The K6 Wellness Revolution

Rife 2.0: Transforming Health with Frequency Therapy

February 22, 2024 Sharon Krahn, Elena Bach Season 2024 Episode 7
Rife 2.0: Transforming Health with Frequency Therapy
The K6 Wellness Revolution
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The K6 Wellness Revolution
Rife 2.0: Transforming Health with Frequency Therapy
Feb 22, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 7
Sharon Krahn, Elena Bach

Unlock the mysteries of frequency healing with Rife technology and discover how, based on the concept of using frequencies to target and obliterate pathogens, Rife Therapy might just be the key to a new frontier in wellness. 

Rife Therapy represents a significant leap from traditional medical approaches.  Listeners will hear about the transformative powers of Rife, from enhancing sleep and detoxification, to stopping pain and fortifying the immune system.  Our conversation delves into the application of Rife Therapy on specific health conditions and its place within the broader landscape of holistic and alternative medicine.  There is a delicate balance required when integrating Rife technology into a holistic health framework, and we discuss the unique journey each individual undertakes towards optimal well-being.

This episode on Rife therapy is loaded with tons of information that is difficult to find elsewhere.  Our conversation covers details about the different Rife machines and their uses, the importance of research and reliable sources, understanding Rife frequencies for better results, customizing Rife programs for individual needs, health claims and benefits of Rife, the potential risks and side effects of Rife, and how to find a good Rife practitioner.  

Whether you're intrigued by the anecdotal success stories or you're considering Rife as a complement to your health regimen, this episode promises to leave you buzzing with knowledge and curiosity. Join us in this frequency-fueled exploration of health and healing.

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Unlock the mysteries of frequency healing with Rife technology and discover how, based on the concept of using frequencies to target and obliterate pathogens, Rife Therapy might just be the key to a new frontier in wellness. 

Rife Therapy represents a significant leap from traditional medical approaches.  Listeners will hear about the transformative powers of Rife, from enhancing sleep and detoxification, to stopping pain and fortifying the immune system.  Our conversation delves into the application of Rife Therapy on specific health conditions and its place within the broader landscape of holistic and alternative medicine.  There is a delicate balance required when integrating Rife technology into a holistic health framework, and we discuss the unique journey each individual undertakes towards optimal well-being.

This episode on Rife therapy is loaded with tons of information that is difficult to find elsewhere.  Our conversation covers details about the different Rife machines and their uses, the importance of research and reliable sources, understanding Rife frequencies for better results, customizing Rife programs for individual needs, health claims and benefits of Rife, the potential risks and side effects of Rife, and how to find a good Rife practitioner.  

Whether you're intrigued by the anecdotal success stories or you're considering Rife as a complement to your health regimen, this episode promises to leave you buzzing with knowledge and curiosity. Join us in this frequency-fueled exploration of health and healing.

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Welcome to the K6 Wellness Revolution podcast. My name is Crystel and today I'll be your host, where we will be discussing Rife Technology with the brilliant Sharon Krahn, owner of the K6 Wellness Center in Dallas, Texas. Sharon is a traditional naturopath, registered nurse and BioSET practitioner with over 17 years experience in functional wellness. Hi.

Sharon Krahn:

Sharon, hey, crystal, it's so good to be with you again.


Yes, so fun. Well, we're going to pick up, because last month, you introduced your listeners to Dr Gregory Howard, owner of True Rife, where you and Elena discussed the amazing things that he and his team were doing with Rife Technology, and this turned out to be a very popular topic, so we decided to continue the discussion and go a little deeper on Rife. So let's jump right in and start with the basics for those listeners who were excited to learn even more. So I want to start out with you giving us a brief overview of what what Rife Technology is and its history in the realm of wellness and health.

Sharon Krahn:

Okay, so this is a big topic but let's start with some history. So there are a few versions of the story because of course, royal Raymond Rife the name of the scientist is the long dead and gone. But as I understand it, he I think he was born in like the late 19th century, like 1870s or 1880s I think and he was an inventor. He was a scientist, and a lot of his work involved microscopes, and one of his more amazing microscopes was called the universal microscope, and it was touted to be able to look at a virus without having to do it to kill it, to put on a slide, right. I'm not sure there's a picture of it, I don't know if we can show a picture or not, but it's huge. It was in 19, I think the 1930s, and that was. It was an enormous microscope, and so being able to look at a live virus was really a whole new aspect for microbiologists at that time, and so that was kind of his big thing.

