Local Living

Pioneering Health and Anti-Aging with Dr. Joseph Purita

April 26, 2024 David Conway Season 1 Episode 21
Pioneering Health and Anti-Aging with Dr. Joseph Purita
Local Living
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Local Living
Pioneering Health and Anti-Aging with Dr. Joseph Purita
Apr 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 21
David Conway

Could bad penmanship be a sign of a future in medicine? Dr. Joseph Purita humorously suggests so in our latest podcast episode. Hailing from PUR - FORM in Boca Raton, Dr. Purita, an orthopedic surgeon who has migrated towards regenerative medicine and anti-aging treatments, sits down with us to unpack the science behind his work. With his distinct background that blends traditional orthopedic practices with groundbreaking cell therapies, Dr. Purita is not your average physician. He's a global educator, shaping the future of medical aesthetics and men's health with a shared wisdom that transcends borders – and we've got the inside scoop right here.

As the medical director of PUR - FORM, Dr. Purita takes us through the four foundational elements that make his practice a beacon of innovation. From the quest to quell inflammation – the silent ager within us all – to pioneering men's wellness treatments, his approach is as comprehensive as it is transformative.  Listen to how  how cutting-edge techniques are not only changing lives in Boca Raton but are also being taught to other doctors worldwide. If you're intrigued by the intersection of technology and the human body, this episode promises a blend of personal passion and scientific exploration that's as enlightening as it is engaging.

Visit Pur - Form in Boca Raton

Local Living is a community podcast for Palm Beach to Parkland. Are You A Local Business, Resident, Leader or Non-Profit? If so, we would love to have you on the podcast!
Go to www.locallivingpodcast.com for all of the info.

Show Notes Transcript

Could bad penmanship be a sign of a future in medicine? Dr. Joseph Purita humorously suggests so in our latest podcast episode. Hailing from PUR - FORM in Boca Raton, Dr. Purita, an orthopedic surgeon who has migrated towards regenerative medicine and anti-aging treatments, sits down with us to unpack the science behind his work. With his distinct background that blends traditional orthopedic practices with groundbreaking cell therapies, Dr. Purita is not your average physician. He's a global educator, shaping the future of medical aesthetics and men's health with a shared wisdom that transcends borders – and we've got the inside scoop right here.

As the medical director of PUR - FORM, Dr. Purita takes us through the four foundational elements that make his practice a beacon of innovation. From the quest to quell inflammation – the silent ager within us all – to pioneering men's wellness treatments, his approach is as comprehensive as it is transformative.  Listen to how  how cutting-edge techniques are not only changing lives in Boca Raton but are also being taught to other doctors worldwide. If you're intrigued by the intersection of technology and the human body, this episode promises a blend of personal passion and scientific exploration that's as enlightening as it is engaging.

Visit Pur - Form in Boca Raton

Local Living is a community podcast for Palm Beach to Parkland. Are You A Local Business, Resident, Leader or Non-Profit? If so, we would love to have you on the podcast!
Go to www.locallivingpodcast.com for all of the info.

Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome everyone to Local Living community podcast for Palm Beach to Parkland. I'm David Conway, I'm your host for today's episode and you know I've had a few doctors on here, but today's guest and this is no offense meant to any of my prior guests, but he may have the most impressive credentials of any medical doctor that I've had on here Today we have Dr Joseph Purita. He is the medical director at Pureform in Boca Raton.

Speaker 2:

Doctor, welcome to the podcast. Thank you, and it's an honor to be on your show. Well.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you saying that. You know I did a quick peek at your bio and I wasn't joking. Very impressive. I'd love for you to share with our listeners a little bit more about your medical background, if you could.

Speaker 2:

Well, my medical background is by training. I'm an orthopedic surgeon, board-cert certified in orthopedic surgery, but I've been involved in regenerative medicine and cell therapies for probably the last two decades. I'm a former president of the American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine and I've lectured all over the world. The only continent I haven't been on is Antarctica lecturing. And where'd you go to school, doctor? Georgetown University, college and Med School.

