The Mystic Tye

Chris Hodapp Address Grand Masonic Day 2024

Troy Spreeuw Season 1 Episode 8

Welcome to the Mystic Tye. A podcast for Freemasons. I am your host Troy Spreeuw.

This recording took place at Grand Masonic Day 2024 at the Agnes Street Masonic Centre on May 25th 2024. Brother Christopher Hodapp was the keynote speaker that day and he delivered a great presentation full of the candor and humour about our Gentle Craft that he is known for. Br. Hodapp was a gracious guest to our jurisdiction for several days and I was blessed to be able to spend so much time with this humble brother. I am now proud to be able to call him a friend as well as a brother. 

Please note that this was recorded with nearly 100 people in attendance as well as broadcast through our zoom audience that afternoon. Apologies for any loss of sound quality as events such as this are organised to be attended live not recorded in a studio. Still, I am ecstatic that this turned out so well and expect my processing and mastering of it will increase the listening quality before release. 

Stay tuned to our channel for a future episode where Br. Wes Regan and I provide a running commentary of this event. Also, watch for future episodes with recordings of the other four presentations from GMD2024. 

Christopher L. Hodapp is the author of Freemasons For Dummies, the world's best-selling introduction to the Masonic fraternity. His blog of the same name is the most widely read source of current national and international news about Freemasonry. Check out his website for a full biography of his publications and accomplishments.

Email me feedback, guest suggestions and any other questions at

You can find us online at 

Thanks for listening today. You can support the show by liking, sharing and subscribing on your favourite podcast syndicator. Even more helpful, leave us a review. 

We are looking to create a directory of Freemasonic events and publications. If you are aware of something coming up please let me know by email. 

Happening this weekend July 12-14th first ever EnochiaCon hosted by The Arcane Research Society online and in Vancouver, BC. See the Arcane Research Society’s website for details.

 In the evening of July 18th in Vancouver, BC I will be hosting our first listener event at a secret location. This would be an ideal place for seekers or other interested listeners to meet some Freemasons. Please email me at to RSVP or for further details.

Coming up September 27-29th in Seattle Washington is Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference

Our keynote will be none other than Ike Baker of Arcanvm podcast. Dr. Nathan Schick, Br. Doug Blake, Br. Jaime Paul Lamb, Br. Doug Russel, Br. P.D. Newman and others will be speaking. Check out for details. 

For other events check out our calendar at and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter while you are there. 

Graphics and web hosting are by Art Szabo Creative. A special thanks to Moka Only for our theme music. 


Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again.