you know I was and I was told by a guy in Trump's Administration a former member his about as close as you can get to Trump he said he said brother you said you need to get some bodies around you you have kicked the Hornet's Nest on this one oh wow and I you know and but you think about it you're talking about upsetting the whole apple cart yeah absolutely what would all these people do if we didn't have wars what if we were this whole world was United they'd be out of business yeah no it's very very true I mean was it uh was it Truman that said you know the mil military industrial complex was the thing that we had to look at you know actually Eisenhower hour Ike said that and he he was he was military yeah it was a like about a five minute speech but it was um he was right and um there's reports that he'd been briefed and U there's all kinds of stuff out there and I I've never been able to prove any of it and there's there's a lot out there and I would have warned people about something too um I get a lot of reports and I get a lot of people that come into my office you know kind of deep throat thing they have people I've met people in the hallway have said hey I need to I'm going to tell you about something and you got to be real careful because they put up they call them white flags that these people actually believe what they're saying is true they've been shown something or done something or experience something but it's not accurate they've and and they're they're not telling a lie purposefully but they're trying to get us off the trail and that's why I'm very cautious I I get books from people and pictures and firsthand accounts and I'm very cautious about ever sharing those publicly yeah because they are um they they're false and there's people that have been trained in the government I'm convinced that have been in put in labs and positions that are given false information so they will come back with a false conclusion and then it will be easily uh it won't be easily defensible and then it will it will put a cloud over the entire movement and could hurt us so yeah I'm very cautious about that I I let it kind of play out well you know that kind of happened with covid because um you know you had fouchy and NIH and Francis Collins sure uh you know if you think about NIH they have about a $45 billion year budget that we know of that we know of uh fouchy had been uh head of um his Department uh for since like 1984 right and every single year he has this big budget now his wasn't the full 45 billion it was you know less but it's still a big budget think about how many favors you would have oh if every year for almost 40 years you had billions of dollars to give away and so a pandemic happens and you're the one controlling the money to the universities to the researchers to all these different things to the drug companies that could have a cure for something and you know they have a cure for it and um you can get ahead of the investing you could tell your buddies to invest yeah I mean it it it's Congress 101 yeah I mean and and then they uh for covid they they throw the the smoke screen for instance you know they said um oh if if you don't think that or if you think that it came from a lab in Wuhan you're a racist you know if um if you don't want to take the vaccine you just want to kill people right and you know that was that was what they did you know with that can I tell you something that happened to me I'll write about it in my book If I Ever Write the book but I I don't know anybody ever buy it or believe it but I was I I'm on a schedule every morning I'm very habit type person you know I sleep in my office it's it's it's too expensive and it's not safe in DC and um and so I go down and take a shower in the morning at same time well I'm in there I'm brushing my teeth at the sink you know it's just like like in a prison or whatever but it happens to be in the gym in Congress and um I'm next to a member who's on the um intelligence committee and he says he says burett and I said yes sir and he said uh he said I've been watching you he said oh yeah he says yeah you you uh you seem like you know what's going on and I said well thank you and he said why is that and I said well 16 years in the legislature I was eight years County mayor I kind of I know I'm not going to be called to the White House to negotiate a trade deal with North Korea my first couple years right and he laughed and he was brushing his teeth or something he said he said you following this this flu bug out this Wuhan virus thing I said um or Co or whatever they were calling it that time I can't remember and he and I said I said yes sir it's something out of China I think he goes yeah it's at the Wuhan lab out of Wuhan and I said oh okay that's in China right he said yeah and then um he said uh you know what else is in Wuhan I said no sir and I thought well you're getting ready to tell me and he said um yeah the um their chemical warfare lab is there I go really and he said uh you know what the biggest problem they have in in China right now and I said no sir I don't he said people are living too long and and I read a report maybe it's up to the 70s the Chinese you know they were going to drop a there was high level talk of dropping an atomic bomb on their own people just to see what would happen whoa and you know they have very little regard my daddy fought he fought in the Pacific alth in the Marine Corps all the way across he went to China and fought the communist over there for a short while and um and he talked about they just they would not didn't care about sacrif you know they'd move a mountain everybody just line up and start Hing dirt down to the next person Rock whatever they'd move mountains they move factories during the war um Japanese were coming in they just take it they just piece bolt by bolt and they just start walking it back across the a mountain range I mean they do not care they do not value life like we do right the higher ups value themselves they don't value The Peasants and they're in such a you know they haven't they haven't their technology for those poor folks hasn't you know increased since the Dark Ages probably so um uh you know and and and he and he just goes yeah they they're living too long and he goes hm that was the last thing he said and he was on uh I believe he was on the intelligence committee one of the higher ups and I thought and I you know it was just a almost a surreal moment and then and then that stuck in my head and that was a long time before before yeah I nobody knew who fouchy was of course he was in remember when the AIDS thing hit he was it was his deal a lot of the gay folks um still do not care for him yeah well he was especially the the enemy of of the gays then you know with what he did with the a which was you know in my opinion should be criminal um a lot of the stuff that went on dur during the pandemic um you know to me was criminal because you know it's one of those things that they knew uh they knew what they were saying wasn't true but it was it was you know they would say just enough to get people to do something and cuz I'm not you know I'm not a I'm not a medical professional you know my buddy Rand Paul he wears him out and I dig that he he's a good dude and he um he's usually one step ahead of everybody else on that in that line of thinking and I and I dig that about him yeah well he broke it down because the NIH was funding Eco Health Alliance uh right and Eco Health Alliance was funding the Wuhan La lab and that was after Obama had said no more you know uh funding for gain of function so they had to work around and um you know they try to cover that up too if you look at the emails I mean it was obvious it was a cover up and um you know people just went along with it and you know they say you know that you look at the past like how did how did Nazi Germany get to a certain point you know and how would people just conform and it's that classic bulling frog you know you put a frog in a Boiling Pot of water and it'll it'll jump out but you put in a cold pot of water and you just gradually turn it up and we just we're just so used to being fed and we trust people and our government and and those days are gone we don't need to we don't need trust me we don't need to trust our government yeah no absolutely go this UFO thing it's just it's just um Beyond me that they are allowed to to to spend tens of millions of dollars on this thing you know they had um Harry Reid had funded something uh you know I think it was around $20 million Lou alzando was buddy of mine they said they weren't doing it and then he and they said he didn't work for him he produces a paycheck a pay stub and then they they check the audit and sure enough it's there you know one more thing I know we get off the UFO topic but I was um I tell you how odd this is I've been I've had people come to see me and they won't come see me inside my office interesting uh I met with a couple of guys one time well there's three people in the meeting and the guy introduced the other guy and they were showing me some stuff and explaining some stuff to me I said now who's that and they said he's not here so and I don't know if they were a spook or what but they um you know and I've had Capital police come see me and say hey somebody asked was asking about you and they but they didn't want to come in the building and they I said they told me the name and I said oh and you know it was somebody is in this and another time these guys called and said they wanted to meet with me and um I said well that'd be great I said just you have Denise we'll get Denise to call you and set something up and they said wait a minut we don't want to come by the office and I said well where you want to meet I said about your house I said that's back in Tennessee and they said okay and um and on Saturday they showed up wow and they uh um I remember when they pulled up in front of the house it was a d thing I had I remember I had four Dr Peppers thank goodness there's I think three of them and one of me whatever it was four or five of them anyway they um and they were well known and they um they said uh can we you care if we hook something up to your television and I was like well sure cuz I didn't my daughter wasn't there I thought dad G if y'all don't she was at a horse show I think out of town I said if y'all don't get that thing hooked back up I'll be without TV all weekend cuz I'm not going to know how to figure out but they they hooked it back they hooked it up and then they started showing me stuff and um you know and I was like and you know that that goes back to my white flag I have to be very careful but I had already checked these guys out ahead of time and they were legit and it was um it was remarkable I mean it was just that's the kind of thing that needs to be seen what were they showing like if you can say well craft and um that were just and and they were they were scientists they were not like and I don't know your background I just say like me and you were regular folks and their um um their IQs were through the roof but they um they started talking about g-forces and and um one of them was um uh started talking about thermodynamics and and it was just and I was like okay hold on for a second let me let me see if I understand this and they were really kind to me because they knew you know was the sh one shot they had at getting and that and that sort of helped like the like the SP like the flame on this thing because it it really wouldn't have happened all this wouldn't have happened you and I wouldn't be sitting here talking about this it hadn't been for the center of all media TMZ you know TMZ the crazy show on television that you know they get the actors and stuff and catch them and get say something funny yeah and um I mean it's a it's a really cool show I used to watch it all that when I was younger and now I'm I'm too tired to you know watch anything I H the bed I'm asleep but but um their their reporter grabbed me and asked me about the report that was coming out and I said that Trump had ordered and it was then under Biden and I said that thing will be so redacted and he goes oh man it's going to be the greatest report ever it's going to have everything and I said no it won't it'll be redacted it look like somebody shot it with a 12 gauge and then I said those magic words I said um I said more people will believe uh more people believe in UFOs than believe in Congress I end up putting that on a T-shirt and I sell it on my website and people all over the world buy this crazy thing because I said it right there on TMZ but if they hadn't have done that I would have never had the contact with all these other people that you know the Lou alzando all those guys out there um um George nap all of them I mean that you know I became friends with them and and the people you see that break the huge stories and things and um and it just was a fluke kind of thing that I I fell into it but the uh but it's it's amazing to me the amount of um friction and the uh opposition I get from uh the alphabet agencies you know we we that first hearing where we had the three people up there that we had 12 that we you know it was going to be like a big cattle call which I really don't like cuz it gets you have people contradicting and then somebody doesn't get to say what they really want to get to say and that amount you know you don't have that much time and then um and they just kept peeling off and they'd say one guy said well I'd gotten call from somebody at some NASA type deal or something they said I couldn't do it I don't know NASA said they didn't do it I don't know but it just it just kept peeling off and then I was left with these three guys and they were but they were dynamite and um and the beautiful thing about it was I asked a few questions but I wanted to make sure everybody CU I've been in this thing my whole life I mean I knew I knew the answers before they uh when people would say do we have this do you have you seen this and I cuz these guys were actually they're friends of mine now but we talked to them prior and interviewed them a little bit make sure we we knew what we were getting into and and I was able to pass questions to friends on both sides of the aisle and some of them unbeknownst to them we we get with their staffers were asking them questions and I I it it was just beautiful that's awesome yeah I'm glad it's finally you know getting pushed out there and let's see if uh if if Trump gets elected it should help that if he really wants to expose things I think uh it's in his nature it is especially at this point I mean I wasn't a big Trump guy and uh but the point I'm at now is it's undeniable how unfair they're treating him and you know it's it's actually made me like him more because they're you know they're country loves a martyr buies it's it's it's awful I mean it's obvious and you know they were talking about the the black community uh supporting him because of that they've de they've been mistreated for hundreds of years and in the court system and and um and that's that's that's undeniable and when he said it it just it ticked them all off it ticked the the white liberals off it didn't tick black folks I never heard one black person say that's not true no it's it's the it's the woke whities the woke that's that's what I like to call them the woke whes but that's they're the ones screaming the loudest over this stuff and you know when I hear them talk like for instance voter ID that they sound racist to me when they say black people aren't smart enough to have an ID that's outrageous you got to show an ID to buy a sixpack of beer exactly and you know I fly every week I have to show my ID they all know who I am but I still have to show that ID and I and sometimes I'll go into places where uh you know if I I have to cash a check or I don't cash checks nobody hard does that anymore but if you go somewhere and and um and your your credit card gang ID yeah sure of course you got you got to show it and every every body has an ID I mean it's it's it's ridiculous uh you know and and they try to Virtue signal acting like well the marginalized people don't they don't know they all everybody has an ID and um it's just about big picture for the Democrat Party getting votes um they want to sure that's what the illegal immigration thing is about it's about it's about mailin ballots you don't show an ID when you got a mailing ballot you've got people giving out Social Security or selling Social Security cards and and IDs all over the country they were doing it overseas at our um at our EMB outside of our embassies before Afghanistan fell and um you know it's just a it's a constant it's a constant thing and it's it's fraud and it's it's abuse but people will do anything they can to stay in power yeah and that's that's the problem is you know people will do anything and they push as hard as they can and uh it's not not about doing what's right for the people you know that's you know I know you're about doing what's right for the people there's a number of other ones but it's not the majority uh at least from what I can see um you know you were uh last week uh talking to President Biden as he was walking out uh for the State of the Union you had a lot of time with him what did you uh what did you talk about um Chevy Corvettes um um I always when I talk to people I learned this when I was in the legislature I remember I met at the Tennessee Walts Brooks and Dunn kicks Brooks and Ronnie Dunn and they were both very super nice and um which most of these folks the older Country I don't know anything about these newer country music guys but and we and I I did that with Kid Rock one time I met him and um his name's Bobby actually I met him a couple of times and and the next time I met him he asked me about an old Harley pan head that I'd had and because and I found out that a lot of times these famous people you're so tired of people you know like Kid Rock I was watching him backstage and these oh our our third child was conceived to your you know whatever album or something you know just I mean they get tired of that stuff man they he'd want to talk about motorcycles right and we talked about motorcycles and um my buddy Steve Cropper who still lives here in Nashville he's in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame he co- wrot Sitting on the Dock of the Bay and um he told me he met El he used to hang out with elves he was on some of his earlier so Studio musician at Stacks records and then I guess son or whatever and and he's one of the best guitar players in the world and he told me about meeting Elvis you know and hanging out with him at Gracin in Memphis and he said that you know guy he'd come up behind you and hit you one time you know where you're shooting and everybody'd laugh you know hit you again hit you again just keep doing it you know and they it was just is is is because they've been just so insulated and and they just thought that was the norm and these guys crave to talk about stuff that's that's not the norm and so you know and so I they want to talk about stuff they're interested in and so that's what I and I knew the president liked Corvettes I knew he liked uh peppermint chocolate chip ice cream and My Little Girl Isabelle she'll we go to the the mexon the mexan restaurant that's attached the ex on there near the house and um went through there last night and there's a Baskin Robins over there and sometimes we get she'll get that and I and I was tell talking to him about that and then I said um I told him about a date I'd had in 1980 my brother's um what was it 72 Corvette had a 350 and I told him he'd pass everything but a gas station and peeling out in Brunswick billiard's parking lot and you know just I just it was just CRA and then I was just trying to see how long I could talk to him and I did and I and I beat my record from the year prior and then he comes back though he comes back and he goes um he says uh you know I got he goes you know Tim those new new Corvettes do zero to 60 here's his awkward pause and he puts his hand on his mouth and he says in one second and I thought one second thatd pull your eyeball out your ear hole you know you know you couldn't do that but anyway he said but they're electric or something and I don't know it just and I I I just was sitting there thinking how surreal this moment is and then of course I go from anger to pity with him cuz don't think he's mentally well I don't think his cognizant level is what we need in a um commanderin-chief and I really don't I think he is in very bad shape and everybody says you got to get him out of there and I thought no we don't either Camala Harris would be incredibly worse yeah well it's obvious that he's not running the show though right I mean there's got to be his cabinets running it the people behind him are running it but Obama's got people in place and some that scares me about that you know just the the Marxist mentality the just the the hatred of what I consider traditional America and what the vast majority does but they're too busy working to have you know dealing with then dealing with it and that's what happens on Election Day everybody says they steal these elections I told I said let's put enough points on the board you know so they can't steal it that's what we've got to do cuz people 15% of the popul a Vates that's just we're just that's a recipe for disaster yeah cuz with all these computers they can tell you know as as I was told in a couple of these presidential elections you could have had a um a couple of postmasters in Illinois could have decided the the presidential election interesting and that to me is scary yeah no no doubt about it and but you keep giving people stuff for free and they'll you know they they'll vote for you yeah I mean they come out with all these new plans I I think at this point though it's so obvious oh I mean and and what's interesting preschool for I mean know the loan doing oil at the loan and you know just passing it on to you and me well if if you look at like the media right now though when they're talking about Biden um now they're saying that Trump is the one that's losing his memory and not yeah they're flipping it they always accuse you of what they're guilty of it's just wild that's an old trick and I I just and the lame stream media I mean honestly brother they got so much invested in this President they've got to they got to pursue that and that's what they do and they are not um I just hope the American public isn't buying it I really do and but I the DraStic moves he's making right now he's playing ball with Hamas over in Gaza and the reason for that is is because the largest um Middle Eastern slm Muslim Community outside of the Middle East is De born Michigan and so Michigan's a Battleground State interesting so he's going to throw everything he can at and um you know forget what they did when they when they rolled across rolled into Israel