Speaker 1:

And quick question. So you know, growing up, we all hear parents maybe float the idea of us becoming doctors young and a few of us figure out it's not the route for us or we're not qualified. Was it something that you grew towards or you moved towards, or was there a moment when you thought you know what I want to be a?

Speaker 2:

doctor. Well, I always liked science and I always had bad penmanship. So they said bad penmanship, science, this guy should be a doctor. But actually probably in grammar schools. When I said I think I'd like to go into medicine and that pretty much stuck, I was very fortunate because I didn't have to figure out what do I want to do with my life. I had to figure out what specialty to go in medicine, but otherwise it was pretty easy for me.

Speaker 1:

And tell us a little bit more about pure form.

Speaker 2:

Pure form is a very unique practice, to say the least. We have four major pillars that we concentrate on. One is regenerative medicine. Now, when I say that, what do we do? Well, we're basically involved in trying to reduce inflammation and we're trying to basically bring back the clock, so to speak. You know, go to do anti-aging. So what do we have? Basically, we try to cut down on something called inflammation, where aging and inflammation go hand in hand. If you basically cut down inflammation, you slow down and possibly even reverse aging. We also do medical aesthetics. Unlike many places out there, we have methods where we're using your body to heal and make cosmetic perfections even better. We also have wellness services, where we're doing various things to improve the health of your mitochondria, which improves your health. And I'm really excited about our new pillar, which is basically men's health, men's wellness test. You know, basically, you know, going on testosterone therapy and things like that, I think we have one of the wizards of testosterone in this office now.

Speaker 1:

And you hit on something when you started. I've just really started to become more aware of the impact of inflammation and how that affects our day-to-day lives and overall health. Can you tell me a little bit more about that?

Speaker 2:

Well, inflammation basically, like I say, is what causes us to age and it basically affects different pathways. A nice analogy I like to give your people to hear is that your body and your cells are the computer hardware and the pathways in our body are the software. What do you do with your computer when there's a problem? You be rebooted, and that's what we're trying to do here. We're trying to reboot your systems. We do things here that really other places have no idea about, even, and not only do we do it here, but we actually certain techniques that we do. We teach other doctors throughout the united States, europe and everything. My head nurse is going every weekend teaching other doctors how to do certain techniques that we do here. That, to me, is something that you know kind of epitomizes what we do.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's awesome. And so I'm 57. You mentioned men's health Correct, and you mentioned testosterone, I guess also known as T-therapy. I believe. Correct. 57, too late to get started? Is there an age where it's just not worth it anymore or it's too early? What are your?

Speaker 2:

thoughts on that. Doc, depends on the patient, but it's never too late. Okay, now is it early enough? I mean, it depends on your circumstances, and that's why you have to basically be checked by a professional. Okay, but unlike many facilities here, we know how to basically combine traditional testosterone therapy with some of the other modalities that we do here. That's what separates us from the pack by far.

Speaker 1:

Now, there's a lot of conflicting information out there. Can you maybe share with us some myths or misconceptions people may come in with about aging, anti-aging?

Speaker 2:

to stop down aging. Just think about the generation ago people when they were like 60 years old. That was it I mean. Now, well, I guess to me the new 80 is 50. I mean, that's the way I look at things there, and you can see how we're living better. We're living longer. Again, I mentioned it earlier we want to increase our health span. Not only do I want to live to a later age, but I want to live healthy and enjoy that age. Who wants to just live there if you're not aware of your surroundings and not know what's going on and you're feeble? That's not the way to live. We want to increase your health span so you really can live to the fullest, till the very end, and make that very end maybe close to 100 or more.

Speaker 1:

Now I noticed when I was younger I focused more on my outside right. I wanted to look good. As I age, I have become more cognizant of the impacts of my behaviors towards my long-term health and I've been focusing more on the inside or been more motivated by being holistically healthy, and that's probably the wrong term. But let me ask you when someone comes into the office, doc, do you use the way they look as maybe something to tip you off as how healthy they may be? Are there cues or things in someone's looks that can tip you off into how they may or may not be healthy?

