The K6 Wellness Revolution

Rife Technology: An Interview with Dr. Gregory Howard, Owner of TrueRife

January 30, 2024 Sharon Krahn, Elena Bach Season 2024 Episode 6
Rife Technology: An Interview with Dr. Gregory Howard, Owner of TrueRife
The K6 Wellness Revolution
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The K6 Wellness Revolution
Rife Technology: An Interview with Dr. Gregory Howard, Owner of TrueRife
Jan 30, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 6
Sharon Krahn, Elena Bach

When Dr. Gregory Howard, stepped away from the rigor of traditional anesthesiology, he opened a door to a world where technology meets holistic healing. In our latest episode of The K6 Wellness Revolution Podcast, we sit with this medical pioneer as he shares his transformative encounter with TrueRife technology—a journey that not only healed his own injury but led him to helm the company. Dr. Howard fuses his expertise in anesthesiology and pharmacy to champion alternative healthcare practices, offering a unique perspective that blends rigorous science with the natural rhythms of the body.

Venturing into the world of TrueRife, we unravel the science behind frequency therapy,
grounding techniques, and the body's interaction with electromagnetic fields. Our
conversation spans from insights on the Herxheimer reaction to the development of
groundbreaking equipment tailored for athlete recovery and balance. We're treated to
real-life stories, like that of a professional triathlete whose performance soared through the use of these unconventional methods, showcasing the tangible effects of TrueRife's innovations on health and vitality.

We wrap up our discussion by looking at the bigger picture of Rife technology in the
context of chronic illness management and overall wellness. Whether it's delving into the significance of grounding sheets or the aspirations of the Hippocrates Research
Foundation, our exchange paints a vision of a future where peer-reviewed research and
natural healing coalesce. Dr. Howard's journey is a clarion call for proactive health
management, urging us to take the reins of our well-being and consider the full spectrum of healing possibilities. Join us as we navigate this enlightening path, marrying the wisdom of traditional practices with the promise of modern innovation.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice - we do not diagnose or prescribe. This conversation is for educational purposes only. Please seek advice from your health practitioner.

For more information on K6 Wellness and Rife Therapies, visit our website:

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When Dr. Gregory Howard, stepped away from the rigor of traditional anesthesiology, he opened a door to a world where technology meets holistic healing. In our latest episode of The K6 Wellness Revolution Podcast, we sit with this medical pioneer as he shares his transformative encounter with TrueRife technology—a journey that not only healed his own injury but led him to helm the company. Dr. Howard fuses his expertise in anesthesiology and pharmacy to champion alternative healthcare practices, offering a unique perspective that blends rigorous science with the natural rhythms of the body.

Venturing into the world of TrueRife, we unravel the science behind frequency therapy,
grounding techniques, and the body's interaction with electromagnetic fields. Our
conversation spans from insights on the Herxheimer reaction to the development of
groundbreaking equipment tailored for athlete recovery and balance. We're treated to
real-life stories, like that of a professional triathlete whose performance soared through the use of these unconventional methods, showcasing the tangible effects of TrueRife's innovations on health and vitality.

We wrap up our discussion by looking at the bigger picture of Rife technology in the
context of chronic illness management and overall wellness. Whether it's delving into the significance of grounding sheets or the aspirations of the Hippocrates Research
Foundation, our exchange paints a vision of a future where peer-reviewed research and
natural healing coalesce. Dr. Howard's journey is a clarion call for proactive health
management, urging us to take the reins of our well-being and consider the full spectrum of healing possibilities. Join us as we navigate this enlightening path, marrying the wisdom of traditional practices with the promise of modern innovation.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice - we do not diagnose or prescribe. This conversation is for educational purposes only. Please seek advice from your health practitioner.

For more information on K6 Wellness and Rife Therapies, visit our website:

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the K6 Wellness Revolution podcast. My name is Sharon, I'm the owner of K6 Wellness Center in Dallas, texas, and I'll be your host, and I'm joined, as always, by Elena. Elena, tell us, tell me something new, tell me something different about you.

Speaker 2:

Well, I was this many years old when I learned the technical name for the longest word, or fear of the longest words Hippo Patamata Sequipidaleophobia. Thankfully, our topic today is only a four letter word.

Speaker 1:

Right, I want to know what it. What is the? The phobia?

