Gospel In the Air
This is a 30-minute devotional program that will inspire & encourage your daily walk with Jesus. May you be enlightened with new insights for living as the Holy Spirit reveals His passion for human kind to be saved. That is, that no one should perish but all will come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9).
Gospel in the Air is a podcast ministry of Cornerstone Christian Church Maui. Visit our website at cornerstonemaui.org.
Gospel In the Air
Jesus the Bread of Life
In John 6:35, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” What did Jesus mean when he said that? Today, we'll explore what it looks like to live by faith in Jesus. We cannot put on a smiling face and try to pretend that we are living comfortably in a sick world. It is high time that we should focus our life on our walk with Him.
I invite you to join me as we spend time with the Lord. I hope and pray that His words would encourage you.
Gospel in the Air is a podcast ministry of Cornerstone Christian Church. We are located in Maui, Hawaii, USA. Our number is (808) 463-8859. You can also visit our website at www.cornerstonemaui.org or you can send your email to danibanggo@gmail.com.
Episode 16
Jesus the Bread of Life
Text: John 6: 35
© Dani Banggo 04/04/2024
From the beautiful island of Maui, I want to greet you with a warm aloha! Welcome to “Gospel in the Air,” a short devotional program that will inspire and encourage your daily walk with Jesus. May you be enlightened with new insights for living as the Holy Spirit reveals His passion for humankind to be saved, that is, that no one should perish but that all will come to repentance. But before we begin our devotion, let’s have a word of prayer. Let us pray.
Most gracious God heavenly Father, I exalt your holy Name. Thank you for this wonderful day. It’s another blessing of life to spend with the full assurance of your provisions. Anoint your servant and convict anyone who happens to listen to your words today. It is always for your praise and glory for reaching out humankind for their salvation. And what a joy among your myriad of angels before your presence in heaven just for one soul who would repent. Indeed, Lord, just for one soul I earnestly pray to be saved today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
Our devotional meditation is found in the book of John chapter 6 and verse 35. And it is entitled: “Jesus as the Bread of Life.”
Jesus fed 5,000 men near Bethsaida (that is north of the Sea of Galilee). After teaching them that day it was already too late in the afternoon for the crowd to go home and Jesus was so concerned that they haven’t eaten yet. He called his disciples and asked one of them where can they buy food for the people. But he was told that it would be impossible to feed such a large crowd because feeding each one of them would take more than half a year’s wages (John 6: 7). Accordingly, a worker’s daily pay at that time was 1 denarius, which is equivalent to around $20 today.[1] That means, feeding such a large crowd is inconceivable. In our world today, that means that it would cost them around $100,000 with a budget of $20 per person. And this computation does not even include women and children who were also present in this gathering (Mt. 14: 21).
In other words, this is not a joke. Even considering there were bakery stores available at that time, how could they afford such a huge demand involved in this situation? Such a suggestion of the Lord is unthinkable for any person on his right mind. And perhaps they were shaking their heads in disbelief. Indeed, disbelief comes into grip when one is clouded with doubts and reservations. And probably you have been in this situation too once in your life. You don’t know where to get the money to pay your bills and your rent or your college tuition. You are laid off from work and bills will soon be due. But in this story, the Lord asked them to go and see what they could find. This is not a suggestion but a direct command, “Go and see” (Mk. 6: 38). This is a test of what living faith is all about. It is obeying the heavenly directives and accepting the provision of God even though we don’t understand or how strange they are. And the disciples, in turn, despite their lingering doubts, they obediently complied, and they started searching among the crowd expecting to find as much bread as they could.
But to their dismay, they found only five small barley loaves and two small fish found from an unexpected candidate from a boy’s lunch box. How strange, indeed, how God provides our needs. They all come in small pieces, and they usually come unexpectedly. And in this story, they found three small things: five small loaves of bread and two small fish from a little boy.
This event in the earthly ministry of Jesus echoes resoundingly the testimony of what living faith is. A living faith is to accept the provision of God no matter how strange it is, or we don’t understand it. It is to trust God completely whatever be the circumstances or whatever be the consequences. And because of our human frailty, we often fall short on this regard. Oftentimes, we do things on our own efforts, and we depend on our own capability and as a result, we always fail. But despite our lack of faith, God is always gracious and abounding in love (Ps. 103:8). God is always there to sustain us and provide our daily needs (Phils. 4:19).
No wonder one of the disciples who also had some doubts asked the Lord, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6: 9) In other words, how can you feed such a huge crowd of more than 5,000 people with 5 small loaves of bread and 2 fish? I cannot blame the disciple for having doubted his Master because I’m sure anyone of sound mind would do the same. We allow ourselves to be entertained with magic but not to this extent. This is something unbelievable for anyone to perform. Only a supernatural intervention could make it happen. In short, only a miracle could do.
