Missing in America The First 24 Hours

Hollow Promises: When the Search for Brittany Horn Duff Goes Cold

July 19, 2024 The First 24 Hours Episode 31
Hollow Promises: When the Search for Brittany Horn Duff Goes Cold
Missing in America The First 24 Hours
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Missing in America The First 24 Hours
Hollow Promises: When the Search for Brittany Horn Duff Goes Cold
Jul 19, 2024 Episode 31
The First 24 Hours

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On June 13th, 2022, Brittany Horn Duff left a panicked voicemail on her friend’s phone stating that she was scared and in Louisa, Kentucky on her way home…but Brittany never made it home. It has been two years since Brittany vanished

This is not just a story about a missing mother of four, a loving cousin, a best friend, or a brother’s sister. This story is also about police corruption within West Virginia’s law enforcement agencies. What I will be discussing has already been published by the media and is no secret to locals…but it is a secret to those outside Kermit. This is a story that needs to be shared because the world has not heard it; and Kermit residents are too scared to talk about her disappearance.

Please click on https://missingfirst24.com/podcast-shows/ for a transcript and works cited for this show. 

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On June 13th, 2022, Brittany Horn Duff left a panicked voicemail on her friend’s phone stating that she was scared and in Louisa, Kentucky on her way home…but Brittany never made it home. It has been two years since Brittany vanished

This is not just a story about a missing mother of four, a loving cousin, a best friend, or a brother’s sister. This story is also about police corruption within West Virginia’s law enforcement agencies. What I will be discussing has already been published by the media and is no secret to locals…but it is a secret to those outside Kermit. This is a story that needs to be shared because the world has not heard it; and Kermit residents are too scared to talk about her disappearance.

Please click on https://missingfirst24.com/podcast-shows/ for a transcript and works cited for this show. 

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On June 13th, 2022, Brittany Horn Duff left a panicked voicemail on her friend’s phone stating that she was scared and in Louisa, Kentucky on her way home…but Brittany never made it home. It has been two years since Brittany vanished

Welcome to Missing in America the First 24 Hours, I’m your host, Christine. Every two weeks I’ll be sharing the story of a missing person or a true crime case either in a narration form with an interview or sharing each case in a story format. I am a certified domestic victim advocate and child advocate with a degree in criminal justice and psychology. After sharing each story, I will give you information about where you can call in with tips and maybe you can be the one that solves a case.

This is not just a story about a missing mother of four, a loving cousin, a best friend, or a brother’s sister. This story is also about police corruption within West Virginia’s law enforcement agencies. What I will be discussing has already been published by the media and is no secret to locals…but it is a secret to those outside Kermit. Now, I want to be very clear. I am a huge supporter of law enforcement. My father was a sheriff, and my brother was a sheriff. My degree is in criminal justice. However, this is a story that needs to be shared because the world has not heard it; and Kermit residents are too scared to talk. 

Kermit, West Virginia sits in Mingo, County, population 217 according to the census reporter (Census Reporter, n.d.). But when the tiny town formed a United States Post Office, President Theodore Roosevelt renamed the town, Kermit, after his son in 1906 (Lilly, 2018) (Kenny, 1945, p. pp. 347–348). Kermit was originally named East Warfield, Lower Burning Creek, and Warfield, West Viriginia. While this small town was a thriving coal mining town, it is unfortunately been called the “ground zero” for the opioid epidemic (Lilly, 2018). In fact, the epidemic was so bad in this small town that wholesaler pharmaceutical companies inundated Kermit with more than 12 million hydrocodone tablets between 2007 and 2012. To put that into perspective, that equals about 30,000 pills for each Kermit resident (Lilly, 2018). Stick with me because all of this will make sense regarding Brittany’s disappearance. According to the Guardian, pharmaceutical companies actually shipped 30m opioids to the small little town which is one of the poorest countries in America. It was so bad that they “shipped more narcotic painkillers to Mingo County per head of population than to any other place in the US” (McGreal, 2019). Take it one step further and hundreds of people would line up outside an old feed store waiting for their prescription while groups of doctors would dole out opioid prescriptions all set up by a federally convicted pimp fresh out of prison (McGreal, 2019). Kermit, WV had become a vulnerable little town. The once booming coal mining town was left to deal with addicted people who desperately needed help (Beale, 2020) and yet, no one came until it was too late. 

Brittany Horn Duff was born on October 29th, 1989. Her mother would make her dresses and treated her like a princess. Brittany and her mother had a special bond. She was a fun-loving teenager, and everyone liked her. She had a beautiful smile and four precious children. 