and massacred all those Jews they just forget that and U and so it's not all what it seems it's not about feeding children and taking care of folks it's just political it's all politics it's all politics I mean it I know it's obvious to you and I but you think it's obvious to the the average American how biased the media is right now the mainstream call the lam stream media is towards just differing non-woke views yeah but you know I don't watch it I don't watch Arch just was on Fox you know I was on CNN this morning at at 5:30 and you know they'll they'll I like going on early because a lot of these stations will take it and just put you on all that spread yet spread yet all over that and you know I been on Fox and and Newsmax is coming on huge right now I've been I'm on there a bunch o all these other stations and stuff and honestly I never watch them I never watch them I I I I'll Google my name occasionally when somebody will say hey vir I heard you on such and such and I'll say well and I'll go back and watch it because you I was on um I was on three different networks yesterday afternoon when I got when I flew in from DC back in Knoxville and I you I do it set up in my off office there with my phone and um and and so I don't watch it but then when I do on all sides of it I can see yeah just the bias nature and um Fox and CNN right yeah oh yeah absolutely absolutely but that's but that's their Market you know they're not in business it's not public television when two people watch it they still going to get that fat check from the government no they got to sell ads and they got a and they and they have an agenda um that's what honestly I'd rather get more coverage on Fox than I would on on on CNN Newsmax than CNN or something like that but I go on there because I like to fight just be honest with you and I know I'm going to get into a fight because they don't agree with most of the time what this morning it was very kind and occasionally I'll get on one and then um you know I'll tick them I was banned from um Matt Gates told me one he said you know you're banned from CNN I go hey I was wondering why they hadn't called me I said what happened he said well I have a Christmas party and it's uh it's 15 minutes long cuz I figure you know you go to Christmas party you sit there and you got your drink and your shrimp cocktail or whatever and you got to talk to some knucklehead and you're tired of it you know I don't want to talk anymore in 15 minutes is about all you got but this year I went 16 minutes cuz we couldn't crb it all in and I was seeing and seeing in was asking me about it on they did this thing um uh every Wednesday morning they do a breakfast with birchett they called it it was a you know it was a long it was we go back and forth on all the issues of the day and they asked me about my Christmas party and I said I said I said you know y'all y'all are invited I said I know I probably won't see most of y'all in heaven but you're still invited and you know I'm just joking and and apparently that ticked them off okay and um because it was kind of funny I had um my buddy Jared mosit was my Santa Claus and the reporter said he said uh you know your Santa Claus is Jewish don't you congressman and I said dude my savior is Jewish if I want my Santa Claus to be Jewish he can be Jewish and they said can I print that and I said go ahead you know and I told Jared and I cuz it's kind of funny I outed him on the on CNN because I knew he would be watching it and I said he's going to be my Santa CL he's in negotiations to be so he goes and buys the Santa Claus suit and he brings his two dogs down one of the the guat that works in his office has these two great big old poodles um what say bon bon and pepper I think their name and um and they're and they're all they're wild poodles they're great big old Hall things are wonderful and he walks down the hall like and they were like his um his reindeer and it was the greatest thing of all time but but CNN blocked me for that and I thought you know whatever but you're back now I'm back I'm back with a back with a fury now that's good I guess the ratings dipped yeah no I mean that's I mean the ratings actually have been dipping on you know the mainstream it's getting pretty bad for them and you think about like podcasts uh you were on Shawn Ryan Sean's a friend and uh talk to Sean this morning yeah great great guy and you know he was my guest for the um the State of the Union really yeah you know um honestly until he came along I'd never really sat in a in a podcast like this setting i' you know i' seen bits and pieces of them on YouTube and stuff and Rogan and all that but I'd never I'd never done it and then um Eli crane who's a fellow Navy SEAL with him I'm not they are they're seals he said hey he's he's in UFOs would you and so I I said well sure I'll do it and you got to go to Nashville and I said well I if I go to Nashville I'm going to eat at Arnold's that's my meetting three that's my place that's awesome he what did you uh like Sean's is really long right yeah it's it's three or four hours yeah it's like I told somebody I could have watched um Gone With The Wind in the same amount of time yeah it's it's a long his his his show has done so good and he he asked he's got this I don't know it's it's a demean where he just asked very direct simple questions and he's very very uh intuitive too so it's it's pretty impressive watching him go what what did uh what did he think of the the State of the Union I think it was disgusted was he I like you know he's a he's uh he's fairly conservative guy like like like we all are I guess but he um you know it's history you know and I and I think everybody should have to endure one of those in their life time um it's different watching on television though than watching it in real life just seeing the interactions and you know of course it's getting a lot more vola till they arrested that poor Marine's uh Mar Marine's Father which I thought they should have just escorted him out he lost his son needless he's one of the 13 that died and um and then his his other son ended up in all the grief ended up committing suicide thought that's just too much and those kids shouldn't have died I was I asked the and the last the last person to die in Afghanistan was their their constituents of mine his name was he was a staff sergeant named Ryan Canal he was in the Army and um you know they shouldn't have died they had the suicide bomber and this I asked this question of the marine sniper they had the suicide bomber in their sights twice and the Pentagon and the state department called him off both times and they got our people killed and that's wrong and they should have somebody should have lost their ass over that that's just to me that's inexcusable and and because of the media has no guts and is totally in bed with this President they just let it slide yeah and to me that's inexcusable inexcusable well you think about I mean that's really where the Detachment is with the regular American because you know you see the media not digging into these legitimate stories you know they would with Trump or someone they didn't like they would just go after him well they did for they they're still going after him but wonder they went after Bush I wasn't a fan of his but but still they went after him and then they um and and they you know now he's the greatest thing in the world they think you know they sort of talk and they rever him you know because they're trying to compare him to Trump because Trump just doesn't kiss their ass yeah that's right he he shook up the machine he did and you know with the way media is going now podcasts are coming on strong you think about you know they can't control it they can't and like Joe Rogan the you know the power he has with his platform combined with Elon Musk I I don't know where the the the United States would be right now if we didn't have Joe Rogan and Eli musk like pushing the free speech um you know CNN try to take Joe out yeah over the covid thing and I mean he just Hammer Joe's a fighter oh yeah he interviewed son J Gupta if you haven't seen that interview I not 3 hours long maybe on a car ride or whatever it's so he destroyed sanj and that's what pissed um CNN off uh and so um you know but he he can say whatever he wants he doesn't have a giant team it's his thing that he built and you know and Elon uh same thing with Twitter I have my you know I have some questions about Elon but I like what he's done with Twitter where I got question about Trump I don't want him teaching my my daughter's Sunday school class but I but you know um I've been in a room with two people in my life that literally you know when they walk in and and they are the energy they suck it all out I mean it's just wom it Donald Trump and um and Benjamin Netanyahu interesting I've never experienced anything you walk in and you know netan Yahoo I mean he's a he's a stone cold killer man and he is and I I would not want to mess with him and he um he was interesting we uh we talked about um the Iron Dome I remember the if I could imitate him before you I said uh he goes Tim we uh if they shoot they missile at us we know within yeah I for what he say within 2.5 seconds where it's going to land if it's going to land in the field we let it go it's going to land in a neighborhood we blow it up and then we go kill them you know like I bet you do brother and Trump you know he is um you know I always people don't like it but you know I always talk about King David King David was a dirt bag I mean he was um he slept with best Sheba his best friend's wife he was a great General and he had his best friend killed and but he turned out to be you know what put Israel on the map literally and um and not that Trump's had anybody killed that I know of he's not a Clint obviously but that's for another podcast I'm sure that'll get me in trouble but I don't care but um you know and and Trump he um he's so Parable and my little girl um drove down with me I remember when we first met him I was mayor of Knox County and they were going to bring him in and they were going to at a high school or something I said well you need to do at a school near the interstate so you can get to the hospital they always you got all those things you got to take into consideration and and I said they said they needed and I said probably a few hundred people and I said I said and then I got sniffing around the people were calling me and I was and I called somebody I said is this Trump and they said yeah I said well I can't really say and I said okay so it is and they were a friend of mine and I said dude you you a no we got to get something bigger than that and so we ended up going downtown yet the um convention center and we go backstage and he walks in and and um have my wife and my daughter with me and you know I've been in a million of those lines you know you you pay your $10,000 the big shots do you shake your hand he he flirts with your wife you take the picture and then you go and then you know not trump it was just it was me it was Kelly Isabelle my little girl and me and Isabelle was a little girl then and she was um and her and her sock got caught in her boot and she was jumping around and I've got pictures of this this whole scenario and somebody took them and I said take some pictures and they just kept filming I it was great and he's like what's wrong with your boot Isabelle and she says my sock's caught in my boot Mr Trump and you can see him leaning over and he's talking to her and he's like well get your sock out of there honey you know or does something he went straight from you know Mogul to Granddad just 2.7 seconds you know and uh and and he talked to us and he and he you can see his you can see in the in the pictures too he's got the Trump and then he goes Trump face because he said he was talking to me because I I won with um 85% of the vote when I was elected mayor which is very unusual I had a great team and perfect ran against a former sheriff and in Tennessee sheriffs are the most powerful entity in a County government and we were fortunate enough to win with that and he knew that and he started into my you know how did I win that and he went from the Smile to and and you can see his he went right to Trump face and then then he went to Isabel and I told my wife every he walked away he said what do you think about that honey I said honey I said if enough people see this guy he's going to be president called it cuz it was just uh you know I said cuz his deal is is real yeah and um and but anyway I you know I can talk about that all day but he was and I've been with him where he just stops and talks to a custodian and um you know and one last thing I was he had me in the Oval Office and he says what are you working on Tim and I said well I said I'm having trouble with the VA and he goes really what and I said well I got some buddies of mine are military have called The Suicide Hotline and they put him on hold and then they don't call him back he looks at his guy and goes hey whatever whatever guy name is that true and the guy says I don't know Mr President he looks at me what do you want me to do about it Tim I said fix it Mr President and he looks at the guy and goes fix it now yes sir he said follow me Congressman wow next day but now they've gone back to putting people on hold but that's awesome that that is real leadership he didn't check with the VA he didn't check with his advisers he didn't call the United Nations and I I know you got to go I have one last can I tell one more Trump story oh sure I got uh uh two more questions too okay well Trump's allegedly I've been told this by some pretty informed sources at maril Largo and gii ping down there with him and I don't know I guess their wives are there and As Trump would say I'm having the most delicious chocolate cake you know and um and so they lean over him and I think it was Syria where they had been they had gone in and and killed some of their own people it was just horrible and um and we we sent 90 cruise missiles on them and rained some Hellfire on them I guess I think it was 90 I'm not sure and I and I I wish I could remember I'm going have to research it I thought it was Syria but anyway um and so somebody comes in and and Whispers in the president's ear and says you know in fact they've done that and so Trump says to XI ping he says we just sent um you know we sent these cruise missiles over to took care of them gping puts his Fork down and says they shouldn't have been gassing kids picks up his fork and they go on and eat you know he didn't every leader we've had Obama Bush you go down the list CL they would have checked with the UN they would have checked with thing you know they would just it have been just a demonstration of our missile missile systems because they wouldn't have killed anybody they probably wouldn't have done anything not with Trump he took it to and he did that with terrorists I can tell you I've seen the pictures of blown up terrorist that the only way they could identify this one cat was by his ring he had this special ring you could see the finger and the hand was severed because it it exploded they put a cruise missile right on top of him or a drone actually but that's what we need in the white house we don't need these pansies that check with everybody we need a leader yeah absolutely and that's the thing he's he's a he's a lead sorry I rambled it's okay no he's a leader and he's unpredictable you know that's uh he's a cowboy According to some of them that's what they that's what they don't like that's what they complain about and it's like well maybe that's what made him so successful and people they forget he didn't get us in any wars first president a long president in my lifetime that says a lot you know and the other thing uh I'll say about Trump you look at his kids and he's got good kids and that says a lot too you know not somebody has a kids that are kind of messed up not that they're bad parents but it does say a lot when you got a you know they're all business people yeah and they're straightforward and they've kept their act together so that says a lot as well um two more questions number one uh Tik Tock ban they call it a ban it's not really a ban uh yesterday what do you think about that it's not a ban um I waited against you know First Amendment but it's it's really um all it says is China can't can't control it and they say well the Chinese Communist party doesn't but the reality the the corporation that owns it one of the board sitting on the board is the uh CCP the Chinese and so it's Chinese Communist party is sitting on that they control it they you know you're talking about an issue my do my wife and I were talking about um aluminum cups that look like red Solo cups and the next and what happens just with a matter of time there's an ad appears on her phone yeah the Chinese use that as a monitoring it's a marketing system it's also um modifying our thought Behavior I believe that the um this transgender thing which we never heard anything about before covid right hardly and now it's just oh well 12% of the you know some crazy number and kids just think it's normal because there be it's and I believe you know my Southern Baptist enemy tells me it's the devil doing that but the Chinese Communist are they are they're weakening our kids any chance they get and they're marketing garbage to them and non-realistic things well I think it says a lot that in China they don't allow the kids to be on a certain amount of time 30 minutes a day there you go and they get different types and it's an educational format there you go that says that's that's all you need to know and then you know if you if you use some common sense and you know the Chinese government owns Tik Tok we don't allow it on our military computers right I mean it's it's obvious that they're they don't have the best intentions for our society no and it's being used to program kids on the transgender issue you you're talking about it you know the the the amount of transgenders are like it's up like a th% and they're like oh well there's going to be less suicides well if it's up a th% you get a 5% drop in the suicide of that th% you still have way more people killing themselves statistics don't lie just statisticians exactly so um it's it's pretty wild but I'm actually happy about it I I believe in free speech uh you know hardcore and I just saw where a group of American capitalists are going to buy putting together a deal it's got to pass the Senate but as I stated in the past we are compromised we are compromised the Chinese I mean there's a member of Congress who was who had a relationship with a Chinese Communist spy was allowed by by Pelosi to stay on the um on the intelligence committee uh we had uh Dy Feinstein her driver for years was a known Chinese Communist spy what we have people it the Chinese I had um breakfast I guess this was a couple years ago with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo I remember him saying Tim Chinese and I my building's the Longworth building they know how many paper clips we use they're monitoring they monitored Co in our response to that they're monitoring our response to Ukraine like crazy they the the political will and the cash flow and the flow of our military Armament and how long it takes us to ramp up to replace missile defense systems things like that and they are watching every aspect of that and analyzing that for when they move on Taiwan and then where else they're going to move on after that yeah I mean the whole Taiwan thing we don't have time to get on into all that but uh it it's uh it's kind of scary stuff you know and we got to we got to play our moves correctly and it's not an easy easy thing to do right it needs to be done economically and right now with who we got in the white house it's it's not it's just write him a check or you know or just roll over write him a tough letter roll over and not really understand what's going on I don't think he understands anything um Bitcoin uh what do you think right now it's around 73,000 um you know someon Congress and the Senate want to ban it right completely uh you know others love it I'm a free market capitalist brother I think capitalism outside of Christianity is taking more people out of Despair than anything else um Christianity of course ultimately is wins out eternally but in in my opinion but um the uh um the worst thing could happen is Congress getting in there and just like AI serve on AI committee Nancy mace chairs it same thing I mean you got a bunch of guys that you know still driving around a 72 Vega with an eight track tape player listening to an Almond Brothers tape which is pretty cool by the way but the I love Dicky bats but and Dwayne alond but the um um but the truth is is that we don't understand it and it's the wrong people if I'm the youngest guy in there I'm 59 you know and um um I was a big fan of the Doge um I think I think I made like $25 or something you know I was trading it at you know it's three cents I think I had about $12 in at one time so you know back in the day I think I don't know but anyway um but all kid as side if we um I think we ought to just study it and and just try to understand it and not and bring in some young folks that would um that that get it because we don't get it and that's the worst thing and some clown at the treasury or whoever that wants to control everything uh Whispers And some powerful Chairman's ear yeah and then all of a sudden he slips something in one of those 3,000 page bills that dings it and then we lose it forever yeah and then it just again in our system um it it it's it's it's a it's a shell game I mean our deal right now I me this paper that we're printing it's just to me it's beyond belief you cannot you cannot continue doing deluding the purchase power of Americans yeah the president lied in a State of the Union Address he said you know the economy is better and I me the average American even Liberal Liberal economists will tell you the average American is paying $200 to $600 more a month yeah just out of pocket just on Survival bread water gasoline you know I mean just the stuff that we Norm we take for granted that we have to clothing that we have to survive and um and so that's as a direct a direct um correlation with what we're doing with printing money and just giving it away well you think about inflation is a tax on the poor we're taxing the poor and so you know and you don't and and they say let's tax these corporations corporations don't pay tax they just pass it on to you and me yeah you're going to tax Budweiser yeah when I was in the state legislature I was sitting next to a lady she said we just put a nickel on a sixpack of beer we can pay for it yeah the working man and woman is going to pay for it those are my people I don't drink beer my best friends own the beer distributorship the the the Budweiser they're my biggest friends in the world probably but