The VIP Suite at IMAGE Studios with Matthew Landis

Kelsie Burgin, Extension and Hair Color Specialist, Shines Brightly and Inspires Others to Dream Big and Put in the Work

IMAGE Studios Season 1 Episode 5

Kelsie Burgin grew up in a small town Texas knowing early on that she wanted to be a hairdresser, and has has been doing hair for seventeen years now. She loves evolving in the beauty industry. Her main goal is to help make women feel as beautiful on the outside as they already are on the inside. She specializes in hand-tied extensions and lived-in color. She has niched down over the years and showcases her work with her treasured clients on her salon Instagram account @chicstudiobeautique. She has recently rebranded on her personal page @misskelsieburgin where she shares her passion for all things pink, beauty, and fitness. She's got some big projects coming soon, and she's excited to share her journey and hopes to inspire along the way! 

Matthew Landis:

Welcome to the VIP suite. The podcast exclusively designed for independent beauty, health and wellness professionals. Brought to you by image studios the luxury leader in the Salon Suite industry. I'm your host industry expert and certified business coach Matthew Landis. Each episode will bring you insightful interviews with solo entrepreneurs who forge their own path to greatness. From sharing inspiring stories of triumph to practical tips and strategies for growing your client base and building your brand. This is the place to thrive and take your business to the next level. Joining me today is Kelsey Bergen from Image studios, Richardson, Texas. Hi, and Kelsey, how are you doing?

Kelsie Burgin:

Hi, Matthew. I'm doing well. Thanks for having me on. Thank

Matthew Landis:

you so much for being here to talk about you and your business and all things. Kelsey.

Kelsie Burgin:

Well, it's all things pink over here.

Matthew Landis:

No, I hadn't been following you on Instagram. And I love your work. I love everything that you're doing. You have built an empire, you're not only an extension specialist, but you do a lot in fitness and you own several businesses. Yes, I do. Yeah. How many businesses do you have?

Kelsie Burgin:

I would probably say more so just to my salon business and my website with all my affiliate links and everything. But there's more in the works.

Matthew Landis:

I was checking out your website. And there were so many different little rabbit holes to go down to I probably could have spent an entire afternoon and I would love for you to teach a class someday on maybe how to set up a website and affiliate programs because it's clear that you know what you're doing.

Kelsie Burgin:

I mean, I've dabbled in it a little bit. But I definitely know how to do websites now. And I have several different affiliate links and businesses that I work with. I feel like I'm just getting started though.

Matthew Landis:

Tell me more about your businesses.

Kelsie Burgin:

So my salon business at image Studios is my main business. I specialize in hair extensions. I do love to do Bali aaj lived in color, but hair extensions is where I have really niche down and that's my bread and butter. Like I've had clients even come in that I've been doing their hair for several years, and I've done their color their highlights their bariatric, we've progressed over the years now I'm finally doing their extensions. And they're like, oh, Kelsey, I've always known that you were a good hairstylist. But this like this is this is totally different. Like I knew you were good, but I didn't know you were that good. And I was like, Oh, well, thank you. Like, they've never seen that side of me. But like my extension clients like that is I am in my my atmosphere there. That's my jam.

Matthew Landis:

What do you think it is about extensions, that makes all the difference?

Kelsie Burgin:

I feel like women when they get extensions, it's the whole it's the whole process. I mean, a lot of it goes along with just hair in general too. But when a woman comes in and wants extensions, they're usually have some kind of big event coming up, or they're looking for some type of confidence boost, they're going to have like a big life change coming up in their lives. Extensions. Just really, I feel like gives women a little bit more of a confidence boost than just having a good hair day color can definitely do that too. But when I give someone new extensions, it's like I'm giving them a whole different personality. I was actually just talking to my client. I rushed home from work for this podcast and we put new hair in and she was talking to her husband about I've got a new hair and new personality. I was like that's that girl new you.

Matthew Landis:

It's amazing how you can really transform somebody's whole way of being their whole life with the kind of work that we do. And you know, I did hair for 27 years and I don't I think I probably only met two clients that didn't want more hair.

Kelsie Burgin:

Yeah, that's true. And it's addicting. It's my best friend says it's like I'm a drug dealer, but with hair extensions. She's like you got me hooked and now I just can't get get off my extensions. Like I just have to have my extensions.

Matthew Landis:

How does one become an extension specialist.

Kelsie Burgin:

So I've worn extensions myself. I have competed in bodybuilding competitions for several years. And so with that, I'm always doing some type of hair extension for myself. So I knew that was something that I love. Whenever I have my hair extensions in it started out with clip ends. So whenever I put my hair extensions in, I just loved the feeling of it. And I wanted to give people that feeling. I think that's how I kind of started in as that being my business.

