Pod Subject To Change

Remembering Bray Wyatt & Terry Funk plus All In Predictions

August 27, 2023 nick
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Join us as we remember Bray Wyatt, Terry Funk & Bob Barker.  We also talk AEW All In & Jeeves tries a new drink of the week.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Pod. Subject to Change. Pod. Subject to True. A weekly podcast talking pro wrestling video games figure collecting and a variety of other topics. Now, here are your hosts Nick Hunter and Geeves. Oh shit, we're coming in hot, guys.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. I was supposed to cuss in the first couple minutes of a podcast, but I just dropped one. I wish this was a video. Y'all can see Geeves as it looks like she's running the 100 yard dash it was loud as shit.

Speaker 3:

You look like you're in a wind tunnel.

Speaker 2:

The hair is just like boom.

Speaker 3:

Looks like Jack Frost. It is crazy. It looks like Blanca from Street Fighter.

Speaker 1:

Shut the fuck up.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Pod, subject to Change. I'm your host, nick, along as always, joined by Hunter and Geeves. Oh yeah, we're back again. It's a kind of a somber episode. We're actually finishing the behind the scenes. Here we're watching the end of collision If I can get the words out as we go off its main event time on. Here we're watching Looks like punk hook staying in Darby taking on swerve, blade Runner, brian Cage, luchasaurus, and that's everybody right. No, j White.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you forgot J White.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from the Bang Bang gang.

Speaker 3:

I don't, ever, I don't understand. The first time Brian Cage did the Blade Runner thing I was like, oh, that's cool. And now, every time he's doing a mattress thing, he's like I got to do it again. I got to do the thing.

Speaker 2:

I got to do the face pain thing, but obviously it's been everywhere. It's been a big week for losses in and around wrestling. Actually, all three of them have a wrestling tie, bob Barker being the most recent, and of course he was guest host on Raw when they were doing the guest host all the time I think probably the best guest host they ever had.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if not the best, he's in the top. When you think of that guest host area, he should be one of the first ones that crossed into the line.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and definitely. Legendary TV host of the Price is Right for many, many years.

Speaker 3:

In my favorite Adam Sandler movie.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Happy Gilmore.

Speaker 3:

Happy Gilmore.

Speaker 2:

Price is wrong Bob.

Speaker 3:

Okay, did he go in the WB Hall of Fame in the celebrity wing?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if he did or not.

Speaker 3:

I don't remember and that's that's on me.

Speaker 2:

But Alexa, is Bob Barker in the WWE Hall of Fame? No, bob Barker aren't in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or the country.

Speaker 3:

That's not what I asked. Why would he be in the Rock and Roll Hall of?

Speaker 2:

Fame. Never mind, nobody. Ever go to Alexa for your information. She don't know what she's talking about. She had no idea.

Speaker 1:

Yes, she heard what you said.

Speaker 2:

My bad, also from my childhood, a big loss. Mr Terry Funk, the hardcore legend, the man, middle aged and crazy they would call him. Yeah, man, it's a big loss. My one of my favorite matches ever in my lifetime is the I quit match with Rick Flair and Terry Funk. Yeah, that was a great one. If you guys, if he's before your time for the younger generation, I suggest you go back and watch some old Terry Funk. I mean, he's been everywhere. Like the old Johnny Cash song, he's been everywhere.

Speaker 3:

That's the one. With him I have any set up yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking every territory. He had a big feud with Hogan back in the 80s. Matter of fact, I'm looking up there on the toy shelf up there I've got my Mattel creations Coliseum line, hogan and Terry Funk set up there. It was a good feud. I was a kid. I was like, oh my God, he's trying to burn Hogan with a branding iron.

Speaker 3:

I don't know a whole lot about Terry Funk. I watched to get him out of his stuff and ECW. I didn't watch a whole lot of the NWA stuff but I have seen that I quit match and that was good. Yeah, it was great, great stuff.

Speaker 2:

I mean I had Rick Flair in it, so a little more jazz. Terry was a legend. I mean even a lot of people from the later generations know him as Chainsaw, charlie, yeah, and WWE.

Speaker 3:

Come out of a box, you're over.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what Cornette says. You come out of a box. So I'm one of Terry Funk knowledge. I showed her a little bit of the what I believe to be the first empty arena match with him and Jerry the King Lawler back in, I believe 82 81. Yeah, yeah, that was a. I hadn't seen that in years and that was a that's crazy yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's definitely definitely a little different than how they do them nowadays.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely Everything shot different, but the hot button issue right now, the big one that everybody's talking about, is, uh, the untimely, just out of nowhere it seems, passing of a Wyndham retunda, better known as Bray Wyatt thing, yep, that one, like it's one of those things that the more I do talk about, the more it becomes a real thing and it's ridiculous oh yeah, that's crazy. I don't. I've read different things, but I guess he got COVID at the point yeah. And then just health issues from there.

Speaker 3:

Heart problems developed from it. Yep.

Speaker 2:

And uh had a heart attack. That's what they're saying.

Speaker 3:

And uh 36 years old yeah, two kids wife left behind kids. Get four kids.

Speaker 2:

I only got the two of them. Yeah, Two with Jojo and then two from oh shit, I didn't know about that.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Four kids uh left without a dad.

Speaker 3:

It's like, yeah, it's. It's hard to honestly put into words. He was one of like I will forever like I'm sure everybody's heard the statement now but one of the most creative people that have been in wrestling. Oh yeah, and despite the fact of him being what was he like? A three time world champion, I still there was so much that was left on the table for storyline and even potential more like title reigns that could have happened or things that probably should have happened with Bray that didn't, but uh.

Speaker 2:

I mean they were kind of stop and go with them for a while. I think, yeah, I think that's probably was his. Not it wasn't his downfall, but it was. The biggest downfall around him was. I think he might have been too creative and they didn't know what to do with him.

Speaker 3:

I know for a minute there they were talking about doing that horror movie with Bray and the um, I remember who that one guy that did the fiend mask was. But they were doing a horror movie and I was like I'm interested in that because I know some of Bray's ideas could probably translate over to cinema really well. So I was like, yeah, I'm down for that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, If you go back to, I mean, everybody kind of points out the fiend which was, which was great.

Speaker 3:

That's one of my favorite debuts in Russia, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But that the whole cult leader Bray Wyatt. When they first debuted on uh coming up from a NXT FCW into the WWE, it was, it was he had never seen anything like that.