Speaker 2:

Sure there is, of course. It's like anything else. I mean, if you see someone who's very much overweight, you know that probably there's some other problems lurking in there. I mean, looks can tell you the story somewhat. If you see someone, you say how old are you? Wow, you're 70. You look more like you know you're 50, something that tells you that there's something going on here that you know.

Speaker 2:

There's a field called epigenetics where genes get turned on or off, and that's really what we're trying to do here. We're trying to manipulate some of these genes to keep them turned on or keep them turned off, et cetera, and you can tell that some people have these traits to begin with and our goal is to basically make them even better. And this epigenetic field is something that's going to be very, very important in the world to come. Epigenetics, epigenetics Turning genes on and off. That's why a 20-year-old doesn't get many of the diseases of people that are older, because his genes are basically turned on and protecting him. As he gets older, these genes get turned off and things start to go awry.

Speaker 1:

Now, doctor, not to peel the onion back too far, but you've, obviously you've gone a long way in your field. Was there a time in your life, maybe, where things weren't going as well as you hoped, or you encountered some challenges which today you use to help you become more successful or maybe helped you get to where you are today?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can absolutely tell you that that's a very interesting story. So a number of years ago, when I was doing joint replacements, I said very interesting story. So a number of years ago, when I was doing joint replacements, I said let me do this PRP stuff. Whatever it is, prp is basically platelet-rich plasma. I started doing that and I said you know, this is really the way things act. This is the way nature acts. I said I'm going to start looking into this and maybe doing this more. And I started doing it.

Speaker 2:

All of a sudden, my associates and partners even said what are you doing here? You know you're doing hocus pocus medicine. This is not real medicine. I said on the contrary, you guys don't know the basic science, because this is how really things work, and I have one of my slides in one of my talks says cells, not doctors, heal patients. No matter what you do as a physician, eventually your cells in your body have to heal it. You get a hip replacement, knee replacement, cardiac surgery. Your cells in your body have to replace and heal things. So that was an aha moment for me and these guys kept making fun of me. Now the same guy said hey, you think I can come over and train with you a couple of days, here and there, and learn how to do this stuff. So you know, I feel vindicated and things have worked out well for me.

Speaker 1:

That's a great story. So can you tell our listeners something you'd really like them to know about Pure Form? There are, there's a lot of, like I said, there's a lot of noise out there, there's choices for for us, but Pure Form is. What do you feel separates you from?

Speaker 2:

other options. Well, one thing we're not is a medical spa or medical wellness facility. We really go into the science. If something can't be shown scientifically to really have the benefits, then we don't want to be involved in it. Okay and simple as that, I mean that's the important thing. We do a lot of cellular therapy here. Simple as that, I mean. That's the important thing. We do a lot of cellular therapy here. And another misconception people say, well, yeah, but to really do that stuff I've got to go to South America, I've got to go overseas, I don't know. Basically, we use the patient's own cells and we can get very good results. That would that I've been doing this for now two decades and the results are there. Proof is in the pudding.

Speaker 1:

So how can our listeners reach you? What's the first step?

Speaker 2:

Well, they can go online and look us up, pureformhealthcom. They can call our number up. I can give it to you 561-368-1880. They can look me up, joe Parita, and you can see all the things. So there's many different ways you get ahold of us and you know, a lot of times we do consults over the phone. We can, you know. I mean, I see people from all over the place and that's not a problem.

Speaker 1:

And to our listeners out there. I looked up Joe Purita, I put doctor in front of it and I can tell you, if you look them up, you're going to be blown away, because a lot of times we you said the word med spa. Correct, this is not a med spa. No, by no means. And when they read through some of your bio, that's the first thing you realize. It's the emphasis on the medical part of it, which I was very impressed by Doc.

Speaker 2:

And all four of the pillars that I mentioned. They all follow the same creed. We really go on to science and we have the top of the top as far as I'm concerned staff, people, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

Well, I hope everyone seeks you out. Dr Purita, thank you for joining us on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

It's my pleasure and my honor speaking with you. Thank you so much, and to our listeners.

Speaker 1:

we appreciate you joining us and we will see you next time on Local Living.