Apricot Jams


Apricot Jams Season 2 Episode 14

00:00 Purity • 
00:43 Titty streamers • 
01:31 Like dropping • 
02:09 Embarassed • 
02:31 Douchebag? • 
03:00 The last word • 
03:45 Kamikaze • 
04:21 Slow start • 
04:41 Two kinds of assholes • 
05:35 Soul burn • 
06:14 Cucumber • 
06:45 Hate is easy • 
07:47 How to medium • 
08:25 Blessings and disasters • 
09:15 Outro • • 

Featured Music: 
Emancipator - When I go •  
Groove Armada - Sun Toucher • 
Arkisit - Fill Your Coffee • 
Charles Bradley - You Think I Don't Know, But I Know • 
Chapter VII: The Glitch Mob - Interbeing • 
Flitzsuppe - Urban Density • 
Clozee - Secret Place - Tor Remix • 
Freddie Joachim - Midnight Trains • • 

My Drawings: 
www.instagram.com/_apricotjams • • 

www.twitch.tv/apricotjams • • 

Published: April 24, 2019 (2019-04-24) • 
Software: Adobe Audition • • 

© 2019 Apricot Jams. All rights reserved.

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There's really nothing in this world that's pure. Purity is just an idea. It's an idea created by people who are trying to sell you stuff to make their products seem better. It's used by racist people to make their genes seem better. Purebred animals... banging their cousins. Pure blooded royalty... banging their sisters. Pretty Gross. Nowadays, purity really only means one thing... incest, So there's this thing now with ladies streaming video games with their titties out in order to get views and get famous, I guess. What's weird about this is if you put everyone in the same room, both the streamer and the audience, and it's a pretty young audience... The sheer amount of bone or energy, what honestly suffocate the room. It's the same way in the chat of the streamers. Just a bunch of like weird comments. The streamers banning everybody left and right for saying anything boob related. It's like where am I? And yeah, I looked into it for science. If you're trying to grow on Instagram, here's some advice that worked for me. If somebody drops you a like you should probably go drop them a like, cause likes, are like the currency of the Instagram economy, a trade, a transaction and plus you might see some dope shit on their page too... they liked you, you might like them. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with a little inspiration. At the end of the day, all you want to say is, hey, I see you like my shit. I got some other shit here. I think you might also like. Growing, changing, moving forward in life. Sometimes I look back and go, man, I was such a dumb ass and I'm just, I'm embarrassed of all the dumb shit I did. But you know, I know that for the most part it's all right. People are forgiving in general... unless they're douchebags or unless you raped somebody. So I realized I didn't know what a Douche bags were like, I didn't know what they look like. You know, that thing thats supposed to make vaginas smell good? The Feminine Product? Yeah. I didn't know what it looked like so I googled it. But apparently they don't exist because all I've found were backpacks called Douche bags and really, really orange people. It seems like almost every culture across the world has a word that they like to end sentences with. Like in southern California where I live, I find myself using"dude" and"man" at the ends of sentences for no reason. Even when there's no dude or man there, it just rolls off the tongue. It sounds nice. You know Canadians use AYE for the same reason. Armenians have two different versions of this. Eli and Gor, which both do the same thing. It almost means"person" kind of. Really what I think is happening is it's music. It's like the, it's like a period at the end of the sentence or a note at the end of the melody. Hurricanes and typhoons are the same thing and they devastated Japan for centuries, forever basically. But when the Mongolian ships were coming across that ocean, that divine wind came through and saved Japan's ass. That's what kamikaze means. It means"Divine Wind" and it's named after those hurricanes that took out those ships. Fucking epic. If you're afraid of creating shit because you think it's going to suck... it is it is going to suck. But everyone sucks in the beginning. Everyone's gonna do bad work. You just got to keep at it, keep at it. It's going to keep getting better, little by little. No one remembers the bad work in the beginning for anything, they glorify it. There's two kinds of assholes in this world. Hot peppers and poisonous berries... And I liked the peppers, because the peppers are honest. You bite one of those guys, your mouth's going to burn. It's going to tell you what it is. The pepper goes, Yo, this is me. Take me as I am or get the fuck Outta here, but this is who I am. It owns it. Unlike the fucking poisonous berry, tastes all sweet, going in, feel good for a few hours and then next thing you know you're bleeding out of your ass. There are definitely days where the mistakes of my past weigh a lot more than they used to, and they just dig into my soul all day long. It's like I'm having a, I'm having an emotional and mental period. It is like a period. It's a period of sadness. It's like a storm I have to weather, and just like anything else it's becoming a skill. The more I do it, the better I get at it. Get better at it, at navigating those dark, muddy waters. One of the funniest and weirdest insults in Armenian calling somebody a cucumber. Cucumber. I think it means stupid or bumpy skin or small Dick. You take your pick. I guess it depends on what kind of part of the world you're in. Cause Persian cucumbers are small so it's an insult. But American cucumbers are pretty fucking big so I don't think you would have quite the same effect over here. Something that kind of mind fucks me on a regular basis is just knowing how easy it is to be like missjudged and misperceived by other people based on how you look, what you're wearing, who you're with, what you're doing. So many reasons, you know, cause everyone lives their own life, has their own experiences and associates, different things with different things. You know, we're all so different. Raised different, live different, our day to day is different and you judge everyone else based on your experiences as if you know, we judge people as if we know for sure who they are and what they're doing. I mean, yeah there are certain tells but for the most part we don't know. We don't know. We just think we do. And that's crazy because no one knows your story. No one knows where you from, where you've been, where you're going. But one thing's for sure, it takes a lot less work to hate someone than it does to put effort into understanding them. Dogs are so intense men, everything they do, they intensely protect your fucking house. Anything that moves, they can sense it from like a mile away. And they also love intensely, you know, you leave the house for 10 minutes and it's like you were dead for 10 years man. They just explode. They don't know how to medium. They don't know medium, zero or a hundred with dogs and that's why I love him The same way the tide goes in and out, the same way the sun sets and rises. Our lives are full of blessings and disasters. We get the good stuff because there are happy things go our way. Then things go south and not so good... thats just the way it is. It's always going to be that way. No matter how good is how comfortable you think can be, no matter how satisfied you are. It always changes, and the best skill that you can really learn in this crazy as the world, is being good at adapting to changes. Thanks for listening. That was episode 35 of Apricot Jams. This episode is brought to you by M-Audio because I use their two track mixer for fucking everything. I have to record all this stuff on the go cause I'm driving my baby daughter around every day to the babysitter to babysit, grandma to grandma, and this thing fits right in my bag with my laptop, a few cables and a microphone and I'm ready to go. Highly recommended for anybody who has to travel and record audio. It's been like the best thing ever for me. You can find my drawings on Instagram. Everything you see on the cover with all the eye drawings n shit, I do those, check them out, and yeah, that's it. See you guys later.:)