Speaker 3:

Those promos were ridiculous, like those were some of the the for lack of better words, some of the most like eerie promos, because there was senses of realism in a lot of them and that's why I was one of the things. I was like, oh, this guy is going to be, he's going to be crazy, like this is going to be a great person for years to come.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, we I don't. I think we hadn't even really scratched the surface of what, what, what we had to come from him, and you know there were rumors that he was about to come back and maybe be in an angle with Cody.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that would I think that would have been really interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would like to see how that turned out, but.

Speaker 3:

I would like to see neither one of them lose. Yeah, but like that would have been good. The promos would have been great. I'm sure anything in ring would have been good. Oh yeah, like.

Speaker 2:

Man, I know, jeeves what. What are your thoughts on Bray Wyatt and what are you? What were some of your favorite memories of Bray Wyatt?

Speaker 1:

I mean it's crazy that he's gone because he was so young and he saw a lot to do within wrestling.

Speaker 3:

Then everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. But the first match with him early I ever saw in like watched was whenever the tager match with John Cena, which he terrified me out. So scared of him I went to the little kid I thought he was a natural cult leader, and then the whole song.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was one of the things that he did best is. He portrayed himself in such a real manner that you were like Whoa, this, this could legitimately be a person. And then, obviously, having Eric Rowan and Luke Harper or Brodie Lee whatever one you want to call him at that time, like if you would have asked me 10 years ago on if any of them would be gone, my answer would have been no, like there's no reason for like two thirds of them to be gone. Like that is unfair. For a lack of better words, Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I mean, and if you look, they'd never even really got to fully reveal the sister Abigail character. I think that was something that he was potentially, you know, purposely saving back, you know to unroll that.

Speaker 3:

I mean, they did the stuff with Alexa Bliss and well, even in that last run that he had in WWE they were doing stuff with Alexa again, yeah, and then she ended up going off TV. Then he was off TV again and now, like we'll never know where that went Same thing with like any of the uncle how he stuff. You have no idea with any of that.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't think they'll do anything and I hope they don't. No, they don't, I don't think they need to.

Speaker 3:

I've been seeing some people saying they want it. Yeah, but I think it's better.

Speaker 1:

I think it's disrespectful because of how important Bray Wyatt was.

Speaker 2:

But it won't. It won't come off right, Because it's not his idea Exactly.

Speaker 3:

I don't. He doesn't strike me as one of those people that probably has us all written down like plan for plan it just I feel like he was so creative that he was just being like, all right, we're going to do this, and then there's multiple ways to spin it from there.

Speaker 2:

I mean the biggest comparison sorry, I'm dying over here. The biggest comparison that I think a lot of people make is to the undertaker and that, while they're not the same type of character, it's that same kind of presence and aura and just the spooky factor and the you know being vastly different than anything else around him.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So I made him so special.

Speaker 1:

but what I've seen is that Bray Wyatt was a lot of like like they were generations undertaker. That was like sort of because they do have the same aura, yeah, and he did have that much of an impact on my life.

Speaker 2:

Well, they had that moment too, where undertaker, you know, did the whisper into the ear kind of you know, maybe seemingly passing the torch to him or whatever. I don't.

Speaker 3:

They'd both never said that they were going to say what was said there to do the extent of my knowledge. Yeah, definitely won't ever know now, and it needs to stay that way. Yeah, yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

And it 100% will. Does Mark undertaker or whatever?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he'll, he'll keep it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Which is that's. That's the right move.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I personally hope they don't try to do a like supernatural, spooky kind of character for a while, just kind of do that at all yeah.

Speaker 3:

Probably just leave that one alone for a minute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean someday down the road, it'll be long, as you're not, you know, doing a complete rip off you can go that route but I, you can't, you can't touch that style character.

Speaker 3:

No, no, not like it's just, it wouldn't be in good taste.

Speaker 2:

Oh, speaking of in good taste, we do have. We're not going to play any games tonight. This doesn't feel right. And we also got a big AW paper that we got to talk about and do our predictions on. That is happening A lot of discussion today, as you're hearing this, but we we've been doing. This deal started at last week where we get a odd flavor soft drink of some sort. We have GEEs try it. So what do we got this week? Gees.

Speaker 1:

We have coffee cheese soda.

Speaker 2:

Sounds not good, we'll go ahead and crack that sucker open.

Speaker 1:

Before I do, what was your thoughts on the tribute to Bray White?

Speaker 2:

Had to honestly fight back tears.

Speaker 3:

The LA night promo almost got me yeah.

Speaker 2:

I only did the run at the end.

Speaker 3:

Well, just the whole thing like it, just like I don't want to take a moment to put over LA night because I don't want to, you know, give him the spotlight, yeah it wasn't his moment, but that shows, I think, on how good of a person he is, then also how good of an entertainer he is, because he was able to make people laugh in a moment. That was no one. No one in the arena wanted to laugh.

Speaker 2:

I think I think they did a good job on the overall show. It was tasteful. Yeah, they didn't, you know, they didn't do the whole show. It wasn't a tribute. They still got some stuff done in there, but nothing, you know, crazy. I would have liked to have seen like we were talking about during the show. I liked the opening video package was great. That's the part that got me.

Speaker 3:

I was like yeah, those are always rough though.

Speaker 1:

I started crying. Nobody does.

Speaker 2:

Nobody does packages better than the WWE.

Speaker 3:

Well, that birdie Lee, one in AW.

Speaker 2:

That was good too, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that one was rough.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I I think I would have liked to have seen him come straight out of that package into the lights being off in the arena with cell phones lit up for the fireflies and then let everybody just as long as they wanted to go with the. He's got the whole world to say like if he even would have had that kind of plan over the PA would have led into the feed it in a little bit yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think that would have made a bit a bigger moment there, but it was great the way they did it.

Speaker 3:

And like I'm very happy because you know WWE doesn't always like doing things with people that aren't under contract, but then bringing in Eric Rowan or Redbeard, like that was it had to be done.

Speaker 1:

That was so respectful.

Speaker 3:

He had to be there and he not only was, he wasn't stuck in the back, he was front and center.

Speaker 1:

Because, yeah, he had like the biggest storyline with him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Like yeah, they had him and Braun both front and center.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's exactly how it was His brother. I don't think I saw him.

Speaker 3:

I don't think he was there.