Matthew Landis:

And what kind of education do you need to become a specialist

Kelsie Burgin:

I strongly believe you need to be certified to be an extension specialist or to do any type of extensions. I've gone to hotheads tapings, I've done the mermaid hair, which here in Dallas that's a little bit different. It's the eye tip beads and then I've done two different companies for hand tied extensions. And then I think I've done another one that I don't even do anymore but I've been certified in several different brands and you just kind of figure out what you lack and what works best for most of your clients especially like with a lot of my clients are bodybuilders and in the fitness industry so we work out all the time so I need to Know what your lifestyle is to know what is best for you.

Matthew Landis:

I love that holistic approach to what is your lifestyle tell me more about you and so that you can get the right product in their hair. Right? I've been to Texas I'm guessing extensions are big, big business.

Kelsie Burgin:

You know, we like the big hair out here. Love it. The bigger the hair, the closer to God is what they say.

Matthew Landis:

I love Texas hair. I think it's so fabulous. I always love flying American Airlines out of Dallas because those flight attendants they are done like their hair out of place. So you said that you have done a lot of body building and tell me a little bit. Tell me more about that.

Kelsie Burgin:

I started competing in 2012 and I just saw the girls in the fitness magazines at the gym and I was like man, they look so good. This looks really cool and it looks all glamorous like with the sparkly bikinis and the hair done and just the tan and the muscles just looking so perfect. I just got into it and wanted to try it out and I ended up winning my first show overall, I had no clue what I was doing. But it was so much fun. I was out there all glammed up and my hair and tan and sparkly red bikini and I just gave it all Sass and I ended up winning overall, which qualified me for nationals. And then I think three months later, I went to my first national show, which at the time, it was the biggest show that you could do in 2012, which was USA is in Vegas, and I ended up winning overall there and turning pro so now I'm an IFBB pro bikini competitor.

Matthew Landis:

Again, I looked at some of your photos, and I just am blown away. It's to me it's so incredible to see somebody get so passionate about something and relax, sell like you do.

Kelsie Burgin:

Oh, thank you bodybuilding and fitness. Like I just love I guess it's more than discipline that it teaches you which has also come into my hair career as well. And just in life in general, the discipline that I think the fitness industry has taught me has come such a long way like kind of full circle with my entire life, like whether it be with relationships or clients or hair business, you know, anything just to grow and be better every day. It's incredible.

Matthew Landis:

Those crossovers, right. Yeah, tell me what made you decide to go into business for yourself.

Kelsie Burgin:

I always say that I started doing hair when I was a baby. Because I started when I was I think I just turned 19 I graduated high school graduate cosmetology school. So I was not teen, I still had braces, I still actually have some of those clients, a good handful of those clients that are still with me. But I worked for a Redken elite salon and I got out of my small town. So I'm from small town, Texas, I got out of my small town and went to like the next biggest town which I thought I'd made it was working at this very high end Redken elite salon, I worked there for about five years, I learned so much I started out as an associate. And I worked my way up to I believe level three, and they were starting to change their hours to where we were doing split shifts. So I think you would work like eight to one and then two to eight or something you would work either one of those. And I feel like at the time I had leveled up each level very quickly. And I feel like I brought in a lot of the money that I was supposed to be like, met all of my goals and everything. So I felt like I was a very good employee and I grew fast learn fast. But when I asked for my scheduled to be changed from instead of because Thursday, I was going to work until 8pm. But then I had to be back at 8am. But then there's a 730 powwow meeting. I was like, I can't do this. Like I lived 50 minutes away from work. I was still living in my small town that I grew up in. I just asked if I could change it and they said no. And when I debated at how much I've done I've done everything you've asked that I knew then when that wasn't I guess an option for me to for them to work with me whenever I feel like I've done so much. I was like you know what, I think I can make the same amount or more on my own. And I had a few friends that had just done the same thing. Like they had just left that salon or another salon and gone off on their own. And I wasn't allowed to take my clients but I will say those first two years out of my own I made the most money that I had ever made in my first probably six years of doing hair.

Matthew Landis:

I was just gonna ask you how much so I was making more money.

Kelsie Burgin:

Oh, hands down way more money and I downsized my schedule now to where right now I only work three maybe four days a week and I have a four day weekend just about every weekend. I only work one Saturday every fifth week and I just have so much more freedom more money I can charge what I want sell the products that I believe in and I wouldn't have it any other way now. I've been doing I think I've been on my own for 14 years maybe something like that. I forget after a while.