Sharon Krahn:

But he wasn't just interested in looking at viruses or microbial cells, he was really interested in using frequencies to create a vibrationally based destruction for certain types of cells, and so Rife technology as we know it today, it uses square or trapezoidal sound waves, or sound waves or frequencies, right, they're assigned to certain hertz and each pitch is a certain hertz and these frequencies will create vibration. So like if you have two tuning forks side by side, the same pitch, like middle C, whatever, and you hit one and you create sound, the one next to it will create sound just because of the resonance, the same vibrational quality. One will do the same as the other. So that's kind of cool and that's the whole thing with using this to address cells. If you find the frequency that creates a vibration in a, let's say, like a staphylococcus, a bacterial cell, and you go, oh, this hurts, this frequency causes vibration on, this was not just a single frequency, it's more than that and we'll get into that probably a little bit more. But basically you want to keep create vibration to the point of cell destruction. So everybody thinks of oh, it kills cells like it explodes the cell, not quite, but you know, close and it's a lot of work.

Sharon Krahn:

I guess that he did started with viruses, but it was all aimed towards cancer and as part of the big picture, because who doesn't want to cure for cancer, right? So I think that that was, that was kind of the. That's the gist of it. There's a lot of nuance to that, but by 1930, he claimed to be able to kill viruses, even tuberculosis, using frequencies, radio waves, and he would prove this. So this is really cool. If he killed a cell, his way of proving it was he would take the, the, the killed or the, the contents of the cell right, because they don't actually combust, they kind of spew out, like it's like blowing up a balloon and then it pops and all the organelles come out of the cell and they're just going to die. He would take that little solution, he would inject it into some sort of rodent and If, if say like with tuberculosis, he kills the tuberculosis cell, they then inject all those that sludge into a guinea pig and the tuberculosis doesn't grow. Well then wham, he proved his point, he killed that cell. So that was kind of how his work, or one aspect of his work, happened. And Over time and with technological developments of course, we've been able to find more frequencies and ways to deliver these frequencies.

Sharon Krahn:

And there's other offshoots like pulse, electromagnetic frequency, pemf. You have the beamer. There are many different companies out there doing PEMF and they're all offshoots from Rife's work back in their early 20th century In IH, even published some papers on this and will post a few, and it's not that these papers. I think it's important for people who go the extra mile looking at this stuff. It's not that they're going right forks, but there's a lot of published studies out there showing that frequencies do have a Resonant effect on certain types of cells, meaning if they it resonates, it creates more activity or vibration within that cell. And I think that can be easily overlooked, as who cares or to what end you know? But if you look at it on the platform of, hey, how can we get rid of this Infection or this overgrowth of something? Or how can we, you know, offer solutions to people with cancer, well then, rife technology is very interesting and it does kind of present a whole area of study and it is experimental, experimental application of frequencies to Get a desired result.


If you will, one of the things that I thought of is that structured water and I can't remember the scientific motto Was that who did?

Sharon Krahn:



I don't know if that's. Is that similar where you, where it changes?

Sharon Krahn:

Wait. And so, yeah, that was messages in water, right, so he was Assigning. That was more of labeling water and it's saying that you know like words have power and there's energy and frequency, vibration. I mean Nikolai Tesla said are you know? Is it vibrations, everything, vibrational frequencies. Our words have vibrational frequency to them, and so you could take two jars of water. This is his, his work. You could label one with love and one with hate, and when you look at those under certain type of microscope, the one that was labeled with love is going to look very different, very Coordinated, very symmetrical. They're usually very beautiful, like snowflakes Versus the one that is labeled hate Tends to look very sharp, jagged. It's like somebody took a knife to a pillow what I think of and very Disorganized.

Sharon Krahn:

And how do you get that? From writing a word on the lid of a jar. You know, Words. We say that words have power, and it's true words do have power.


Yeah one of your previous Podcast episode, you spoke a little bit about that when you were interviewing Bob Eads. Yeah, and and, and I actually went on YouTube and looked because I had never heard of that and there's a lot of people that have run those experiments, and so I had always, because I've been Someone that's frequent in your your wellness center for many years, and so I've always wondered. And so I want to make sure that there's no confusion, because what you're explaining about rife and the cells and that it actually kills the insides of the cells, like it, it sounds like it's different than something like that where it changes the, the words and even what he did with his experiments changes the structure of the cells. So right, yeah, different than that, in my being clear.

Sharon Krahn:

It is different than that One thing that I have always I used to point this out to my kids I I'm not a fan of Of music with a lot of bass and my kids would make fun of me because I'm like, turn the bass down, like, okay, mom, they'd make more bass. I'm like that's not what I meant. I don't like that low Her. They're low frequency, low vibrate, very low vibration. That just drives me. It makes me want to punch somebody in the throat and you know that's probably not a good thing to do at any intersection. No, somebody comes up with their music. All you hear is bass. I don't like feeling it to my core. It just it provokes an angry response for me. Yeah, that doesn't mean I don't like any bass, but there's something there I don't know what On my cells, but I don't like it. And well, low, low vibration is typically correlated with things that are evil and dark. They say that God is the highest frequency, that God is the highest vibrational frequency.