Somehow, the disciples didn’t argue with the Lord but obediently followed his instructions even though how strange to them what was going on since at that time they had not yet fully known Him. It was only after his resurrection when the Holy Spirit came upon them that their knowledge and understanding about the Lord was fully revealed (Luke 24: 45-46; cf. John 12:16). Yet, through it all, it was their incipient faith, or their growing faith in him that made them believe in what the Lord can do. So, despite being hard for them to understand what they were doing, grouping the people into fifties, and letting them sit on the ground, they just did it anyway because this is what the Lord had commanded them to do. It was all but an act of faith on their part to obey the Lord despite their lack of understanding.
Taking the five loaves of small barley bread and two small fish, the Lord lifted his head towards heaven. He gave thanks and blessed them. After that, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to be distributed to the people. They all ate and were all satisfied and there were twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over (Luke 9:16-19). I cannot picture in my mind how the disciples reacted after witnessing this miracle. I am sure everyone was dumbfounded and could not say a word but all in awe. How could Jesus do this unless he is no ordinary human being, one who is not from this planet. Indeed, Jesus is not from this planet, but he came from heaven (John 6:38). Their faith in him continues to grow every day as they mingled with him and witnessed the other miracles he performed.
This is all but an act of faith by the disciples of Jesus. It was human impossibility to feed such a huge crowd with only five small loaves of bread and two small fish. But the disciples still obeyed the Lord no matter what the consequences were. This story of Jesus’ miracle of feeding the 5000 is a testimony of what the Lord can do to those who put their trust in him in the midst of uncertainty. It teaches us not to doubt and to be overcome by fear but to have faith in God.
There is nothing too small for Him that He cannot do for our own good if we obey his divine directives. It is all a matter of faith, an act of faith that is required of us if we want to see the miracles of the Lord for our lives. He can use all means–even the least and insignificant things for our blessing. We cannot underestimate God for what he can do. He is beyond space and time to provide his children for their everyday needs. What the Lord requires is to accept his provision and not to doubt but to have faith even if we don’t understand it.
Look what happened to those small things that the Lord blessed and turned to feed a huge crowd. There were even leftovers! This is how the Lord will bless his children who never give up on their faith but who completely put their trust in Him in the midst of adversity. Our Lord never changes (Heb. 13:8) and what he assured to his disciples when he was still with them during his earthly ministry is also true today and forever. His words are true and will always be true (John 17:17). And if you are one among those who is heavily burdened right now, His promise is this: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Mt. 11: 28-30).
Claim that promise of the Lord and you will find his peace. A peace that the world cannot offer but only a heavenly peace. Are you worried, cowering with fear because of the crisis and the future for you seems gloomy? Have faith in God. Give your complete trust in the Lord no matter your circumstances are. His promise is always true. He will not leave you nor forsake you but you will find rest in Him.
After this miracle, the news spread like wildfire and people from all walks of life were looking for him. And when they found the Lord, he confronted them by saying, “You are looking for me not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill” (John 6: 26). No one can hide before God especially with our motives. He knows what’s in our heart. And we cannot hide from Him. The prophet Isaiah confirms this truth about God when He told him saying, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word” (Isa. 66: 2).
In our story, people wanted him for more. They experienced first-hand miracle how Jesus provided and satisfied their physical hunger. Here is a man who can make wonders. Why don’t we make him our king to free us from our suffering? This is always expected of human nature when people receive benefit from political favor. They tend to elect someone whom they think would address their misery. This is of the world and not of God. But Jesus took this occasion to teach them about himself as the true bread. He taught them by saying: “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval” (John 6: 27).
People around did not understand him. What they wanted was a political leader, a human king, who could satisfy their needs and not something else related to spiritual things (John 6: 26). Jesus would have catered the largest and biggest bread line mega church in the history of humankind had he gave in to their wishes. His followers would have come to church not because of faith but to satisfy their appetites.
I hope and pray this is not the case today in many churches. People are lining up to go to churches because of a different purpose or a different motive. We cannot compromise the truth. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10: 10). The Lord is not talking here about prosperity gospel but the gospel of salvation. He emphatically announced with authority before the crowd about himself when he said: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6: 35). This is a confirmation of his deity in human flesh. Jesus cannot claim this unless he is God. In short, Jesus is the solution to all their problems and to all our problems today. He does not only give the bread of life. He himself is the bread of life! It is a declaration that if you have not yet committed your life to Him by faith and you want to accept Him now as your Lord and Savior, you will find real satisfaction for your deepest hunger and thirst. But in our story, how sad for people missing the greatest opportunity of their salvation. They missed out the greatest gift of eternal life by rejecting to accept what he is offering to them. At this point in his ministry the Bible says that “many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” (John 6:66).