um you know but passing it on to them they're just going to pass it on to us and that's stupid and but that's that's the mentality you you you say that let's tax the rich and there's not enough Rich there's not enough billionaires you going you there's a guy that lives here in DC in excuse me in Nashville his name is Art laugher he created a thing called The laugher Curve he's he's a buddy of mine and I love him man he is so funny and he makes economics to me make sense he had me over his house one time we had stoer lasagna when I was in the state legislature I mean he advised Reagan and and The Iron Lady in England and um you know and the laugher curve though says you know after these people get to a certain point they're not going to make anymore because they don't want to pay any more taxes you know it's a it's a it's a net gain of nothing so why do they want to risk anything right no I mean that's that's what Bitcoin is though cuz it's it's kind of a hedge against the dollar because the more money they print the higher it's going to go up there's only going to be a certain amount ever Mind Y and it drives the price up every four years or so the having event happens it cuts the supply in half so supply and demand and that's what you're seeing the efts are in there and so um you know I think it's a good option I I hope they don't try to over regulate it they don't need to it's a it's a you know let it run let it run let it run yeah absolutely well I want to respect your time thank you so much for coming over here again and sorry I rambled a lot brother I'm enjoyed hear you talk I enjoy it so uh yeah thanks so much and uh hopefully we'll see you here soon so you see the country on kind of a downward spiral at the moment we're in a free fall every 11 minutes someone's dying right now of a fental overdose in America I met with the narcotics agents I said what percentage of it is coming over the southern border they did bling out of it 100% 100,000 children that have come over in the last 3 years basically we're using taxpayers money to send these kids off to sex trafficking the only way you're going to address it is stop the flow into the country the chinesee they compromise Americans and they have a program to do just that they busted a sex trafficking ring up in DC federal contractors elected officials and they never released the black book it is straight from the pits of Hell who is pulling the strings right now I don't think Biden is capable it's just a stuffed shirt there's nothing there a lot of people want to do this country in if we can get to the polls we can turn this country around but if we don't it's all lost and there is no compromise Lord please don't let us lose our country Tim burett welcome to the podcast thanks for having me on brother and I really app appreciated our our friend John black and Richie walls uh told me they were friends with you and you're actually one of my favorite congressmen uh to do interviews so I was I'm probably get out more oh I'm probably more excited about this interview than uh just about any we've done so um thanks for you know thanks for making the time to be out here glad to do it BR thank you so uh tell us a little bit about your background because you you were mayor uh you were a state senator um State House member State House member rather and uh you know now Congressman uh what made you want to do politics well Daddy was involved in it he was Old City School Board in Knoxville there and had his ups and downs I guess but um I had a u Recycling business I took all the city's yard waste about 30,000 tons of year and long story short I got accused taking toxic waste we fought it lost the business and the day I think I closed the EPA issued a report that cleared my good name so to speak and um and all the politicians had kind of Run for Cover you know people I'd known my whole life and grew up with them played ball with their kids that kind of thing and I I thought if I ever got into elected office I would U not be that person that runs runs from the fight and um and about that time I remember the clintons were enter in the white house and there was this travel gate thing and there was a travel office that was um that they were trying to get rid of the people instead of just firing them they they did the Arkansas thing and just destroyed their lives and these people were traveling around the country raising money for their legal expenses and Dad come their legal expenses were about what mine were in The Mulch business you know um uh and so it was U it was a huge it was a huge deal in my life and I remember my daddy called me one day and said you know this thing's bigger than that mulch pile out there and I said yeah but I didn't I didn't realize it' take me this as far you know I um so I um after we lost the business or I lost the business I um made the conscious decision I said you know I could either sit on a bar stool and feel sorry for myself the rest of my life or get out and go after um go go out looking for uh you know um folks that that got run over you know by the system because they do that every day and um cuz I know when they call the office they don't say it's Congressman B they say I need to talk to Tim you know people I grew up with are in the community that see me on the news or something and now people call me from all over the state if not the country about issues and so I um you know I just decided to uh answer my calling so to speak and and um and that's kind of been what I've done since I was in the state legislature and then four years in the house and 12 in the Senate and um now I'm in I was eight years Knox County mayor and we paid did crazy things like paid down bills and didn't raise taxes paid cash for schools and were're able to give raises on top of that because we managed the money right and that's what you've got to do and then here in Congress five years um and people always ask me what's the biggest surprise since you've been in Congress that I wasn't surprised you know it's kind of a thing I mean and they say how did I make the transition from State legisl to County mayor and I tell people God speaks to me just not in an audible voice you know I was going through the line at W's cafeteria which got closed down after covid and they never were able to recover like a lot of Great American businesses and uh there's a fella going through the line and he had his name on his shirt you know like working people do the ones that actually do all the work in this country and in government and things like that it's not the suit and tie wearing folks generally and um there's a thing going on in Knox County called uh purchase cards PE cards and it was a credit card it had a good purpose on the front end that you would uh say one of my guys down there at the parks um when I was the county mayor would you know a pipe would bust on the weekend you wouldn't have to fill out a requisition form you know wait till Monday and water is running you could just go down to Home Depot or someplace like that and um and get it you know get the part then file the paperwork afterwards and use your company credit card well these things were getting abused and they called them PE cards and I remember the guy's going through the line had his name on his shirt and he said um uh they said hey you know hey Joe I don't remember his name how you going how you GNA pay for that meal with your PE card and I saw his whole disposition just change from this outgoing guy that kind of you know and he didn't have nothing to do with that it wasn't elected you know but he was catching the public humiliation which should have been reserved for the elected officials well I I said you know somebody to do something about that and then I said ding ding you know I hear you God and so I ran for County mayor that was the that was the thing that made my decision for me not you know but it was just that one thing and and you know and I tell people when they come see me they say well God told me to run I say well did God tell you you're going to win cuz that's generally you know if they mix up mess up on they always think you know they're just going to get ordained and then you know and then people are just going to shower them with money and and boates and that's just not the way it works and so they um um you know we ran we cleaned up a lot of messes and and then um I was term limited and had the opportunity to run for Congress and I did and so and it's been a battle it's been a battle I mean every you know everything is a is a fist fite in Washington yeah it seems almost all illogical I mean when I see the arguments and and it seems now you know things that people would say five or 10 years ago that were completely uh known to be not correct now they're you know they're arguing for instance uh what I would consider pornography in schools and I I thought we could all agree that pornography in schools is bad and the FBI labels those moms that fight that as domestic terrorists in their memos yeah where do you where is this coming from though I think it's a lot a lot of things but it's mainly just good people have not raised up and said hey this is wrong we've um allowed it in our in our pulpits in our town squares and First Amendment you know they can say whatever they want but you you have that right to disagree with them as well and and that's a many and the media is not on your side they're going to Mis misquote you they're going to make you look stupid and they put these Knuckleheads in that are just yes men and women and you know current Curr we we take in about5 trillion a year and we spend a little more than 7 million 7 trillion yeah you know it 5 trillion Tak in spend 7 trillion it just doesn't work why why do you think the media is pushing what seems to be an agenda so hard yeah I think a lot of the the media I've ran in some good folks in Washington here's of late but a lot of times the media to me is somebody that's um probably been pushed around a little bit and now it's their chance to get even Revenge of the Nerds do what Revenge of the Nerds yeah something like that on some of them it is I really do and and um you know it's just a a way of life for them just to be against whatever's out there and conservative folks are generally an easy target um we're probably not good at messaging as the left is but but I think people are fed up with it yeah you know one of the things that I've appreciated about you is uh like reach like it seems like you have friendships on the other side I do which you know publicly we don't see those things and I think I think a lot about it like what could we do to actually bring the country together why do you think that publicly people don't talk about the relationships on the other side uh instead it's you know we demonize each other I think they do it's just not covered it doesn't sell well you know it's even though Andy Griffith is still what 150 languages and and um I I just I that's just not what they're selling right now and they they want something dirty and scandalous and sexy and all that and um you know being fighting Asian carp or something like that is is not a real sexy thing or or trying to uh develop a business relationship with other countries so that folks won't come up here IL illegally and so it just to me it doesn't you know it it's no Rhyme or Reason I just there a lot of people truly are Anarchist honestly in this business in in Washington uh they just want to uh they made a career out of running it down and and they want to run it out and currently they're getting their way they're they're they're they're destroying our country and it's um it's it's it's very depressing it's what I stay awake at night thinking about I wake up in the middle of the night and and worry about where country's headed and where I'm seeing it and the things are just so obvious of what's going on and you don't see anybody really addressing it and when they do they get shouted down yeah I mean so you see the country on kind of a a downward spiral at the moment yeah I mean it's a we're in a freef fall this this debt and um um well we spent 114 billion on uh on Ukraine and you know they wouldn't give Trump 4 billion to work on the wall so that kind of they said it was going to break us then all of a sudden 114 billion we even give them more money you know we're fighting Russia it's not our war and a war that's um with a country Russia's GDP somewhere between France and Canada's and we're putting a disproportionately large amount of money compared to say a Germany or or anybody over there and um and Americans are getting rich off of it the industrial War complex or whatever you want to call it you our Pentagon we've audited our Pentagon last in the history of audits they never passed an audit and they've lost a half a trillion dollars in assets they can't account for a half a trillion and how did we punish them we gave them what 20 billion new dollars this year in the uh ndaa National Defense office authorization act mhm so we're um we're we're we're out of control and people in both parties are profiting from it you know the uni party they're they're doing real well with it when when we decided to send them our missile defense system Ukraine uh people in both parties lo and behold had bought stock in the missile company and the missile defense company that was had that contract and then it was it was you know no bid situation they're the ones that could fill it and they did very well on their Investments obviously so I mean when when you're talking to people on the other side or even in in your party um and you're having these conversations it's off the Record you're like what is the feeling do they see what's happening or are they just in denial or you know what is that some of them are profiting from it of course and they just going along and they you they want to be in power in both parties you know they don't when we were in the minority they talk to us about if we can ever get in power we can decide the the trips we can decide this we can decide that we ought to be deciding about what you know making the country a better place but it is about power it's about power it's about control and U and those that feeds a lot of egos brother and that's that's sort of the way we're uh that's the people that are currently running our country and in either party in my opinion we've got some good people I I like our speaker I think he's an honorable man man but he's what he's got a one person majority mhm um when the the former speaker was dethroned you know he he said he's staying for the Long Haul and then he got out pretty quick you know you got you got a one onee cooling off period from when you leave office to when you can start officially lobbying yeah so he um he um he'll be back he'll be making seven figures pretty soon if he's not already I mean is there legislation you would support that would stop absolutely revolving door but I think it'd probably get thrown out constitutionally you're you have a right to make a living I've heard the argument but yeah I would support that um I'd support term limits I'd support spending caps I'd support a lot of those things but ultimately you we don't have we wouldn't have the votes to do it everybody runs on those kind of things but honestly they don't have the guts to do anything about it once they get in there uh you think about like the NIH has about a 45 billion doll year budget it they fund all of the University Research um a lot of the Technologies are paid by tax dollars and then when someone leaves NIH they go and work for Pharma with that same technology and the same people that were writing the grants uh at the NIH worked for them previously sure and you know I think that's one of the that's an example of this big that revolving door oh yeah I mean is there it's on the front end the back end you have people that that in the Consulting business that run people's campaigns and then they help them pick the people that's going to be running their offices so that they can have easy access to them and so it's just a and you know it's not illegal the thing that you got to do is get somebody in Congress or senate or whatever that's honest and just says hey this is your job this is what you do you want to go work for somebody else you go work for them but until then you're working for me and this is my agenda and and you stick to it and that's what you got to have but honestly it's so big I've heard committee chairman and both parties basically say well the staff wants to do this you know these 25y old staffers that educated you know Northeast education and and and frankly are maybe a little arrogant and then they try to run the show and they do because you get an older chairman or chair lady whichever the case may be that um just kind of cruise control mhm and they got somebody that tells them where to go and takes them to where they need to be and they help them raise a ton of money and you know so it's kind of a incestuous relationship for lack of a better word um you know I know that you see the problems and you seem tired you know like I I know you've been working hard and we're not in DC today you know and people say well you're on this vacation but honestly when I'm at home I don't know about any anybody else in Congress but when I'm at home honestly brother I do more work here back in Tennessee than I ever do in Washington DC although I'm on the run pretty regular in watching I serve on three committees everybody's on one some people are on two and I don't think there's half a dozen that are on three committees but somehow I I did that and um but I I volunteered for that I I want to be I don't like sitting around and pontificating and things I'd rather be going to commit and every committee will have a subcommittee and there'll be other there could be two or three subcommittees of a full committee that you might be a part of or there's somebody testifying you need to be in you know and so it's and then you combine that in with constituent visits and then representatives from organizations whether it be labor or management or a corporation and you know I can have easily 25 to 28 meetings in a day yeah and that's that's starting pretty early and ending kind of like yeah no so you know but are you you think like that the tiredness is the fact that you're one of the only people that's up there like saying what the hell is going on right now you know I hope I'm not sometimes I feel like yeah I feel like it but you know and thing you got to realize is people are representatives of their District if somebody comes down there and they're they talk a certain way or dress a certain way or act a certain way generally that's kind of the way they're dis district is M and um now it's my district a bunch of rednecks cuz obviously people think I'm a redneck you know I wear my car heart jacket because it's cold it's not a stylish now it's become a fashion statement for a lot of people but it's never been for me but you know um I I just don't know sometimes I think we've uh I think we've over oversold ourselves sometimes I I wish we would just get back to some of the basics and I wish people would hold us accountable for that but they don't yeah well you know I was talking to my business partner DED Perry and we're talking about what is leadership right now and he said something that I thought was really interesting he said leadership is the algorithm so you know the algorithm on social media and online is leading what people are thinking that's where the propaganda is coming in that's where the echo Chambers um are are happening uh what do you think that we can do to break break that chain because what you're saying is is what I see I see us crashing fast and I'm blessed um you know I don't worry about it as much personally financially but I worry about I worry about everybody else honestly I'm like what's going to happen to this world I wor I don't have kids yet but I worry about you know my kids generation so um you know what can be done I mean do we you know you can only scream so much but it feels like you know if you're if we keep doing the same thing and people AR yeah it's like we got to do something well I I've said that we've U you know the left is is a lot more I don't know if tenacious is the right word but they got a longer longer plan than we do they uh conservatives you know we elect Ronald Reagan and we hey we're done yay yeah you know let elect Trump and then we're done yay they don't it's the school boards it's the city council it's the county commissions the Mayors these all these the property assessors all these other offices that that we just tend to forget and that's where it's really happening Washington is a I don't know everybody calls it a swamp but you know swamp is a pretty cool thing it's a ecosystem it filters water all these little creatures God put in it it works pretty good actually I kind of dig a swamp uh what Washington is is really an open sewer it just Flows In it's stagnant nothing comes out and it's just a it's a bad bad place yeah and and the reason it is is because we've just gradually let it get that way MH we've we've just uh allowed things in to our lives into our schools that we normally wouldn't I mean take for instance sports for instance now you're letting boys men dress up as a woman and then play these Sports you're getting girls hurt yeah and it's just not you know you've got a very average swimmer who um um little gains girl there she you know she tied with and they decided to give the guy uh you know and he's in there changing his clothes and naked in front of girls I mean that's just wrong and in NCAA and everybody's oh we're afraid to get sued well get sued take it to court let's fight this thing we have just it's the very tip of the tail wagging the dog and it's and people ought to be angry they ought to be angry it's not right there's a mental illness there and we ought to call it out but we're afraid to no they're born no they weren't born that way something either chemically externally something caused them to be that way and it's just wrong and um and you know I when I was in the county mayor's office I remembered we had um sex offenders former sex offenders and they're to me they're never formal if especially they mess with kids um that were going into our library and we were have and and that became an issue and I said I said if we know they're they're they're banned and they said you're going to get sued I said please do it in an election year because you know that it's still Tennessee brother yeah and that would be the best I would just I wouldn't even have a I wouldn't have a fundraiser I wouldn't have a a campaign meeting I just get a petition and and run for reelection because that would reelect me because the bulk of the people realize we don't need sex offenders in our kids libraries these are and they were with ch around children and things and it's just wrong and you know and you know they always ringing their hands and acou