Matthew Landis:

What do you love most about it?

Kelsie Burgin:

Being on my own? Ah doing whatever I want. I just I don't like to be told what to do, I feel like I'm a very goal oriented person, and I'm a go getter. So I don't need to be at the salon for a shift of eight to 10 hours, because I feel like I can get all my stuff done all my clients taken care of in a shorter amount of time and make more money. I just love the freedom that I get of being on my own and being my own business owner. And I am so passionate about the products that I sell. My clients know that I will not sell anything in a salon, I have not tried on my hair or my family's hair first. And so I have to believe in everything that I do truly to my core before I give it to my clients to It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? It is I love it. What is your superpower? You know, I was talking with the salon owner about this today. And he just like rambled off all these things about me. And I was like, Whoa, he was gonna make me cry. But I think I would probably say my superpower is being resilient. I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life, personal and moving salons a lot. Which, if you've ever moved a salon, you know, it's hard to do to keep your clientele and everything. So I think I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life more so personally, and I have such a positive outlook on life. And I just know that there's more for me, I'm meant for more, I just put a smile on my face and keep going.

Matthew Landis:

I have to say I went to your website, and I was very moved by your story and by your vulnerability. And I think it's a wonderful thing to put that out there

Kelsie Burgin:

like Yeah, yeah, it was really hard. I'm gonna cry. I'm writing my story. And that's only you know, one part of it kind of like the full, like the gist of my story on my website. But writing that I was literally bawling, because I've gone through so much in my past personally, now that I'm on the other side of it now that I've overcome, and I'm so thankful for going through those trials and tribulations to be the person that I am now, whether that be the friend that I am the salon owner that I am just a woman I am in general, I am so thankful for going through those because it's brought me to be the one that I am now I just want to share my story, I didn't want to share my story. I never wanted to tell people like what I've been through or going through divorce or anything like that. But I know now being on the other side that women need to hear my story like I am helping more people by sharing my story and sharing, like, why I keep going and why I keep having, you know, a smile on my face, even on my roughest days. Like I just think that that's so important for us women to stick together and just help each other. Like we are not in competition with each other. We are here to help each other. And you know, straighten the other woman's crown. And I just think that if I can share pieces of my life that will help another woman then that's worth it.

Matthew Landis:

I will thank you for for sharing. I think it's so brave. I think there's strength and invulnerability. And it's very clear by your the photos that you put out on your website that you are excelling at your business and life. And so I think it's really important to share that vulnerability and where you come from, that it didn't just happen.

Kelsie Burgin:

Oh, of course, it did not just happen. Yeah, sometimes I wish it would have. But yeah, you just gotta keep moving forward.

Matthew Landis:

You know, I think it's important to because people might look at you and think, Oh, she's beautiful. She's smart, she's lucky. Luck really isn't what it's about.

Kelsie Burgin:

Not at all that's actually used to be one of my affirmations is even feeling beautiful, and feeling worthy to have the life that I have. Now, I've never, I used to not believe that. But you know, you just have to have faith and keep believing in yourself and pick yourself up and just keep going.

Matthew Landis:

We all have those days where we just want to throw in the towel and walk away. Yeah, how do you keep going?

Kelsie Burgin:

I mean, don't get me wrong. On those days, I will sit in my PJs on my couch or do the pizza have a glass of wine, but my trick is to not let myself stay there too long. tomorrow's a new day, get up, get dressed, I get dressed not only for me, and it makes me feel better. But I get dressed for my clients. I know who I want to be. I know my purpose in life and like what that looks like. And so I know that even if Today I'm having a hard day, tomorrow is a fresh start. I can be that person tomorrow. So that's why I get dressed most. Most days. I get dressed up I do my nails for me I have my hair done. You just have to keep having faith in yourself that they're like if you want more you can have more tomorrow can be a completely done Front life if you want it to be, it's just a mindset of wanting that and then what are you going to do for it like, no one's going to come save you, no one's going to come do it for you. No one's going to make six figures for you. No one's going to give you the Mercedes. You have to work for it. If that's the life that you want, or whatever life you want, you have to work for it. You have to just believe in yourself one day at a time, get dressed. I tell a lot of my girls that are going through hard times, Mike, you know what, what is the one thing that you love to do? And if they say like their nails, I'm like, Okay, well your nails is that's your thing that makes you feel beautiful that makes you feel polished and put together. Don't stop doing that no matter how rough it gets. Even some days if you have to eat canned chicken. If you have your nails done, if you have your hair done, I tell my girlfriends, I'm like your hair is not an option. I'm your hairstyles. I'm going to keep your hair looking good for you. But just do something that makes you feel better to take that next step forward. Like to get off the couch. I told one of my girlfriends that was going through a divorce. She goes Kelsey, how did you do it? How did you How are you where you're at now, when you're going through your divorce and just hard times. And I said keep your nails up, do your hair, I said I don't care if you don't have work that day. If you're sitting on the couch all day, take a shower, put some makeup, like do something that makes you feel good and beautiful. And then that'll help you get off the couch. And she called me one day and she said, Oh my gosh, I didn't have anything going today. But I took a shower, I got my makeup on. And I went to have coffee at this little coffee shop. And this really cute barista was looking at me. And I said, See, there you go. It's just one day like that will give you confidence for the next day and just keep going.