Speaker 2:

Hippo Patamata Fear of long words. Oh yeah, I missed that All right. And I couldn't really say it. You're better off spelling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but there you go. We all learned something today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. Today we're going to be interviewing Dr Greg Howard, the owner of True Rife. Dr Howard, thank you so much for joining us. You're welcome. Please tell us a little bit about you and your background and kind of what led you up to where you're at today.

Speaker 3:

So I am a medical doctor, trained at the University of Texas, did internal medicine, did an internship in internal medicine, so I was trained that that way and then, but even before I went to medical school, I was a pharmacist and that I became a pharmacist to pave my way through medical school. So then I did about 20 some years of anesthesia and so my wife and I, both physicians, both anesthesiologists, and then about 12 years ago we got kind of sidetracked off into alternative health care and so started doing cancer research, started using equipment like True Rife, pulse, electric magnetic field devices, and so our houses we have many of them, we've used just so many devices. And then about it's about 2 years ago, I stumbled onto a True Rife machine and I was at a conference and I bought one, because I buy every gadget like that, and it sat in my house for about I don't know 6 months. I never even used it. And then my wife and I we both run and do athletic type things.

Speaker 3:

I was running one morning and pulled a calf muscle, so I decided it's time to use a Rife machine. So I injected my calf with a peptide. I don't know if you know about peptides. That's kind of a controversial subject. They just got banned by the FDA.

Speaker 1:

We could go deep in peptides.

Speaker 3:

That's definitely a whole yeah. Yeah, we could go deep in peptides. So anyway, I injected my calf with some BPC 157. And then ran about 90 minutes of Rife Rife programs and you know, my calf and this is in the evening because I waited all day I thought maybe this thing's going to get better. But I realized about 8 o'clock in the evening. You know this is going to be 3 or 4 weeks before this thing heals up. So I'm like, all right, let's give it a shot. So within 90 minutes of you know, I ran about 90 minutes of True Rife programs and injected the BPC but BPC usually doesn't have an immediate effect like that. And but within 90 minutes my calf felt completely normal. I thought, well, all right, I took care of the pain, but when I wake up in the morning it's going to be painful and going to take some rehab. But when I got up in the morning it felt normal, like really normal. And so I'm like wow, wow.

Speaker 1:

What program did you run?

Speaker 3:

I ran accelerated healing and then I think that I ran so a pain program I don't remember what pain program. We have a bunch of new pain programs now, and so it was probably pain biobasic and accelerated healing.

Speaker 1:

And combination.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, good combination. And so, anyway, my calf muscle it felt healed and I went and I played golf and did everything I was going to do and I mean it never came back and I'm like holy cow. So then I was on the lookout for other people with Strain muscles and, you know, similar type injuries. So I found a few, did exactly the same thing and exactly the same thing happened cleared them up really really quick. So there seemed to be some something really good about the frequencies and or BPC 157, which I've been using BPC 157 and kind of predictably knew what was going to happen with that and but the combo seemed great.

Speaker 3:

So I wind up buying 3 machines and kind of spreading them around, had other people use them and said I just wanted feedback on it. And then after, when I was buying the 3rd machine, I jokingly said to Mike Tiggler, which is the owner and vendor of true. I says, hey, when are you, when are you going to sell this company? And he said, well, I just put it for sale last week. And so I kind of knew my whole life is filled with these Just strange coincidences and I'm like, okay, I think I'm supposed to buy this company. So but I don't know. I think about running a company. I'm a medical doctor, so I needed someone to help me run a company, and so I found Jake Daniels. He's the other owner of true rife and he owned Arctic custom coolers. That's this kind of like a yeti.

Speaker 1:

He owned that company. I own a few artics.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So he did. He owned the custom shop when you customize the cups and the coolers and all that. So he, he owned that piece of it and he had sold that company a year or 2 before. And so he and I we were friends and we played a lot of golf together and in a previous life he was a struggling professional golfer, tried to make it as a professional golfer. So we played a lot of golf together and he wasn't doing much and I wasn't doing much. So I said let's buy true rife together.

