In this episode, Dayna and Rhonda each share the 3 things that surprised us most during the postpartum phase:
Dayna’s 3 things were:
1️⃣ How overwhelmed she was with having visitors
2️⃣ How challenging breastfeeding was for her mentally
3️⃣ How lonely mat leave can be
Rhonda’s 3 things were:
1️⃣ How challenging her second postpartum recovery was after an “easier” recovery after her first
2️⃣ How challenging naps with babies would be
3️⃣ That both of her daughters refused to sleep in the car
This was a fun episode to record to reminisce about our challenging postpartum experiences!
➡️ We would LOVE if you would share this episode with a friend who might appreciate relate to 1 or more these!
Mentioned in this episode:
🔹 Episode #27: The 3 things that surprised us the most during pregnancy
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