Soror Mystica

Episode 31: The Symbol of Oracular & Prophetic Vision

Cristina Farella and Mariana Louis Season 2 Episode 31

Oracles and prophetic vision were paramount to life in the ancient world. Along with astrology and haruspicy, consultation of the oracle was recognized as an important way of connecting with the will and vision of the divine.

We live in a world that has stripped away the importance of the oracle and her voice, and so in this episode, we explore stories of the Oracle at Delphi, Apollo, Python, and Gaia, Cassandra, and expressions of the feminine oracle, and snake connections in prophecy. We also contemplate the split between the "mantic," uncontrolled oracle (associated with the feminine) and the "prohetes," the interpreter of the divinations, oftentimes associated with the masculine.

Sit with us as we ask the question, what does it mean to crack open the boundary between mortal and oracular realms, and how can we connect with the oracular through divination? Can we connect to the personal oracular through nature, through the body? How can we best translate our intuitive knowing into empowering insights? How do we find truth in the oracular?

For our listener symbol portion of the show, we examine the synchronistic discovery of four leaf clovers in one of our listener's lives.

We loved this episode, and hope you do, too.

Links and Announcements!

There's just a few days more to enroll in Cristina's new class on Chiron in myth and astrology, starting on March 10th! Learn more here!

What We're Reading

Mariana: Healers on Healing, Richard Carlson
Cristina: Brideshead Revisited (still!), The Greeks and the Irrational, E.R. Dodds

Thanks to our episode partner Tending the Mystery
@tendingthemystery on Instagram

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Soror Mystica

Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella