extra-Ordinary Leaders with Dolly Waddell

Ep15 Season Finale: How To Build A Bridge Between Your Future Aspirations & Current Reality

Dolly Waddell Season 1 Episode 15

Welcome to Extra-Ordinary Leaders with Dolly Waddell.

Experienced business consultant, speaker, mother, and Founder of The People Performance Consultancy, Dolly Waddell is on a mission to revitalise leadership and help everyone add a little something extra to their ordinary.

In this season finale episode, Dolly reflects back on an exciting first season, drawing together the key wisdom of some of the influential guests that have joined her over the months. 

What can we learn from ex-Rugby League Captain Stevie Ward’s take on resilience? How did trainer, coach, and facilitator John Elloway’s take on binary thinking reframe Dolly’s perception of a black and white world? And what did serial entrepreneur and bestselling author Steve Cockram teach us about knowing ourselves?

Join Dolly for an inspiring rundown of the wisdom shared over the course of Extra-Ordinary Leaders season 1, including why we needed to stay grounded in the ordinary, how energy is a currency we must spend wisely, and why self-management is the tool that unlocks it all.

Stay tuned for season 2 of Extra-Ordinary Leaders with Dolly Waddell, coming soon.


Resources mentioned:

Peter Drucker Managing Oneself: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Managing-Oneself-Harvard-Business-Classics/dp/142212312X

Stephen Covey The 8th Habit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/8th-Habit-Effectiveness-Stephen-Covey/dp/0743287932

The Johari Window: https://www.mindtools.com/au7v71d/the-johari-window


To get in touch with Dolly, find her here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dollywaddell/?originalSubdomain=uk
The People Performance Consultancy: https://www.dollywaddell.com/