So Very interesting, you know it is. How these tied together a little bit, but we'll focus more on right, but I was curious about that. On the fundamental principles behind rife, how does it differ from conventional medical treatments?

Sharon Krahn:

Okay, and that's good, that's a good question. So Rife, obviously, like we talked about, he believed that, okay, if we transmit this radio frequency, you're gonna destroy some sort of microbe, you know, be it a virus, a bacteria, parasite, whatever. And he did it using like it's huge Array tube and it was filled with like noble gases and it's, I Guess, the and this is not my original thing, but I've seen this as it relates to rife. You've seen, like an opera singer and they'll someone to hold up a crystal glass or something, and then it's usually a woman and she'll sing and she'll sustain this note, this is a pitch for so long and then that glass just shatters, right, okay, well, her pitch matched the vibrational quality of that glass and she sustained it long enough or created enough Vibration within that glass that it shatters. That's vibrational frequency, resonant vibrational frequency Excuse me, I can't talk and that's what we're doing with these microorganisms using vibrational frequency. So it's figuring out what frequency is it that's going to surpass the stability of a cell membrane and cause death. And you can tell so, like if you're looking under a microscope and you're like, okay, let's play, you know 100 Hertz, and what is this going to do? Oh nothing, the cell didn't move. Because when you hit the right vibrational frequency, you're going to see that cell start to move more. It's going to start to vibrate, just like the two tuning forks, right, that's going to, it's going to create that movement. And so we don't have large ray tubes with noble gases anymore, but we use plasma bulbs, and I'm going to show you mine. Yay, so for those who are watching, this is ours, it's the true rife. And now I'm going to turn it on and I just said it to a very grounding frequency for Schumann wave. And you can't hear it, necessarily, because our ears don't always pick up every Hertz, like I can't remember what it is. I'm not a scientist in that regard, but this one's lower than what your ears will really perceive, but it's a Schumann wave, it's just a ground, so doesn't bother me, doesn't create any. You know there's nothing bad that's going to happen, but it is to evoke a positive response or a grounding response in our cells. Now there's more than just a plasma bulb, but this is just what we do Now huge departure, because you're not going to go from medicine, you're not going to go to any doctors who see this, necessarily, but I think doctors who are really interested in innovation do recognize that vibrational frequencies do hold power over certain cells, pathogenic cells.

Sharon Krahn:

And I'm going to link to a TED Talk. In the show notes there's a guy he was showing how using resonant they call it resonant vibrational frequency that creates the movement and the vibration and he shows like pancreatic cancer cells, ovarian cancer cells, basically breaking up and disintegrating. But he even admits, like you can't kill the whole, you're not going to kill every cell that way. And this kind of alludes to like what we tell people. There's not one approach and I think this is the other departure from Western medicine is we cut it or we drug it and in general that's not. That doesn't follow a holistic approach, which is we've got to address the lifestyle, we've got to address the. If there's infection or a driver of inflammation or a toxicity that is creating disruption in normal cellular behavior, we've got to address the emotions that may be standing in the way of healing, whatever it is. We're going to address all of those things because we are more than a tumor, we're more than an infection, we're more than a fever. All of these things are messages and if we're not listening to the whole thing, the whole story, we're going to miss part of it. So definitely, you know, with medical approaches being more pharmaceutical or surgical, and it has, that has its place. I mean, everything serves a purpose, right? I just think that the Rife is a very novel approach, and it's one that we find to be a good tool.

Sharon Krahn:

I never promote this as a standalone, but it's great to have. Hey, here's one more resource, because it is. It's all these things. That's why I don't think we'll ever find, you know, the cure for cancer as people think of it, like oh, someday there'll be a drug, someday there'll be a vaccine. Nope, there's not, because it's a multifactorial cause. It's your environment, it's your experiences, it's your infections, it's your genetics, it's all of these things together.

Sharon Krahn:

And yes, this can help, right, if we could blast apart some prostate cancer cells. Great, we should be doing that. But why did those cells grow in the first place? And I think that's even a deeper question. And so that's why Rife is a great tool, but it's not the end-all, be-all, and I don't even think that Rife himself would have stopped there. You know, it's just a bigger, it's a bigger question, and so, like many things in health where, unfortunately, medicine suppresses symptoms or tries to undo some whatever some pathology by suppressing or cutting Holistic healing or naturopathic approaches. Really try to understand how did this environment become one that allowed this to happen and how do we reverse the damage and how do we prevent this from happening in the future.


