The VIP Suite at IMAGE Studios with Matthew Landis

Angelique Rodriguez, Aesthetic Entrepreneur, Shares Her Secrets to Thriving and Slaying

IMAGE Studios Season 2 Episode 9

Join host Matthew Landis as he sits down with Angelique Rodriguez, founder of Aestheticang at Image Studios in Webster, Texas.  As an esteemed esthetician specializing in full-body waxing and skincare, Angelique shares her remarkable journey from working in a medical spa to establishing herself as an independent entrepreneur.

Discover the driving force behind Angelique's decision to launch her own business, along with the hurdles she encountered and the strategies she implemented to cultivate a thriving clientele base. With unwavering authenticity, Angelique provides valuable insights into branding, social media marketing, work-life balance, and overcoming challenges in the competitive beauty industry.

Listen in as Matthew and Angelique delve into the nuances of aesthetic entrepreneurship, offering actionable advice and inspiration for aspiring beauty professionals. Whether you're an esthetician, salon suite professional, or small business owner, this episode promises invaluable insights to help you navigate your journey to success in the dynamic world of beauty and wellness. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation with Angelique Rodriguez. Tune in now and slay all day!

Matthew Landis:

Welcome to the VIP suite. The podcast exclusively designed for independent beauty, health and wellness professionals. Brought to you by image studios the luxury leader in the Salon Suite industry. I'm your host industry expert and certified business coach Matthew Landis. Each episode will bring you insightful interviews with solo entrepreneurs who forge their own path to greatness. From sharing inspiring stories of triumph to practical tips and strategies for growing your client base and building your brand. This is the place to thrive and take your business to the next level. Welcome to the VIP suites. Joining me today is Angelique Rodriguez of aesthetic and image studios Webster, Texas. Welcome to the podcast. Hi,

Angelique Rodriguez:

thank you for having me.

Matthew Landis:

I am so excited to get to know you a little bit better and your business I know you're crushing it down there in Webster. So I want to hear more about that. I've been following you on Instagram. I love what you're doing and love what you stand for. And I'm I'm into it. I'm ready for it.

Angelique Rodriguez:

Oh my gosh, thank you. I love to hear that.

Matthew Landis:

Tell me a little bit more about your business and what it is that you do. So I am

Angelique Rodriguez:

an esthetician. I specialize in full body waxing for all shapes and sizes. And then I also do you skincare. So I do facials and in brows,

Matthew Landis:

of course and what motivated you to go independent and start your own business,

Angelique Rodriguez:

I never thought that I would go so low. I always saw myself outside of school, just going straight into like a medical spa. I was working for a dermatologist. And I was like I really liked the medical side of aesthetics. I think that's what I want to do. But then outside of school, I started working at a chain waxing place. And I ended up falling in love with waxing. I was like, Oh my gosh, I love this. And I just like how fast paced it is. And I get to see and talk to so many people. But I did not like the time restraints and certain things that you have to do whenever working for other people. As a client myself, I hate this. I'm like, I need to create a space where you can come get waxed and feel like safe.

Matthew Landis:

I love that you said safe. You know, I've been to some of those corporate waxing places to get my nose waxed. And it does feel like you know, I'm just a number,

Angelique Rodriguez:

right? And that is not at all what is that again stands for I love that.

Matthew Landis:

So what made you pull the trigger and join image studios.

Angelique Rodriguez:

I literally just got an Instagram ad and they were opening this location I live super close by so I'm like that location like is amazing. It's right by the mall. And I was like I love it. Let me just drive by. And then I set up a meeting with Roland the owner and we met at a Starbucks like it wasn't even built yet. And I was like, yes, yes, yes. This is like my future. This is what I want. And so I jumped on board. And then without even seeing anything. I was like, Yeah, let's just do it. And it's worked out so far. So I love it.

Matthew Landis:

Well, you seem to be crushing it rollin and Tony are the ones that nominated you to be on this podcast. And they absolutely think the world of you. That's so sweet. I'm just excited to know more. What would you say your secret sauce is

Angelique Rodriguez:

my brand is an extension of me. It's just like Angelique is aesthetic and right. So I'm like, I know that there's things I probably shouldn't be posting or sharing with my clients in a professional way. However, like I believe in being like 100% authentic and like this is just who I am. And so it's worked really well my clients always telling me I saw your Instagram, I feel like we're already friends. I'm going to see you. So I'm like I'm doing something right. I guess. I love

Matthew Landis:

that. You mentioned that. You know you are the brand when you own your own business. And I always felt that way. And sometimes on social media. I'm always considerate of who was going to be paying attention. But I also have to let me shine through for sure. Yeah, there's no other me's out there. Yes, exactly. What are you most proud of, I think

Angelique Rodriguez:

I have built my brand to reflect me in a great way. So I'm all about like body and creativity. Everybody deserves to feel competent. And I feel like every single client that has come to me has left feeling just better about themselves. And I'm so proud that I'm able to offer them that service.