Speaker 2:

But neither was his wife or anything. So I think that probably the family probably just. They probably were like we can't deal with that.

Speaker 3:

I know Seth Rollins gave his reason to why he wasn't there. If you guys didn't even notice, he wasn't there, yeah, so he was talking about a conversation he had had with Bray after Brody passed and Bray was like go see your baby girl or whatever, and he was like Bray would want me to be home with my family right now. He's like so that's, he's like. I stayed home. Yeah, basically.

Speaker 1:

And I was like that's. That's why I liked Seth. This was he's very respectful. Yeah, not like just in ring, but like outside, cause he will.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, roman wasn't there either.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, he wasn't on screen from what I understand. I think he was there, but he wasn't anything on screen yeah.

Speaker 2:

I did see Jimmy Youso hiding in the background.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I didn't see that.

Speaker 2:

Yep, he was hiding the back of the stage, back there.

Speaker 3:

I didn't, you saw that, but I was like oh, there's Kenny Deistre. I was just random one, I remember seeing it. I was like oh, look at that, I've seen him in a long time, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But whenever, like back to the like, firefly, like phone things that brought back so many memories that I forgot that I had on, was like that's crazy.

Speaker 3:

Do you have a distinct like favorite? Bre Wyatt match.

Speaker 2:

Me yeah.

Speaker 3:

Let's do cause. I know you probably won't be able to answer but Bray and Terry Funk. I know you mentioned the I quit. Would that be your favorite, Terry Funk?

Speaker 2:

Probably just because with with my favorite wrestler to player that was and it was a good story he had. Pyle drove Ric Flair on a table and supposedly you know, broke his neck, hurt him and it was Ric Flair's big comeback revenge. Yeah, but that whole run with Terry Funk in WCW during that time was really good. I like some of those death matches too, with Mick Foley over in Japan. Yeah, cactus Jack, I think that would put those up there too. But yeah, the equity match would be my favorite on.

Speaker 3:

It's probably a lot of people's on Bray.

Speaker 2:

That's a little bit harder. I liked. I liked. A lot of people didn't like it, but I liked for just the sheer craziness of it. The match was seen at WrestleMania, the cinematic match oh but that's not my favorite match.

Speaker 3:

That. That was so much fun.

Speaker 2:

But it was just because I know that was all his brainchild. Yeah, it was just. That was crazy.

Speaker 3:

I love the scene. I was there just willing. He's like all right, yeah, we're going to do whatever you want.

Speaker 2:

And I loved. I loved the tag stuff with Matt Hardy, the deleter of worlds. I thought that stuff was good.

Speaker 3:

I think I think his whole run with Brian like of him being in the wife family, I think that was really good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that stuff was good and I liked the stuff he did with Braun when during the pandemic, when Braun was champion.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was different, it was good I mean there's really not much.

Speaker 2:

He did that I didn't like.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I don't. I didn't care for the him and Randy when they had the super imposed stuff on the ring.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was the only problem I have with that match.

Speaker 2:

The match was good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but just, I would have liked to see Luke Harper in that main event. But I understand why they didn't do that. Yeah, cause WWE likes their singles. Wwe title matches.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Yeah, yeah, that's what I would say.

Speaker 3:

I do remember like obviously I'm a big, big AJ guy. But when Bray won the WWE title in that chamber I was like you know what, I'm fine with that. I was like he deserves it. I was like he's going to Mania as champion, that's a big deal. I was like that's great for great for Bray.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely. It's just sad that there's many other things like if they, if he was around and healthy and could have been involved in that whole bloodline, run Roman, like the stuff, the supernatural stuff they could have done there to mess with Roman. I mean, I wouldn't have wanted to see him lose to Roman, but it would have skyrocketed to that.

Speaker 3:

Like I said earlier, the amount of stuff left on the table I think is ridiculous, because he you could have put him in any role. He really came back as baby face and I've gone back and I've watched his return promo like once or twice and that it's rough to get through now. It was sad at that moment too, cause you're like this is a man speaking to a bunch of people that he does genuinely care about.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely. There's all kinds of anarchy breaking out on AEW right now, oh my. God, jack Perry is trying to soup like so All the stairs outside I saw a clip, I see, if you remember this from the TNA days.

Speaker 3:

Joe had somebody laying on the stairs and he ran and dove down like four or five stairs and did a senton and landed his back first on these stairs. Yeah, and I was like, oh my God, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, just feel like Joe's just over there screaming at AJ's wife for no reason, wendy, it's my favorite.

Speaker 3:

Some mojo promo oh it's great.

Speaker 2:

It's hard not to be.

Speaker 3:

But all right, you're going to try this coffee cake soda.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes.

Speaker 3:

I know. Last week at a solidarity I tried it with you. I will not be trying this one with you. This is all you, I don't play yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know that smells really good.

Speaker 3:

Smells really good, not only coffee or cake.

Speaker 1:

It smells just straight coffee.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't be able to smell it if you put it in my nose. My nose is so stopped.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm going to try it now. That is not good.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the scene in the face you made Not good. Huh, Too bad. You got to finish the whole thing. Nope, she's like thug.

Speaker 3:

Holy shit. Yeah, that is a strong smell.

Speaker 2:

It's a formidable scent.

Speaker 3:

It's like a smelling salt. If I was knocked out and you put this next to me, I'd wake up.

Speaker 2:

So you would say it's definitely a no for me dawg.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely a no for me. You want to try?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

No, the smell is crazy.

Speaker 2:

Side note everybody should go check out Adam Cole and MJF on Truth or Dab.

Speaker 3:

Hot ones.

Speaker 2:

Oh, great episode. It's up on their YouTube. You can go find it. I got a. I'm going to use the air quotes here. You guys can't see it, but I got a replica winged eagle sent to me today. This thing is trash, can water. It is the strap. Well, if you want to call it, that is about four sheets of paper stuck together thick. It is not leather of any sort. The plates would be fine for a child's belt, but for an adult belt, no, not so much. So it's getting returned.

Speaker 3:

And there's like no weight it looks like somebody made it on 2K out of memory.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much it's not good, especially compared to my other belts. My NWA TV title is great quality, my NWA dome globe is good quality and then my big gold is excellent quality. But hopefully when my NWA tag titles and US tag titles and NWA US title show up, they'll be better quality.

Speaker 1:

Also, the taste of my mouth is nasty.

Speaker 3:

That's going to be there for a minute.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of being there for a minute, it's time to talk AW Wimbley Stadium, because we're going to be there for a minute Watching that one, because they keep adding matches. I think they just added 17 more matches in the last five minutes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we missed what this ending promo was.

Speaker 2:

And it starts at the pre-show at 11 am Central time, 12 Eastern that's zero hour. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you'll have to be up.

Speaker 2:

Put a one in front of this year and that's how many hours this whole thing is going to be. But one of you guys have the card up. It's something that's not on your card, as they added a match tonight Hook and Jungle Boy for the FTW title. They added that because there wasn't enough matches.

Speaker 3:

I guess we'll start there, since that one's not on the card.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we'll start there and I'll start. Hook is going to get the FTW title back. That's the only thing that makes sense. I hope it's Jungle Boy, but it's going to be a little bit of a hoax.

Speaker 3:

I hope it's Jungle Boy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just because I am disrespecting the belt. I always love to disrespect the belt angles.

Speaker 3:

When Nido did that in Japan, I did love it. That's what made me start paying attention to it. But yeah, I can agree. I think Hook gets it. Okay, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

I agree.

Speaker 3:

You agree? What does Jack Perry cheat?

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be surprised.

Speaker 2:

What if Taz turned on?

Speaker 3:

Hook Be crazy. Nah, I almost changed my answer. I almost talked myself into Jack Perry, but nah, I think Hook takes that one.

Speaker 2:

We should point out, obviously because it's been given to us at NAZI. I'm on here. This is the biggest show in the history of wrestling ever. Don't even think that anything else is. It could possibly be a bigger show. This is it, and it's going to be in Wembley Stadium, 80,000 people.

Speaker 3:

I get Jericho's statement of he's like I'm going to put this show over. It's the greatest thing ever. Saying it's bigger than any mania.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we were at one that was pretty big.

Speaker 3:

Now, the card matches weren't fantastic, but that attendance record was pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, we didn't like the ending of how much. But we I'm going to say Shane and Undertaker and Hell in a Cell. That's something you got to go see.

Speaker 3:

I think because I have watched that match back. Yeah, I think it was better in a live atmosphere than it was on TV.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, not everybody gets to go see a Hell in a Cell.

Speaker 3:

Exactly that is true, it is very true it was my first ever.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you're on your way to see a Hell in a Cell and then you get in a car wreck and hit a deer. And then you never make it to go see Undertaker fight Brock Lesnar and Hell in a Cell and then when you go home and watch it on pay-per-view, he gets a corner of a stair stuck in his head and then blood spurts out like you've never seen before You're like oh I could have seen that live. Maybe some of that blood would have been on me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

That's terrible. But you know what is it going to be terrible. The stadium stampede. We got the BCC versus best friends with Eddie Kingston and Pentagon Jr. Z, pentagon Jr and AW.

Speaker 2:

He's Penta L0. I'm not saying that word out of it, san.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, something like that, and no, speaking of Spanish.

Speaker 3:

Ah, but I forgot. Bcc has proud and powerful with them. Well, I was surprised to see that they were teaming up again.

Speaker 2:

I thought I really liked Santana. I mean, Ortiz is all right, but I think Santana is the better of the two.

Speaker 3:

I liked him in impact. That was one of the things I did watch an impact.

Speaker 2:

Ortiz is the Marty Janetti of the team I mean that's, but he's better than Marty Janetti.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to start with this. I'm going to say you give it to best friends, and Eddie Kingston and his friend.

Speaker 2:

I don't care who wins this match. I'm being honest with you. I mean I'm interested in it because the Stull stadium stampede thing. I just see the areas they go to and stuff. Yeah, it'll be interesting. I just Eddie Kingston. I think Eddie Kingston, that's who I want to win. Whatever Eddie Kingston wants to happen, that's what I want to happen.

Speaker 3:

I think I can agree.

Speaker 1:

I don't care who wins, I don't pay attention to anything, just be bloody.

Speaker 2:

The less amount of John Moxley I can see, the better off I'll be though.

Speaker 1:

What is your hatred with John? I don't hate him, I just hate him. I said Johnny said John, I'm just tired of him.

Speaker 2:

He's probably going to be bleeding before he even gets to the ring.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's going to be a lot of blood in this one. I can feel it.

Speaker 2:

He probably cut himself right now. He's going to bleed all the way to blood on the airplane over there.

Speaker 3:

But who do you? Got on this one, Jews.

Speaker 1:

I did a best friends and Eddie Kingston.

Speaker 3:

Best friends with Eddie Kingston and his best friend, yeah, all right, then we got a trios.

Speaker 1:

Now he says R's or Claudio's, not so much.

Speaker 3:

With Tekecha and the Bullet Club Gold, which is Rock Hard, Juice Robinson and Switchblade J White, versus the Golden Elite of Hangman Kenny Omega and Kota Bushy.

Speaker 2:

You want me to go first?

Speaker 3:

Jeeves goes first. Okay, jeeves.

Speaker 1:

It's got to be a bullet club, because I like them a lot more than I don't care for any of those other people.

Speaker 2:

I love the Bullet Club Gold, especially Switchblade and Rock Hard Juice Robinson, but there is no way in hell they're winning this match In Wimbly Stadium. Kenny Omega is going to get his hand raised, along with the other two people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I fully agree. The only way I can see Bullet Club winning this is if they use this as a platform to set up for Tekecha versus Omega and all that. But you can do that without them having to win. So yeah, I got. I got a Golden Elite in this one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just I don't see a Bushy coming in and doing this Wimbly thing with I don't, I don't see that team losing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb. I'll say Juice Robinson takes the pin too.

Speaker 2:

And he's the one that needs to not take the pin.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all right. Then next we'd have the Tag Team Coffin match with Darby Allen and Sting versus Swerve and Christian Cage.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Let me say that while I normally would never condone for Sting winning a match, I couldn't possibly care less about a team than I do Swerve Strickland and the other guy.

Speaker 3:

And Christian he's. He's your TNT champion.

Speaker 2:

Sort of. Now we're all joking aside, christian is doing some of the best heel work in the business right now. Yeah, and this stuff with the dads, oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, you just mentioned everything with dead dad. I know.