Yeah, it sounds like just a good tool in the whole toolkit. Absolutely that doesn't like an antibiotic just goes and wipes out everything good and bad. It sounds like it's focused on.

Sharon Krahn:

Yeah, absolutely, and I think it's. It's, yeah, it's one tool and I mean that's not to say like we've got some amazing stories of people's experiences with it and that's great. I'm grateful for that, but we never, ever try to oversell it. It's a great tool for helping people detox. It's a great tool to help with sleep, to help with pain relief. I have to say, I think that the seasonal virus programs that we have this year are fantastic, and the way that they come up with it, I think, is it's so tedious, it's, it takes so much work. I just hats off to the guys that sat around and did this for years on end, finding exactly which frequency to be used for whatever, and that's why you'll never see just one frequency, it's always more than that Interesting.


How does it, how does it fit into the broader landscape of holistic and alternative medicine practices?

Sharon Krahn:

Well, that probably depends on the practitioner. For me, we offer it as an additional way to accomplish a goal. For instance, if I have people, you know we try to get people to, you know, be able to throw off toxins more efficiently, but some people don't even sweat. So you come in here and you can't sweat. Well, that's a big pathway out of your body that's clogged and we need to start there. So I always worry about people like that reacting to a supplement or something that we might try to give them.

Sharon Krahn:

Rife is a very gentle way to stimulate their lymphatic pathways, to stimulate detoxification and to help them to then be able to provoke a sweat faster and tolerate other modalities that we're going to try to use with them in their plan. So it's a good way to help accomplish a goal, just getting people to be able to tolerate a remedy. So yeah, I look at is sometimes it's just step one, and then sometimes it's okay, it's time you need to your own system because you're going to need to do this a whole lot. Much more economical for you to have one of these. I love my rife machine. I think I said in our previous episode I would not be without my. My husband keeps one at the ranch. Wow, and we I don't know how many we have here in the office, at least three or four, and we use them all the time for many different things.


Yeah, when I was in last, I used one for a gallbladder session. I think it was very helpful. Let's talk about how it works a little bit, because it's a little mysterious to me the concept of frequency healing. So how is it applied to specific health conditions?

Sharon Krahn:

Well, this is a big one. So there's two sides to it and I feel like the general perception of lay people and it's not that, this is not that you know, people don't know I think this is just the way maybe the understanding gets promoted is hey, we got to kill stuff, we're going to kill this cancer, we're going to kill this infection, we're going to kill something. And there is that. There is that I'll call it the killing side of rife. But then there's a normalizing function to it as well, because we can enhance sleep, we can promote peace and calming, you know, for people who have anxiety or a feeling of well being, for people who tend to be depressed. Well, how does that work? I don't know, to be perfectly honest, but there are two sides to it. There's the, the kill, and then there's the support. And we have found that for a lot of situations it's really more important to do the normalizing or the supportive frequency sets before we even go into any killing program, because the body may not be ready for that yet. So we use it like for gallbladder, like you talked about gallbladder, but boosting immune system function. And sometimes it's not boosting immune function, sometimes it's just modulating that immune response. But yeah, addressing fatigue, sleep, anxiety, soreness, recovery from surgeries there's a lot that can be done just for all kinds of pain really. But using a frequency that resonates with certain cells, like we talked about, you can increase the vibration. And there and I think another thing we need to say is that, unlike the opera singer and the glass, like she's holding a note and everybody should look it up, or maybe we can find one and post it in the show notes too so they're holding a note and it until that that glass shatters. But with rife it's a pulsing, it's an on and off, on and off, on and off, and if you just left it, I think that the consensus is that you would create too much heat and in the human body don't really want to cook somebody, so. So thus the pulsing, and they don't even do it with just one frequency, and that's what I'll get.

Sharon Krahn:

A lot of people who come in and they have their own rife systems, which I think is great. There's a lot of systems out there. I'm just more familiar with true rife and I love their sets because they do recognize it's not this one vibrational frequency that you're going to run. You need to do sets of them and traditionally this is done. So frequencies, they're sound waves, right, so there's a pitch to it, but it's not one pitch. It works in intervals of 11th, so that you're going over it and below it, and that is what kind of enhances the destruction of the cell. And tons of trial and error, I think before they figured that out.

Sharon Krahn:

But now of course you know the aims to attack and kill cancer cells begin by in large. That's and that's probably what we get people come in in. Requesting more than anything is as a part of their cancer journey. They want to use rife and there's been success. But, like I said earlier about that scientists, on the TED Talk he gave percentages like we can kill 40% or we can kill 50%, but we can't kill 100% of certain types of cancer cells, and there again, that's why it's so important to have a comprehensive approach and that's why we use it as part of something. But that's also why you know, for anyone new or anyone who wants to come in, we want you to come in, we want you to be able to use rife. We need to make sure you can tolerate it, but also we need to make sure that there's a good understanding of what it can do and what it cannot do and really think expectations.

