Things Leaders Do

AI Tools for Modern Leadership

August 13, 2024 Colby Morris Season 1 Episode 47
AI Tools for Modern Leadership
Things Leaders Do
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Things Leaders Do
AI Tools for Modern Leadership
Aug 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 47
Colby Morris

Can AI transform the way you lead? Discover how advanced systems like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude can revolutionize your leadership toolkit by helping you craft data-driven KPIs and OKRs. This episode of the TLD Podcast uncovers practical examples and actionable prompts that enable these AI tools to act as your strategic business analysts. Learn how to streamline your decision-making processes and align your team's goals more effectively while refining AI-generated insights to suit your unique business needs.

We also dive into the continuous journey of enhancing your leadership skills with the help of AI. This episode emphasizes the importance of experimenting with AI tools and mastering the art of crafting effective prompts. Elevate your leadership by consistently working on and improving your toolkit, embodying the qualities that define successful leaders. Don't miss out on these invaluable tips and insights that will help you strive for excellence. Tune in to our next episode for even more strategies to boost your leadership success.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Can AI transform the way you lead? Discover how advanced systems like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude can revolutionize your leadership toolkit by helping you craft data-driven KPIs and OKRs. This episode of the TLD Podcast uncovers practical examples and actionable prompts that enable these AI tools to act as your strategic business analysts. Learn how to streamline your decision-making processes and align your team's goals more effectively while refining AI-generated insights to suit your unique business needs.

We also dive into the continuous journey of enhancing your leadership skills with the help of AI. This episode emphasizes the importance of experimenting with AI tools and mastering the art of crafting effective prompts. Elevate your leadership by consistently working on and improving your toolkit, embodying the qualities that define successful leaders. Don't miss out on these invaluable tips and insights that will help you strive for excellence. Tune in to our next episode for even more strategies to boost your leadership success.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Things Leaders Do, the podcast that uncovers the secrets of becoming an extraordinary leader. If you're a leader who's constantly seeking growth, inspiration and tangible ways to level up your leadership, then you've come to the right place. Remember, the world needs exceptional leaders, and that leader is you. Now here's your host, colby Morris is you Now.

Speaker 2:

Here's your host, colby Morris. Hey leaders, welcome back to the TLD Podcast. This is me, colby, your host, for what will be a probably short one today, but I'm glad you're here anyway. If you're new here, this podcast is really designed to equip you with actionable tools to help you get better faster. That's pretty much it. I want to make sure that we're less theoretical and we're more actionable when it comes to helping you be a better leader.

Speaker 2:

That being said, I've had some interesting conversations lately. Many of you have reached out on LinkedIn and asked me some questions about some of the previous podcasts, and that's actually where today's topic is going to come from. The last time I spoke about AI, a lot of you had some very interesting questions to follow up with, and I hope I answered some of those, but it definitely let me know that I needed to get on here and be a little bit more specific about how AI can help you as a leader, so I wanted to get up here, give you three ways that AI can help you out. So let's dive in. Ai can help you out, so let's dive in. You know, as leaders literally we're always looking for ways to get more done right To align our teams, track progress more effectively, and one of the top tools that's been at the top of mind for us lately is, again, ai. But the key is learning how to leverage the AI in a way that will really enhance our decision-making. Okay, it's not not just automating tasks. So let's start with KPIs, or key performance indicators. I consider those to be the lifeblood of any organization, but crafting them, that can be a challenge and that's where AI can lend a hand.

Speaker 2:

Here's how you would want to prompt an AI system to help you. And by AI system, I want to just tell you the top three that I use. One is Gemini, that's the Google version, chatgpt, which most of you are mostly familiar with, and then Claude. Those are my three main systems that I use, so I would go into those systems. Sometimes I use all three. I will put the same prompt into all three and just kind of look at the results. I'll actually paste all the results into Word documents and then I'll create my master one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so again back to the prompt. I'd go into, let's say, chat GBT. For this example, I would type this Act as a strategic business analyst and provide me with a set of three to five recommended KPIs to track our progress towards becoming the industry leader in customer satisfaction. The industry leader in customer satisfaction include relevant industry benchmarks and data-driven insights to support your recommendations. Now, that's pretty specific, but I want to point out I told it how to act right, act as a strategic business analyst and then I tell it what I want. I want a set of three to five recommended KPIs in order to do what? To track our progress towards becoming the industry leader. Now, that last part is a little bit more insightful Include relevant industry benchmarks and data driven insights to support your recommendations. So I'm asking it to back up what it's telling me, that it's not just making it up, but that it's actually drawing from standards that already exist.