Speaker 3:

So anyway we did and we went up and spent a horrible winter in Michigan with Mike, because we're from Texas, we don't have winners like that. Yeah, we got snowed in a couple of times, but anyway we spent about six months with Mike learning how to run the company. Then several of the employees they came down. They wanted to keep working for True Rife. So we relocated about a year ago in Texas and with some of the key employees, and so we had the manufacturing and all that and so anyway, that's kind of the. That's the true Rife story. That's how we got there.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. I love Rife. I've acquired several systems through the years and I've always said having one at home is an invaluable resource and in so many situations, and it's one of those things. Though it seems to be shrouded in mystery and I think, with Rife technology in general, there are a lot of ideas about it. There are a lot of misconceptions about it, yeah, so we're really excited to have you on today, dr Howard, just to kind of set us straight and talk to us about True Rife. But all that, that, all that Rife technology, and especially as it's put together and organized in these great programs that True Rife has as far as promises for improving people's health, so, thanks for being here, but let's kind of jump in and I give us your layperson elevator speech.

Speaker 1:

What's Rife? Yeah so first thing people ask right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so people have used pulse electromagnetic field and they've used microcurrent. So a beamer mat is a pulse electromagnetic field and that's a pretty popular. That would be a competitor of ours. That's more in the use for athletics and maybe circulation, and but it doesn't have a lot of frequencies involved. It's very limited in that way. And then other people would argue that microcurrent is better than pulse electromagnetic field and so microcurrent.

Speaker 3:

The True Rife foot bath is a microcurrent and so we don't have to get in the argument which one is better, microcurrent or pulse magnetic field. We have them both. And then the other thing that's different about True Rife is we incorporate grounding and so the grounding pulls the energy through your body and other. There's many different brands of Rife machines and I think that we're the only ones that use a ground and I think that that's to their detriment. Everyone should be using a ground and I don't know originally if Dr Roy Rife you know and we can talk about that, the history behind it, I don't know if he used a ground or not, to be honest, and but it might take a lot of came up with that idea and it made complete sense, because you don't want to just keep putting a bunch of energy in someone. At first you feel great, but then after a while maybe a week or a month you can kind of overload yourself like a battery and it becomes an agitation.

Speaker 2:

And that a lot, a lot of the time, people just want to do more and more and more, and that's not always the solution.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are a lot of people who say, oh, you don't have to ground, but I think it does make a difference and I've actually seen people develop EMF sensitivity from just rifeing all the time. Yeah for sure.

Speaker 3:

And we've. So people talk about a herxheimer reaction. So some people in the audience might not know what a herxheimer reaction is, but that's the first time you treat something. They talk about a die off, so you get you feel sick before you get better and that could last an hour a day, maybe even up to a week. But I and that's a theory, and so I'm beginning to think that part of a herxheimer reaction is not really a die off of pathogens and that's really most people think that that's what it is.

Speaker 3:

Well, we started experimenting, just running programs that would have nothing to do with killing a pathogen, and there's certain people that will have a herxheimer reaction just from that. So what we do and what we figured out is true, rife in all, pulse electric magnetic field is some combination of electric and magnetic field, and I'm getting a little bit deep in it. But there's a lot of people that even manufacturers of this type of equipment they haven't really experimented that much and they don't really even know what they're selling, and so we hired a chief technology officer and literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars we may be approaching a million dollars that we spent in the last year update, updating the equipment the true rife equipment and also understanding how to make it better. And so we have all these different oscilloscopes and tri-field meters and all these things, so we can measure all this and we know exactly what we're doing and how we can make it better. And so, for instance, like when you're using a bulb, it's 50%, roughly 50% magnetic and 50% electric.

Speaker 3:

Most people, what we've experimented with, the magnetic, they don't have a herxheimer reaction to it, it's the electric and so anyway, and so in the next six months we're going to have a completely magnetic mat for athletes.

Speaker 3:

And because athletes and I really think that the can't prove it yet, but I really think that the electric piece is better at killing things pathogens than the magnetic, haven't proved that yet, but we think that. So an athlete, we wouldn't want to be killing things and athlete no reason, so we would just use a purely magnetic on them and then they wouldn't get a herxheimer reaction. So to take that one step further, true rife, we sponsor a professional triathlete. She's a five-time world champion and when she first used our equipment she had an instant herxheimer reaction. And but I don't think it was a herxheimer reaction, I think she was so over-trained that she just felt bad and it was almost like, like you say, an EMF type thing. Yeah, and so what we did and how we made her better, initially we just had her ground and then we have these true rife relief rings and they plug into the phone.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you guys use those yet, or not, I would use those yet they're little rings that plug into the phone and there's only about a dozen programs. But those rings are only. They only produce a magnetic field. So we had Leslie Pedersen only use the relief rings, put them on an acupuncture spot on her wrist and ground and within two months she hadn't won a professional race in about five years. Within two months she won a professional race and some short period of time within a couple months later finished fifth in the world, and I think that. So really we didn't do that much for her. We just did grounding, put in a little bit of energy and just kind of balanced her out. And so that's really so.