Sharon Krahn:

Yeah, we don't want to hurt anybody and so we got to have yeah, we got to have goals, but we also have to have realistic expectations.


Yeah, well, and I know you have your device behind you and I know my husband's come in and done a scientist one before. That looked a little different. The spiral bulb, yeah. So what are the different devices or machines commonly used in rife and how do they generate the necessary frequencies for healing?

Sharon Krahn:

Well with TrueRyth again, because this is the one we used. They have different plasma bulbs and so the one that your husband used it's called a spiral bulb and we do use it for localized application. It's not a very strong output of the frequencies but we are able to like save somebody has like frontal sinus infection. We can put it to the forehead and then we can put a grounding pad behind the head so it's going to really carry through and that can do a lot to help resolve sinus pain and inflammation. The spiral bulb we also use, like for dental abscesses and or for people who have ovarian pain, will have them put you know if we're using a localized issue so we'll have them place it directly there.

Sharon Krahn:

Now, what we have behind me, I think it's called the QX2, I've always called it the double bubble, but I'm I've been from way back, so I think it has a cooler name now. It has a very strong output and I think it covers like if you're sitting in a 12 by 12 room, it's going to, it's going to catch you. So it's very potent in or very strong delivery of frequencies. There's the ion pro wave which is their foot bath and that's more of microcurrent delivery more than like electric frequency, vibrational frequency.

Sharon Krahn:

There, I know there are some, there are rings, there's ear headphones, but really there's a lot of new upgrades to these plasma bulbs, where they use crystals with them now, and, like in our last podcast episode, dr Howard talked about using the ground you mat, using the conductive gels, things like that. So I think you know technology is cool and amazing and whoever knew you could just, you know, put on, put on your earbuds and do it. But you can even go to YouTube and find rife frequencies and you can play a rife frequency through YouTube. Now, how good is it? I don't know. I mean, it's a place to start, but I think having a company that really pours into the research and the background and making sure that you're balancing out, building up, supporting the body with trying to eliminate infectious microbes, that's an important approach to balance.


Yeah, and you don't know who's putting out those on YouTube.

Sharon Krahn:

If you just go to YouTube and search rife frequencies, any kook out there, you don't know what. I guess we could too, sure yeah.


You want to check your sources before you do that.

Sharon Krahn:

Yeah, you do, and that's why I don't. I'm not as crazy about the systems where some of them are. You have to input each frequency that you want and whereas, like ours it's, it's set for each frequency and then how long it pulses for. So there's an on and an off time, there's the dwell and the fuzz, which I don't really get or understand, but there's a lot to it and I think just go ahead.

Sharon Krahn:

No, that's fine. The more you understand about it, the probably the better result you're going to get. I know enough to run the system real well, that's good.


Well, and you guys mentioned in the last podcast stacking programs too for different things.

Sharon Krahn:

Yeah, that's one of the things that we do is we, we will customize. So I'll test somebody and I'll use my E A V testing and sometimes I just muscle tests. You know which way are we going? Which organ tissue gland do we focus on? Cause sometimes somebody could come in like with a sinus infection and what their body really resonates more with is immune system stimulation, and so, okay, that's what we need to do first, and maybe, after you've had some support, then we can go into a sinusitis program. This just depends on the person, and that's one of the other great things about using it in a holistic practice. You're using other testing methods, other information gathering methods to try to give a person a more personalized, customized approach, but also a very successful and efficient approach.


Yeah, trying to get to the root cause. Yes, yes, well and right.

Sharon Krahn:

It's good for some symptom management. I always tell people look, I'm not going to be a good symptom management person, naturopath, I'll do some cause. Sometimes you need that. But I am more interested in how did you get here? What happened way back that led you down this path? Yeah, cause that's part of the story.


I love that about you. What's your personal experience, then, with Rife? Can you tell any insights or anecdotes about your own experience?

Sharon Krahn:

Well, I mean, I'll admit, the main reason I bought my first Rife machine was I probably would never have been on my radar, honestly, but I was at a conference. Well, there's two. I had two instances. I was at a conference once and the guy was showing me one and I don't know what he turned on, but I was standing right in front of this localized output and I felt like my ovaries lit on fire, like lit them on fire. Wow, I doubled over, I was like turn it off Wow.

