Soror Mystica

Episode 33: The Symbol of the Cosmic Egg

Cristina Farella and Mariana Louis Season 2 Episode 33

The egg, or the cosmic egg, is a primal symbol of creation. In honor of spring truly getting underway, episode 33 of Soror Mystica explores the egg in all its procreative glory. Eggs are present in mythologies the world over, often coming up in explanations of the birth of the world, which usually is figured by the bifurcation of an egg which splits into sky and earth.

Join us as we explore the mysteries of egg symbolism as it emerges in religious traditions, creation myths, mystery cults, and of course, as a symbol of the potential contained within the feminine. Contemplations of the binary of necessity and potential, the Temperance card, the rebus, the mandorla of the World card, fire and water lend deeper context to this symbol. Eggs, snakes, and ancestors emerge, here, and we hope this episode is nourishing as spring gets underway.

At the end of this episode, we interpret a listener's dream of being presented with a dagger. Submit *your* dream symbol to us at our website.


Mariana will be teaching Archetypal Tarot 101, explore here
Cristina will be teaching Astrology for Beginners, explore here

Our book club meets April 13th to discuss Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red, join us here!

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Soror Mystica

Mariana Louis

Cristina Farella