Healing On The Go

#4.1 Traumatic body imprint

February 26, 2024 Pamela Streit Season 1
#4.1 Traumatic body imprint
Healing On The Go
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Healing On The Go
#4.1 Traumatic body imprint
Feb 26, 2024 Season 1
Pamela Streit

When we are used to living in chaos and rigidity, calm, safe, and regulated might be very new for us – even scary. 


It is reprogramming our inner HOME STATE (maybe) into the complete opposite; for myself, this was LOVE = FEAR, FEAR = LOVE. This means for us to learn how to hold ourselves again and connect with our bodies and sensations because trauma may have held us for a long time into FUNCTIONAL FREEZE or in between FIGTH and FLIGHT (FAWN).


We all deserve to be well.


Healing trauma, generational trauma sets us and future generations into a new foundation for humans to stay regulated, express emotions freely, and experience joy, abundance, and inner peace. 


The next 20-minute practice allows a meaningful reflection on “How do I relate to myself”.


Resources to look into:

How the body keeps the score on trauma | Bessel van der Kolk for Big Think+ (youtube.com)


Support the Show.

Don't forget to connect with me on Instagram @unseen.dynamics.

To apply for my 1:1 FREE SPIRIT's rising Mentorship, click here.



Latest Episodes & 🔥 Free Ressources

#0 My pathway for you
#1 Somatic Shamanism - It all starts with you
#1.1-.1.1 - 🔥7 bit-sized days to accelerate your life
#2 One day I know who I am - Building a foundation
#2.1-2.4 🔥3 bit-sized days to step into your core values
#2.5 🔥My life areas (guided visualization journey)
#3 Safety, Expansion, Release
#4 Safety
#4.1 Traumatic body imprint
#4.1.1 🔥20-min my relationship with myself
#4.2 ...

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Show Notes

When we are used to living in chaos and rigidity, calm, safe, and regulated might be very new for us – even scary. 


It is reprogramming our inner HOME STATE (maybe) into the complete opposite; for myself, this was LOVE = FEAR, FEAR = LOVE. This means for us to learn how to hold ourselves again and connect with our bodies and sensations because trauma may have held us for a long time into FUNCTIONAL FREEZE or in between FIGTH and FLIGHT (FAWN).


We all deserve to be well.


Healing trauma, generational trauma sets us and future generations into a new foundation for humans to stay regulated, express emotions freely, and experience joy, abundance, and inner peace. 


The next 20-minute practice allows a meaningful reflection on “How do I relate to myself”.


Resources to look into:

How the body keeps the score on trauma | Bessel van der Kolk for Big Think+ (youtube.com)


Support the Show.

Don't forget to connect with me on Instagram @unseen.dynamics.

To apply for my 1:1 FREE SPIRIT's rising Mentorship, click here.



Latest Episodes & 🔥 Free Ressources

#0 My pathway for you
#1 Somatic Shamanism - It all starts with you
#1.1-.1.1 - 🔥7 bit-sized days to accelerate your life
#2 One day I know who I am - Building a foundation
#2.1-2.4 🔥3 bit-sized days to step into your core values
#2.5 🔥My life areas (guided visualization journey)
#3 Safety, Expansion, Release
#4 Safety
#4.1 Traumatic body imprint
#4.1.1 🔥20-min my relationship with myself
#4.2 ...