and I was please yeah come after me I would love that because would first of all expose them for what they were and it would so embolden our base yeah the and protect children ultimately we protect the children the entire trans thing it's pretty outrageous I always joke now that men are the best women you know yeah men really are the best women I mean woman of the year times woman of the year I think two years um and the idea here's what's interesting that's really happened the last since Co you know everybody said trust science trust science um and if you didn't trust science you're dumb or this or that but it was only the science that they were pitching you know science put a dollar sign around that s and that's what that science is and what really frustrates me now is with the Trans agenda they were saying oh scientifically it's shown that there's no difference and it people buy it hook line and sinker that algorithm is showing them these things over and over in social media programming their brains and it's creating a bunch of really crazy people so it's hard to have an argument if you and I have a disagreement you know and we're coming from a good place both coming from a good place we can have a discussion but when people have just crazy ideas that it's not on an even playing field how do you conversate with that you can't it's there's not not a whole lot you can't reason with with some folks and there's no reasoning on that issue it's just I that's what I don't understand the gay community I they need to separate themselves from that whole thing thing because generally you know the gay folks that I know they're just they just looking to earn a living and and mind their own business like the rest of us yeah it's since the activists that are out there and then they um I think it's um I think it's hurting their cause is what I think it's I think it really is because you wrap yourself up into that there's so many initials now I just watch some my and they just go down that list and I just I don't even I have to ask somebody about the last three usually because I can't figure out what the heck they are and to me you dilute your cause I think that's what they're doing but this but the trans thing is you're going to get you're going to see more girls get hurt and and and contact sports like basketball like like rugby like um well they female wrestling now you know and wrestling I should say wrestling is what they do in East Tennessee but I just uh I think we just we just lost our way well I think like with that Community you know they used to be bullied let's say 25 30 years ago and that's wrong and now absolutely it was wrong and I would actually stick up for them but now I see that movement as being the bullies because if you just disagree a little bit you're a transphobe you're a homophobe you're a this phobe or that phobe and none of it's true I don't have anything against anybody I just don't think that biological men should compete in uh female sports yeah I always tweet I say it's a dude you know everybody but it's the truth prove me wrong I mean it's the science yeah no absolutely chromosomes um what's going on at the border I wanted to kind of talk to you about this because it seems like you know it's obvious that we're being I'm going to call it an invasion that's what it seems like to me but we're obviously having a lot of people come in more than ever and the other side just seems to be acting like it's not an issue and I got I got uh attacked on my my Instagram page saying oh it was the same under Trump I'm like no it wasn't I mean look at the numbers we've had eight uh the government will tell you 8 million some will tell you 10 it's probably more it's 8 million contacts then you have the 100,000 children who we don't know where they are and that's in a and again you've got your National Chambers of Commerce not your local Chamber of Commerce but your National Chambers of Commerce and they pretty much block everything like that they want they want somebody on your roof who if they fall off has no legal grounds to come after you that they can pay a little less than everybody else and nobody's going to complain cuz who they going to complain to they're afraid they'll get deported so we've got a we got a real problem there it's um you know one of the largest groups now are Chinese and we know if the Chinese roll on Taiwan where are these hundreds of thousands of Chinese whose side are they going to be on and where are they in our country well we don't know yeah we don't know and we um and the the the amount of money it's $400 billion this year probably is what we'll pay to keep these folks up you know New York has put $53 million into credit cards to give them California is offering free health care for them and it just it just never ends it never ends and we've these like Guatemala for instance they don't even have they don't have enough adult men to fill the jobs because they've all come up here of course you're going to work you come up here and get a free ride they're going to go for the Free Ride sure and then um under Trump the um he he it wasn't a catch and release it was Return to Mexico thing where you you go to back back to Mexico and when it's your turn we'll call you up now they just turn them into the system and maybe 10 years later we expect them to come back to court and that just not going to happen it's not going to happen and they get when they get here i' i' I've been at the border and they'll issue them clothes they issue them and they're flying people places they're giving them bus Fair places they'll feed them and medical care and just go down the list and it's um we've magnetized our country and we are rapidly losing our country because of it and these big cities they're congregating and it's going to just get uglier and uglier and there's no way there's no way you can Deport 10 million people no I mean you I don't know what kind of bus line that would look like or train service or whatever but it would be a huge nightmare and we we need to it's a it's a boat that's taken on water and some people want to bail some people want to sit there and just sink I want to plug the hole and bail so I think there's um and these cartels my gosh they are just evil they're these kids and these sex trafficking things and probably organ harvesting just let your mind wander the worst things in the world and the millions upon Millions every month they're making hauling humans over the border and getting them into this country to me it's just it's unbelievable and fentel you can't everybody knows somebody that has had a run in with that and I was a little young lady uh we were in I about to say little girl we were in high school together she was a little girl and um she was younger than me and I met with her a couple weeks ago and her little boy at OD and died of course on fentel and it's just a horrible and I had a bill dealing with fentel I couldn't even get the Democrats to let me get give me a hearing on it because they would have had to admit there's a problem at the border I met with the narcotics agents about three weeks ago I said what percentage of it is coming over the southern border and they said without they didn't BL it out said 100% And I was like 100% I mean I know there's some coming in they'll catch a briefcase of it somewhere but but generally it's they're muing it in across our Southern border I mean if you're going to risk going through a Port of Entry or just running across giving somebody a backpack and say you know head on up um to Texas somewhere and there'll be you'll meet somebody at a bus stop and they'll they'll give you money for it and here's the deal and yeah you're free to go well it says like every 11 minutes someone's dying right now of a fental overdose in America my girlfriend from high school died yesterday of a fental gr just yesterday my first love it's it's I mean that's how how close it is to me right now couldn't believe it 42 43 years old she is now and um you know you know it's just it's incredible to think that like where's the humanity not money not politics but Humanity to to know that you have Fel coming over the Border but you don't want to admit there's a border problem uh and you're just pretty much letting people die you know destroying the country what does the other side say when you when you talk like the the friends that you have on the other side do they do they actually see it like what they see is stay in Washington they just see staying in power in both parties there's some that are guilty of that and it's just staying in power and if they cap right now they're trying to capitalize on what's going on at the border because it's just so prevalent or it depends I remember back when it was 42% thought it was an issue something like that and now it's it's it's in the 60 to depend on I've heard them up 85% of the population thinks that there's a a pro real problem there and and I'm one of them but I've been one of them for a long time you know I just I just shake my head because they just won't address it and and the only way you're going to address it is stop the flow into the country yeah and the only way you're going to do that is build that dad gum wall and you're going to have to have our military there pull them out of these countries where we shouldn't be in and put them down on our Southern border yeah they have a job to do not protect Afghanistan not to protect some oil Baron over in the Middle East protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States and and our I would submit to you our Southern borders are very constitutionally sound to protect them yeah um I was watching uh Dr Phil on um I think it was The View or it was Joe Rogan one of the two I kind I actually watched both interviews and he was going pretty hard on the southern border he had been down there and he said he was talking to the head of the Border Union and uh he was saying that you know kids were going across with numbers on their arms or hands and they would call the person but we're not even checking to see if it's really their family and basically we using government money taxpayers money to send these kids off to sex trafficking 100% 100% what the hell I it's just yeah what the hell I tell you there's a couple of things I don't think God's going to stand for much longer and that's one of them with our country we've been blessed beyond belief but we better we better be prepared because we have shunned what he's told us and um and just what are social norms on that issue it just can't keep going like it is and for us to allow it is just beyond belief I me the Democrats just you know they'll call you a racist they'll call you you know you're a xenophobe or whatever the latest trendy that they've figured out some focus groups tot them is to call us but it's I don't think the American public believes it I hope they don't stand for it but that's what happens when 20 million so-called conservative Americans decide to stay home on Election Day that's exactly what happens well and you know with the the sex trafficking issue um my business partners and I founded a documentary a few years ago called it's happening right here um and I was on the board of operation light shine which is a you know anti-trafficking organization and when we first started I remember um and I know there's been some controversy around Tim Ballard but there was a operation Underground Railroad documentary that my friend Nick Nanton did he was the the person that directed that first documentary and I saw it I said Nick it's incredible first of all but I said if if you need anything like we want to help you know and I thought I remember having a conversation with my friend Robin Williams and uh she said yeah this is one of those issues that you can't deny nobody would be for this Etc 2020 happens and all of a sudden it became a conspiracy theory we got paired in with Kon I I honestly didn't even know what Kon was when they were saying it I still don't know what it is you know but just calling out evil and that's that's what you're at I because that that that lends you to believe that it probably goes a lot higher and it's a lot deeper than than we realize and um yeah for it to even go on at all is bad but at some of the levels you know the Epstein thing for instance they still don't know who's in his black book yeah they they busted a and I cuz I got I me I said the obvious what everybody thinks and talked about how the Chinese have probably um conspired or or compromised is the word I use they compromise Americans and they have a program just to do just that and um and they busted a sex trafficking ring up in DC and it said Federal contractors elected officials and some other groups they listed that were there and they never released the black book this was several months ago yep so there there's a lot going on in that business and it's and it's it's awful it is straight from the pits of hell and for this country to allow it to go on is is beyond me and this white house and they're just in complete denial again it's about staying in power the so-called greater good for them yeah I mean it's such a crazy issue that I I don't know anybody that would be for it right sure and it's just like so it's it's hard for me to comprehend who who could be for this but I was shocked when I got thrown in with a qanon stuff and I was told that I was making up a conspiracy and you know we've been working on this um my you know some of my friends are heavy they're going on missions they're risking their lives and so um you know and when the uh when the movie came out what was the the movie with um yeah the uh anti-trafficking movie or they it was in there guy yeah sound of Freedom yeah when sound of Freedom came out that was based off of of a documentary Nick did it hadn't been released yet I had seen that documentary he wasn't allowed to release it I saw it already so I saw the undercover stuff and it's it's real I don't know why it's so hard for people to just acknowledge like you know why can't we I was in the state legislature and this has been let's see eight probably 15 years ago I remembered we uh I brought in it's it's iak intern Internet crimes against children where they get on there and these pedophiles would contact yours and my kids and so the iak would get on these thing these sites and pose as children and I remember I was trying to get $5 million to set these things up in the three grand divisions and it's proven to work you know I mean they just throw the bait out there and these perverts jump on board and they bust their ass and so um I brought all the senators in and I brought my guys in and they had this screen up showed all 95 counties and they said what's that and they said well that's activity in your county that we know is traced to pedophiles and they said and I remember one of my dearest friends in the Senate she said pull up and she her one of her little counties and at that time I think there was three or five activities going on between somebody that probably shouldn't have been going on and you know and right then I got my $5 million you know yeah it was um it wasn't that hard to sell after that and and so we um but yeah and it's a moving Target though they're very you know the dark web that's a very limited group you could literally go on these sites and this was gosh this was well say 15 years ago 10 or 15 years ago and and um I mean you could literally go on a site and say this is is what I'd like and then they would they would get it for you I mean you know you'd see the video or whatever of it and it was some and I didn't I never went and viewed it I never wanted to see it that stuff wrecks me yeah and uh but yeah I mean this is years ago and to think it's with the internet and everything going on now how advanced it's gotten and how fast it's moving it's a it's a very dangerous situation we've got ourselves into in this country and and is deep and it is it's Millions upon Millions if not billions of dollars so yeah yeah it's everywhere Yeah in our documentary we actually showed how it's happening in the United States and it was we you know we didn't make it in a controversial way it was like showing the techniques that they use to protect you know the children but you know even seeing some of the comments and stuff I just you know it's disappointing yeah um that they would have you know well you got to Wonder Too some of those people that are that are doing that that are that are coming after you you got to wonder if they're not working for the other side just sure you know the trolls so to speak and we we've got plenty of those and and that that they've got plenty of those and there a lot of them are overseas um and you know it's it's International right now but 100,000 children in our we don't know where they are right now in America wow to me that have come over in the last three years wow that's that's that's a minimum I mean that's not even there's no telling there's no telling brother and and we're not lifting a finger we can't get you know the the bills stalled right now and they keep saying well there's a bipartisan bill that you all killed well it wasn't just because you got a you know if that term bipartisan Maybe by definition that's correct but the reality was it didn't have any you know that bill that got killed you had to have 5,000 interactions a day before it would kick in so 4,999 El coming over our border a day is okay yeah and then but then they said they'd shut the border down which they don't have apparently don't have the capability to do right now if they could they could do it by executive order yeah and so it's just a lie and the media is part of it and it's just and they're allowed to do that who do you think is behind this because that's like that's what I want to know like who is pulling the strings right now I don't think I don't think Biden is capable of no Biden's not with it I've had my limited conversation ations with him has been I went from anger to pity I pray for him I hope that he's cu the vice president is if I feel is a very mean person and she's out of that California cut from that California cloth and that to me that's that's a scary situation um I I think you've got some 25y old staffers that got his ear but I think you've got holdovers obviously from the Obama administration that are that are have interjected themselves in there and that are making I think he's the president is just a um he's just a stuff shirt there's nothing there I don't think cognitively he is he's with it he has very little ability whatsoever what you see on the television is so cleaned up in what you would see in real life the shuffling of the feet the losing the train of thought I I lose my train of thought all the time but but I'm not the one holding the nuclear football either yeah I'm the 435th most powerful member of Congress yeah and um and right now we're being taken advantage of yeah very much so I think we're compromised I think you've seen the the multi-million dollar Investments through his son hunter that are from Chinese Communists that would not we don't know if they've even paid any taxes on any of this stuff and you're just not you're not getting the full story from the media mainly because they have so much invested in this guy and they hate Trump so they're going to um they're going to push him over the Finish Line as much as they can because they have so much invested in their reputation and their egos are just too much do you think that they're going to leave Biden in though like I I thought you know you come June July new person in because he's just I mean he he seems incapable like you said he's he's worse in person I I don't know that I haven't seen him but he seems pretty bad when I see them on TV yeah it's worse um I honestly think they're going to bring in Newsome out of California and I because I saw Nome he um he's he's wrecked that economy but it doesn't seem to matter to people as long as it's still flowing in with them rather it's even if it's worthless the currency that is um if you remember back and this is smile theory so nobody else has said it but when um Hollywood was on strike nobody cared they didn't miss it I remember one time they went on strike and it was um Happy Days was on and it was it kind of disturbing to me because Fonzi had had done this great jump and you didn't know if he crashed or not and um and then the actors went on everybody went on strike in Hollywood this was in the 70s I believe and then we had to wait like six months to find out if if The Fawns lived of course and he did but anyway he um wed in front of Arnolds into a big chicken stand I remember chicken he said am I dead anyway um uh so um I believe Gavin new some when Hollywood went on strike there was a bill that came through the uh California legislature and it said that they would be play be paid unemployment if you go on strike that's a voluntary thing so traditionally you're not paid unemployment in 49 other states I guess and so he um he decided to he did not veto that bill and allowed it to enter into law and I always thought who could recreate your history better than Hollywood and that's and that's his constituency so and I saw some actors and members of the actor's guild or whatever the Hollywood crowd praising has been praising him some and some off sight kind of things so I always wondered is that is that where it's going to come from because they'll recreate him and they'll make him in some big mold and you know pav they ring the dog and Pavlov CS running and that's uh that's kind of the way it works and people have very short memories and and and I think their their senses sometimes over override their brains yeah and I think he could be the one if they pull one out I I was thinking of him or uh Michelle Obama yeah that's I hear a lot about Michelle Obama but I just can't see her wanting it yeah but if she wants to get away from her she have a have a heck of a chance I think I think Nome I think anybody but Biden would do better against Trump I mean it's just um you know the the idea of Gavin Nome um is but if Americans stay home it's very you know well you can say home and Mel on your vote though now yeah well yeah that's what I worry about these these illegals because they don't show any ID and they get in the system and uh you know they can get in the system we had a bill in Tennessee that allowed to get a uh a driving permit it didn't call it a license but still you're in the system it's just to me it just seems like it's it's just too easy to for that stuff to happen well and you know they talk about the the voter ID stuff being racist and it's like you got to show an ID to buy a sixpack of beer I know you think about how racist I'm un States congressman and I know everybody at TSA in Knoxville m Tyson every time I fly out you got to show an ID congressman and I show him my ID and I say thank you I say thank you guys gals you know I mean it's just it's ridiculous the whole thing is ridiculous