Speaker 2:

If you got a dead dad out there, you better, you better watch out, you better be looking over your shoulder. Christian Cage may be standing around there with a build I'm not gonna promo. Just show up at the funeral, just promo. And now I think it's a coffin match. Sting and Darby got to win this. I'm especially since Darby's going to be going to all out to take on Lucha source for the TNT title. He can't be in a coffin Can A week before he can Now they got to win.

Speaker 3:

He can, but he won't Because Sting and Darby, with the special help of somebody I don't know who it is, yet I'm sure someone's going to.

Speaker 2:

Here we go, they win, and because Christian's in the coffin, he's not there to help. We'll just source the next week.

Speaker 3:

That's true.

Speaker 2:

He's going to come back and bugger. I never lost it. He and he title I was buried. I was dead, just source. He had a title.

Speaker 1:

And then that's. It Took a few and now I hate him.

Speaker 3:

I just yeah, sting Darby with special help of Person. I don't oh no, right back says it's him. I don't think right back's right it's captain and say it's going to be. It could be captain and say it could be Goldberg. You never know nowadays, like Tony cons got a lot of money and he can probably work something out.

Speaker 2:

He does, cause Jeeves. Uh checked his network on Google. Tony con is not in financial difficulties.

Speaker 3:

Who do you got in the tag team coffin match?

Speaker 1:

This doesn't have to be stinging.

Speaker 3:

Stinging Darbs.

Speaker 1:

I also couldn't tear less about Christian and Cause it's great.

Speaker 3:

I've been a Christian fan for many years, all the reason, like Mrs who work on the mic. That TNA run with one of the best shirt designs and wrestling history, that's right.

Speaker 2:

The CCs All right.

Speaker 3:

The next we got Chris Jericho and will Osprey first time ever.

Speaker 2:

You go first, jeeves oh. I do Yep?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that works for me.

Speaker 2:

Do you know who will?

Speaker 1:

Osprey is Show me a picture, cause I don't know, she doesn't know who. Osprey is.

Speaker 2:

That's fine, though, because you would have no reason to know, cause you just recently started watching.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, that's number four.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, remember he's yeah.

Speaker 3:

As, as you think about this, I'm going to put over again at any time. I can put over that last match at the opportunity Omega. That was a fantastic match.

Speaker 2:

Very talented.

Speaker 3:

That was a forbidden door. It was great.

Speaker 2:

Very, very good, but who's going to take it? The I told of rock and roll with the Ocho. What are all? His other name? The wizard, yeah, the wizard. The demo, god Demo.

Speaker 3:

God yeah, oh God yeah.

Speaker 2:

The lionheart, the pain maker.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it should be Jericho, cause he's had his run and he also.

Speaker 2:

Good news it's not going to be.

Speaker 1:

He needs to retire. He's too old, cause I saw him dancing at one of his like things, sure.

Speaker 2:

He never used to do that again.

Speaker 1:

I'm so, do that yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you give this one to Osprey.

Speaker 2:

Every time that song says what have I become? I'm like good question.

Speaker 3:

It's you're asking the perfect question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, osprey.

Speaker 3:

I think that is the easiest one to predict on this entire card.

Speaker 2:

I think, I don't think Jericho is going to allow this to go where he loses. Clean to him.

Speaker 3:

I think he does.

Speaker 2:

I think it's going to be one of the former appreciation society people costing him the match or Don Callis directly or possibly to catch him, cause he is one of the members of Don Callis.

Speaker 3:

He's going to be busy with Kenny Omega.

Speaker 2:

We don't know where on the card. This card is going to be eight hours long. This could happen match number two and be four hours before you see him.

Speaker 3:

This is a 10 match card.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's a lot of rust like a two day WrestleMania. Yeah, yeah, really.

Speaker 2:

When they say it's the biggest of it, they really mean just a week. They have 84 matches.

Speaker 3:

We got three more matches by tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be FTR versus Young Wicks in a round robin tournament.

Speaker 3:

How would you even do that with two people, with two teams?

Speaker 2:

They're going to mix the teams up to be one buck, one FTR, and they're going to fight the other two.

Speaker 3:

But don't you worry though, because our next match also has two teams, because it's for the AEW World Trio's Championship. House of Black versus the acclaim.

Speaker 2:

The acclaim. They're going to win.

Speaker 3:

Nope House of Black.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if they're going to win the tag team titles, but they're going to win the match.

Speaker 3:

I like the acclaim a lot, but I like House of Black more, and they're taking this one too.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they should lose, but they can't do it. They can't do it to the acclaim. This is going to be their make the crowd happy moment.

Speaker 3:

The only way that I say House of Black has a chance of losing this is Darby has to go to all out, beat Luchasaurus. And then you send Madagai after the TNT title, because I don't know if that's me just wanting. Madagai versus Darby Allen Could be, I don't know. Sounds like a good match, good match.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it could be All right.

Speaker 3:

I'd be good. They're both really good.

Speaker 2:

I think you send Madagai after Orange Cassidy.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't want to see either one of them lose.

Speaker 2:

I love Orange, but it's time to lose that belt.

Speaker 3:

Now he's got to hold it forever. I think that's part of it.

Speaker 2:

You didn't pick it.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say the acclaim to that. I feel like the House of Black has had the titles for a little too long.

Speaker 3:

No, it's the same. It's too long, like a Roman.

Speaker 1:

I do like the House of Black. I really, really do.

Speaker 2:

But, like Max Kester said, couldn't draw money with a box full of green crowns.

Speaker 1:

And the only reason why one of them is very well known is because he's marrying Reavivably. She's off the table on her.

Speaker 3:

I don't let it go Call him a ginger, Ginger and face paint and I was like that's a good one. He couldn't but that's the first one we actually had different answers on.

Speaker 2:

What Is it? There's probably going to be some others, though.

Speaker 3:

Okay, the next we got for the real world championship with the Samoa name, joe and Chick Magnet punk.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm going to go first on this one. See him punk. Yeah, see him, punk See him punk is going to get his ass kicked for three quarters of the match, but he's going to win. See him, hopefully, with a better looking GTS than he hit.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you can have a worse looking GTS.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you could in the slip Do you hear me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He said, uh, he doesn't think there could be a worse one. There is. Have Vince stated he can't sell anything Did you know, by the way punk would do it for shoots and knock me on.

Speaker 3:

Contact Sidebar Sidebar.