Speaker 3:

The true rife equipment is it's just a tool. It does some interesting things. We're trying to figure out how it works and more, because a lot of the stuff is just anecdotal. We just know run this program and there's books, there's textbooks with all the frequencies, so people just put together a bunch of frequencies and there's some interesting commands that people on Facebook get all worked up about do you use this command? Or that there's crazy names to them, like fuzz and convergence and all this. But no one really knows if it works because no one ever put any signs to it. So, anyway, we're trying to put some signs to all this.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I love that because everyone wants to break it down on a scientific level, and so much of what I tell people is the frequencies work and if you try it, you're going to know. I mean, you will feel it one way or the other. And we use it for a variety of things, a variety of ailments. But in your opinion? Would you say there are specific conditions or situations where rife is particularly effective?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we, you know, like pain, sleep. When I first came to True Rife and you know we bought the company I wanted something that would work like within minutes or an hour, because a lot of people would. They, you know, they would prove it to me how you're going to make me feel better. And they want to know something within an hour, maybe within minutes, and we didn't pain. Biobasic was as close as any program that we had to make someone feel different in a few minutes.

Speaker 2:

So we use that one a lot the same way. Yeah, that's a big one. It's like okay, you proof in the pudding. Here we go.

Speaker 3:

And so what I set out to do was to see if I could make a program for pain and sleep that would work instantaneously and predictably. And so I don't know it took it took maybe a month and started playing around with you know the well, mike Tiggler was there, so he was mentoring me on everything and we just started playing around with different frequencies and and I wanted to see within seconds if we could get a difference. So we started doing crazy things, like we wanted to pull the energy through the body really quickly. So we started putting the ground pad right on the skin, we put conductive gel on the skin. Yeah, and I don't know if you guys do that or not, but that'll make it really everything speed up, and so within and so we that would kind of put some people off, though I feel like that would.

Speaker 1:

that is the potential to scare some people, because I know, even for me, one of the my first experiences with rife I walked into a room where rife was being run and all of a sudden, I felt like my teeth were going to explode out of my head.

Speaker 3:

You're one of those, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I left out of the room.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Like what was that I?

Speaker 2:

had no idea.

Speaker 1:

And it was I think it was maybe like a parasite program or something and I walked back in and that pain was immediate and I thought, oh goodness, I don't, you know who knows but it made a believer out of me in seconds and we didn't need conductive gel.

Speaker 3:

But you know, everybody feels that right.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we all have our own experiences, but yeah it, you can feel something really fast. Yeah, We'll have to play with the conductive gel.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so so people that are in the audience that are watching us that you know are going to have rife machines. It's conductive gel 360 and you buy it on Amazon for about eight bucks for a gigantic tube, but it's very, very inexpensive. And if anyone calls true rife, yeah, we, you know, we'll tell them about it. I just don't have it in front of me, but it's a blue yeah, blue tube, and but yeah, we experiment with a whole bunch of different conductive gels, and so that's really how I spend a lot of my time is, and this is what I love to do anyway just play with stuff and to see you know what works and what doesn't work.

Speaker 2:

And then I think that's how we've got most of our experiences experimenting on ourselves. First, because I personally own a machine as well and you know you try all these things to then see, oh, can I recommend it to this person with that problem, and you know how will they react to this frequency?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, One of the first things we figured out with it. You know, to the pain basic we were, we were using it for sleep and running the pain. And then we were like, oh, let's do this energy and vitality program too.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Well the lesson there is don't do it before you want to wake up in the morning. Do it when you're ready to wake up. Because we found that, for I don't know if it was every single person, but almost every single person at least said I woke up because we were just copying and pasting and stacking this over and you can't look it and then because? Then people don't sleep?

Speaker 3:

because guess what.

Speaker 1:

They had energy and vitality at one in the morning when they really didn't want it.