and we there again we let the the media pin us as racist and all we're trying to do is be safe yeah you don't have to show anything to get in this country well to me it's racist saying that black people aren't smart enough to get IDs yeah I mean like what you you see these who doesn't have a dadgum ID now yeah I me that's ridiculous you see I call them the woke whes you know like the white people that are just super wokies and you know you know the type and when I hear them talk about these things I'm like what you're saying is actually racist you know somebody wanting an ID I me it's it's common sense why you would want someone to have their ID when they vote that you know that's common sense but uh to act like black people aren't smart enough that to me is offensive that is offensive give me a break and you know uh I've seen some videos where uh black people are presented with this and they're like that's super offensive they get it too so the woke whes though they control the media and they you know they're pushing this crazy agenda agenda the weaponization right now the doj um not just the doj but even at the state levels what's happened to Trump in New York what's what's your view on it well obviously they're just Ping On I mean this fonnie or Fanny or whatever her name is that that's a joke that is that to me that's personally offensive that's just the way she's carried on and allowed to carry on and what she's done and did you see her testify by any chance I did and I couldn't watch much of it I just like this is too much I mean if Saturday Night Live had any guts anymore they would they would play on that but they don't have any gut I Haven watch Saturday live in a while so but they um you just you just multiply that all the country and that's the goal they're going to they're going to they're going to pin as much on Trump as they can between now and election day and they hope they get a felony on him and and um and they're going to rush it all through court and yeah it's just it's just pathetic it's what it is it's just we are compromised top to bottom and and and what we've done as conservatives we always try to play ball when the Democrats come in they just clean house they get rid of everybody Republicans we say well let's let's work together and you know you the Democrats want you to work together when they or the left does when when they're in the minority M that's when they holler the most but when they're in the majority is like no we're elections have consequences and we need to remember that and we need to turn off the television put down the the so-called editorial page which I haven't read in a long time um and just do what's right remember how we got elected and that's another thing conservatives have a poor job of doing is supporting we eat our own too much and we need to cuz I'll get calls from people and they they're angry about something I did and then when I explain it to them they're like well I didn't I didn't hear all that I didn't know the transportation bill was 15% transportation and 85% woke policies yeah um I just I just didn't know that I mean they people did not know that and so you know it's it just if we just do a better job I think Republicans have do a and two in Washington what gets us in trouble a lot of these huge bills and they're multi- spending bills and we need to have single issue bills like they do in the state of Tennessee in the legislature if it doesn't deal with that um with the caption if it's about nursing homes dad G the bills got to be able nurse no it can't have pay raises in there for for for legislators and so that's why they keep it honest and that's why we have zero debt in Tennesse and that's why we have $35 trillion of debt in Washington DC yeah there's so much pork in these bills when I read them it's just like come on 2,000 Pages a lot of them and you get and what you do you just read down line 18 oh there's what's in it for Tennessee well I'm good with and you just vote for the whole thing because of what's in there and it's not I say we're there let's if we got to stay all night let's stay all night let's work it out yeah I mean the the the bills I started to read them during Co you know the cuz we had you actually had time and you see some of the stuff that they put in there and it's just so obvious but you we're talking about Gavin Nome and what he's done and people have short memories but you know we're only as good as um you know the people that we elect and so I think we got to throw some of the responsibility back on American citizens because you know if we're going to vote these people in if we're not going to pay attention if we're not going to hold people accountable if we're not going to acknowledge that we have a problem like first thing if you have an addiction you acknowledge you got a problem we got we have a lot of addictions in the country and um you know the the I'm going to call it the evil side because I think there's good versus evil going on right now I feel like the evil side knows how to really manipulate the algorithm the social media to to to get people to say and do crazy things that they don't even know they're saying or doing and um but you know we've got a serious problem and it keep like last three months you're talking about keeping you up it keeps me up too because I'm like where like how do people not see this and the arguments that I used to have it people won't even acknowledge anymore they're like oh yeah we do that we we we believe that children should see pornography in elementary school what's wrong with that showing those th those pictures this is a parental choice but then they want to give people vaccine mandates and uh you that goes out the window at that point so yeah I think we do a poor job of educating ourselves and generally good people though you know they're too busy out working yeah they're taking their kids to scouts or football practice or whatever you know or LaCrosse or swimming or you know they're just busy and and they don't have time to go to a Schoolboard meeting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon yeah a lot of times and a lot these people just aren't working they're professional protesters they're on the government somehow or they work for the government and they're allowed to take time off and and they do and they're very effective at it yeah well it's a it's a messed up system uh I look at Bitcoin as a way out you know as it's it g actually gives me a lot of hope I was a I worked on a couple old Ron Paul campaign so when Bitcoin came out as a Libertarian I'm loving it you know it's uh I mean it's not exactly old school uh sound money uh like gold but it if you saw it with the vision of digital gold and where the world's going to it has that ability uh Elizabeth Warren's talking about oh it's only used for nefarious Acts uh when the dollar is used much more for tell you it's the government hadn't figured out a way to control it yet that's part of the problem and and the thugs are using it but that means that we got to get somebody up there that's not 75 years old that g to figure it out I serve on an AI committee with Nancy mace and and a Democrat who's a little older than I am and we were and I was saying you know I said you know asking us to solve this thing the lot of these guys not long ago were wearing you know powder blue leisure suits and zip up dingo boots and still have an eight track tape player and they 72 Vega and they guy said I oppose that and this Democrat I got a 74 Vega you know or something like we were and we were laughing because he agreed with me because you know I'm 59 and I'm on the cusp of being younger than a lot of those Folks up there are and and we um we're asked to fix this thing or regulate it and then all we're going to do is wreck it because the people from Bitcoin have don't have our ear it's the people at the treasury it's the um the Central Bank you know the rest of the which they don't want it hell no they don't want it Bitcoin is the most trackable though that's the thing like it's the most trackable you have there's a there's a there's an electronic record of every transfer sure so if they actually really looked and understood I mean yes there's some ways to do uh nefarious things when they send it to multiple wallet accounts you know you know what the federal government's solution to to bootleggers and criminals doing cash was we they don't print, bills anymore they print $100 bills yeah and so that was their Solution that's why there are not thousand bills anymore that's I know that yeah and you know cuz you're dealing with an Antiquated group is when I was uh excuse me when I was in the state legislature I remembered I was redoing some of the laws in Tennessee on um on on child porn because every instance of child porn you would get a certain number of years ated on but if it was on one computer disc that was it could have been hundreds of thousands of images or whatever and um I guess I'm sure my age I they don't have computer disc anymore but I didn't understand them and I don't understand what's going on now but you get what I'm talking about it it you know you catch these guys with unbelievable numbers of downloads and we're like sending out all the country but you can just get them on one offense MH and so um and we got to figure out the technology and and we got to change with it and but and not in a in a negative sort of way because I believe that is the future until government figures out they get enough of those guys in there these old coders that are compromised into thinking the other way yeah that'll shut it down yeah well and then it goes underground and it does exactly what they didn't want it to do I mean they they push it into the into the dark real yeah no it's um there's a lot of issues like that with technology when I do hear the debates going on in Congress I'm like you I'm pretty big into into Tech so it's obvious they don't even know what they're talking about and it's frustrating when because it's easy to manipulate somebody that has no idea what they're talking about sure you know I was funny I was um I wasn't involved with it uh in DC but I was in one of the buildings and and these younger folks and they were dressed nice were were walking and I said y'all lost and they said yeah and I said well I am too come on we'll be lost together we started talking and they they didn't realize I was a congressman I was talking to them what they're doing they said oh we're we're we're lob being on behalf of cryptocurrency we had a little meeting up here and I said great I said well holler at me sometime I'd love you to come educate me on it because I I could I knew what was going to happen with it m and and then they they we got out and they looked at my car wait you're a congressman wait a minute we want to talk to you and I said great I said let's talk about it and we talked a little bit about it it and and I told him my limited knowledge and I said look I probably got more knowledge than a lot of these cats do up here I said y'all got to get in front of this thing because if you don't we'll wreck it we will wreck it we will try to control it and then then and it's gone and and and so you know I'm hoping that we uh put some things in place to not wreck it yeah well I hope so too uh Tim I want to respect your time I know you got a hard stop and uh just know man we see you there's a lot of people that see you and are supportive of you and um you know you're putting up the good fight and you're one of the few thank you and so there's a lot of people that see it I know it's probably tough but just thank you for for doing what you do yeah it it is tough I you know I I get a little piece occasionally and I always remember my dad did one time we were we'd work the polls and I want to leave you with this we work the polls all day I think I was in the state senate I'm not really sure when we were at my old house there at 8220 Bennington Drive in Knoxville we don't live there anymore course and um as I like to say we were having a traditional Italian meal we had a Mr gaddy's Pizza and one of those little you remember the little color TVs they about this big and they weigh they Lo like a ton you know got cinder block with a handle and we were watching the election results come in and and things weren't going good for the country and there's my dad an old combat veteran from the second world war Marine he was in the mess he was on pelo and okona and went to China after the war and fought the Communist and and he said the blessing that night he said Lord please don't let us lose our country m and that struck me that struck me and I've I've kept that memory when I can see him in my mind's eye across that table and U and I think we got it should be our prayer Lord please don't let us lose our country but the way we don't lose our country is you don't sit on your butt on Election Day and let the view or some of those folks try to influence your point of view um God gave you a incredible mind use it and if we don't the the country that you and I grow grew up in will be gone it will be gone because the folks in Washington there's a lot of anarchist there's a lot of evil out there and there a lot of people want to do this country in and and they're they're really having their way right now so if we can get to the polls and and the White House and the Congress and the state legislatures and the locals um we can we can turn this country around but if we don't it's all lost and there is no compromise yeah thanks for listening to part one of the interview now listen to part two we had to uh record this interview in two parts because Tim's schedule is so busy but he was kind enough to come back and uh talk with us for part two part two we talk about UFOs um we talk about corruption in government we talk about uh his talk with President Biden and all the great things they discussed at the State of the Union uh but uh stay around listen for part two of uh the Tim burett interview on the Ed clay show Tim burett welcome back to part two of the podcast thanks for having me back brother I'm people always ask me the first time I never get the second date usually so thank you that's awesome I'm honored we got to meet your daughter Isabelle today and uh here she's a champion barrel racer yes sir world champion she is um she got run over by a horse a couple years ago and in the field and freak kind of deal busted five ribs spleen pancreas had a couple of surgeries and scared me to death and um of course I was in DC and um I got home and uh doctors did great work and um and and she actually won the World Championship on that horse which is pretty cool oh wow they gave her this big plastic check and he like what are we going to do with that Dad I said Put it on The Mantel there you go there you go that's awesome yeah so I guess uh she got hurt and then you know what was like uh go were you nervous her getting back in there or yeah well I was more nervous that she wouldn't get back in there you know kids you know we always you know you get you fall off a motorcycle when I was a kid you get back on it kind of thing and that's right and and she that was that was the one thing we had to keep it was when she got home she had I think go over 30 days before they'd even let her on back on the horse and when we got home that's the first thing she want to do is was go see Albert and that was the horse they had to run her over and and it was I got a video of it it's just really sweet and um she's a tender spirit and I'm incredibly fortunate to have her oh that's awesome that's beautiful very beautiful um so uh let's talk about UFOs a little bit today all right um you know I know not uaps not uaps yeah I don't like that I don't like that terminology I think they threw that at us to throw us off the track okay well uh UFOs then not uaps uh you've been interested in that for a long time right yes sir what what kind of sparked your interest well I had unusual parents as in um they they kind of turned me on to science you know and everything about it and I was um in the library or as we say in East Tennessee the library we I was at the library um I think I rode my bike there and where Mom and Dad just dropped me off and I just stay for a couple hours I remember the Librarians had books out on different things I remember they had something on Bigfoot and all this other stuff paranormal and there's a thing on UFOs and I just picked it up and started reading about it and um you know that's about before the internet and computers and there a lot of black and white grainy photography of crazy stuff and didn't um and it just fascinated me and then you know I read my Bible and it your Bible our Bible whatever I say my Bible but uh um first chapter of Ezekiel you know Ezekiel Saw the wheel and if you break that down what he saw is a wheel within a wheel and the most technologically advanced thing in those days was a wheel and so that was all they had to compare it to and it was a um described literally a flying saucer um and it was of course it was it's the King James version so it was I think um interpreted from I think it's Aramaic I may be wrong I'm sure your listeners are a lot more learned in languages than I am I just speak fluent East Tennessee but but as you can tell I don't um it's the only place in America where people don't speak with an accent but you know Genesis 1 God created the heavens and the Earth he created the heavens and the Earth and I go out at night every night because my dog when I'm in home in Knoxville um uh but every night I go out and look at those stars and it's just and to me the light from those Stars literally literally left that star before the time of Christ I mean that is the vastness of God's Great universe we are a grain of sand in a 100 million beaches I mean that's what Earth is and to think that we're the best that God can do to me is is um it's kind of cocky on our part and I think I just and I don't fear whatever it is because if they with that kind of Technology they would have done us in a long time ago brother so I don't fear it and um and also you know towards the government all we do is cover up since 47 you know know the the Roswell incident is the famous one where Military Intelligence which I tell people is sort of like um Congressional ethics it does not exist because you know they released if you know anything about Roswell they it was a front page article it said saucer recovered and that was what the military intelligence put out then the next day they go oh we made a mistake it was a hot air balloon you know that just doesn't it doesn't ring true with me and then we've had multiple multiple incidents since then i' I've talked I talked to a pilot just less than a month ago was a very well highly trained military pilot who literally said that this craft was 14 ft from his canopy now you know people say well that that's probably our stuff well they wouldn't put our stuff something that could wreck into a you know a half a billion dollar piece of equipment and a and a highly trained American fighting man or woman they wouldn't risk the life on that so I just you know I've gone through this thing so many times with so many different people and um I've hit so many brick walls that it just it's kind of uh it kind of pushes me a little further did you ever ask uh like Trump when he was in office what it could uh you know like hey what's what's going on here well I didn't have that relationship with him then I do have that relationship now okay and the only way I'm glad you brought that up I I think the only way we're ever going to get anything is a is somebody in the executive branch says we're releasing this stuff because all of our people in office get compromised you're wondering why so many people are leaving office right now some of them are leaving office because they got a better gig some of them are just leaving and there's things going on in their lives and they've been told you know either get out or we're going to disclose this or they're tired of being owned and they just can't take it anymore their conscience has finally got to them so the there's a lot going on within that and I and I think Trump is one of those that just never was really into it I know Clinton's people were but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw the Dome off the capital but I was I was sort of in the the last couple of years of of the Trump Administration so I I came into Congress then and it just you know it takes you two years to find the restroom in DC so it's a it's a big lot of moving parts and I have since talked to some of his top people that he is very interested in it and he would like to blow the lid off of it okay that's great so long answer I'm sorry I just didn't think I could just yes or know you on that no that's good actually I mean so and you know because the president would know obviously well you would think he would you would think he would but he wouldn't because the um you have the military-industrial complex I prefer to call them the war pimps they don't like that and I'm glad um they have uh um you know we we audit them every every year and they've never passed an audit in the history of auditing the Pentagon and yet they've Mis misplaced over a half a trillion dollars half a trillion dollars in assets that means tanks that means Jeeps that means bullets pencils whatever we don't know where it is they are not saying where it is and um and then how did we punish them this last time we gave them um 20 billion additional dollars in the NDA the National Defense authorization act which had a bunch of other garbage in it but on top of that and um I mean it's a crooked game up here brother and it's it's the uni party it's not you know I'm a republican I'm a conservative I'm not angry about it but there is a lot a lot to be said bad about the Democrat Party but there's a lot to be said about the Republican party and when the doors are closed they don't see black or white the color of skin all they see is green color of money and that's what runs the deal and that's the the whole crooked end of it case in point we go to Ukraine we gave them our missile defense system M I didn't I'm not for any of that I'm not um it's not our war but we um we had to replenish our missile defense system so who owned stock in that missile defense system people in both parties on that committee that were involved in that decision making and that was public knowledge public record I mean it was publicly made available because that's the law says you know it's is it wrong yes is it legal yes but that doesn't make it right yeah know absolutely I mean I'm sorry again another long answer I think I've had too much caffeine okay all hyped up on that sugar and caffeine jacked up on Mountain Dew that's right um what do you think about like so you're talking about Congress being able to pick the stocks that they're voting on obviously there's a conflict of it's obvious um when you're having these