Things Leaders Do

Powerful Prompts: AI Prompts and Language for Leaders

August 20, 2024 Colby Morris Season 1 Episode 48
Powerful Prompts: AI Prompts and Language for Leaders
Things Leaders Do
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Things Leaders Do
Powerful Prompts: AI Prompts and Language for Leaders
Aug 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Colby Morris

Imagine having a 24/7 leadership consultant right at your fingertips. That's exactly what you'll uncover in this episode of Things Leaders Do. Join me, Colby Morris, as we explore the transformative power of AI in enhancing your leadership strategies. Discover how AI can be your go-to resource for navigating challenging team dynamics, rebuilding trust, and driving productivity. I'll share a powerful AI prompt designed to help you address team tensions effectively, ensuring you have the tools to foster a harmonious and efficient work environment.

But that's not all—effective leadership goes beyond solving problems; it's about leading with purpose and intent. We'll delve into strategies for asking the right questions and taking purposeful actions that elevate your leadership game. Plus, learn the importance of continuous learning and sharing insights within your network. Subscribe to our podcast for more actionable tips and strategies to help you become the exceptional leader the world needs. Listen in and take the first step towards transforming your leadership journey today.

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Imagine having a 24/7 leadership consultant right at your fingertips. That's exactly what you'll uncover in this episode of Things Leaders Do. Join me, Colby Morris, as we explore the transformative power of AI in enhancing your leadership strategies. Discover how AI can be your go-to resource for navigating challenging team dynamics, rebuilding trust, and driving productivity. I'll share a powerful AI prompt designed to help you address team tensions effectively, ensuring you have the tools to foster a harmonious and efficient work environment.

But that's not all—effective leadership goes beyond solving problems; it's about leading with purpose and intent. We'll delve into strategies for asking the right questions and taking purposeful actions that elevate your leadership game. Plus, learn the importance of continuous learning and sharing insights within your network. Subscribe to our podcast for more actionable tips and strategies to help you become the exceptional leader the world needs. Listen in and take the first step towards transforming your leadership journey today.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Things Leaders Do, the podcast that uncovers the secrets of becoming an extraordinary leader. If you're a leader who's constantly seeking growth, inspiration and tangible ways to level up your leadership, then you've come to the right place. Remember, the world needs exceptional leaders, and that leader is you Now. Here's your host, colby Morris. Is you Now?

Speaker 2:

here's your host, colby Morris. Welcome back to Things Leaders Do. I'm your host, colby Morris, and I appreciate you being here. If you're wondering who I am, a couple of people have asked. I'm just a leader and I've been in every position that you're probably in right now position that you're probably in right now. I've been everything from frontline staff, new manager, middle manager, executive, coo Literally if it's out there, I've probably done it and I've learned a lot along the way and during that time I figured out a few things, and one of those things is I want to, because I have a passion to help leaders get better faster, and that's kind of my goal. That's what I started this whole podcast for. That's why I wanted to even start this thing. It's because I want to help you. I want to give you some actionable tools, not so much philosophy of leadership and I try not to hit on that too much but really diving in and what are some actual leadership tools that you can listen to this today and you can implement immediately? You can. You can do it first thing this morning, you can do it first thing tomorrow. That's what I want to do. I want to put those tools in your tool belt so you can get better quicker.

Speaker 2:

Well, for those of you who were with me last week, man, I must've sent off a smoke signal or something, because I had a rash of questions about using AI and how to effectively do it the best. So today we're going to really kind of dive back into that topic and look at a way that it's really reshaping the way that we approach leadership development. The way that we approach leadership development, and that's to use AI to enhance our effectiveness as leaders. But today we're not just going to be talking about AI in a general sense. What I want to do is get a little bit more specific. I want to focus on the art of crafting the right prompts to get the most impactful answers from AI. To get the most impactful answers from AI Because, as any good leader knows, the quality of the results often depend on the quality of the questions. So if you would imagine being able to consult with a leadership expert, an innovation strategist or a presentation coach literally anytime you need it, day night, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, right at your fingertips. That's the potential of AI when it's used correctly. But again, to unlock that potential, you need to know how to ask the right questions potential. You need to know how to ask the right questions. So today I'm going to go through three scenarios where AI, I believe, can make a real difference in your leadership journey. I'm going to share the specific prompts so you can use that and you'll also know what to expect or to gain from them. All right, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Scenario one navigating a challenging team dynamic. So let's start with a scenario that, unfortunately, most of us at some point have dealt with and that's dealing with a challenging team dynamic. Perhaps there's some ongoing tension amongst your team members, maybe there's conflicts that are just unresolved, or there's just that general sense of unease. You know that's starting to affect productivity, it's starting to affect morale around the office. As a leader, you know it's critical to address these and do it quickly, but you also might not be sure of the best approach. So in this situation, ai can serve as like a valuable advisor and what it can do is help you just formulate like a strategic plan to resolve the conflict, to try to restore harmony to your team. So here's how you can set up your AI. Prompt you open up your AI Again. It could be chat, gbt, it could be Claude, it could be Gemini, it could be any of the ones you like to use or that you've heard about, and you would type this Act.

Speaker 2:

As an experienced leadership consultant, I am facing a challenging team dynamic where there's ongoing tension and unresolved conflict that is affecting productivity. I need to develop a comprehensive strategy to address these issues. How should I approach resolving this conflict, ensuring open communication and rebuilding trust within the team? That's it. That's the prompt. Hit enter. What this prompt does is number one it's a comprehensive strategy development. It encourages AI to think holistically about the situation and then give you a literal, step-by-step strategy that begins with identifying the root causes of the conflict. You can expect to receive a detailed plan that includes initial steps like conducting one-on-one meetings to understand individual perspectives or holding a team meeting to facilitate open dialogue. Number two it's going to give you results about building trust and communication. The prompt will also guide AI to offer advice about how to do this, how to rebuild the trust within the team. This might include recommendations for team building activities or structured communication Okay exercises. They can help really break down the barriers and promote that understanding within the team. And then, number three ongoing monitoring and adjustment. Ai is likely going to suggest some ways to monitor the situation over time that ensures that the conflict doesn't resurface. This could include setting regular check-ins, establishing clear communication protocols, whatever it's going to take to keep the team on track. So by using this prompt, you're not just solving a problem. You're also building a stronger, more resilient team that's going to be able to handle future challenges more effectively.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's go to scenario number two, which is developing a new leadership initiative. So let's consider a scenario. You've been tasked with developing some new leadership initiative. This initiative needs to align with your organization's core values. Of course, they're long-term strategical, but you also want it to be innovative and impactful, and you really want it to make a difference. Creating something new from scratch is tough, but with AI, you have access to a wealth of ideas and strategies that can help you get started.

Speaker 2:

Here's I want you to frame your prompt Act. As an innovation strategist, I'm responsible for developing a new leadership initiative that aligns with our organization's core values of and you put your core values there and our long-term strategic goals. I need initiative and impactful ideas for this initiative, as well as strategies to ensure it gains traction with my team and stakeholders. What should I consider and how can I make this initiative successful? What this prompt does is one give you idea generation Okay, this prompt is designed to tap into AI's ability to generate really a wide range of truly innovative ideas.

Speaker 2:

You can expect a variety of suggestions, ranging from leadership development programs focused on, say, emerging trends, to initiatives that integrate new technologies or methodologies that align with your organizational values. Number two it's going to give you strategic alignment. Okay, ai will help ensure that these ideas are not just creative, but strategically aligned with your organization's long-term goals. This might include recommendations on how to tie the initiative to broader company objectives Okay, sure that it supports overall growth or even mission fulfillment. And then, number three, it's going to give you engagement and buy-in. The prompt will guide AI to think about the human element, how to get your team and stakeholders excited about and committed to the initiative. You might receive advice on how to involve team members in the planning process, strategies for effective communication and ideas for creating early wins to really build that momentum. See, by leveraging AI in this way, you're not just developing an initiative, you're creating a leadership movement within your organization, and when you do that, that can have a lasting impact.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's get into our final scenario, number three preparing for a high stakes presentation. All right, let's talk about a scenario where you're preparing a high-stakes presentation. Whether you're presenting a proposal to senior leadership, pitching a new idea or reporting on a critical project, you know that the pressure is on. You need to ensure that your presentation is compelling, that it's well-structured, that it anticipates any concerns or objections that might arise. In this case, ai can act as your presentation coach. It can help you craft a narrative that is both persuasive and thorough.

Speaker 2:

Here's how I want you to structure your prompt for this Act as a presentation coach. I'm preparing for a high-stakes presentation to senior leadership where I need to propose a new strategic direction for my team. The presentation must be compelling, well-reasoned and needs to address potential concerns or objections. How should I structure my presentation to ensure it is impactful and what key points should I focus on? Now you can hit enter there, or you can actually tell it what your new strategic direction is going to be. I'm going to focus on this and you can tell it to develop ideas based off of that initiative. That idea Okay, and then you can hit enter. So what this does one? It gives you a structured narrative Okay, the prompt will guide AI to give you structure.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and help you structure that presentation in a way that it's going to flow logically but also persuasively. Okay, you can expect suggestions on how to open your presentation with like a strong hook, how to organize your key points, how to close with a call to action that resonates with your audience. And if it says something basic like now, close with a call to action that resonates with your audience, you can say at that point, could you give me an example? Give me an example of a call to action that will resonate with my audience over this initiative and hit enter and it will. It will give you ideas.

Speaker 2:

Number two addressing objections. Ai is going to help you think through your potential concerns or any objections that senior leadership might raise up. Okay, you'll receive advice on how to anticipate these objections and prepare responses that reassure and convince your audience. And then, number three it enhances delivery. Okay, the prompt may offer tips on how to enhance your delivery, such as using storytelling techniques, incorporating data and visuals effectively. Okay, it's going to tell you how to manage your tone and your body language to protect sorry, project confidence and authority.

Speaker 2:

With AI's assistance, you're not just preparing a presentation. You're crafting a persuasive case, okay, and that case is designed to win over even the most critical audience. So, as you can see, the power of AI and leadership development lies not just in that answers, as it provides, but in the prompts we use to guide it. By asking the right questions, questions that are thoughtful, specific and aligned with your leadership challenge, you can unlock insights and strategies that are going to help you lead more effectively. Remember, ai is a tool and, like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use, and the prompts we've discussed today are just a starting point. As you grow more comfortable with this technology, you're going to find even more ways to integrate it into your leadership practice. You'll find ways to enhance your ability and guide your team to innovate to achieve the goals that you're shooting for, and that's what it's all about. Those are the tools that you need to help you start taking next steps, as I mentioned last week.

Speaker 2:

If you want to discuss this, if you want to talk about it, ask me any questions about how to prompt, or what your situation is, your leadership challenge. We can talk about it and I can help you formulate this in AI, or I can just help you with the situation. Okay, I'd love to chat with all the people who send me messages on LinkedIn. We have some great discussions and problem solving techniques that we work on, and I've had zoom calls with many of you and it's been pretty impressive. You're an amazing audience. You really are. Well, thank you for turning sorry tuning into this episode of the TLD podcast. If you found today's discussion valuable, please share it with your network and join us next week as we continue to explore the tools, the strategies that can help elevate your leadership. Until next time, keep asking the right questions and keep leading with purpose. And you know why Because those are the things that leaders do you know why?

Speaker 1:

Because those are the things that leaders do. Thank you for listening to Things Leaders Do. If you're looking for more tips on how to be a better leader, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and listen to next week's episode. Until next time, keep working on being a better leader by doing the things that leaders do.

Effective Leadership Strategies Using AI
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