Speaker 2:

That's actually the program that made my husband a believer that rife wasn't just this kooky weird thing. Yeah, when we were doing the overnight program and this is before I knew how to properly stack the programs, experimenting on myself, energy and vitality you wake up at two or three in the morning. One clockwork every night. That program ran. So that was really fun. It was like, okay, it wasn't fun to not sleep, but it was fun to be like, hey, this really works.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then Mike Tiggler. He wrote the program Insomnia DH, and then there's a then, and that one runs all night long.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so it runs for about an hour and then it shuts off for a period of time, then runs again, but it runs on and off. So for those people that can get to sleep but then don't stay to sleep, and so, yeah, and so then now we play around with people that have these fit bits and different ways of measuring sleep and deep sleep, rem sleep and all that, and so it looks like most people get on the average of about 15% more deep sleep, rem sleep and total sleep when they run the Insomnia DH program, and that's the one that goes all night. And then, if you want to stack an Insomnia program, there's the Insomnia DH 72 minutes, which is just 72 minutes, hour, 12 minutes. So you could have that and then you could stack other programs throughout the night, because you couldn't stack if it's with the Insomnia program. That's going on and off all the time Gotcha.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I have a question. I actually have a couple of questions based on the Insomnia one, and I think this is something that goes deeper, to what are we doing with alternative health, and are we actually fixing or are we bandating? And so, with the Insomnia, what has been your experience using the Insomnia program? Is it permanently curative or let's not use the word curative because we don't want to get ourselves in trouble.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right, right.

Speaker 1:

And how many times do you think people are fine and I know it's not going? To be the same for everybody. But how many times would somebody expect to do this program? How many nights? And do you do it consecutive nights or do you take breaks?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm going to answer your question around about way. So you should be using a ground sheet at night, right? And there's a lot of people that don't buy our equipment and the first thing or if they do, the first thing they buy is just like a ground sheet. And so many of them call back within a week and say this is the best I've ever slept, and they're only using the ground sheet, they're not even running a program. So we do that.

Speaker 1:

And you know, what If you have animals that sleep with you? What I have found is they will go to the grounding sheet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, we have a little dog that wants to be near us when we're running it on the couch. Yeah, and they like somehow, they like the frequency, it's the grounding, but they'll sit right on us. So the energy is going through us, through the dog, and then out through the ground so the animals can feel it.

Speaker 2:

They know, animals know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I think that, and with the just using a grounding sheet or grounding pad, there's a lot of science behind that. So that's balancing the autonomic nervous system. You know that's because some people, a lot of people, that with crowning illness they're stuck in fight or flight mode and so they got, and that's like back to the athletes, they're way over trained, they're just stressed their body out and so you add in more energy. They're not going to like it. So you want to the rest of your life. You want to be sleeping with a ground sheet. And if I was in charge of healthcare for for the United States or the world, the first thing I would do is buy a ground sheet for everyone, because they last for about ever and and there's nothing to it, you just plug it in the into the ground socket of the wall and just leave it and you're going to get treated. I mean it might last for five or 10 years and you're going to skip over and over again. You're going to get the benefits out of that.

Speaker 2:

So nine for over 10 years and I got mine from true rife and I think that's the easiest thing to get people introduced to. Over the years we had people buy them so easily because they're, you know, more affordable to have. Yeah, I'm thinking instant.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then so do you have one of the old orange orange, salmon colored ones.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know mine was right. When it wasn't orange anymore Picture was still orange, but the one I got was not.

Speaker 1:

One of the older ones. I don't know where it is anymore because I did update mine, but I have slept on a grounding sheet for Years and I don't think it's a coincidence that I don't have sleep problems.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly yeah, and yeah, the newer ground sheets we have, we sense in the last year We've upgraded twice on the ground sheets and ground pads and so the newest ones are less than two months old and they're more conductive, so they work great. But but yeah, if I was in charge of health care, for just lowering the cost of health care, improving At the least amount of money and the biggest bang, it would be a ground sheet. I mean, that's yeah. I think.

Speaker 1:

I think you're exactly right and it's one of the most basic things that we give people. We do whole body Thermography. Here is one of our tools and that's autonomic nervous system.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you know, regulatory capacity and and one of the things that really picks up is, you know it's not that it's diagnostic for this, but there is a signature that you find with people who are stuck in Fight or flight all the time that sympathy they're just way too sympathetic dominant. Yeah, and one of the first things we tell them to use you need a ground. You've got to go outside, and we try to get. Well, first of all, they need sunlight, right? Yeah, so many people live their lives inside, so just going outside and putting your bare feet on the ground is is a great start. But you're exactly right, I don't think I promote this, the grounding sheets, probably even like I shouldn't. We've sold them before, you know. We just cleared them out, yeah, but it is. It's so important and you can improve your sleep for people who don't make it Through the night. That's the first place to start, and look at just my gene.