conversations with them uh because you know there's been a lot of pressure to vote you know to where they can't do that you look at like Nancy Pelosi actually a lot of different members they're making a lot of money in the stock market Pelos is not even not even um in the top 10 no um there's a there's a website something like whales or something on on Twitter you'll have to find it I'm I I get it but it and it lists curious trades and things that go on and it has a listing of there's about 50 or 60 of us on there yeah I mean you can actually tie your stock trades to uh the politicians down oh 100% you g if you want insider trading like go ahead and just follow that along Mutual there's a lot there's a couple of mutual funds that follow that really oh yeah you know they used to follow Burkshire hathway now they follow members of Congress yeah well I mean it just seems it just seems obviously wrong but you know oh it's crooked as a dog's leg brother I have my $7,000 portfolio is in um um a mutual fund my buddy Tommy Sor manages very well it's my daughter's daughter's college education that's good that's good um the UFO committee you were mentioning it a little earlier what what's going on with that well it's it's under the guise of um uh uh I serve on three committees and um it's on one of those committees and um um and so what we do is you know currently we're looking at you know Hunter Biden and all this other stuff but it's under that the oaces of that committee so we um um oversight is then I always forget the name for some reason it's the hottest committee pretty much on on Capitol Hill but uh chairman comr who's a friend of mine he um he has to authorize it and that's what happened the last time and the speaker authorized it and really it's just the chairman they kind of I think they sort of well let burett do this thing it ain't going nowhere you know and it was the largest attended um committee meeting and maybe the last I talked to some oldtime reporters and they says about probably 15 or so years they had never seen they had over a thousand people they had to open up another room so people could view it I was on Fox that morning and I left my office they sent a car for you and I left my office I walked outside it was before 5:00 it was around 4:30 in the morning and people were rather they were already lined up outside to get in the building wow and so it's just a um these people travel from all over the country so it's a huge undertaking now we've written a letter A group of us have to um to the chairman and the speaker to get what's called a select committee if we get a select committee then we'd have subpoena power and we could really go after some stuff maybe hire somebody uh there's talk of bringing grush in the guy who who said that there's bodies and all this other stuff and um and craft and craft retrieval I mean we've you know the uh CIA has said they have a craft retrieval I mean they they've said that that's been that's been disclosed that's not earth shattering here I mean that's not news but they it's been disclosed CRA craft retrieval now what are they retrieving that's the question and um and so you know there's uh it's a complicated process there's a funding issue involved and if we don't though the um the speaker speaker Johnson who's a friend of mine he came in into Knoxville for me for a little event and I I wanted he he he had me backstage and it was just me and him talking and we you know he gave me plenty of time always they give you 30 I take five cuz their 's valuable and I want them to know that I value that that's a good trick out there if any of y'all ever have to meet with some big shots they dig that cuz they'll usually give you the full time but if you just need that little bit it makes them feel that much more valuable and um and I talked to him about that I said look they'd like to have another committee meeting he said he he and he wrote it down he's a real um he's a lawyer but he's a he's a very decent man and he wrote it down because it meant so much to him to make him remember to do it and his PE and his staff and he told his staff so I'm sure we could get another hearing but the select committee would be the one that could really go after some of this stuff again I don't think we're going to get a whole lot m because this thing is so compartmentalized and I you know I live in like I said I live in Knoxville and that's in East Tennessee and it backs up to Oak cridge and that's where they built the bomb they created compartmentalization literally couple of thousand people there brother and um during the second world war and maybe a half a dozen people knew that they were working on an atomic bomb and you know I talked to I I get elected by knocking on doors and I would talk to somebody of you know if they were my parents both my parents are in but but back when they were alive they would um if they were somebody in that age group I'd find out if they were in the war or not and what branch and remember talking to this one guy he was putting his American flag act said well I didn't serve and he kind of ducked his head a little I said really he said he said you I figur it might have been 4 ify because I worked at Oak Ridge and I said brother I said if my if my dad was here he would hug your neck I said cuz he was on okola and he'd fought pelo he was in the Marine Corps and they were getting ready to go to Mainland Japan he said they dropped the bomb and it was it was over and he said um I said you what y'all did so probably saved my Dad's life he said you know the funny thing Tim he said he said my wife worked there same time and she and we did not know what each of each did that is compartmentalization and that is what we've got and since 1947 you figure somebody who knew about Roswell had put it into a department over here or something or that all those people are dead and so I mean that's the best compartment of ation you can have and so whatever we have is passed down the line there's so few people that actually know presidents don't know and uh you know uh well Joe uh not Biden but um Chuck Schumer he had an amendment on the bill I had one too on disclosure and his um mine was two pages his was about 60 but they basically did the same thing but um they didn't even bring my Amendment up that's how much power these people have they and they killed his Amendment on the floor they killed Chuck Schumer's Amendment wow so and a military industrial complex hiding it yes yes what do you like what do you think the motives of of hiding it are um well money power um they have some kind of czy technology that technology imagine if um now if you if you go to the Tic Tac videos I'm I'm sorry yeah Tic Tac wait let make sure I got it right tick tock tick tock is the the Chinese Communist Tic Tac is the candy okay okay right yeah Tic Tac okay um um so the Tic Tac candy that that was what these um UFOs look like if you'll if you'll if you'll Google that um and watch the videos and you can hear the pilots and those were the P one of the pilots was who testified in our committee and they talk about this thing and there there's no and you can watch it and there's no heat signature uh there's no uh propos ion there's no anything and um you could could you imagine having that much energy in in one little contained area and uh I they did the math for me some guys did the math for me it was just the amount of energy that you know what we would consider you know nuclear or or oil or coal based it was just enormous the amount of power that this thing would have had to be able to move at these speeds at that rate of speed at that volume and no heat signature could you imagine we could heat our homes in the in the winter and cool them in the summer the Pentagon would not be getting us in these awful Wars getting our boys and girls killed over a barrel of oil environmental issues would end right then yeah we put them all out of business and uh I just there that that's one component of it and two and I'm a motorcycle guy we say I took and I got you know say I took one of my newer bikes back to the like say I don't have one one but say I had a a a um a brand new Harley and I took it back to um to the people that came over on the Mayflower they'd have a bright shiny object they could polish it they might get it started they'd never be able to pump the tires up they couldn't even make the fuel to run it the alcohol wouldn't burn in it they couldn't adjust the valves they wouldn't know how to get the heads off they wouldn't understand any of it but fast forward now if we were to get a UFO of something have that capacity of being able to travel that speed light years what have you what could we do with it we could probably polish it try to Dent it Pour acid on it try to melt it you know we would and so there there's that component of it too but um and so you know I was um I had a nice conversation with a man who was an admiral in the Navy and I had another conversation these two oddly enough fit together I was with a group of of Congressional members and we were and it was in a non-secure setting so I can talk about both of these both of them were not in a secure setting one was in my office and one was at a a meeting off campus and um and they were talking about how these these um were having reports that some of our submarines um can do pretty substantial speed but nothing like this these things were moving at hundreds of miles an hour they're half the size of half a football field under the water and they were picking them up on Sonar sonar and then I'm meeting with an admiral and he's telling me these hot spots there's five or six hot spots around the world and they're a lot of them are over deep water so that leads some people to think that there's some sort of bases that are in deep water you know have the Marana trench I believe it maybe a mile deep or deeper and we know more we honestly know more about the surface of the Moon than we do the surface of the ocean ocean floor so there's some thoughts that maybe there's something there a type of Bas maybe something I don't know um that's just that's just that's just a theory that's out there and but it's pretty cool when an admiral comes in and tells me that that we're not alone this isn't some buddy of mine down at Todd's backdoor Tavern yeah on his six sixth PBR you know it telling me that that there's something out there this is a professional man who's who has a whole career in his involvement and some other stuff he told me I'm not at Liberty to talk about but it it was very substantial yeah no I I uh I believe it I've gotten some similar stories from uh from some people I respect and they're like no no this this is the real deal um and you know what's interesting too uh my understanding is like patents for like perpetual motion and uh the patent office knocks them down so if you have anything that messes with the you know like say the oil and gas industry industry that could wipe it out um they won't even let your patents go through and they kindly shut you down yeah and there's there's several you there's some conspiracy theories but you know you figure that if if they could ever crack that hydrogen molecule in a cheap efficient way you know just just walk down here to the in Knoxville it's the Tennessee River just get you a gallon of water that's right and run it and you know run it through it would it be internal combustion it just crack that hyd it just pull the hydrogen out and the oxygen and and and burn it and um and so yeah I think there's something to be said for that because they it would it would oil industry would just outside of fuel I mean they still you have to have oil for everything you know for Plastics everything else but it would just um I think it would destroy that industry yeah no absolutely and um I mean I think there's been a lot of things out there that have been kind of shelved because it would you know affect the you know the dollars um the greenbacks but um what do you think about Antarctica I've been hearing some interesting things about Antarctica what do you know anything about that yeah I do um again I've been told some things that maybe I'm not at Liberty to talk about I'll talk about what I do know there's a they talking about Admiral bird went up there and was a big Expedition and and there was a um his diary I'd warn people about that his diary was Rewritten they think by somebody you know if today if you don't see it with your own two eyes and don't put your hands on it I would I'd be very very cautious about it and of course the Nazis had a lot of interest in in in anarctica and there's an area of Antarctica where you're really literally you have to have um um permission from from other countries to go visit you know it's a coalition kind of thing and there's um I I think there's a lot of untapped knowledge up there and I think it you know one time it was not frozen obviously um there's Chinese maps that show land um I'm fascinated at the thought of uh you know pyramids up there and all that but um it's a huge amount of area and that would be ideal for if I was if I was something from another world or or or something that was been on this world for a long time and didn't want anybody messing with me that' be the place to be yeah no I mean UFOs just you know 10 years ago was considered crazy I think now it's more more mainstream you know over while we were dealing with covid um you know there were some official things that were uh released and people didn't even seem to really bad on I like oh yeah well you know it's kind of shows you how much it's changed um we were mentioning Joe Rogan earlier he's been talking about you know this and having great guests on for years going over this um I mean what do you think about would Society be able to it yeah would they be able to handle well that's not the job of government uh my um a good friend of mine who's a Democrat from from Florida um he he told me the other we were talking and we had a press conference Jared moscowitz is his name and he's a he's an interesting guy and he's super super smart and um he's an attorney and he he was saying you know it's not the government's job to decide if I can handle something or not and to think that that would wreck religious beliefs I'm a born again Christian I'm not a good one I'm on the forgiving end of it dude I know when a bunch of y'all get to heaven you're going to look over in the corner and they'll see me man we must have lowered our standard let B Birch it end up here but I you know um but I I have no problem with you know I have no problem with with any other lives out there any other thing it's um I just don't have a problem with that I think the vast the vastness of this universe is infinity is a long way brother yeah and you know you think if your faith is strong you know matter what's it matter it does not matter you know people say well what about this what about this and I say it doesn't matter that's why I have faith you know I they say well you haven't seen God and I say well I haven't seen oxygen doesn't mean I'm going to quit breathing right you know yeah so I I just um that's kind of an oversimplification but yeah that's what it is I I just I just think it's um it just shows another just more vast you know every if you're on your computer or whatever like I am um and I always click on like when they find like a new a new lizard in a cave or something you know and um and ultimately it's it's kind of the Bigfoot thing you know bunch of something something's going to pop up but it's not that but it's just and so I just every every week There's a new animal species that's found somewhere and it's not always out in the middle of of the of the the jungle somewhere some of it is in Fairly civilized areas and they thought this thing was extinct or whatever and it's usually you know something small it's a worm it's a lizard it's a it's a different kind of M or rat or something but or a monkey but it's still you know just up in the 1970 we um I think down in New Guinea or is it New Guinea they um they found a new tribe and of of course off the coast of Madagascar uh they found the cican which is supposed to been extinct 50 million years so I I just I just I dig all that stuff and it it just kind of follows me around yeah I mean it's um it's one of those things I wouldn't be scared of it at all I mean whatever happens happens if you got your faith like um I me I think it's you know there's a lot of things in the Bible that maybe make more sense if that comes comes true who knows I mean I mean there's a lot of things in the Bible I do not I The Book of Revelation is like these PES on acid or what I I don't I don't get it I don't get it I think a lot of it has to do with the uh the Aramaic to King James translation possibly but but um when they found the Dead Sea Scrolls they they matched a lot of it up and it turned out it was it was pretty much spot on interesting yeah it's uh it's interesting I'm actually kind of glad we're almost at that point where the stuff's coming out um I mean and that's the thing about 2024 into the future like I think everything's going to be a lot more open you know these things can't be hidden you know you look at like RFK running for president right now and you know put yourself in rfk's brain you know like his dad was assassinated his uncle was assassinated I mean it's a different uh view of uh conspiracy and government oh yeah well I mean he knows he claims to know who the guy was that actually you know they said Saran Saran was shot him which he probably probably was one of them but um you know it's just not like I said unless you saw it with your own two eyes I don't I don't buy it um there's a lot of things out there that are just too easy we for so long we just take whatever the government says and we believe it yeah I mean that's that's how it's gone for forever now it's coming up I'll give you a case in point I was on um unknown aliens or one of the was it Ancient Aliens and they they what they do is they record you they'll come in there and they'll record you for an hour man and then they'll and and course I'm all over the board you know so they there's I'm on half a dozen episodes you know and so I never even watched it and um I was in I was in Nashville of all things over here at the state capital visit with some legislators and uh and a guy called me and he said he call he always calls me Timbo hey Timbo said yeah and he said um said I just saw you on h& Aliens and I thought oh here it comes you know he's going to say oh were you probed or something you know something you know and I said hey I I got to tell you a little story he goes and he'd been in the Navy I think it was in about 1959 and he was on a ship and and I do this a lot he you know if you ask him what time it is he's he tell you how to make the clock I mean but he gave me the whole scenario long story short they're out there and something just comes out of the sky and just hovers right there and he said and he goes Timbo he said if that thing was a block it was two blocks I mean he said it was it was big and then he said it had and he described it to me the classic saucer shape and it said it had um like a dome on the top of it and there was slits up there and you could see light back behind it there a viewing kind of tower thing and he said that thing um he said it didn't make a noise no wind no anything and just went just went straight up just like that no no nothing no noise no anything no turbulence and they would just like what the heck was that yeah and then he um he said they got back to Shore and um and sure enough the the man in suits came on with suitc they they had their attaches and whatever and they were in suits yeah I guess we' call them Men In Black but they were just probably they're probably um secret service or some sort of military and they said you didn't see anything if you ever we ever hear you talking about this you'll go to lenworth oh wow and they never talked about it wow and the thing about that story when he was telling me he's an older guy and he was yelling at his wife and he was saying hey baby what what and like what ship was I on and she'd say and said what what was and he said 58 or 59 she he said it's 59 honey and then and then he would relay that back to me and it was a it was uh I mean he painted a pretty clear picture and you fast forward that I get a call from a guy who was a a former aviator who was out fishing I believe in the Gulf and he saw he said this craft he described it very similar the color everything of this comes by and um and two Jets were either tracing or just trailing it and you know they just kind of I mean it just and then they said did you just see that you know it's like and the craft was very similar and I've heard that story similar type situations and you know and and now there's this Arrow report out that this big wig bureaucrat in Washington says that you know Congress is being led you know it's a circular story it's one story that just keeps going around it's not one story it's hundreds if not thousands of stories and that's that's the trick in the media they tell you a lie often enough you start to believe it and that's the trick with these people and they want to play us down in Congress I got news for him there's it's not just me I might have lit the match but you know I was and I was told by a guy in Trump's Administration a former member his about as close as you can get to Trump he said he said brother you said you need to get some bodies around you you have kicked the Hornet's Nest on this one oh wow and I you know and but you think about it you're talking about upsetting the whole apple cart yeah absolutely what would all these people do if we didn't have wars what if we were this whole world was United they'd be out of business yeah no it's very very true I mean was it uh was it Truman that said you know the mil military industrial complex was the thing that we had to look at you know actually Eisenhower hour Ike said that and he he was he was military yeah it was a like about a five minute speech but it was um he was right and um there's reports that he'd been briefed and U there's all kinds of stuff out there and I I've never been able to prove any of it and there's there's a lot out there and I would have warned people about something too um I get a lot of reports and I get a lot of people that come into my office you know kind of deep throat thing they have people I've met people in the hallway have said hey I need to I'm going to tell you about something and you got to be real careful because they put up they call them white flags that these people actually believe what they're saying is true they've been shown something or done something or experience something but it's not accurate they've and and they're they're not telling a lie purposefully but they're trying to get us off the trail and that's why I'm very cautious I I get books from people and pictures and firsthand accounts and I'm very cautious