Matthew Landis:

Where doyou think this clarity and sense of purpose came from,

Kelsie Burgin:

I would probably say my faith, I feel like we are all meant to be like God put us here on this earth to be a certain person. And I just know, I've had some experiences like with with prayer and my my whiteboard that I'll sit down and I'll write out all my goals and I pray over it first I sit down to write my goals. And I feel like God's kind of putting a hand on that and like writing it out for me. And I know this because I've experienced it. And I've written down my goals on my whiteboard, and all those goals have come true. And then I sit down at my whiteboard again, I'm like, Alright, God, like this is, this is who I'm supposed to be. And once I check those boxes off, and once I become that woman, I know I'm on the right track. So I just feel like we are all meant to be this wonderful person, like you're you have a purpose. And I feel lucky enough to have found mine. I just think that my faith and my family believing in me, my friends, my, my girlfriend believes in me so much. She's like Kelsey, if you could, if you could see who I see, then you would believe in yourself way more. But I think just having people around you believing in you having my faith personally is what I know, I'm supposed to be. And I don't even think I've I'm just beginning to be the woman and who I'm supposed to be in my purpose.

Matthew Landis:

It speaks volumes of you that you're surrounded by so many people that see that beauty in you and love you and want you to succeed. And I wish all of our pros, I wish everybody could see their potential and their beauty and the world wants them to succeed. And I love that you also take time to really sit with yourself and your faith and really spend that time thinking about it and working on it.

Kelsie Burgin:

I think that that's really important too, is like I have my goals. And I have ideas of what I want to do where I want to go in my life. But sitting down and I like to put on either like jazz music, typically, I like to sit down with my glass of wine, my dog is in my lap and I will have my whiteboard out. And I'll just think I think if you write it down, I think we've been told this like our whole lives through school, you have to write it down or you'll you won't remember it. But I think writing it down seeing it like I think as especially hairstylist, we are very visual people. So I have to write it down. I want to see it make the vision board, just write down everything and then make a plan because like you can write down all kinds of goals and dreams that you have. But if you also don't make a plan to take those steps to become that person, then you're really gonna get nowhere.

Matthew Landis:

You know, you can manifest all you want but if you don't put in the effort, take the time to think about it. Take the time to write it down. Take the time to build an action plan. A schedule. You know, I do the miracle morning so I wake up every morning at 5am and I meditate I brush my teeth. I take a shower, I meditate. I read a little bit for pleasure. I sit with my dog so it sounds like you know we kind of do a lot of similar things and it has made all the difference in my life.

Kelsie Burgin:

Yes, it really has. You know, I've started doing walking meditations and they have real helps me because I love to be outside, I love to get in my exercise, walk my dog, but I love the walking meditations that way I'm, I'm getting some vitamin D, I'm getting out there and I just turn my life off and just meditate and think of my future goals and everything. And then sometimes I'll even come back and write some more down.

Matthew Landis:

Walking is really powerful. You know, a lot of people are afraid of meditation. And so they're looking for other ways to meditate. So I'm glad that you brought that up. Often I will take a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood or in a in a different neighborhood just to get a different perspective. I love that one important thing for me if for those listening, I leave my phone at home or I turn it on Do Not Disturb. And I do not reach for it in my pocket.

Kelsie Burgin:

So I love that you said that you go to a different neighborhood. I do that all the time, I always go to a neighborhood that has fancier houses a nicer neighborhood set, something that I want to look forward to, or think like, oh, I want this house or I want to do something like this, like for my future because like, while I'm manifesting, I'm getting my vitamin D and my exercise. I'm also putting it out there and manifesting this nice neighborhood that I live or that I'm walking in for the day,

Matthew Landis:

you and I are the same wavelength because Steven and I do that with our dogs all the time we go to our favorite neighborhoods. And you know, we talk about our favorite houses and it's such a wonderful time to spend together and it is very meditative, whether it's with him and the dogs or with myself and it is i For me, it is aspirational, it's important to to be in a surround there surround yourself with people that inspire you or art or design or whatever it is that the does that produce let me ask you what inspires you or who