Speaker 1:

What else is going on in your sleep environments?

Speaker 3:

yeah, and people you know so many people talk about evidence-based medicine and and and I wouldn't call a ground sheet medicine, but it's improving health and there's Almost a hundred studies on PubMed. Pubmed is where the world literature, our government, does a good thing and they translate the world medical literature Into English and they put it on a government sponsored website called PubMed and anyone can access it for free. And so just go on to PubMed and you know type in Grounding or earthing the other word for is earthing right. A lot of times people will call with some. It's usually a weird issue that you know no one can get at.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes.

Speaker 3:

It's a medical doctor. I'm surprised how often I hear a diagnosis I'd never heard of. You know it's crazy and and and. Then they say I want to know the exact one or two frequencies. It's gonna cure this.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we do the, we do the electra, eav testing, electro-occupant Reporting to vol, which a lot of these bio-resonant scanners that's kind of the premise that it that it all plays off of and you can use here in saliva and you can do remote testing and and sometimes it's like you say you come up with these, these labels, or even you know if Elena's testing somebody and I may test and we may come up with the same Organ dysfunction that we may come up with different ways To remedy that. If we're remedy testing and in the same could probably be set of right. There are probably multiple Programs that you could go at it. You know different ways. Always tell people look, there's always more than one way to skin a cat and yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Same goes for any health condition. But I think I love that you, you actually do the hair of the saliva and then you develop a protocol and Getting people beyond the name and and over this idea of what is the frequency, because I think that's one of the more frustrating things that we get asked is Just give me the frequency and it's like, yeah, it's not gonna be one frequency. And it's this idea of, oh, we have to kill everything, do you? Because I don't really want to do that. First of all, I don't feel good, and then what do you leave behind? What is left in space if you do? And? And so yeah, I'm curious to hear about you know how you, how you approach certain Conditions like parasites. I mean, this is something we've had. We've had people who've been on reality TV shows or they've taken too many clothes off from the rainforest for the TV camera.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they come back with real exotic bugs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and they get. Unfortunately, within the medical care system, they kind of get pushed aside and or offered the wrong drop. You know Zoloft won't fix that. Yeah, they come to us and it's like well, we're gonna use rife, because that's a part of you know what's gonna help. But that's not the only thing, and then there's still all of the other things that they have to take care of. But how I guess that's a long segue into how do you go about getting people to embrace the idea of balance that just because you have cancer or parasites or Unknown infectious truth access, it's not just about let's kill a pathogen.

Speaker 3:

There there's this idea of normalizing frequencies or strengthening the body's inherent Defensive like you know, you said how do we deal with people that want just a frequency? So I think that the, the, the overall you yes, it's just an educational process, it's ongoing and maybe people will watch these type of podcasts and realize, yeah, we just need to get a program going. Maybe it's a 90-day program, have, get tested and then see what it's going to take.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like a lot of times, when people come in thinking they've put all their eggs in the rife basket, it's like, oh, but there's so much more to do here, because we do want people to get well, and we don't want to give rife technology a bad name by short being short-sighted in how we deal with people coming in the door.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you want rife, but guess what? You probably just want to get healthy too, and so here are the ways that we're going to do that, and so we'll check in with people along the way and say, okay, you've followed this recommendation for this many times, and let's see where we're at now. And we incorporate homeopathics, nutritionals, we do energy work, desensitization work with allergic sensitivities, non-allergic sensitivities. So there is it's a very comprehensive approach, but it works for all kinds of situations.

Speaker 2:

So often with the rife, most people coming to us have tried everything else. So whether they're coming in person or we're testing remotely. These are people who are so desperate. They're like fine, sounds weird, sounds crazy. I don't understand it, but I'm ready to try it because you have nothing to lose, and that's the beauty of frequencies. Yes, there are some frequencies if used too much, too soon, it can be too harsh and you can have detox symptoms, but for the most part you're not going to injure yourself because it's so, jet.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel like our contraindications to using rife technology? Dr Howard, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So we don't recommend people use it on kids less than 10. And we just had to. Really it's just legal reasons. So we get, we get. You know something, the amount of electricity going through someone, you know the rife machine is not very much, but and it really hasn't, you know, I mean, around the world there's so many people have been using it, I mean just millions of hours, right, and there's really no reported side effects and so, but we have to draw a line in the sand someplace.