Speaker 2:

I know you're probably thinking you know, colby, I've been in my industry for years. I know all the benchmarks. Well, you should still ask it. And then you can even include something like Okay, now generate other suggestions that would be a good complement to these that you recommended, some that may not exist, some that are more insightful, some that are more creative, something like that and let it generate those again. Okay, so I've given it this set of points that I wanted to include Okay, I've typed out the full prompt, I'd hit enter and then the AI is going to analyze the factors like my company's historical performance, customer feedback data, competitive intelligence to propose KPIs.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now I probably put those in there as a sidebar. I put you know, kind of how we've been performing, and then it's going to give me some some KPI examples. So like a net promoter score of 85 or higher, aly, active user growth of 15% year over year. Customer churn rate below 5%. The beauty of this approach is that AI is just giving data back suggestions, but again, you're the leader. You're still in control. You can still use your judgment to finalize and really refine those KPIs. Because what if it gave you something that didn't make any sense for your particular business or your particular industry? You can personalize, all right.

Speaker 2:

So KPIs are one thing, but let's look at OKRs. Ok, objectives, key results those can be a little trickier to get right, but again, that's an area where AI can be really a collaborative partner. Imagine you've got a strategic objective like become the industry leader in sustainable manufacturing. You could prompt the AI like this I would type act as a cross-functional strategy consultant Okay, I just told it how to act and provide me with three to five measurable key results that would help us achieve the objective of becoming the industry leader in sustainable manufacturing. And then again, I wanted to back it up. So I'm going to say base your recommendations on best practices, competitor analysis and our own historical performance data, which I will have to input. Okay, the AI, I hit enter and it's going to produce some key results and it'll say something like achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the year, Drive 50% of our total energy consumption from renewable resources within the next three years, or maybe implement a closed loop waste management system that diverts 90% of manufacturing waste from landfills.

Speaker 2:

The AI is drawing on data to identify some ambitious yet really achievable targets. But you, again, as the leader, are still making that final call on which OKRs are going to be the most impactful for your specific business, your specific work environment. All right, let's talk about the last place I would well the last one for this particular discussion. But individual performance plans Okay, this is an area where I think a lot of leaders struggle, because I work with them on this. Okay, they, a lot of them, really struggle with generating these performance plans. But, again, ai can be a real game changer.

Speaker 2:

Okay, imagine you've got an employee review coming up. You could prompt the AI. Hey, act as a human resource consultant and provide me with a draft individual performance plan for Bob, including three to four goals and two to three areas for professional development. Base your recommendations on their job description, past performance reviews and our company's competency model. Now you would have the input against some of that information that it would need. Okay, and then the AI would come back with some recommendations like achieve a customer satisfaction rating of 4.8 or higher, as measured by our post-call survey. Increase quarterly sales of our premium product line by 12%.

Speaker 2:

Implement a new project management system to improve team efficiency. And then it can give you some development areas. Okay, enhance leadership skills by completing a course on effective delegation. Improve business acumen through participation in a finance for non-finance leaders program. Expand technical knowledge of the latest trends. It can give you those goals, it can give you those developmental areas, and you can even tell it what the previous goals have been, what the previous action plans have been, whatever it is that you have already. You can tell it that and it can still generate those suggestions. But again, you're the leader, you're reviewing these recommendations and you can make any necessary adjustments to it? Okay, and then you can discuss the plan with the employee.

Speaker 2:

The AI is simply providing data-driven starting points to make the process more efficient data-driven starting points to make the process more efficient. So we've covered a lot of ground in a short time KPIs, okrs, performance plans and how AI can really enhance all of those leadership tools. The key is to think of AI as really more of a collaborative partner. It's not a replacement for your own thinking and your own decision making. Sure, the technology can crunch the numbers, it can identify patterns, it can propose initial frameworks, but you're still the leader. You are still the one who brings the context, the judgment and, honestly, the human touch to make these tools effective. See, at the end of the day, great leadership is about aligning your team. Okay, and yes, you want to drive progress. You want to unlock each individual's full potential. Unlock each individual's full potential and if you'll leverage AI in your goal setting and your performance management process, you can free up more time. Okay, you can free up some, some of that mental bandwidth to focus on those higher level leadership responsibilities. So don't be afraid to experiment. Okay, get in there. Play around, ask it some questions, just start using it. Find the right balance between your own human insight and the artificial intelligence, because when you strike that balance, that's where you can really make a difference. That's where some magic can happen.

Speaker 2:

Again, I want to thank you all for joining me. If you're getting value from this, would you do me a favor? Would you like and subscribe to the podcast? Would you share a screenshot of what you're listening to and share it with some other leaders? That would mean a lot to me and if you want to have a discussion with me, if you want to email me my LinkedIn is in the show notes. I'd love to touch base with you. It's a great way to keep in touch. Again, thank you for joining us on the TLD podcast. I'm really hoping you're finding some value out of this. So go try it. Go try some AI, play around with it. If I can help you with the prompts, I'd love to do that. But as a leader, you need to keep working on your tools. You need to get better with your tools. And you know why? Because those are the things that leaders do are the things that leaders do.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Things Leaders Do. If you're looking for more tips on how to be a better leader, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and listen to next week's episode. Until next time, keep working on being a better leader by doing the things that leaders do.

Leveraging AI for Leadership Success
Enhancing Leadership Skills Through AI