On April 22nd, 2024, a relative of Brittany’s posted on a Facebook group, “Missing Person Brittany Duff” that law enforcement had used Brittany as a confidential informant. She said that Brittany said that her life was being threatened. Brittany was scared to give up names to law enforcement for fear she would put her family in jeopardy. The Mingo County Sheriff’s office put out a post stating that they had no missing persons cases and no unsolved homicides. They listed Brittany’s disappearance as voluntary (MissingInWVBrittanyDuff, 2022). 

Now we need to go back in time to 2008 so you can understand the story. Brittany married Clyde Melvin Duff, Jr. soon after she graduated from high school. The two would have four children. Unfortunately, Brittany and Clyde had a substance abuse problem like many in Mingo County ergo the pharmaceutical companies flooding their small town with narcotics. Brittany gave birth to twins and the children would be placed in the custody of her uncle (Voice, 2023). Later, the couple would have two more children. Having their first set of children taken away, the two did everything they could to provide for their kids, but because of their substance abuse, the two would relinquish their children to her brother (Voice, 2023). While Brittany struggled with drug addiction, she also was a victim of domestic violence (Voice, 2023). 

Brittany finally had enough and moved in with her mother, looking for a new beginning (Voice, 2023). However, in 2016, Clyde would forcibly enter the home by kicking down the door. He began a verbal altercation with Brittany and ended up shooting Christopher Horn, Duff’s brother- in- law with black Colt .38 Special firearm and sustained a gunshot wound (Gilbert Times WV, 2016). This altercation took place at a home on Jennies creek road. Duff told officers that a struggle ensued over control of the gun. While the two struggled for the weapon, Duff pulled out a knife and stabbed Christopher in the chest. Duff then went on to say during the police investigation that the gun went off. 

Later, officers would interview Brittany where she would explain that Clyde had engaged with her about the custody of their kids prior to Clyde arriving at the scene. Brittany told officers that Clyde had strangled her, pulled her hair, and forced their child out of her hands (Gilbert Times WV, 2016). Ultimately, Clyde was charged with felony and misdemeanor charges related to burglary, malicious wounding, three counts of domestic assault and three counts of domestic battery on June 24, 2016 (Gilbert Times WV, 2016). Sadly, six years later Brittany would vanish off the face of the earth. 

Brittany would go back to live with Duff and sadly the abuse would begin again. But when Clyde was sent to prison for theft, in 2022, Brittany decided one last time to start fresh. Her father who had passed left her a trailer and she decided to make it her home. She started having visitation with her children and life was looking up. But she still wanted more change. She connected with her aunt who lived out of state and went to a treatment facility for five months. After she completed her treatment, she returned to West Virginia because her children were there. She needed to be close to them. But when Brittany came back to West Virginia and returned to her trailer she found that it was burned down. Brittany moved in with her mother. She had told her mom that she really felt somebody was out to hurt her, she was frightened, but she wouldn’t tell her mother any more than that (Voice, 2023). 

Fast forward to July 12, 2022. Thirty-two-year-old, Brittany Horn Duff was last seen leaving home on June 12th, 2022, located at 1561 Jennies Creek Road in Kermit, WV (MissingInWVBrittanyDuff, 2022). Allegedly, she left the house with only a tan backpack wearing blue jean shorts, a pink shirt, and Nike shoes with a green, neon swoosh with her hair braided. She was also wearing a gold chain necklace, and a bangle bracelet (MissingInWVBrittanyDuff, 2022). However, it is also alleged that Brittany was last seen at a home in a holler called Chapman located in LOUISA, KY with a man named Robert Chaffin who allegedly goes by the name, “Chicago”. Unfortunately, there is no confirmation she ever left that area (MissingInWVBrittanyDuff, 2022). This is all according to Missing in West Virginia Brittany Duff on Facebook. I want to be very clear here. Mr. Robert Chafin is not a suspect, a person of interest, nor has he been arrested in relation to her case, to my knowledge. Anyone mentioned in this story is always presumed innocent until proven otherwise. I contacted the Mingo County police department for a FOIA request, and my request was declined, as I was directed to the West Virginia State Police. I am still awaiting their response. 

In 2022, the family had a private investigator named Jeff Lewis, take on the case pro-bono. He has turned down other cases to dedicate 100% of his time to helping find Brittany. It is unknown if he is still investigating her disappearance (MissingInWVBrittanyDuff, 2022). 

But while Brittany’s family struggled for answers, her case was handed off to West Virginia State Police and this is where the story becomes even creepier, disturbing, and ominous. First off, West Virginia State police never conducted any searches for Brittany, and they never followed up on leads, all this according to a family member on Missing Brittany Duff’s Facebook group (MissingInWVBrittanyDuff, 2022). 