Speaker 3:

So, medical, legally, we say, if you're pregnant, don't do it. You know, but Mike Tiggalaur, his wife, she used it every day during her pregnancy. Yeah, fine, and then we here's a crazy question. So people say, instead of a foot bath, could we put the ion pro-waste in a bathtub? Of course we say no, right, but have people done it? Yeah, they send us pictures. They said someone sent a picture of a small child, like less than two years old, floating in a bathtub with electricity going in the water. And I'm like, oh, you know, the legal implications of that are just crazy and the profanities of this equipment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we don't. We don't recommend that either. But I will say my oldest daughter through. I think it was her first pregnancy. She had some health issues I can't even remember what it was but I didn't hesitate at all. I spoke into Mike and and I had no hesitation about using the rife with her. Same thing. You know, we use the lymphatic therapy, the lymph star that uses frequency and current, and I that it's so little electricity but it's so powerful and it's therapeutic application. I recommended my daughter had her do it every week of her pregnancy to keep her ankles didn't swell. Yeah, it does amazing things just to keep the lymphatic circulation, and the same rife has the ability to do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we use it with precaution, of course, and you know in our clients, but it's been helpful.

Speaker 3:

And then you know many people have used it to have a pacemaker in and apparently it doesn't do anything with that. But the one that I would really worry about is a defibrillator. So defibrillator would sense an abnormal electrical activity and give the patient a big shock, to put to put them back in a rhythm, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And so I would, for sure, for sure, I mean I definitely wouldn't do that. I think that that really could do something. And then you know someone had real bad epilepsy. You know those triggers for epilepsy, you know who knows what they are, but I've never heard that someone had a problem and triggered it. But in theory I would think, I mean I would shy away from it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah, okay, so I have a question, Dr Howard.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

When it comes to cell phone use and laptop use with rife. Can you give us an answer on that once and for all, Because we've always been told don't use them when the rife is going. How accurate is that?

Speaker 3:

As long as you're grounded really well, it'll no effect. But if you're not grounded well, that electricity that's going into you is going to eventually go someplace. And so if you're not grounded well, say you, the ground pad was on the outside of your shirt and you really weren't grounded very well and your laptop is grounded, and so it's almost like a ground pad. So if you start touching your laptop, it's the energy is going to go out of your fingers into that laptop. And a lot of people would call us and say, hey, my laptop shocked me while I was using the rife machine. No, no, no, the laptop didn't shock you. The energy came out of you and went into the laptop, and so, but as long as you're grounded really well, you can use that stuff, because the energy is going to go out of you through the ground. And so that's when you know if you're going to be doing that type of thing.

Speaker 3:

You'd want to be using that conductive gel, because you know a lot of people, their skin is dry in the winter, that type of thing. A lot of people were putting the ground underneath the soles of their feet, right, because they're thinking it's going to run all the way through the body. I mean good in theory, but think about how thick the skin is on the bottom of some people's feet. There's no way that electricity is going through that thick, hard skin on the bottom of their feet, so they're probably not really grounded. And those people, yeah, you touch something metal and the energy is going to come out of you into that and you're going to feel, you get a shock. But it's the equipment. Two rife equipment does not damage a cell phone, doesn't damage your computer, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Okay, good to clear that up. We still tell everyone hey, read a book, have some quiet time Just don't relax. So, you can heal. Just take a break from the world for a moment. You know an hour.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, we keep adult coloring books in our rife room. We really try to encourage people to unplug just a little bit. Okay, so we're going to coming coming kind of full circle here. I mean, I would love for you to give us kind of a spectrum of conditions, some of the most commonly cited conditions where rife technology has been deemed not scientifically because we know the sciences is lacking but anecdotally. What do you find some of the most common conditions to use rife with? Because I know I mean, we have our list, our practices a lot of autoimmune. We do get some cancer and a lot of allergic, which ends up being a lot of immune dysfunction. But what do you, what do you find people really seeking out and using the rife successfully for?

Speaker 3:

In general terms, what does pulse electromagnetic field do, what does microcurrent do and what does grounding do? And so that's, that's a lot of stuff, and so that would be everything from lowering blood pressure, heart rate, balancing glucose, cortisol, mood, I mean, just on and on. It's just so many things, okay, and I'm going to segue into something else. So, with these really tough to treat chronic illnesses, and that's the type of people that want to use a rife machine, but, like we've been talking, they're looking for this quick fix. They want to continue to do, whatever their poor choices and lifestyle. They want to continue that, but they want the magic bullet. Well, there is no magic bullet, and but when you combine all this, yeah, you get great outcomes, and so I'll talk just a minute.