Speaker 2:

Did you ever go back and watch how Dominic took the stunner from giving on Nope, never did Great I've never, seen a great cell? No, it was just the other night he got Cody Rhodes, hit him with the crossroads, threw him up in the corner. He got hit with the halloova kick and then Sammy threw him into Kevin. He hit the stunner on it and it was one of the greatest cells for the stunner I've ever seen. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Cause the Austin theory is flying through the air. This wasn't a flying through the air one.

Speaker 2:

It just it's the most bizarre, incredibly. I'm going to take a second here to put over Dominic, he's getting significantly better.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he is Like putting him with like priest and baller. He's getting better in the ring and on his mic work he's. He's improving a lot, definitely, definitely.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, the CM punk, I don't think that we're all saying that because we're a huge CM. I would like to see Joe be a world champion.

Speaker 3:

That would be awesome, but he's not doing it by beating CM punk. Sorry. Now, this is a discussion worthy match.

Speaker 1:

Oh I don't know what matches.

Speaker 3:

The AEW World Tag Team Championship FTR versus Young Bugs, the third match in the trilogy you want to go first, you want to go first. You give this match the 45 minutes, you give it time to breathe fully, do this thing. I hit your mic stand, I apologize. And I also apologize to you for this answer, because the Young Bugs are beating FTR.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead, jeep.

Speaker 1:

I don't really know, but I do want FTR to win. But I finished on these Young Bugs.

Speaker 2:

Okay, is that my turn? Yes, yeah, ftr wins or AEW goes out of business. That's my prediction.

Speaker 1:

No, ftr Sounds like a threat. Yeah, it is, it's a direct threat.

Speaker 2:

FTR has to win this. I realize that the young bucks are the most likelihood going to win, but FTR has to win this. I want them to win it's a bad look for the young bucks to win the only thing, and I hope that the whole stuff with cash doesn't play into their decision for booking, because I don't think it should. I don't think it should because I don't. There's not. It's not like there's a risk that he's going to go to jail or something. It's probably it'll be a fine.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Something like that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

FTR. Fuck the public relations you. You have to. It would be a big move in the right directions. The cats are just freaking out the back. No, not cats, that is your cat Storm Shadow, wanted to be on the podcast. No, it's a big. It would be a big step in the right direction for the bucks in particular to show that they're not selfish. A lot of the things that people say behind closed doors about them, but what gets me is we don't know what's true.

Speaker 3:

So we don't know.

Speaker 2:

we don't know what the real relationship is now with the whole puck or mega bucks thing. They could have patched this up and just be working everybody Always a chance. Or it could be as bad as they say it, or it could be worse.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, could be worse, so I don't know what that will play into the booking decision. I could see them having the bucks win so that to further that story somehow and get punk involved in it. But I think I'm going to say this, I'm going to make a bold prediction. I think, after you're going to win, because I think they're going to cheat, I think they're going to quasi turn heel. I can see it. They're going to win. Same thing with punk. He's going to retain. I think we're going to get a heel, cm, ftr, and I think they're going to continue to try to move the bucks and omega more towards the baby face side. And I don't know when. But I am making the prediction we are going to get that match.

Speaker 2:

They would sell so much tickets from if we don't get the six man, then I think we're going to get. This won't be the end of FTR in the box. We'll get that again. I think we will get punk omega sometime, because I do think those two will be able to come together and work.

Speaker 3:

That seems the more likely.

Speaker 1:

Can I change my answer? I agree with you.

Speaker 3:

Going with FTR yeah.

Speaker 1:

I do think they're going to cheat, because I think it would be great for them to turn heel.

Speaker 2:

And didn't, didn't act saying that promo that they'll do whatever they have to win this match.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but he says that in every match they have. If they have a match on dark, he'll be like we'll do whatever it takes, did he?

Speaker 2:

say he's going to fight like an eight year old girl.

Speaker 3:

Probably not this time.

Speaker 2:

I was like is guaranteed to win. But yeah, I think FTR wins it somehow by hooker, by crook.

Speaker 3:

Hooks ended for match Hooker.

Speaker 2:

No, by hooker by crook. But if the young bucks win, it may run my night or my midday.

Speaker 3:

I think, yeah. After a second glance, looking at this card, I think that's match of the night.

Speaker 2:

I think they're going to kill it. Oh, I do.

Speaker 3:

I think if it can be half as good as match they had on I think it was on a dynamite couple of months back.

Speaker 2:

If Osprey was working with somebody more his skill level I mean Jericho was his skill level back in the day. Yeah, but Jericho just he's slower, but just fine, but psychologically it's all still there. If Osprey was working with Omega or something, yeah, that'd probably be the other one.

Speaker 3:

It was in my mind. I'm ready for match three of that already and I don't know when I'm getting it, but the next paper view after all out.

Speaker 2:

That would be where we get that.

Speaker 3:

I think they do it in New Japan.

Speaker 2:

They might.

Speaker 3:

I think they wait and they run out. Wrestle Kingdom. What would it be? 15, 16?

Speaker 2:

Does Osprey get the title before then?

Speaker 3:

Good he could win the G1.

Speaker 2:

No G1's over, Someone's already won it.

Speaker 3:

Who won the G1?

Speaker 2:

Naito, what yeah?

Speaker 3:

Man, I'm really bad at keeping up with New Japan, if you're right.

Speaker 2:

I thought you told me that.

Speaker 3:

No, I know, I did, I know for sure he won. Who won the Okada Osprey?

Speaker 2:

He just said he beat Okada.

Speaker 3:

He's beaten him before.

Speaker 2:

Well, he said he in two months time he's beat Jer. He will have beat Jericho, omega and Okada.

Speaker 3:

So did he go lose the Naito?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. He didn't mention Naito's name. I really gotta start watching New Japan.

Speaker 3:

New Japan. I had a really good stint there. I watched a lot of New Japan.

Speaker 2:

Watching an inner right leg cramp right on my high thigh cramp. So I'm going to tough it out and I'm going to battle through on the podcast. This is working, hurt, guys.

Speaker 3:

Damn. That's great. You know what else is also probably going to be pretty great? This AEW Women's World Title match, fatal Four-Way with Sarea Sheeta, tony Storm and Britt Baker.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go first so that my potentially negative comments would maybe be washed away by y'all's positive comments after this. I think this is going to be the worst match on the card. I think the finish is going to be botched and terrible. I think it's going to be a slop fest three quarters of the way through the match and I think Sarea is going to win the title.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, sarea. I win the title. I think it's a fine match. I hope so, and I think I'm going to enjoy watching it.