about ever sharing those publicly yeah because they are um they they're false and there's people that have been trained in the government I'm convinced that have been in put in labs and positions that are given false information so they will come back with a false conclusion and then it will be easily uh it won't be easily defensible and then it will it will put a cloud over the entire movement and could hurt us so yeah I'm very cautious about that I I let it kind of play out well you know that kind of happened with covid because um you know you had fouchy and NIH and Francis Collins sure uh you know if you think about NIH they have about a $45 billion year budget that we know of that we know of uh fouchy had been uh head of um his Department uh for since like 1984 right and every single year he has this big budget now his wasn't the full 45 billion it was you know less but it's still a big budget think about how many favors you would have oh if every year for almost 40 years you had billions of dollars to give away and so a pandemic happens and you're the one controlling the money to the universities to the researchers to all these different things to the drug companies that could have a cure for something and you know they have a cure for it and um you can get ahead of the investing you could tell your buddies to invest yeah I mean it it it's Congress 101 yeah I mean and and then they uh for covid they they throw the the smoke screen for instance you know they said um oh if if you don't think that or if you think that it came from a lab in Wuhan you're a racist you know if um if you don't want to take the vaccine you just want to kill people right and you know that was that was what they did you know with that can I tell you something that happened to me I'll write about it in my book If I Ever Write the book but I I don't know anybody ever buy it or believe it but I was I I'm on a schedule every morning I'm very habit type person you know I sleep in my office it's it's it's too expensive and it's not safe in DC and um and so I go down and take a shower in the morning at same time well I'm in there I'm brushing my teeth at the sink you know it's just like like in a prison or whatever but it happens to be in the gym in Congress and um I'm next to a member who's on the um intelligence committee and he says he says burett and I said yes sir and he said uh he said I've been watching you he said oh yeah he says yeah you you uh you seem like you know what's going on and I said well thank you and he said why is that and I said well 16 years in the legislature I was eight years County mayor I kind of I know I'm not going to be called to the White House to negotiate a trade deal with North Korea my first couple years right and he laughed and he was brushing his teeth or something he said he said you following this this flu bug out this Wuhan virus thing I said um or Co or whatever they were calling it that time I can't remember and he and I said I said yes sir it's something out of China I think he goes yeah it's at the Wuhan lab out of Wuhan and I said oh okay that's in China right he said yeah and then um he said uh you know what else is in Wuhan I said no sir and I thought well you're getting ready to tell me and he said um yeah the um their chemical warfare lab is there I go really and he said uh you know what the biggest problem they have in in China right now and I said no sir I don't he said people are living too long and and I read a report maybe it's up to the 70s the Chinese you know they were going to drop a there was high level talk of dropping an atomic bomb on their own people just to see what would happen whoa and you know they have very little regard my daddy fought he fought in the Pacific alth in the Marine Corps all the way across he went to China and fought the communist over there for a short while and um and he talked about they just they would not didn't care about sacrif you know they'd move a mountain everybody just line up and start Hing dirt down to the next person Rock whatever they'd move mountains they move factories during the war um Japanese were coming in they just take it they just piece bolt by bolt and they just start walking it back across the a mountain range I mean they do not care they do not value life like we do right the higher ups value themselves they don't value The Peasants and they're in such a you know they haven't they haven't their technology for those poor folks hasn't you know increased since the Dark Ages probably so um uh you know and and and he and he just goes yeah they they're living too long and he goes hm that was the last thing he said and he was on uh I believe he was on the intelligence committee one of the higher ups and I thought and I you know it was just a almost a surreal moment and then and then that stuck in my head and that was a long time before before yeah I nobody knew who fouchy was of course he was in remember when the AIDS thing hit he was it was his deal a lot of the gay folks um still do not care for him yeah well he was especially the the enemy of of the gays then you know with what he did with the a which was you know in my opinion should be criminal um a lot of the stuff that went on dur during the pandemic um you know to me was criminal because you know it's one of those things that they knew uh they knew what they were saying wasn't true but it was it was you know they would say just enough to get people to do something and cuz I'm not you know I'm not a I'm not a medical professional you know my buddy Rand Paul he wears him out and I dig that he he's a good dude and he um he's usually one step ahead of everybody else on that in that line of thinking and I and I dig that about him yeah well he broke it down because the NIH was funding Eco Health Alliance uh right and Eco Health Alliance was funding the Wuhan La lab and that was after Obama had said no more you know uh funding for gain of function so they had to work around and um you know they try to cover that up too if you look at the emails I mean it was obvious it was a cover up and um you know people just went along with it and you know they say you know that you look at the past like how did how did Nazi Germany get to a certain point you know and how would people just conform and it's that classic bulling frog you know you put a frog in a Boiling Pot of water and it'll it'll jump out but you put in a cold pot of water and you just gradually turn it up and we just we're just so used to being fed and we trust people and our government and and those days are gone we don't need to we don't need trust me we don't need to trust our government yeah no absolutely go this UFO thing it's just it's just um Beyond me that they are allowed to to to spend tens of millions of dollars on this thing you know they had um Harry Reid had funded something uh you know I think it was around $20 million Lou alzando was buddy of mine they said they weren't doing it and then he and they said he didn't work for him he produces a paycheck a pay stub and then they they check the audit and sure enough it's there you know one more thing I know we get off the UFO topic but I was um I tell you how odd this is I've been I've had people come to see me and they won't come see me inside my office interesting uh I met with a couple of guys one time well there's three people in the meeting and the guy introduced the other guy and they were showing me some stuff and explaining some stuff to me I said now who's that and they said he's not here so and I don't know if they were a spook or what but they um you know and I've had Capital police come see me and say hey somebody asked was asking about you and they but they didn't want to come in the building and they I said they told me the name and I said oh and you know it was somebody is in this and another time these guys called and said they wanted to meet with me and um I said well that'd be great I said just you have Denise we'll get Denise to call you and set something up and they said wait a minut we don't want to come by the office and I said well where you want to meet I said about your house I said that's back in Tennessee and they said okay and um and on Saturday they showed up wow and they uh um I remember when they pulled up in front of the house it was a d thing I had I remember I had four Dr Peppers thank goodness there's I think three of them and one of me whatever it was four or five of them anyway they um and they were well known and they um they said uh can we you care if we hook something up to your television and I was like well sure cuz I didn't my daughter wasn't there I thought dad G if y'all don't she was at a horse show I think out of town I said if y'all don't get that thing hooked back up I'll be without TV all weekend cuz I'm not going to know how to figure out but they they hooked it back they hooked it up and then they started showing me stuff and um you know and I was like and you know that that goes back to my white flag I have to be very careful but I had already checked these guys out ahead of time and they were legit and it was um it was remarkable I mean it was just that's the kind of thing that needs to be seen what were they showing like if you can say well craft and um that were just and and they were they were scientists they were not like and I don't know your background I just say like me and you were regular folks and their um um their IQs were through the roof but they um they started talking about g-forces and and um one of them was um uh started talking about thermodynamics and and it was just and I was like okay hold on for a second let me let me see if I understand this and they were really kind to me because they knew you know was the sh one shot they had at getting and that and that sort of helped like the like the SP like the flame on this thing because it it really wouldn't have happened all this wouldn't have happened you and I wouldn't be sitting here talking about this it hadn't been for the center of all media TMZ you know TMZ the crazy show on television that you know they get the actors and stuff and catch them and get say something funny yeah and um I mean it's a it's a really cool show I used to watch it all that when I was younger and now I'm I'm too tired to you know watch anything I H the bed I'm asleep but but um their their reporter grabbed me and asked me about the report that was coming out and I said that Trump had ordered and it was then under Biden and I said that thing will be so redacted and he goes oh man it's going to be the greatest report ever it's going to have everything and I said no it won't it'll be redacted it look like somebody shot it with a 12 gauge and then I said those magic words I said um I said more people will believe uh more people believe in UFOs than believe in Congress I end up putting that on a T-shirt and I sell it on my website and people all over the world buy this crazy thing because I said it right there on TMZ but if they hadn't have done that I would have never had the contact with all these other people that you know the Lou alzando all those guys out there um um George nap all of them I mean that you know I became friends with them and and the people you see that break the huge stories and things and um and it just was a fluke kind of thing that I I fell into it but the uh but it's it's amazing to me the amount of um friction and the uh opposition I get from uh the alphabet agencies you know we we that first hearing where we had the three people up there that we had 12 that we you know it was going to be like a big cattle call which I really don't like cuz it gets you have people contradicting and then somebody doesn't get to say what they really want to get to say and that amount you know you don't have that much time and then um and they just kept peeling off and they'd say one guy said well I'd gotten call from somebody at some NASA type deal or something they said I couldn't do it I don't know NASA said they didn't do it I don't know but it just it just kept peeling off and then I was left with these three guys and they were but they were dynamite and um and the beautiful thing about it was I asked a few questions but I wanted to make sure everybody CU I've been in this thing my whole life I mean I knew I knew the answers before they uh when people would say do we have this do you have you seen this and I cuz these guys were actually they're friends of mine now but we talked to them prior and interviewed them a little bit make sure we we knew what we were getting into and and I was able to pass questions to friends on both sides of the aisle and some of them unbeknownst to them we we get with their staffers were asking them questions and I I it it was just beautiful that's awesome yeah I'm glad it's finally you know getting pushed out there and let's see if uh if if Trump gets elected it should help that if he really wants to expose things I think uh it's in his nature it is especially at this point I mean I wasn't a big Trump guy and uh but the point I'm at now is it's undeniable how unfair they're treating him and you know it's it's actually made me like him more because they're you know they're country loves a martyr buies it's it's it's awful I mean it's obvious and you know they were talking about the the black community uh supporting him because of that they've de they've been mistreated for hundreds of years and in the court system and and um and that's that's that's undeniable and when he said it it just it ticked them all off it ticked the the white liberals off it didn't tick black folks I never heard one black person say that's not true no it's it's the it's the woke whities the woke that's that's what I like to call them the woke whes but that's they're the ones screaming the loudest over this stuff and you know when I hear them talk like for instance voter ID that they sound racist to me when they say black people aren't smart enough to have an ID that's outrageous you got to show an ID to buy a sixpack of beer exactly and you know I fly every week I have to show my ID they all know who I am but I still have to show that ID and I and sometimes I'll go into places where uh you know if I I have to cash a check or I don't cash checks nobody hard does that anymore but if you go somewhere and and um and your your credit card gang ID yeah sure of course you got you got to show it and every every body has an ID I mean it's it's it's ridiculous uh you know and and they try to Virtue signal acting like well the marginalized people don't they don't know they all everybody has an ID and um it's just about big picture for the Democrat Party getting votes um they want to sure that's what the illegal immigration thing is about it's about it's about mailin ballots you don't show an ID when you got a mailing ballot you've got people giving out Social Security or selling Social Security cards and and IDs all over the country they were doing it overseas at our um at our EMB outside of our embassies before Afghanistan fell and um you know it's just a it's a constant it's a constant thing and it's it's fraud and it's it's abuse but people will do anything they can to stay in power yeah and that's that's the problem is you know people will do anything and they push as hard as they can and uh it's not not about doing what's right for the people you know that's you know I know you're about doing what's right for the people there's a number of other ones but it's not the majority uh at least from what I can see um you know you were uh last week uh talking to President Biden as he was walking out uh for the State of the Union you had a lot of time with him what did you uh what did you talk about um Chevy Corvettes um um I always when I talk to people I learned this when I was in the legislature I remember I met at the Tennessee Walts Brooks and Dunn kicks Brooks and Ronnie Dunn and they were both very super nice and um which most of these folks the older Country I don't know anything about these newer country music guys but and we and I I did that with Kid Rock one time I met him and um his name's Bobby actually I met him a couple of times and and the next time I met him he asked me about an old Harley pan head that I'd had and because and I found out that a lot of times these famous people you're so tired of people you know like Kid Rock I was watching him backstage and these oh our our third child was conceived to your you know whatever album or something you know just I mean they get tired of that stuff man they he'd want to talk about motorcycles right and we talked about motorcycles and um my buddy Steve Cropper who still lives here in Nashville he's in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame he co- wrot Sitting on the Dock of the Bay and um he told me he met El he used to hang out with elves he was on some of his earlier so Studio musician at Stacks records and then I guess son or whatever and and he's one of the best guitar players in the world and he told me about meeting Elvis you know and hanging out with him at Gracin in Memphis and he said that you know guy he'd come up behind you and hit you one time you know where you're shooting and everybody'd laugh you know hit you again hit you again just keep doing it you know and they it was just is is is because they've been just so insulated and and they just thought that was the norm and these guys crave to talk about stuff that's that's not the norm and so you know and so I they want to talk about stuff they're interested in and so that's what I and I knew the president liked Corvettes I knew he liked uh peppermint chocolate chip ice cream and My Little Girl Isabelle she'll we go to the the mexon the mexan restaurant that's attached the ex on there near the house and um went through there last night and there's a Baskin Robins over there and sometimes we get she'll get that and I and I was tell talking to him about that and then I said um I told him about a date I'd had in 1980 my brother's um what was it 72 Corvette had a 350 and I told him he'd pass everything but a gas station and peeling out in Brunswick billiard's parking lot and you know just I just it was just CRA and then I was just trying to see how long I could talk to him and I did and I and I beat my record from the year prior and then he comes back though he comes back and he goes um he says uh you know I got he goes you know Tim those new new Corvettes do zero to 60 here's his awkward pause and he puts his hand on his mouth and he says in one second and I thought one second thatd pull your eyeball out your ear hole you know you know you couldn't do that but anyway he said but they're electric or something and I don't know it just and I I I just was sitting there thinking how surreal this moment is and then of course I go from anger to pity with him cuz don't think he's mentally well I don't think his cognizant level is what we need in a um commanderin-chief and I really don't I think he is in very bad shape and everybody says you got to get him out of there and I thought no we don't either Camala Harris would be incredibly worse yeah well it's obvious that he's not running the show though right I mean there's got to be his cabinets running it the people behind him are running it but Obama's got people in place and some that scares me about that you know just the the Marxist mentality the just the the hatred of what I consider traditional America and what the vast majority does but they're too busy working to have you know dealing with then dealing with it and that's what happens on Election Day everybody says they steal these elections I told I said let's put enough points on the board you know so they can't steal it that's what we've got to do cuz people 15% of the popul a Vates that's just we're just that's a recipe for disaster yeah cuz with all these computers they can tell you know as as I was told in a couple of these presidential elections you could have had a um a couple of postmasters in Illinois could have decided the the presidential election interesting and that to me is scary yeah no no doubt about it and but you keep giving people stuff for free and they'll you know they they'll vote for you yeah I mean they come out with all these new plans I I think at this point though it's so obvious oh I mean and and what's interesting preschool for I mean know the loan doing oil at the loan and you know just passing it on to you and me well if if you look at like the media right now though when they're talking about Biden um now they're saying that Trump is the one that's losing his memory and not yeah they're flipping it they always accuse you of what they're guilty of it's just wild that's an old trick and I I just and the lame stream media I mean honestly brother they got so much invested in this President they've got to they got to pursue that and that's what they do and they are not um I just hope the American public isn't buying it I really do and but I the DraStic moves he's making right now he's playing ball with Hamas over in Gaza and the reason for that is is because the largest um Middle Eastern slm Muslim Community outside of the Middle East is De born Michigan and so Michigan's a Battleground State interesting so he's going to throw everything he can at and um you know forget what they did when they when they rolled across rolled into Israel and massacred all those Jews they just forget that and U and so it's not all what it seems it's not about feeding children and taking care of folks it's just political it's all politics it's all politics I mean it I know it's obvious to you and I but you think it's obvious to the the average American how biased the media is right now the mainstream call the lam stream media is towards just differing non-woke views yeah but you know I don't watch it I don't watch Arch just was on Fox you know I was on CNN this morning at at 5:30 and you know they'll they'll I like going on early because a lot of these stations will take it and just put you on all that spread yet spread yet all over that and you know I been on Fox and and Newsmax is coming on huge right now I've been I'm on there a bunch o all these other stations and stuff and honestly I never watch them I never watch them I I I I'll Google my name occasionally when somebody will say hey vir I heard you on such and such and I'll say well and I'll go back and watch it because you I was on um I was on three different networks yesterday afternoon when I got when I flew in from DC back in Knoxville and I you I do it set up in my off office there with my phone and um and and so I don't watch it but then when I do on all sides of it I can see yeah just the bias nature and um Fox and CNN right yeah oh yeah absolutely absolutely but that's but that's their Market you know they're not in business it's not public television when two people watch it they still going to get that fat check from the government no they got to sell ads and they got a and they and they have an agenda um that's what honestly I'd rather