Sharon Krahn:

It hurt. I mean, I didn't have an ovary problem that I knew of, I don't know what it was. But he said whoa, you have something going on. I was like what did you just do to me? And then he explained this is Rife. And blah, blah, blah, I just nuked your ovaries. No, it didn't nuked my ovaries, but that was so strong it really left an impression. I was like I'm going to have to look into this. I didn't know anything about it. And then I was kind of scared of it. And then another time I went in a room and they were running a program and I believe it was like a parasite program or something. But as soon as I walked in the room and it was this double bubble, I felt like my molars were just so much pressure. Think about sinus, when your teeth hurt, it was like that, but times 10. And I was like oh, and I thought, did the rife do that?

Sharon Krahn:

And I walked out and the pain went away and I walked back in and the pain came back within 10 seconds. So I kept doing it and I'm sure the client was like, what in the world is this lady doing? But I just wanted to make sure that was real. And so there are times where people do feel it and it's very uncomfortable, and then there are times where it's like, oh, the pain is so much better and that's great, that's what we're after. But that was my experience was actually feeling something like that in seconds. And then I started to use it for other things. We've used it for seasonal illnesses, we use it for pain, we've used it for post-surgery healing and I feel like it's definitely a good tool to have around.


Yeah, do you find that I'm a very sensitive person? I'm not like EMF sensitive. I know some people are really they can walk in a room and they can feel that. Do you find that people who are sensitive like that have a more positive reaction to rife or is it just everybody's different? But I'm wondering if they're really sensitive, people to things like would have a different experience.

Sharon Krahn:

That's exactly it, crystal. There are people who are so sensitive so it's garnered a name in the last few years. It's called electrohypersensitivity syndrome and it's people who are sensitive to like Bluetooth and 5G and cell phones and they can't sit in the same room with the router, don't do well around a lot of electronics, they don't always do well with this, so I really don't even encourage it. If I have somebody who I know gets headaches from Bluetooth or EMF exposure, I don't really encourage them to try rife. You can try grounding what I'm doing right now. The Schumann wave is supposed to be good for people with electrohypersensitivity syndrome and I've got had a since I found that out. I've kind of tried it on a few people with mixed results. So I think there's still a lot we don't even know about.

Sharon Krahn:

You know people who are EMF sensitive, so, and there are people that it, for whatever reason, it, stimulates them so much that it changes like their responses, like somebody might get indigestion. They're like I did rife for my liver and now I've got indigestion or you know. I don't know what that is. You know indigestion is, but why would that be? I'm not sure. So we just try to be measured in who uses it and people who are kind of universal reactors where they react to everything. I Don't typically try to get them to use rife. I do like to use the foot bath with them, and that's usually pretty well tolerated. But people who are highly, highly sensitive they're probably already reacting to the environment around them and so throwing more Frequency isn't necessarily helpful. Yeah, they're nervous system. I think they usually need something more calming To the nervous system, but there's no formula for it, that's for sure.


Yeah, do you have any Really kind of remarkable success stories from our testimonials, from individuals?

Sharon Krahn:

I mean I do. I had you know I've had a Few women use it as part of their breast cancer Plan and come out with good results. Can't just chalk it up to rife, but it was a part of it. I've had, I've had very interesting parasite Results. I love parasites.

Sharon Krahn:

I Don't think I'll ever get tired of people sending me disgusting pictures, but to see people whose lives are so ruined by parasitic infections that that are never acknowledged and they're never dealt with, come in and sit down with rife and they have energy and Now all these Parasitic remedies that they've been taking are actually working. You know whether it's actually killing the parasites, enhancing the body's ability to eliminate, breaking down biofilm with vibration, whatever it is, but seeing them actually able to pass it. Because I think that some of these people feel like they're crazy and Because parasites, you know, some people say Don't bother testing because labs are usually about 80% false negatives and there are a lot of doctors who say we don't have parasites and of course our response is always well, they don't check in at the border. I mean really neither does anybody else anymore. There's that. Why do we think that we are so immune to parasites? Who I mean? I bring my dog to work, love my dog. I do not let him kiss my face, but a lot of my clients do. He's so cute, I get it, he's, he's really, he's amazing. But we kiss our animals. We walk outside barefoot and I'm all for that because I think grounding is really important. But Parasites are just a part of nature. It's just the, it's population control, the population balance right, and we just don't do that.

Sharon Krahn:

I think as far as my clients go, my clients from Mexico and Central America are about my best at doing Parasite cleanses because their governments promote it like it's. It's out there. It's public service announcements twice a year before you go back to school, be sure you take your parasite remedy and there are a lot of governments that just they dole out the medicine because they realize that Prevent so many other health issues. Yet here we are in America denying. You know there's a problem with that and I'll just go there. You know I get a lot of men who come in with BPH or benign prosthetic hyper Hypertrophy or prostate cancer and if you go online probably not Google, you have to go to brave or somewhere. But if you look up fin bendazole and Prostate cancer, there are a lot of Men who swear that their prostate cancer went away after taking a parasite a D warmer. I'm not saying it works or doesn't work. I'm just saying this information is out there and this machine also has the ability to address certain types of parasitic cells to To bring about destruction.