Speaker 2:

I think Tony Storm will do great I'll put it that way and then I think the rest of the match will not be that great. I don't think any of the other three are great workers.

Speaker 3:

She does really good. She's okay, she's okay, what do you got?

Speaker 1:

I see Tony Storm wins, but the rest of the match is shitty.

Speaker 3:

I think it's good. I'm not going to say this is a sleeper hit, but I think it's better than what the last one was.

Speaker 1:

I think I have reasons on why.

Speaker 3:

By all means.

Speaker 1:

I feel like AEW does not, but the women's matches better than WWE, which is crazy to me, because WWE always has to put Charlotte Flair, bianca Belair, which isn't a problem, I think the build in the AEW women's feuds isn't as good, but their matches have been good, like the Tony Storm.

Speaker 3:

Jamie Hader was really good. These things that have Chris Stathland in it are really good. She's gotten a lot better. Yeah, I think the atmosphere for this one is going to be big, based purely off Saree she had to wrestle.

Speaker 2:

I think it'll be a huge pop when she wins.

Speaker 3:

I think it'll be real cool. But now we got the main event of MJF and we skipped a match. I just realized.

Speaker 2:

We didn't do the zero hour.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is not on this.

Speaker 2:

We're Aussie open ring of honor tag team titles against better than you, bay Bay.

Speaker 3:

Aussie open retains.

Speaker 2:

Okay, jeeps.

Speaker 1:

I want to say Adam Cole and MgF, but it's not going to be them because of their match layer and I feel like if they did have the tag team, it wouldn't break up, which I don't want them to break up, but this is not going to happen.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't have to happen. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. It does not have to happen. We'll be having this fight all night For story purposes.

Speaker 3:

It's going to have to happen when I explain it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm going to say better than you, baby wins by disqualification because there's going to be interference and MJF is going to be quasi injured going into the title match.

Speaker 3:

And then you can start your world title predictions based off of that to continue the story.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, unless my scenario that I pitched to you off air the other night happens which fuck it I'm going to make it my bold prediction.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

CM Punk is going to come out after MgF. He probably is going to lose the title. He's going to get one or two things going to happen. He's either going to win and Cole's going to turn on him and beat him down, which I think is the more likely scenario. Beat him down strong and the kingdom are going to come out. They're going to be jumping in Jeff and then, in an unforeseen scenario, cm Punk's going to come out, save him and hit him with the. I turned my back on you once, not going to do it again, but if that happens, that shoots my whole FTR and punk turned and healed things. So I don't know which way I want to go with that.

Speaker 1:

I want to go that way because that sounds more interesting to me.

Speaker 2:

It is, but I don't think they have the foresight to think that far ahead.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Aw has got some long term plan I got great booking.

Speaker 2:

I mean, Tony Khan, I really think, especially for never having done it before is a fantastic booker.

Speaker 1:

You want to know why? Because they listen to the fans.

Speaker 3:

They actually Tony Khan fucking loves wrestling.

Speaker 2:

He does. I think that's the biggest thing is he's. He was a fan and he grew up, you know booking this stuff as a kid yeah. And I can relate to that because I did that with my wrestling figures, but even my GI Joe's. I wrestled with my GI Joe's.

Speaker 3:

And the guys were storm shadow went crazy. It was like a 12 year feud.

Speaker 1:

I know it's still going on.

Speaker 3:

It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

And they're both tired.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I think I'll say Adam Cole, I think Adam Cole loses, but I think that's that's the turn happens. Whether the punk thing happens or not, I don't know, but either way the kingdom is with Adam Cole.

Speaker 3:

I spoiler alert. I agree with that, but I don't know if they reveal that at the show. I think there's going to be a moment in this match To where MJF goes to cheat and then chooses not to. He's gonna be like this guy's been super cool to me. I'm not gonna cheat. Adam Cole is then going to turn around and cheat to beat MJF Double turn. I've been saying it for a while yeah, adam Cole, aw will champion.

Speaker 2:

I just cracked the code. That's not what's gonna happen. There's gonna be some sort of a double down scenario. They're gonna lay MJF out, they're gonna put Cole on top of him, cole's gonna win the title, and then it's gonna be this hole. Did he know, did he not know? So they can stretch out this friendship thing just a little bit longer. Could do that. I like that idea too. I'm locking it in.

Speaker 3:

So you're going with Adam Cole winning now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Adam Cole's winning via Kingdom.

Speaker 3:

What do you got I?

Speaker 1:

Do think Adam Cole's gonna win, but reason being is because I think he's going to turn on MJF that's exactly yeah. I watched the like seen path or whatever they're doing. It really was like Adam wants to turn on him and he's only pretending to be nice, so we could get this Title shot.

Speaker 3:

I saw somebody point something out very similar to that on Twitter earlier when they were talking about when the tag team Turn of a thing was announced. Adam Cole's immediate, immediate reaction was I don't want to fucking team with this guy and MJF, I don't want to wrestle that much. Yeah, like, so, like the entire time. I don't call could be doing that because they've shown in wrestling cannon. Adam Cole is a spart wrestler so he would know to take advantage of that and it would be a great heel turn for him to be like. I knew you so well that I had to become your friend, for you to put your guard down so I could cheat to beat you, and that would be a great Reason to turn him JF face.

Speaker 2:

What if? What if Cole hits him with his own line, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled. And then he starts wearing the mask.

Speaker 3:

He didn't know. No one needs to wear that mask.

Speaker 2:

The mask is so stupid the mask is fine for him.

Speaker 3:

He'd almost ruined his return for me.

Speaker 1:

But I do think, if it were to happen, punk homes and Like I don't think, I don't think they're gonna do that, I want them to do that.

Speaker 3:

I just that's like that's just fantasy booking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so next level. I just don't think it's almost people to write or not. Not that I'm some wrestling genius, but I just think it's such a minute detail but a w does minute details that no other wrestling promotion does it's because they actually have good ideas and pay attention to what the fans random in it.

Speaker 3:

Random little thing I'm looking forward to for the show is Adam Cole hyped up his gear. He's like oh, is I, have you been following me? He's like this is gonna be gear that I've wanted to do for a long time. I don't know what the hell it is.

