Soulful Conversations

025 Everything is Energy

Nicola and David McCarthy Episode 25

In this week’s episode we delve into energy, and look at why so many people are becoming more and more sensitive to energy and what this means.  Listen until the end, where Nicola shares a Light Language transmission, take a moment and feel it in your heart.

This week we talk about:

  • The moon cycle and how it affects sensitives and animals
  • Some of the more unusual things that can lower your vibration
  • The importance of listening to higher vibrational music and how it can touch your heart
  • And Nicola’s NEW 1:1 Mentoring ‘The Ascension’ to help you navigate through this energetic time

Enjoy!  We do hope you enjoy this episode.  If you have a question for us that you would like featured in a future episode, please email or message either of us, we’d love to hear from you!

If you are ready to navigate these energetic times, then I invite you to join me on my NEW 1:1 Mentoring Programme ‘The Ascension’ - for all the spiritual seekers, looking to grow, to let go, to align with the higher energies that are coming into the earth and create the best life you can imagine 1:1 Mentoring 'The Ascension' with Nicola

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Music: https://www.purple-planet