Okay, and since we're talking about the parasite on your machine, does it, what does it do? Does it do something to the parasite or what does it? Because you're talking about? I mean it does the organism.

Sharon Krahn:

So the parasite would technically like swell up and then and then pop.


Yeah that's what I'll spill out, I guess, and baby syndrome, you know, I think I just had to imagine what the little parasite is doing when it hears the frequency and it's, you know, it's just I know. But I wonder too.

Sharon Krahn:

If that's what some people get real like they get a lot of some they'll get the die-off and it feels real bad at first. And I've had people One of my cohorts, she's a practitioner and the first time I got her to do a parasite cleanse she was texting me. She's like Sharon, I feel so sick and we're like, yeah, yeah, because I don't do that to to people that you know are new to this, but she's a nurse practitioner. So I was like, yeah, I keep going, you're not gonna die, yeah, and she vomited up like this Alien hairball thing I don't know what it was, it was disgusting and and it was like I don't know what that was, but you should not have had that in your stomach. It was not along there, but she's been all over the world.

Sharon Krahn:

And then we've had people. It's funny like I have pictures of people, you know, just like laying nests of eggs in the toilet and tapeworms, and you know we always hear, oh, I wish I had a tapeworm. And then it's like, yeah, that's, you don't really want that no and I've had people who are Normal-weight or even overweight past tapeworms.

Sharon Krahn:

Well, how that happened, you know. And there's biofilm which is the mucus I call it apartment buildings for bugs. It kind of holds everything. You know, there's a lot that can come out, so and that's, and that's other parasite work too, so we got to do a parasite episode.


With pictures. Yeah, you got a picture. Well, I know that after the last episode that we did talk a lot about like what people claim, that rife can treat a lot of different health Conditions so I just wanted maybe if you could share some examples Of what you feel are kind of more accurate on what are the health claims and the benefits of it.

Sharon Krahn:

Well, yeah, I try to be a little measured with that. I do find it useful. We don't claim it heals anything, but it is a great, a great tool. Can it heal? Probably, but we don't exercise control over that. I don't have Double-blind, you know, random controlled trial. I don't have that and and I don't think it's out there and I don't think it ever will be.

Sharon Krahn:

But we use rife for everything from parasite infections, dental abscesses, insomnia, hormone imbalances, fatigue, joint pain, yeah, a lot of the things that I've already gallstones, cirrhosis, appendicitis and I think it's important to say, okay, oh, hold the line. If somebody comes in with appendicitis, we're not saying don't go to the hospital, oh, sit down with the bulb, yeah, but, um, it's one of those things like where you see, okay, and just because you get going on antibiotics doesn't mean that your appendicitis pain goes away, but it, using the rife, can help with the inflammation, and inflammation is what causes pain, and so, um, there are a lot of situations in which using the rife as part of Other, you know, a bigger plan can really help make a person more comfortable as they go through the process of healing. And it's just to like we talked about with people who have electrohypersensitivity syndrome or don't detox. Well, everybody gets a different. I mean not everybody, but not everybody gets the same effect From I, so I think that's important.


Yeah, that kind of goes hand in hand with potential risk side effects. You talked a little bit about that with dr Howard too.

Sharon Krahn:

Yeah, but you know we should reiterate that definitely like people. If you, if you're a person who, like, freaks out with strobe lights. I have a daughter that she. So I have four daughters and they went to a nightclub Part of their sister's night and she was just being a really good sport and she has never done well with like blue Christmas lights. She's like, oh, who would do that? Or disco balls. Yeah, so they went to nightclub and they sent a picture to our family text and she's got her. She's on the table with her eyes covered. You can tell she's just like Lord, please make it go away. Yeah, so people like that probably aren't gonna do well with Rife and we're I do want to try. Oh, my shuman wave, it turned, it finished. Yeah, I'm all grounded.

Sharon Krahn:

Now, people who have like pacemakers or the defibrillate, like the implanted cardioverter defibrillator thing, those definitely people with epilepsy or prone to seizures, like the strobe light things. You know that can be problematic and and the company itself says nobody under 10 or in pregnancy, even though I mean there's no, there's no study and there's no evidence showing either of those statuses affects a person. But I guess you know, like Dr Howard said, they have to draw the line somewhere.