If you don’t live in West Virginia, you probably haven’t heard about the West Virginia State Police scandal. It actually becomes important in Brittany’s case. According to WCHS Eyewitness News, Trooper Comer was a whistle blower against the West Virginia State Police due to questionable police behavior. Soon after, the law enforcement agency would be investigated. West Virginia State police would charge Comer with domestic violence charges including strangulation and domestic battery, allegedly during a custody swap with the mother of his children, another State Trooper at the same precinct, Vicki Marra which would later be recanted (WCHS Eyewitness News, 2023). Ultimately, the charges against Corporal Comer would be dropped. 

The West Virginia State police sent emails back and forth within the department discussing arresting Comer before his grievance hearing. Emails were exchanged between Captain Stainaker, Major Widmeyer and Major Findley as they discussed his impending arrest suggesting pinging his cell phone to find him. They put out BOLOs on Comer, getting Comer’s license plate tags and checking LPRS which are license plate readers. Major Findley told the group to be careful, they didn’t know his state of mind and didn’t know what they might encounter. Sargent Kiefer, the officer they sent to go pick up Comer at almost midnight was not told about the DVP or the warrant. Sargent Kiefer was advised by his superiors to tell Corporal Comer to arm himself with his service revolver and then transport him to the Parkersburg detachment. My question? Why would they want to tell Corporal Comer to arm himself when he was an alleged violent felon when they are about to arrest him thirty minutes later? And right after midnight, Captain Stainaker said in an email that the cell phone ping was denied, and they were unable to find Comer. Later that morning, Colonel Cahill responded and said he wanted a chronological timeline and action taken regarding Trooper Vicki, the mother of Comer’s children (WCHS Eyewitness News, 2023). 

In a letter from Huddleston, he said that he was contacted by Trooper Marra in early January 9th through January 12th of 2023. In the letter she accused Trooper Comer of domestic assault, domestic battery, and stated that he was following her which made her feel uncomfortable. However, West Virginia State police made no attempt to arrest Trooper Comer until the day before his grievance hearing. Sargent Huddleston then sent an email to Major Findley stating that if Trooper Comer showed up, they should have something in place. The Major agreed and suggested they have everything in place such as a warrant, serving him with a DVP and putting him on administrative leave. But their plan was thwarted because Trooper Comer surrendered himself to Jackson County. On February 26th, 2023, Sargent Huddleston sent an email to Major Findley where he references the WCHS Eyewitness News piece about them. He states that there must be obstruction of justice by Comer’s attorney. Trooper Comer’s case regarding West Virginia State police actions has been turned over to the FBI (WCHS Eyewitness News, 2023).

In 2022, Governor Jim Justice launched an investigation into the West Virginia State Police. WCHS Eyewitness News received an anonymous letter from within the police department who did not want to sign the letter due to fear of retaliation, so Eyewitness News started looking into the allegations themselves. Those allegations were misuse of federal and state dollars, using ghost accounts to purchase personal items from the public’s money, high level staff engaging in inappropriate behavior in State vehicles and office buildings, and illegal overtime practices which resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments. When Eyewitness news took their findings to Governor Justice, they began an investigation led by Homeland Security. The inspector in charge of the investigation admitted that some of the allegations are true and there are additional wrongdoings not mentioned in the anonymous letter. The West Virginia senate became interested in the case and was looking into it in 2022 (WCHS Eyewitness News, 2023a). In 2023, Federal investigators began investigating hidden cameras in the women’s locker room along with a storage container full of footage (CBS 13 News & Patterson, 2023). 

According to WBOY news, there are seventy-two new lawsuits of not only hidden cameras in the Junior Trooper Academy in women’s locker rooms, but sexual assaults and physical assaults towards women (WBOY News & Lynch, 2024). 

Now, stay with me because this all ties into Brittany’s case. On June 2, 2023, Trooper Cory Maynard responded to a shooting in Mingo County on Beech Creek Rd. He was ambushed and shot. Sadly, Maynard passed away due to his injuries (WCHS Eyewitness News, 2023b). Sargent Maynard was the chief investigator for Brittany’s case (WSAZ NewsChannel 3, 2023). 

So, let me tie this all together so it makes better sense. Because West Virginia State police have found themselves in middle of a horrific scandal, all of their prior arrests and criminal cases may have to be gone through to see if any convictions were based on any of these state troopers’ testimony (The Civil Rights Lawyer, 2023). If so, those convictions could potentially be overturned. What’s worse, is Brittany Horn Duff’s case was not given the attention it deserved because of alleged police misconduct and the federal investigations that ensued. Brittany’s case was lost and ignored. 

Brittany is 6’1”, weighs approximately 130 pounds, has long brown hair, and blue eyes. She has a tattoo with the name Sparki tattooed on her neck and her children’s names tattooed on her wrists. 