Speaker 3:

So my wife and I we started a nonprofit research foundation a few years ago called Hippocrates Research Foundation, so I'll give a little plug to that. The website is the web address MYHRForg, and so it turns out that almost every chronic disease from Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, diabetes the answer is already published in peer reviewed journals on how to treat and reverse all of it. And so what we're doing is and no one can argue with it but the reason it's not done is because it's just the way to do. It doesn't generate very much money for anyone. So when people call and talk to us at True Rife and talk to me, I do my best to steer them and give them medical articles and how to use all this, put it together.

Speaker 3:

And so most recently, we've reversed stage four cancer in people, and so I'm gonna be on another podcast in less than a week. On Tuesday I'm gonna be on the Drew Pruitt show. We're flying to LA and film that, and so, interestingly, we didn't come up with anything novel. It was all in the medical literature. Some of it dates back almost a hundred years and so, but it was just ignored.

Speaker 3:

Either they didn't know how to piece it together or it didn't make enough money. And so I think that pulse, magnetic field and grounding and microcurrent and all the coaching that you guys are doing, that's how people are really gonna get healthy. And so, yeah, but we're able to reverse even stage four cancer, and so we wanna have about 50 case studies and we have roughly 40 patients around the world and clinics around the world. We don't have our own patients, but we coach people anywhere in the world, but they have their own doctor and they can either do it or not do it, but we're gonna supply them with the research and so once they read the research, they can piece all this together and, yeah, they can reverse just about anything.

Speaker 1:

That's such a it's a gift to humanity. I mean, in your right it's out there and most likely the big sin is that it's not profitable for the powers to be.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's amazing that you're doing this, it's amazing that you're doing that kind of work, and I know for us it's the same thing at K6. Well, as we just want to, wherever the resources lie, we accrue the ones that we can, but we wanna point people in the direction that's gonna help them to feel better. And we love grounding, we love the microcurrent and, of course, we love our true rife machines.

Speaker 1:

It's such an integral part of so many people's journey to better health and recovery from all kinds of issues. I'll leave it at that.

Speaker 2:

It does give people hope, too, when they discover something new with rife.

Speaker 1:

Well, new to them.

Speaker 2:

Right right new to them but it's like, okay, I have tried everything else, let's try this other piece, and so I do love that part. You know you've got, like we said, we have to set the expectations, but I love that. It does give people something new for them to try.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, and usually they feel somewhat better very quickly right. Within hours or days they feel better and we're not gonna harm anyone. And so the name of our research foundation Hippocrates Research Foundation and Dr Hippocrates. You know one of the sayings. He had a lot of quotes but first, do no harm right. And so everything that we do, we're not gonna set anyone backwards.

Speaker 1:

You know you can yeah. And so I think that we will link to your nonprofit in the show notes, though people who wanna get connected with you.

Speaker 1:

You can find the link below this in our show notes and yeah, absolutely, we so appreciate you. I feel like we have just scratched the surface and we definitely wanna have you back and have another conversation and maybe we'll delve into a more narrow conversation topic. But we appreciate all the work that you're doing with this technology and for the company, because we do love True Rife. I think there's a lot of options out there, but True Rife is really stuck to the high road and there's a lot of integrity in the work that goes into the product that is offered up there. So I think we're gonna call this a wrap for today and we know that-. Okay, great, dr Howard. Thank you so much, thank you.

Speaker 1:

We hope that you the listeners have found our information valuable and helpful. We'd love to hear from you. If you watch this episode on YouTube, please like and subscribe, and or, on Rumble, check us out on Facebook and Instagram, and for more information about Rife, you can visit us at k6wellnesscom to schedule an appointment where we can figure out exactly what you need, and you can also visit straight from the source truerifecom T-R-U-E-R-I-F-Ecom. And that will be in the show notes as well. But until next time, take care of yourself, because your health is worth fighting for.

Speaker 3:

Well, Sharon and Lena, thanks for having me on. It was a pleasure.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you All right.

Rife Technology's Healing Potential Explained
Understanding True Rife and Its Benefits
Exploring the Efficacy of Rife Equipment
Grounding Sheets and Frequency Therapy Benefits
Benefits of Rife Technology and Research
Valuable Information and Call to Action