Speaker 2:

But I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

No, what should be the dumbest thing in the entire world?

Speaker 3:

We already wore the big old halo shoulder pads once. That's true. It's got to be worse than that, much worse than that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Nothing can be as worse as raise mask the one out of mask.

Speaker 1:

What's that? The one that I thought was based off of the flash.

Speaker 3:

I think so yeah that shit was ugly.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what about? So that's all the matches, right, yep?

Speaker 3:

Okay, so let's say I'm an ounce 12 more.

Speaker 2:

I need a prediction, for Does anybody think that there will be a surprise appearance?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then barbie sting I don't know who, but somebody I don't know. Really, it's just the number game of the mobile embassy and then obviously Luchasaurus, that like a sting darby, like we ain't got no friends. And then Psych fucking bill Goldberg I don't well, he's only name that keeps coming to my head here's.

Speaker 1:

Gorg, here's my prediction it's not. It has to be good.

Speaker 2:

Here's my prediction for debut Soraya wins the title. Out comes Mercedes. I'd love that face off. They have the history that's, who put Soraya out or put Sasha out for a while? Mercedes, no other way around.

Speaker 3:

She puts you pray.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah we should be like I'm back to take you out again I.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Do we see a kangaroo kick?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we see in the zero hour. Yeah that, that one's a weird one for me to book. I don't know if you have the interference In the match that retains for Ozzy open or if it's post match. I just I think we we've hit it when we say somebody has to be hurt, going into that thing.

Speaker 2:

You know what they could do. They can do a fake injury angle. Adam Cole gets hurt to knee or something in the match, he gets taken up MJF's in there by himself and Then maybe the king, maybe he even almost wins the tag titles by himself. Somebody from the kingdom screws him in the whole thread through the night as they keep going back stage to Adam Cole getting his knee Wrapped up and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. They could do that why, what, if, what, if we're thinking it, what if they win those tag titles? And then that's the next like chapter of the story. Is it when the tag titles they have this match and they're like, really wish I would have won that world's idol and MJF's like, nah, I mean, we're champions, don't, don't worry about it.

Speaker 2:

Well, if they win the tag titles.

Speaker 3:

And they do and they do.

Speaker 2:

They do my finish at the end, where they're both doubled down and they lay coal over on him.

Speaker 3:

They still have to work as a team, but meanwhile, while working through their problems, do you go super heel Adam Cole and and combine a lot of this story and have them win the ring of honor tag team titles? Cole wins the world title Via kingdom assistance and then Cole takes the pin versus the kingdom for him, jeff, to also lose his ring of honor tag team title. And it just take everything from MJF. Somebody beats him for the dynamite diamond ring.

Speaker 2:

Finally, just takes everything where you get bum ass in Jeff put his uh, burbank, put his Burberry scarf up on a pole. I lose. Is that I?

Speaker 3:

Think that Just I, I don't know Maybe just got one MJF to. Oh no, I almost worded that wrong. Maybe I just want Adam Cole to win champion.

Speaker 2:

I like Adam Cole's munch, but I just I think the bigger story that's what makes, that's all that makes me think MJF leaves with a title is they haven't resolved punk and MJF and punks do it in the real world. Champion.

Speaker 3:

Maybe MJF goes after that title.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, wouldn't be surprised you have to have the two guys.

Speaker 3:

It's just a lot of these matches and a w's real good at doing that to where, no matter who wins, it's an open finish. To where it's clean slate going into their next few guys thinking that earlier when we were talking Young Bucks FTR, I was like, no matter what, I don't know what either said of them does after they win.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy, it's gonna be wild. Everybody tune in to AEW.

Speaker 1:

I never picked my surprise. Oh yeah, you did.

Speaker 3:

Oh, who do you got the right back?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

God Shows no moisey.

Speaker 3:

Do you ever say yours?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you did, yeah, mercedes, mercedes.

Speaker 1:

Just as I know it's never gonna happen, but I want to say it a jelly, I want to see you come back, because not only is she in great shape, always. But mainly cuz of heels the show she's been doing but, I, would love to see a Mitch tattooed with her and her husband. That's something we've never seen you could do.

Speaker 2:

You could do.

Speaker 3:

It's been married for eight years, you could do seeing punk versus Adam Cole and Britt Baker. Yeah, I forgot a jelly. I got to put her in that match too. It was at that point.

Speaker 2:

It was just handicapped guys, that just seemed she could come out at the end of the women's title match.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but you know who else to come out at the end of the AW world title match? That just now thought of Gorg? Gorg, yeah, but because he quit the WWE, it's main event. So shows up in the main event everywhere. He's gone. He's on the alumni page now. That means he's gone.

Speaker 2:

Like they would keep mentioning him if he was nah, he's done quit.

Speaker 3:

He said I'm out. Oh, such a great yeah, J who's the best?

Speaker 2:

He's the best. All right, everybody tune in to AW. All in on pay-per-view and if you're in London, maybe in person. You just go scoffing and the good news is the next week you can turn around, drop another 50 bucks. I can get all out and we'll talk about that next week when we do our recap of all in All right and hopefully no more sad news this week. So you just changed it. I don't know. They say it comes in threes. We already got three.

Speaker 3:

So I sure.

Speaker 1:

That's the same thing with your friends.

Speaker 3:

Christian did get his car hit by a car three times and then shout out to Christian of his apartment that he didn't even know he was being jittered.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure he's loving his business being put.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And he's been losing in Madden yeah he quit Madden because he can't complete a pass. Oh.

Speaker 2:

God, all right, we'll see you guys next week. You can catch this podcast everywhere podcaster found. Check out Soft gaming.

Speaker 3:

You can at that first part of my gym up on there.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

What a cluster fuck that thing was you did not hear what I just said, did you?

Speaker 3:

I always you soft, so you got screwed. I guess screwed said that every time.

Speaker 2:

Because you all get cheat codes she code.

Speaker 1:

I still have like the most money, which surprises me, because I put all of these crazy matches when I find out I have more money you don't even book all your promo slots we're talking about damn, because that saves me money.

Speaker 2:

Apparently, she's like oh, I got all the money because I don't do any shows.

Speaker 1:

Which explains why mine is the weakest link.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're in the. I'm in last place now.

Speaker 3:

Oh you know, I know, as I'm in first.

Speaker 2:

Yep, all right, everybody. Thanks for tuning in. We'll see you next week. Bye.

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