Sharon Krahn:

Yeah, well it's just important for any person thinking to take this on whether you're gonna do, you know, a diet, whether you're gonna get plastic surgery, whether you're gonna use a rife machine, get a COVID shot, you need to. You need to look at the evidence, weigh the evidence that you do find and make your decision for yourself. Is this something I want to try? Do I think this will help me? And talk to people you know? Try to talk to people who've done it before and we always tell people, hey, come try it and let's make sure you can tolerate it before you jump out there and spend $10,000 on a system you know yeah, and and finding a good rife practitioner.


I mean, how would an individual determine whether, first of all, rife is suitable a complementary or alternative treatment option for their health needs, and how do they find a good rife practitioner?

Sharon Krahn:

it's important to work with a knowledgeable practitioner, especially if you have a real big issue and I think you know to the general public.

Sharon Krahn:

Be open to hearing all that a practitioner has to say, because if you are of the mindset that, hey, rife is gonna fix everything, you're probably in for disappointment. That's why we require anyone who calls to use rife they have to come in and have an appointment with one of our practitioners so that we can kind of get a get a feel for what's going on with you and what do you understand rife to offer and can we help you determine maybe the best path forward or the best way to start using rife, so that people don't just jump out there and do all the kill progress, you know, and then they feel bad or they have a headache for five days afterwards. We want people to use rife correctly and successfully because it gives rife a good name. That gives us a good name and you know we're really furthering great alternative tools for the general public and you have access to these things and that's what we want things that everybody has access to.


Yeah and should listeners be aware, or what should they be aware of when they're seeking a rife treatment or a device like I mean, even if they went by, I, you know, I know you can go to true rife and buy your own. So I mean you want to add a little.

Sharon Krahn:

I mean I know they can call you guys of course they can call us yes, yeah. Well, I think you know there's so many new things that pop up all the time and I think it's important, just like look around for reviews, ask your friends unless you're the freak and all of your friends think you're crazy. Maybe look outside the box goes somewhere else. There are Facebook groups where people use rife. You can you, you know, look at stuff like that. I have people ask me all the time about technologies I've never heard of and I think we're always learning. It's just important for me.

Sharon Krahn:

I try to do my due diligence. I try to ask around does anybody else know about this? I'll go look it up on the internet. I look in some of my journals and people that I follow and sometimes I come across and I'm like, no, not doing that.

Sharon Krahn:

But if, if you can try to understand why something is purported to work, I think that that can give you an inkling as to whether or not it's something that may serve you well, because a lot of times you're gonna be, you will be your own best advocate. You understand what you are feeling. You understand what it took for you to get as low as you are and you know what makes you feel better. So I think it's important don't let people talk you out of that. Don't be gaslit or ignored or marginalized.

Sharon Krahn:

Just because you want to try something different, go for it. Try a few things out. We always tell people want to buy after the first time or like, just try it three, four more times, because we would just hate for somebody to go spend that much money and then have something that they're like I can't use it, it just I don't feel good. So but but that's the nice thing about Rife is there's it's so accessible for the public. So just find a place that offers it, go talk to people who use it and then you know, try it out a few times and see what you think and go find the one that seems to work best for you yeah, well, what you?


feel good about yeah, and exactly what do you guys offer with the Rife services and how do people get connected with you to be able to use that?

Sharon Krahn:

so we use the true Rife systems and we'll link to them also in the show notes. But for us we will either muscle test or we'll use our computer ice testing, the EAV testing, to determine what frequency sets we're going to use with a person, what organ tissue gland we're going after, what action we're after, and then we often customize or stack programs, like you mentioned earlier, because sometimes it's that they need a couple of things and so maybe we have two or three or four programs that we want to do, one right after the other, and we have the ability to customize and and make these programs exactly what our clients need. And we try we help them determine how many sessions they should do before we change and what to expect afterwards, how to go home and practice supportive measures. Like you know, if using some people need a binder after they do Rife and some people need to go take a napsum salt bath, and it's just different for everybody.


So we work with people wherever they're at and try to make their Rife experience a really beneficial experience well, I can attest that you do take care of people in a very well-rounded, logical safe, but this seems like the perfect place to in the conversation on Rife. We've now our second episode on it. We hope the listeners really have enjoyed this. We hope that the information has been valuable and we would love to hear from you. And if you've watched the episode on YouTube, please like and subscribe to our channel and also check us out on Facebook and Instagram, as Sharon mentioned, for more information about Rife. Visit k6wellnesscom to schedule an appointment and, until next time, take care of yourself, because your health is worth fighting for thank you, sharon thank you, crystal.

Exploring Rife Technology in Wellness
The Power of Rife Technology
Understanding Rife Therapy Frequency Healing
Rife Frequency Therapy
Parasite Cleanses and Rife Machines