Things Leaders Do

Elevate Your Leadership with Emotional Intelligence

September 04, 2024 Colby Morris Season 1 Episode 50
Elevate Your Leadership with Emotional Intelligence
Things Leaders Do
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Things Leaders Do
Elevate Your Leadership with Emotional Intelligence
Sep 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 50
Colby Morris

Can mastering emotional intelligence (EQ) truly transform your leadership? Today on Things Leaders Do, host Colby Morris promises to reveal actionable steps to harness the power of EQ, making your path to effective leadership smoother and more rewarding. We kick off with understanding self-awareness—daily reflections, identifying emotional triggers, and seeking feedback. Morris breaks down how these practices can profoundly impact your leadership style, setting the stage for personal and professional growth.

Next, we emphasize the essence of leadership, focusing on character and empathy. Morris discusses how improving your EQ and showing genuine empathy can enhance your relationships with your team, reinforcing that leadership is as much about who you are as it is about what you do. Tune in for practical strategies to elevate your leadership game and become the leader your team truly needs. Dive into this insightful episode for tips on developing emotional intelligence and fostering stronger team connections.

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Can mastering emotional intelligence (EQ) truly transform your leadership? Today on Things Leaders Do, host Colby Morris promises to reveal actionable steps to harness the power of EQ, making your path to effective leadership smoother and more rewarding. We kick off with understanding self-awareness—daily reflections, identifying emotional triggers, and seeking feedback. Morris breaks down how these practices can profoundly impact your leadership style, setting the stage for personal and professional growth.

Next, we emphasize the essence of leadership, focusing on character and empathy. Morris discusses how improving your EQ and showing genuine empathy can enhance your relationships with your team, reinforcing that leadership is as much about who you are as it is about what you do. Tune in for practical strategies to elevate your leadership game and become the leader your team truly needs. Dive into this insightful episode for tips on developing emotional intelligence and fostering stronger team connections.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Things Leaders Do, the podcast that uncovers the secrets of becoming an extraordinary leader. If you're a leader who's constantly seeking growth, inspiration and tangible ways to level up your leadership, then you've come to the right place. Remember, the world needs exceptional leaders, and that leader is you. Now here's your host, colby Morris is you Now?

Speaker 2:

here's your host, colby Morris. Hey there, leaders. Welcome back to the TLD Podcast. I'm Colby Morris and I am glad you're here with me today. First off, a huge thank you to everyone who tuned in to the last episode and for all the great comments you sent my way. You folks are awesome and I love hearing how you're applying these tips in your leadership journey. It's been really amazing.

Speaker 2:

Today we're going to dive into a topic that's close to my heart and, honestly, it's something we could all use a little more of Emotional intelligence, or EQ for short. Now, let's be real. Leading people isn't always easy. It's not a walk in the park. Sometimes it's a little more like herding cats. But when you've got a good handle on your emotions and you know how to connect with others on a deeper level, that makes the whole leadership thing a lot easier and a heck of a lot more rewarding.

Speaker 2:

Emotional intelligence is not just some fluffy concept. You can't get that out of the way. It's a real. It's a tangible skill that can make or break your effectiveness as a leader. Think about it. Have you ever worked with someone who was technically brilliant but you just couldn't connect with them? Okay, or they just couldn't connect with the team. Chances are that person lacked EQ. From the flip side, I bet you've also worked with someone who wasn't the best at their job technically, but everyone loved working with them because they knew how to connect. They knew how to inspire and lead by understanding people. That's the power of emotional intelligence. So today we're going to break down EQ into three simple, actionable steps that you can start putting into practice right away. Ready, let's get into it?

Speaker 2:

Alright, so the first step in leveling up your EQ game is self-awareness. I know, I know it sounds like a lot of you know foo-foo, but stick with me here. Self-awareness is like looking in a mirror, except instead of checking to see if you've got spinach in your teeth, you're checking out your emotions, your triggers, how they're impacting your behavior. And let me tell you this is where the real work begins. Craig Groeschel said you'll never be a leader others love to follow if you don't love leading yourself first. So keyword introspection. Why does self-awareness matter so much? Well, it's because if you don't know what's going on inside your own head and heart, how are you going to lead others effectively? How are you going to lead others effectively? You might be the most strategic thinker or the hardest worker in the room, but if you're oblivious to your own emotions, you're just a ship without a rudder. You're just drifting in and out. You're reactive rather than intentional.

Speaker 2:

Self-awareness is about getting in touch with your internal understanding not just what you're feeling, but why you're feeling it and how those emotions are influencing your decisions and your actions. It's about recognizing when your stress levels are creeping up or when a situation is triggering something deeper within you. When you become more aware of these internal processes, you can start to manage, instead of letting them, of course, manage you. So here's three action items I'm going to give you for that. First one daily reflection. At the end of the day, take five minutes just five minutes or fewer, but let's say five to think about how you handled your emotions. What got you fired up? What made you want to high five somebody? Okay, opposite ends of the spectrum. What was it? Write it down. Later on you can see if there's a pattern. Number two I want you to identify your triggers. Okay, make a list of the things that consistently push your buttons, like that one guy who chews too loudly. Now think about how you can handle those triggers without losing your cool. Now think about how you can handle those triggers without losing your cool. And number three ask for feedback. Here's a fun one Ask someone you trust how you come across emotionally. No-transcript, all right.