Brittany’s family has held candlelight vigils and conducted their own search and rescues, going door to door, handing out and hanging flyers, climbing into wells, and searching through wooded areas. All with no help from law enforcement. Brittany’s family has said on her missing Facebook page that they just want to know what happened to her. They want to know where she is so they can bring her home. They have pleaded with the public that they can send them anonymous information or tips. Please, if you have any information that can help bring Brittany home, contact the police. Brittany and her family deserve justice. 

If you have any information on Brittany’s disappearance, contact the Williamson Detachment of West Virginia State Police at 304-235-6000. Also, if you think you might have a tip, visit our website at https://missingfirst24.com/anonymous-tip-reporting/ to submit a confidential report. Know someone who went missing? Help us raise awareness for other cases by subscribing to Missing in America the First 24 Hours on your favorite podcast platform or on YouTube.

Thank you to Evaporate the Missing, a missing persons advocacy group that has a website dedicated to the missing. Please check out their website which I will link below. Their coverage was priceless to Brittany’s story. 

Thank you, Rhoda Burks, for sharing your content! Please check out her channel and subscribe! I will post her link in the description as well. 


Rhoda Burks – Tour of Kermit, Mingo Co, WV March 2024. 

Thank you for listening to Missing in America the First 24 Hours. Thanks to listeners like you, we can raise awareness about these critical first 24 hours of a missing persons case. As always, stay safe. 


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Beale, L. (2020, April 11). Welcome to Kermit, WV, Pop. 382 and 9 Million Pain Meds. The Daily Beast. https://www.thedailybeast.com/welcome-to-mud-lick-wv-pop-382-and-9-million-pain-meds

CBS 13 News, & Patterson, J. (2023, July 21). West Virginia State Police give progress report on federal, internal investigations. Https://Www.wowktv.com/News/West-Virginia/West-Virginia-State-Police-Investigation/West-Virginia-State-Police-Give-Progress-Report-On-Federal-Internal-Investigations/.

Census Reporter. (n.d.). Census profile: Kermit, WV. Census Reporter. Retrieved July 12, 2024, from https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5443300-kermit-wv/

Gilbert Times WV. (2016, February 6). WVSP arrest Crum man on multiple charges. Domesticviolence.networkofcare.org. https://domesticviolence.networkofcare.org/tarrant-tx/CommunityResources/News/Article?articleId=68394

Kenny, H. (1945). West Virginia Place Names (p. pp. 347–348). The Place Name Press.

Lilly, J. (2018, January 19). The Opioid Epidemic in Kermit, W.Va. West Virginia Public Broadcasting. https://wvpublic.org/the-opioid-epidemic-in-kermit-w-va/

McGreal, C. (2019, October 2). Why were millions of opioid pills sent to a West Virginia town of 3,000? The Guardian; The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/02/opioids-west-virginia-pill-mills-pharmacies

MissingInWVBrittanyDuff. (2022, June). Log in or sign up to view. Www.facebook.com. https://www.facebook.com/MissingInWVBrittanyDuff

Rhoda Burks. (2024, March 19). Tour of Kermit, Mingo Co, WV, March 2024. YouTube. https://youtu.be/bmZYLCTaxNM?si=DckT9KYLIW-z1i-m

Schulz, C. (2024, March 27). Superintendent Of State Police Provides Updates On Investigations, Reforms. West Virginia Public Broadcasting. https://wvpublic.org/superintendent-of-state-police-provides-updates-on-investigations-reforms/

The Civil Rights Lawyer. (2023, February 17). BREAKING: WV State Police IMPLODES | Whistleblower Tells All. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBILmuRlLl0

Voice, T. (2023, February 21). Country Roads, take her home. Evaporate. https://www.evaporatethemissing.com/post/country-roads-take-her-home

WBOY News, & Lynch, J. (2024, February 27). WV State Police Investigation: 72 new lawsuits allege sexual misconduct, list whistleblower as defendant. Https://Www.wboy.com/News/Crime/Wv-State-Police-Investigation-72-New-Lawsuits-Allege-Sexual-Misconduct-List-Whistleblower-As-Defendant/.

WCHS Eyewitness News. (2023a, February 15). Eyewitness News investigation reveals alleged wrongdoing by W.Va. State Police. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlxHyWNpOPU&list=PLy0GWRlHjPPZytHCyn2Pdh1eNFggK00SN

WCHS Eyewitness News. (2023b, May 10). Emails between WVSP brass detail attempts to arrest whistleblower behind anonymous letter. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOFkINwelaw&t=255s

WCHS Eyewitness News. (2023c, June 4). West Virginia community mourns loss of trooper. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nde5IT3LNUM

WSAZ NewsChannel 3. (2023, June 26). Brother searches for missing sister. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVs-zqcwL3M



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