get more coverage on Fox than I would on on on CNN Newsmax than CNN or something like that but I go on there because I like to fight just be honest with you and I know I'm going to get into a fight because they don't agree with most of the time what this morning it was very kind and occasionally I'll get on one and then um you know I'll tick them I was banned from um Matt Gates told me one he said you know you're banned from CNN I go hey I was wondering why they hadn't called me I said what happened he said well I have a Christmas party and it's uh it's 15 minutes long cuz I figure you know you go to Christmas party you sit there and you got your drink and your shrimp cocktail or whatever and you got to talk to some knucklehead and you're tired of it you know I don't want to talk anymore in 15 minutes is about all you got but this year I went 16 minutes cuz we couldn't crb it all in and I was seeing and seeing in was asking me about it on they did this thing um uh every Wednesday morning they do a breakfast with birchett they called it it was a you know it was a long it was we go back and forth on all the issues of the day and they asked me about my Christmas party and I said I said I said you know y'all y'all are invited I said I know I probably won't see most of y'all in heaven but you're still invited and you know I'm just joking and and apparently that ticked them off okay and um because it was kind of funny I had um my buddy Jared mosit was my Santa Claus and the reporter said he said uh you know your Santa Claus is Jewish don't you congressman and I said dude my savior is Jewish if I want my Santa Claus to be Jewish he can be Jewish and they said can I print that and I said go ahead you know and I told Jared and I cuz it's kind of funny I outed him on the on CNN because I knew he would be watching it and I said he's going to be my Santa CL he's in negotiations to be so he goes and buys the Santa Claus suit and he brings his two dogs down one of the the guat that works in his office has these two great big old poodles um what say bon bon and pepper I think their name and um and they're and they're all they're wild poodles they're great big old Hall things are wonderful and he walks down the hall like and they were like his um his reindeer and it was the greatest thing of all time but but CNN blocked me for that and I thought you know whatever but you're back now I'm back I'm back with a back with a fury now that's good I guess the ratings dipped yeah no I mean that's I mean the ratings actually have been dipping on you know the mainstream it's getting pretty bad for them and you think about like podcasts uh you were on Shawn Ryan Sean's a friend and uh talk to Sean this morning yeah great great guy and you know he was my guest for the um the State of the Union really yeah you know um honestly until he came along I'd never really sat in a in a podcast like this setting i' you know i' seen bits and pieces of them on YouTube and stuff and Rogan and all that but I'd never I'd never done it and then um Eli crane who's a fellow Navy SEAL with him I'm not they are they're seals he said hey he's he's in UFOs would you and so I I said well sure I'll do it and you got to go to Nashville and I said well I if I go to Nashville I'm going to eat at Arnold's that's my meetting three that's my place that's awesome he what did you uh like Sean's is really long right yeah it's it's three or four hours yeah it's like I told somebody I could have watched um Gone With The Wind in the same amount of time yeah it's it's a long his his his show has done so good and he he asked he's got this I don't know it's it's a demean where he just asked very direct simple questions and he's very very uh intuitive too so it's it's pretty impressive watching him go what what did uh what did he think of the the State of the Union I think it was disgusted was he I like you know he's a he's uh he's fairly conservative guy like like like we all are I guess but he um you know it's history you know and I and I think everybody should have to endure one of those in their life time um it's different watching on television though than watching it in real life just seeing the interactions and you know of course it's getting a lot more vola till they arrested that poor Marine's uh Mar Marine's Father which I thought they should have just escorted him out he lost his son needless he's one of the 13 that died and um and then his his other son ended up in all the grief ended up committing suicide thought that's just too much and those kids shouldn't have died I was I asked the and the last the last person to die in Afghanistan was their their constituents of mine his name was he was a staff sergeant named Ryan Canal he was in the Army and um you know they shouldn't have died they had the suicide bomber and this I asked this question of the marine sniper they had the suicide bomber in their sights twice and the Pentagon and the state department called him off both times and they got our people killed and that's wrong and they should have somebody should have lost their ass over that that's just to me that's inexcusable and and because of the media has no guts and is totally in bed with this President they just let it slide yeah and to me that's inexcusable inexcusable well you think about I mean that's really where the Detachment is with the regular American because you know you see the media not digging into these legitimate stories you know they would with Trump or someone they didn't like they would just go after him well they did for they they're still going after him but wonder they went after Bush I wasn't a fan of his but but still they went after him and then they um and and they you know now he's the greatest thing in the world they think you know they sort of talk and they rever him you know because they're trying to compare him to Trump because Trump just doesn't kiss their ass yeah that's right he he shook up the machine he did and you know with the way media is going now podcasts are coming on strong you think about you know they can't control it they can't and like Joe Rogan the you know the power he has with his platform combined with Elon Musk I I don't know where the the the United States would be right now if we didn't have Joe Rogan and Eli musk like pushing the free speech um you know CNN try to take Joe out yeah over the covid thing and I mean he just Hammer Joe's a fighter oh yeah he interviewed son J Gupta if you haven't seen that interview I not 3 hours long maybe on a car ride or whatever it's so he destroyed sanj and that's what pissed um CNN off uh and so um you know but he he can say whatever he wants he doesn't have a giant team it's his thing that he built and you know and Elon uh same thing with Twitter I have my you know I have some questions about Elon but I like what he's done with Twitter where I got question about Trump I don't want him teaching my my daughter's Sunday school class but I but you know um I've been in a room with two people in my life that literally you know when they walk in and and they are the energy they suck it all out I mean it's just wom it Donald Trump and um and Benjamin Netanyahu interesting I've never experienced anything you walk in and you know netan Yahoo I mean he's a he's a stone cold killer man and he is and I I would not want to mess with him and he um he was interesting we uh we talked about um the Iron Dome I remember the if I could imitate him before you I said uh he goes Tim we uh if they shoot they missile at us we know within yeah I for what he say within 2.5 seconds where it's going to land if it's going to land in the field we let it go it's going to land in a neighborhood we blow it up and then we go kill them you know like I bet you do brother and Trump you know he is um you know I always people don't like it but you know I always talk about King David King David was a dirt bag I mean he was um he slept with best Sheba his best friend's wife he was a great General and he had his best friend killed and but he turned out to be you know what put Israel on the map literally and um and not that Trump's had anybody killed that I know of he's not a Clint obviously but that's for another podcast I'm sure that'll get me in trouble but I don't care but um you know and and Trump he um he's so Parable and my little girl um drove down with me I remember when we first met him I was mayor of Knox County and they were going to bring him in and they were going to at a high school or something I said well you need to do at a school near the interstate so you can get to the hospital they always you got all those things you got to take into consideration and and I said they said they needed and I said probably a few hundred people and I said I said and then I got sniffing around the people were calling me and I was and I called somebody I said is this Trump and they said yeah I said well I can't really say and I said okay so it is and they were a friend of mine and I said dude you you a no we got to get something bigger than that and so we ended up going downtown yet the um convention center and we go backstage and he walks in and and um have my wife and my daughter with me and you know I've been in a million of those lines you know you you pay your $10,000 the big shots do you shake your hand he he flirts with your wife you take the picture and then you go and then you know not trump it was just it was me it was Kelly Isabelle my little girl and me and Isabelle was a little girl then and she was um and her and her sock got caught in her boot and she was jumping around and I've got pictures of this this whole scenario and somebody took them and I said take some pictures and they just kept filming I it was great and he's like what's wrong with your boot Isabelle and she says my sock's caught in my boot Mr Trump and you can see him leaning over and he's talking to her and he's like well get your sock out of there honey you know or does something he went straight from you know Mogul to Granddad just 2.7 seconds you know and uh and and he talked to us and he and he you can see his you can see in the in the pictures too he's got the Trump and then he goes Trump face because he said he was talking to me because I I won with um 85% of the vote when I was elected mayor which is very unusual I had a great team and perfect ran against a former sheriff and in Tennessee sheriffs are the most powerful entity in a County government and we were fortunate enough to win with that and he knew that and he started into my you know how did I win that and he went from the Smile to and and you can see his he went right to Trump face and then then he went to Isabel and I told my wife every he walked away he said what do you think about that honey I said honey I said if enough people see this guy he's going to be president called it cuz it was just uh you know I said cuz his deal is is real yeah and um and but anyway I you know I can talk about that all day but he was and I've been with him where he just stops and talks to a custodian and um you know and one last thing I was he had me in the Oval Office and he says what are you working on Tim and I said well I said I'm having trouble with the VA and he goes really what and I said well I got some buddies of mine are military have called The Suicide Hotline and they put him on hold and then they don't call him back he looks at his guy and goes hey whatever whatever guy name is that true and the guy says I don't know Mr President he looks at me what do you want me to do about it Tim I said fix it Mr President and he looks at the guy and goes fix it now yes sir he said follow me Congressman wow next day but now they've gone back to putting people on hold but that's awesome that that is real leadership he didn't check with the VA he didn't check with his advisers he didn't call the United Nations and I I know you got to go I have one last can I tell one more Trump story oh sure I got uh uh two more questions too okay well Trump's allegedly I've been told this by some pretty informed sources at maril Largo and gii ping down there with him and I don't know I guess their wives are there and As Trump would say I'm having the most delicious chocolate cake you know and um and so they lean over him and I think it was Syria where they had been they had gone in and and killed some of their own people it was just horrible and um and we we sent 90 cruise missiles on them and rained some Hellfire on them I guess I think it was 90 I'm not sure and I and I I wish I could remember I'm going have to research it I thought it was Syria but anyway um and so somebody comes in and and Whispers in the president's ear and says you know in fact they've done that and so Trump says to XI ping he says we just sent um you know we sent these cruise missiles over to took care of them gping puts his Fork down and says they shouldn't have been gassing kids picks up his fork and they go on and eat you know he didn't every leader we've had Obama Bush you go down the list CL they would have checked with the UN they would have checked with thing you know they would just it have been just a demonstration of our missile missile systems because they wouldn't have killed anybody they probably wouldn't have done anything not with Trump he took it to and he did that with terrorists I can tell you I've seen the pictures of blown up terrorist that the only way they could identify this one cat was by his ring he had this special ring you could see the finger and the hand was severed because it it exploded they put a cruise missile right on top of him or a drone actually but that's what we need in the white house we don't need these pansies that check with everybody we need a leader yeah absolutely and that's the thing he's he's a he's a lead sorry I rambled it's okay no he's a leader and he's unpredictable you know that's uh he's a cowboy According to some of them that's what they that's what they don't like that's what they complain about and it's like well maybe that's what made him so successful and people they forget he didn't get us in any wars first president a long president in my lifetime that says a lot you know and the other thing uh I'll say about Trump you look at his kids and he's got good kids and that says a lot too you know not somebody has a kids that are kind of messed up not that they're bad parents but it does say a lot when you got a you know they're all business people yeah and they're straightforward and they've kept their act together so that says a lot as well um two more questions number one uh Tik Tock ban they call it a ban it's not really a ban uh yesterday what do you think about that it's not a ban um I waited against you know First Amendment but it's it's really um all it says is China can't can't control it and they say well the Chinese Communist party doesn't but the reality the the corporation that owns it one of the board sitting on the board is the uh CCP the Chinese and so it's Chinese Communist party is sitting on that they control it they you know you're talking about an issue my do my wife and I were talking about um aluminum cups that look like red Solo cups and the next and what happens just with a matter of time there's an ad appears on her phone yeah the Chinese use that as a monitoring it's a marketing system it's also um modifying our thought Behavior I believe that the um this transgender thing which we never heard anything about before covid right hardly and now it's just oh well 12% of the you know some crazy number and kids just think it's normal because there be it's and I believe you know my Southern Baptist enemy tells me it's the devil doing that but the Chinese Communist are they are they're weakening our kids any chance they get and they're marketing garbage to them and non-realistic things well I think it says a lot that in China they don't allow the kids to be on a certain amount of time 30 minutes a day there you go and they get different types and it's an educational format there you go that says that's that's all you need to know and then you know if you if you use some common sense and you know the Chinese government owns Tik Tok we don't allow it on our military computers right I mean it's it's obvious that they're they don't have the best intentions for our society no and it's being used to program kids on the transgender issue you you're talking about it you know the the the amount of transgenders are like it's up like a th% and they're like oh well there's going to be less suicides well if it's up a th% you get a 5% drop in the suicide of that th% you still have way more people killing themselves statistics don't lie just statisticians exactly so um it's it's pretty wild but I'm actually happy about it I I believe in free speech uh you know hardcore and I just saw where a group of American capitalists are going to buy putting together a deal it's got to pass the Senate but as I stated in the past we are compromised we are compromised the Chinese I mean there's a member of Congress who was who had a relationship with a Chinese Communist spy was allowed by by Pelosi to stay on the um on the intelligence committee uh we had uh Dy Feinstein her driver for years was a known Chinese Communist spy what we have people it the Chinese I had um breakfast I guess this was a couple years ago with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo I remember him saying Tim Chinese and I my building's the Longworth building they know how many paper clips we use they're monitoring they monitored Co in our response to that they're monitoring our response to Ukraine like crazy they the the political will and the cash flow and the flow of our military Armament and how long it takes us to ramp up to replace missile defense systems things like that and they are watching every aspect of that and analyzing that for when they move on Taiwan and then where else they're going to move on after that yeah I mean the whole Taiwan thing we don't have time to get on into all that but uh it it's uh it's kind of scary stuff you know and we got to we got to play our moves correctly and it's not an easy easy thing to do right it needs to be done economically and right now with who we got in the white house it's it's not it's just write him a check or you know or just roll over write him a tough letter roll over and not really understand what's going on I don't think he understands anything um Bitcoin uh what do you think right now it's around 73,000 um you know someon Congress and the Senate want to ban it right completely uh you know others love it I'm a free market capitalist brother I think capitalism outside of Christianity is taking more people out of Despair than anything else um Christianity of course ultimately is wins out eternally but in in my opinion but um the uh um the worst thing could happen is Congress getting in there and just like AI serve on AI committee Nancy mace chairs it same thing I mean you got a bunch of guys that you know still driving around a 72 Vega with an eight track tape player listening to an Almond Brothers tape which is pretty cool by the way but the I love Dicky bats but and Dwayne alond but the um um but the truth is is that we don't understand it and it's the wrong people if I'm the youngest guy in there I'm 59 you know and um um I was a big fan of the Doge um I think I think I made like $25 or something you know I was trading it at you know it's three cents I think I had about $12 in at one time so you know back in the day I think I don't know but anyway um but all kid as side if we um I think we ought to just study it and and just try to understand it and not and bring in some young folks that would um that that get it because we don't get it and that's the worst thing and some clown at the treasury or whoever that wants to control everything uh Whispers And some powerful Chairman's ear yeah and then all of a sudden he slips something in one of those 3,000 page bills that dings it and then we lose it forever yeah and then it just again in our system um it it it's it's it's a it's a shell game I mean our deal right now I me this paper that we're printing it's just to me it's beyond belief you cannot you cannot continue doing deluding the purchase power of Americans yeah the president lied in a State of the Union Address he said you know the economy is better and I me the average American even Liberal Liberal economists will tell you the average American is paying $200 to $600 more a month yeah just out of pocket just on Survival bread water gasoline you know I mean just the stuff that we Norm we take for granted that we have to clothing that we have to survive and um and so that's as a direct a direct um correlation with what we're doing with printing money and just giving it away well you think about inflation is a tax on the poor we're taxing the poor and so you know and you don't and and they say let's tax these corporations corporations don't pay tax they just pass it on to you and me yeah you're going to tax Budweiser yeah when I was in the state legislature I was sitting next to a lady she said we just put a nickel on a sixpack of beer we can pay for it yeah the working man and woman is going to pay for it those are my people I don't drink beer my best friends own the beer distributorship the the the Budweiser they're my biggest friends in the world probably but um you know but passing it on to them they're just going to pass it on to us and that's stupid and but that's that's the mentality you you you say that let's tax the rich and there's not enough Rich there's not enough billionaires you going you there's a guy that lives here in DC in excuse me in Nashville his name is Art laugher he created a thing called The laugher Curve he's he's a buddy of mine and I love him man he is so funny and he makes economics to me make sense he had me over his house one time we had stoer lasagna when I was in the state legislature I mean he advised Reagan and and The Iron Lady in England and um you know and the laugher curve though says you know after these people get to a certain point they're not going to make anymore because they don't want to pay any more taxes you know it's a it's a it's a net gain of nothing so why do they want to risk anything right no I mean that's that's what Bitcoin is though cuz it's it's kind of a hedge against the dollar because the more money they print the higher it's going to go up there's only going to be a certain amount ever Mind Y and it drives the price up every four years or so the having event happens it cuts the supply in half so supply and demand and that's what you're seeing the efts are in there and so um you know I think it's a good option I I hope they don't try to over regulate it they don't need to it's a it's a you know let it run let it run let it run yeah absolutely well I want to respect your time thank you so much for coming over here again and sorry I rambled a lot brother I'm enjoyed hear you talk I enjoy it so uh yeah thanks so much and uh hopefully we'll see you here soon