Speaker 2:

Next up, we've got self-regulation. This is basically a fancy way of saying don't lose your cool when things go sideways. Now, this doesn't mean you should bottle up your emotions and pretend everything's fine when it's not. Hello me, that's a recipe for disaster. Believe me, I've seen it, I do it. I've done it. Instead, self-regulation is about managing your emotional responses so when something's happening, you can stay clear-headed. You can make better decisions even when you're under pressure.

Speaker 2:

Simon Sinek really nailed it when he said leaders are the ones who have the courage to go first, to put themselves at personal risk, to open a path for others to follow. Let's face it leadership is stressful. There are days when everything that can go wrong does go wrong. The project's behind schedule, two team members are at each other's throats. You spilled coffee down your shirt right before a big meeting. It's in these moments that self-regulation becomes your best friend. It's the ability to pause, take a breath and choose how you're going to respond, rather than just reacting on autopilot. When you master self-regulation. You're not just keeping your cool Okay, you're setting an example for your team. They're watching you. They're going to see how you handle stress, how you handle conflict, how you handle setbacks, and usually they're going to mirror your behavior. So if you can stay composed and focused even when that kind of heat is on, you're showing them how to do the same, and that's the kind of leadership that builds trust.

Speaker 2:

Here's your action items. First one pause and breathe. Okay, when you feel like you're about to explode whether it's out of frustration or excitement hit the pause button, take a few deep breaths and repeat. Seriously, it works. I prefer the box breathing method, which is four steps you inhale for four seconds, you hold it for four seconds, you exhale for four seconds and you just kind of stay there for four seconds and then you repeat. You'll be surprised at what that can do for you. All right.

Speaker 2:

Number two practice mindfulness. Try incorporating mindfulness into your day. It doesn't have to be anything crazy. Just a few minutes of focused breathing or a quick meditation can do some wonders. Or, if you're like me, pray a little bit. Take some time, pray, be thankful, pray for guidance, whatever it is, but practice some mindfulness. And then number three set boundaries, know your limits and don't be afraid to say no or to take a break when you need it. Trust me, it's better to take a breather than to go over there and burn out or blow up.

Speaker 2:

And now let's talk about the third one. Let's talk about empathy. Basically, this is kind of that secret sauce of leadership. Empathy is about understanding and sharing the feelings of others. It's like putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Empathy is what allows us to connect with our team members on a human level.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to quote Craig Rochelle again, because why wouldn't I? He always says people would rather follow a leader who's always real than one who's always right. You can be human, you can be real. In fact, your team would prefer it if you do. But why is empathy so crucial If you do? But why is empathy so crucial? Because, at the end of the day, leadership is about people, not processes. You hear that. Don't miss this. I'm going to say it again. Because, at the end of the day, leadership is about people, not processes. You can have the best strategy in the world, but if your team doesn't feel understood, they don't feel valued. You're not going to get their best work Okay.

Speaker 2:

Empathy is what bridges that gap between you and your team. It's what makes you relatable, trustworthy, someone they actually want to follow. When you show empathy, you're saying I see you, I hear you, I get where you're coming from, and that kind of connection is powerful. It fosters loyalty, it boosts morale, it creates a culture where people feel safe Safe enough to express themselves and take risks. Now, empathy isn't just about being nice, don't get me wrong. It's about being present, truly listening, okay, and responding in a way that shows that you care. It's about understanding not just what your team members are doing, but why they're doing it. And when you lead with empathy, you're not just managing people, you're inspiring them.

Speaker 2:

All right, let me give you three action items here. First one active listening. Here's a crazy idea Listen more than you talk when someone's speaking. Really tune in. Don't just wait for your turn to talk. Make sure you're getting what they're saying. Reflect back on what you've heard to confirm you're on the same page.

Speaker 2:

Number two put yourself in their shoes. When someone's going through something, ask yourself how would I feel if I were in this situation? Hey, use that perspective to guide your response. Y'all, that is a game changer. And number three, you need to show genuine concern. When a team member brings up an issue, don't just nod and move on. Hey, don't, that's so calloused. Show them that you care so calloused. Show them that you care. Say something. They're like man. That sounds tough. How can I help Little things like that go a long way with your team.

Speaker 2:

So there you have it Three simple steps that you can use to boost your emotional intelligence and, in turn, become a better leader. Remember, developing your EQ isn't just about improving your leadership. It's about becoming a better human and, honestly, we could all use a little more of that, right? So here's your mission for today Start practicing these three steps, get to know yourself better, keep those emotions in check, make empathy your new best friend, and you'll be amazed at how much of a difference it makes. Hey, I want to thank you for joining me in this episode. If you found this helpful and I hope you did go ahead and subscribe to the show Share it with your team, connect with me on LinkedIn. I'd love to hear how you're using these tips in your own leadership journey. Okay, until next time. This is Colby, reminding you that leadership isn't just about what you do. It's about who you are Go out there. Be a better leader, be empathetic, improve your EQ. And you know why? Because those are the things that leaders do.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Things Leaders Do. If you're looking for more tips on how to be a better leader, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and listen to next week's episode. Until next time, keep working on being a better leader by doing the things that leaders do.

Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership
Becoming a Better Leader Through Actions