Matthew Landis:

I love that. Well your your social media presence really speaks a lot to your brand and to your values and really has a welcoming feel to it. So I love that you've let all of that shine through. And one of the things with marketing and social media that is so important is authenticity. And I think that you really have that nailed. Oh,

Angelique Rodriguez:

I love that. Thank you so much. I try.

Matthew Landis:

You built a good clientele there at image. How did you do it?

Angelique Rodriguez:

Honestly, it was tough. Whenever I had first opened I was so grateful to have one client a week and then just continuously showing up and making sure that even if it's just the one or two clients, like I'm giving them everything I have and then word of mouth slowly but surely like I grew my clientele. It's a slow process, right? It is so slow. I'm like What am I doing? Did I make a mistake like I'm going through my savings what's happening but then it just worked out and And I'm so grateful that it did. I'm so grateful to have my clients trust me every single day. Today's wax Wednesday hadn't already been on they, they love it here. I love having them.

Matthew Landis:

I love your focus on the clients that are in your studio, for sure. It's all about them.

Angelique Rodriguez:

I'm here for them. I have been blessed. It's been pretty steady. It's a little slow right now, just with the colder temperature but still pretty steady. And I'm blessed. How do you plan for the slow times. So I try to focus on the skincare side. So like right now is peel season. So it's great for my clients to come in and get a chemical peel while they're not outside as much. And then I just kind of focus like right now I'm focusing on creating like a content calendar, we're working on my website, just some things I usually don't have time for.

Matthew Landis:

You really have your social media game down. And it shows that you have put a lot of thought and planning into it. Thank you.

Angelique Rodriguez:

I really am just like, let's wing it. My clients will send me like funny, like, whatever is trending whatever real and they're like, I want to see you do this. And I'm like, Okay, I'll do guys, whatever you want. It

Matthew Landis:

feels like there's a balance between really strategic planning on your part, and also this sort of spontaneous, joyous thing. It feels like a good mixture of both, and I really love

Angelique Rodriguez:

Yeah, it's working for me so far. So I'm happy, no complaints.

Matthew Landis:

I think one of the secrets there that you just said was that your clients send you things, which to me means you're engaging with your clients, you're enrolling them in your success,

Angelique Rodriguez:

for sure. It's our journey together, we're growing together, they always come in, they see something new, something is changed or something I posted. I mean, they're part of it. So I love that they feel like they can give me their input because it's always welcome.

Matthew Landis:

Well, they're clearly into it.

Angelique Rodriguez:

Yeah,I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it too.

Matthew Landis:

How do you ride the bumps on the road to success

Angelique Rodriguez:

there's a lot of bumps but I feel like success for me like I'm not trying to be a millionaire overnight or anything like that. If I'm able to support myself, my lifestyle pay for everything. And this is my job. Like I get to come in and make people feel good about themselves. Like I'm successful. I feel like I don't really focus too hard on the bumps. They're always going to be there. I feel like life is always challenging. But I'm a glass half full person mostly full versus like all the time so I'm like, it's fine. It'll work out the universe likes me

Matthew Landis:

so we've all had those days where we wanted to just pack it in and quit.

Angelique Rodriguez:

Oh yeah, for sure. Like I'm closing my door that's it but how did you how did you overcome that? Just like I have a great support system around me my best friend My cousins were all super close my girls anytime I'm like guys like it is too much I've had a horrible day they're like let's go you know get some dinner let's do something and just being able to vent to those people around me they remind me Hey, you are that girl like you are doing it? Like everything that you want to do. You're doing it like Don't be so hard on yourself so they ground me remind me to not take life so seriously sometimes like that's a bit too much pressure on myself.

Matthew Landis:

Sounds like you have a really great support system in place and that you lean on that when you need to.

Angelique Rodriguez:

Yeah, for sure. They fill my cup up, they give me the energy that I need to be able to serve all my clients.

Matthew Landis:

I read a little bit about your story on social media and you said that you have always been inspired by the beauty industry used to go to the salon with your grandma. Oh

Angelique Rodriguez:

yes, I did. I would literally tell her Okay, I'll come to you. And she would be in there for a few hours getting her hair colored like once a month and I would just sit there and be like, This is amazing. Like I want to do this I love the environment. So fast pace of a hair salon of a busy hair salon. I'm like this is it for me like everyone's gossiping everyone's just having a good time. But then I was like I don't know that I could actually like make hair my my hair my business but I was like I considered going to cosmetology school but I just wasn't as in love with it as a girl. There's I thought I would be but then whenever I was working in dermatology, that's whenever I would work in the day spa. And just like conversations with esthetician they need to have we anytime we had like skincare brand training, I loved everything. I was a sponge. I was like This is amazing. I didn't even know this was an option to be an esthetician. When I went back to school, it was great. And I'm glad that you ended up here.

Matthew Landis:

You also mentioned in your story that there was something personal about skincare for you.

