Soror Mystica

Episode 21: The Symbol of the Witch

Cristina Farella and Mariana Louis Season 1 Episode 21

Witches are people who have the power to heal or to harm, the sacred encapsulation of life and death. As a result of this, witches are personified as revolting, terrifying, uncontrollable expressions of the dark feminine, often banished to the edges of society. 

Just in time for the thinning of the veil, this episode of Soror Mystica explores the symbol of the witch, in all her complex detail. 

Many of us seek to “reclaim the witch,” but what does this really mean? What is it that we seek to re-integrate, and how can we deepen our understanding of the witch in the process of that reclamation? 

We chat about the myth of Lilith, the binary of the maiden temptress and the “evil hag,” Circe, Medea, Hekate, projections of the masculine, the shadow of the witch, and so much more. We hope each witch listening finds something inspiring here. 

Mariana presents a tripartite dream of crabs - a horseshoe crab, a stone crab, and a hermit crab - for our analysis. 

Special thanks to this episode’s ad partner, The Inspirited Word ( and Dawn Hemstreet Jewelry ( or on IG)

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Soror Mystica

Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella

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