Kelsie Burgin:

I would say, so I would say well as a what inspires me would probably be to keep going reaching for those goals and then actually succeeding in those that last modifier more than anything else. Now I would say who inspires me would probably off the top of my head, I'm thinking of my dad, he my whole family or school teacher, so he was a school teacher. But in the summer months, he has a horse Shooting School, which is his own business. So now that he's retired from school teaching he had he's, he's an entrepreneur, he's had this. It's the Texas horse shooting school if y'all want to look it up. It's the number one horse shoeing school in Texas. And he's grown it so much. I think he started whenever I was really little. So this is all that I know of him doing along with teaching and just to see his business grow and to see him continue to improve in so many different aspects of life. I guess having that support and seeing him do that. I think that's where I get my entrepreneurship from his from him because he's always like, Okay, well, there's this situation, but how can we make money at that? Well, there's this product, well, what can we do to flip this around or put our brand on it or so he's always thinking, and I think that's where I get that from?

Matthew Landis:

You definitely have that thought process. You know, my dad was a school teacher as well. Oh, yeah. Yeah. In fact, he's coming to visit my dad lives in Australia. So he'll be I haven't seen him in four years. He will be here tomorrow. Looking forward to spending some time with them. And I'm glad that you have had that time with your dad.

Kelsie Burgin:

Yes, we've had lots of good times together. And well, after school, we'll go show horses together. But he's always teaching me something because he was a science teacher. So he's always teaching me something. And it just goes to show that there's something to learn in pretty much every day of life, which I think is really interesting and great.

Matthew Landis:

I love that he runs a horse shoe training business was a mouthful, because I'm like, Well, I guess somebody has to teach that right? That's right. I went to the Cowboy Poetry convention in Elko, Nevada a few years ago. I love Cowboy Poetry. And I was really shocked at how many real cowboys there are still in the world. They are out there. Especially in Texas, right?

Kelsie Burgin:

Oh, yeah. I'm a whole family of cowboys and school teachers.

Matthew Landis:

I love it. So before we go, let me ask you one last question. What does the future look like for you?

Kelsie Burgin:

I feel like I think a lot of people have had this where after quarantine and everything, like our lives and businesses have all shifted, I think to keep up you have to with the world, but I feel like my business and just my life in general has shifted so much more to online. And that's where I started my website. And I think I launched that last May. And I've I feel like I'm just getting started with redirecting. I love being a hairstylist. I've done it for I think 18 years now. I love being behind the chair and being with my clients, but I know that the world has changed so much and even our industry has changed where we have to change with it, or we're gonna get left behind. And so I'm trying to take my If business more online i don't know my final destination and where that's gonna be but I definitely know I love fashion all things beauty all things pink all things fitness. So I just have a lot of different affiliate links and businesses that I like to work with and, and a lot of its people that I like to support. So I think that my business is going more blogger lifestyle a little bit like that. So I don't know if or when I'll stop doing hair behind the chair, but just because I love it so much. But I definitely want to go more online with making more income without having to be behind the chair

Matthew Landis:

Kelsey, it is clear that you are succeeding in your dreams and your goals. You are an inspiration to me, I have to say that please tell our pros and anyone listening where they can find you.

Kelsie Burgin:

You can find me on Instagram at Miss Kelsey Bergen. I also have my new website it is Kelsey And my number is on there somewhere you can email me DM me, I would love to help in any way and inspire in any way. Love for another follower or friend on the internet. Kelsey,

Matthew Landis:

I'm so glad I feel like I have a new friend in you. And I just want to thank you so much for joining me on this podcast today.

Kelsie Burgin:

Oh, thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed it, Matthew.

Matthew Landis:

Thank you. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of The VIP Suite. I'm Matthew Landis and I hope you found the insights and inspirations shared today truly valuable for your journey as a solo entrepreneur, and independent beauty health or wellness professionals. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram@imagestudios360. And if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe to the VIP suite on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an opportunity to connect with our vibrant community and to discover more incredible stories and strategies. We love hearing from our listeners. So if you have any questions, topic suggestions or want to share your own success story, feel free to reach out to me at Matthew at image studios three Remember dear listener, you are the heartbeat of the beauty, health and wellness industry. Your dedication and passion make the world a better place one client at a time keep shining, keep growing and keep making a positive impact. We'll be back with more engaging conversations and valuable content in our next episode. Until then take care of stay inspired and continue to create your own VIP suite for more information about becoming a part of the image studios luxury Salon Suite community visit our website at