One of the writings of Paul to the Christians in Thessalonica is his exhortation against idleness. He exhorted them to work hard with their own hands in order that they eat their own bread (2 Thess. 3: 12). However, this issue is about balancing our priorities. There is nothing wrong with industry and hard work. They are recognized and well honored Christian values. But it must be emphasized that working for food is not to be our top priority. In the parable of the rich fool, which is found in Luke 12: 13-21, it reminds us not to keep accumulating to fill our barns just so we can relax with the hedonistic practice of eating, drinking and merrymaking. Our life is fragile and too short to live by. Moses in his prayer attest this truth by saying: “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures…and we fly away.” (Ps. 90: 10).
Jesus knows that the life of this present world can be snatched away any moment. So why should we focus on what will not last forever? Our Lord challenges, not only the people during his days who would become his followers, but more so for us today to focus on securing the food that endures to eternal life. In his response to Satan’s challenge by turning stones into bread, He said: “It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Mt.4: 4).
What more can we ask but to believe and have faith in Him? His words are life eternal, but sometimes we doubt him, and we don’t trust him, especially when our faith is being challenged. Then we start to worry so much and cannot concentrate and cannot even sleep. We are bombarded with many problems. Some would even take their lives because they cannot withstand the pressures anymore. Their morale will sink to the lowest level until all hope is gone. There are so many pressures in life. But that does not stop us from trusting God and to continue with our walk with Him. God’s provisions may come in ways we don’t understand and even strange. But we must accept them without question whatever may be the circumstances or whatever be the consequences. It does not change, and it will always be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow that Jesus is our living bread. He is Heaven’s seal of approval for our salvation and hope for this life and the life to come (John 6:27).
During the Second World War, the German soldiers captured St. Petersburg, Russia, and they took control of the city for three years from 1941-1944. Because they cut all supplies of food, the people have no other recourse but resorted to all means for their survival even cannibalism. Even their pets were not spared. Accordingly, some made soup from wallpapers and leather shoes while others baked their bread from sawdust and cardboard.[2] That was the darkest night of human history, and it will happen again if we do not learn from it.
In like manner, as people of God, we are at war with our enemy who is Satan. We are in a spiritual battle against the dark forces. We are under siege by relentless attacks by evil spirits in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). As a result of this spiritual warfare, we become spiritually hungry and thirsty. And to satisfy our spiritual needs, we create our own “leather soup” and “sawdust bread” from worldly ambitions, positions and status, accumulation of wealth, careers, and achievements[3] that only last for a while but do not satisfy our souls but seduce us further to want for more.
Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” We cannot put on a smiling face and try to pretend that we are living comfortably in a sick world. It is high time that we should focus our life on our walk with Jesus. The road to eternal life is a narrow road. Why don’t you join me in this journey by inviting you to commit your life to Jesus Christ by faith? My friend, I urge you to make your decision now. Time is running out. He is coming soon, and he is now very near. May you not delay. Welcome Jesus in your heart right now. Confess your sins to Him and be baptized or be immersed in water for the forgiveness of your sins.
This was the preaching of Peter on the day of Pentecost when the church was established in Acts 2:38. And it never changes. It will always be the same. When the people were pricked in their hearts and asked him: “What shall we do to be saved?” Then Peter answered them by saying: “Repent and be baptized everyone of you for the remission of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” It also happened to Paul before the Lord sent him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. In Acts 22:16 it says. “What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized. Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.” Indeed, Paul was baptized for his sins to be washed away or forgiven. And this is being symbolized by the act of baptism or immersion in water.
Have you been attending a church for a long time but have not yet publicly confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior and have not yet baptized or immersed in water for the forgiveness of your sins? Then do it now. Don’t delay it. The Lord is waiting for you. Jesus said, 32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven (Mat. 10:32-33). And he continued, 10 Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).
It is my prayer that you have been blessed today. Listen to this podcast, Gospel in the Air, and be encouraged in your daily walk with Jesus. Gospel in the Air is a podcast ministry of Cornerstone Christian Church. We are located in Maui, Hawaii, USA. Our number is (808) 463-8859. You can also visit our website at www.cornerstonemaui.org or you can send your email to danibanggo@gmail.com. This is your host, Brother Dani Marantan Banggo saying, keep punching the good fight of faith. Mahalo.
[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denarius (google.com).
[2] Standard Lesson Commentary: 2011-12, p.311.
[3] Ibid.