Angelique Rodriguez:

Yes. So I struggled with acne as a teenager as many people do. I still struggle with like I have this crazy pimple on my lip right now. So it can be so hard on your self esteem like getting up and showing your face. Especially in this field. I feel like as an esthetician, my skin should be perfect but that's not realistic. Obviously getting on the right skincare is crazy, like medical grade professional grade skincare can literally like change your life as long as you're on a good routine. And I didn't even know that was possible. I was trying everything from the drugstore, or Sephora or Ulta and I'm like nothing is working. My skin feels so dry. It feels so tight. I was just always so unhappy and And I would wake up hours early before I had to be at school to put a full face of makeup on because there's no way I was gonna let anybody see my skin. But here we are. And I get to help people feel good about their skin like you do not need 10 pounds of makeup on to feel beautiful. I feel like I personally felt the pain and I can help others. Now, I can't imagine

Matthew Landis:

anything more difficult than being unhappy with the way that you look. Yeah, looking in the mirror every day. So having that gift to help people feel better about themselves is really powerful. Yeah, it is the reason I get out of bed every day. What else inspires you?

Angelique Rodriguez:

baddies! See, my clients be buddies and my brand is very hot girl very we are that girl. You know, we don't need anybody.

Matthew Landis:

What other parts of your life bring you joy and happiness

Angelique Rodriguez:

hanging out with my family, my friends, they are all super close by like I said, making time like I have a really good work life balance. I feel like I'm always going to make time for a brunch or a birthday dinner or whatever the case may be. I feel like showing up for the people in your life is important. What

Matthew Landis:

kind of advice would you give the little entrepreneurs like yourself that are just starting out?

Angelique Rodriguez:

It's crazy. Are you crazy? No. It is worth it. I promise. There's no better feeling than answering only to yourself and holding yourself accountable. I think that if you have the passion and work doesn't feel like work 100% You should go and be an entrepreneur. If you could

Matthew Landis:

go back and give yourself some advice. When you started on this journey. What is something that you oh

Angelique Rodriguez:

my gosh, do not compare yourself to other people in your field. It is so hard not to like but it's so easy to get discouraged. You've been in the industry the same amount of time with someone else, for example, and they're way more busy or they have like a fully booked schedule, or whatever the case may be. I feel like I was always on social media like oh, no, like I don't have enough followers or I don't have the same amount of growth that other people do in the studios, or whatever the case may be but everyone's business is unique. Like your clientele is different. I feel like not focusing on social media as much would have helped me I was so stressed. Like when I first started I was like, Oh my gosh, I need to be on social media. I need to be doing these things. But just chill. Relax. It's fine. It'll work out chill,

Matthew Landis:

relax. It's gonna be found your stride clearly. Will you tell our listeners where they can find you on social media?

Angelique Rodriguez:

Yes, I am on Instagram at aesthetic and that's a ESTHETI C A N N G

Matthew Landis:

All right now I've got a skincare question. Yes. What is some skincare advice that you would give those of us who really don't know what to do?

Angelique Rodriguez:

You don't need a 10 step skincare routine. Like all of these influencers? I promise you. I'm just making sure your skin barrier is good. Keeping it hydrated, washing your face every day. It can be simple. It doesn't need to be crazy.

Matthew Landis:

What is the skin barrier?

Angelique Rodriguez:

Oh my gosh, right. Okay, so sometimes your skin is the outermost layer. Sometimes your skin might feel really tight or dry. Like especially in the winter. So just making sure you're giving they're listening to your skin. So if it's Hey, it's dry, it's tight. Maybe I should exfoliate. Maybe I should use a moisturizer that's a little thicker, like in the colder months just to kind of keep your skin happy. Thank

Matthew Landis:

you for that advice. That's really helpful. What is the future look like for you?

Angelique Rodriguez:

Megan Thee Stallion will be on this table this year. That's my that's my future. I am manifesting it. Yeah, I don't know. Just more fun. I'm excited for the future though. I don't have anything big planned. Other than being like crazy successful you know, what is crazy successful look like too crazy. Successful means that I can work a little less maybe and maybe have like an assistant. I think that would be good. If I can have like an assistant maybe another esthetician with me to wax but yeah, I feel like I'm already pretty successful.

Matthew Landis:

It feels like you are living in the now very much so. And enjoying life. I am Yes. And enjoying the success that you have earned. Yes,

Angelique Rodriguez:

I know that people are probably like, oh my gosh, you need to have more of a plan. But it's been working for me so far living in the now I like

Matthew Landis:

do what works for you. That's one of the things I love about doing this podcast is everybody has such different outlooks on things and different advice.

Angelique Rodriguez:

I'm probably too laid back sometimes but yeah, right, exactly. Who says it's working.

Matthew Landis:

It has been an absolute pleasure chatting with you. You are so inspiring. And it's clear that you have created an environment that is wonderful and joyous and safe and welcoming and warm and all those warm, fuzzy things.

Angelique Rodriguez:

Oh my gosh, thank you so much. That is so good to hear. I love to hear. Thank you.

Matthew Landis:

Is there any last words that you would like to impart on our listeners before we say goodbye and

Angelique Rodriguez:

slay all day besties

Matthew Landis:

slay all day A Thank you Angelica it's been a pleasure

Angelique Rodriguez:

thank you so much Matthew Have a good day